This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 261 additions and 218 deletions
@ -812,6 +812,8 @@
<engine-left-fire type="bool">0</engine-left-fire>
<engine-right-fire type="bool">0</engine-right-fire>
<apu-fire type="bool">0</apu-fire>
<cargo-fwd-fire type="bool">0</cargo-fwd-fire>
<cargo-aft-fire type="bool">0</cargo-aft-fire>
<fctl n="0">
<fac1 type="bool">0</fac1>
@ -827,6 +829,15 @@
<temperature type="double">0</temperature>
<disch type="bool">0</disch>
<temperature type="double">0</temperature>
<temperature type="double">0</temperature>
<fuel n="0">
<only-use-ctr-tank type="bool">0</only-use-ctr-tank>
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
@ -261,7 +261,7 @@
@ -278,7 +278,7 @@
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@
@ -733,6 +733,34 @@ var messages_priority_3 = func {
if (cargoSmokeFwd.clearFlag == 0 and systems.fwdCargoFireWarn.getBoolValue() and (getprop("/ECAM/warning-phase") <= 3 or getprop("/ECAM/warning-phase") >= 9 or getprop("/ECAM/warning-phase") == 6)) {
cargoSmokeFwd.active = 1;
} elsif (cargoSmokeFwd.clearFlag == 1) {
cargoSmokeFwd.hasSubmsg = 1;
if (cargoSmokeFwdAgent.clearFlag == 0 and cargoSmokeFwd.active == 1 and !getprop("/systems/fire/cargo/disch")) {
cargoSmokeFwdAgent.active = 1;
} else {
cargoSmokeFwd.hasSubmsg = 0;
if (cargoSmokeAft.clearFlag == 0 and systems.aftCargoFireWarn.getBoolValue() and (getprop("/ECAM/warning-phase") <= 3 or getprop("/ECAM/warning-phase") >= 9 or getprop("/ECAM/warning-phase") == 6)) {
cargoSmokeAft.active = 1;
} elsif (cargoSmokeAft.clearFlag == 1) {
cargoSmokeAft.hasSubmsg = 1;
if (cargoSmokeAftAgent.clearFlag == 0 and cargoSmokeAft.active == 1 and !getprop("/systems/fire/cargo/disch")) {
cargoSmokeAftAgent.active = 1;
} else {
cargoSmokeAft.hasSubmsg = 0;
var messages_priority_2 = func {
@ -125,9 +125,15 @@ var warnings = std.Vector.new([
var athr_lim = warning.new(msg: "AUTO FLT A/THR LIMITED", colour: "a", aural: 1, light: 1),
var athr_lim_1 = warning.new(msg: "-THR LEVERS........MOVE", colour: "c"),
# Cargo smoke
var cargoSmokeFwd = warning.new(msg: "SMOKE FWD CARGO SMOKE", colour: "r", aural: 0, light: 0, hasSubmsg: 1),
var cargoSmokeFwdAgent = warning.new(msg: "-AGENT............DISCH", colour: "c"),
var cargoSmokeAft = warning.new(msg: "SMOKE AFT CARGO SMOKE", colour: "r", aural: 0, light: 0, hasSubmsg: 1),
var cargoSmokeAftAgent = warning.new(msg: "-AGENT............DISCH", colour: "c"),
# APU shutdown
var apuEmerShutdown = warning.new(msg: "APU EMER SHUTDOWN", colour: "a", aural: 1, light: 1, hasSubmsg: 1),
var apuEmerShutdownMast = warning.new(msg: " -MASTER SW..........OFF", colour: "c"),
var apuEmerShutdown = warning.new(msg: "APU EMER SHUTDOWN", colour: "a", aural: 1, light: 1, hasSubmsg: 1),
var apuEmerShutdownMast = warning.new(msg: " -MASTER SW..........OFF", colour: "c"),
var leftmemos = std.Vector.new([
@ -3,32 +3,6 @@
# Copyright (c) 2019 Joshua Davidson (it0uchpods)
# Init Vars #
var level = 0;
var fwdsquib = 0;
var aftsquib = 0;
var fwddet = 0;
var aftdet = 0;
var test = 0;
var guard1 = 0;
var guard2 = 0;
var dischpb1 = 0;
var dischpb2 = 0;
var smokedet1 = 0;
var smokedet2 = 0;
var bottleIsEmpty = 0;
var WeCanExt = 0;
var test2 = 0;
var state = 0;
var dc1 = 0;
var dc2 = 0;
var dcbat = 0;
var pause = 0;
var et = 0;
var elapsedTime = props.globals.getNode("/sim/time/elapsed-sec");
var apuTestBtn = props.globals.getNode("/controls/fire/apu-test-btn", 1);
var testBtn = props.globals.getNode("/controls/fire/test-btn-1", 1);
@ -36,6 +10,8 @@ var testBtn2 = props.globals.getNode("/controls/fire/test-btn-2", 1);
var eng1FireWarn = props.globals.initNode("/systems/fire/engine1/warning-active", 0, "BOOL");
var eng2FireWarn = props.globals.initNode("/systems/fire/engine2/warning-active", 0, "BOOL");
var apuFireWarn = props.globals.initNode("/systems/fire/apu/warning-active", 0, "BOOL");
var aftCargoFireWarn = props.globals.initNode("/systems/fire/cargo/aft/warning-active", 0, "BOOL");
var fwdCargoFireWarn = props.globals.initNode("/systems/fire/cargo/fwd/warning-active", 0, "BOOL");
var apuEmerShutdown = props.globals.getNode("/systems/apu/emer-shutdown", 1);
var eng1AgentTimer = props.globals.initNode("/systems/fire/engine1/agent1-timer", 99, "INT");
var eng2AgentTimer = props.globals.initNode("/systems/fire/engine2/agent1-timer", 99, "INT");
@ -56,172 +32,16 @@ var apuMaster = props.globals.getNode("/controls/APU/master", 1);
var fire_init = func {
setprop("/controls/OH/protectors/fwddisch", 0);
setprop("/controls/OH/protectors/aftdisch", 0);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/fwddisch", 0);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/aftdisch", 0);
setprop("/systems/failures/cargo-fwd-fire", 0);
setprop("/systems/failures/cargo-aft-fire", 0);
setprop("/systems/fire/cargo/fwdsquib", 0);
setprop("/systems/fire/cargo/aftsquib", 0);
setprop("/systems/fire/cargo/bottlelevel", 100);
setprop("/systems/fire/cargo/test", 0);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/test", 0);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/fwddisch", 0); # pushbutton
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/aftdisch", 0);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/fwddischLight", 0);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/aftdischLight", 0);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/fwdsmokeLight", 0);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/aftsmokeLight", 0);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/bottleempty", 0);
# status: 1 is ready, 0 is already disch
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/status", 1);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/warnfwd", 0);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/warnaft", 0);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/squib1fault", 0);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/squib2fault", 0);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/detfault", 0);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/test/state", 0);
# Main Loops #
var master_fire = func {
level = getprop("/systems/fire/cargo/bottlelevel");
fwdsquib = getprop("/systems/fire/cargo/fwdsquib");
aftsquib = getprop("/systems/fire/cargo/aftsquib");
fwddet = getprop("/systems/failures/cargo-fwd-fire");
aftdet = getprop("/systems/failures/cargo-aft-fire");
test = getprop("/controls/fire/cargo/test");
guard1 = getprop("/controls/fire/cargo/fwdguard");
guard2 = getprop("/controls/fire/cargo/aftguard");
dischpb1 = getprop("/controls/fire/cargo/fwddisch");
dischpb2 = getprop("/controls/fire/cargo/aftdisch");
smokedet1 = getprop("/controls/fire/cargo/fwdsmokeLight");
smokedet2 = getprop("/controls/fire/cargo/aftsmokeLight");
bottleIsEmpty = getprop("/controls/fire/cargo/bottleempty");
WeCanExt = getprop("/controls/fire/cargo/status");
test2 = getprop("/systems/fire/cargo/test");
state = getprop("/controls/fire/cargo/test/state");
dc1 = getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/dc1");
dc2 = getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/dc2");
dcbat = dcbatNode.getValue();
pause = getprop("/sim/freeze/master");
# Discharging #
if (dischpb1) {
if (WeCanExt == 1 and !fwdsquib and !bottleIsEmpty and (dc1 > 0 or dc2 > 0 or dcbat > 0)) {
setprop("/systems/fire/cargo/fwdsquib", 1);
if (dischpb1 and fwdsquib and !bottleIsEmpty and !pause) {
setprop("/systems/fire/cargo/bottlelevel", getprop("/systems/fire/cargo/bottlelevel") - 0.33);
if (dischpb2) {
if (WeCanExt == 1 and !aftsquib and !bottleIsEmpty and (dc1 > 0 or dc2 > 0 or dcbat > 0)) {
setprop("/systems/fire/cargo/aftsquib", 1);
if (dischpb2 and aftsquib and !bottleIsEmpty and !pause) {
setprop("/systems/fire/cargo/bottlelevel", getprop("/systems/fire/cargo/bottlelevel") - 0.33);
# Test Sequence #
if (test) {
setprop("/systems/fire/cargo/test", 1);
} else {
setprop("/systems/fire/cargo/test", 0);
if (test2 and state == 0) {
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/fwddischLight", 1);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/aftdischLight", 1);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/fwddischLight", 0);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/aftdischLight", 0);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/test/state", 1);
}, 5);
} else if (test2 and state == 1) {
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/fwdsmokeLight", 1);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/warnfwd", 1);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/aftsmokeLight", 1);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/warnaft", 1);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/fwdsmokeLight", 0);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/aftsmokeLight", 0);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/warnfwd", 0);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/warnaft", 0);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/test/state", 2);
}, 5);
} else if (test2 and state == 2) {
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/test/state", 3);
}, 5);
} else if (test2 and state == 3) {
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/fwdsmokeLight", 1);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/warnfwd", 1);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/aftsmokeLight", 1);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/warnaft", 1);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/fwdsmokeLight", 0);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/aftsmokeLight", 0);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/warnfwd", 0);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/warnaft", 0);
setprop("/systems/fire/cargo/test", 0);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/test", 0);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/test/state", 0);
}, 5);
# Status #
if (level < 0.1 and !test) {
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/bottleempty", 1);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/status", 0);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/fwddischLight", 1);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/aftdischLight", 1);
} else if (!test) {
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/bottleempty", 0);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/status", 1);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/fwddischLight", 0);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/aftdischLight", 0);
# Detection Logic #
setlistener("/systems/failures/cargo-fwd-fire", func() {
if (getprop("/systems/failures/cargo-fwd-fire")) {
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/fwdsmokeLight", 1);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/warnfwd", 1);
} else {
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/fwdsmokeLight", 0);
}, 0, 0);
setlistener("/systems/failures/cargo-aft-fire", func() {
if (getprop("/systems/failures/cargo-aft-fire")) {
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/aftsmokeLight", 1);
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/warnaft", 1);
} else {
setprop("/controls/fire/cargo/aftsmokeLight", 0);
}, 0, 0);
# Engine Fire #
# Fire System #
var engFireDetectorUnit = {
sys: 0,
@ -240,12 +60,13 @@ var engFireDetectorUnit = {
eF.fireProp = props.globals.getNode(fireProp, 1);
eF.testProp = props.globals.getNode(testProp, 1);
eF.wow = props.globals.getNode("/fdm/jsbsim/position/wow", 1);
eF.condition = 100;
return eF;
update: func() {
if (me.condition == 0) { return; }
foreach(var detector; detectorLoops.vector) {
foreach(var detector; engDetectorLoops.vector) {
detector.updateTemp(detector.sys, detector.type);
@ -337,6 +158,63 @@ var engFireDetectorUnit = {
var CIDSchannel = {
elecProp: "",
condition: 100,
new: func(elecProp) {
var cC = {parents:[CIDSchannel]};
cC.elecProp = props.globals.getNode(elecProp, 1);
return cC;
update: func() {
if (me.condition == 0 or me.elecProp.getValue() < 25) { return; }
if ((cargoSmokeDetectorUnits.vector[0].loopOne == 1 and cargoSmokeDetectorUnits.vector[0].loopTwo == 1) or (cargoSmokeDetectorUnits.vector[0].loopOne == 1 and cargoSmokeDetectorUnits.vector[0].loopTwo == 9) or (cargoSmokeDetectorUnits.vector[0].loopOne == 9 and cargoSmokeDetectorUnits.vector[0].loopTwo == 1) or (cargoSmokeDetectorUnits.vector[1].loopOne == 1 and cargoSmokeDetectorUnits.vector[1].loopTwo == 1) or (cargoSmokeDetectorUnits.vector[1].loopOne == 1 and cargoSmokeDetectorUnits.vector[1].loopTwo == 9) or (cargoSmokeDetectorUnits.vector[1].loopOne == 9 and cargoSmokeDetectorUnits.vector[1].loopTwo == 1)) {
if ((cargoSmokeDetectorUnits.vector[2].loopOne == 1 and cargoSmokeDetectorUnits.vector[2].loopTwo == 1) or (cargoSmokeDetectorUnits.vector[2].loopOne == 1 and cargoSmokeDetectorUnits.vector[2].loopTwo == 9) or (cargoSmokeDetectorUnits.vector[2].loopOne == 9 and cargoSmokeDetectorUnits.vector[2].loopTwo == 1)) {
var cargoSmokeDetectorUnit = {
sys: 0,
active: 0,
loopOne: 0,
loopTwo: 0,
condition: 100,
new: func(sys) {
var cF = {parents:[cargoSmokeDetectorUnit]};
cF.sys = sys;
cF.active = 0;
cF.loopOne = 0;
cF.loopTwo = 0;
cF.condition = 100;
return cF;
receiveSignal: func(type) {
if (type == 1 and me.loopOne != 9 and me.condition != 0) {
me.loopOne = 1;
} elsif (type == 2 and me.loopTwo != 9 and me.condition != 0) {
me.loopTwo = 1;
failUnit: func() {
me.condition = 0;
recoverUnit: func() {
me.condition = 100;
failLoop: func(loop) {
if (loop != 1 and loop != 2) { return; }
if (loop == 1) { me.loopOne = 9; }
else { me.loopTwo = 9; }
var detectorLoop = {
sys: 9,
type: 0,
@ -347,19 +225,13 @@ var detectorLoop = {
var dL = {parents:[detectorLoop]};
dL.sys = sys;
dL.type = type;
dL.temperature = temperature;
dL.temperature = props.globals.getNode(temperature, 1);
dL.elecProp = props.globals.getNode(elecProp, 1);
dL.fireProp = props.globals.getNode(fireProp, 1);
return dL;
updateTemp: func(system, typeLoop) {
var index = 0;
if (system == 1) { index += 2 }
elsif (system == 2) { index += 4 }
if (typeLoop == 1) { index += 1 }
if ((propsNasFire.vector[index].getValue() > 250 and me.fireProp.getBoolValue()) and me.elecProp.getValue() >= 25) {
if ((me.temperature.getValue() > 250 and me.fireProp.getBoolValue()) and me.elecProp.getValue() >= 25) {
me.sendSignal(system, typeLoop);
} elsif (me.elecProp.getValue() < 25) {
@ -369,11 +241,38 @@ var detectorLoop = {
if (system == 0 and !getprop("/systems/failures/engine-left-fire")) { return; }
elsif (system == 1 and !getprop("/systems/failures/engine-right-fire")) { return; }
elsif (system == 2 and !getprop("/systems/failures/apu-fire")) { return; }
var cargoDetectorLoop = {
sys: 9,
type: 0,
temperature: "",
fireProp: "",
new: func(sys, type, temperature, fireProp) {
var cdL = {parents:[cargoDetectorLoop]};
cdL.sys = sys;
cdL.type = type;
cdL.temperature = props.globals.getNode(temperature, 1);
cdL.fireProp = props.globals.getNode(fireProp, 1);
return cdL;
updateTemp: func(system, typeLoop) {
print(me.temperature.getValue() ~ " " ~ me.fireProp.getBoolValue());
if (me.temperature.getValue() > 250 and me.fireProp.getBoolValue()) {
me.sendSignal(system, typeLoop);
sendSignal: func(system, typeLoop) {
if ((system == 0 or system == 1) and !getprop("/systems/failures/cargo-aft-fire")) { return; }
elsif (system == 2 and !getprop("/systems/failures/cargo-fwd-fire")) { return; }
var extinguisherBottle = {
quantity: 100,
squib: 0,
@ -382,7 +281,8 @@ var extinguisherBottle = {
elecProp: "",
failProp: "",
warningProp: "",
new: func(number, lightProp, elecProp, failProp, warningProp) {
hack: 0,
new: func(number, lightProp, elecProp, failProp, warningProp, hack = 0) {
var eB = {parents:[extinguisherBottle]};
eB.quantity = 100;
eB.squib = 0;
@ -391,15 +291,25 @@ var extinguisherBottle = {
eB.elecProp = props.globals.getNode(elecProp, 1);
eB.failProp = props.globals.getNode(failProp, 1);
eB.warningProp = props.globals.getNode(warningProp, 1);
eB.hack = hack;
return eB;
emptyBottle: func() {
# reduce quantity
me.quantity -= 10;
# quick hack for cargo bottles
if (me.number == 7) {
cargoExtinguisherBottles.vector[0].quantity -= 10;
} elsif (me.number == 8) {
cargoExtinguisherBottles.vector[1].quantity -= 10;
if (me.quantity > 0) {
settimer(func() {
}, 0.05);
} else {
} elsif (me.hack == 0) {
# make things interesting. If your fire won't go out you should play the lottery
if (me.number == 0) {
@ -416,6 +326,22 @@ var extinguisherBottle = {
}, rand() * 3);
} elsif (me.number == 7) {
if (rand() <= 0.999) {
settimer(func() {
}, rand() * 3);
cargoExtinguisherBottles.vector[0].hack == 1;
} elsif (me.number == 8) {
if (rand() <= 0.999) {
settimer(func() {
}, rand() * 3);
cargoExtinguisherBottles.vector[1].hack == 1;
} elsif (me.number == 9) {
if (rand() <= 0.999) {
settimer(func() {
@ -505,26 +431,33 @@ fireTimer2.simulatedTime = 1;
var fireTimer3 = maketimer(0.25, checkTimeFire3);
fireTimer3.simulatedTime = 1;
# Create engine fire systems
# Create fire systems
var engFireDetectorUnits = std.Vector.new([ engFireDetectorUnit.new(0, "/systems/failures/engine-left-fire", "/controls/fire/test-btn-1"), engFireDetectorUnit.new(1, "/systems/failures/engine-right-fire", "/controls/fire/test-btn-2"), engFireDetectorUnit.new(2, "/systems/failures/apu-fire", "/controls/fire/apu-test-btn") ]);
var cargoSmokeDetectorUnits = std.Vector.new([cargoSmokeDetectorUnit.new(0, "/systems/failures/cargo-aft-fire"), cargoSmokeDetectorUnit.new(1, "/systems/failures/cargo-aft-fire"), cargoSmokeDetectorUnit.new(1, "/systems/failures/cargo-fwd-fire")]);
# Create detector loops
var detectorLoops = std.Vector.new([
var engDetectorLoops = std.Vector.new([
detectorLoop.new(0, 1, "/systems/fire/engine1/temperature", "/systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess", "/systems/failures/engine-left-fire"), detectorLoop.new(0, 2, "/systems/fire/engine1/temperature", "/systems/electrical/bus/dc2", "/systems/failures/engine-left-fire"),
detectorLoop.new(1, 1, "/systems/fire/engine2/temperature", "/systems/electrical/bus/dc2", "/systems/failures/engine-right-fire"), detectorLoop.new(1, 2, "/systems/fire/engine2/temperature", "/systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess", "/systems/failures/engine-right-fire"),
detectorLoop.new(2, 1, "/systems/fire/apu/temperature", "/systems/electrical/bus/dcbat", "/systems/failures/apu-fire"), detectorLoop.new(2, 2, "/systems/fire/apu/temperature", "/systems/electrical/bus/dcbat", "/systems/failures/apu-fire")
var cargoDetectorLoops = std.Vector.new([
cargoDetectorLoop.new(0, 1, "/systems/fire/cargo/aft/temperature", "/systems/failures/cargo-aft-fire"), cargoDetectorLoop.new(0, 2, "/systems/fire/cargo/aft/temperature", "/systems/failures/cargo-aft-fire"),
cargoDetectorLoop.new(1, 1, "/systems/fire/cargo/aft/temperature", "/systems/failures/cargo-aft-fire"), cargoDetectorLoop.new(1, 2, "/systems/fire/cargo/aft/temperature", "/systems/failures/cargo-aft-fire"),
cargoDetectorLoop.new(2, 1, "/systems/fire/cargo/fwd/temperature", "/systems/failures/cargo-fwd-fire"), cargoDetectorLoop.new(2, 2, "/systems/fire/cargo/fwd/temperature", "/systems/failures/cargo-fwd-fire")
# Create extinguisher bottles
var extinguisherBottles = std.Vector.new([extinguisherBottle.new(0, "/systems/fire/engine1/disch1", "/systems/electrical/bus/dcbat", "/systems/failures/engine-left-fire", "/systems/fire/engine1/warning-active"), extinguisherBottle.new(1, "/systems/fire/engine1/disch2", "/systems/electrical/bus/dc2", "/systems/failures/engine-left-fire", "/systems/fire/engine1/warning-active"),
extinguisherBottle.new(0, "/systems/fire/engine2/disch1", "/systems/electrical/bus/dcbat", "/systems/failures/engine-right-fire", "/systems/fire/engine2/warning-active"), extinguisherBottle.new(1, "/systems/fire/engine2/disch2", "/systems/electrical/bus/dc2", "/systems/failures/engine-right-fire", "/systems/fire/engine2/warning-active"),
extinguisherBottle.new(9, "/systems/fire/apu/disch", "/systems/electrical/bus/dcbat", "/systems/failures/apu-fire", "/systems/fire/apu/warning-active") ]);
# Props.nas helper
var propsNasFire = std.Vector.new();
foreach (detectorLoop; detectorLoops.vector) {
# There is only one bottle but the system will think there are two, so other parts work
var cargoExtinguisherBottles = std.Vector.new([extinguisherBottle.new(8, "/systems/fire/cargo/disch", "/systems/electrical/bus/dcbat", "/systems/failures/cargo-aft-fire", "/systems/fire/cargo/aft/warning-active"), extinguisherBottle.new(7, "/systems/fire/cargo/disch", "/systems/electrical/bus/dcbat", "/systems/failures/cargo-fwd-fire", "/systems/fire/cargo/fwd/warning-active")]);
# Create CIDS channels
var CIDSchannels = std.Vector.new([CIDSchannel.new("/systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess"), CIDSchannel.new("/systems/electrical/bus/dc2")]);
# Setlistener helper
var createFireBottleListener = func(prop, fireBtnProp, index) {
@ -540,6 +473,19 @@ var createFireBottleListener = func(prop, fireBtnProp, index) {
}, 0, 0);
var createCargoFireBottleListener = func(prop, index) {
if (index >= extinguisherBottles.size()) {
print("Error - calling listener on non-existent fire extinguisher bottle, index: " ~ index);
setlistener(prop, func() {
if (getprop(prop) == 1) {
}, 0, 0);
# Listeners
setlistener("/controls/engines/engine[0]/fire-btn", func() {
if (getprop("/controls/engines/engine[0]/fire-btn") == 1) {
@ -686,23 +632,28 @@ createFireBottleListener("/controls/engines/engine[0]/agent2-btn", "/controls/en
createFireBottleListener("/controls/engines/engine[1]/agent1-btn", "/controls/engines/engine[1]/fire-btn", 2);
createFireBottleListener("/controls/engines/engine[1]/agent2-btn", "/controls/engines/engine[1]/fire-btn", 3);
createFireBottleListener("/controls/APU/agent-btn", "/controls/APU/fire-btn", 4);
createCargoFireBottleListener("/controls/fire/cargo/aftdisch", 0);
createCargoFireBottleListener("/controls/fire/cargo/fwddisch", 1);
var updateUnits = func() {
var updateUnitsAndChannels = func() {
foreach (var units; engFireDetectorUnits.vector) {
foreach(var CargoDetector; cargoDetectorLoops.vector) {
CargoDetector.updateTemp(CargoDetector.sys, CargoDetector.type);
foreach (var channels; CIDSchannels.vector) {
# Update Function #
var update_fire = func() {
var fire_timer = maketimer(0.2, update_fire);
var fire_timer = maketimer(0.25, updateUnitsAndChannels);
var eng1AgentTimerMakeTimer = maketimer(0.1, eng1AgentTimerMakeTimerFunc);
var eng2AgentTimerMakeTimer = maketimer(0.1, eng2AgentTimerMakeTimerFunc);
var eng1Agent2TimerMakeTimer = maketimer(0.1, eng1Agent2TimerMakeTimerFunc);
@ -72,5 +72,52 @@
<channel name="Cargo Fire">
<fcs_function name="fwdfire">
<independentVar lookup="row">/systems/failures/cargo-fwd-fire</independentVar>
0 -5
1 30
<fcs_function name="aftfire">
<independentVar lookup="row">/systems/failures/cargo-aft-fire</independentVar>
0 -5
1 45
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