# Pedestal Connect Box
### Input
25 Bytes of input, consisting of
* 1 Byte reportId (always value 1)
* 22 Bytes for 11 axis (each axis is 2 bytes and has a range of 0 - 4095)
* 8 Bytes for buttons

Inputs report usually via USB HID so you only have to map them.

### Output
9 Byte output, consisting of
* 1 Byte for the reportId (always value 1)
* 2 Bytes for the brightness of the integrated lighting (range 0-48000)
* 2 Bytes for the brightness of the rudder trim display (range 0-48000)
* 2 Bytes for indicator LEDs, each bit controls one item:
	* 0x0001: DOOR OPEN
	* 0x0002: DOOR FAULT
	* 0x0004: ENG 1 FAULT
	* 0x0008: ENG 1 FIRE
	* 0x0010: ENG 2 FAULT
	* 0x0020: ENG 2 FIRE
* 2 Bytes for ECAM page LEDs
	* 0x0001: ECAM CLR
	* 0x0002: ECAM APU
	* 0x0004: ECAM ENG
	* 0x0008: ECAM COND
	* 0x0010: ECAM BLEED
	* 0x0020: ECAM STS
	* 0x0040: ECAM DOOR
	* 0x0080: ECAM PRESS
	* 0x0100: ECAM WHEEL
	* 0x0200: ECAM ELEC
	* 0x0400: ECAM F/CTL
	* 0x0800: ECAM HYD
	* 0x1000: ECAM FUEL
* 2 Bytes for generic controls (such as calibration)
## Pinout
### General pins
PA15|Backlight PWM
### Rudder Trim Panel
PA1|Trim Left
PA3|Parking Brake
PB10|Display PWM
PB13|SPI Clock
PB14|SPI Chip Select
PB15|SPI Data
PC15|Trim Right
### Speed Brake
PA2|Speed Brake
PA4|Spoiler Arm
### Flaps
### Gravity Gear Extension
PA6|Gravity Gear Extension
### Flood Light and DFDR
PA7|Flood Light Pedestal
### Switching
PA8|ATT Captain
PA9|AIR Captain
PA10|ATT First Officer
PC6|EIS Captain
PC9|AIR First Officer
PD13|ECAM First Officer
PD14|ECAM Captain
PD15|EIS First Officer
### ECAM
PB0|Upper ECAM Brightness
PB1|Lower ECAM Brightness
PB2|Keys Column 4
PB11|LEDs Column 6
PB12|LEDs Row 1
PC7|LEDs Column 2
PC8|LEDs Column 3
PD8|LEDs Column 5
PD9|LEDs Column 1
PD10|LEDs Column 4
PD11|Keys Column 1
PD12|Keys Column 2
PE7|Keys Row 4
PE8|Keys Column 3
PE9|LEDs Row 3
PE10|Keys Column 5
PE11|Keys Row 3
PE12|Keys Row 1
PE13|LEDs Row 2
PE14|Keys Column 6
PE15|Keys Row 2
### Weather Radar
PD1|System 1
PD3|System 2
### Door
PB6|Fault Light
PB7|Open Light
### Flood Light and Integ Light
PC0|Flood Light MIP
PC1|Integ Light
### Engine
PC13|Mode Crank
PC14|Mode Start
PE1|Engine 1 Fire
PE2|Engine 1 Fault
PE3|Engine 2 Fault
PE4|Engine 2 Fire
PE5|Engine 1 Master
PE6|Engine 2 Master