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								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "ADC1_IN13" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "ADC2_IN13" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "ADC3_IN13" bidirectional line)
				(pin power_in line
					(at 2.54 -71.12 90)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "VSSA"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "19"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at -22.86 30.48 0)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PE3"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "2"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "FSMC_A19" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "SYS_TRACED0" bidirectional line)
				(pin input line
					(at -22.86 50.8 0)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "VREF-"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "20"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
				(pin input line
					(at -22.86 53.34 0)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "VREF+"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "21"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
				(pin power_in line
					(at 7.62 71.12 270)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "VDDA"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "22"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at 22.86 63.5 180)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PA0"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "23"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "ADC1_IN0" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "ADC2_IN0" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "ADC3_IN0" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "SYS_WKUP" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM2_CH1" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM2_ETR" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM5_CH1" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM8_ETR" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "USART2_CTS" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at 22.86 60.96 180)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PA1"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "24"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "ADC1_IN1" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "ADC2_IN1" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "ADC3_IN1" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM2_CH2" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM5_CH2" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "USART2_RTS" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at 22.86 58.42 180)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PA2"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "25"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "ADC1_IN2" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "ADC2_IN2" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "ADC3_IN2" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM2_CH3" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM5_CH3" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "USART2_TX" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at 22.86 55.88 180)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PA3"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "26"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "ADC1_IN3" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "ADC2_IN3" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "ADC3_IN3" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM2_CH4" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM5_CH4" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "USART2_RX" bidirectional line)
				(pin passive line
					(at 0 -71.12 90)
					(length 5.08) hide
					(name "VSS"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "27"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
				(pin power_in line
					(at -2.54 71.12 270)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "VDD"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "28"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at 22.86 53.34 180)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PA4"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "29"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "ADC1_IN4" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "ADC2_IN4" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "DAC_OUT1" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "SPI1_NSS" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "USART2_CK" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at -22.86 27.94 0)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PE4"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "3"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "FSMC_A20" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "SYS_TRACED1" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at 22.86 50.8 180)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PA5"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "30"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "ADC1_IN5" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "ADC2_IN5" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "DAC_OUT2" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "SPI1_SCK" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at 22.86 48.26 180)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PA6"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "31"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "ADC1_IN6" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "ADC2_IN6" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "SPI1_MISO" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM1_BKIN" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM3_CH1" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM8_BKIN" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at 22.86 45.72 180)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PA7"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "32"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "ADC1_IN7" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "ADC2_IN7" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "SPI1_MOSI" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM1_CH1N" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM3_CH2" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM8_CH1N" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at 22.86 -33.02 180)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PC4"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "33"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "ADC1_IN14" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "ADC2_IN14" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at 22.86 -35.56 180)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PC5"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "34"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "ADC1_IN15" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "ADC2_IN15" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at 22.86 20.32 180)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PB0"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "35"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "ADC1_IN8" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "ADC2_IN8" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM1_CH2N" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM3_CH3" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM8_CH2N" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at 22.86 17.78 180)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PB1"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "36"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "ADC1_IN9" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "ADC2_IN9" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM1_CH3N" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM3_CH4" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM8_CH3N" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at 22.86 15.24 180)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PB2"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "37"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at -22.86 20.32 0)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PE7"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "38"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "FSMC_D4" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "FSMC_DA4" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM1_ETR" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at -22.86 17.78 0)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PE8"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "39"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "FSMC_D5" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "FSMC_DA5" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM1_CH1N" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at -22.86 25.4 0)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PE5"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "4"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "FSMC_A21" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "SYS_TRACED2" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at -22.86 15.24 0)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PE9"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "40"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "DAC_EXTI9" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "FSMC_D6" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "FSMC_DA6" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM1_CH1" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at -22.86 12.7 0)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PE10"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "41"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "FSMC_D7" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "FSMC_DA7" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM1_CH2N" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at -22.86 10.16 0)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PE11"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "42"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "ADC1_EXTI11" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "ADC2_EXTI11" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "FSMC_D8" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "FSMC_DA8" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM1_CH2" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at -22.86 7.62 0)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PE12"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "43"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "FSMC_D9" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "FSMC_DA9" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM1_CH3N" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at -22.86 5.08 0)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PE13"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "44"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "FSMC_D10" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "FSMC_DA10" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM1_CH3" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at -22.86 2.54 0)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PE14"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "45"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "FSMC_D11" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "FSMC_DA11" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM1_CH4" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at -22.86 0 0)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PE15"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "46"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "ADC1_EXTI15" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "ADC2_EXTI15" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "FSMC_D12" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "FSMC_DA12" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM1_BKIN" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at 22.86 -5.08 180)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PB10"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "47"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "I2C2_SCL" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM2_CH3" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "USART3_TX" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at 22.86 -7.62 180)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PB11"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "48"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "ADC1_EXTI11" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "ADC2_EXTI11" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "I2C2_SDA" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM2_CH4" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "USART3_RX" bidirectional line)
				(pin passive line
					(at 0 -71.12 90)
					(length 5.08) hide
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								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "49"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at -22.86 22.86 0)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PE6"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "5"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "FSMC_A22" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "SYS_TRACED3" bidirectional line)
				(pin power_in line
					(at 0 71.12 270)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "VDD"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "50"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at 22.86 -10.16 180)
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					(name "PB12"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "51"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "I2C2_SMBA" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "I2S2_WS" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "SPI2_NSS" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM1_BKIN" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "USART3_CK" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at 22.86 -12.7 180)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PB13"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "52"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "I2S2_CK" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "SPI2_SCK" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM1_CH1N" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "USART3_CTS" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at 22.86 -15.24 180)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PB14"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "53"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "SPI2_MISO" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM1_CH2N" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "USART3_RTS" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at 22.86 -17.78 180)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PB15"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "54"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "ADC1_EXTI15" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "ADC2_EXTI15" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "I2S2_SD" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "SPI2_MOSI" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM1_CH3N" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at -22.86 -25.4 0)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PD8"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "55"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "FSMC_D13" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "FSMC_DA13" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "USART3_TX" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at -22.86 -27.94 0)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PD9"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "56"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "DAC_EXTI9" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "FSMC_D14" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "FSMC_DA14" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "USART3_RX" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at -22.86 -30.48 0)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PD10"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "57"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "FSMC_D15" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "FSMC_DA15" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "USART3_CK" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at -22.86 -33.02 0)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PD11"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "58"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "ADC1_EXTI11" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "ADC2_EXTI11" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "FSMC_A16" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "FSMC_CLE" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "USART3_CTS" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at -22.86 -35.56 0)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PD12"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "59"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "FSMC_A17" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "FSMC_ALE" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM4_CH1" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "USART3_RTS" bidirectional line)
				(pin power_in line
					(at -7.62 71.12 270)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "VBAT"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "6"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at -22.86 -38.1 0)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PD13"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "60"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "FSMC_A18" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM4_CH2" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at -22.86 -40.64 0)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PD14"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "61"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "FSMC_D0" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "FSMC_DA0" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM4_CH3" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at -22.86 -43.18 0)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PD15"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "62"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "ADC1_EXTI15" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "ADC2_EXTI15" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "FSMC_D1" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "FSMC_DA1" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM4_CH4" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at 22.86 -38.1 180)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PC6"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "63"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "I2S2_MCK" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "SDIO_D6" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM3_CH1" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM8_CH1" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at 22.86 -40.64 180)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PC7"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "64"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "I2S3_MCK" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "SDIO_D7" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM3_CH2" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM8_CH2" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at 22.86 -43.18 180)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PC8"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "65"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "SDIO_D0" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM3_CH3" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM8_CH3" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at 22.86 -45.72 180)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PC9"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "66"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "DAC_EXTI9" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "SDIO_D1" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM3_CH4" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM8_CH4" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at 22.86 43.18 180)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PA8"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "67"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "RCC_MCO" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM1_CH1" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "USART1_CK" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at 22.86 40.64 180)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PA9"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "68"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "DAC_EXTI9" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "TIM1_CH2" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "USART1_TX" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at 22.86 38.1 180)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PA10"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "69"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "TIM1_CH3" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "USART1_RX" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at 22.86 -55.88 180)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PC13"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "7"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "RTC_OUT" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "RTC_TAMPER" bidirectional line)
				(pin bidirectional line
					(at 22.86 35.56 180)
					(length 5.08)
					(name "PA11"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(number "70"
								(size 1.27 1.27)
					(alternate "ADC1_EXTI11" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "ADC2_EXTI11" bidirectional line)
					(alternate "CAN_RX" bidirectional line)
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								(size 1.27 1.27)
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