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# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# NOTE! This copyright does *not* cover user models that use these Nasal
# services by normal function calls - this is merely considered normal use
# of the code, and does *not* fall under the heading of "derived work."
# Copyright (C) 2012-202 by James Turner
# route_manager.nas - FlightPlan delegate(s) corresponding to the built-
# in route-manager dialog and GPS. Intended to provide a sensible default behaviour,
# but can be disabled by an aircraft-specific FMS / GPS system.
# This delegate corresponds to functionality of the built-in route-manager dialog.
# if you disable it, the built-in route-manager dialog may not work as expected.
# Especially, this dialog is responsible for building departure, approach and
# arrival waypoints corresponding to the requested SID/STAR/approach,
# and replacing them when the inputs change (eg, user seelcted a different
# destination or STAR while enroute)
# You can disable the default GPS behaviour *without* touching this delegate : they are
# kept seperate since this first one is less likely to need changes
var A320RouteManagerDelegate = {
new: func(fp) {
var m = { parents: [A320RouteManagerDelegate] };
logprint(LOG_INFO, 'creating A320 Route Manager FPDelegate');
m.flightplan = fp;
return m;
departureChanged: func
logprint(LOG_INFO, 'saw departure changed');
if (me.flightplan.departure == nil)
if (me.flightplan.departure_runway == nil) {
# no runway, only an airport, use that
var wp = createWPFrom(me.flightplan.departure);
wp.wp_role = 'sid';
me.flightplan.insertWP(wp, 0);
# first, insert the runway itself
var wp = createWPFrom(me.flightplan.departure_runway);
wp.wp_role = 'sid';
me.flightplan.insertWP(wp, 0);
if (me.flightplan.sid == nil)
# and we have a SID
var sid = me.flightplan.sid;
logprint(LOG_INFO, 'routing via SID ' ~ sid.id);
var wps = sid.route(me.flightplan.departure_runway, me.flightplan.sid_trans);
var lastWP = wps[-1];
var foundIdx = -999;
for (var wptIdx = 0; wptIdx < me.flightplan.getPlanSize(); wptIdx = wptIdx + 1) {
if (me.flightplan.getWP(wptIdx).id == lastWP.id) {
foundIdx = wptIdx;
if (foundIdx != -999) {
while (foundIdx > 0) {
foundIdx -= 1;
me.flightplan.insertWaypoints(wps, 1);
arrivalChanged: func
if (me.flightplan.destination == nil)
if (me.flightplan.destination_runway == nil) {
# no runway, only an airport, use that
var wp = createWPFrom(me.flightplan.destination);
wp.wp_role = 'approach';
var initialApproachFix = nil;
if (me.flightplan.star != nil) {
logprint(LOG_INFO, 'routing via STAR ' ~ me.flightplan.star.id);
var wps = me.flightplan.star.route(me.flightplan.destination_runway, me.flightplan.star_trans);
if (wps != nil) {
me.flightplan.insertWaypoints(wps, -1);
initialApproachFix = wps[-1]; # final waypoint of STAR
if (me.flightplan.approach != nil) {
var wps = nil;
var approachIdent = me.flightplan.approach.id;
if (me.flightplan.approach_trans != nil) {
# if an approach transition was specified, let's use it explicitly
wps = me.flightplan.approach.route(me.flightplan.destination_runway, me.flightplan.approach_trans);
if (wps == nil) {
logprint(LOG_WARN, "couldn't route approach " ~ approachIdent ~ " based on specified transition:" ~ me.flightplan.approach_trans);
} else if (initialApproachFix != nil) {
# no explicit approach transition, let's use the IAF to guess one
wps = me.flightplan.approach.route(me.flightplan.destination_runway, initialApproachFix);
if (wps == nil) {
logprint(LOG_INFO, "couldn't route approach " ~ approachIdent ~ " based on IAF:" ~ initialApproachFix.wp_name);
# depending on the order the user selects the approach or STAR, we might get into
# a mess here. If we failed to route so far, just try a direct to the approach
if (wps == nil) {
# route direct
wps = me.flightplan.approach.route(me.flightplan.destination_runway);
if (wps == nil) {
logprint(LOG_WARN, 'routing via approach ' ~ approachIdent ~ ' failed entirely.');
} else {
me.flightplan.insertWaypoints(wps, -1);
} else {
# no approach, just use the runway waypoint
var wp = createWPFrom(me.flightplan.destination_runway);
wp.wp_role = 'approach';
cleared: func
logprint(LOG_INFO, "saw active flightplan cleared, deactivating");
# see http://https://code.google.com/p/flightgear-bugs/issues/detail?id=885
fgcommand("activate-flightplan", props.Node.new({"activate": 0}));
endOfFlightPlan: func
logprint(LOG_INFO, "end of flight-plan, deactivating");
fgcommand("activate-flightplan", props.Node.new({"activate": 0}));
var GPSPath = "/instrumentation/gps";
# this delegate corresponds to the default behaviour of the built-in GPS.
# depending on the real GPS/FMS you are modelling, you probably need to
# replace this with your own.
# To do that, just set /autopilot/route-manager/disable-fms to true, which
# will block creation of this delegate.
# Of course you are then responsible for many basic FMS functions, such as
# route sequencing and activation
var A320GPSDelegate = {
new: func(fp) {
var m = { parents: [A320GPSDelegate], flightplan:fp, landingCheck:nil };
logprint(LOG_INFO, 'creating A320 GPS FPDelegate');
# tell the GPS C++ code we will do sequencing ourselves, so it can disable
# its legacy logic for this
setprop(GPSPath ~ '/config/delegate-sequencing', 1);
# disable turn anticipation
setprop(GPSPath ~ '/config/enable-fly-by', 0);
# flyOver maximum distance
setprop(GPSPath ~ '/config/over-flight-arm-distance', 5);
fp.followLegTrackToFix = 1;
fp.aircraftCategory = 'C';
m._modeProp = props.globals.getNode(GPSPath ~ '/mode');
return m;
_landingCheckTimeout: func
if (pts.Gear.wow[0].getValue() and pts.Velocities.groundspeedKt.getValue() < 25) {
logprint(LOG_INFO, 'GPS saw speed < 25kts on destination runway, end of route.');
# record touch-down time?
_captureCurrentCourse: func
setprop(GPSPath ~ "/selected-course-deg", getprop(GPSPath ~ "/desired-course-deg"));
_selectOBSMode: func
setprop(GPSPath ~ "/command", "obs");
waypointsChanged: func
activated: func
if (!me.flightplan.active)
logprint(LOG_INFO,'flightplan activated, default GPS to LEG mode');
setprop(GPSPath ~ "/command", "leg");
deactivated: func
if (me._modeProp.getValue() == 'leg') {
logprint(LOG_INFO, 'flightplan deactivated, default GPS to OBS mode');
endOfFlightPlan: func
if (me._modeProp.getValue() == 'leg') {
logprint(LOG_INFO, 'end of flight-plan, switching GPS to OBS mode');
cleared: func
if (!me.flightplan.active)
if (me._modeProp.getValue() == 'leg') {
logprint(LOG_INFO, 'flight-plan cleared, switching GPS to OBS mode');
sequence: func
if (!me.flightplan.active)
if (me._modeProp.getValue() == 'leg') {
if (me.flightplan.current + 1 >= me.flightplan.numWaypoints()) {
logprint(LOG_INFO, "default GPS sequencing, finishing flightplan");
} elsif (me.flightplan.nextWP().wp_type != 'discontinuity' and me.flightplan.nextWP().wp_type != 'vectors') {
logprint(LOG_INFO, "default GPS sequencing to next WP");
me.flightplan.current = me.flightplan.current + 1;
} else {
logprint(LOG_INFO, "default GPS sequencing to next WP (special)");
if (fmgc.Output.lat.getValue() == 1) {
if (me.flightplan.nextWP().wp_type == 'vectors') {
me.flightplan.current = me.flightplan.current + 2;
} else {
# OBS, do nothing
currentWaypointChanged: func
if (!me.flightplan.active)
if (me.landingCheck != nil) {
me.landingCheck = nil; # delete timer
var active = me.flightplan.currentWP();
if (active == nil) return;
var activeRunway = active.runway();
# this check is needed to avoid problems with circular routes; when
# activating the FP we end up here, and without this check, immediately
# detect that we've 'landed' and finish the FP again.
if (!pts.Gear.wow[0].getValue() and
(activeRunway != nil) and (me.flightplan.destination_runway != nil) and
(activeRunway.id == me.flightplan.destination_runway.id))
me.landingCheck = maketimer(2.0, me, A320GPSDelegate._landingCheckTimeout);