# A3XX Buttons # Joshua Davidson (it0uchpods) ######################################### # Copyright (c) it0uchpods Design Group # ######################################### # Resets buttons to the default values var variousReset = func { setprop("/modes/cpt-du-xfr", 0); setprop("/modes/fo-du-xfr", 0); setprop("/controls/fadec/n1mode1", 0); setprop("/controls/fadec/n1mode2", 0); setprop("/instrumentation/mk-viii/serviceable", 1); setprop("/instrumentation/mk-viii/inputs/discretes/terr-inhibit", 0); setprop("/instrumentation/mk-viii/inputs/discretes/gpws-inhibit", 0); setprop("/instrumentation/mk-viii/inputs/discretes/glideslope-cancel", 0); setprop("/instrumentation/mk-viii/inputs/discretes/momentary-flap-override", 0); setprop("/instrumentation/mk-viii/inputs/discretes/momentary-flap3-override", 0); setprop("/controls/switches/cabinCall", 0); setprop("/controls/switches/mechCall", 0); # cockpit voice recorder stuff setprop("/controls/CVR/power", 0); setprop("/controls/CVR/test", 0); setprop("/controls/CVR/tone", 0); setprop("/controls/CVR/gndctl", 0); setprop("/controls/CVR/erase", 0); setprop("/controls/switches/cabinfan", 1); setprop("/controls/oxygen/crewOxyPB", 1); # 0 = OFF 1 = AUTO setprop("/controls/switches/emerCallLtO", 0); # ON light, flashes white for 10s setprop("/controls/switches/emerCallLtC", 0); # CALL light, flashes amber for 10s setprop("/controls/switches/emerCall", 0); setprop("/controls/switches/LrainRpt", 0); setprop("/controls/switches/RrainRpt", 0); setprop("/controls/switches/wiperLspd", 0); # -1 = INTM 0 = OFF 1 = LO 2 = HI setprop("/controls/switches/wiperRspd", 0); # -1 = INTM 0 = OFF 1 = LO 2 = HI } setlistener("/sim/signals/fdm-initialized", func { var stateL = getprop("/engines/engine[0]/state"); var stateR = getprop("/engines/engine[1]/state"); var Lrain = getprop("/controls/switches/LrainRpt"); var Rrain = getprop("/controls/switches/RrainRpt"); var OnLt = getprop("/controls/switches/emerCallLtO"); var CallLt = getprop("/controls/switches/emerCallLtC"); var wow = getprop("/gear/gear[1]/wow"); rainTimer.start(); }); # inhibit rain rpt when engines off and on ground var rainRepel = func { Lrain = getprop("/controls/switches/LrainRpt"); Rrain = getprop("/controls/switches/RrainRpt"); wow = getprop("/gear/gear[1]/wow"); stateL = getprop("/engines/engine[0]/state"); stateR = getprop("/engines/engine[1]/state"); if (Lrain and (stateL != 3 and stateR != 3 and wow)) { setprop("/controls/switches/LrainRpt", 0); } if (Rrain and (stateL != 3 and stateR != 3 and wow)) { setprop("/controls/switches/RrainRpt", 0); } } var EmerCall = func { setprop("/controls/switches/emerCall", 1); EmerCallTimer1.start(); EmerCallTimer2.start(); settimer(func() { setprop("/controls/switches/emerCall", 0); EmerCallTimer1.stop(); EmerCallTimer2.stop(); }, 10); } var EmerCallOnLight = func { OnLt = getprop("/controls/switches/emerCallLtO"); if (OnLt) { setprop("/controls/switches/emerCallLtO", 0); } else if (!OnLt) { setprop("/controls/switches/emerCallLtO", 1); } } var EmerCallLightCall = func { CallLt = getprop("/controls/switches/emerCallLtC"); if (CallLt) { setprop("/controls/switches/emerCallLtC", 0); } else if (!CallLt) { setprop("/controls/switches/emerCallLtC", 1); } } var CabinCall = func { setprop("/controls/switches/emerCall", 0); settimer(func() { setprop("/controls/switches/emerCall", 0); }, 15); } var MechCall = func { setprop("/controls/switches/mechCall", 1); settimer(func() { setprop("/controls/switches/mechCall", 0); }, 15); } var CVR_test = func { var parkBrake = getprop("/controls/gear/brake-parking"); if (parkBrake) { setprop("controls/CVR/tone", 1); settimer(func() { setprop("controls/CVR/tone", 0); }, 15); } } var CVR_master = func { var stateL = getprop("/engines/engine[0]/state"); var stateR = getprop("/engines/engine[1]/state"); var wowl = getprop("/gear/gear[1]/wow"); var wowr = getprop("/gear/gear[2]/wow"); var gndCtl = getprop("/systems/CVR/gndctl"); var acPwr = getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/ac-ess"); if (acPwr > 0 and wowl and wowr and (gndCtl or (stateL == 3 or stateR == 3))) { setprop("/controls/CVR/power", 1); } else if (!wowl and !wowr and acPwr > 0) { setprop("/controls/CVR/power", 1); } else { setprop("/controls/CVR/power", 0); } } var mcpSPDKnbPull = func { setprop("/it-autoflight/input/spd-managed", 0); fmgc.ManagedSPD.stop(); var ias = getprop("/instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-speed-kt"); var mach = getprop("/instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-mach"); if (getprop("/it-autoflight/input/kts-mach") == 0) { if (ias >= 100 and ias <= 360) { setprop("/it-autoflight/input/spd-kts", math.round(ias, 1)); } else if (ias < 100) { setprop("/it-autoflight/input/spd-kts", 100); } else if (ias > 360) { setprop("/it-autoflight/input/spd-kts", 360); } } else if (getprop("/it-autoflight/input/kts-mach") == 1) { if (mach >= 0.50 and mach <= 0.95) { setprop("/it-autoflight/input/spd-mach", math.round(mach, 0.001)); } else if (mach < 0.50) { setprop("/it-autoflight/input/spd-mach", 0.50); } else if (mach > 0.95) { setprop("/it-autoflight/input/spd-mach", 0.95); } } } var mcpSPDKnbPush = func { if (getprop("/FMGC/internal/cruise-lvl-set") == 1 and getprop("/FMGC/internal/cost-index-set") == 1) { setprop("/it-autoflight/input/spd-managed", 1); fmgc.ManagedSPD.start(); } else { gui.popupTip("Please make sure you have set a cruise altitude and cost index in the MCDU."); } } var mcpHDGKnbPull = func { var latmode = getprop("/it-autoflight/output/lat"); var showhdg = getprop("/it-autoflight/custom/show-hdg"); if (latmode == 0 or showhdg == 0) { setprop("/it-autoflight/input/lat", 3); setprop("/it-autoflight/custom/show-hdg", 1); } else { setprop("/it-autoflight/input/lat", 0); setprop("/it-autoflight/custom/show-hdg", 1); } } var mcpHDGKnbPush = func { setprop("/it-autoflight/input/lat", 1); } var hdgInput = func { var latmode = getprop("/it-autoflight/output/lat"); if (latmode != 0) { setprop("/it-autoflight/custom/show-hdg", 1); var hdgnow = getprop("/it-autoflight/input/hdg"); settimer(func { var hdgnew = getprop("/it-autoflight/input/hdg"); var showhdg = getprop("/it-autoflight/custom/show-hdg"); if (hdgnow == hdgnew and latmode != 5 and showhdg == 1) { settimer(func { setprop("/it-autoflight/custom/show-hdg", 0); }, 10); } }, 2); } } var toggleSTD = func { var Std = getprop("/modes/altimeter/std"); if (Std == 1) { var oldqnh = getprop("/modes/altimeter/oldqnh"); setprop("/instrumentation/altimeter/setting-inhg", oldqnh); setprop("/modes/altimeter/std", 0); } else if (Std == 0) { var qnh = getprop("/instrumentation/altimeter/setting-inhg"); setprop("/modes/altimeter/oldqnh", qnh); setprop("/instrumentation/altimeter/setting-inhg", 29.92); setprop("/modes/altimeter/std", 1); } } var increaseManVS = func { var manvs = getprop("/systems/pressurization/outflowpos-man"); var auto = getprop("/systems/pressurization/auto"); if (manvs <= 1 and manvs >= 0 and !auto) { setprop("/systems/pressurization/outflowpos-man", manvs + 0.001); } } var decreaseManVS = func { var manvs = getprop("/systems/pressurization/outflowpos-man"); var auto = getprop("/systems/pressurization/auto"); if (manvs <= 1 and manvs >= 0 and !auto) { setprop("/systems/pressurization/outflowpos-man", manvs - 0.001); } } var update_CVR = func { CVR_master(); } var CVR = maketimer(0.1, update_CVR); var EmerCallTimer1 = maketimer(0.5, EmerCallOnLight); var EmerCallTimer2 = maketimer(0.5, EmerCallLightCall); var rainTimer = maketimer(0.1, rainRepel);