566 lines
20 KiB
566 lines
20 KiB
var fplnItem = {
new: func(wp, index, plan, computer, colour = "grn") {
var fI = {parents:[fplnItem]};
fI.wp = wp;
fI.index = index;
fI.plan = plan;
fI.computer = computer;
fI.colour = colour;
fI.assembledStr = [nil, nil, colour];
fI._colour = "wht";
return fI;
updateLeftText: func() {
if (me.wp != nil) {
if (me.wp.wp_name == "T-P") {
return ["T-P", nil, me.colour];
} elsif (me.wp.wp_name != "DISCONTINUITY") {
var wptName = split("-", me.wp.wp_name);
if (wptName[0] == "VECTORS") {
return ["MANUAL", me.getSubText(), me.colour];
} else {
if (size(wptName) == 2) {
return[wptName[0] ~ wptName[1 ~ (me.wp.fly_type == "flyOver" ? "@" : "")], me.getSubText(), me.colour];
} else {
return [me.wp.wp_name ~ (me.wp.fly_type == "flyOver" ? "@" : ""), me.getSubText(), me.colour];
} else {
return [nil, nil, "ack"];
} else {
return ["problem", nil, "ack"];
getSubText: func() {
return nil;
updateCenterText: func() {
if (me.wp != nil) {
if (me.wp.wp_name != "DISCONTINUITY") {
if (me.index == fmgc.flightPlanController.currentToWptIndex.getValue() - 1 and fmgc.flightPlanController.fromWptTime != nil) {
me.assembledStr[0] = fmgc.flightPlanController.fromWptTime ~ " ";
me.assembledStr[2] = "grn";
} else {
me.assembledStr[0] = "---- ";
me.assembledStr[2] = "wht";
if (me.index == fmgc.flightPlanController.currentToWptIndex.getValue()) {
me.assembledStr[1] = "BRG" ~ me.getBrg() ~ " ";
} elsif (me.index == (fmgc.flightPlanController.currentToWptIndex.getValue() + 1) or me.index == (fmgc.flightPlanController.arrivalIndex[me.plan] + 1)) {
me.assembledStr[1] = "TRK" ~ me.getTrack() ~ " ";
} else {
me.assembledStr[1] = nil;
return me.assembledStr;
} else {
return ["---F-PLN DISCONTINUITY--", nil, "wht"];
} else {
return ["problem", nil, "ack"];
updateRightText: func() {
if (me.wp != nil) {
if (me.wp.wp_name != "DISCONTINUITY") {
me.spd = me.getSpd();
me.alt = me.getAlt();
me.dist = me.getDist();
if (me.colour != "yel") { # not temporary flightplan
me._colour = "wht";
#if (me.spd[1] != "wht" or me.alt[1] != "wht") {
if (me.spd[1] == me.alt[1]) {
me._colour = me.spd[1];
else if (me.spd[1] == "mag" or me.alt[1] == "mag") {
me._colour = "mag";
else if (me.spd[1] == "grn" or me.alt[1] == "grn") {
me._colour = "grn";
} else { # temporary flightplan
me._colour = "yel";
return [me.spd[0] ~ "/" ~ me.alt[0], " " ~ me.dist ~ "NM ", me._colour];
} else {
return [nil, nil, "ack"];
} else {
return ["problem", nil, "ack"];
getBrg: func() {
me.brg = fmgc.wpCourse[me.plan][me.index].getValue() - magvar();
if (me.brg < 0) { me.brg += 360; }
if (me.brg > 360) { me.brg -= 360; }
return sprintf("%03.0f", math.round(me.brg));
getTrack: func() {
if (me.index > (size(fmgc.wpCoursePrev[me.plan]) - 1)) {
me.trk = me.wp.leg_bearing - magvar(me.wp.lat, me.wp.lon);
} else {
me.trk = fmgc.wpCoursePrev[me.plan][me.index].getValue() - magvar(me.wp.lat, me.wp.lon);
if (me.trk < 0) { me.trk += 360; }
if (me.trk > 360) { me.trk -= 360; }
return sprintf("%03.0f", math.round(me.trk));
getSpd: func() {
if (me.index == 0 and left(me.wp.wp_name, 4) == fmgc.FMGCInternal.depApt and fmgc.FMGCInternal.v1set) {
return [sprintf("%3.0f", math.round(fmgc.FMGCInternal.v1)), "grn"]; # why "mag"? I think "grn"
} elsif (me.wp.speed_cstr != nil and me.wp.speed_cstr > 0) {
var tcol = (me.wp.speed_cstr_type == "computed" or me.wp.speed_cstr_type == "computed_mach") ? "grn" : "mag"; # TODO - check if only computed
return [sprintf("%3.0f", me.wp.speed_cstr), tcol];
} else {
return ["---", "wht"];
getAlt: func() {
if (me.index == 0 and left(me.wp.wp_name, 4) == fmgc.FMGCInternal.depApt and fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[me.plan].departure != nil) {
return [" " ~ sprintf("%5.0f", math.round(fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[me.plan].departure.elevation * M2FT)), "grn"];
} elsif (me.index == (fmgc.flightPlanController.currentToWptIndex.getValue() - 1) and fmgc.flightPlanController.fromWptAlt != nil) {
return [" " ~ fmgc.flightPlanController.fromWptAlt, "mag"];
} elsif (me.wp.alt_cstr != nil and me.wp.alt_cstr > 0) {
var tcol = (me.wp.alt_cstr_type == "computed" or me.wp.alt_cstr_type == "computed_mach") ? "grn" : "mag"; # TODO - check if only computed
var cstrAlt = "";
if (me.wp.alt_cstr > fmgc.FMGCInternal.transAlt) {
cstrAlt = "FL" ~ math.round(num(me.wp.alt_cstr) / 100);
} else {
cstrAlt = me.wp.alt_cstr;
cstrAlt = (me.wp.alt_cstr_type == "above") ? "+" ~ cstrAlt : cstrAlt;
cstrAlt = (me.wp.alt_cstr_type == "below") ? "-" ~ cstrAlt : cstrAlt;
return [sprintf("%6s", cstrAlt), tcol];
} else {
return ["------", "wht"];
getDist: func() {
if (me.index > size(fmgc.wpDistancePrev[me.plan]) - 1) {
return math.round(me.wp.leg_distance);
} else {
if (me.index == fmgc.flightPlanController.currentToWptIndex.getValue()) {
return math.round(fmgc.wpDistance[me.plan][me.index].getValue());
} else {
return math.round(fmgc.wpDistancePrev[me.plan][me.index].getValue());
pushButtonLeft: func() {
if (canvas_mcdu.myLatRev[me.computer] != nil) {
canvas_mcdu.myLatRev[me.computer] = nil;
if (me.wp.wp_name == "DISCONTINUITY") {
canvas_mcdu.myLatRev[me.computer] = latRev.new(4, me.wp, me.index, me.computer);
} elsif (fmgc.flightPlanController.temporaryFlag[me.computer]) {
if (me.index == fmgc.flightPlanController.arrivalIndex[me.computer]) {
canvas_mcdu.myLatRev[me.computer] = latRev.new(1, me.wp, me.index, me.computer);
} elsif (left(me.wp.wp_name, 4) == fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[me.computer].departure.id) {
canvas_mcdu.myLatRev[me.computer] = latRev.new(0, me.wp, me.index, me.computer);
} elsif (me.index == (fmgc.flightPlanController.currentToWptIndex.getValue() - 1)) {
canvas_mcdu.myLatRev[me.computer] = latRev.new(2, me.wp, me.index, me.computer);
} else {
canvas_mcdu.myLatRev[me.computer] = latRev.new(3, me.wp, me.index, me.computer);
} else {
if (me.index == fmgc.flightPlanController.arrivalIndex[2]) {
canvas_mcdu.myLatRev[me.computer] = latRev.new(1, me.wp, me.index, me.computer);
} elsif (left(me.wp.wp_name, 4) == fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[2].departure.id) {
canvas_mcdu.myLatRev[me.computer] = latRev.new(0, me.wp, me.index, me.computer);
} elsif (me.index == (fmgc.flightPlanController.currentToWptIndex.getValue() - 1)) {
canvas_mcdu.myLatRev[me.computer] = latRev.new(2, me.wp, me.index, me.computer);
} else {
canvas_mcdu.myLatRev[me.computer] = latRev.new(3, me.wp, me.index, me.computer);
setprop("MCDU[" ~ me.computer ~ "]/page", "LATREV");
pushButtonRight: func() {
if (size(mcdu_scratchpad.scratchpads[me.computer].scratchpad) == 0) {
if (canvas_mcdu.myVertRev[me.computer] != nil) {
canvas_mcdu.myVertRev[me.computer] = nil;
if (fmgc.flightPlanController.temporaryFlag[me.computer]) {
if (me.index == fmgc.flightPlanController.arrivalIndex[me.computer]) {
canvas_mcdu.myVertRev[me.computer] = vertRev.new(1, left(me.wp.wp_name, 4), me.index, me.computer, me.wp, me.plan);
} if (left(me.wp.wp_name, 4) == fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[me.computer].departure.id) {
canvas_mcdu.myVertRev[me.computer] = vertRev.new(0, left(me.wp.wp_name, 4), me.index, me.computer, me.wp, me.plan);
} elsif (me.index == (fmgc.flightPlanController.currentToWptIndex.getValue() - 1)) {
canvas_mcdu.myVertRev[me.computer] = vertRev.new(3, me.wp.wp_name, me.index, me.computer, me.wp, me.plan);
} else {
canvas_mcdu.myVertRev[me.computer] = vertRev.new(2, me.wp.wp_name, me.index, me.computer, me.wp, me.plan);
} else {
if (me.index == fmgc.flightPlanController.arrivalIndex[2]) {
canvas_mcdu.myVertRev[me.computer] = vertRev.new(1, left(me.wp.wp_name, 4), me.index, me.computer, me.wp, me.plan);
} elsif (left(me.wp.wp_name, 4) == fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[2].departure.id) {
canvas_mcdu.myVertRev[me.computer] = vertRev.new(0, left(me.wp.wp_name, 4), me.index, me.computer, me.wp, me.plan);
} elsif (me.index == (fmgc.flightPlanController.currentToWptIndex.getValue() - 1)) {
canvas_mcdu.myVertRev[me.computer] = vertRev.new(3, me.wp.wp_name, me.index, me.computer, me.wp, me.plan);
} else {
canvas_mcdu.myVertRev[me.computer] = vertRev.new(2, me.wp.wp_name, me.index, me.computer, me.wp, me.plan);
setprop("MCDU[" ~ me.computer ~ "]/page", "VERTREV");
} elsif (me.index != 0) { # todo - only apply to climb, descent, or missed waypoints
var scratchpadStore = mcdu_scratchpad.scratchpads[me.computer].scratchpad;
if (scratchpadStore == "CLR") {
} elsif (find("/", scratchpadStore) != -1) {
var scratchpadSplit = split("/", scratchpadStore);
if (size(scratchpadSplit[0]) != 0) {
if (num(scratchpadSplit[0]) != nil and size(scratchpadSplit[0]) == 3 and scratchpadSplit[0] >= 100 and scratchpadSplit[0] <= 350) {
me.wp.setSpeed(scratchpadSplit[0], "at");
} else {
mcdu_message(me.computer, "FORMAT ERROR");
if (right(scratchpadSplit[1], 1) == "+") {
validateAltCstrFpln(left(scratchpadSplit[1], size(scratchpadSplit[1]) - 1), "above", me);
} elsif (right(scratchpadSplit[1], 1) == "-") {
validateAltCstrFpln(left(scratchpadSplit[1], size(scratchpadSplit[1]) - 1), "below", me);
} elsif (left(scratchpadSplit[1], 1) == "+") {
validateAltCstrFpln(right(scratchpadSplit[1], size(scratchpadSplit[1]) - 1), "above", me);
} elsif (left(scratchpadSplit[1], 1) == "-") {
validateAltCstrFpln(right(scratchpadSplit[1], size(scratchpadSplit[1]) - 1), "below", me);
} else {
validateAltCstrFpln(scratchpadSplit[1], "at", me);
} elsif (num(scratchpadStore) != nil and size(scratchpadStore) == 3 and scratchpadStore >= 100 and scratchpadStore <= 350) {
me.wp.setSpeed(scratchpadStore, "at");
} else {
mcdu_message(me.computer, "FORMAT ERROR");
} else {
mcdu_message(me.computer, "NOT ALLOWED");
var validateAltCstrFpln = func(scratchpadStore, type, self) {
if (num(scratchpadStore) != nil and (size(scratchpadStore) >= 3 and size(scratchpadStore) <= 5)) {
if (scratchpadStore >= 100 and scratchpadStore <= 39000) {
self.wp.setAltitude(math.round(scratchpadStore, 10), type);
} else {
mcdu_message(self.computer, "ENTRY OUT OF RANGE");
} else {
mcdu_message(self.computer, "FORMAT ERROR");
var staticText = {
new: func(computer, text) {
var sT = {parents:[staticText]};
sT.computer = computer;
sT.text = text;
return sT;
updateLeftText: func() {
return [nil, nil, "ack"];
updateCenterText: func() {
return [me.text, nil, "wht"];
updateRightText: func() {
return [nil, nil, "ack"];
pushButtonLeft: func() {
mcdu_message(me.computer, "NOT ALLOWED");
pushButtonRight: func() {
mcdu_message(me.computer, "NOT ALLOWED");
var fplnPage = { # this one is only created once, and then updated - remember this
L1: [nil, nil, "ack"], # content, title, colour
L2: [nil, nil, "ack"],
L3: [nil, nil, "ack"],
L4: [nil, nil, "ack"],
L5: [nil, nil, "ack"],
L6: [nil, nil, "ack"],
C1: [nil, nil, "ack"],
C2: [nil, nil, "ack"],
C3: [nil, nil, "ack"],
C4: [nil, nil, "ack"],
C5: [nil, nil, "ack"],
C6: [nil, nil, "ack"],
R1: [nil, nil, "ack"],
R2: [nil, nil, "ack"],
R3: [nil, nil, "ack"],
R4: [nil, nil, "ack"],
R5: [nil, nil, "ack"],
R6: [nil, nil, "ack"],
planList: [],
outputList: [],
scroll: 0,
temporaryFlagFpln: 0,
new: func(plan, computer) {
var fp = {parents:[fplnPage]};
fp.plan = fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[plan];
fp.planIndex = plan;
fp.computer = computer;
fp.planList = [];
fp.outputList = [];
return fp;
_setupPageWithData: func() {
updatePlan: func() {
if (!fmgc.flightPlanController.temporaryFlag[me.computer]) {
me.planIndex = 2;
me.plan = fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[2];
me.temporaryFlagFpln = 0;
} else {
me.planIndex = me.computer;
me.plan = fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[me.computer];
me.temporaryFlagFpln = 1;
getText: func(type) {
if (type == "fplnEnd") {
return "------END OF F-PLN------";
} else if (type == "altnFplnEnd") {
return "----END OF ALTN F-PLN---";
} else if (type == "noAltnFpln") {
return "------NO ALTN F-PLN-----";
} else if (type == "empty") {
return "";
createPlanList: func() {
me.planList = [];
if (me.temporaryFlagFpln) {
colour = "yel";
} else {
colour = "grn";
for (var i = 0; i < me.plan.getPlanSize(); i += 1) {
if (!me.temporaryFlagFpln and i > fmgc.flightPlanController.arrivalIndex[me.planIndex] and fmgc.FMGCInternal.phase != 6) {
append(me.planList, fplnItem.new(me.plan.getWP(i), i, me.planIndex, me.computer, "blu"));
} else {
append(me.planList, fplnItem.new(me.plan.getWP(i), i, me.planIndex, me.computer, colour));
append(me.planList, staticText.new(me.computer, me.getText("fplnEnd")));
if (!fmgc.FMGCInternal.altAirportSet) {
append(me.planList, staticText.new(me.computer, me.getText("noAltnFpln")));
} else {
var altnApt = findAirportsByICAO(fmgc.FMGCInternal.altAirport)[0];
append(me.planList, fplnItem.new({
alt_cstr: nil,
alt_cstr_type: nil,
fly_type: "flyBy",
lat: altnApt.lat,
leg_bearing: courseAndDistance(findAirportsByICAO(fmgc.FMGCInternal.arrApt)[0], altnApt)[0],
leg_distance: courseAndDistance(findAirportsByICAO(fmgc.FMGCInternal.arrApt)[0], altnApt)[1],
lon: altnApt.lon,
speed_cstr: nil,
speed_cstr_type: nil,
wp_name: fmgc.FMGCInternal.altAirport,
}, i, me.planIndex, me.computer, "blu"));
append(me.planList, staticText.new(me.computer, me.getText("altnFplnEnd")));
basePage: func() {
me.outputList = [];
for (var i = 0; i + me.scroll < size(me.planList); i += 1) {
append(me.outputList, me.planList[i + me.scroll] );
if (size(me.outputList) >= 1) {
me.L1 = me.outputList[0].updateLeftText();
me.C1 = me.outputList[0].updateCenterText();
me.C1[1] = (fmgc.flightPlanController.fromWptTime != nil) ? "UTC " : "TIME "; # since TO change to UTC time (1 space left to center)
me.R1 = me.outputList[0].updateRightText();
me.R1[1] = "SPD/ALT ";
} else {
me.L1 = [nil, nil, "ack"];
me.C1 = [nil, nil, "ack"];
me.R1 = [nil, nil, "ack"];
if (size(me.outputList) >= 2) {
me.L2 = me.outputList[1].updateLeftText();
me.C2 = me.outputList[1].updateCenterText();
me.R2 = me.outputList[1].updateRightText();
} else {
me.L2 = [nil, nil, "ack"];
me.C2 = [nil, nil, "ack"];
me.R2 = [nil, nil, "ack"];
if (size(me.outputList) >= 3) {
me.L3 = me.outputList[2].updateLeftText();
me.C3 = me.outputList[2].updateCenterText();
me.R3 = me.outputList[2].updateRightText();
} else {
me.L3 = [nil, nil, "ack"];
me.C3 = [nil, nil, "ack"];
me.R3 = [nil, nil, "ack"];
if (size(me.outputList) >= 4) {
me.L4 = me.outputList[3].updateLeftText();
me.C4 = me.outputList[3].updateCenterText();
me.R4 = me.outputList[3].updateRightText();
} else {
me.L4 = [nil, nil, "ack"];
me.C4 = [nil, nil, "ack"];
me.R4 = [nil, nil, "ack"];
if (size(me.outputList) >= 5) {
me.L5 = me.outputList[4].updateLeftText();
me.C5 = me.outputList[4].updateCenterText();
me.R5 = me.outputList[4].updateRightText();
} else {
me.L5 = [nil, nil, "ack"];
me.C5 = [nil, nil, "ack"];
me.R5 = [nil, nil, "ack"];
destInfo: func() {
if (me.plan.getWP(fmgc.flightPlanController.arrivalIndex[me.planIndex]) != nil) {
var destName = split("-", me.plan.getWP(fmgc.flightPlanController.arrivalIndex[me.planIndex]).wp_name);
if (size(destName) == 2) {
me.L6 = [destName[0] ~ destName[1], " DEST", "wht"];
} else {
me.L6 = [destName[0], " DEST", "wht"];
} else {
me.L6 = ["----", " DEST", "wht"];
me.C6 = ["---- ", "TIME ", "wht"];
if (fmgc.flightPlanController.arrivalDist != nil) {
me.R6 = [sprintf("%4.0f", int(fmgc.flightPlanController.arrivalDist)) ~ " --.-", "DIST EFOB", "wht"];
} else {
me.R6 = ["---- --.-", "DIST EFOB", "wht"];
update: func() {
scrollUp: func() {
if (size(me.planList) > 1) {
me.scroll += 1;
if (me.scroll > size(me.planList) - 3) {
me.scroll = 0;
if (me.scroll < me.plan.getPlanSize()) {
setprop("/instrumentation/efis[" ~ me.computer ~ "]/inputs/plan-wpt-index", me.scroll);
} else {
me.scroll = 0;
setprop("/instrumentation/efis[" ~ me.computer ~ "]/inputs/plan-wpt-index", -1);
scrollDn: func() {
if (size(me.planList) > 1) {
me.scroll -= 1;
if (me.scroll < 0) {
me.scroll = size(me.planList) - 3;
if (me.scroll < me.plan.getPlanSize()) {
setprop("/instrumentation/efis[" ~ me.computer ~ "]/inputs/plan-wpt-index", me.scroll);
} else {
me.scroll = 0;
setprop("/instrumentation/efis[" ~ me.computer ~ "]/inputs/plan-wpt-index", -1);
pushButtonLeft: func(index) {
if (index == 6) {
if (fmgc.flightPlanController.temporaryFlag[me.computer]) {
fmgc.flightPlanController.destroyTemporaryFlightPlan(me.computer, 0);
# push update to fuel
if (fmgc.FMGCInternal.blockConfirmed) {
fmgc.FMGCInternal.fuelCalculating = 0;
fmgc.FMGCInternal.fuelCalculating = 1;
} else {
if (canvas_mcdu.myLatRev[me.computer] != nil) {
canvas_mcdu.myLatRev[me.computer] = nil;
canvas_mcdu.myLatRev[me.computer] = latRev.new(1, fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[2].getWP(fmgc.flightPlanController.arrivalIndex[2]), fmgc.flightPlanController.arrivalIndex[2], me.computer);
setprop("MCDU[" ~ me.computer ~ "]/page", "LATREV");
} else {
if (size(me.outputList) >= index) {
if (size(mcdu_scratchpad.scratchpads[me.computer].scratchpad) > 0) {
var returny = fmgc.flightPlanController.scratchpad(mcdu_scratchpad.scratchpads[me.computer].scratchpad, (index - 1 + me.scroll), me.computer);
if (returny == 3) {
mcdu_message(me.computer, "DIR TO IN PROGRESS");
} elsif (returny == 0) {
mcdu_message(me.computer, "NOT IN DATA BASE");
} elsif (returny == 1) {
mcdu_message(me.computer, "NOT ALLOWED");
} elsif (returny == 4) {
mcdu_message(me.computer, "LIST OF 20 IN USE");
} else {
} else {
me.outputList[index - 1].pushButtonLeft();
} else {
mcdu_message(me.computer, "NOT ALLOWED");
pushButtonRight: func(index) {
if (index == 6) {
if (fmgc.flightPlanController.temporaryFlag[me.computer]) {
if (dirToFlag) { dirToFlag = 0; }
fmgc.flightPlanController.destroyTemporaryFlightPlan(me.computer, 1);
# push update to fuel
if (fmgc.FMGCInternal.blockConfirmed) {
fmgc.FMGCInternal.fuelCalculating = 0;
fmgc.FMGCInternal.fuelCalculating = 1;
} else {
mcdu_message(me.computer, "NOT ALLOWED");
} else {
if (size(me.outputList) >= index) {
me.outputList[index - 1].pushButtonRight();
} else {
mcdu_message(me.computer, "NOT ALLOWED");
var decimalToShortString = func(dms, type) {
var degrees = split(".", sprintf(dms))[0];
if (type == "lat") {
var sign = degrees >= 0 ? "N" : "S";
} else {
var sign = degrees >= 0 ? "E" : "W";
return abs(degrees) ~ sign;
} |