diff --git a/A320-main.xml b/A320-main.xml
index 7f1be5e4..551f6524 100644
--- a/A320-main.xml
+++ b/A320-main.xml
@@ -1429,6 +1429,7 @@
+			<file>Aircraft/IDG-A32X/Nasal/light-manager.nas</file>
diff --git a/Nasal/libraries.nas b/Nasal/libraries.nas
index 28272cb8..557de5b0 100644
--- a/Nasal/libraries.nas
+++ b/Nasal/libraries.nas
@@ -521,13 +521,13 @@ var lightsLoop = maketimer(0.2, func {
 	landl = getprop("/controls/lighting/landing-lights[1]");
 	landr = getprop("/controls/lighting/landing-lights[2]");
-	if (landl == 1) {
+	if (landl == 1 and getprop("sim/current-view/internal") == 1) {
 		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/use-landing-light", 1);
 	} else {
 		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/use-landing-light", 0);
-	if (landr == 1) {
+	if (landr == 1 and getprop("sim/current-view/internal") == 1) {
 		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/use-alt-landing-light", 1);
 	} else {
 		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/use-alt-landing-light", 0);
diff --git a/Nasal/light-manager.nas b/Nasal/light-manager.nas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..29fa5eff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Nasal/light-manager.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+# provides relative vectors from eye-point to aircraft lights
+# in east/north/up coordinates the renderer uses
+# Thanks to BAWV12 / Thorsten
+var light_manager = {
+	run: 0,
+	lat_to_m: 110952.0,
+	lon_to_m: 0.0,
+	light1_xpos: 0.0,
+	light1_ypos: 0.0,
+	light1_zpos: 0.0,
+	light1_r: 0.0,
+	light1_g: 0.0,
+	light1_b: 0.0,
+	light1_size: 0.0,
+	light1_stretch: 0.0,
+	light1_is_on: 0,
+	light2_xpos: 0.0,
+	light2_ypos: 0.0,
+	light2_zpos: 0.0,
+	light2_r: 0.0,
+	light2_g: 0.0,
+	light2_b: 0.0,
+	light2_size: 0.0,
+	light2_stretch: 0.0,
+	light2_is_on: 0,
+	light3_xpos: 0.0,
+	light3_ypos: 0.0,
+	light3_zpos: 0.0,
+	light3_r: 0.0,
+	light3_g: 0.0,
+	light3_b: 0.0,
+	light3_size: 0.0,
+	light3_stretch: 0.0,
+	light3_is_on: 0,
+	light3_xpos: 0.0,
+	light3_ypos: 0.0,
+	light3_zpos: 0.0,
+	light3_r: 0.0,
+	light3_g: 0.0,
+	light3_b: 0.0,
+	light3_size: 0.0,
+	light3_stretch: 0.0,
+	light4_is_on: 0,
+	flcpt: 0,
+	prev_view : 1,
+	nd_ref_light1_x:  props.globals.getNode("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/eyerel-x-m", 1),
+	nd_ref_light1_y:  props.globals.getNode("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/eyerel-y-m", 1),
+	nd_ref_light1_z: props.globals.getNode("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/eyerel-z-m", 1),
+	nd_ref_light1_dir: props.globals.getNode("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/dir", 1),
+	nd_ref_light2_x: props.globals.getNode("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/eyerel-x-m[1]", 1),
+	nd_ref_light2_y: props.globals.getNode("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/eyerel-y-m[1]", 1),
+	nd_ref_light2_z: props.globals.getNode("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/eyerel-z-m[1]", 1),
+	nd_ref_light2_dir: props.globals.getNode("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/dir[1]", 1),
+	nd_ref_light3_x: props.globals.getNode("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/eyerel-x-m[2]", 1),
+	nd_ref_light3_y: props.globals.getNode("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/eyerel-y-m[2]", 1),
+	nd_ref_light3_z: props.globals.getNode("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/eyerel-z-m[2]", 1),
+	nd_ref_light3_dir: props.globals.getNode("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/dir[2]", 1),
+	nd_ref_light4_x: props.globals.getNode("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/eyerel-x-m[3]", 1),
+	nd_ref_light4_y: props.globals.getNode("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/eyerel-y-m[3]", 1),
+	nd_ref_light4_z: props.globals.getNode("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/eyerel-z-m[3]", 1),
+	nd_ref_light4_dir: props.globals.getNode("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/dir[3]", 1),
+	init: func {
+		# define your lights here
+		# lights ########
+		# offsets to aircraft center
+		me.light1_xpos =  70.0;
+		me.light1_ypos =  3.0;
+		me.light1_zpos =  2.0;
+		me.light2_xpos =  70.0;
+		me.light2_ypos =  -3.0;
+		me.light2_zpos =  2.0;
+		me.light3_xpos =  35.0;
+		me.light3_ypos =  0.5;
+		me.light3_zpos =  2.0;
+		me.light4_xpos =  35.0;
+		me.light4_ypos =  -0.5;
+		me.light4_zpos =  2.0;
+		# color values
+		me.light1_r = 0.5;
+		me.light1_g = 0.5;
+		me.light1_b = 0.5;
+		me.light2_r = 0.5;
+		me.light2_g = 0.5;
+		me.light2_b = 0.5;
+		me.light3_r = 0.5;
+		me.light3_g = 0.5;
+		me.light3_b = 0.5;
+		me.light4_r = 0.5;
+		me.light4_g = 0.5;
+		me.light4_b = 0.5;
+		# spot size
+		me.light1_size = 12;
+		me.light1_stretch = 6;
+		me.light2_size = 12;
+		me.light2_stretch = 6;
+		me.light3_size = 6;
+		me.light3_stretch = 8;
+		me.light4_size = 9;
+		me.light4_stretch = 8;
+		setprop("sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/flash-radius", 13);
+		me.start();
+	},
+	start: func {
+		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/num-lightspots", 4);
+		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/size", me.light1_size);
+		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/size[1]", me.light2_size);
+		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/size[2]", me.light3_size);
+		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/size[3]", me.light4_size);
+		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/stretch", me.light1_stretch);
+		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/stretch[1]", me.light2_stretch);
+		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/stretch[2]", me.light3_stretch);
+		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/stretch[3]", me.light4_stretch);
+		me.run = 1;		
+		me.update();
+	},
+	stop: func {
+		me.run = 0;
+	},
+	update: func {
+		if (me.run == 0) {
+			return;
+		}
+		als_on = getprop("/sim/rendering/shaders/skydome");
+		alt_agl = getprop("/position/gear-agl-ft");
+		type_of_view = getprop("sim/current-view/internal");
+		if (als_on == 1 and alt_agl < 100.0) {
+			ll1 = getprop("controls/lighting/landing-lights[1]");
+			ll2 = getprop("controls/lighting/landing-lights[2]");
+			ll3 = getprop("sim/model/lights/nose-lights");
+			var apos = geo.aircraft_position();
+			var vpos = geo.viewer_position();
+			me.lon_to_m = math.cos(apos.lat()*math.pi/180.0) * me.lat_to_m;
+			var heading = getprop("/orientation/heading-deg") * math.pi/180.0;
+			var lat = apos.lat();
+			var lon = apos.lon();
+			var alt = apos.alt();
+			var sh = math.sin(heading);
+			var ch = math.cos(heading);
+			if (ll1 == 1 and type_of_view == 0) {
+				me.light1_on();
+			} else {
+				me.light1_off();
+			}
+			if (ll2 == 1 and type_of_view == 0) {
+				me.light2_on();
+			} else {
+				me.light2_off();
+			}
+			if (ll3 == 0.85) {
+				me.light3_on();
+			} else {
+				me.light3_off();
+			}
+			if (ll3 == 1) {
+				me.light4_on();
+			} else {
+				me.light4_off();
+			}
+			# light 1 position
+			#var alt_agl = getprop("/position/altitude-agl-ft");
+			var proj_x = alt_agl;
+			var proj_z = alt_agl/10.0;
+			apos.set_lat(lat + ((me.light1_xpos + proj_x) * ch + me.light1_ypos * sh) / me.lat_to_m);
+			apos.set_lon(lon + ((me.light1_xpos + proj_x)* sh - me.light1_ypos * ch) / me.lon_to_m);
+			delta_x = (apos.lat() - vpos.lat()) * me.lat_to_m;
+			delta_y = -(apos.lon() - vpos.lon()) * me.lon_to_m;
+			var delta_z = apos.alt()- proj_z - vpos.alt();
+			me.nd_ref_light1_x.setValue(delta_x);
+			me.nd_ref_light1_y.setValue(delta_y);
+			me.nd_ref_light1_z.setValue(delta_z);
+			me.nd_ref_light1_dir.setValue(heading);			
+			# light 2 position
+			apos.set_lat(lat + (me.light2_xpos * ch + me.light2_ypos * sh) / me.lat_to_m);
+			apos.set_lon(lon + (me.light2_xpos * sh - me.light2_ypos * ch) / me.lon_to_m);
+			delta_x = (apos.lat() - vpos.lat()) * me.lat_to_m;
+			delta_y = -(apos.lon() - vpos.lon()) * me.lon_to_m;
+			delta_z = apos.alt() - vpos.alt();
+			me.nd_ref_light2_x.setValue(delta_x);
+			me.nd_ref_light2_y.setValue(delta_y);
+			me.nd_ref_light2_z.setValue(delta_z);
+			me.nd_ref_light2_dir.setValue(heading);
+			# light 3 position
+			apos.set_lat(lat + (me.light3_xpos * ch + me.light3_ypos * sh) / me.lat_to_m);
+			apos.set_lon(lon + (me.light3_xpos * sh - me.light3_ypos * ch) / me.lon_to_m);
+			delta_x = (apos.lat() - vpos.lat()) * me.lat_to_m;
+			delta_y = -(apos.lon() - vpos.lon()) * me.lon_to_m;
+			delta_z = apos.alt() - vpos.alt();
+			me.nd_ref_light3_x.setValue(delta_x);
+			me.nd_ref_light3_y.setValue(delta_y);
+			me.nd_ref_light3_z.setValue(delta_z);
+			me.nd_ref_light3_dir.setValue(heading);	
+			# light 4 position
+			apos.set_lat(lat + (me.light4_xpos * ch + me.light4_ypos * sh) / me.lat_to_m);
+			apos.set_lon(lon + (me.light4_xpos * sh - me.light4_ypos * ch) / me.lon_to_m);
+			delta_x = (apos.lat() - vpos.lat()) * me.lat_to_m;
+			delta_y = -(apos.lon() - vpos.lon()) * me.lon_to_m;
+			delta_z = apos.alt() - vpos.alt();
+			me.nd_ref_light4_x.setValue(delta_x);
+			me.nd_ref_light4_y.setValue(delta_y);
+			me.nd_ref_light4_z.setValue(delta_z);
+			me.nd_ref_light4_dir.setValue(heading);	
+		}
+		settimer ( func me.update(), 0.0);
+	},
+	light1_on : func {
+ 		if (me.light1_is_on == 1) {return;}
+		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/lightspot-r", me.light1_r);
+		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/lightspot-g", me.light1_g);
+		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/lightspot-b", me.light1_b);
+ 		me.light1_is_on = 1;
+		},
+	light1_off : func {
+  		if (me.light1_is_on == 0) {return;}
+		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/lightspot-r", 0.0);
+		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/lightspot-g", 0.0);
+		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/lightspot-b", 0.0);
+  		me.light1_is_on = 0;
+		},
+	light2_on : func {
+  		if (me.light2_is_on == 1) {return;}
+		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/lightspot-r[1]", me.light2_r);
+		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/lightspot-g[1]", me.light2_g);
+		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/lightspot-b[1]", me.light2_b);
+  		me.light2_is_on = 1;
+		},
+	light2_off : func {
+  		if (me.light2_is_on == 0) {return;}
+		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/lightspot-r[1]", 0.0);
+		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/lightspot-g[1]", 0.0);
+		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/lightspot-b[1]", 0.0);
+  		me.light2_is_on = 0;
+		},
+	light3_on : func {
+  		if (me.light3_is_on == 1) {return;}
+		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/lightspot-r[2]", me.light3_r);
+		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/lightspot-g[2]", me.light3_g);
+		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/lightspot-b[2]", me.light3_b);
+  		me.light3_is_on = 1;
+		},
+	light3_off : func {
+  		if (me.light3_is_on == 0) {return;}
+		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/lightspot-r[2]", 0.0);
+		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/lightspot-g[2]", 0.0);
+		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/lightspot-b[2]", 0.0);
+  		me.light3_is_on = 0;
+		},
+	light4_on : func {
+  		if (me.light4_is_on == 1) {return;}
+		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/lightspot-r[3]", me.light3_r);
+		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/lightspot-g[3]", me.light3_g);
+		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/lightspot-b[3]", me.light3_b);
+  		me.light4_is_on = 1;
+		},
+	light4_off : func {
+  		if (me.light4_is_on == 0) {return;}
+		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/lightspot-r[3]", 0.0);
+		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/lightspot-g[3]", 0.0);
+		setprop("/sim/rendering/als-secondary-lights/lightspot/lightspot-b[3]", 0.0);
+  		me.light4_is_on = 0;
+		},	
diff --git a/revision.txt b/revision.txt
index 4abc8cfe..81b67cbf 100644
--- a/revision.txt
+++ b/revision.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file