#! /usr/bin/python3 import os import re import sys import json from time import sleep try: import tty, termios except ImportError: # Probably Windows. try: import msvcrt except ImportError: # Just give up here. raise ImportError('getch not available') else: getch = msvcrt.getch else: def getch(): fd = sys.stdin.fileno() old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd) try: tty.setraw(fd) ch = sys.stdin.read(1) finally: termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings) return ch project = "" argc = len(sys.argv) i = 1 while i < argc: if sys.argv[i] == "-p" or sys.argv[i] == "--project": i += 1 project = sys.argv[i] elif sys.argv[i] == "-h" or sys.argv[i] == "--help": print("useage: edit-settings -p [OPTIONS]") print("You can edit your project settings\n") print("OPTIONS") print(" -p, --project Mandatory, project you want to edit") print(" -h, --help Shows this help and exit") sys.exit(0) else: print("Unknown option " + sys.argv[i]) sys.exit(1) i += 1 if project == "": print("Option -p is mandatory") sys.exit(1) if os.path.isfile("projects/" + project + "/params.ini") == False: print("Project '" + project + "' not found") sys.exit(1) console_height, console_width = os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split() def fill_space ( string, aim_length ): length = len(string) while length < aim_length: string += " " length += 1 return string #try: with open("parameters") as json_data: options = json.load(json_data) #except: # print("A problem occured while reading the file with all available parameters") class colors: SELECTED = '\033[30;42m' HIGHLIGHT = '\033[30;46m' ERR = '\033[37;41m' HELP_HIGHLIGHT = '\033[96m' NOT_SAVED = '\033[33m' ENDC = '\033[0m' try: print("Reading ini file...") ini_file = open("projects/" + project + "/params.ini", "r") for line in ini_file: for group in options: for option in group["Options"]: ret = re.search(option["Name"] + " = (.*)", line) if ret: value = ret.group(1).replace("'", "") value = value.replace('"', "") if option["type"] == "bool": if value == "False": option["value"] = False else: option["value"] = True elif option["type"] == "str": option["value"] = str(value) elif option["type"] == "float": option["value"] = float(value) elif option["type"] == "int": option["value"] = int(value) except: print("A problem occured while reading the params.ini file...") sys.exit(1) finally: ini_file.close() line_sel = 1 mode = "group-select" selected_group = "" err_msg = "" saved = True while True: os.system('clear') print(colors.ERR + err_msg + colors.ENDC) draw_line = 1 while draw_line < int(console_height) - 2: line = " " try: if mode == "group-select": line += options[draw_line - 1]["Group_Name"] line = fill_space(line, 24) opt_count = len(options[draw_line - 1]["Options"]) if opt_count < 10: line += " " line += str(opt_count) elif mode == "option-select": line += options[selected_group]["Options"][draw_line - 1]["Name"] line = fill_space(line, 46) value = str(options[selected_group]["Options"][draw_line - 1]["value"]) if options[selected_group]["Options"][draw_line - 1]["changed"]: value = colors.NOT_SAVED + value + colors.ENDC elif options[selected_group]["Options"][draw_line - 1]["value"] != options[selected_group]["Options"][draw_line - 1]["default"]: value = colors.HELP_HIGHLIGHT + value + colors.ENDC line += value except IndexError: pass if line_sel == draw_line: line = colors.SELECTED + line + colors.ENDC print(line) draw_line += 1 # Status and help line print("h" + colors.HIGHLIGHT + "Help " + colors.ENDC + "j" + colors.HIGHLIGHT + "Down " + colors.ENDC + "k" + colors.HIGHLIGHT + "Up " + colors.ENDC + "Enter" + colors.HIGHLIGHT + "Select" + colors.ENDC + "q" + colors.HIGHLIGHT + "Quit " + colors.ENDC + "s" + colors.HIGHLIGHT + "Save " + colors.ENDC) key = ord(getch()) # print(key) # sleep(1) if key == 27 or key == 113: # ESC or Q if saved: break else: ret = input("You have made changes but you haven't saved. Do you really want to quit? (y/n): ") if ret == "y": break elif key == 13: # Enter if mode == "group-select": mode = "option-select" selected_group = line_sel - 1 line_sel = 1 elif mode == "option-select": if options[selected_group]["Options"][line_sel - 1]["type"] == "bool": options[selected_group]["Options"][line_sel - 1]["value"] = not options[selected_group]["Options"][line_sel - 1]["value"] err_msg = "" saved = False options[selected_group]["Options"][line_sel - 1]["changed"] = True elif options[selected_group]["Options"][line_sel - 1]["type"] == "int": ret = input("Please enter a new value of type INT for '" + options[selected_group]["Options"][line_sel - 1]["Name"] + "': ") search = re.search("^[0-9]*$", ret) if search: options[selected_group]["Options"][line_sel - 1]["value"] = int(ret) err_msg = "" saved = False options[selected_group]["Options"][line_sel - 1]["changed"] = True else: err_msg = "'" + ret + "' is no valid value for type INT" elif options[selected_group]["Options"][line_sel - 1]["type"] == "float": ret = input("Please enter a new value of type FLOAT for '" + options[selected_group]["Options"][line_sel - 1]["Name"] + "': ") search = re.search("^[0-9]*\.[0-9]*$|^[0-9]*$", ret) if search: options[selected_group]["Options"][line_sel - 1]["value"] = float(ret) err_msg = "" saved = False options[selected_group]["Options"][line_sel - 1]["changed"] = True else: err_msg = "'" + ret + "' is no valid value for type FLOAT" elif options[selected_group]["Options"][line_sel - 1]["type"] == "str": options[selected_group]["Options"][line_sel - 1]["value"] = input("Please enter a new value of type STRING for '" + options[selected_group]["Options"][line_sel - 1]["Name"] + "': ") err_msg = "" saved = False options[selected_group]["Options"][line_sel - 1]["changed"] = True elif key == 106: # J if mode == "group-select": if line_sel < len(options): line_sel += 1 elif mode == "option-select": if line_sel < len(options[selected_group]["Options"]): line_sel += 1 elif key == 107: # K if line_sel > 1: line_sel -= 1 elif key == 104: # H os.system('clear') print(colors.HELP_HIGHLIGHT + "This program is released as part of easy-osm2city.") print("See the LICENSE file for more information." + colors.ENDC) print("\nIn group select mode you can select a group of parameters.") print("The groups are similar as the groups on the official docs site.") print("\nIn option select mode you can edit the parameters value.") print("\nControls:") print(colors.HELP_HIGHLIGHT + " j: " + colors.ENDC + "Scroll down") print(colors.HELP_HIGHLIGHT + " k: " + colors.ENDC + "Scroll up") print(colors.HELP_HIGHLIGHT + " b: " + colors.ENDC + "Go back to group view") print(colors.HELP_HIGHLIGHT + " Enter: " + colors.ENDC + "In group view, select group") print(" On bool value, toggle True/False") print(" On other values, bring up dialog to change value") print(colors.HELP_HIGHLIGHT + " r: " + colors.ENDC + "Resets the selected parameter to the default value") print(colors.HELP_HIGHLIGHT + " d: " + colors.ENDC + "Shows parameter description") print(colors.HELP_HIGHLIGHT + " s: " + colors.ENDC + "Saves the changes to the params.ini file") print(colors.HELP_HIGHLIGHT + " ESC q: " + colors.ENDC + "Exit the program. Ask if should be exited if changes were not saved") print("Press any key to return.") getch() elif key == 100: # D if mode == "option-select": os.system('clear') if options[selected_group]["Options"][line_sel - 1]["description"] != "": print(options[selected_group]["Options"][line_sel - 1]["description"]) else: print("No description available") print(colors.HELP_HIGHLIGHT + "\n\n current value: " + colors.ENDC + str(options[selected_group]["Options"][line_sel - 1]["value"])) print(colors.HELP_HIGHLIGHT + " default value: " + colors.ENDC + str(options[selected_group]["Options"][line_sel - 1]["default"])) print(colors.HELP_HIGHLIGHT + "\nPress any key to return." + colors.ENDC) getch() elif key == 98: # B if mode == "option-select": mode = "group-select" line_sel = selected_group + 1 err_msg = "" elif key == 115: # S ini_file = open("projects/" + project + "/params.ini", "w") for group in options: written = False for option in group["Options"]: # Write only non default values to file. if option["default"] != option["value"]: if option["type"] == "str": ini_file.write(option["Name"] + ' = "' + str(option["value"]) + '"\n') else: ini_file.write(option["Name"] + " = " + str(option["value"]) + "\n") written = True if written: ini_file.write("\n") # make the file more readable by seperating in blocks ini_file.close() saved = True for i in range(0, len(options)): for j in range(0, len(options[i]["Options"])): options[i]["Options"][j]["changed"] = False elif key == 114: # R if mode == "option-select": options[selected_group]["Options"][line_sel - 1]["value"] = options[selected_group]["Options"][line_sel - 1]["default"]