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# A3XX Notification System
# Jonathan Redpath
# Copyright (c) 2020 Josh Davidson (Octal450)
var defaultServer = "https://www.aviationweather.gov/adds/dataserver_current/httpparam?dataSource=metars&requestType=retrieve&format=xml&mostRecent=true&hoursBeforeNow=12&stationString=";
var serverString = "";
var result = nil;
var ATSU = {
working: 0,
loop: func() {
if (systems.ELEC.Bus.ac1.getValue() >= 110 or systems.ELEC.Bus.dc1.getValue() >= 25) {
me.working = 1;
} else {
me.working = 0;
var notificationSystem = {
notifyAirport: nil,
hasNotified: 0,
inputAirport: func(airport) {
if (!fmgc.FMGCInternal.flightNumSet or size(airport) != 4) { return 1; }
var airportList = findAirportsByICAO(airport);
if (size(airportList) == 0) { return 2; }
if (me.hasNotified) { me.hasNotified = 0; }
me.notifyAirport = airportList[0].id;
return 0;
notify: func() {
if (me.notifyAirport != nil) {
me.hasNotified = 1;
# todo - send notification to ATC
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
automaticTransfer: func(station) {
var airportList = findAirportsByICAO(station);
if (size(airportList) == 0) { return 2; }
me.notifyAirport = airportList[0].id;
return 0;
var ADS = {
state: 1,
connections: [nil, nil, nil, nil],
setState: func(state) {
me.state = state;
getCount: func() {
var count = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i = i + 1) {
if (me.connections[i] != nil) {
count += 1;
return count;
var CompanyCall = {
activeMsg: "",
frequency: 999.99,
received: 0,
tuned: 0,
init: func() {
me.activeMsg = "";
me.frequency = 999.99;
me.received = 0;
newMsg: func(msg, freq) {
me.activeMsg = msg;
me.frequency = freq;
me.received = 0;
ack: func() {
me.received = 1;
## assume that call remains until you receive another one or aircraft is reset
tune: func() {
if (!me.received) { me.ack(); }
if (rmp.act_vhf3.getValue() == 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i = i + 1) {
if (getprop("/systems/radio/rmp[" ~ i ~ "]/sel_chan") == "vhf3") {
setprop("/systems/radio/rmp[" ~ i ~ "]/vhf3-standby", me.frequency);
rmp.transfer(i + 1);
me.tuned = 1;
var AOC = {
station: nil,
selectedType: "HOURLY WX",
lastMETAR: nil,
lastTAF: nil,
sent: 0,
sentTime: nil,
received: 0,
receivedTime: nil,
server: 0, # 0 = noaa, 1 = vatsim
newStation: func(airport) {
if (size(airport) == 3 or size(airport) == 4) {
if (size(findAirportsByICAO(airport)) == 0) {
return 2;
} else {
me.station = airport;
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
sendReq: func(i) {
if (me.station == nil or (me.sent and !me.received)) {
return 1;
me.sent = 1;
me.received = 0;
var sentTime = left(getprop("/sim/time/gmt-string"), 5);
me.sentTime = split(":", sentTime)[0] ~ "." ~ split(":", sentTime)[1] ~ "Z";
if (me.selectedType == "HOURLY WX") {
var result = me.fetchMETAR(atsu.AOC.station, i);
if (result == 0) {
return 0;
} elsif (result == 1) {
return 3;
} elsif (result == 2) {
return 4;
if (me.selectedType == "TERM FCST") {
var result = me.fetchTAF(atsu.AOC.station, i);
if (result == 0) {
return 0;
} elsif (result == 1) {
return 3;
} elsif (result == 2) {
return 4;
fetchMETAR: func(airport, i) {
if (!ATSU.working) {
me.sent = 0;
return 2;
if (ecam.vhf3_voice.active) {
me.sent = 0;
return 1;
serverString = "";
if (me.server == 0) {
serverString = defaultServer;
} elsif (me.server == 1) {
serverString = "https://api.flybywiresim.com/metar?source=vatsim&icao=";
} else { # fall back to NOAA silently
serverString = defaultServer;
http.load(serverString ~ airport)
.fail(func(r) print("Download failed; try changing your server to NOAA"))
.done(func(r) me.processMETAR(r, i));
return 0;
fetchTAF: func(airport, i) {
if (!ATSU.working) {
me.sent = 0;
return 2;
if (ecam.vhf3_voice.active) {
me.sent = 0;
return 1;
http.load("https://www.aviationweather.gov/adds/dataserver_current/httpparam?dataSource=tafs&requestType=retrieve&format=xml&timeType=issue&mostRecent=true&hoursBeforeNow=12&stationString=" ~ airport)
.fail(func print("Download failed!"))
.done(func(r) me.processTAF(r, i));
return 0;
processMETAR: func(r, i) {
var raw = r.response;
raw = split("<raw_text>", raw)[1];
raw = split("</raw_text>", raw)[0];
me.lastMETAR = raw;
settimer(func() {
me.received = 1;
mcdu.mcdu_message(i, "WX UPLINK");
var receivedTime = left(getprop("/sim/time/gmt-string"), 5);
me.receivedTime = split(":", receivedTime)[0] ~ "." ~ split(":", receivedTime)[1] ~ "Z";
var message = mcdu.ACARSMessage.new(me.receivedTime, me.lastMETAR);
}, math.max(rand()*6, 2.25));
processTAF: func(r, i) {
var raw = r.response;
raw = split("<raw_text>", raw)[1];
raw = split("</raw_text>", raw)[0];
me.lastTAF = raw;
settimer(func() {
me.received = 1;
mcdu.mcdu_message(i, "WX UPLINK");
var receivedTime = left(getprop("/sim/time/gmt-string"), 5);
me.receivedTime = split(":", receivedTime)[0] ~ "." ~ split(":", receivedTime)[1] ~ "Z";
var message = mcdu.ACARSMessage.new(me.receivedTime, me.lastTAF);
}, math.max(rand()*6, 2.25));
var ATIS = {
station: nil,
lastATIS: nil,
sent: 0,
sentTime: nil,
received: 0,
receivedTime: nil,
server: 0,
newStation: func(airport) {
if (size(airport) == 3 or size(airport) == 4) {
if (size(findAirportsByICAO(airport)) == 0) {
return 2;
} else {
me.station = airport;
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
sendReq: func(i) {
if (me.station == nil or (me.sent and !me.received)) {
return 1;
me.sent = 1;
me.received = 0;
var sentTime = left(getprop("/sim/time/gmt-string"), 5);
me.sentTime = split(":", sentTime)[0] ~ "." ~ split(":", sentTime)[1] ~ "Z";
result = me.fetchATIS(atsu.ATIS.station, i);
if (result == 0) {
return 0;
} elsif (result == 1) {
return 3;
} elsif (result == 2) {
return 4;
fetchATIS: func(airport, i) {
if (!ATSU.working) {
me.sent = 0;
return 2;
if (ecam.vhf3_voice.active) {
me.sent = 0;
return 1;
serverString = "";
if (me.server == 0) {
serverString = "https://api.flybywiresim.com/atis?source=faa&icao=";
} elsif (me.server == 1) {
serverString = "https://api.flybywiresim.com/atis?source=vatsim&icao=";
} else { # fall back to FAA silently
serverString = "https://api.flybywiresim.com/atis?source=faa&icao=";
http.load(serverString ~ airport)
.fail(func(r) return 3)
.done(func(r) me.processATIS(r, i));
return 0;
processATIS: func(r, i) {
var raw = r.response;
if (find("combined", raw)) {
raw = split('{"combined":"', raw)[1];
raw = split('"}', raw)[0];
} else {
raw = split('{"arr":"', raw)[1];
raw = split('","dep":', raw)[0];
me.lastATIS = raw;
settimer(func() {
me.received = 1;
mcdu.mcdu_message(i, "WX UPLINK");
var receivedTime = left(getprop("/sim/time/gmt-string"), 5);
me.receivedTime = split(":", receivedTime)[0] ~ "." ~ split(":", receivedTime)[1] ~ "Z";
var message = mcdu.ACARSMessage.new(me.receivedTime, me.lastATIS);
}, math.max(rand()*10, 2.25));