1261 lines
45 KiB
1261 lines
45 KiB
# A3XX FMGC/Autoflight
# Copyright (c) 2020 Josh Davidson (Octal450), Jonathan Redpath (legoboyvdlp), and Matthew Maring (mattmaring)
# Init Functions #
var database1 = 0;
var database2 = 0;
var code1 = 0;
var code2 = 0;
var gear0 = 0;
var state1 = 0;
var state2 = 0;
var flaps = 0;
var dep = "";
var arr = "";
var n1_left = 0;
var n1_right = 0;
var flaps = 0;
var modelat = 0;
var mode = 0;
var modeI = 0;
var gs = 0;
var aglalt = 0;
var cruiseft = 0;
var cruiseft_b = 0;
var newcruise = 0;
var phase = 0;
var state1 = 0;
var state2 = 0;
var wowl = 0;
var wowr = 0;
var targetalt = 0;
var targetvs = 0;
var targetfpa = 0;
var accel_agl_ft = 0;
var locarm = 0;
var apprarm = 0;
var fd1 = 0;
var fd2 = 0;
var spd = 0;
var hdg = 0;
var alt = 0;
var altitude = 0;
var flap = 0;
var freqnav0uf = 0;
var freqnav0 = 0;
var namenav0 = "XX";
var freqnav1uf = 0;
var freqnav1 = 0;
var namenav1 = "XX";
var freqnav2uf = 0;
var freqnav2 = 0;
var namenav2 = "XX";
var freqnav3uf = 0;
var freqnav3 = 0;
var namenav3 = "XX";
var freqadf0uf = 0;
var freqadf0 = 0;
var nameadf0 = "XX";
var freqadf1uf = 0;
var freqadf1 = 0;
var nameadf1 = "XX";
var ias = 0;
var mach = 0;
var ktsmach = 0;
var mngktsmach = 0;
var mng_spd = 0;
var mng_spd_cmd = 0;
var kts_sel = 0;
var mach_sel = 0;
var srsSPD = 0;
var mach_switchover = 0;
var decel = 0;
var mng_alt_spd_cmd = 0;
var mng_alt_spd = 0;
var mng_alt_mach_cmd = 0;
var mng_alt_mach = 0;
var mng_spd_cmd = 0;
var mng_spd = 0;
var ap1 = 0;
var ap2 = 0;
var flx = 0;
var lat = 0;
var newlat = 0;
var vert = 0;
var newvert = 0;
var newvertarm = 0;
var thr1 = 0;
var thr2 = 0;
var altsel = 0;
var crzFl = 0;
setprop("position/gear-agl-ft", 0);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/mng-spd", 157);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/mng-spd-cmd", 157);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/mng-kts-mach", 0);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/mach-switchover", 0);
setprop("/it-autoflight/settings/accel-agl-ft", 1500); #eventually set to 1500 above runway
setprop("/it-autoflight/internal/vert-speed-fpm", 0);
setprop("/it-autoflight/output/fma-pwr", 0);
setprop("instrumentation/nav[0]/nav-id", "XXX");
setprop("instrumentation/nav[1]/nav-id", "XXX");
setprop("/FMGC/internal/ils1-mcdu", "XXX/999.99");
setprop("/FMGC/internal/ils2-mcdu", "XXX/999.99");
setprop("/FMGC/internal/vor1-mcdu", "XXX/999.99");
setprop("/FMGC/internal/vor2-mcdu", "999.99/XXX");
setprop("/FMGC/internal/adf1-mcdu", "XXX/999.99");
setprop("/FMGC/internal/adf2-mcdu", "999.99/XXX");
var FMGCinit = func {
FMGCInternal.takeoffState = 0;
FMGCInternal.minspeed = 0;
FMGCInternal.maxspeed = 338;
FMGCInternal.phase = 0; # 0 is Preflight 1 is Takeoff 2 is Climb 3 is Cruise 4 is Descent 5 is Decel/Approach 6 is Go Around 7 is Done
setprop("/FMGC/internal/mng-spd", 157);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/mng-spd-cmd", 157);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/mng-kts-mach", 0);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/mach-switchover", 0);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/loc-source", "NAV0");
setprop("/FMGC/internal/optalt", 0);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/landing-time", -99);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/align1-time", -99);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/align2-time", -99);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/align3-time", -99);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/block-fuel-time", -99);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/fuel-pred-time", -99);
var FMGCInternal = {
# phase logic
phase: 0,
minspeed: 0,
maxspeed: 0,
takeoffState: 0,
# speeds
alpha_prot: 0,
alpha_max: 0,
vmo_mmo: 0,
vsw: 0,
vls_min: 0,
clean: 0,
vs1g_clean: 0,
vs1g_conf_1: 0,
vs1g_conf_1f: 0,
vs1g_conf_2: 0,
vs1g_conf_3: 0,
vs1g_conf_full: 0,
slat: 0,
flap2: 0,
flap3: 0,
vls: 0,
vapp: 0,
clean_to: 0,
vs1g_clean_to: 0,
vs1g_conf_2_to: 0,
vs1g_conf_3_to: 0,
vs1g_conf_full_to: 0,
slat_to: 0,
flap2_to: 0,
clean_appr: 0,
vs1g_clean_appr: 0,
vs1g_conf_2_appr: 0,
vs1g_conf_3_appr: 0,
vs1g_conf_full_appr: 0,
slat_appr: 0,
flap2_appr: 0,
vls_appr: 0,
vapp_appr: 0,
transAlt: 18000,
transAltSet: 0,
v1: 0,
v1set: 0,
vr: 0,
vrset: 0,
v2: 0,
v2set: 0,
destMag: 0,
destMagSet: 0,
destWind: 0,
destWindSet: 0,
altAirport: "",
altAirportSet: 0,
altSelected: 0,
arrApt: "",
costIndex: 0,
costIndexSet: 0,
crzFt: 10000,
crzFl: 0,
crzSet: 0,
crzTemp: 15,
crzTempSet: 0,
flightNum: "",
flightNumSet: 0,
gndTemp: 15,
gndTempSet: 0,
depApt: "",
tropo: 36090,
tropoSet: 0,
toFromSet: 0,
zfw: 0,
zfwSet: 0,
zfwcg: 25.0,
zfwcgSet: 0,
block: 0.0,
blockSet: 0,
taxiFuel: 0.4,
taxiFuelSet: 0,
tripFuel: 0,
tripTime: "0000",
rteRsv: 0,
rteRsvSet: 0,
rtePercent: 5.0,
rtePercentSet: 0,
altFuel: 0,
altFuelSet: 0,
altTime: "0000",
finalFuel: 0,
finalFuelSet: 0,
finalTime: "0030",
finalTimeSet: 0,
minDestFob: 0,
minDestFobSet: 0,
tow: 0,
lw: 0,
tripWind: "HD000",
tripWindValue: 0,
fffqSensor: "FF+FQ",
extraFuel: 0,
extraTime: "0000",
priUtc: "0000",
altUtc: "0000",
priEfob: 0,
altEfob: 0,
fob: 0,
fuelPredGw: 0,
cg: 0,
var postInit = func() {
# Some properties had setlistener -- so to make sure all is o.k., we call function immediately like so:
var FMGCNodes = {
costIndex: props.globals.initNode("/FMGC/internal/cost-index", 0, "DOUBLE"),
toFromSet: props.globals.initNode("/FMGC/internal/tofrom-set", 0, "BOOL"),
v1: props.globals.initNode("/FMGC/internal/v1", 0, "DOUBLE"),
v1set: props.globals.initNode("/FMGC/internal/v1-set", 0, "BOOL"),
toState: props.globals.initNode("/FMGC/internal/to-state", 0, "BOOL"),
# FBW Trim #
setlistener("/gear/gear[0]/wow", func {
}, 0, 0);
var trimReset = func {
flaps = getprop("/controls/flight/flaps-pos");
if (pts.Gear.wow[0].getBoolValue() and !FMGCInternal.takeoffState and (flaps >= 5 or (flaps >= 4 and getprop("/instrumentation/mk-viii/inputs/discretes/momentary-flap3-override") == 1))) {
interpolate("/controls/flight/elevator-trim", 0.0, 1.5);
# MCDU Inputs #
var updateARPT = func {
setprop("autopilot/route-manager/departure/airport", FMGCInternal.depApt);
setprop("autopilot/route-manager/destination/airport", FMGCInternal.arrApt);
setprop("autopilot/route-manager/alternate/airport", FMGCInternal.altAirport);
if (getprop("/autopilot/route-manager/active") != 1) {
fgcommand("activate-flightplan", props.Node.new({"activate": 1}));
var updateArptLatLon = func {
#ref lat
dms = getprop("/FMGC/flightplan[2]/wp[0]/lat");
degrees = int(dms);
minutes = sprintf("%.1f",abs((dms - degrees) * 60));
sign = degrees >= 0 ? "N" : "S";
setprop("/FMGC/internal/align-ref-lat-degrees", degrees);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/align-ref-lat-minutes", minutes);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/align-ref-lat-sign", sign);
#ref long
dms = getprop("/FMGC/flightplan[2]/wp[0]/lon");
degrees = int(dms);
minutes = sprintf("%.1f",abs((dms - degrees) * 60));
sign = degrees >= 0 ? "E" : "W";
setprop("/FMGC/internal/align-ref-long-degrees", degrees);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/align-ref-long-minutes", minutes);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/align-ref-long-sign", sign);
#ref edit
setprop("/FMGC/internal/align-ref-lat-edit", 0);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/align-ref-long-edit", 0);
updateRouteManagerAlt = func() {
setprop("autopilot/route-manager/cruise/altitude-ft", FMGCInternal.crzFt);
# FUEL #
# Calculations maintained at https://github.com/mattmaring/A320-family-fuel-model
# Copyright (c) 2020 Matthew Maring (mattmaring)
var updateFuel = func {
# Calculate (final) holding fuel
if (FMGCInternal.finalFuelSet) {
final_fuel = 1000 * FMGCInternal.finalFuel;
zfw = 1000 * FMGCInternal.zfw;
final_time = final_fuel / (2.0 * ((zfw*zfw*-2e-10) + (zfw*0.0003) + 2.8903)); # x2 for 2 engines
if (final_time < 0) {
final_time = 0;
} else if (final_time > 480) {
final_time = 480;
if (num(final_time) >= 60) {
final_min = int(math.mod(final_time, 60));
final_hour = int((final_time - final_min) / 60);
FMGCInternal.finalTime = sprintf("%02d", final_hour) ~ sprintf("%02d", final_min);
} else {
FMGCInternal.finalTime = sprintf("%04d", final_time);
} else {
if (!FMGCInternal.finalTimeSet) {
FMGCInternal.finalTime = "0030";
final_time = int(FMGCInternal.finalTime);
if (final_time >= 100) {
final_time = final_time - 100 + 60; # can't be set above 90 (0130)
zfw = 1000 * FMGCInternal.zfw;
final_fuel = final_time * 2.0 * ((zfw*zfw*-2e-10) + (zfw*0.0003) + 2.8903); # x2 for 2 engines
if (final_fuel < 0) {
final_fuel = 0;
} else if (final_fuel > 80000) {
final_fuel = 80000;
FMGCInternal.finalFuel = final_fuel / 1000;
# Calculate alternate fuel
if (!FMGCInternal.altFuelSet and FMGCInternal.altAirportSet) {
} else if (FMGCInternal.altFuelSet and FMGCInternal.altAirportSet) {
#dummy calc for now
alt_fuel = 1000 * num(FMGCInternal.altFuel);
zfw = 1000 * FMGCInternal.zfw;
alt_time = alt_fuel / (2.0 * ((zfw*zfw*-2e-10) + (zfw*0.0003) + 2.8903)); # x2 for 2 engines
if (alt_time < 0) {
alt_time = 0;
} else if (alt_time > 480) {
alt_time = 480;
if (num(alt_time) >= 60) {
alt_min = int(math.mod(alt_time, 60));
alt_hour = int((alt_time - alt_min) / 60);
FMGCInternal.altTime = sprintf("%02d", alt_hour) ~ sprintf("%02d", alt_min);
} else {
FMGCInternal.altTime = sprintf("%04d", alt_time);
} else if (!FMGCInternal.altFuelSet) {
FMGCInternal.altFuel = 0.0;
FMGCInternal.altTime = "0000";
# Calculate min dest fob (final + alternate)
if (!FMGCInternal.minDestFobSet) {
FMGCInternal.minDestFob = num(FMGCInternal.altFuel + FMGCInternal.finalFuel);
if (FMGCInternal.zfwSet) {
FMGCInternal.lw = num(FMGCInternal.zfw + FMGCInternal.altFuel + FMGCInternal.finalFuel);
# Calculate trip fuel
if (FMGCInternal.toFromSet and FMGCInternal.crzSet and FMGCInternal.crzTempSet and FMGCInternal.zfwSet) {
crz = FMGCInternal.crzFl;
temp = FMGCInternal.crzTemp;
dist = flightPlanController.arrivalDist;
trpWind = FMGCInternal.tripWind;
wind_value = FMGCInternal.tripWindValue;
if (find("HD", trpWind) != -1 or find("-", trpWind) != -1 or find("H", trpWind) != -1) {
wind_value = wind_value * -1;
dist = dist - (dist * wind_value * 0.002);
#trip_fuel = 4.003e+02 + (dist * -5.399e+01) + (dist * dist * -7.322e-02) + (dist * dist * dist * 1.091e-05) + (dist * dist * dist * dist * 2.962e-10) + (dist * dist * dist * dist * dist * -1.178e-13) + (dist * dist * dist * dist * dist * dist * 6.322e-18) + (crz * 5.387e+01) + (dist * crz * 1.583e+00) + (dist * dist * crz * 7.695e-04) + (dist * dist * dist * crz * -1.057e-07) + (dist * dist * dist * dist * crz * 1.138e-12) + (dist * dist * dist * dist * dist * crz * 1.736e-16) + (crz * crz * -1.171e+00) + (dist * crz * crz * -1.219e-02) + (dist * dist * crz * crz * -2.879e-06) + (dist * dist * dist * crz * crz * 3.115e-10) + (dist * dist * dist * dist * crz * crz * -4.093e-15) + (crz * crz * crz * 9.160e-03) + (dist * crz * crz * crz * 4.311e-05) + (dist * dist * crz * crz * crz * 4.532e-09) + (dist * dist * dist * crz * crz * crz * -2.879e-13) + (crz * crz * crz * crz * -3.338e-05) + (dist * crz * crz * crz * crz * -7.340e-08) + (dist * dist * crz * crz * crz * crz * -2.494e-12) + (crz * crz * crz * crz * crz * 5.849e-08) + (dist * crz * crz * crz * crz * crz * 4.898e-11) + (crz * crz * crz * crz * crz * crz * -3.999e-11);
trip_fuel = 4.018e+02 + (dist*3.575e+01) + (dist*dist*-4.260e-02) + (dist*dist*dist*-1.446e-05) + (dist*dist*dist*dist*4.101e-09) + (dist*dist*dist*dist*dist*-6.753e-13) + (dist*dist*dist*dist*dist*dist*5.074e-17) + (crz*-2.573e+01) + (dist*crz*-1.583e-01) + (dist*dist*crz*8.147e-04) + (dist*dist*dist*crz*4.485e-08) + (dist*dist*dist*dist*crz*-7.656e-12) + (dist*dist*dist*dist*dist*crz*4.503e-16) + (crz*crz*4.427e-01) + (dist*crz*crz*-1.137e-03) + (dist*dist*crz*crz*-4.409e-06) + (dist*dist*dist*crz*crz*-3.345e-11) + (dist*dist*dist*dist*crz*crz*4.985e-15) + (crz*crz*crz*-2.471e-03) + (dist*crz*crz*crz*1.223e-05) + (dist*dist*crz*crz*crz*9.660e-09) + (dist*dist*dist*crz*crz*crz*-2.127e-14) + (crz*crz*crz*crz*5.714e-06) + (dist*crz*crz*crz*crz*-3.546e-08) + (dist*dist*crz*crz*crz*crz*-7.536e-12) + (crz*crz*crz*crz*crz*-4.061e-09) + (dist*crz*crz*crz*crz*crz*3.355e-11) + (crz*crz*crz*crz*crz*crz*-1.451e-12);
if (trip_fuel < 400) {
trip_fuel = 400;
} else if (trip_fuel > 80000) {
trip_fuel = 80000;
# cruize temp correction
trip_fuel = trip_fuel + (0.033 * (temp - 15 + (2 * crz / 10)) * flightPlanController.arrivalDist);
trip_time = 9.095e-02 + (dist*-3.968e-02) + (dist*dist*4.302e-04) + (dist*dist*dist*2.005e-07) + (dist*dist*dist*dist*-6.876e-11) + (dist*dist*dist*dist*dist*1.432e-14) + (dist*dist*dist*dist*dist*dist*-1.177e-18) + (crz*7.348e-01) + (dist*crz*3.310e-03) + (dist*dist*crz*-8.700e-06) + (dist*dist*dist*crz*-4.214e-10) + (dist*dist*dist*dist*crz*5.652e-14) + (dist*dist*dist*dist*dist*crz*-6.379e-18) + (crz*crz*-1.449e-02) + (dist*crz*crz*-7.508e-06) + (dist*dist*crz*crz*4.529e-08) + (dist*dist*dist*crz*crz*3.699e-13) + (dist*dist*dist*dist*crz*crz*8.466e-18) + (crz*crz*crz*1.108e-04) + (dist*crz*crz*crz*-4.126e-08) + (dist*dist*crz*crz*crz*-9.645e-11) + (dist*dist*dist*crz*crz*crz*-1.544e-16) + (crz*crz*crz*crz*-4.123e-07) + (dist*crz*crz*crz*crz*1.831e-10) + (dist*dist*crz*crz*crz*crz*7.438e-14) + (crz*crz*crz*crz*crz*7.546e-10) + (dist*crz*crz*crz*crz*crz*-1.921e-13) + (crz*crz*crz*crz*crz*crz*-5.453e-13);
if (trip_time < 10) {
trip_time = 10;
} else if (trip_time > 480) {
trip_time = 480;
# if (low air conditioning) {
# trip_fuel = trip_fuel * 0.995;
# if (total anti-ice) {
# trip_fuel = trip_fuel * 1.045;
#} else if (engine anti-ice) {
# trip_fuel = trip_fuel * 1.02;
zfw = FMGCInternal.zfw;
landing_weight_correction = 9.951e+00 + (dist*-2.064e+00) + (dist*dist*2.030e-03) + (dist*dist*dist*8.179e-08) + (dist*dist*dist*dist*-3.941e-11) + (dist*dist*dist*dist*dist*2.443e-15) + (crz*2.771e+00) + (dist*crz*3.067e-02) + (dist*dist*crz*-1.861e-05) + (dist*dist*dist*crz*2.516e-10) + (dist*dist*dist*dist*crz*5.452e-14) + (crz*crz*-4.483e-02) + (dist*crz*crz*-1.645e-04) + (dist*dist*crz*crz*5.212e-08) + (dist*dist*dist*crz*crz*-8.721e-13) + (crz*crz*crz*2.609e-04) + (dist*crz*crz*crz*3.898e-07) + (dist*dist*crz*crz*crz*-4.617e-11) + (crz*crz*crz*crz*-6.488e-07) + (dist*crz*crz*crz*crz*-3.390e-10) + (crz*crz*crz*crz*crz*5.835e-10);
trip_fuel = trip_fuel + (landing_weight_correction * (FMGCInternal.lw * 1000 - 121254.24421) / 2204.622622);
if (trip_fuel < 400) {
trip_fuel = 400;
} else if (trip_fuel > 80000) {
trip_fuel = 80000;
FMGCInternal.tripFuel = trip_fuel / 1000;
if (num(trip_time) >= 60) {
trip_min = int(math.mod(trip_time, 60));
trip_hour = int((trip_time - trip_min) / 60);
FMGCInternal.tripTime = sprintf("%02d", trip_hour) ~ sprintf("%02d", trip_min);
} else {
FMGCInternal.tripTime = sprintf("%04d", trip_time);
} else {
FMGCInternal.tripFuel = 0.0;
FMGCInternal.tripTime = "0000";
# Calculate reserve fuel
if (FMGCInternal.rteRsvSet) {
if (num(FMGCInternal.tripFuel) <= 0.0) {
FMGCInternal.rtePercent = 0.0;
} else {
if (num(FMGCInternal.rteRsv / FMGCInternal.tripFuel * 100.0) <= 15.0) {
FMGCInternal.rtePercent = num(FMGCInternal.rteRsv / FMGCInternal.tripFuel * 100.0);
} else {
FMGCInternal.rtePercent = 15.0; # need reasearch on this value
} else if (FMGCInternal.rtePercentSet) {
FMGCInternal.rteRsv = num(FMGCInternal.tripFuel * FMGCInternal.rtePercent / 100.0);
} else {
if (num(FMGCInternal.tripFuel) <= 0.0) {
FMGCInternal.rtePercent = 5.0;
} else {
FMGCInternal.rteRsv = num(FMGCInternal.tripFuel * FMGCInternal.rtePercent / 100.0);
# Misc fuel claclulations
if (getprop("/FMGC/internal/block-calculating")) {
FMGCInternal.block = num(FMGCInternal.altFuel + FMGCInternal.finalFuel + FMGCInternal.tripFuel + FMGCInternal.rteRsv + FMGCInternal.taxiFuel);
FMGCInternal.blockSet = 1;
fmgc.FMGCInternal.fob = num(getprop("/consumables/fuel/total-fuel-lbs") / 1000);
fmgc.FMGCInternal.fuelPredGw = num(getprop("/fdm/jsbsim/inertia/weight-lbs") / 1000);
fmgc.FMGCInternal.cg = fmgc.FMGCInternal.zfwcg;
# Calcualte extra fuel
if (num(getprop("/engines/engine[0]/n1-actual")) > 0 or num(getprop("/engines/engine[1]/n1-actual")) > 0) {
extra_fuel = 1000 * num(FMGCInternal.fob - FMGCInternal.tripFuel - FMGCInternal.minDestFob - FMGCInternal.taxiFuel - FMGCInternal.rteRsv);
} else {
extra_fuel = 1000 * num(FMGCInternal.block - FMGCInternal.tripFuel - FMGCInternal.minDestFob - FMGCInternal.taxiFuel - FMGCInternal.rteRsv);
FMGCInternal.extraFuel = extra_fuel / 1000;
lw = 1000 * FMGCInternal.lw;
extra_time = extra_fuel / (2.0 * ((lw*lw*-2e-10) + (lw*0.0003) + 2.8903)); # x2 for 2 engines
if (extra_time < 0) {
extra_time = 0;
} else if (extra_time > 480) {
extra_time = 480;
if (num(extra_time) >= 60) {
extra_min = int(math.mod(extra_time, 60));
extra_hour = int((extra_time - extra_min) / 60);
FMGCInternal.extraTime = sprintf("%02d", extra_hour) ~ sprintf("%02d", extra_min);
} else {
FMGCInternal.extraTime = sprintf("%04d", extra_time);
if (FMGCInternal.extraFuel > -0.1 and FMGCInternal.extraFuel < 0.1) {
FMGCInternal.extraFuel = 0.0;
FMGCInternal.tow = num(FMGCInternal.zfw + FMGCInternal.block - FMGCInternal.taxiFuel);
# Flight Phase and Various #
var nav0 = func {
var freqnav0uf = getprop("/instrumentation/nav[0]/frequencies/selected-mhz");
var freqnav0 = sprintf("%.2f", freqnav0uf);
var namenav0 = getprop("/instrumentation/nav[0]/nav-id") or "";
if (freqnav0 >= 108.10 and freqnav0 <= 111.95) {
if (namenav0 != "") {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/ils1-mcdu", namenav0 ~ "/" ~ freqnav0);
} else {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/ils1-mcdu", freqnav0);
var nav1 = func {
var freqnav1uf = getprop("/instrumentation/nav[1]/frequencies/selected-mhz");
var freqnav1 = sprintf("%.2f", freqnav1uf);
var namenav1 = getprop("/instrumentation/nav[1]/nav-id") or "";
if (freqnav1 >= 108.10 and freqnav1 <= 111.95) {
if (namenav1 != "") {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/ils2-mcdu", freqnav1 ~ "/" ~ namenav1);
} else {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/ils2-mcdu", freqnav1);
var nav2 = func {
var freqnav2uf = getprop("/instrumentation/nav[2]/frequencies/selected-mhz");
var freqnav2 = sprintf("%.2f", freqnav2uf);
var namenav2 = getprop("/instrumentation/nav[2]/nav-id") or "";
if (freqnav2 >= 108.00 and freqnav2 <= 117.95) {
if (namenav2 != "") {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/vor1-mcdu", namenav2 ~ "/" ~ freqnav2);
} else {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/vor1-mcdu", freqnav2);
var nav3 = func {
var freqnav3uf = getprop("/instrumentation/nav[3]/frequencies/selected-mhz");
var freqnav3 = sprintf("%.2f", freqnav3uf);
var namenav3 = getprop("/instrumentation/nav[3]/nav-id") or "";
if (freqnav3 >= 108.00 and freqnav3 <= 117.95) {
if (namenav3 != "") {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/vor2-mcdu", freqnav3 ~ "/" ~ namenav3);
} else {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/vor2-mcdu", freqnav3);
var adf0 = func {
var freqadf0uf = getprop("/instrumentation/adf[0]/frequencies/selected-khz");
var freqadf0 = sprintf("%.2f", freqadf0uf);
var nameadf0 = getprop("/instrumentation/adf[0]/ident") or "";
if (freqadf0 >= 190 and freqadf0 <= 1750) {
if (nameadf0 != "") {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/adf1-mcdu", nameadf0 ~ "/" ~ freqadf0);
} else {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/adf1-mcdu", freqadf0);
var adf1 = func {
var freqadf1uf = getprop("/instrumentation/adf[1]/frequencies/selected-khz");
var freqadf1 = sprintf("%.2f", freqadf1uf);
var nameadf1 = getprop("/instrumentation/adf[1]/ident") or "";
if (freqadf1 >= 190 and freqadf1 <= 1750) {
if (nameadf1 != "") {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/adf2-mcdu", freqadf1 ~ "/" ~ nameadf1);
} else {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/adf2-mcdu", freqadf1);
var radios = maketimer(1, func() {
var masterFMGC = maketimer(0.2, func {
n1_left = getprop("/engines/engine[0]/n1-actual");
n1_right = getprop("/engines/engine[1]/n1-actual");
flaps = getprop("/controls/flight/flaps-pos");
modelat = getprop("/modes/pfd/fma/roll-mode");
mode = getprop("/modes/pfd/fma/pitch-mode");
modeI = getprop("/it-autoflight/mode/vert");
gs = getprop("/velocities/groundspeed-kt");
alt = getprop("/instrumentation/altimeter/indicated-altitude-ft");
aglalt = pts.Position.gearAglFt.getValue();
# cruiseft = FMGCInternal.crzFt;
# cruiseft_b = FMGCInternal.crzFt - 200;
newcruise = getprop("/it-autoflight/internal/alt");
phase = FMGCInternal.phase;
state1 = getprop("/systems/thrust/state1");
state2 = getprop("/systems/thrust/state2");
wowl = getprop("/gear/gear[1]/wow");
wowr = getprop("/gear/gear[2]/wow");
targetalt = getprop("/it-autoflight/internal/alt");
targetvs = getprop("/it-autoflight/input/vs");
targetfpa = getprop("/it-autoflight/input/fpa");
accel_agl_ft = getprop("/it-autoflight/settings/accel-agl-ft");
locarm = getprop("/it-autopilot/output/loc-armed");
apprarm = getprop("/it-autopilot/output/appr-armed");
gear0 = pts.Gear.wow[0].getBoolValue();
ap1 = getprop("/it-autoflight/output/ap1");
ap2 = getprop("/it-autoflight/output/ap2");
flx = getprop("/systems/thrust/lim-flex");
lat = getprop("/it-autoflight/mode/lat");
newlat = getprop("/modes/pfd/fma/roll-mode");
vert = getprop("/it-autoflight/mode/vert");
newvert = getprop("/modes/pfd/fma/pitch-mode");
newvertarm = getprop("/modes/pfd/fma/pitch-mode2-armed");
thr1 = getprop("/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle-pos");
thr2 = getprop("/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle-pos");
altSel = getprop("/it-autoflight/input/alt");
if ((n1_left < 85 or n1_right < 85) and gs < 90 and mode == " " and gear0 and FMGCInternal.phase == 1) { # rejected takeoff
FMGCInternal.phase = 0;
setprop("systems/pressurization/mode", "GN");
if (gear0 and FMGCInternal.phase == 0 and ((n1_left >= 85 and n1_right >= 85 and mode == "SRS") or gs >= 90)) {
FMGCInternal.phase = 1;
setprop("systems/pressurization/mode", "TO");
if (FMGCInternal.phase == 1 and ((mode != "SRS" and mode != " ") or alt >= accel_agl_ft)) {
FMGCInternal.phase = 2;
setprop("systems/pressurization/mode", "TO");
if (FMGCInternal.phase == 2 and (mode == "ALT CRZ" or mode == "ALT CRZ*")) {
FMGCInternal.phase = 3;
setprop("systems/pressurization/mode", "CR");
if (FMGCInternal.crzFl >= 200) {
if (FMGCInternal.phase == 3 and (flightPlanController.arrivalDist <= 200 or altSel < 20000)) {
FMGCInternal.phase = 4;
setprop("systems/pressurization/mode", "DE");
} else {
if (FMGCInternal.phase == 3 and (flightPlanController.arrivalDist <= 200 or altSel < (FMGCInternal.crzFl * 100))) { # todo - not sure about crzFl condition, investigate what happens!
FMGCInternal.phase = 4;
setprop("systems/pressurization/mode", "DE");
if (FMGCInternal.phase == 4 and getprop("/FMGC/internal/decel")) {
FMGCInternal.phase = 5;
if (flightPlanController.num[2].getValue() > 0 and getprop("/FMGC/flightplan[2]/active") == 1 and flightPlanController.arrivalDist <= 15 and (modelat == "NAV" or modelat == "LOC" or modelat == "LOC*") and aglalt < 9500) { #todo decel pseudo waypoint
setprop("/FMGC/internal/decel", 1);
} else if (getprop("/FMGC/internal/decel") == 1 and (FMGCInternal.phase == 0 or FMGCInternal.phase == 6)) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/decel", 0);
if ((FMGCInternal.phase == 5) and state1 == "TOGA" and state2 == "TOGA") {
FMGCInternal.phase = 6;
setprop("systems/pressurization/mode", "TO");
setprop("/it-autoflight/input/toga", 1);
if (FMGCInternal.phase == 6 and alt >= accel_agl_ft) { # todo when insert altn or new dest
FMGCInternal.phase = 2;
if (getprop("/systems/navigation/adr/computation/overspeed-vfe-spd") != 1024) {
FMGCInternal.maxspeed = getprop("/systems/navigation/adr/computation/overspeed-vfe-spd") - 4;
} elsif (pts.Gear.position[0].getValue() != 0 or pts.Gear.position[1].getValue() != 0 or pts.Gear.position[2].getValue() != 0) {
FMGCInternal.maxspeed = 284;
} else {
FMGCInternal.maxspeed = getprop("/it-fbw/speeds/vmo-mmo");
# fuel
# calculate speeds
flap = getprop("/controls/flight/flaps-pos");
weight_lbs = getprop("/fdm/jsbsim/inertia/weight-lbs") / 1000;
altitude = getprop("/instrumentation/altimeter/indicated-altitude-ft");
# current speeds
FMGCInternal.clean = 2 * weight_lbs * 0.45359237 + 85;
if (altitude > 20000) {
FMGCInternal.clean += (altitude - 20000) / 1000;
FMGCInternal.vs1g_clean = 0.0024 * weight_lbs * weight_lbs + 0.124 * weight_lbs + 88.942;
FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_1 = -0.0007 * weight_lbs * weight_lbs + 0.6795 * weight_lbs + 44.673;
FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_1f = -0.0001 * weight_lbs * weight_lbs + 0.5211 * weight_lbs + 49.027;
FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_2 = -0.0005 * weight_lbs * weight_lbs + 0.5488 * weight_lbs + 44.279;
FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_3 = -0.0005 * weight_lbs * weight_lbs + 0.5488 * weight_lbs + 43.279;
FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_full = -0.0007 * weight_lbs * weight_lbs + 0.6002 * weight_lbs + 38.479;
FMGCInternal.slat = FMGCInternal.vs1g_clean * 1.23;
FMGCInternal.flap2 = FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_2 * 1.47;
FMGCInternal.flap3 = FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_3 * 1.36;
if (getprop("/FMGC/internal/ldg-config-3-set")) {
FMGCInternal.vls = FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_3 * 1.23;
} else {
FMGCInternal.vls = FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_full * 1.23
if (FMGCInternal.vls < 113) {
FMGCInternal.vls = 113;
if (!getprop("/FMGC/internal/vapp-speed-set")) {
if (FMGCInternal.destWind < 5) {
FMGCInternal.vapp = FMGCInternal.vls + 5;
} else if (FMGCInternal.destWind > 15) {
FMGCInternal.vapp = FMGCInternal.vls + 15;
} else {
FMGCInternal.vapp = FMGCInternal.vls + FMGCInternal.destWind;
# predicted takeoff speeds
if (FMGCInternal.phase == 1) {
FMGCInternal.clean_to = FMGCInternal.clean;
FMGCInternal.vs1g_clean_to = FMGCInternal.vs1g_clean;
FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_2_to = FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_2;
FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_3_to = FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_3;
FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_full_to = FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_full;
FMGCInternal.slat_to = FMGCInternal.slat;
FMGCInternal.flap2_to = FMGCInternal.flap2;
} else {
FMGCInternal.clean_to = 2 * FMGCInternal.tow * 0.45359237 + 85;
if (altitude > 20000) {
FMGCInternal.clean_to += (altitude - 20000) / 1000;
FMGCInternal.vs1g_clean_to = 0.0024 * FMGCInternal.tow * FMGCInternal.tow + 0.124 * FMGCInternal.tow + 88.942;
FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_2_to = -0.0005 * FMGCInternal.tow * FMGCInternal.tow + 0.5488 * FMGCInternal.tow + 44.279;
FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_3_to = -0.0005 * FMGCInternal.tow * FMGCInternal.tow + 0.5488 * FMGCInternal.tow + 43.279;
FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_full_to = -0.0007 * FMGCInternal.tow * FMGCInternal.tow + 0.6002 * FMGCInternal.tow + 38.479;
FMGCInternal.slat_to = FMGCInternal.vs1g_clean_to * 1.23;
FMGCInternal.flap2_to = FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_2_to * 1.47;
# predicted approach (temp go-around) speeds
if (FMGCInternal.phase == 5 or FMGCInternal.phase == 6) {
FMGCInternal.clean_appr = FMGCInternal.clean;
FMGCInternal.vs1g_clean_appr = FMGCInternal.vs1g_clean;
FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_2_appr = FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_2;
FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_3_appr = FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_3;
FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_full_appr = FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_full;
FMGCInternal.slat_appr = FMGCInternal.slat;
FMGCInternal.flap2_appr = FMGCInternal.flap2;
FMGCInternal.vls_appr = FMGCInternal.vls;
if (!getprop("/FMGC/internal/vapp-speed-set")) {
FMGCInternal.vapp_appr = FMGCInternal.vapp;
} else {
FMGCInternal.clean_appr = 2 * FMGCInternal.lw * 0.45359237 + 85;
if (altitude > 20000) {
FMGCInternal.clean_appr += (altitude - 20000) / 1000;
FMGCInternal.vs1g_clean_appr = 0.0024 * FMGCInternal.lw * FMGCInternal.lw + 0.124 * FMGCInternal.lw + 88.942;
FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_2_appr = -0.0005 * FMGCInternal.lw * FMGCInternal.lw + 0.5488 * FMGCInternal.lw + 44.279;
FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_3_appr = -0.0005 * FMGCInternal.lw * FMGCInternal.lw + 0.5488 * FMGCInternal.lw + 43.279;
FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_full_appr = -0.0007 * FMGCInternal.lw * FMGCInternal.lw + 0.6002 * FMGCInternal.lw + 38.479;
FMGCInternal.slat_appr = FMGCInternal.vs1g_clean_appr * 1.23;
FMGCInternal.flap2_appr = FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_2_appr * 1.47;
if (getprop("/FMGC/internal/ldg-config-3-set")) {
FMGCInternal.vls_appr = FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_3_appr * 1.23;
} else {
FMGCInternal.vls_appr = FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_full_appr * 1.23
if (FMGCInternal.vls_appr < 113) {
FMGCInternal.vls_appr = 113;
if (!getprop("/FMGC/internal/vapp-speed-set")) {
if (FMGCInternal.destWind < 5) {
FMGCInternal.vapp_appr = FMGCInternal.vls_appr + 5;
} else if (FMGCInternal.destWind > 15) {
FMGCInternal.vapp_appr = FMGCInternal.vls_appr + 15;
} else {
FMGCInternal.vapp_appr = FMGCInternal.vls_appr + FMGCInternal.destWind;
# Need info on these, also correct for height at altitude...
# https://www.pprune.org/archive/index.php/t-587639.html
aoa_prot = 15;
aoa_max = 17.5;
aoa_0 = -5;
aoa = getprop("/systems/navigation/adr/output/aoa-1");
cas = getprop("/systems/navigation/adr/output/cas-1");
if (aoa > -5) {
FMGCInternal.alpha_prot = cas * math.sqrt((aoa - aoa_0)/(aoa_prot - aoa_0));
FMGCInternal.alpha_max = cas * math.sqrt((aoa - aoa_0)/(aoa_max - aoa_0));
} else {
FMGCInternal.alpha_prot = 0;
FMGCInternal.alpha_max = 0;
#FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_2_appr = FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_2;
#FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_3_appr = FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_3;
#FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_full_appr = FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_full;
if (flap == 0) { # 0
FMGCInternal.vsw = FMGCInternal.vs1g_clean;
FMGCInternal.minspeed = FMGCInternal.clean;
if (FMGCInternal.takeoffState) {
FMGCInternal.vls_min = FMGCInternal.vs1g_clean * 1.28;
} else {
FMGCInternal.vls_min = FMGCInternal.vs1g_clean * 1.23;
} else if (flap == 1) { # 1
FMGCInternal.vsw = FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_2;
FMGCInternal.minspeed = FMGCInternal.slat;
if (FMGCInternal.takeoffState) {
FMGCInternal.vls_min = FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_1 * 1.28;
} else {
FMGCInternal.vls_min = FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_1 * 1.23;
} else if (flap == 2) { # 1+F
FMGCInternal.vsw = FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_1f;
FMGCInternal.minspeed = FMGCInternal.slat;
if (FMGCInternal.takeoffState) {
FMGCInternal.vls_min = FMGCInternal.vs1g_clean * 1.13;
} else {
FMGCInternal.vls_min = FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_1f * 1.23;
} else if (flap == 3) { # 2
FMGCInternal.vsw = FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_2;
FMGCInternal.minspeed = FMGCInternal.flap2;
if (FMGCInternal.takeoffState) {
FMGCInternal.vls_min = FMGCInternal.vs1g_clean * 1.13;
} else {
FMGCInternal.vls_min = FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_2 * 1.23;
} else if (flap == 4) { # 3
FMGCInternal.vsw = FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_3;
FMGCInternal.minspeed = FMGCInternal.flap3;
if (FMGCInternal.takeoffState) {
FMGCInternal.vls_min = FMGCInternal.vs1g_clean * 1.13;
} else {
FMGCInternal.vls_min = FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_3 * 1.23;
} else if (flap == 5) { # FULL
FMGCInternal.vsw = FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_full;
FMGCInternal.minspeed = FMGCInternal.vapp;
if (FMGCInternal.takeoffState) {
FMGCInternal.vls_min = FMGCInternal.vs1g_clean * 1.13;
} else {
FMGCInternal.vls_min = FMGCInternal.vs1g_conf_full * 1.23;
if (gear0 and flaps < 5 and (state1 == "MCT" or state1 == "MAN THR" or state1 == "TOGA") and (state2 == "MCT" or state2 == "MAN THR" or state2 == "TOGA")) {
if (!FMGCInternal.takeoffState) {
FMGCInternal.takeoffState = 1;
} elsif (pts.Position.gearAglFt.getValue() >= 55) {
if (FMGCInternal.takeoffState) {
FMGCInternal.takeoffState = 0;
#handle radios, runways, v1/vr/v2
departure_rwy = fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[2].departure_runway;
destination_rwy = fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[2].destination_runway;
if (destination_rwy != nil and phase >= 2) {
var airport = airportinfo(FMGCInternal.arrApt);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/ldg-elev", airport.elevation * M2FT); # eventually should be runway elevation
magnetic_hdg = geo.normdeg(destination_rwy.heading - getprop("/environment/magnetic-variation-deg"));
runway_ils = destination_rwy.ils_frequency_mhz;
if (runway_ils != nil and !getprop("/FMGC/internal/ils1freq-set") and !getprop("/FMGC/internal/ils1crs-set")) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/ils1freq-calculated", runway_ils);
setprop("instrumentation/nav[0]/frequencies/selected-mhz", runway_ils);
setprop("instrumentation/nav[0]/radials/selected-deg", magnetic_hdg);
} else if (runway_ils != nil and !getprop("/FMGC/internal/ils1freq-set")) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/ils1freq-calculated", runway_ils);
setprop("instrumentation/nav[0]/frequencies/selected-mhz", runway_ils);
} else if (!getprop("/FMGC/internal/ils1crs-set")) {
setprop("instrumentation/nav[0]/radials/selected-deg", magnetic_hdg);
} else if (departure_rwy != nil and phase <= 1) {
magnetic_hdg = geo.normdeg(departure_rwy.heading - getprop("/environment/magnetic-variation-deg"));
runway_ils = departure_rwy.ils_frequency_mhz;
if (runway_ils != nil and !getprop("/FMGC/internal/ils1freq-set") and !getprop("/FMGC/internal/ils1crs-set")) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/ils1freq-calculated", runway_ils);
setprop("instrumentation/nav[0]/frequencies/selected-mhz", runway_ils);
setprop("instrumentation/nav[0]/radials/selected-deg", magnetic_hdg);
} else if (runway_ils != nil and !getprop("/FMGC/internal/ils1freq-set")) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/ils1freq-calculated", runway_ils);
setprop("instrumentation/nav[0]/frequencies/selected-mhz", runway_ils);
} else if (!getprop("/FMGC/internal/ils1crs-set")) {
setprop("instrumentation/nav[0]/radials/selected-deg", magnetic_hdg);
var reset_FMGC = func {
FMGCInternal.phase = 0;
fd1 = getprop("/it-autoflight/input/fd1");
fd2 = getprop("/it-autoflight/input/fd2");
spd = getprop("/it-autoflight/input/kts");
hdg = getprop("/it-autoflight/input/hdg");
alt = getprop("/it-autoflight/input/alt");
setprop("it-autoflight/input/fd1", fd1);
setprop("it-autoflight/input/fd2", fd2);
setprop("it-autoflight/input/kts", spd);
setprop("it-autoflight/input/hdg", hdg);
setprop("it-autoflight/input/alt", alt);
setprop("systems/pressurization/mode", "GN");
setprop("systems/pressurization/vs", "0");
setprop("systems/pressurization/targetvs", "0");
setprop("systems/pressurization/vs-norm", "0");
setprop("systems/pressurization/auto", 1);
setprop("systems/pressurization/deltap", "0");
setprop("systems/pressurization/outflowpos", "0");
setprop("systems/pressurization/deltap-norm", "0");
setprop("systems/pressurization/outflowpos-norm", "0");
altitude = getprop("/instrumentation/altimeter/indicated-altitude-ft");
setprop("systems/pressurization/cabinalt", altitude);
setprop("systems/pressurization/targetalt", altitude);
setprop("systems/pressurization/diff-to-target", "0");
setprop("systems/pressurization/ditchingpb", 0);
setprop("systems/pressurization/targetvs", "0");
setprop("systems/ventilation/cabin/fans", 0); # aircon fans
setprop("systems/ventilation/avionics/fan", 0);
setprop("systems/ventilation/avionics/extractvalve", "0");
setprop("systems/ventilation/avionics/inletvalve", "0");
setprop("systems/ventilation/lavatory/extractfan", 0);
setprop("systems/ventilation/lavatory/extractvalve", "0");
setprop("systems/pressurization/ambientpsi", "0");
setprop("systems/pressurization/cabinpsi", "0");
# Managed Speed #
var ManagedSPD = maketimer(0.25, func {
if (FMGCInternal.crzSet and FMGCInternal.costIndexSet) {
if (getprop("/it-autoflight/input/spd-managed") == 1) {
altitude = getprop("/instrumentation/altimeter/indicated-altitude-ft");
mode = getprop("/modes/pfd/fma/pitch-mode");
ias = getprop("/instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-speed-kt");
mach = getprop("/instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-mach");
ktsmach = getprop("/it-autoflight/input/kts-mach");
mngktsmach = getprop("/FMGC/internal/mng-kts-mach");
mng_spd = getprop("/FMGC/internal/mng-spd");
mng_spd_cmd = getprop("/FMGC/internal/mng-spd-cmd");
kts_sel = getprop("/it-autoflight/input/kts");
mach_sel = getprop("/it-autoflight/input/mach");
srsSPD = getprop("/it-autoflight/settings/togaspd");
phase = FMGCInternal.phase; # 0 is Preflight 1 is Takeoff 2 is Climb 3 is Cruise 4 is Descent 5 is Decel/Approach 6 is Go Around 7 is Done
flap = getprop("/controls/flight/flaps-pos");
mach_switchover = getprop("/FMGC/internal/mach-switchover");
decel = getprop("/FMGC/internal/decel");
mng_alt_spd_cmd = getprop("/FMGC/internal/mng-alt-spd");
mng_alt_spd = math.round(mng_alt_spd_cmd, 1);
mng_alt_mach_cmd = getprop("/FMGC/internal/mng-alt-mach");
mng_alt_mach = math.round(mng_alt_mach_cmd, 0.001);
if (mach > mng_alt_mach and (FMGCInternal.phase == 2 or FMGCInternal.phase == 3)) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/mach-switchover", 1);
if (ias > mng_alt_spd and (FMGCInternal.phase == 4 or FMGCInternal.phase == 5)) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/mach-switchover", 0);
if ((mode == " " or mode == "SRS") and (FMGCInternal.phase == 0 or FMGCInternal.phase == 1)) {
if (mngktsmach) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/mng-kts-mach", 0);
if (mng_spd_cmd != srsSPD) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/mng-spd-cmd", srsSPD);
} else if ((FMGCInternal.phase == 2 or FMGCInternal.phase == 3) and altitude <= 10050) {
if (mngktsmach) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/mng-kts-mach", 0);
if (mng_spd_cmd != 250 and !decel) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/mng-spd-cmd", 250);
} else if (mng_spd_cmd != FMGCInternal.minspeed and decel) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/mng-spd-cmd", FMGCInternal.minspeed);
} else if ((FMGCInternal.phase == 2 or FMGCInternal.phase == 3) and altitude > 10070 and !mach_switchover) {
if (mngktsmach) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/mng-kts-mach", 0);
if (mng_spd_cmd != mng_alt_spd) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/mng-spd-cmd", mng_alt_spd);
} else if ((FMGCInternal.phase == 2 or FMGCInternal.phase == 3) and altitude > 10070 and mach_switchover) {
if (!mngktsmach) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/mng-kts-mach", 1);
if (mng_spd_cmd != mng_alt_mach) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/mng-spd-cmd", mng_alt_mach);
} else if (FMGCInternal.phase == 4 and altitude > 11000 and !mach_switchover) {
if (mngktsmach) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/mng-kts-mach", 0);
if (mng_spd_cmd != mng_alt_spd) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/mng-spd-cmd", mng_alt_spd);
} else if (FMGCInternal.phase == 4 and altitude > 11000 and mach_switchover) {
if (!mngktsmach) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/mng-kts-mach", 1);
if (mng_spd_cmd != mng_alt_mach) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/mng-spd-cmd", mng_alt_mach);
} else if ((FMGCInternal.phase == 4 or FMGCInternal.phase == 5 or FMGCInternal.phase == 6) and altitude > 11000 and !mach_switchover) {
if (mngktsmach) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/mng-kts-mach", 0);
if (mng_spd_cmd != mng_alt_spd and !decel) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/mng-spd-cmd", mng_alt_spd);
} else if (mng_spd_cmd != FMGCInternal.minspeed and decel) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/mng-spd-cmd", FMGCInternal.minspeed);
} else if ((FMGCInternal.phase == 4 or FMGCInternal.phase == 5 or FMGCInternal.phase == 6) and altitude <= 10980) {
if (mngktsmach) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/mng-kts-mach", 0);
if (mng_spd_cmd != 250 and !decel) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/mng-spd-cmd", 250);
} else if (mng_spd_cmd != FMGCInternal.minspeed and decel) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/mng-spd-cmd", FMGCInternal.minspeed);
mng_spd_cmd = getprop("/FMGC/internal/mng-spd-cmd");
if (mng_spd_cmd > FMGCInternal.maxspeed - 5) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/mng-spd", FMGCInternal.maxspeed - 5);
} else {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/mng-spd", mng_spd_cmd);
if (ktsmach and !mngktsmach) {
setprop("/it-autoflight/input/kts-mach", 0);
} else if (!ktsmach and mngktsmach) {
setprop("/it-autoflight/input/kts-mach", 1);
mng_spd = getprop("/FMGC/internal/mng-spd");
if (kts_sel != mng_spd and !ktsmach) {
setprop("/it-autoflight/input/kts", mng_spd);
} else if (mach_sel != mng_spd and ktsmach) {
setprop("/it-autoflight/input/mach", mng_spd);
} else {
} else {
var switchDatabase = func {
database1 = getprop("/FMGC/internal/navdatabase");
database2 = getprop("/FMGC/internal/navdatabase2");
code1 = getprop("/FMGC/internal/navdatabasecode");
code2 = getprop("/FMGC/internal/navdatabasecode2");
setprop("/FMGC/internal/navdatabase", database2);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/navdatabase2", database1);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/navdatabasecode", code2);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/navdatabasecode2", code1);
# Landing to phase 7
setlistener("/gear/gear[1]/wow", func() {
if (getprop("/gear/gear[1]/wow") == 0 and timer30secLanding.isRunning) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/landing-time", -99);
if (getprop("/gear/gear[1]/wow") == 1 and getprop("/FMGC/internal/landing-time") == -99) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/landing-time", pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue());
}, 0, 0);
# Align IRS 1
setlistener("/systems/navigation/adr/operating-1", func() {
if (timer48gpsAlign1.isRunning) {
if (getprop("/FMGC/internal/align1-time") == -99) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/align1-time", pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue());
}, 0, 0);
# Align IRS 2
setlistener("/systems/navigation/adr/operating-2", func() {
if (timer48gpsAlign2.isRunning) {
if (getprop("/FMGC/internal/align2-time") == -99) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/align2-time", pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue());
}, 0, 0);
# Align IRS 3
setlistener("/systems/navigation/adr/operating-3", func() {
if (timer48gpsAlign3.isRunning) {
if (getprop("/FMGC/internal/align3-time") == -99) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/align3-time", pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue());
}, 0, 0);
# Calculate Block Fuel
setlistener("/FMGC/internal/block-calculating", func() {
if (timer3blockFuel.isRunning) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/block-fuel-time", -99);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/block-fuel-time", pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue());
if (getprop("/FMGC/internal/block-fuel-time") == -99) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/block-fuel-time", pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue());
}, 0, 0);
# Calculate Fuel Prediction
setlistener("/FMGC/internal/fuel-calculating", func() {
if (timer5fuelPred.isRunning) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/fuel-pred-time", -99);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/fuel-pred-time", pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue());
if (getprop("/FMGC/internal/fuel-pred-time") == -99) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/fuel-pred-time", pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue());
}, 0, 0);
# Maketimers
var timer30secLanding = maketimer(1, func() {
if (pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue() > getprop("/FMGC/internal/landing-time") + 30) {
FMGCInternal.phase = 7;
if (FMGCInternal.costIndexSet) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/last-cost-index", FMGCInternal.costIndex);
} else {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/last-cost-index", 0);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/landing-time", -99);
var timer48gpsAlign1 = maketimer(1, func() {
if (pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue() > getprop("/FMGC/internal/align1-time") + 48 or getprop("/systems/acconfig/options/adirs-skip")) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/align1-done", 1);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/align1-time", -99);
var timer48gpsAlign2 = maketimer(1, func() {
if (pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue() > getprop("/FMGC/internal/align2-time") + 48 or getprop("/systems/acconfig/options/adirs-skip")) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/align2-done", 1);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/align2-time", -99);
var timer48gpsAlign3 = maketimer(1, func() {
if (pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue() > getprop("/FMGC/internal/align3-time") + 48 or getprop("/systems/acconfig/options/adirs-skip")) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/align3-done", 1);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/align3-time", -99);
var timer3blockFuel = maketimer(1, func() {
if (pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue() > getprop("/FMGC/internal/block-fuel-time") + 3) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/block-calculating", 0);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/block-fuel-time", -99);
var timer5fuelPred = maketimer(1, func() {
if (pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue() > getprop("/FMGC/internal/fuel-pred-time") + 5) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/fuel-calculating", 0);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/fuel-pred-time", -99);
}); |