diff --git a/A320-100-CFM.xml b/A320-100-CFM.xml
index 4259068d..dfde4253 100644
--- a/A320-100-CFM.xml
+++ b/A320-100-CFM.xml
@@ -17,321 +17,9 @@ xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://jsbsim.sourceforge.net/JSBSim.xsd">
 		<description>A32X FDE</description>
-	<metrics>
-		<wingarea  unit="FT2"> 1319.79 </wingarea>
-		<wingspan  unit="FT" >  117.26 </wingspan>
-		<wing_incidence      >    1.03 </wing_incidence>
-		<chord     unit="FT" >   20.76 </chord>
-		<htailarea unit="FT2">  334.24 </htailarea>
-		<htailarm  unit="FT" >   57.88 </htailarm>
-		<vtailarea unit="FT2">  248.79 </vtailarea>
-		<vtailarm  unit="FT" >   57.33 </vtailarm>
-		<location name="AERORP" unit="M">
-			<x> 19.2274 </x>
-			<y> 0 </y>
-			<z> 0.19249 </z>
-		</location>
-		<location name="EYEPOINT" unit="M">
-			<x> 0 </x>
-			<y> 0 </y>
-			<z> 0 </z>
-		</location>
-		<location name="VRP" unit="M">
-			<x> 18.8499 </x>
-			<y> 0 </y>
-			<z> -1.7005004 </z>
-		</location>
-	</metrics>
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-		<ixx unit="SLUG*FT2">  611903 </ixx>
-		<iyy unit="SLUG*FT2"> 1735389 </iyy>
-		<izz unit="SLUG*FT2"> 2301293 </izz>
-		<ixy unit="SLUG*FT2">       0 </ixy>
-		<ixz unit="SLUG*FT2">       0 </ixz>
-		<iyz unit="SLUG*FT2">       0 </iyz>
-		<emptywt unit="LBS" >   80431 </emptywt>
-		<location name="CG" unit="M">
-			<x> 18.8231 </x>
-			<y> 0 </y>
-			<z> 0.19249 </z>
-		</location>
-		<pointmass name="Crew">
-			<weight unit="LBS">380</weight>
-			<location name="POINTMASS" unit="M">
-				<x> 5.29845 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> -0.66384 </z>
-			</location>
-		</pointmass>
-		<pointmass name="PAX">
-			<weight unit="LBS">23000</weight>
-			<location name="POINTMASS" unit="M">
-				<x> 18.8231 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> 0.19249 </z>
-			</location>
-		</pointmass>
-		<pointmass name="Fwd Cargo">
-			<weight unit="LBS">3000</weight>
-			<location name="POINTMASS" unit="M"> 
-				<x> 13.0849 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> -1.18112 </z>
-			</location>
-		</pointmass>
-		<pointmass name="Aft Cargo">
-			<weight unit="LBS">3000</weight>
-			<location name="POINTMASS" unit="M">
-				<x> 24.5565 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> -1.18112 </z>
-			</location>
-		</pointmass>
-	</mass_balance>
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-		<contact type="BOGEY" name="NOSE_LG">
-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 7.52385 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> -4.31395 </z>
-			</location>
-			<static_friction> 0.4 </static_friction>
-			<dynamic_friction> 0.6 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.02 </rolling_friction>
-			<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 30935.5 </spring_coeff>
-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 16978.5 </damping_coeff>
-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 70 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> NOSE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>1</retractable>
-		</contact>
-		<contact type="BOGEY" name="LEFT_MLG">
-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 20.318 </x>
-				<y> -4.25855 </y>
-				<z> -4.51844 </z>
-			</location>
-			<static_friction> 0.4 </static_friction>
-			<dynamic_friction> 0.6 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.02 </rolling_friction>
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-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 23957 </damping_coeff>
-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> LEFT </brake_group>
-			<retractable>1</retractable>
-		</contact>
-		<contact type="BOGEY" name="RIGHT_MLG">
-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 20.318 </x>
-				<y> 4.25855 </y>
-				<z> -4.51844 </z>
-			</location>
-			<static_friction> 0.4 </static_friction>
-			<dynamic_friction> 0.6 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.02 </rolling_friction>
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-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 23957 </damping_coeff>
-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> RIGHT </brake_group>
-			<retractable>1</retractable>
-		</contact>
-		<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="NOSE_1">
-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 2.6272 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> -1.10572 </z>
-			</location>
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-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
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-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>0</retractable>
-		</contact>
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-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 5.0858 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> 1.34919 </z>
-			</location>
-			<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
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-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>0</retractable>
-		</contact>
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-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 6.84944 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> -2.11157 </z>
-			</location>
-			<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
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-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>0</retractable>
-		</contact>
-		<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="BOTTOM_2">
-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 27.7516 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> -2.10594 </z>
-			</location>
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-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
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-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>0</retractable>
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-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 8.9842 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> 2.00377 </z>
-			</location>
-			<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
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-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>0</retractable>
-		</contact>
-		<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="TOP_2">
-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 30.4145 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> 1.98661 </z>
-			</location>
-			<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
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-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>0</retractable>
-		</contact>
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-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 14.3962788 </x>
-				<y> -5.755 </y>
-				<z> -3.1750887 </z>
-			</location>
-			<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
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-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>0</retractable>
-		</contact>
-		<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="ENG_2">
-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 14.3962788 </x>
-				<y> 5.755 </y>
-				<z> -3.1750887 </z>
-			</location>
-			<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
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-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>0</retractable>
-		</contact>
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-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 40.0923 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> 0.85936 </z>
-			</location>
-			<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
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-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>0</retractable>
-		</contact>
-		<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="TAIL_2">
-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 38.543 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> 7.84126 </z>
-			</location>
-			<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
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-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>0</retractable>
-		</contact>
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-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 23.7872 </x>
-				<y> -16.9102 </y>
-				<z> 0.22943 </z>
-			</location>
-			<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
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-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>0</retractable>
-		</contact>
-		<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="WING_TIP_2">
-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 23.7872 </x>
-				<y> 16.9102 </y>
-				<z> 0.22943 </z>
-			</location>
-			<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
-			<dynamic_friction> 1 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 1 </rolling_friction>
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-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>0</retractable>
-		</contact>
-	</ground_reactions>
+	<metrics file="Systems/a320-metrics"/>
+	<mass_balance file="Systems/a320-mass-balance"/>
+	<ground_reactions file="Systems/a320-ground-reactions"/>
 		<engine file="cfm56_5a1_1">
@@ -458,19 +146,6 @@ xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://jsbsim.sourceforge.net/JSBSim.xsd">
 	<flight_control name="none"/>
 	<aerodynamics file="Systems/a320-aerodynamics.xml"/>
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-		<force name="pushback" frame="BODY">
-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 7.52385 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> -3.2846 </z>
-			</location>
-			<direction>
-				<x> 1 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> 0 </z>
-			</direction>
-		</force>
-	</external_reactions>
+	<external_reactions file="Systems/a320-external-reactions"/>
diff --git a/A320-200-CFM.xml b/A320-200-CFM.xml
index 749236c4..d794782a 100644
--- a/A320-200-CFM.xml
+++ b/A320-200-CFM.xml
@@ -17,321 +17,9 @@ xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://jsbsim.sourceforge.net/JSBSim.xsd">
 		<description>A32X FDE</description>
-	<metrics>
-		<wingarea  unit="FT2"> 1319.79 </wingarea>
-		<wingspan  unit="FT" >  117.26 </wingspan>
-		<wing_incidence      >    1.03 </wing_incidence>
-		<chord     unit="FT" >   20.76 </chord>
-		<htailarea unit="FT2">  334.24 </htailarea>
-		<htailarm  unit="FT" >   57.88 </htailarm>
-		<vtailarea unit="FT2">  248.79 </vtailarea>
-		<vtailarm  unit="FT" >   57.33 </vtailarm>
-		<location name="AERORP" unit="M">
-			<x> 19.2274 </x>
-			<y> 0 </y>
-			<z> 0.19249 </z>
-		</location>
-		<location name="EYEPOINT" unit="M">
-			<x> 0 </x>
-			<y> 0 </y>
-			<z> 0 </z>
-		</location>
-		<location name="VRP" unit="M">
-			<x> 18.8499 </x>
-			<y> 0 </y>
-			<z> -1.7005004 </z>
-		</location>
-	</metrics>
-	<mass_balance>
-		<ixx unit="SLUG*FT2">  611903 </ixx>
-		<iyy unit="SLUG*FT2"> 1735389 </iyy>
-		<izz unit="SLUG*FT2"> 2301293 </izz>
-		<ixy unit="SLUG*FT2">       0 </ixy>
-		<ixz unit="SLUG*FT2">       0 </ixz>
-		<iyz unit="SLUG*FT2">       0 </iyz>
-		<emptywt unit="LBS" >   80431 </emptywt>
-		<location name="CG" unit="M">
-			<x> 18.8231 </x>
-			<y> 0 </y>
-			<z> 0.19249 </z>
-		</location>
-		<pointmass name="Crew">
-			<weight unit="LBS">380</weight>
-			<location name="POINTMASS" unit="M">
-				<x> 5.29845 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> -0.66384 </z>
-			</location>
-		</pointmass>
-		<pointmass name="PAX">
-			<weight unit="LBS">23000</weight>
-			<location name="POINTMASS" unit="M">
-				<x> 18.8231 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> 0.19249 </z>
-			</location>
-		</pointmass>
-		<pointmass name="Fwd Cargo">
-			<weight unit="LBS">3000</weight>
-			<location name="POINTMASS" unit="M"> 
-				<x> 13.0849 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> -1.18112 </z>
-			</location>
-		</pointmass>
-		<pointmass name="Aft Cargo">
-			<weight unit="LBS">3000</weight>
-			<location name="POINTMASS" unit="M">
-				<x> 24.5565 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> -1.18112 </z>
-			</location>
-		</pointmass>
-	</mass_balance>
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-		<contact type="BOGEY" name="NOSE_LG">
-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 7.52385 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> -4.31395 </z>
-			</location>
-			<static_friction> 0.4 </static_friction>
-			<dynamic_friction> 0.6 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.02 </rolling_friction>
-			<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 30935.5 </spring_coeff>
-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 16978.5 </damping_coeff>
-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 70 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> NOSE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>1</retractable>
-		</contact>
-		<contact type="BOGEY" name="LEFT_MLG">
-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 20.318 </x>
-				<y> -4.25855 </y>
-				<z> -4.51844 </z>
-			</location>
-			<static_friction> 0.4 </static_friction>
-			<dynamic_friction> 0.6 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.02 </rolling_friction>
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-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 23957 </damping_coeff>
-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> LEFT </brake_group>
-			<retractable>1</retractable>
-		</contact>
-		<contact type="BOGEY" name="RIGHT_MLG">
-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 20.318 </x>
-				<y> 4.25855 </y>
-				<z> -4.51844 </z>
-			</location>
-			<static_friction> 0.4 </static_friction>
-			<dynamic_friction> 0.6 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.02 </rolling_friction>
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-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 23957 </damping_coeff>
-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> RIGHT </brake_group>
-			<retractable>1</retractable>
-		</contact>
-		<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="NOSE_1">
-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 2.6272 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> -1.10572 </z>
-			</location>
-			<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
-			<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>0</retractable>
-		</contact>
-		<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="NOSE_2">
-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 5.0858 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> 1.34919 </z>
-			</location>
-			<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
-			<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>0</retractable>
-		</contact>
-		<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="BOTTOM_1">
-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 6.84944 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> -2.11157 </z>
-			</location>
-			<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
-			<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
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-				<y> 16.9102 </y>
-				<z> 0.22943 </z>
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-			<retractable>0</retractable>
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@@ -458,19 +146,6 @@ xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://jsbsim.sourceforge.net/JSBSim.xsd">
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diff --git a/A320-200-IAE.xml b/A320-200-IAE.xml
index 73d540cd..1b491710 100644
--- a/A320-200-IAE.xml
+++ b/A320-200-IAE.xml
@@ -17,321 +17,9 @@ xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://jsbsim.sourceforge.net/JSBSim.xsd">
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-			<x> 19.2274 </x>
-			<y> 0 </y>
-			<z> 0.19249 </z>
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-			<x> 0 </x>
-			<y> 0 </y>
-			<z> 0 </z>
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-			<x> 18.8499 </x>
-			<y> 0 </y>
-			<z> -1.7005004 </z>
-		</location>
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-			<x> 18.8231 </x>
-			<y> 0 </y>
-			<z> 0.19249 </z>
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-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> -0.66384 </z>
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-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> 0.19249 </z>
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-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> -1.18112 </z>
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-				<z> -1.18112 </z>
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@@ -456,21 +144,7 @@ xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://jsbsim.sourceforge.net/JSBSim.xsd">
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-			</location>
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-				<x> 1 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> 0 </z>
-			</direction>
-		</force>
-	</external_reactions>
+	<external_reactions file="Systems/a320-external-reactions"/>
diff --git a/A320neo-CFM.xml b/A320neo-CFM.xml
index 090a3a24..653d89d0 100644
--- a/A320neo-CFM.xml
+++ b/A320neo-CFM.xml
@@ -17,321 +17,9 @@ xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://jsbsim.sourceforge.net/JSBSim.xsd">
 		<description>A32X FDE</description>
-	<metrics>
-		<wingarea  unit="FT2"> 1319.79 </wingarea>
-		<wingspan  unit="FT" >  117.26 </wingspan>
-		<wing_incidence      >    1.03 </wing_incidence>
-		<chord     unit="FT" >   20.76 </chord>
-		<htailarea unit="FT2">  334.24 </htailarea>
-		<htailarm  unit="FT" >   57.88 </htailarm>
-		<vtailarea unit="FT2">  248.79 </vtailarea>
-		<vtailarm  unit="FT" >   57.33 </vtailarm>
-		<location name="AERORP" unit="M">
-			<x> 19.2274 </x>
-			<y> 0 </y>
-			<z> 0.19249 </z>
-		</location>
-		<location name="EYEPOINT" unit="M">
-			<x> 0 </x>
-			<y> 0 </y>
-			<z> 0 </z>
-		</location>
-		<location name="VRP" unit="M">
-			<x> 18.8499 </x>
-			<y> 0 </y>
-			<z> -1.7005004 </z>
-		</location>
-	</metrics>
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-		<ixx unit="SLUG*FT2">  611903 </ixx>
-		<iyy unit="SLUG*FT2"> 1735389 </iyy>
-		<izz unit="SLUG*FT2"> 2301293 </izz>
-		<ixy unit="SLUG*FT2">       0 </ixy>
-		<ixz unit="SLUG*FT2">       0 </ixz>
-		<iyz unit="SLUG*FT2">       0 </iyz>
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-		<location name="CG" unit="M">
-			<x> 18.8231 </x>
-			<y> 0 </y>
-			<z> 0.19249 </z>
-		</location>
-		<pointmass name="Crew">
-			<weight unit="LBS">380</weight>
-			<location name="POINTMASS" unit="M">
-				<x> 5.29845 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> -0.66384 </z>
-			</location>
-		</pointmass>
-		<pointmass name="PAX">
-			<weight unit="LBS">23000</weight>
-			<location name="POINTMASS" unit="M">
-				<x> 18.8231 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> 0.19249 </z>
-			</location>
-		</pointmass>
-		<pointmass name="Fwd Cargo">
-			<weight unit="LBS">3000</weight>
-			<location name="POINTMASS" unit="M"> 
-				<x> 13.0849 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> -1.18112 </z>
-			</location>
-		</pointmass>
-		<pointmass name="Aft Cargo">
-			<weight unit="LBS">3000</weight>
-			<location name="POINTMASS" unit="M">
-				<x> 24.5565 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> -1.18112 </z>
-			</location>
-		</pointmass>
-	</mass_balance>
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-		<contact type="BOGEY" name="NOSE_LG">
-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 7.52385 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> -4.31395 </z>
-			</location>
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-			<dynamic_friction> 0.6 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.02 </rolling_friction>
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-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 70 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> NOSE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>1</retractable>
-		</contact>
-		<contact type="BOGEY" name="LEFT_MLG">
-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 20.318 </x>
-				<y> -4.25855 </y>
-				<z> -4.51844 </z>
-			</location>
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-			<dynamic_friction> 0.6 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.02 </rolling_friction>
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-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 23957 </damping_coeff>
-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> LEFT </brake_group>
-			<retractable>1</retractable>
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-		<contact type="BOGEY" name="RIGHT_MLG">
-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 20.318 </x>
-				<y> 4.25855 </y>
-				<z> -4.51844 </z>
-			</location>
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-			<dynamic_friction> 0.6 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.02 </rolling_friction>
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-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
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-			<retractable>1</retractable>
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-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 2.6272 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> -1.10572 </z>
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-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
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-			<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>0</retractable>
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-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 5.0858 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> 1.34919 </z>
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-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
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-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>0</retractable>
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-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 6.84944 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> -2.11157 </z>
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-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
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-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
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-			<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>0</retractable>
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-		<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="BOTTOM_2">
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-				<x> 27.7516 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> -2.10594 </z>
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-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
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-			<retractable>0</retractable>
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-				<x> 8.9842 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> 2.00377 </z>
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-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
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-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
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-			<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>0</retractable>
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-				<x> 30.4145 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> 1.98661 </z>
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-			<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
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-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>0</retractable>
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-				<x> 14.3962788 </x>
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-				<z> -3.1750887 </z>
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-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
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-			<retractable>0</retractable>
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-		<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="ENG_2">
-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 14.3962788 </x>
-				<y> 5.755 </y>
-				<z> -3.1750887 </z>
-			</location>
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-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
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-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
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-			<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>0</retractable>
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-				<x> 40.0923 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> 0.85936 </z>
-			</location>
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-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
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-			<retractable>0</retractable>
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-				<x> 38.543 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> 7.84126 </z>
-			</location>
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-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
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-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
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-			<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>0</retractable>
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-				<x> 23.7872 </x>
-				<y> -16.9102 </y>
-				<z> 0.22943 </z>
-			</location>
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-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
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-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>0</retractable>
-		</contact>
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-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 23.7872 </x>
-				<y> 16.9102 </y>
-				<z> 0.22943 </z>
-			</location>
-			<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
-			<dynamic_friction> 1 </dynamic_friction>
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-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>0</retractable>
-		</contact>
-	</ground_reactions>
+	<metrics file="Systems/a320-metrics"/>
+	<mass_balance file="Systems/a320-mass-balance"/>
+	<ground_reactions file="Systems/a320-ground-reactions"/>
 		<engine file="leap1a26_1">
@@ -458,19 +146,6 @@ xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://jsbsim.sourceforge.net/JSBSim.xsd">
 	<flight_control name="none"/>
 	<aerodynamics file="Systems/a320-aerodynamics.xml"/>
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-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 7.52385 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> -3.2846 </z>
-			</location>
-			<direction>
-				<x> 1 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> 0 </z>
-			</direction>
-		</force>
-	</external_reactions>
+	<external_reactions file="Systems/a320-external-reactions"/>
diff --git a/A320neo-PW.xml b/A320neo-PW.xml
index 386850a3..f14833a7 100644
--- a/A320neo-PW.xml
+++ b/A320neo-PW.xml
@@ -17,321 +17,9 @@ xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://jsbsim.sourceforge.net/JSBSim.xsd">
 		<description>A32X FDE</description>
-	<metrics>
-		<wingarea  unit="FT2"> 1319.79 </wingarea>
-		<wingspan  unit="FT" >  117.26 </wingspan>
-		<wing_incidence      >    1.03 </wing_incidence>
-		<chord     unit="FT" >   20.76 </chord>
-		<htailarea unit="FT2">  334.24 </htailarea>
-		<htailarm  unit="FT" >   57.88 </htailarm>
-		<vtailarea unit="FT2">  248.79 </vtailarea>
-		<vtailarm  unit="FT" >   57.33 </vtailarm>
-		<location name="AERORP" unit="M">
-			<x> 19.2274 </x>
-			<y> 0 </y>
-			<z> 0.19249 </z>
-		</location>
-		<location name="EYEPOINT" unit="M">
-			<x> 0 </x>
-			<y> 0 </y>
-			<z> 0 </z>
-		</location>
-		<location name="VRP" unit="M">
-			<x> 18.8499 </x>
-			<y> 0 </y>
-			<z> -1.7005004 </z>
-		</location>
-	</metrics>
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-		<ixx unit="SLUG*FT2">  611903 </ixx>
-		<iyy unit="SLUG*FT2"> 1735389 </iyy>
-		<izz unit="SLUG*FT2"> 2301293 </izz>
-		<ixy unit="SLUG*FT2">       0 </ixy>
-		<ixz unit="SLUG*FT2">       0 </ixz>
-		<iyz unit="SLUG*FT2">       0 </iyz>
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-		<location name="CG" unit="M">
-			<x> 18.8231 </x>
-			<y> 0 </y>
-			<z> 0.19249 </z>
-		</location>
-		<pointmass name="Crew">
-			<weight unit="LBS">380</weight>
-			<location name="POINTMASS" unit="M">
-				<x> 5.29845 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> -0.66384 </z>
-			</location>
-		</pointmass>
-		<pointmass name="PAX">
-			<weight unit="LBS">23000</weight>
-			<location name="POINTMASS" unit="M">
-				<x> 18.8231 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> 0.19249 </z>
-			</location>
-		</pointmass>
-		<pointmass name="Fwd Cargo">
-			<weight unit="LBS">3000</weight>
-			<location name="POINTMASS" unit="M"> 
-				<x> 13.0849 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> -1.18112 </z>
-			</location>
-		</pointmass>
-		<pointmass name="Aft Cargo">
-			<weight unit="LBS">3000</weight>
-			<location name="POINTMASS" unit="M">
-				<x> 24.5565 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> -1.18112 </z>
-			</location>
-		</pointmass>
-	</mass_balance>
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-		<contact type="BOGEY" name="NOSE_LG">
-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 7.52385 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> -4.31395 </z>
-			</location>
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-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 70 </max_steer>
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-		<contact type="BOGEY" name="LEFT_MLG">
-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 20.318 </x>
-				<y> -4.25855 </y>
-				<z> -4.51844 </z>
-			</location>
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-			<dynamic_friction> 0.6 </dynamic_friction>
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-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 20.318 </x>
-				<y> 4.25855 </y>
-				<z> -4.51844 </z>
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-			<dynamic_friction> 0.6 </dynamic_friction>
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-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> RIGHT </brake_group>
-			<retractable>1</retractable>
-		</contact>
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-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 2.6272 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> -1.10572 </z>
-			</location>
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-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
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-			<retractable>0</retractable>
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-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 5.0858 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> 1.34919 </z>
-			</location>
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-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
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-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>0</retractable>
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-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 6.84944 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> -2.11157 </z>
-			</location>
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-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
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-			<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>0</retractable>
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-				<x> 27.7516 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> -2.10594 </z>
-			</location>
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-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
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-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>0</retractable>
-		</contact>
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-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 8.9842 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> 2.00377 </z>
-			</location>
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-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
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-			<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>0</retractable>
-		</contact>
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-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 30.4145 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> 1.98661 </z>
-			</location>
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-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
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-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>0</retractable>
-		</contact>
-		<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="ENG_1">
-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 14.3962788 </x>
-				<y> -5.755 </y>
-				<z> -3.1750887 </z>
-			</location>
-			<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
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-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>0</retractable>
-		</contact>
-		<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="ENG_2">
-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 14.3962788 </x>
-				<y> 5.755 </y>
-				<z> -3.1750887 </z>
-			</location>
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-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
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-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>0</retractable>
-		</contact>
-		<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="TAIL_1">
-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 40.0923 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> 0.85936 </z>
-			</location>
-			<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
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-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>0</retractable>
-		</contact>
-		<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="TAIL_2">
-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 38.543 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> 7.84126 </z>
-			</location>
-			<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
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-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>0</retractable>
-		</contact>
-		<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="WING_TIP_1">
-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 23.7872 </x>
-				<y> -16.9102 </y>
-				<z> 0.22943 </z>
-			</location>
-			<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
-			<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
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-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>0</retractable>
-		</contact>
-		<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="WING_TIP_2">
-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 23.7872 </x>
-				<y> 16.9102 </y>
-				<z> 0.22943 </z>
-			</location>
-			<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
-			<dynamic_friction> 1 </dynamic_friction>
-			<rolling_friction> 1 </rolling_friction>
-			<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
-			<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
-			<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-			<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-			<retractable>0</retractable>
-		</contact>
-	</ground_reactions>
+	<metrics file="Systems/a320-metrics"/>
+	<mass_balance file="Systems/a320-mass-balance"/>
+	<ground_reactions file="Systems/a320-ground-reactions"/>
 		<engine file="pw1127g_1">
@@ -458,19 +146,6 @@ xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://jsbsim.sourceforge.net/JSBSim.xsd">
 	<flight_control name="none"/>
 	<aerodynamics file="Systems/a320-aerodynamics.xml"/>
-	<external_reactions>
-		<force name="pushback" frame="BODY">
-			<location unit="M">
-				<x> 7.52385 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> -3.2846 </z>
-			</location>
-			<direction>
-				<x> 1 </x>
-				<y> 0 </y>
-				<z> 0 </z>
-			</direction>
-		</force>
-	</external_reactions>
+	<external_reactions file="Systems/a320-external-reactions"/>
diff --git a/Sounds/V1.wav b/Sounds/V1.wav
index 269a26c7..a25e4a6e 100644
Binary files a/Sounds/V1.wav and b/Sounds/V1.wav differ
diff --git a/Systems/a320-external-reactions.xml b/Systems/a320-external-reactions.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..18f7a135
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Systems/a320-external-reactions.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+<!-- Airbus A320 JSBsim -->
+<!-- Joshua Davidson (it0uchpods) -->
+# Copyright (c) Joshua Davidson (it0uchpods) #
+	<force name="pushback" frame="BODY">
+		<location unit="M">
+			<x> 7.52385 </x>
+			<y> 0 </y>
+			<z> -3.2846 </z>
+		</location>
+		<direction>
+			<x> 1 </x>
+			<y> 0 </y>
+			<z> 0 </z>
+		</direction>
+	</force>
diff --git a/Systems/a320-ground-reactions.xml b/Systems/a320-ground-reactions.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..65aeae80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Systems/a320-ground-reactions.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+<!-- Airbus A320 JSBsim -->
+<!-- Joshua Davidson (it0uchpods) -->
+# Copyright (c) Joshua Davidson (it0uchpods) #
+	<contact type="BOGEY" name="NOSE_LG">
+		<location unit="M">
+			<x> 7.52385 </x>
+			<y> 0 </y>
+			<z> -4.31395 </z>
+		</location>
+		<static_friction> 0.4 </static_friction>
+		<dynamic_friction> 0.6 </dynamic_friction>
+		<rolling_friction> 0.02 </rolling_friction>
+		<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 30935.5 </spring_coeff>
+		<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 16978.5 </damping_coeff>
+		<max_steer unit="DEG"> 70 </max_steer>
+		<brake_group> NOSE </brake_group>
+		<retractable>1</retractable>
+	</contact>
+	<contact type="BOGEY" name="LEFT_MLG">
+		<location unit="M">
+			<x> 20.318 </x>
+			<y> -4.25855 </y>
+			<z> -4.51844 </z>
+		</location>
+		<static_friction> 0.4 </static_friction>
+		<dynamic_friction> 0.6 </dynamic_friction>
+		<rolling_friction> 0.02 </rolling_friction>
+		<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 59785 </spring_coeff>
+		<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 23957 </damping_coeff>
+		<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
+		<brake_group> LEFT </brake_group>
+		<retractable>1</retractable>
+	</contact>
+	<contact type="BOGEY" name="RIGHT_MLG">
+		<location unit="M">
+			<x> 20.318 </x>
+			<y> 4.25855 </y>
+			<z> -4.51844 </z>
+		</location>
+		<static_friction> 0.4 </static_friction>
+		<dynamic_friction> 0.6 </dynamic_friction>
+		<rolling_friction> 0.02 </rolling_friction>
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+		<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 23957 </damping_coeff>
+		<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
+		<brake_group> RIGHT </brake_group>
+		<retractable>1</retractable>
+	</contact>
+	<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="NOSE_1">
+		<location unit="M">
+			<x> 2.6272 </x>
+			<y> 0 </y>
+			<z> -1.10572 </z>
+		</location>
+		<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
+		<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
+		<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
+		<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
+		<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
+		<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
+		<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
+		<retractable>0</retractable>
+	</contact>
+	<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="NOSE_2">
+		<location unit="M">
+			<x> 5.0858 </x>
+			<y> 0 </y>
+			<z> 1.34919 </z>
+		</location>
+		<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
+		<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
+		<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
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+		<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
+		<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
+		<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
+		<retractable>0</retractable>
+	</contact>
+	<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="BOTTOM_1">
+		<location unit="M">
+			<x> 6.84944 </x>
+			<y> 0 </y>
+			<z> -2.11157 </z>
+		</location>
+		<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
+		<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
+		<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
+		<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
+		<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
+		<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
+		<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
+		<retractable>0</retractable>
+	</contact>
+	<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="BOTTOM_2">
+		<location unit="M">
+			<x> 27.7516 </x>
+			<y> 0 </y>
+			<z> -2.10594 </z>
+		</location>
+		<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
+		<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
+		<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
+		<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
+		<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
+		<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
+		<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
+		<retractable>0</retractable>
+	</contact>
+	<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="TOP_1">
+		<location unit="M">
+			<x> 8.9842 </x>
+			<y> 0 </y>
+			<z> 2.00377 </z>
+		</location>
+		<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
+		<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
+		<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
+		<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
+		<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
+		<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
+		<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
+		<retractable>0</retractable>
+	</contact>
+	<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="TOP_2">
+		<location unit="M">
+			<x> 30.4145 </x>
+			<y> 0 </y>
+			<z> 1.98661 </z>
+		</location>
+		<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
+		<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
+		<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
+		<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
+		<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
+		<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
+		<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
+		<retractable>0</retractable>
+	</contact>
+	<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="ENG_1">
+		<location unit="M">
+			<x> 14.3962788 </x>
+			<y> -5.755 </y>
+			<z> -3.1750887 </z>
+		</location>
+		<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
+		<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
+		<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
+		<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
+		<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
+		<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
+		<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
+		<retractable>0</retractable>
+	</contact>
+	<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="ENG_2">
+		<location unit="M">
+			<x> 14.3962788 </x>
+			<y> 5.755 </y>
+			<z> -3.1750887 </z>
+		</location>
+		<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
+		<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
+		<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
+		<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
+		<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
+		<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
+		<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
+		<retractable>0</retractable>
+	</contact>
+	<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="TAIL_1">
+		<location unit="M">
+			<x> 40.0923 </x>
+			<y> 0 </y>
+			<z> 0.85936 </z>
+		</location>
+		<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
+		<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
+		<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
+		<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
+		<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
+		<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
+		<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
+		<retractable>0</retractable>
+	</contact>
+	<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="TAIL_2">
+		<location unit="M">
+			<x> 38.543 </x>
+			<y> 0 </y>
+			<z> 7.84126 </z>
+		</location>
+		<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
+		<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
+		<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
+		<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
+		<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
+		<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
+		<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
+		<retractable>0</retractable>
+	</contact>
+	<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="WING_TIP_1">
+		<location unit="M">
+			<x> 23.7872 </x>
+			<y> -16.9102 </y>
+			<z> 0.22943 </z>
+		</location>
+		<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
+		<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
+		<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
+		<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
+		<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
+		<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
+		<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
+		<retractable>0</retractable>
+	</contact>
+	<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="WING_TIP_2">
+		<location unit="M">
+			<x> 23.7872 </x>
+			<y> 16.9102 </y>
+			<z> 0.22943 </z>
+		</location>
+		<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
+		<dynamic_friction> 1 </dynamic_friction>
+		<rolling_friction> 1 </rolling_friction>
+		<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
+		<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
+		<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
+		<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
+		<retractable>0</retractable>
+	</contact>
diff --git a/Systems/a320-mass-balance.xml b/Systems/a320-mass-balance.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e5182d24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Systems/a320-mass-balance.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+<!-- Airbus A320 JSBsim -->
+<!-- Joshua Davidson (it0uchpods) -->
+# Copyright (c) Joshua Davidson (it0uchpods) #
+	<ixx unit="SLUG*FT2">  611903 </ixx>
+	<iyy unit="SLUG*FT2"> 1735389 </iyy>
+	<izz unit="SLUG*FT2"> 2301293 </izz>
+	<ixy unit="SLUG*FT2">       0 </ixy>
+	<ixz unit="SLUG*FT2">       0 </ixz>
+	<iyz unit="SLUG*FT2">       0 </iyz>
+	<emptywt unit="LBS" >   80431 </emptywt>
+	<location name="CG" unit="M">
+		<x> 18.8231 </x>
+		<y> 0 </y>
+		<z> 0.19249 </z>
+	</location>
+	<pointmass name="Crew">
+		<weight unit="LBS">380</weight>
+		<location name="POINTMASS" unit="M">
+			<x> 5.29845 </x>
+			<y> 0 </y>
+			<z> -0.66384 </z>
+		</location>
+	</pointmass>
+	<pointmass name="PAX">
+		<weight unit="LBS">23000</weight>
+		<location name="POINTMASS" unit="M">
+			<x> 18.8231 </x>
+			<y> 0 </y>
+			<z> 0.19249 </z>
+		</location>
+	</pointmass>
+	<pointmass name="Fwd Cargo">
+		<weight unit="LBS">3000</weight>
+		<location name="POINTMASS" unit="M"> 
+			<x> 13.0849 </x>
+			<y> 0 </y>
+			<z> -1.18112 </z>
+		</location>
+	</pointmass>
+	<pointmass name="Aft Cargo">
+		<weight unit="LBS">3000</weight>
+		<location name="POINTMASS" unit="M">
+			<x> 24.5565 </x>
+			<y> 0 </y>
+			<z> -1.18112 </z>
+		</location>
+	</pointmass>
diff --git a/Systems/a320-metrics.xml b/Systems/a320-metrics.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ea0d13cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Systems/a320-metrics.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+<!-- Airbus A320 JSBsim -->
+<!-- Joshua Davidson (it0uchpods) -->
+# Copyright (c) Joshua Davidson (it0uchpods) #
+	<wingarea  unit="FT2"> 1319.79 </wingarea>
+	<wingspan  unit="FT" >  117.26 </wingspan>
+	<wing_incidence      >    1.03 </wing_incidence>
+	<chord     unit="FT" >   20.76 </chord>
+	<htailarea unit="FT2">  334.24 </htailarea>
+	<htailarm  unit="FT" >   57.88 </htailarm>
+	<vtailarea unit="FT2">  248.79 </vtailarea>
+	<vtailarm  unit="FT" >   57.33 </vtailarm>
+	<location name="AERORP" unit="M">
+		<x> 19.2274 </x>
+		<y> 0 </y>
+		<z> 0.19249 </z>
+	</location>
+	<location name="EYEPOINT" unit="M">
+		<x> 0 </x>
+		<y> 0 </y>
+		<z> 0 </z>
+	</location>
+	<location name="VRP" unit="M">
+		<x> 18.8499 </x>
+		<y> 0 </y>
+		<z> -1.7005004 </z>
+	</location>
diff --git a/Systems/fuel.xml b/Systems/fuel.xml
index 0c3b75e3..2fb37635 100644
--- a/Systems/fuel.xml
+++ b/Systems/fuel.xml
@@ -95,24 +95,24 @@
-    <channel name="Total PPS">
-        <summer name="fuel/tank0-flow-rate">
-            <input>-fuel/from-tank0-to-tank3</input>
-            <input>-fuel/from-tank0-to-tank4</input>
-            <output>propulsion/tank[0]/external-flow-rate-pps</output>
-        </summer>
+	<channel name="Total PPS">
+		<summer name="fuel/tank0-flow-rate">
+			<input>-fuel/from-tank0-to-tank3</input>
+			<input>-fuel/from-tank0-to-tank4</input>
+			<output>propulsion/tank[0]/external-flow-rate-pps</output>
+		</summer>
-        <summer name="fuel/tank1-flow-rate">
-            <input>-fuel/from-tank1-to-tank3</input>
-            <input>-fuel/from-tank1-to-tank4</input>
-            <output>propulsion/tank[1]/external-flow-rate-pps</output>
-        </summer>
+		<summer name="fuel/tank1-flow-rate">
+			<input>-fuel/from-tank1-to-tank3</input>
+			<input>-fuel/from-tank1-to-tank4</input>
+			<output>propulsion/tank[1]/external-flow-rate-pps</output>
+		</summer>
-        <summer name="fuel/tank2-flow-rate">
-            <input>-fuel/from-tank2-to-tank4</input>
-            <input>-fuel/from-tank2-to-tank3</input>
-            <output>propulsion/tank[2]/external-flow-rate-pps</output>
-        </summer>
-    </channel>
+		<summer name="fuel/tank2-flow-rate">
+			<input>-fuel/from-tank2-to-tank4</input>
+			<input>-fuel/from-tank2-to-tank3</input>
+			<output>propulsion/tank[2]/external-flow-rate-pps</output>
+		</summer>
+	</channel>
diff --git a/revision.txt b/revision.txt
index 544f9190..e1f7107c 100644
--- a/revision.txt
+++ b/revision.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file