fbw/roll/pid fbw/pitch/g-pi fbw/pitch/pid fbw/yaw/tc-pd fbw/spoiler-output fbw/roll/p-gain fbw/roll/i-gain fbw/roll/d-gain fbw/pitch/p-gain fbw/pitch/i-gain fbw/pitch/d-gain fbw/yaw/yd-p-gain fbw/yaw/tc-p-gain fbw/yaw/tc-d-gain fbw/fmgc/roll-cmd fbw/fmgc/pitch-cmd fbw/fmgc/yaw-cmd gear/unit[0]/WOW eq 1 gear/unit[1]/WOW eq 1 gear/unit[2]/WOW eq 1 position/wow eq 1 /it-fbw/law ne 0 position/wow eq 1 /it-fbw/law eq 2 /it-fbw/law eq 3 position/wow eq 1 /it-fbw/law eq 2 /it-fbw/law eq 3 /it-autoflight/output/ap1 eq 1 /it-autoflight/output/ap2 eq 1 velocities/vc-ktsfbw/roll/gain-switch 0 1 140 -26.2 0.0 350 -9.5 0.0
velocities/vc-ktsfbw/roll/gain-switch 0 1 140 -45.5 0.0 350 -29.0 0.0
velocities/vc-ktsfbw/roll/gain-switch 0 1 140 -2.1 0.0 350 -0.2 0.0
velocities/vc-ktsfbw/pitch/gain-switch 0 1 140 28 0 350 23 0
velocities/vc-ktsfbw/pitch/gain-switch 0 1 140 61 0 350 45 0
velocities/vc-ktsfbw/pitch/gain-switch 0 1 140 2.4 0.0 350 0.6 0.0
velocities/vc-ktsfbw/yaw/gain-switch 0 1 140 -7.0 0.0 350 -1.2 0.0
velocities/vc-ktsfbw/yaw/gain-switch 0 1 140 3.0 0.0 350 1.5 0.0
velocities/vc-ktsfbw/yaw/gain-switch 0 1 140 6.0 0.0 350 3.0 0.0
Use D only to calculate rate of IAS velocities/vc-kts 0.0 0.0 1.0 fbw/pitch/vc-kts-rate 1.0
fbw/fmgc/enabled eq 1 fbw/roll/a-i-f -1 1 /controls/flight/aileron-input-fast /controls/flight/aileron -1.00 -1 -0.04 0 0.04 0 1.00 1
fbw/fmgc/enabled eq 0 position/wow eq 0 fbw/fmgc/enabled eq 1 fbw/roll/a-i-s -1 1 /controls/flight/aileron-input fbw/roll/a-i 0.261799 attitude/roll-radfbw/roll/a-i -1 0 1 -0.575959 0.261799 0.000000 0.000000 -0.488692 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.488692 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.575959 0.000000 0.000000 -0.261799
attitude/roll-rad -0.750492 0.261799 -0.575959 0.000000 0.575959 0.000000 0.750492 -0.261799
fbw/roll/a-i 0.261799 attitude/roll-radfbw/roll/a-i -1.0 0.0 1.0 -1.169370 0.261799 0.000000 0.000000 -1.082100 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.082100 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.169370 0.000000 0.000000 -0.261799
attitude/roll-rad -1.343900 0.261799 -1.169370 0.000000 1.169370 0.000000 1.343900 -0.261799
attitude/roll-rad -1.169370 0.436332 -0.698132 0.174533 -0.575959 0.000000 0.575959 0.000000 0.698132 -0.174533 1.169370 -0.436332
attitude/roll-rad lt 0 fbw/roll/r-r-33 ge fbw/roll/r-r-rb-f attitude/roll-rad gt 0 fbw/roll/r-r-33 le fbw/roll/r-r-rb-f fbw/roll/a-i 0.261799 attitude/roll-radfbw/roll/a-i -1 0 1 -0.698132 0.261799 0.000000 0.000000 -0.610865 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.610865 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.698132 0.000000 0.000000 -0.261799
attitude/roll-rad -0.698132 0.436332 -0.261799 0.174533 0.000000 0.000000 0.261799 -0.174533 0.698132 -0.436332
/it-fbw/roll-lim eq 33 /it-fbw/roll-back ne 1 /it-fbw/protections/overspeed ne 1 /it-fbw/roll-lim eq 67 /it-fbw/protections/overspeed ne 1 /it-fbw/roll-back eq 1 /it-fbw/protections/overspeed ne 1 /it-fbw/protections/overspeed eq 1 /it-fbw/protections/overspeed-roll-back ne 1 /it-fbw/protections/overspeed eq 1 /it-fbw/protections/overspeed-roll-back eq 1 fbw/roll/rate-demand 16.4 /orientation/roll-rate-degps gear/unit[0]/WOW eq 1 fbw/roll/p-r_s-s -fbw/roll/rate-demand-lag fbw/roll/gain-switch gt 0 fbw/roll/pid le -0.999 fbw/roll/pid ge 0.999 fbw/roll/rate-error fbw/roll/p-gain fbw/roll/i-gain fbw/roll/d-gain fbw/roll/trigger -1.0 1.0 fbw/roll/pid position/wow eq 1 /it-fbw/law eq 1 /it-fbw/law eq 2 /orientation/roll-deg -30 -30 -1 0 0 0 1 0 30 30
position/wow eq 0 /it-fbw/law eq 0 fbw/fmgc/enabled eq 0 fbw/roll/gear-law-switch eq 1 fbw/fmgc/enabled eq 1 position/wow eq 1 /it-fbw/law eq 0 /it-fbw/law eq 3 position/wow eq 0 /it-fbw/law eq 0 fbw/roll/gear-law-switch eq 1 /it-fbw/law eq 3 fbw/roll/s-i-f-i -1.0 -1.0 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 1.0 1.0
velocities/vc-ktsposition/wow 0 1 140 0.5 1.0 350 0.1 1.0
/it-fbw/roll-back eq 0 /it-fbw/law ne 3 /systems/failures/aileron-left eq 0 /it-fbw/law ne 3 /systems/failures/aileron-left eq 1 /it-fbw/law ne 3 /systems/failures/aileron-right eq 0 /it-fbw/law ne 3 /systems/failures/aileron-right eq 1 /controls/flight/aileron 20
/it-fbw/law eq 0 /it-fbw/protections/overspeed eq 1 fbw/fmgc/enabled eq 1 -1.0 fbw/pitch/elevator-max fbw/pitch/e-i-f -1 1 /controls/flight/elevator-input-fast /controls/flight/elevator -1.00 -1 -0.04 0 0.04 0 1.00 1
fbw/pitch/elevator-nul /position/gear-agl-ft 5 0.2 30 0.1
fbw/pitch/elevator-nul -0.15 gear/unit[1]/WOW eq 1 gear/unit[2]/WOW eq 1 fbw/fmgc/enabled eq 0 /position/gear-agl-ft le 30 /controls/flight/flap-pos ge 4 /controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle lt 0.65 /controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle lt 0.65 /FMGC/status/to-state eq 0 /it-fbw/law eq 0 position/wow eq 0 fbw/fmgc/enabled eq 0 /position/gear-agl-ft le 30 /controls/flight/flap-pos ge 4 /controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle lt 0.65 /controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle lt 0.65 /FMGC/status/to-state eq 0 /it-fbw/law eq 0 gear/unit[0]/WOW eq 0 fbw/pitch/flare-gear-switch eq 1 fbw/fmgc/enabled eq 1 position/wow eq 0 fbw/fmgc/enabled eq 1 position/wow eq 1 -1.0 fbw/pitch/elevator-max fbw/pitch/e-i-s -1 1 /controls/flight/elevator-input /controls/flight/flap-pos ne 0 /controls/flight/flap-pos ne 0 fbw/pitch/e-i -1.0 2.5 0.0 1.0 1.0 -0.5
fbw/pitch/g-min fbw/pitch/g-max
/accelerations/pilot-g 1.0 fbw/pitch/g-instrumented -1 attitude/roll-rad 1 fbw/pitch/g-computed -fbw/pitch/g-demand fbw/pitch/g-pi -1.0 attitude/roll-rad lt -1.5708 attitude/roll-rad gt 1.5708 fbw/pitch/g-pi-switched -0.087266 attitude/pitch-radfbw/pitch/g-pi-switched -1 0 1 -0.261799 0.000000 0.000000 0.087266 -0.174533 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.436332 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.523599 -0.087266 0.000000 0.000000
attitude/pitch-rad -0.436332 0.087266 -0.261799 0.000000 0.523599 0.000000 0.698132 -0.087266
fbw/pitch/g-pi-switched -0.087266 fbw/pitch/g-pi-switchedfbw/pitch/vc-kts-rate-lag -2 -1 -1.0 0.087266 0.087266 0.0 0.000000 0.026180
attitude/pitch-radfbw/pitch/g-pi-switched -1 0 0.436332 -0.026180 0.000000 0.523599 -0.087266 0.000000
attitude/pitch-rad 0.523599 0.000000 0.698132 -0.087266
fbw/pitch/g-pi-switchedfbw/pitch/vc-kts-rate-lag -2 -1 -1.0 0.087266 0.087266 0.0 0.000000 0.026180 1.0 -0.061086 -0.087266
/it-fbw/law eq 0 /it-fbw/protections/overspeed ne 1 /it-fbw/law ne 0 /it-fbw/protections/overspeed ne 1 /it-fbw/law eq 0 /it-fbw/protections/overspeed eq 1 /it-fbw/law ne 0 /it-fbw/protections/overspeed eq 1 fbw/pitch/rate-demand 10.1 /orientation/pitch-rate-degps gear/unit[0]/WOW eq 1 fbw/pitch/t-r_s-s -fbw/pitch/rate-demand-lag fbw/pitch/gain-switch gt 0 fbw/pitch/pid le -0.999 fbw/pitch/pid ge 0.999 fbw/pitch/rate-error fbw/pitch/p-gain fbw/pitch/i-gain fbw/pitch/d-gain fbw/pitch/trigger -1.0 1.0 fbw/pitch/pid fbw/pitch/pid -1.0 attitude/roll-rad lt -1.5708 attitude/roll-rad gt 1.5708 /it-fbw/law eq 0 /it-fbw/law eq 1 gear/unit[1]/WOW eq 1 gear/unit[2]/WOW eq 1 /it-fbw/law eq 2 position/wow eq 0 fbw/pitch/law-switch eq 1 fbw/fmgc/enabled eq 0 fbw/pitch/law-gear-switch eq 1 fbw/fmgc/enabled eq 1 position/wow eq 1 gear/unit[0]/WOW eq 0 fbw/fmgc/enabled eq 1 position/wow eq 1 /it-fbw/law eq 3 /controls/flight/elevator 20 fbw/fmgc/enabled eq 1 fbw/pitch/gain-switch eq 0 /position/gear-agl-ft ge fbw/pitch/autotrim-height attitude/roll-rad lt 0.628319 attitude/roll-rad gt -0.628319 fbw/pitch/pid-switched ge 0.01 fbw/pitch/g-instrumented ge 0.5 /it-fbw/protections/overspeed ne 1 /controls/flight/elevator-trim le 0.32 position/wow eq 0 fbw/pitch/gain-switch eq 0 /position/gear-agl-ft ge fbw/pitch/autotrim-height attitude/roll-rad lt 0.628319 attitude/roll-rad gt -0.628319 fbw/pitch/pid-switched le -0.01 fbw/pitch/g-instrumented ge 0.5 /it-fbw/protections/overspeed ne 1 /controls/flight/elevator-trim ge -1.0 position/wow eq 0 fbw/pitch/autotrim-switch 1 fbw/pitch/pid-switched 0.05 0.00001 0.30 0.00015
fbw/pitch/autotrim-switch 2 fbw/pitch/pid-switched -0.30 -0.00015 -0.05 -0.00001
/controls/flight/elevator-trim fbw/pitch/autotrim-offset -1.0 0.32 /controls/flight/elevator-trim
velocities/vc-kts 160.00 25.000 162.15 23.649 165.02 22.226 168.64 21.015 172.25 19.734 176.59 18.595 181.67 17.525 186.75 16.385 191.83 15.316 197.65 14.318 205.65 13.247 212.93 12.318 219.48 11.462 227.48 10.533 236.96 9.7450 246.43 8.8863 255.18 8.0990 266.12 7.4525 277.06 6.7704 288.00 6.0884 299.67 5.5124 311.35 5.0075 323.03 4.5736 335.44 4.2104 347.13 3.9186 358.81 3.6979 370.50 3.5482 380.00 3.4000
/systems/fctl/fac1 eq 1 /systems/fctl/fac2 eq 1 /gear/gear[1]/wow eq 0 /gear/gear[2]/wow eq 0 /controls/flight/slats eq 0 /gear/gear[1]/wow eq 0 /gear/gear[2]/wow eq 0 fbw/yaw/max-deg-switch -25 25 -1 1 fbw/yaw/max-deg-scale -1.0 /controls/flight/rudderfbw/fmgc/enabled 0 1 -1.00 -1 0 -0.04 0 0 0.04 0 0 1.00 1 0
fbw/yaw/rudder-nul fbw/yaw/max-deg-switch 25.0 fbw/fmgc/enabled eq 1 /it-autoflight/output/lat eq 4 velocities/r-rad_sec 0.5 position/wow eq 1 fbw/yaw/rudder-nul gt 0 fbw/yaw/rudder-nul lt 0 /position/gear-agl-ft lt 50 fbw/yaw/autoland-switch eq 1 fbw/yaw/r-r_s-s fbw/yaw/yd-p-gain -0.5 0.5 position/wow eq 1 fbw/yaw/rudder-nul gt 0 fbw/yaw/rudder-nul lt 0 fbw/yaw/slip-skid fbw/yaw/tc-p-gain 0.0 fbw/yaw/tc-d-gain -0.2 0.2 fbw/yaw/tc-pd position/wow eq 1 fbw/yaw/rudder-nul gt 0 fbw/yaw/rudder-nul lt 0 fbw/yaw/autoland-switch eq 1 fbw/yaw/yd-f fbw/yaw/tc-pd-s fbw/yaw/fmgc-cmd /it-fbw/law eq 0 /it-fbw/law eq 1 fbw/yaw/law-switch eq 1 fbw/yaw/rudder-nul eq 0 /controls/flight/rudder-fbw /controls/flight/rudder 20
/velocities/airspeed-kt 62 1.0 116 0.0
/velocities/airspeed-kt 72 1.0 121 0.0
fbw/spoiler-output 0.9 2.5 spoilers/anti-droop-cmd 0.5 0.0 1.0 1.0
-1 fbw/aileron-output fbw/aileron-output /fdm/jsbsim/fcs/flap-pos-deg 1 0.00 5 0.26
/systems/hydraulic/green-psi ge 1500 /systems/hydraulic/blue-psi ge 1500 hydraulics/aileron-l/pressure-switch-or eq 1 spoilers/anti-droop-final ne 0 /gear/gear[1]/wow eq 1 /gear/gear[2]/wow eq 1 /systems/failures/aileron-left eq 0 hydraulics/aileron-l/pressure-switch-or eq 1 /systems/failures/aileron-left eq 0 -1.0 1.0 hydraulics/aileron-l/switch -25 25 hydraulics/aileron-l/cmd-deg 150 26.5
1 fbw/aileron-output -1.0 fbw/aileron-output -1.0 /fdm/jsbsim/fcs/flap-pos-deg 1 0.00 5 0.26
/systems/hydraulic/green-psi ge 1500 /systems/hydraulic/blue-psi ge 1500 hydraulics/aileron-r/pressure-switch-or eq 1 spoilers/anti-droop-final ne 0 /gear/gear[1]/wow eq 1 /gear/gear[2]/wow eq 1 /systems/failures/aileron-right eq 0 hydraulics/aileron-r/pressure-switch-or eq 1 /systems/failures/aileron-right eq 0 -1.0 1.0 hydraulics/aileron-r/switch -25 25 hydraulics/aileron-r/cmd-deg 150 26.5
fbw/elevator-output -0.6666666666666666666666666666666 1.0 /velocities/groundspeed-kt lt 75 /systems/hydraulic/green-psi ge 1500 /systems/hydraulic/blue-psi ge 1500 hydraulics/elevator-l/pressure-switch-or eq 1 /systems/failures/elevator-left eq 0 -1.0 1.0 hydraulics/elevator-l/switch -30 17 hydraulics/elevator-l/cmd-deg 150 26.5 /systems/hydraulic/yellow-psi ge 1500 /systems/hydraulic/blue-psi ge 1500 hydraulics/elevator-r/pressure-switch-or eq 1 /systems/failures/elevator-right eq 0 -1.0 1.0 hydraulics/elevator-r/switch -30 17 hydraulics/elevator-r/cmd-deg 150 26.5 /systems/hydraulic/green-psi ge 1500 /controls/flight/elevator-trim -1.00 0.32 -12.5 4.0 hydraulics/elevator-trim/cmd-deg hydraulics/elevator-trim/rate 22.5 /systems/hydraulic/green-psi ge 1500 /systems/hydraulic/blue-psi ge 1500 /systems/hydraulic/yellow-psi ge 1500 /controls/flight/rudder-trim -1.0 1.0 -20.0 20.0 /controls/flight/rudder-trim -0.8 0.8 fbw/rudder-output hydraulics/rudder/trim-norm -1 1 hydraulics/rudder/pressure-switch-or eq 1 /systems/failures/rudder eq 0 fbw/yaw/max-deg-scale-neg fbw/yaw/max-deg-scale hydraulics/rudder/switch -25 25 hydraulics/rudder/cmd-deg 150 25.5 /controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle-output 0.95 fcs/throttle-pos-norm[0] /controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle-output 0.95 fcs/throttle-pos-norm[1] /engines/engine[0]/n1 2.25 /engines/engine[0]/n1-actual /engines/engine[3]/n1 /engines/engine[1]/n1 2.25 /engines/engine[1]/n1-actual /engines/engine[4]/n1 /engines/engine[0]/n2 2.25 /engines/engine[0]/n2-actual /engines/engine[3]/n2 /engines/engine[1]/n2 2.25 /engines/engine[1]/n2-actual /engines/engine[4]/n2 /controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle-lever 20 /controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle-lever 20 /controls/engines/engine[0]/reverser 20 /controls/engines/engine[1]/reverser 20 /controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle-rev 20 /controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle-rev 20 /controls/engines/engine[0]/cutoff-switch 20 /controls/engines/engine[1]/cutoff-switch 20 /controls/flight/flap-lever 20 /systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess ge 25 /systems/electrical/bus/dc2 ge 25 /controls/flight/flaps 35.0 /systems/acconfig/autoconfig-running eq 1 /systems/hydraulic/green-psi ge 1500 /systems/hydraulic/yellow-psi ge 1500 fcs/sfcc/unit1-avail eq 1 fcs/sfcc/unit2-avail eq 1 /systems/hydraulic/green-psi ge 1500 fcs/sfcc/unit1-avail eq 1 fcs/sfcc/unit2-avail eq 0 /systems/hydraulic/yellow-psi ge 1500 fcs/sfcc/unit1-avail eq 0 fcs/sfcc/unit2-avail eq 1 /systems/hydraulic/green-psi ge 1500 /systems/hydraulic/yellow-psi lt 1500 /systems/hydraulic/green-psi lt 1500 /systems/hydraulic/yellow-psi ge 1500 fcs/flap-pos-gain fcs/flap-pos-rate fcs/flap-pos-deg fcs/flap-pos-deg 0 35 0 1 fcs/flap-pos-norm /controls/flight/slats 27.0 /systems/acconfig/autoconfig-running eq 1 /systems/hydraulic/blue-psi ge 1500 /systems/hydraulic/green-psi ge 1500 fcs/sfcc/unit1-avail eq 1 fcs/sfcc/unit2-avail eq 1 /systems/hydraulic/blue-psi ge 1500 fcs/sfcc/unit1-avail eq 1 fcs/sfcc/unit2-avail eq 0 /systems/hydraulic/green-psi ge 1500 fcs/sfcc/unit1-avail eq 0 fcs/sfcc/unit2-avail eq 1 /systems/hydraulic/blue-psi ge 1500 /systems/hydraulic/green-psi lt 1500 /systems/hydraulic/blue-psi lt 1500 /systems/hydraulic/green-psi ge 1500 fcs/slat-pos-gain fcs/slat-pos-rate fcs/slat-pos-deg fcs/slat-pos-deg 0 27 0 1 fcs/slat-pos-norm gear/gear-cmd-norm 0 1 gear/gear-pos-norm fbw/fmgc/enabled eq 0 /controls/flight/aileron-drives-tiller eq 1 fbw/fmgc/enabled eq 1 /sim/model/pushback/connected 1 hydraulics/tiller/autopush-cmd 70 /velocities/groundspeed-kthydraulics/tiller/switch -1 0 1 0.500 00.0 0.0 00.0 1.000 -70.0 0.0 70.0 30.000 -70.0 0.0 70.0 30.001 -10.0 0.0 10.0
hydraulics/tiller/function 70 fcs/steer-pos-deg[0] /sim/model/pushback/connected eq 1
/controls/gear/brake-parking 20 /services/chokes/nose 0.5 /controls/gear/brake-left /controls/gear/brake-parking /services/chokes/nose-half /services/chokes/left 0 1 /controls/autobrake/active eq 1 fcs/left-brake-cmd-norm /controls/gear/brake-right /controls/gear/brake-parking /services/chokes/nose-half /services/chokes/right 0 1 /controls/autobrake/active eq 1 fcs/right-brake-cmd-norm