<?php include("common.php"); $API_VERSION = 0.1; function quit() { $ret = new stdClass; $ret->success = false; $ret->version = $GLOBALS["API_VERSION"]; echo(json_encode($ret)); exit(); } $ret = new stdClass; $ret->success = true; $ret->version = $API_VERSION; if (isset($_POST["action"]) && $_POST["action"] != "") { $action = $_POST["action"]; } else { quit(); } $con = new mysqli(getenv("SQL_HOST"), getenv("SQL_USER"), getenv("SQL_PASSWORD"), getenv("SQL_DATABASE"), getenv("SQL_PORT")); if ($con->connect_error) { quit(); } if ($action == "send-report") { if (isset($_POST["aircraft-id"]) && $_POST["aircraft-id"] != "" && isset($_POST["report"]) && $_POST["report"] != "") { $acID = $_POST["aircraft-id"]; $report = $_POST["report"]; } else { quit(); } $stmt = $con->prepare("SELECT user FROM `aircraft-devs` WHERE acid = ?"); $stmt->bind_param("s", $acID); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->get_result(); $res = $result->fetch_assoc(); $stmt->close(); if ($res == Null) { $ret->success = false; $ret->error = "No dev in db"; } else { while ($res != Null) { $msg = $report . " You're receiving this email cause you have signed up to the Aircraft Developer Registry. You can always sign off of receiving mails for the " . $acID . " using this link " . getenv("BASE_URL") . "/signoff.php?aircraft-id=" . $acID . "&email=" . $res["user"] . " Or sign off from receiving any mails using this link; " . getenv("BASE_URL") . "/signoff.php?aircraft-id=all&email=" . $res["user"]; send_mail($res, "Issue Report: " . $acID, $msg); $res = $result->fetch_assoc(); } } } $con->close(); echo(json_encode($ret)); ?>