#! /usr/bin/python import sys from tabulate import tabulate import re import os import json sortkey = [] ifile = "" cache = True argc = len(sys.argv) first = 1 i = 1 while i < argc: if sys.argv[i] == "-s" or sys.argv[i] == "--sort-by": i += 1 if len(sortkey) <= 3: if sys.argv[i] in ["max", "occ", "avg", "sum"]: sortkey.append(sys.argv[i]) else: print("ERROR: Unknown key " + sys.argv[i] + ": Aborting!") sys.exit(1) else: print("WARNING: Too many sort criteria given! Will ignore last argument.") elif sys.argv[i] == "-n" or sys.argv[i] == "--no-cache": cache = False elif sys.argv[i] == "-h" or sys.argv[i] == "--help": print("usage: analyse-run-time.py <log-path> [OPTIONS]") print("Showing, how long certain tasks took") print("") print("OPTIONS") print(" -s, --sort-by Sort by key. Can be specified up to 3 times.") print(" First key has highest priority") print(" Valid keys are:") print(" max (default) Maximum execution time") print(" avg Average execution time") print(" sum Total execution time") print(" occ Occurrences in the log file") print(" -n, --no-cache Doesn't read and write from/to cache file") print(" -h, --help Shows this help and exit") sys.exit(0) else: if first == 1: first = 0 ifile = sys.argv[i] else: print("Unknown option " + sys.argv[i]) sys.exit(1) i += 1 if len(sortkey) == 0: sortkey.append("max") from_cache = False if os.path.isfile(ifile + ".cache") and cache: read_src = False from_cache = True with open(ifile + ".cache") as json_data: tasks = json.load(json_data) else: read_src = True if read_src: times = [] try: with open(ifile) as f: for line in f: match = re.findall("SpawnPoolWorker-\d+ root INFO +Time used in seconds for (.*): (\d+\.\d+)", line) if match != []: times.append(match[0]) except: print("err") sys.exit(1) tasks = [] for time in times: found = False for i in range(0, len(tasks)): if tasks[i]['name'] == time[0]: tasks[i]['occ'] += 1 tasks[i]['sum'] += float(time[1]) if float(time[1]) > tasks[i]['max']: tasks[i]['max'] = float(time[1]) found = True break if not found: tasks.append({}) tasks[len(tasks) -1]['name'] = time[0] tasks[len(tasks) -1]['occ'] = 1 tasks[len(tasks) -1]['sum'] = float(time[1]) tasks[len(tasks) -1]['max'] = float(time[1]) for task in tasks: task['avg'] = task['sum'] / task['occ'] if cache: with open(ifile + ".cache", "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(tasks, default=lambda o: o.__dict__)) if from_cache: print("Data from cache used") i = len(sortkey) - 1 while i >= 0: tasks.sort(key=lambda tasks: tasks[sortkey[i]], reverse=True) i -= 1 print tabulate(tasks,headers="keys",floatfmt=".2f")