diff --git a/A320-main.xml b/A320-main.xml
index d0b6112f..0f1c1f67 100644
--- a/A320-main.xml
+++ b/A320-main.xml
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@
 		<flight-recorder include="Systems/flight-recorder.xml"/>
-		<gui n="0" include="Systems/it-gui.xml"/>
+		<gui n="0" include="gui/it-gui.xml"/>
 			<z-offset-default type="float">80.0</z-offset-default>
diff --git a/Models/Effects/contrail-eng1.xml b/Models/Effects/contrail-eng1.xml
index 42937853..5ba44afa 100644
--- a/Models/Effects/contrail-eng1.xml
+++ b/Models/Effects/contrail-eng1.xml
@@ -1,161 +1,151 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-# Copyright (c) Joshua Davidson (it0uchpods) #
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <particlesystem>
-   <name>smoke</name>
-   <texture>res/smoke.png</texture>
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-		<x-m>30</x-m>
-		<y-m>0.00</y-m>
-		<z-m>2</z-m>
-		<pitch-deg>90</pitch-deg>
-    </offsets>
+	<particlesystem>
+		<name>contrail-eng1</name>
+		<texture>contrail.rgb</texture>
+		<emissive type="bool">false</emissive>
+		<lighting type="bool">false</lighting>
+		<condition>
+			<and>
+				<greater-than>
+					<property>engines/engine[0]/n2-actual</property>
+					<value>50</value>
+				</greater-than>
+				<greater-than>
+					<property>/position/altitude-ft</property>
+					<value>19000</value>
+				</greater-than>
+				<less-than>
+					<property>environment/temperature-degc</property>
+					<value>-30</value>
+				</less-than>
+				<equals>
+					<property>engines/engine[0]/state</property>
+					<value>3</value>
+				</equals>
+			</and>
+		</condition>
+		<attach>world</attach>
+		<placer>
+			<type>point</type> 
+		</placer>
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+			<theta-min-deg>-1.5</theta-min-deg>
+			<theta-max-deg>1.5</theta-max-deg>
+			<phi-min-deg>-1.5</phi-min-deg>
+			<phi-max-deg>1.5</phi-max-deg>
+			<speed-mps>
+				<value>0</value>
+				<spread>0</spread>
+			</speed-mps>
+			<rotation-speed>
+				<x-min-deg-sec>0</x-min-deg-sec>
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+				<y-max-deg-sec>0</y-max-deg-sec>
+				<z-max-deg-sec>0</z-max-deg-sec>
+			</rotation-speed>
+		</shooter>
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+			<particles-per-sec>
+			<value>50</value>
+			<spread>0</spread>
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+			<start>
+				<color>
+					<red>
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+							<product>
+								<value>0.7</value>
+								<property>rendering/scene/diffuse/red</property>
+							</product>
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+					</red>
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+						<expression>
+							<product>
+								<value>0.7</value>
+								<property>rendering/scene/diffuse/red</property>
+							</product>
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+						<expression>
+							<product>
+								<value>0.7</value>
+								<property>rendering/scene/diffuse/red</property>
+							</product>
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+						<value>0.3</value>
+					</alpha>
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+					<value>2</value>
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-   <emissive type="bool">false</emissive>
-   <lighting type="bool">false</lighting>
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+					<red>
+						<expression>
+							<product>
+								<value>1.0</value>
+								<property>rendering/scene/diffuse/red</property>
+							</product>
+						</expression>
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+						<expression>
+							<product>
+								<value>1.0</value>
+								<property>rendering/scene/diffuse/red</property>
+							</product>
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+						<expression>
+							<product>
+								<value>1.0</value>
+								<property>rendering/scene/diffuse/red</property>
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+						<value>0.00000001</value>
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+					<value>6</value>
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-     <and>
-       <greater-than>
-         <property>engines/engine[0]/n2</property>
-         <value>50</value>
-       </greater-than>
-       <greater-than>
-         <property>position/altitude-ft</property>
-         <value>19000</value>
-       </greater-than>
-       <less-than>
-         <property>environment/temperature-degc</property>
-         <value>-40</value>
-       </less-than>
-     </and>
-   </condition>
+			<life-sec>
+				<value>10</value>
+			</life-sec>
-   <attach>world</attach>
+			<mass-kg>0.5</mass-kg>
+			<radius-m>0.5</radius-m>
+		</particle>
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-     <type>point</type> 
-   </placer>
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-     <theta-min-deg>-1.5</theta-min-deg>
-     <theta-max-deg>1.5</theta-max-deg>
-     <phi-min-deg>-1.5</phi-min-deg>
-     <phi-max-deg>1.5</phi-max-deg>
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-       <value>0</value>
-       <spread>0</spread>
-     </speed-mps>
-     <rotation-speed>
-       <x-min-deg-sec>0</x-min-deg-sec>
-       <y-min-deg-sec>0</y-min-deg-sec>
-       <z-min-deg-sec>0</z-min-deg-sec>
-       <x-max-deg-sec>0</x-max-deg-sec>
-       <y-max-deg-sec>0</y-max-deg-sec>
-       <z-max-deg-sec>0</z-max-deg-sec>
-     </rotation-speed>
-   </shooter>
-   <counter>
-     <particles-per-sec>
-       <value>35</value>
-       <spread>0</spread>
-     </particles-per-sec>
-   </counter>
-   <align>billboard</align>
-   <particle>
-     <start>
-		<color>
-			<red>
-				<expression>
-					<product>
-						<value>0.7</value>
-						<property>rendering/scene/diffuse/red</property>
-					</product>
-				</expression>
-			</red>
-			<green>
-				<expression>
-					<product>
-						<value>0.7</value>
-						<property>rendering/scene/diffuse/red</property>
-					</product>
-				</expression>
-			</green>
-			<blue>
-				<expression>
-					<product>
-						<value>0.7</value>
-						<property>rendering/scene/diffuse/red</property>
-					</product>
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-			<alpha>
-				<value>0.3</value>
-			</alpha>
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-       <size>
-         <value>2</value>
-       </size>
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-     <end>
-		<color>
-			<red>
-				<expression>
-					<product>
-						<value>1.0</value>
-						<property>rendering/scene/diffuse/red</property>
-					</product>
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-			<green>
-				<expression>
-					<product>
-						<value>1.0</value>
-						<property>rendering/scene/diffuse/red</property>
-					</product>
-				</expression>
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-			<blue>
-				<expression>
-					<product>
-						<value>1.0</value>
-						<property>rendering/scene/diffuse/red</property>
-					</product>
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-			<alpha>
-				<value>0.00000001</value>
-			</alpha>
-		</color>
-		<size>
-			<value>6</value>
-		</size>
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-     <life-sec>
-       <value>10</value>
-     </life-sec>
-     <mass-kg>  0.5 </mass-kg>
-     <radius-m> 0.5 </radius-m>
-   </particle>
-   <program>
-     <fluid>               air  </fluid>
-     <gravity type="bool"> true </gravity>
-     <wind typ="bool">     true </wind>
-   </program>
- </particlesystem>
+		<program>
+			<fluid>air</fluid>
+			<gravity type="bool">true</gravity>
+			<wind typ="bool">true</wind>
+		</program>
+	</particlesystem>
diff --git a/Models/Effects/contrail-eng2.xml b/Models/Effects/contrail-eng2.xml
index b032572a..3040eb44 100644
--- a/Models/Effects/contrail-eng2.xml
+++ b/Models/Effects/contrail-eng2.xml
@@ -1,161 +1,151 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-# Copyright (c) Joshua Davidson (it0uchpods) #
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <particlesystem>
-   <name>smoke</name>
-   <texture>res/smoke.png</texture>
-   <offsets>
-		<x-m>30</x-m>
-		<y-m>0.00</y-m>
-		<z-m>2</z-m>
-		<pitch-deg>90</pitch-deg>
-    </offsets>
+	<particlesystem>
+		<name>contrail-eng2</name>
+		<texture>contrail.rgb</texture>
+		<emissive type="bool">false</emissive>
+		<lighting type="bool">false</lighting>
+		<condition>
+			<and>
+				<greater-than>
+					<property>engines/engine[1]/n2-actual</property>
+					<value>50</value>
+				</greater-than>
+				<greater-than>
+					<property>/position/altitude-ft</property>
+					<value>19000</value>
+				</greater-than>
+				<less-than>
+					<property>environment/temperature-degc</property>
+					<value>-30</value>
+				</less-than>
+				<equals>
+					<property>engines/engine[1]/state</property>
+					<value>3</value>
+				</equals>
+			</and>
+		</condition>
+		<attach>world</attach>
+		<placer>
+			<type>point</type> 
+		</placer>
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+			<theta-min-deg>-1.5</theta-min-deg>
+			<theta-max-deg>1.5</theta-max-deg>
+			<phi-min-deg>-1.5</phi-min-deg>
+			<phi-max-deg>1.5</phi-max-deg>
+			<speed-mps>
+				<value>0</value>
+				<spread>0</spread>
+			</speed-mps>
+			<rotation-speed>
+				<x-min-deg-sec>0</x-min-deg-sec>
+				<y-min-deg-sec>0</y-min-deg-sec>
+				<z-min-deg-sec>0</z-min-deg-sec>
+				<x-max-deg-sec>0</x-max-deg-sec>
+				<y-max-deg-sec>0</y-max-deg-sec>
+				<z-max-deg-sec>0</z-max-deg-sec>
+			</rotation-speed>
+		</shooter>
+		<counter>
+			<particles-per-sec>
+			<value>50</value>
+			<spread>0</spread>
+			</particles-per-sec>
+		</counter>
+		<align>billboard</align>
+		<particle>
+			<start>
+				<color>
+					<red>
+						<expression>
+							<product>
+								<value>0.7</value>
+								<property>rendering/scene/diffuse/red</property>
+							</product>
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+					<green>
+						<expression>
+							<product>
+								<value>0.7</value>
+								<property>rendering/scene/diffuse/red</property>
+							</product>
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+					</green>
+					<blue>
+						<expression>
+							<product>
+								<value>0.7</value>
+								<property>rendering/scene/diffuse/red</property>
+							</product>
+						</expression>
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+					<alpha>
+						<value>0.3</value>
+					</alpha>
+				</color>
+				<size>
+					<value>2</value>
+				</size>
+			</start>
-   <emissive type="bool">false</emissive>
-   <lighting type="bool">false</lighting>
+			<end>
+				<color>
+					<red>
+						<expression>
+							<product>
+								<value>1.0</value>
+								<property>rendering/scene/diffuse/red</property>
+							</product>
+						</expression>
+					</red>
+					<green>
+						<expression>
+							<product>
+								<value>1.0</value>
+								<property>rendering/scene/diffuse/red</property>
+							</product>
+						</expression>
+					</green>
+					<blue>
+						<expression>
+							<product>
+								<value>1.0</value>
+								<property>rendering/scene/diffuse/red</property>
+							</product>
+						</expression>
+					</blue>
+					<alpha>
+						<value>0.00000001</value>
+					</alpha>
+				</color>
+				<size>
+					<value>6</value>
+				</size>
+			</end>
-   <condition>
-     <and>
-       <greater-than>
-         <property>engines/engine[1]/n2</property>
-         <value>50</value>
-       </greater-than>
-       <greater-than>
-         <property>position/altitude-ft</property>
-         <value>19000</value>
-       </greater-than>
-       <less-than>
-         <property>environment/temperature-degc</property>
-         <value>-40</value>
-       </less-than>
-     </and>
-   </condition>
+			<life-sec>
+				<value>10</value>
+			</life-sec>
-   <attach>world</attach>
+			<mass-kg>0.5</mass-kg>
+			<radius-m>0.5</radius-m>
+		</particle>
-   <placer>
-     <type>point</type> 
-   </placer>
-   <shooter>
-     <theta-min-deg>-1.5</theta-min-deg>
-     <theta-max-deg>1.5</theta-max-deg>
-     <phi-min-deg>-1.5</phi-min-deg>
-     <phi-max-deg>1.5</phi-max-deg>
-     <speed-mps>
-       <value>0</value>
-       <spread>0</spread>
-     </speed-mps>
-     <rotation-speed>
-       <x-min-deg-sec>0</x-min-deg-sec>
-       <y-min-deg-sec>0</y-min-deg-sec>
-       <z-min-deg-sec>0</z-min-deg-sec>
-       <x-max-deg-sec>0</x-max-deg-sec>
-       <y-max-deg-sec>0</y-max-deg-sec>
-       <z-max-deg-sec>0</z-max-deg-sec>
-     </rotation-speed>
-   </shooter>
-   <counter>
-     <particles-per-sec>
-       <value>35</value>
-       <spread>0</spread>
-     </particles-per-sec>
-   </counter>
-   <align>billboard</align>
-    <particle>
-     <start>
-		<color>
-			<red>
-				<expression>
-					<product>
-						<value>0.7</value>
-						<property>rendering/scene/diffuse/red</property>
-					</product>
-				</expression>
-			</red>
-			<green>
-				<expression>
-					<product>
-						<value>0.7</value>
-						<property>rendering/scene/diffuse/red</property>
-					</product>
-				</expression>
-			</green>
-			<blue>
-				<expression>
-					<product>
-						<value>0.7</value>
-						<property>rendering/scene/diffuse/red</property>
-					</product>
-				</expression>
-			</blue>
-			<alpha>
-				<value>0.3</value>
-			</alpha>
-		</color>
-       <size>
-         <value>2</value>
-       </size>
-     </start>
-     <end>
-		<color>
-			<red>
-				<expression>
-					<product>
-						<value>1.0</value>
-						<property>rendering/scene/diffuse/red</property>
-					</product>
-				</expression>
-			</red>
-			<green>
-				<expression>
-					<product>
-						<value>1.0</value>
-						<property>rendering/scene/diffuse/red</property>
-					</product>
-				</expression>
-			</green>
-			<blue>
-				<expression>
-					<product>
-						<value>1.0</value>
-						<property>rendering/scene/diffuse/red</property>
-					</product>
-				</expression>
-			</blue>
-			<alpha>
-				<value>0.00000001</value>
-			</alpha>
-		</color>
-		<size>
-			<value>6</value>
-		</size>
-	</end>
-     <life-sec>
-       <value>10</value>
-     </life-sec>
-     <mass-kg>  0.5 </mass-kg>
-     <radius-m> 0.5 </radius-m>
-   </particle>
-   <program>
-     <fluid>               air  </fluid>
-     <gravity type="bool"> true </gravity>
-     <wind typ="bool">     true </wind>
-   </program>
- </particlesystem>
+		<program>
+			<fluid>air</fluid>
+			<gravity type="bool">true</gravity>
+			<wind typ="bool">true</wind>
+		</program>
+	</particlesystem>
diff --git a/Models/Instruments/MCDU/MCDU.nas b/Models/Instruments/MCDU/MCDU.nas
index 6a55b92f..302088cf 100644
--- a/Models/Instruments/MCDU/MCDU.nas
+++ b/Models/Instruments/MCDU/MCDU.nas
@@ -1741,13 +1741,11 @@ var MCDU_update_fast = maketimer(0.125, func {
 var showMCDU1 = func {
-	var mcdu1_dlg = gui.Dialog.new("sim/gui/dialogs/mcdu1/dialog", "Aircraft/IDG-A32X/Systems/mcdu1-dlg.xml");
-	mcdu1_dlg.open();
+	gui.showDialog("mcdu1");
 var showMCDU2 = func {
-	var mcdu2_dlg = gui.Dialog.new("sim/gui/dialogs/mcdu2/dialog", "Aircraft/IDG-A32X/Systems/mcdu2-dlg.xml");
-	mcdu2_dlg.open();
+	gui.showDialog("mcdu2");
 setlistener("/MCDU[0]/page", func {
diff --git a/Models/Instruments/OHpanel/OHpanel.xml b/Models/Instruments/OHpanel/OHpanel.xml
index 2403517f..5684b78e 100644
--- a/Models/Instruments/OHpanel/OHpanel.xml
+++ b/Models/Instruments/OHpanel/OHpanel.xml
@@ -5608,9 +5608,9 @@
-			<entry><ind>-1</ind><dep>35</dep></entry>
-			<entry><ind>0</ind><dep>0</dep></entry>
-			<entry><ind>1</ind><dep>-35</dep></entry>
+			<entry><ind>-1</ind><dep> 35</dep></entry>
+			<entry><ind> 0</ind><dep>  0</dep></entry>
+			<entry><ind> 1</ind><dep>-35</dep></entry>
@@ -5634,11 +5634,11 @@
-				<command>property-adjust</command>
+				<command>property-cycle</command>
-				<step>1</step>
-				<min>0</min>
-				<max>1</max>
+				<value>0.0</value>
+				<!--value>0.5</value-->
+				<value>1.0</value>
@@ -5650,11 +5650,11 @@
-				<command>property-adjust</command>
+				<command>property-cycle</command>
-				<step>-1</step>
-				<min>0</min>
-				<max>1</max>
+				<value>1.0</value>
+				<!--value>0.5</value-->
+				<value>0.0</value>
@@ -5669,9 +5669,9 @@
-			<entry><ind>0</ind><dep>35</dep></entry>
-			<entry><ind>0.5</ind><dep>0</dep></entry>
-			<entry><ind>1</ind><dep>-35</dep></entry>
+			<entry><ind>0.0</ind><dep> 35</dep></entry>
+			<entry><ind>0.5</ind><dep>  0</dep></entry>
+			<entry><ind>1.0</ind><dep>-35</dep></entry>
@@ -5728,9 +5728,9 @@
-			<entry><ind>0</ind><dep>35</dep></entry>
-			<entry><ind>0.5</ind><dep>0</dep></entry>
-			<entry><ind>1</ind><dep>-35</dep></entry>
+			<entry><ind>0.0</ind><dep> 35</dep></entry>
+			<entry><ind>0.5</ind><dep>  0</dep></entry>
+			<entry><ind>1.0</ind><dep>-35</dep></entry>
diff --git a/Nasal/FMGC-b.nas b/Nasal/FMGC-b.nas
index 5b0fb82d..1a2fa056 100644
--- a/Nasal/FMGC-b.nas
+++ b/Nasal/FMGC-b.nas
@@ -95,6 +95,14 @@ var APinit = func {
 # AP 1 Master System
 setlistener("/it-autoflight/input/ap1", func {
+	var apmas = getprop("/it-autoflight/input/ap1");
+	var apout = getprop("/it-autoflight/output/ap1");
+	if (apmas != apout) {
+		AP1Master();
+	}
+var AP1Master = func {
 	var apmas = getprop("/it-autoflight/input/ap1");
 	var ac_ess = getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/ac-ess");
 	var law = getprop("/it-fbw/law");
@@ -127,10 +135,24 @@ setlistener("/it-autoflight/input/ap1", func {
+	var apout = getprop("/it-autoflight/output/ap1");
+	if (apmas != apout) {
+		setprop("/it-autoflight/input/ap1", apout);
+	}
 # AP 2 Master System
 setlistener("/it-autoflight/input/ap2", func {
+	var apmas = getprop("/it-autoflight/input/ap2");
+	var apout = getprop("/it-autoflight/output/ap2");
+	if (apmas != apout) {
+		AP2Master();
+	}
+var AP2Master = func {
 	var apmas = getprop("/it-autoflight/input/ap2");
 	var ac_ess = getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/ac-ess");
 	var law = getprop("/it-fbw/law");
@@ -163,44 +185,95 @@ setlistener("/it-autoflight/input/ap2", func {
+	var apout = getprop("/it-autoflight/output/ap2");
+	if (apmas != apout) {
+		setprop("/it-autoflight/input/ap2", apout);
+	}
+# ATHR Master System
+setlistener("/it-autoflight/input/athr", func {
+	var athrmas = getprop("/it-autoflight/input/athr");
+	var athrout = getprop("/it-autoflight/output/athr");
+	if (athrmas != athrout) {
+		ATHRMaster();
+	}
-# AT Master System
-setlistener("/it-autoflight/input/athr", func {
-	var atmas = getprop("/it-autoflight/input/athr");
-	if (atmas == 0) {
+var ATHRMaster = func {
+	var athrmas = getprop("/it-autoflight/input/athr");
+	if (athrmas == 0) {
 		setprop("/it-autoflight/output/athr", 0);
-	} else if (atmas == 1) {
+	} else if (athrmas == 1) {
 		setprop("/it-autoflight/output/athr", 1);
+	var athrout = getprop("/it-autoflight/output/athr");
+	if (athrmas != athrout) {
+		setprop("/it-autoflight/input/athr", athrout);
+	}
 # Flight Director 1 Master System
 setlistener("/it-autoflight/input/fd1", func {
+	var fdmas = getprop("/it-autoflight/input/fd1");
+	var fdout = getprop("/it-autoflight/output/fd1");
+	if (fdmas != fdout) {
+		FD1Master();
+	}
+var FD1Master = func {
 	var fdmas = getprop("/it-autoflight/input/fd1");
 	if (fdmas == 0) {
 		setprop("/it-autoflight/output/fd1", 0);
-		fmabox();
+		if (getprop("/it-autoflight/output/fd1") == 0 and getprop("/it-autoflight/output/fd2") == 0) {
+			fmabox();
+		}
 	} else if (fdmas == 1) {
 		setprop("/it-autoflight/output/fd1", 1);
+	var fdout = getprop("/it-autoflight/output/fd1");
+	if (fdmas != fdout) {
+		setprop("/it-autoflight/input/fd1", fdout);
+	}
 # Flight Director 2 Master System
 setlistener("/it-autoflight/input/fd2", func {
+	var fdmas = getprop("/it-autoflight/input/fd2");
+	var fdout = getprop("/it-autoflight/output/fd2");
+	if (fdmas != fdout) {
+		FD2Master();
+	}
+var FD2Master = func {
 	var fdmas = getprop("/it-autoflight/input/fd2");
 	if (fdmas == 0) {
 		setprop("/it-autoflight/output/fd2", 0);
-		fmabox();
+		if (getprop("/it-autoflight/output/fd1") == 0 and getprop("/it-autoflight/output/fd2") == 0) {
+			fmabox();
+		}
 	} else if (fdmas == 1) {
 		setprop("/it-autoflight/output/fd2", 1);
+	var fdout = getprop("/it-autoflight/output/fd2");
+	if (fdmas != fdout) {
+		setprop("/it-autoflight/input/fd2", fdout);
+	}
 # FMA Boxes and Mode
 var fmabox = func {
diff --git a/Nasal/libraries.nas b/Nasal/libraries.nas
index 1c821ad5..cfeed0d0 100644
--- a/Nasal/libraries.nas
+++ b/Nasal/libraries.nas
@@ -186,7 +186,6 @@ var systemsInit = func {
-	var autopilot = gui.Dialog.new("sim/gui/dialogs/autopilot/dialog", "Aircraft/IDG-A32X/Systems/autopilot-dlg.xml");
 	setprop("/it-autoflight/input/fd1", 1);
 	setprop("/it-autoflight/input/fd2", 1);
diff --git a/Systems/a320-ground-reactions.xml b/Systems/a320-ground-reactions.xml
index 28da3f67..331f661a 100644
--- a/Systems/a320-ground-reactions.xml
+++ b/Systems/a320-ground-reactions.xml
@@ -20,8 +20,6 @@
 		<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 30935.5 </spring_coeff>
 		<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 16978.5 </damping_coeff>
 		<max_steer unit="DEG"> 70 </max_steer>
-		<brake_group> NOSE </brake_group>
-		<retractable>1</retractable>
 		<table name="CORNERING_COEFF" type="internal">
 			<tableData> <!-- jsbsim-pacejka.py 3.0 0.03 2.85 1.4 1.03 1.4 -->
 				-90.0   -0.6442985279209775
@@ -63,6 +61,8 @@
 				 90.0    0.6442985279209775
+		<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
+		<retractable> 1 </retractable>
 	<contact type="BOGEY" name="LEFT_MLG">
 		<location unit="M">
@@ -76,8 +76,6 @@
 		<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 59785 </spring_coeff>
 		<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 23957 </damping_coeff>
 		<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-		<brake_group> LEFT </brake_group>
-		<retractable>1</retractable>
 		<table name="CORNERING_COEFF" type="internal">
 			<tableData> <!-- jsbsim-pacejka.py 3.0 0.015 2.85 1.8 1.03 1.4 -->
 				-90.0   -1.09606496421397
@@ -143,6 +141,8 @@
 				90.0    1.09606496421397
+		<brake_group> LEFT </brake_group>
+		<retractable> 1 </retractable>
 	<contact type="BOGEY" name="RIGHT_MLG">
 		<location unit="M">
@@ -156,8 +156,6 @@
 		<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 59785 </spring_coeff>
 		<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 23957 </damping_coeff>
 		<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
-		<brake_group> RIGHT </brake_group>
-		<retractable>1</retractable>
 		<table name="CORNERING_COEFF" type="internal">
 				-90.0   -1.09606496421397
@@ -223,6 +221,8 @@
 				90.0    1.09606496421397
+		<brake_group> RIGHT </brake_group>
+		<retractable> 1 </retractable>
 	<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="NOSE_1">
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@
 		<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
 		<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
 		<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-		<retractable>0</retractable>
+		<retractable> 0 </retractable>
 	<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="NOSE_2">
 		<location unit="M">
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@
 		<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
 		<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
 		<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-		<retractable>0</retractable>
+		<retractable> 0 </retractable>
 	<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="BOTTOM_1">
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@
 		<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
 		<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
 		<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-		<retractable>0</retractable>
+		<retractable> 0 </retractable>
 	<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="BOTTOM_2">
 		<location unit="M">
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
 		<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
 		<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
 		<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-		<retractable>0</retractable>
+		<retractable> 0 </retractable>
 	<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="TOP_1">
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@
 		<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
 		<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
 		<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-		<retractable>0</retractable>
+		<retractable> 0 </retractable>
 	<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="TOP_2">
 		<location unit="M">
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@
 		<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
 		<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
 		<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-		<retractable>0</retractable>
+		<retractable> 0 </retractable>
 	<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="ENG_1">
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@
 		<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
 		<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
 		<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-		<retractable>0</retractable>
+		<retractable> 0 </retractable>
 	<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="ENG_2">
 		<location unit="M">
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@
 		<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
 		<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
 		<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-		<retractable>0</retractable>
+		<retractable> 0 </retractable>
 	<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="TAIL_1">
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@
 		<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
 		<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
 		<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-		<retractable>0</retractable>
+		<retractable> 0 </retractable>
 	<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="TAIL_2">
 		<location unit="M">
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@
 		<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
 		<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
 		<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-		<retractable>0</retractable>
+		<retractable> 0 </retractable>
 	<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="WING_TIP_1">
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@
 		<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
 		<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
 		<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-		<retractable>0</retractable>
+		<retractable> 0 </retractable>
 	<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="WING_TIP_2">
 		<location unit="M">
@@ -408,6 +408,6 @@
 		<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
 		<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
 		<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
-		<retractable>0</retractable>
+		<retractable> 0 </retractable>
diff --git a/Systems/autopilot-dlg.xml b/gui/dialogs/a3xx-autoflight-dlg.xml
similarity index 100%
rename from Systems/autopilot-dlg.xml
rename to gui/dialogs/a3xx-autoflight-dlg.xml
diff --git a/Systems/mcdu1-dlg.xml b/gui/dialogs/mcdu1-dlg.xml
similarity index 100%
rename from Systems/mcdu1-dlg.xml
rename to gui/dialogs/mcdu1-dlg.xml
diff --git a/Systems/mcdu2-dlg.xml b/gui/dialogs/mcdu2-dlg.xml
similarity index 100%
rename from Systems/mcdu2-dlg.xml
rename to gui/dialogs/mcdu2-dlg.xml
diff --git a/Systems/it-gui.xml b/gui/it-gui.xml
similarity index 83%
rename from Systems/it-gui.xml
rename to gui/it-gui.xml
index 3ac4217c..79131e30 100644
--- a/Systems/it-gui.xml
+++ b/gui/it-gui.xml
@@ -13,79 +13,79 @@
 	<style n="0">
 		<colors n="0">
 			<background n="0">
-				<alpha>0.9</alpha>
+				<alpha>0.95</alpha>
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-				<alpha>0.9</alpha>
+				<alpha>0.95</alpha>
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-				<alpha>0.9</alpha>
+				<alpha>0.95</alpha>
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-				<alpha>0.9</alpha>
+				<alpha>0.95</alpha>
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-				<alpha>0.9</alpha>
+				<alpha>0.95</alpha>
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-				<alpha>0.9</alpha>
+				<alpha>0.95</alpha>
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-				<alpha>0.9</alpha>
+				<alpha>0.95</alpha>
 			<hrule n="0">
-				<alpha>0.9</alpha>
+				<alpha>0.95</alpha>
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-				<alpha>0.9</alpha>
+				<alpha>0.95</alpha>
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-				<alpha>0.9</alpha>
+				<alpha>0.95</alpha>
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-				<alpha>0.9</alpha>
+				<alpha>0.95</alpha>
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-				<alpha>0.9</alpha>
+				<alpha>0.95</alpha>
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-				<alpha>0.9</alpha>
+				<alpha>0.95</alpha>
@@ -97,13 +97,13 @@
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+				<alpha>0.95</alpha>
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+				<alpha>0.95</alpha>
@@ -114,79 +114,79 @@
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-				<alpha>0.9</alpha>
+				<alpha>0.95</alpha>
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-				<alpha>0.9</alpha>
+				<alpha>0.95</alpha>
 			<checkbox-foreground n="0">
-				<alpha>0.9</alpha>
+				<alpha>0.95</alpha>
 			<checkbox-highlight n="0">
-				<alpha>0.9</alpha>
+				<alpha>0.95</alpha>
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-				<alpha>0.9</alpha>
+				<alpha>0.95</alpha>
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-				<alpha>0.9</alpha>
+				<alpha>0.95</alpha>
 			<dial-misc n="0">
-				<alpha>0.9</alpha>
+				<alpha>0.95</alpha>
 			<hrule n="0">
-				<alpha>0.9</alpha>
+				<alpha>0.95</alpha>
 			<input n="0">
-				<alpha>0.9</alpha>
+				<alpha>0.95</alpha>
 			<input-legend n="0">
-				<alpha>0.9</alpha>
+				<alpha>0.95</alpha>
 			<input-misc n="0">
-				<alpha>0.9</alpha>
+				<alpha>0.95</alpha>
 			<radio-foreground n="0">
-				<alpha>0.9</alpha>
+				<alpha>0.95</alpha>
 			<select-editfield n="0">
-				<alpha>0.9</alpha>
+				<alpha>0.95</alpha>
@@ -198,13 +198,13 @@
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-				<alpha>0.9</alpha>
+				<alpha>0.95</alpha>
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-				<alpha>0.9</alpha>
+				<alpha>0.95</alpha>
diff --git a/revision.txt b/revision.txt
index 0a3a8672..49bf383f 100644
--- a/revision.txt
+++ b/revision.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file