diff --git a/A320-main.xml b/A320-main.xml
index 1c6f4db3..18e6b3f0 100644
--- a/A320-main.xml
+++ b/A320-main.xml
@@ -1547,6 +1547,9 @@
+ Aircraft/IDG-A32X/Models/Instruments/Radio/Radio.nas
diff --git a/Models/FlightDeck/a320.flightdeck.xml b/Models/FlightDeck/a320.flightdeck.xml
index 56e4ac02..e5c9f47c 100644
--- a/Models/FlightDeck/a320.flightdeck.xml
+++ b/Models/FlightDeck/a320.flightdeck.xml
@@ -488,19 +488,7 @@
- radio_adf_led
- radio_am_led
- radio_bfo_led
- radio_hf1_led
- radio_hf2_led
- radio_ls_led
- radio_nav_led
- radio_sel_led
- radio_vhf1_led
- radio_vhf2_led
- radio_vhf3_led
- radio_vor_led
diff --git a/Models/Instruments/Radio/Radio.nas b/Models/Instruments/Radio/Radio.nas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bf77e446
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Models/Instruments/Radio/Radio.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+# A3XX Radio Managment Panel
+# merspieler
+# Copyright (c) merspieler #
+# GLOBAL TODO add stuff for HF1, HF2, VOR, LS and ADF
+var rmp_update = nil;
+var act_vhf1 = props.globals.getNode("/instrumentation/comm[0]/frequencies/selected-mhz-fmt");
+var act_vhf2 = props.globals.getNode("/instrumentation/comm[1]/frequencies/selected-mhz-fmt");
+# TODO when VHF3 is available uncomment this
+#var act_vhf3 = props.globals.getNode("/instrumentation/comm[2]/frequencies/selected-mhz-fmt");
+var act_display_rmp1 = props.globals.initNode("/controls/radio/rmp[0]/active-display", "123.900");
+var stby_display_rmp1 = props.globals.initNode("/controls/radio/rmp[0]/standby-display", "118.700");
+var stby_rmp1_vhf1 = props.globals.initNode("/systems/radio/rmp[0]/vhf1-standby", 118.7);
+var stby_rmp1_vhf2 = props.globals.initNode("/systems/radio/rmp[0]/vhf2-standby", 123.12);
+var stby_rmp1_vhf3 = props.globals.initNode("/systems/radio/rmp[0]/vhf3-standby", 121.5);
+var act_display_rmp2 = props.globals.initNode("/controls/radio/rmp[1]/active-display", "127.900");
+var stby_display_rmp2 = props.globals.initNode("/controls/radio/rmp[1]/standby-display", "123.125");
+var stby_rmp2_vhf1 = props.globals.initNode("/systems/radio/rmp[1]/vhf1-standby", 118.7);
+var stby_rmp2_vhf2 = props.globals.initNode("/systems/radio/rmp[1]/vhf2-standby", 123.12);
+var stby_rmp2_vhf3 = props.globals.initNode("/systems/radio/rmp[1]/vhf3-standby", 121.5);
+var act_display_rmp3 = props.globals.initNode("/controls/radio/rmp[2]/active-display", "127.900");
+var stby_display_rmp3 = props.globals.initNode("/controls/radio/rmp[2]/standby-display", "123.125");
+var stby_rmp3_vhf1 = props.globals.initNode("/systems/radio/rmp[2]/vhf1-standby", 118.7);
+var stby_rmp3_vhf2 = props.globals.initNode("/systems/radio/rmp[2]/vhf2-standby", 123.12);
+var stby_rmp3_vhf3 = props.globals.initNode("/systems/radio/rmp[2]/vhf3-standby", 121.5);
+var chan_rmp1 = props.globals.initNode("/systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan", "vhf1");
+var chan_rmp2 = props.globals.initNode("/systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan", "vhf2");
+var chan_rmp3 = props.globals.initNode("/systems/radio/rmp[2]/sel_chan", "vhf3");
+var init = func() {
+ for(var i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) {
+ setprop("/systems/radio/rmp[" ~ i ~ "]/hf1-standby", 510);
+ setprop("/systems/radio/rmp[" ~ i ~ "]/hf2-standby", 891);
+ }
+ var rmp_update = maketimer(0.2, func {
+ rmp_refresh.update();
+ });
+var update_active_vhf = func(vhf) {
+ var sel1 = chan_rmp1.getValue();
+ var sel2 = chan_rmp2.getValue();
+# In case that a 3rd RMP is added, uncomment the following line and expand the if statements with the sel3 comparison
+# var sel3 = chan_rmp3.getValue();
+ if(vhf == 1) {
+ if(sel1 == "vhf1" or sel2 == "vhf1") {
+ var act = sprintf("%3.3f", act_vhf1.getValue());
+ if(sel1 == "vhf1") {
+ act_display_rmp1.setValue(act);
+ }
+ if(sel2 == "vhf1") {
+ act_display_rmp2.setValue(act);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (vhf == 2) {
+ if(sel1 == "vhf2" or sel2 == "vhf2") {
+ var act = sprintf("%3.3f", act_vhf2.getValue());
+ if(sel1 == "vhf2") {
+ act_display_rmp1.setValue(act);
+ }
+ if(sel2 == "vhf2") {
+ act_display_rmp2.setValue(act);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+# TODO when VHF3 is available uncomment this
+# if(sel1 == "vhf2" or sel2 == "vhf2") {
+# var act = sprintf("%3.3f", act_vhf2.getValue());
+# if(sel1 == "vhf2") {
+# act_display_rmp1.setValue(act);
+# }
+# if(sel2 == "vhf2") {
+# act_display_rmp2.setValue(act);
+# }
+# }
+ }
+var update_stby_vhf = func(rmp_no, vhf) {
+ if(rmp_no == 0) {
+ if(vhf == 1) {
+ var stby = sprintf("%3.3f", stby_rmp1_vhf1.getValue());
+ } else if(vhf == 2) {
+ var stby = sprintf("%3.3f", stby_rmp1_vhf2.getValue());
+ } else {
+ var stby = sprintf("%3.3f", stby_rmp1_vhf3.getValue());
+ }
+ stby_display_rmp1.setValue(stby);
+ } else {
+ if(vhf == 1) {
+ var stby = sprintf("%3.3f", stby_rmp2_vhf1.getValue());
+ } else if(vhf == 2) {
+ var stby = sprintf("%3.3f", stby_rmp2_vhf2.getValue());
+ } else {
+ var stby = sprintf("%3.3f", stby_rmp2_vhf3.getValue());
+ }
+ stby_display_rmp2.setValue(stby);
+ }
+var update_chan_sel = func(rmp_no) {
+ update_active_vhf(1);
+ update_active_vhf(2);
+ update_active_vhf(3);
+ if(rmp_no == 0) {
+ var chan = chan_rmp1.getValue();
+ if(chan == "vhf1") {
+ update_stby_vhf(rmp_no, 1);
+ } else if(chan == "vhf1") {
+ update_stby_vhf(rmp_no, 2);
+ } else {
+ update_stby_vhf(rmp_no, 3);
+ }
+ } else if(rmp_no == 1) {
+ var chan = chan_rmp2.getValue();
+ if(chan == "vhf1") {
+ update_stby_vhf(rmp_no, 1);
+ } else if(chan == "vhf2") {
+ update_stby_vhf(rmp_no, 2);
+ } else {
+ update_stby_vhf(rmp_no, 3);
+ }
+ } else {
+# In case that a 3rd RMP is added, uncomment this
+# var chan = chan_rmp3.getValue();
+# if(chan == "vhf1") {
+# update_stby_vhf(rmp_no, 1);
+# } else if(chan == "vhf2") {
+# update_stby_vhf(rmp_no, 2);
+# } else {
+# update_stby_vhf(rmp_no, 3);
+# }
+ }
+var transfer = func(rmp_no) {
+ rmp_no = rmp_no - 1;
+ var sel_chan = getprop("/systems/radio/rmp[" ~ rmp_no ~ "]/sel_chan");
+ if(string.match(sel_chan, "vhf[1-3]")) {
+ var mod1 = int(string.replace(sel_chan, "vhf", ""));
+ var mod = mod1 - 1;
+ # TODO remove this IF statement when /instrumentation/comm[2] was added
+ if(mod == 2) { return;}
+ var mem = getprop("/instrumentation/comm[" ~ mod ~ "]/frequencies/selected-mhz");
+ setprop("/instrumentation/comm[" ~ mod ~ "]/frequencies/selected-mhz", getprop("/systems/radio/rmp[" ~ rmp_no ~ "]/vhf" ~ mod1 ~ "-standby"));
+ setprop("/systems/radio/rmp[" ~ rmp_no ~ "]/vhf" ~ mod1 ~ "-standby", mem);
+ }
+# In case that a 3rd RMP is added, increase the check in the following 3 loops to `i <= 2`
+setlistener("/systems/radio/rmp[0]/vhf1-standby", func {
+ update_stby_vhf(0, 1);
+setlistener("/systems/radio/rmp[0]/vhf2-standby", func {
+ update_stby_vhf(0, 2);
+setlistener("/systems/radio/rmp[0]/vhf3-standby", func {
+ update_stby_vhf(0, 3);
+setlistener("/systems/radio/rmp[1]/vhf1-standby", func {
+ update_stby_vhf(1, 1);
+setlistener("/systems/radio/rmp[1]/vhf2-standby", func {
+ update_stby_vhf(1, 2);
+setlistener("/systems/radio/rmp[1]/vhf3-standby", func {
+ update_stby_vhf(1, 3);
+setlistener("/systems/radio/rmp[2]/vhf1-standby", func {
+ update_stby_vhf(0, 1);
+setlistener("/systems/radio/rmp[2]/vhf2-standby", func {
+ update_stby_vhf(0, 2);
+setlistener("/systems/radio/rmp[2]/vhf3-standby", func {
+ update_stby_vhf(0, 3);
+setlistener("/instrumentation/comm[0]/frequencies/selected-mhz", func {
+ update_active_vhf(1);
+setlistener("/instrumentation/comm[1]/frequencies/selected-mhz", func {
+ update_active_vhf(2);
+# In case that a 3rd RMP is added, uncomment the following lines
+#setlistener("/instrumentation/comm[2]/frequencies/selected-mhz", func {
+# update_active_vhf(2);
+setlistener("/systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan", func {
+ update_chan_sel(0);
+setlistener("/systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan", func {
+ update_chan_sel(1);
+setlistener("/systems/radio/rmp[2]/sel_chan", func {
+ update_chan_sel(2);
diff --git a/Models/Instruments/Radio/Radio1.xml b/Models/Instruments/Radio/Radio1.xml
index 2de9e13b..5cd81d79 100644
--- a/Models/Instruments/Radio/Radio1.xml
+++ b/Models/Instruments/Radio/Radio1.xml
@@ -1,13 +1,1518 @@
+ pick
+ radio_on
+ false
+ property-toggle
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ rotate
+ radio_on
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 0
+ 20
+ 1
+ -20
+ radio_on.axis
+ pick
+ radio_vhf1
+ true
+ property-assign
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ vhf1
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ pick
+ radio_vhf2
+ true
+ property-assign
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ vhf2
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ pick
+ radio_vhf3
+ true
+ property-assign
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ vhf3
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ pick
+ radio_hf1
+ true
+ property-assign
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ hf1
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ pick
+ radio_hf2
+ true
+ property-assign
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ hf2
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ pick
+ radio_am
+ true
+ property-toggle
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/am-active
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ hf1
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ hf2
+ pick
+ radio_exchange
+ true
+ nasal
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ pick
+ radio_rot1
+ true
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ vhf1
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/vhf1-standby
+ 0.025
+ 0.0
+ 1.0
+ 0.025
+ true
+ decimal
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ vhf2
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/vhf2-standby
+ 0.025
+ 0.0
+ 1.0
+ 0.025
+ true
+ decimal
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ vhf3
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/vhf3-standby
+ 0.025
+ 0.025
+ 0.0
+ 1.0
+ true
+ decimal
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ hf1
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/hf1-standby
+ 1
+ 200
+ 1800
+ true
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ hf2
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/hf2-standby
+ 1
+ 200
+ 1800
+ true
+ true
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ vhf1
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/vhf1-standby
+ -0.025
+ 0.0
+ 1.0
+ 0.025
+ true
+ decimal
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ vhf2
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/vhf2-standby
+ -0.025
+ 0.0
+ 1.0
+ 0.025
+ true
+ decimal
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ vhf3
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/vhf3-standby
+ -0.025
+ 0.0
+ 1.0
+ 0.025
+ true
+ decimal
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ hf1
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/hf1-standby
+ -1
+ 200
+ 1800
+ true
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ hf2
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/hf2-standby
+ -1
+ 200
+ 1800
+ true
+ pick
+ radio_rot0
+ true
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ vhf1
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/vhf1-standby
+ 1
+ 118.0
+ 137.0
+ true
+ integer
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ vhf2
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/vhf2-standby
+ 1
+ 118.0
+ 137.0
+ true
+ integer
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ vhf3
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/vhf3-standby
+ 1
+ 118.0
+ 137.0
+ true
+ integer
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ hf1
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/hf1-standby
+ 100
+ 200
+ 1800
+ true
+ integer
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ hf2
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/hf2-standby
+ 100
+ 200
+ 1800
+ true
+ integer
+ true
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ vhf1
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/vhf1-standby
+ -1
+ 118.0
+ 137.0
+ true
+ integer
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ vhf2
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/vhf2-standby
+ -1
+ 118.0
+ 137.0
+ true
+ integer
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ vhf3
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/vhf3-standby
+ -1
+ 118.0
+ 137.0
+ true
+ integer
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ hf1
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/hf1-standby
+ -100
+ 200
+ 1800
+ true
+ integer
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ hf2
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/hf2-standby
+ -100
+ 200
+ 1800
+ true
+ integer
+ pick
+ radio_nav_lit
+ property-assign
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/nav-protect
+ 1
+ property-assign
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/nav-protect
+ 0
+ nasal
+ rotate
+ radio_nav_lit
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/nav-protect
+ -90
+ radio_nav_lit.axis
+ pick
+ radio_nav
+ true
+ property-toggle
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/nav
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/nav-protect
+ 1
+ pick
+ radio_vor
+ true
+ property-assign
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ vor
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/nav
+ 1
+ pick
+ radio_ls
+ true
+ property-assign
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ ls
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/nav
+ 1
+ pick
+ radio_adf
+ true
+ property-assign
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ adf
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/nav
+ 1
+ pick
+ radio_bfo
+ true
+ property-toggle
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/bfo-active
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/nav
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ adf
+ select
+ radio_sel_led
+ controls/switches/annun-test
+ 1
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ vhf2
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ vhf3
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ hf1
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ hf2
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ vhf1
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ vhf3
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ hf1
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ hf2
+ systems/radio/rmp[2]/sel_chan
+ vhf1
+ systems/radio/rmp[2]/sel_chan
+ vhf2
+ select
+ radio_vhf1_led
+ controls/switches/annun-test
+ 1
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ vhf1
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ select
+ radio_vhf2_led
+ controls/switches/annun-test
+ 1
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ vhf2
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ select
+ radio_vhf3_led
+ controls/switches/annun-test
+ 1
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ vhf3
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ select
+ radio_hf1_led
+ controls/switches/annun-test
+ 1
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ hf1
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ select
+ radio_hf2_led
+ controls/switches/annun-test
+ 1
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ hf2
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ select
+ radio_nav_led
+ controls/switches/annun-test
+ 1
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/nav
+ 1
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ select
+ radio_vor_led
+ controls/switches/annun-test
+ 1
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ vor
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ select
+ radio_ls_led
+ controls/switches/annun-test
+ 1
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ ls
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ select
+ radio_adf_led
+ controls/switches/annun-test
+ 1
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ adf
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ select
+ radio_bfo_led
+ controls/switches/annun-test
+ 1
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/bfo-active
+ 1
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ select
+ radio_am_led
+ controls/switches/annun-test
+ 1
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/am-active
+ 1
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ select
+ rmp1-active
+ controls/switches/annun-test
+ 1
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ rmp1-active
+ -0.22190
+ -0.21549
+ -0.12613
+ 90
+ center-center
+ xy-plane
+ text-value
+ %s
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/active-display
+ false
+ led.txf
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ 0.008
+ 32
+ 32
+ select
+ rmp1-active-test
+ controls/switches/annun-test
+ 1
+ rmp1-active-test
+ -0.22190
+ -0.21549
+ -0.12613
+ 90
+ center-center
+ xy-plane
+ text-value
+ 888.888
+ autopilot/servicable
+ false
+ led.txf
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ 0.008
+ 32
+ 32
+ select
+ rmp1-standby
+ controls/switches/annun-test
+ 1
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/on
+ 1
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess
+ 25
+ rmp1-standby
+ -0.22190
+ -0.14896
+ -0.12613
+ 90
+ center-center
+ xy-plane
+ text-value
+ %s
+ controls/radio/rmp[0]/standby-display
+ false
+ led.txf
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ 0.008
+ 32
+ 32
+ select
+ rmp1-standby-test
+ controls/switches/annun-test
+ 1
+ rmp1-standby-test
+ -0.22190
+ -0.14896
+ -0.12613
+ 90
+ center-center
+ xy-plane
+ text-value
+ 888.888
+ autopilot/servicable
+ false
+ led.txf
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ 0.008
+ 32
+ 32
diff --git a/Models/Instruments/Radio/Radio2.xml b/Models/Instruments/Radio/Radio2.xml
index 2de9e13b..3f8bbb6e 100644
--- a/Models/Instruments/Radio/Radio2.xml
+++ b/Models/Instruments/Radio/Radio2.xml
@@ -1,13 +1,1518 @@
+ pick
+ radio_on
+ false
+ property-toggle
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ rotate
+ radio_on
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 0
+ 20
+ 1
+ -20
+ radio_on.axis
+ pick
+ radio_vhf1
+ true
+ property-assign
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ vhf1
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ pick
+ radio_vhf2
+ true
+ property-assign
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ vhf2
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ pick
+ radio_vhf3
+ true
+ property-assign
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ vhf3
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ pick
+ radio_hf1
+ true
+ property-assign
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ hf1
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ pick
+ radio_hf2
+ true
+ property-assign
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ hf2
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ pick
+ radio_am
+ true
+ property-toggle
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/am-active
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ hf1
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ hf2
+ pick
+ radio_exchange
+ true
+ nasal
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ pick
+ radio_rot1
+ true
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ vhf1
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/vhf1-standby
+ 0.025
+ 0.0
+ 1.0
+ 0.025
+ true
+ decimal
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ vhf2
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/vhf2-standby
+ 0.025
+ 0.0
+ 1.0
+ 0.025
+ true
+ decimal
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ vhf3
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/vhf3-standby
+ 0.025
+ 0.0
+ 1.0
+ 0.025
+ true
+ decimal
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ hf1
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/hf1-standby
+ 1
+ 200
+ 1800
+ true
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ hf2
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/hf2-standby
+ 1
+ 200
+ 1800
+ true
+ true
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ vhf1
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/vhf1-standby
+ -0.025
+ 0.0
+ 1.0
+ 0.025
+ true
+ decimal
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ vhf2
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/vhf2-standby
+ -0.025
+ 0.025
+ 0.0
+ 1.0
+ true
+ decimal
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ vhf3
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/vhf3-standby
+ -0.025
+ 0.025
+ 0.0
+ 1.0
+ true
+ decimal
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ hf1
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/hf1-standby
+ -1
+ 200
+ 1800
+ true
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ hf2
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/hf2-standby
+ -1
+ 200
+ 1800
+ true
+ pick
+ radio_rot0
+ true
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ vhf1
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/vhf1-standby
+ 1
+ 118.0
+ 137.0
+ true
+ integer
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ vhf2
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/vhf2-standby
+ 1
+ 118.0
+ 137.0
+ true
+ integer
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ vhf3
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/vhf3-standby
+ 1
+ 118.0
+ 137.0
+ true
+ integer
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ hf1
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/hf1-standby
+ 100
+ 200
+ 1800
+ true
+ integer
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ hf2
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/hf2-standby
+ 100
+ 200
+ 1800
+ true
+ integer
+ true
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ vhf1
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/vhf1-standby
+ -1
+ 118.0
+ 137.0
+ true
+ integer
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ vhf2
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/vhf2-standby
+ -1
+ 118.0
+ 137.0
+ true
+ integer
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ vhf3
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/vhf3-standby
+ -1
+ 118.0
+ 137.0
+ true
+ integer
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ hf1
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/hf1-standby
+ -100
+ 200
+ 1800
+ true
+ integer
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ hf2
+ property-adjust
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/hf2-standby
+ -100
+ 200
+ 1800
+ true
+ integer
+ pick
+ radio_nav_lit
+ property-assign
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/nav-protect
+ 1
+ property-assign
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/nav-protect
+ 0
+ nasal
+ rotate
+ radio_nav_lit
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/nav-protect
+ -90
+ radio_nav_lit.axis
+ pick
+ radio_nav
+ true
+ property-toggle
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/nav
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/nav-protect
+ 1
+ pick
+ radio_vor
+ true
+ property-assign
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ vor
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/nav
+ 1
+ pick
+ radio_ls
+ true
+ property-assign
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ ls
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/nav
+ 1
+ pick
+ radio_adf
+ true
+ property-assign
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ adf
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/nav
+ 1
+ pick
+ radio_bfo
+ true
+ property-toggle
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/bfo-active
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/nav
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ adf
+ select
+ radio_sel_led
+ controls/switches/annun-test
+ 1
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ vhf2
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ vhf3
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ hf1
+ systems/radio/rmp[0]/sel_chan
+ hf2
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ vhf1
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ vhf3
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ hf1
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ hf2
+ systems/radio/rmp[2]/sel_chan
+ vhf1
+ systems/radio/rmp[2]/sel_chan
+ vhf2
+ select
+ radio_vhf1_led
+ controls/switches/annun-test
+ 1
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ vhf1
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ select
+ radio_vhf2_led
+ controls/switches/annun-test
+ 1
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ vhf2
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ select
+ radio_vhf3_led
+ controls/switches/annun-test
+ 1
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ vhf3
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ select
+ radio_hf1_led
+ controls/switches/annun-test
+ 1
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ hf1
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ select
+ radio_hf2_led
+ controls/switches/annun-test
+ 1
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ hf2
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ select
+ radio_nav_led
+ controls/switches/annun-test
+ 1
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/nav
+ 1
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ select
+ radio_vor_led
+ controls/switches/annun-test
+ 1
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ vor
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ select
+ radio_ls_led
+ controls/switches/annun-test
+ 1
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ ls
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ select
+ radio_adf_led
+ controls/switches/annun-test
+ 1
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/sel_chan
+ adf
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ select
+ radio_bfo_led
+ controls/switches/annun-test
+ 1
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/bfo-active
+ 1
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ select
+ radio_am_led
+ controls/switches/annun-test
+ 1
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ systems/radio/rmp[1]/am-active
+ 1
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ select
+ rmp2-active
+ controls/switches/annun-test
+ 1
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ rmp2-active
+ -0.22190
+ -0.21549
+ -0.12613
+ 90
+ center-center
+ xy-plane
+ text-value
+ %s
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/active-display
+ false
+ led.txf
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ 0.008
+ 32
+ 32
+ select
+ rmp2-active-test
+ controls/switches/annun-test
+ 1
+ rmp2-active-test
+ -0.22190
+ -0.21549
+ -0.12613
+ 90
+ center-center
+ xy-plane
+ text-value
+ 888.888
+ autopilot/servicable
+ false
+ led.txf
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ 0.008
+ 32
+ 32
+ select
+ rmp2-standby
+ controls/switches/annun-test
+ 1
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/on
+ 1
+ systems/electrical/bus/dc2
+ 25
+ rmp2-standby
+ -0.22190
+ -0.14896
+ -0.12613
+ 90
+ center-center
+ xy-plane
+ text-value
+ %s
+ controls/radio/rmp[1]/standby-display
+ false
+ led.txf
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ 0.008
+ 32
+ 32
+ select
+ rmp2-standby-test
+ controls/switches/annun-test
+ 1
+ rmp2-standby-test
+ -0.22190
+ -0.14896
+ -0.12613
+ 90
+ center-center
+ xy-plane
+ text-value
+ 888.888
+ autopilot/servicable
+ false
+ led.txf
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ 0.008
+ 32
+ 32
diff --git a/Nasal/libraries.nas b/Nasal/libraries.nas
index af8df7e6..a7669e9f 100644
--- a/Nasal/libraries.nas
+++ b/Nasal/libraries.nas
@@ -193,6 +193,7 @@ var systemsInit = func {
+ rmp.init();
setlistener("/sim/signals/fdm-initialized", func {