# A3XX ECAM # Joshua Davidson (it0uchpods) ############################################## # Copyright (c) Joshua Davidson (it0uchpods) # ############################################## var stateL = 0; var stateR = 0; var thrustL = 0; var thrustR = 0; var elec = 0; var speed = 0; var wow = 0; var altitude = 0; var phase = 1; var toPowerSet = 0; var eng = "XX"; var eprlim = 0; var n1lim = 0; var mode = "XX"; var modeI = "XX"; var man_sel = 0; var fault_sel = 0; var fault_page = ""; var warnPhase = 1; var page = "door"; var aileron = 0; var elevator = 0; var elapsedSec = 0; var fctlCounting = 0; var fctlTime = 0; var showAPUPage = 0; var APUMaster = 0; var APURPM = 0; var APUTime = 0; var APUCounting = 0; var engModeSel = 0; var showENGPage = 0; var ENGTime = 0; var ENGCounting = 0; var flapLever = 0; var CRZTime = 0; var CRZCondition = 0; var ap_active = 0; var athr_active = 0; setprop("/ECAM/left-msg", "NONE"); setprop("/position/gear-agl-ft", 0); # w = White, b = Blue, g = Green, a = Amber, r = Red var ECAM = { init: func() { setprop("/ECAM/engine-start-time", 0); setprop("/ECAM/engine-start-time-switch", 0); setprop("/ECAM/to-memo-enable", 1); setprop("/ECAM/to-config", 0); setprop("/ECAM/ldg-memo-enable", 0); setprop("/systems/gear/landing-gear-warning-light", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/page", "door"); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/man-select", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/fault-select", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/fault-page", ""); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/apu-timer", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/eng-timer", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/fctl-timer", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/apu", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/bleed", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/cond", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/door", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/elec", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/eng", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/fctl", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/fuel", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/hyd", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/press", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/sts", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/wheel", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/clr", 0); setprop("/ECAM/warning-phase", 1); setprop("/ECAM/warning-phase-10-time", 0); setprop("/ECAM/ap-off-time", 0); setprop("/ECAM/athr-off-time", 0); setprop("/it-autoflight/output/ap-warning", 0); setprop("/it-autoflight/output/athr-warning", 0); var ap_off_time = getprop("/ECAM/ap-off-time"); var athr_off_time = getprop("/ECAM/athr-off-time"); LowerECAM.reset(); }, MSGclr: func() { setprop("/ECAM/ecam-checklist-active", 0); setprop("/ECAM/left-msg", "NONE"); setprop("/ECAM/msg/line1", ""); setprop("/ECAM/msg/line2", ""); setprop("/ECAM/msg/line3", ""); setprop("/ECAM/msg/line4", ""); setprop("/ECAM/msg/line5", ""); setprop("/ECAM/msg/line6", ""); setprop("/ECAM/msg/line7", ""); setprop("/ECAM/msg/line8", ""); setprop("/ECAM/msg/linec1", "w"); setprop("/ECAM/msg/linec2", "w"); setprop("/ECAM/msg/linec3", "w"); setprop("/ECAM/msg/linec4", "w"); setprop("/ECAM/msg/linec5", "w"); setprop("/ECAM/msg/linec6", "w"); setprop("/ECAM/msg/linec7", "w"); setprop("/ECAM/msg/linec8", "w"); setprop("/ECAM/rightmsg/line1", ""); setprop("/ECAM/rightmsg/line2", ""); setprop("/ECAM/rightmsg/line3", ""); setprop("/ECAM/rightmsg/line4", ""); setprop("/ECAM/rightmsg/line5", ""); setprop("/ECAM/rightmsg/line6", ""); setprop("/ECAM/rightmsg/line7", ""); setprop("/ECAM/rightmsg/line8", ""); setprop("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec1", "w"); setprop("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec2", "w"); setprop("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec3", "w"); setprop("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec4", "w"); setprop("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec5", "w"); setprop("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec6", "w"); setprop("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec7", "w"); setprop("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec8", "w"); }, loop: func() { stateL = getprop("/engines/engine[0]/state"); stateR = getprop("/engines/engine[1]/state"); thrustL = getprop("/systems/thrust/state1"); thrustR = getprop("/systems/thrust/state2"); elec = getprop("/systems/electrical/on"); speed = getprop("/instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-speed-kt"); wow = getprop("/gear/gear[0]/wow"); eng = getprop("/options/eng"); if (stateL == 3 and stateR == 3 and wow == 1) { if (getprop("/ECAM/engine-start-time-switch") != 1) { setprop("/ECAM/engine-start-time", getprop("/sim/time/elapsed-sec")); setprop("/ECAM/engine-start-time-switch", 1); } } else if (wow == 1) { if (getprop("/ECAM/engine-start-time-switch") != 0) { setprop("/ECAM/engine-start-time-switch", 0); } } if (getprop("/ECAM/warning-phase") >= 3) { setprop("/ECAM/to-memo-enable", 0); } else { setprop("/ECAM/to-memo-enable", 1); } if (getprop("/position/gear-agl-ft") <= 2000 and (getprop("/FMGC/status/phase") == 3 or getprop("/FMGC/status/phase") == 4 or getprop("/FMGC/status/phase") == 5) and wow == 0) { setprop("/ECAM/ldg-memo-enable", 1); } else if (getprop("/ECAM/left-msg") == "LDG-MEMO" and speed <= 80 and wow == 1) { setprop("/ECAM/ldg-memo-enable", 0); } else if (getprop("/ECAM/left-msg") != "LDG-MEMO") { setprop("/ECAM/ldg-memo-enable", 0); } if (stateL == 3 and stateR == 3 and getprop("/ECAM/engine-start-time") + 120 < getprop("/sim/time/elapsed-sec") and getprop("/ECAM/to-memo-enable") == 1 and wow == 1) { setprop("/ECAM/left-msg", "TO-MEMO"); } else if (getprop("/ECAM/ldg-memo-enable") == 1) { setprop("/ECAM/left-msg", "LDG-MEMO"); } else if (getprop("/ECAM/show-left-msg") == 1) { setprop("/ECAM/left-msg", "MSG"); } else { setprop("/ECAM/left-msg", "NONE"); } if (getprop("/ECAM/show-right-msg") == 1) { setprop("/ECAM/right-msg", "MSG"); } else { setprop("/ECAM/right-msg", "NONE"); } if (getprop("/controls/autobrake/mode") == 3 and getprop("/controls/lighting/no-smoking-sign") == 1 and getprop("/controls/lighting/seatbelt-sign") == 1 and getprop("/controls/flight/speedbrake-arm") == 1 and getprop("/controls/flight/flap-pos") > 0 and getprop("/controls/flight/flap-pos") < 5) { setprop("/ECAM/to-config", 1); } else { setprop("/ECAM/to-config", 0); } if (eng == "IAE") { eprlim = getprop("/controls/engines/epr-limit"); if (abs(getprop("/engines/engine[0]/epr-actual") - eprlim) <= 0.005 or abs(getprop("/engines/engine[0]/epr-actual") - eprlim) <= 0.005) { toPowerSet = 1; } else { toPowerSet = 0; } } else { n1lim = getprop("/controls/engines/n1-limit"); if (abs(getprop("/engines/engine[0]/n1-actual") - n1lim) <= 0.1 or abs(getprop("/engines/engine[0]/n1-actual") - n1lim) <= 0.1) { toPowerSet = 1; } else { toPowerSet = 0; } } # AP / ATHR warnings # No evidence found that re-engagement disconnects warnings - if anyone has any evidence to the contrary let me know if (ap_active == 1 and getprop("/it-autoflight/output/ap-warning") == 0) { ap_active = 0; } elsif (ap_active == 1 and getprop("/it-autoflight/output/ap-warning") == 1 and getprop("/sim/time/elapsed-sec") > (getprop("/ECAM/ap-off-time") + 9)) { ap_active = 0; setprop("/it-autoflight/output/ap-warning", 0); } elsif (ap_active == 0 and getprop("/it-autoflight/output/ap-warning") != 0) { ap_active = 1; } if (athr_active == 1 and getprop("/it-autoflight/output/athr-warning") == 0) { athr_active = 0; } elsif (athr_active == 1 and getprop("/it-autoflight/output/athr-warning") == 1 and getprop("/sim/time/elapsed-sec") > (getprop("/ECAM/athr-off-time") + 9)) { athr_active = 0; setprop("/it-autoflight/output/athr-warning", 0); } elsif (athr_active == 0 and getprop("/it-autoflight/output/athr-warning") != 0) { athr_active = 1; } if (athr_active == 1 and getprop("/it-autoflight/output/athr-warning") == 1 and getprop("/sim/time/elapsed-sec") > (getprop("/ECAM/athr-off-time") + 3) and getprop("/ECAM/warnings/master-caution-light") == 1) { setprop("/ECAM/warnings/master-caution-light", 0); } # Warning Phases if (getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/ac1") < 110 and getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/ac2") < 110 and getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/ac-ess") < 110) { # Reset warning phases if (getprop("/ECAM/warning-phase") != 1) { setprop("/ECAM/warning-phase", 1); } } else { phase = getprop("/ECAM/warning-phase"); mode = getprop("/modes/pfd/fma/pitch-mode"); modeI = getprop("/it-autoflight/mode/vert"); if (phase == 1 and (stateL == 3 or stateR == 3)) { setprop("/ECAM/warning-phase", 2); } else if (phase == 2 and toPowerSet) { setprop("/ECAM/warning-phase", 3); } else if (phase == 3 and speed >= 80) { setprop("/ECAM/warning-phase", 4); } else if (phase == 4 and getprop("/fdm/jsbsim/position/wow") == 0) { # Liftoff setprop("/ECAM/warning-phase", 5); } else if (phase == 5 and getprop("/position/gear-agl-ft") >= 1500) { setprop("/ECAM/warning-phase", 6); } else if (phase == 6 and getprop("/position/gear-agl-ft") < 800) { if (mode == "OP CLB" or mode == "CLB" or (modeI == "V/S" and getprop("/it-autoflight/input/vs") >= 100) or (modeI == "FPA" and getprop("/it-autoflight/input/fpa") >= 0.1)) { # Do not do this if we are climbing, not in FCOM, but prevents terrain from causing early mode change. If this ends up using baro alt, not radio, then delete this if } else { setprop("/ECAM/warning-phase", 7); } } else if (phase == 7 and getprop("/fdm/jsbsim/position/wow") == 1) { # Touchdown setprop("/ECAM/warning-phase", 8); } else if (phase == 8 and speed < 80) { setprop("/ECAM/warning-phase", 9); } else if (phase == 9 and (stateL == 0 or stateR == 0)) { setprop("/ECAM/warning-phase", 10); setprop("/ECAM/warning-phase-10-time", getprop("/sim/time/elapsed-sec")); } else if (phase == 10 and getprop("/ECAM/warning-phase-10-time") + 300 < getprop("/sim/time/elapsed-sec")) { # After 5 mins, reset to phase 1 setprop("/ECAM/warning-phase", 1); } } LowerECAM.loop(); }, toConfig: func() { stateL = getprop("/engines/engine[0]/state"); stateR = getprop("/engines/engine[1]/state"); wow = getprop("/gear/gear[0]/wow"); if ((getprop("/ECAM/warning-phase") == 2 or getprop("/ECAM/warning-phase") == 9) and wow == 1 and (stateL == 3 or stateR == 3) and getprop("/ECAM/left-msg") != "TO-MEMO") { setprop("/ECAM/to-memo-enable", 1); setprop("/ECAM/engine-start-time", getprop("/ECAM/engine-start-time") - 120); } }, }; ECAM.MSGclr(); # Lower ECAM Pages var LowerECAM = { button: func(b) { man_sel = getprop("/ECAM/Lower/man-select"); if (b == "clr" and getprop("/it-autoflight/output/athr-warning") == 2) { setprop("/it-autoflight/output/athr-warning", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/clr", 0); setprop("/ECAM/warnings/master-caution-light", 0); #call status } if (getprop("/ECAM/Lower/fault-select") == 0) { if (b != "clr") { if (!man_sel) { setprop("/ECAM/Lower/man-select", 1); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/page", b); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/" ~ b, 1); } else { if (b == getprop("/ECAM/Lower/page")) { setprop("/ECAM/Lower/man-select", 0); LowerECAM.loop(); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/" ~ b, 0); } else { setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/" ~ getprop("/ECAM/Lower/page"), 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/page", b); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/" ~ b, 1); } } } } else { if (b == "clr") { setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/clr", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/fault-select", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/fault-page", ""); LowerECAM.loop(); } elsif (!man_sel) { setprop("/ECAM/Lower/man-select", 1); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/page", b); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/" ~ b, 1); print("calling SD page manually"); } else { if (b == getprop("/ECAM/Lower/page")) { setprop("/ECAM/Lower/man-select", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/" ~ b, 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/fault-select", 1); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/page", getprop("/ECAM/Lower/fault-page")); } else { setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/" ~ getprop("/ECAM/Lower/page"), 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/page", b); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/" ~ b, 1); } } } }, loop: func() { man_sel = getprop("/ECAM/Lower/man-select"); fault_sel = getprop("/ECAM/Lower/fault-select"); fault_page = getprop("/ECAM/Lower/fault-page"); page = getprop("/ECAM/Lower/page"); aileron = getprop("/fdm/jsbsim/fbw/aileron-sidestick"); elevator = getprop("/fdm/jsbsim/fbw/elevator-sidestick"); APUMaster = getprop("/controls/APU/master"); APURPM = getprop("/systems/apu/rpm"); stateL = getprop("/engines/engine[0]/state"); stateR = getprop("/engines/engine[1]/state"); engModeSel = getprop("/controls/engines/engine-start-switch"); elapsedSec = getprop("/sim/time/elapsed-sec"); if (warnPhase == 2) { if (abs(aileron) > 0.3 or abs(elevator) > 0.3) { fctlTime = elapsedSec; fctlCounting = 1; } else if (fctlCounting) { if (fctlTime + 20 < elapsedSec) { fctlCounting = 0; } } } else { fctlCounting = 0; } if (APURPM > 95) { if (APUTime + 10 < elapsedSec) { APUCounting = 0; } } else { if (APUMaster) { APUTime = elapsedSec; APUCounting = 1; } else { APUCounting = 0; } } if ((APURPM <= 95 or APUCounting) and APUMaster) { showAPUPage = 1; } else { showAPUPage = 0; } if (stateL == 3 and stateR == 3) { if (ENGCounting and ENGTime + 10 < elapsedSec) { ENGCounting = 0; } } else if ((stateL > 0 or stateR > 0) and engModeSel == 2) { ENGTime = elapsedSec; ENGCounting = 1; } else if ((stateL == 0 and stateR == 0) or engModeSel < 2) { ENGCounting = 0; } if (ENGCounting or engModeSel != 1) { showENGPage = 1; } else { showENGPage = 0; } if (!man_sel) { if (!fault_sel) { warnPhase = getprop("/ECAM/warning-phase"); if (warnPhase == 1 or warnPhase == 10) { if (showENGPage) { if (page != "eng") { setprop("/ECAM/Lower/page", "eng"); } } else if (showAPUPage) { if (page != "apu") { setprop("/ECAM/Lower/page", "apu"); } } else if (page != "door") { setprop("/ECAM/Lower/page", "door"); } } else if (warnPhase == 2) { if (showENGPage) { if (page != "eng") { setprop("/ECAM/Lower/page", "eng"); } } else if (showAPUPage) { if (page != "apu") { setprop("/ECAM/Lower/page", "apu"); } } else if (fctlCounting == 1) { if (page != "fctl") { setprop("/ECAM/Lower/page", "fctl"); } } else if (page != "wheel") { setprop("/ECAM/Lower/page", "wheel"); } } else if (warnPhase >= 3 and warnPhase < 10) { flapLever = getprop("/controls/flight/flap-lever"); if ((toPowerSet or flapLever > 0) and warnPhase == 6) { if (CRZTime + 60 < elapsedSec) { CRZCondition = 1; } else { CRZCondition = 0; } } else { CRZTime = elapsedSec; CRZCondition = 0; } if (CRZCondition or (warnPhase == 6 and flapLever == 0 and !toPowerSet)) { if (page != "crz") { setprop("/ECAM/Lower/page", "crz"); } } else { if (showENGPage) { if (page != "eng") { setprop("/ECAM/Lower/page", "eng"); } } else if (showAPUPage) { if (page != "apu") { setprop("/ECAM/Lower/page", "apu"); } } else if (page != "eng") { setprop("/ECAM/Lower/page", "eng"); } } } } else { setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/apu", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/bleed", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/cond", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/door", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/elec", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/eng", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/fctl", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/fuel", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/hyd", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/press", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/sts", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/wheel", 0); } } }, reset: func() { setprop("/ECAM/Lower/page", "door"); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/man-select", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/fault-select", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/apu", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/bleed", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/cond", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/door", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/elec", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/eng", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/fctl", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/fuel", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/hyd", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/press", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/sts", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/wheel", 0); }, failCall: func(page) { setprop("/ECAM/Lower/man-select", 0); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/fault-select", 1); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/fault-page", page); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/page", page); setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/clr", 1); }, clrLight: func() { setprop("/ECAM/Lower/light/clr", 1); } };