From 9aa8012ce481e3c0893d9570a46df5cb5c41706d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonathan Redpath <>
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2018 16:07:31 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Basic ECAM (WIP, potentially broken)

 A320-main.xml             |   3 +
 Nasal/ECAM-controller.nas | 115 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 Nasal/libraries.nas       |   2 +
 3 files changed, 120 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Nasal/ECAM-controller.nas

diff --git a/A320-main.xml b/A320-main.xml
index 8b3c955c..d6db5130 100644
--- a/A320-main.xml
+++ b/A320-main.xml
@@ -1452,6 +1452,9 @@
+		<ecam>
+			<file>Aircraft/IDG-A32X/Nasal/ECAM-controller.nas</file>
+		</ecam>
diff --git a/Nasal/ECAM-controller.nas b/Nasal/ECAM-controller.nas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2b0141a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Nasal/ECAM-controller.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# A3XX Electronic Centralised Aircraft Monitoring System
+# Jonathan Redpath (legoboyvdlp)
+# Copyright (c) Joshua Davidson (it0uchpods) #
+# Colors:
+# 1 - Red, 2 - Amber, 3 - Cyan 4 - Green 5 - White
+# Priority: 1 - LEVEL 3    2 - LEVEL 2    3 - LEVEL 1     4 - LEVEL 0     5 - MEMO
+# LEVEL 3 has priority over all other warnings
+# LEVEL 2 has priority over 1 and 0
+# LEVEL 1 has priority over 0
+# LEVEL 3 Messages Priority:
+# Red visual warning, repetitive chime or sound
+# 1 Stall
+# 2 Over speed
+# 3 Engine dual failure
+# 4 Engine fire
+# 5 APU fire
+# 6 Takeoff configuration
+# 7 Sidestick fault
+# 8 Excessive cabin altitude
+# 9 Engine oil lo pressure
+# 10 L + R Elevator fault
+# 11 Landing gear
+# 12 Autopilot disconnection
+# 13 Auto land
+# 14 Smoke
+# 15 Emergency configuration
+# 16 Dual hydraulic failure
+# LEVEL 2 Messages:
+# Amber warning, single chime
+# LEVEL 1 Messages:
+# Amber warning, no chime
+# LEVEL 0 Messages: 
+# No visual warning or chime: ECAM blue, green, or white message
+# TYPES: Independent, Primary and Secondary, Status, and MEMO
+# Operation: FWC receives electrical boolean or numeric signals, from the systems, and outputs a message, audible warning, or visual alert
+# Electrical Connection: FWC1 is controlled by AC ESS, FWC2 by AC BUS 2
+# Sounds: reduce volume by 6DB is engines are off
+# ARINC 429: 100kb/s (high speed)
+# PHASE: /FMGC/status/phase
+var message = {
+	name: "",
+	text: "",
+	priority: 0,
+	logic_prop: "",
+	color: "",
+	display: "",
+	new: func(name,text,priority,logic_prop,color,display) {
+		var l = {parents:[message]};
+ = name;
+		l.text = text;
+		l.priority = priority;
+		l.logic_prop = logic_prop;
+		l.color = color;
+		l.display = display;
+		return l;
+	}
+var messages = nil;
+var ECAM_system = {
+	init: func() {
+		messages = [ "RAM AIR P/B ON", text: "RAM AIR ON", priority: 5, logic_prop: "/controls/pneumatic/switches/ram-air", color: 4, display: 2), 
+ "EMERGENCY GENERATOR", text: "EMER GEN", priority: 5, logic_prop: "/controls/electrical/switches/emer-gen", color: 4, display: 2),
+ "GROUND SPOILERS ARMED", text: "GND SPLRS ARMED", priority: 5, logic_prop: "/controls/flight/speedbrake-arm", color: 4, display: 1)];
+		active_messages = [];
+	loop: func() {
+		foreach(var message_controller; messages) { 
+			if (getprop(message_controller.logic_prop) == 1){
+				setprop("/ECAM/msg/line1", message_controller.text);
+				if (getprop("/ECAM/left-msg") == "NONE") {
+					setprop("/ECAM/left-msg","MSG")
+				}
+				if (message_controller.color == 1) {
+					setprop("/ECAM/msg/line1c", "r");
+				} else if (message_controller.color == 2) {
+					setprop("/ECAM/msg/line1c", "a");
+				} else if (message_controller.color == 3) {
+					setprop("/ECAM/msg/line1c", "b");
+				} else if (message_controller.color == 4) {
+					setprop("/ECAM/msg/line1c", "g");
+				} else if (message_controller.color == 5) {
+					setprop("/ECAM/msg/line1c", "w");
+				} else {
+					setprop("/ECAM/msg/line1c", "w");
+				}
+			} else {
+				setprop("/ECAM/msg/line1", "");
+			}
+		}
+	},
diff --git a/Nasal/libraries.nas b/Nasal/libraries.nas
index a7540f01..471f5fa0 100644
--- a/Nasal/libraries.nas
+++ b/Nasal/libraries.nas
@@ -186,6 +186,7 @@ var systemsInit = func {
+	ecam.ECAM_system.init();
 	var autopilot ="sim/gui/dialogs/autopilot/dialog", "Aircraft/IDG-A32X/Systems/autopilot-dlg.xml");
 	setprop("/it-autoflight/input/fd1", 1);
 	setprop("/it-autoflight/input/fd2", 1);
@@ -204,6 +205,7 @@ var systemsLoop = maketimer(0.1, func {
+	ecam.ECAM_system.loop();
 	if ((getprop("/controls/pneumatic/switches/groundair") or getprop("/controls/switches/cart")) and ((getprop("/velocities/groundspeed-kt") > 2) or getprop("/controls/gear/brake-parking") == 0)) {