# A3XX IESI # Joshua Davidson (it0uchpods) ############################################## # Copyright (c) Joshua Davidson (it0uchpods) # ############################################## var IESI = nil; var IESI_display = nil; var elapsedtime = 0; var ASI = 0; var alt = 0; var altTens = 0; var pitch = 0; var roll = 0; var canvas_IESI_base = { init: func(canvas_group, file) { var font_mapper = func(family, weight) { return "LiberationFonts/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf"; }; canvas.parsesvg(canvas_group, file, {"font-mapper": font_mapper}); var svg_keys = me.getKeys(); foreach(var key; svg_keys) { me[key] = canvas_group.getElementById(key); var svg_keys = me.getKeys(); foreach (var key; svg_keys) { me[key] = canvas_group.getElementById(key); var clip_el = canvas_group.getElementById(key ~ "_clip"); if (clip_el != nil) { clip_el.setVisible(0); var tran_rect = clip_el.getTransformedBounds(); var clip_rect = sprintf("rect(%d,%d, %d,%d)", tran_rect[1], # 0 ys tran_rect[2], # 1 xe tran_rect[3], # 2 ye tran_rect[0]); #3 xs # coordinates are top,right,bottom,left (ys, xe, ye, xs) ref: l621 of simgear/canvas/CanvasElement.cxx me[key].set("clip", clip_rect); me[key].set("clip-frame", canvas.Element.PARENT); } } } me.AI_horizon_trans = me["AI_horizon"].createTransform(); me.AI_horizon_rot = me["AI_horizon"].createTransform(); me.page = canvas_group; return me; }, getKeys: func() { return []; }, update: func() { if (getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/dcbat") >= 25 or getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/dc1") >= 25 or getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/dc2") >= 25) { if (getprop("/systems/acconfig/autoconfig-running") != 1 and getprop("/instrumentation/iesi/iesi-init") != 1) { setprop("/instrumentation/iesi/iesi-init", 1); setprop("/instrumentation/iesi/iesi-init-time", getprop("/sim/time/elapsed-sec")); } else if (getprop("/systems/acconfig/autoconfig-running") == 1 and getprop("/instrumentation/iesi/iesi-init") != 1) { setprop("/instrumentation/iesi/iesi-init", 1); setprop("/instrumentation/iesi/iesi-init-time", getprop("/sim/time/elapsed-sec") - 87); } } else { setprop("/instrumentation/iesi/iesi-init", 0); } if (getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/dcbat") >= 25 or getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/dc1") >= 25 or getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/dc2") >= 25) { IESI.page.show(); IESI.update(); } else { IESI.page.hide(); } }, }; var canvas_IESI = { new: func(canvas_group, file) { var m = {parents: [canvas_IESI, canvas_IESI_base]}; m.init(canvas_group, file); return m; }, getKeys: func() { return ["IESI","IESI_Init","ASI_scale","ASI_mach","ASI_mach_decimal","AI_center","AI_horizon","AI_bank","AI_slipskid","ALT_scale","ALT_one","ALT_two","ALT_three","ALT_four","ALT_five","ALT_digits","ALT_tens","ALT_meters","QNH_setting","QNH_std"]; }, update: func() { elapsedtime = getprop("/sim/time/elapsed-sec"); if (getprop("/instrumentation/iesi/iesi-init-time") + 90 >= elapsedtime) { me["IESI"].hide(); me["IESI_Init"].show(); } else { me["IESI_Init"].hide(); me["IESI"].show(); } # Airspeed # Subtract 30, since the scale starts at 30, but don"t allow less than 0, or more than 420 situations if (getprop("/instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-speed-kt") <= 30) { ASI = 0; } else if (getprop("/instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-speed-kt") >= 420) { ASI = 390; } else { ASI = getprop("/instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-speed-kt") - 30; } me["ASI_scale"].setTranslation(0, ASI * 8.295); if (getprop("/instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-mach") >= 0.5) { me["ASI_mach_decimal"].show(); me["ASI_mach"].show(); } else { me["ASI_mach_decimal"].hide(); me["ASI_mach"].hide(); } if (getprop("/instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-mach") >= 0.999) { me["ASI_mach"].setText("99"); } else { me["ASI_mach"].setText(sprintf("%2.0f", getprop("/instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-mach") * 100)); } # Attitude pitch = getprop("/orientation/pitch-deg") or 0; roll = getprop("/orientation/roll-deg") or 0; me.AI_horizon_trans.setTranslation(0, pitch * 16.74); me.AI_horizon_rot.setRotation(-roll * D2R, me["AI_center"].getCenter()); me["AI_slipskid"].setTranslation(math.clamp(getprop("/instrumentation/slip-skid-ball/indicated-slip-skid"), -7, 7) * -15, 0); me["AI_bank"].setRotation(-roll * D2R); # Altitude me.altitude = getprop("/instrumentation/altimeter/indicated-altitude-ft"); me.altOffset = me.altitude / 500 - int(me.altitude / 500); me.middleAltText = roundaboutAlt(me.altitude / 100); me.middleAltOffset = nil; if (me.altOffset > 0.5) { me.middleAltOffset = -(me.altOffset - 1) * 258.5528; } else { me.middleAltOffset = -me.altOffset * 258.5528; } me["ALT_scale"].setTranslation(0, -me.middleAltOffset); me["ALT_scale"].update(); me["ALT_five"].setText(sprintf("%03d", abs(me.middleAltText+10))); me["ALT_four"].setText(sprintf("%03d", abs(me.middleAltText+5))); me["ALT_three"].setText(sprintf("%03d", abs(me.middleAltText))); me["ALT_two"].setText(sprintf("%03d", abs(me.middleAltText-5))); me["ALT_one"].setText(sprintf("%03d", abs(me.middleAltText-10))); me["ALT_digits"].setText(sprintf("%s", getprop("/instrumentation/altimeter/indicated-altitude-ft-pfd"))); me["ALT_meters"].setText(sprintf("%5.0f", getprop("/instrumentation/altimeter/indicated-altitude-ft") * 0.3048)); altTens = num(right(sprintf("%02d", getprop("/instrumentation/altimeter/indicated-altitude-ft")), 2)); me["ALT_tens"].setTranslation(0, altTens * 3.16); # QNH if (getprop("/modes/altimeter/std") == 1) { me["QNH_setting"].hide(); me["QNH_std"].show(); } else { me["QNH_setting"].setText(sprintf("%4.0f", getprop("/instrumentation/altimeter/setting-hpa")) ~ "/" ~ sprintf("%2.2f", getprop("/instrumentation/altimeter/setting-inhg"))); me["QNH_setting"].show(); me["QNH_std"].hide(); } }, }; setlistener("sim/signals/fdm-initialized", func { IESI_display = canvas.new({ "name": "IESI", "size": [1024, 1024], "view": [1024, 1024], "mipmapping": 1 }); IESI_display.addPlacement({"node": "iesi.screen"}); var group_IESI = IESI_display.createGroup(); IESI = canvas_IESI.new(group_IESI, "Aircraft/IDG-A32X/Models/Instruments/IESI/res/iesi.svg"); IESI_update.start(); if (getprop("/systems/acconfig/options/iesi-rate") > 1) { rateApply(); } }); var rateApply = func { IESI_update.restart(0.07 * getprop("/systems/acconfig/options/iesi-rate")); } var IESI_update = maketimer(0.07, func { canvas_IESI_base.update(); }); var showIESI = func { var dlg = canvas.Window.new([256, 256], "dialog").set("resize", 1); dlg.setCanvas(IESI_display); } var roundabout = func(x) { var y = x - int(x); return y < 0.5 ? int(x) : 1 + int(x); }; var roundaboutAlt = func(x) { var y = x * 0.2 - int(x * 0.2); return y < 0.5 ? 5 * int(x*0.2) : 5 + 5 * int(x*0.2); };