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# Copyright (c) Joshua Davidson (it0uchpods) #

<!-- Sven Seipp, Oct 2017 -->

		<title>BEFORE START</title>
				<name>COCKPIT PREP</name>
				<name>PINS AND COVERS</name>
				<name>FUEL QUANTITY</name>
				<name>TO DATA</name>
				<name>BARO REF</name>
				<name>WINDOWS and DOORS</name>      
				<name>THR LEVERS</name>
				<name>PARKING BRAKE</name>
				<value>AS RQRD</value>
		<title>AFTER START</title>
			<value>AS RQRD</value>
			<name>ECAM STATUS</name>
			<name>PITCH TRIM</name>
			<name>RUDDER TRIM</name>
	<title>TAXI/BEFORE TAKEOFF</title>
			<name>FLIGHT CONTROLS</name>
				<name>FLT INST</name>
				<name>FLAPS SETTING</name>
				<name>V1. VR. V2/FLX TEMP</name>
				<name>ECAM MEMO</name>
				<value>TO NO BLUE</value>
			<name>CABIN CREW</name>
			<name>ENG MODE SEL</name>
			<value>AS RQRD</value>
			<value>AS RQRD</value>
		<title>AFTER TAKEOFF/CLIMB</title>
			<name>LDG GEAR</name>
			<name>BARO REF</name>
			<name>ECAM STATUS</name>
			<name>SEAT BELTS</name>
			<name>BARO REF</name>
			<name>ENG MODE SEL</name>
			<value>AS RQRD</value>
			<name>CABIN CREW</name>
			<name>ECAM MEMO</name>
			<value>LDG NO BLUE</value>
		<title>AFTER LANDING</title>
			<value>AS RQRD</value>
			<name>APU BLEED</name>
			<name>SEAT BELTS</name>
			<name>EXT LT</name>
			<value>AS RQRD</value>
			<name>FUEL PUMPS</name>
			<name>PARK BRK AND CHOCKS</name>
			<value>AS RQRD</value>
		<title>SECURING THE AIRCRAFT</title>
			<name>APU BLEED</name>
			<name>EMER EXIT LT</name>
			<name>APU AND BAT</name>