if ((flap_not_zero.clearFlag == 0) and phaseVar == 6 and getprop("/controls/flight/flap-lever") != 0 and getprop("/instrumentation/altimeter/indicated-altitude-ft") > 22000) {
if ((slats_config.clearFlag == 0) and (getprop("/controls/flight/flap-lever") == 0 or getprop("/controls/flight/flap-lever")) == 4 and phaseVar >= 3 and phaseVar <= 4) {
if ((flaps_config.clearFlag == 0) and (getprop("/controls/flight/flap-lever") == 0 or getprop("/controls/flight/flap-lever") == 4) and phaseVar >= 3 and phaseVar <= 4) {
if ((pitch_trim_config.clearFlag == 0) and (getprop("/fdm/jsbsim/hydraulics/elevator-trim/final-deg") > 1.75 or getprop("/fdm/jsbsim/hydraulics/elevator-trim/final-deg") < -3.65) and phaseVar >= 3 and phaseVar <= 4) {
if ((rud_trim_config.clearFlag == 0) and (getprop("/fdm/jsbsim/hydraulics/rudder/trim-cmd-deg") < -3.55 or getprop("/fdm/jsbsim/hydraulics/rudder/trim-cmd-deg") > 3.55) and phaseVar >= 3 and phaseVar <= 4) {
if ((athr_lim.clearFlag == 0) and getprop("/it-autoflight/output/athr") == 1 and ((getprop("/systems/thrust/eng-out") != 1 and (getprop("/systems/thrust/state1") == "MAN" or getprop("/systems/thrust/state2") == "MAN")) or (getprop("/systems/thrust/eng-out") == 1 and (getprop("/systems/thrust/state1") == "MAN" or getprop("/systems/thrust/state2") == "MAN" or (getprop("/systems/thrust/state1") == "MAN THR" and getprop("/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle-pos") <= 0.83) or (getprop("/systems/thrust/state2") == "MAN THR" and getprop("/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle-pos") <= 0.83)))) and (phaseVar >= 5 and phaseVar <= 7)) {
if (getprop("/controls/lighting/no-smoking-sign") == 1 and leftMsgNode.getValue() != "TO-MEMO" and leftMsgNode.getValue() != "LDG-MEMO") { # should go off after takeoff assuming switch is in auto due to old logic from the days when smoking was allowed!
if (getprop("/controls/lighting/strobe") == 0 and getprop("/gear/gear[1]/wow") == 0 and leftMsgNode.getValue() != "TO-MEMO" and leftMsgNode.getValue() != "LDG-MEMO") { # todo: use gear branch properties
if (getprop("/consumables/fuel/total-fuel-lbs") < 6000 and leftMsgNode.getValue() != "TO-MEMO" and leftMsgNode.getValue() != "LDG-MEMO") { # assuming US short ton 2000lb
if ((getprop("/gear/gear[1]/wow") == 0) and (getprop("/systems/failures/cargo-aft-fire") == 1 or getprop("/systems/failures/cargo-fwd-fire") == 1) or (((getprop("/systems/hydraulic/green-psi") < 1500 and getprop("/engines/engine[0]/state") == 3) and (getprop("/systems/hydraulic/yellow-psi") < 1500 and getprop("/engines/engine[1]/state") == 3)) or ((getprop("/systems/hydraulic/green-psi") < 1500 or getprop("/systems/hydraulic/yellow-psi") < 1500) and getprop("/engines/engine[0]/state") == 3 and getprop("/engines/engine[1]/state") == 3) and phaseVar >= 3 and phaseVar <= 8)) {
if (land_asap_r.active == 0 and getprop("/gear/gear[1]/wow") == 0 and ((getprop("/fdm/jsbsim/propulsion/tank[0]/contents-lbs") < 1650 and getprop("/fdm/jsbsim/propulsion/tank[1]/contents-lbs") < 1650) or ((getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/dc2") < 25 and (getprop("/systems/failures/elac1") == 1 or getprop("/systems/failures/sec1") == 1)) or (getprop("/systems/hydraulic/green-psi") < 1500 and (getprop("/systems/failures/elac1") == 1 and getprop("/systems/failures/sec1") == 1)) or (getprop("/systems/hydraulic/yellow-psi") < 1500 and (getprop("/systems/failures/elac1") == 1 and getprop("/systems/failures/sec1") == 1)) or (getprop("/systems/hydraulic/blue-psi") < 1500 and (getprop("/systems/failures/elac2") == 1 and getprop("/systems/failures/sec2") == 1))) or (phaseVar >= 3 and phaseVar <= 8 and (getprop("/engines/engine[0]/state") != 3 or getprop("/engines/engine[1]/state") != 3)))) {
} else if ((phaseVar >= 2 and phaseVar <= 5) or ((getprop("/systems/thrust/state1") != "IDLE" or getprop("/systems/thrust/state2") != "IDLE") and (phaseVar >= 6 and phaseVar <= 7))) {
if (getprop("/controls/hydraulic/ptu") == 1 and ((getprop("/systems/hydraulic/yellow-psi") < 1450 and getprop("/systems/hydraulic/green-psi") > 1450 and getprop("/controls/hydraulic/elec-pump-yellow") == 0) or (getprop("/systems/hydraulic/yellow-psi") > 1450 and getprop("/systems/hydraulic/green-psi") < 1450))) {
ptu.active = 1;
} else {
ptu.active = 0;
if (getprop("/controls/hydraulic/rat-deployed") == 1) {
if (getprop("/controls/electrical/switches/emer-gen") == 1 and getprop("/controls/hydraulic/rat-deployed") == 1 and getprop("/gear/gear[1]/wow") == 0) {
if (getprop("/controls/pneumatic/switches/ram-air") == 1) {
ram_air.active = 1;
} else {
ram_air.active = 0;
if (getprop("/controls/engines/engine[0]/igniter-a") == 1 or getprop("/controls/engines/engine[0]/igniter-b") == 1 or getprop("/controls/engines/engine[1]/igniter-a") == 1 or getprop("/controls/engines/engine[1]/igniter-b") == 1) {
if (apu_bleed.active == 0 and getprop("/systems/apu/rpm") >= 95) {
apu_avail.active = 1;
} else {
apu_avail.active = 0;
if (getprop("/controls/lighting/landing-lights[1]") > 0 or getprop("/controls/lighting/landing-lights[2]") > 0) {
ldg_lt.active = 1;
} else {
ldg_lt.active = 0;
if (getprop("/controls/switches/leng") == 1 or getprop("/controls/switches/reng") == 1 or getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/dc1") == 0 or getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/dc2") == 0) {
if (getprop("/instrumentation/comm[2]/frequencies/selected-mhz") != 0 and (phaseVar == 1 or phaseVar == 2 or phaseVar == 6 or phaseVar == 9 or phaseVar == 10)) {
if (phaseVar >= 2 and phaseVar <= 9 and getprop("/systems/fuel/only-use-ctr-tank") == 1 and getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/ac1") >= 115 and getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/ac2") >= 115) {