* First step: The rmp's show the selected frequencies and courses * Frequency and crs selection for ls and vor with the inner knob added * Fix bindings RMP1 and update transfer function * Changes on RADNAV page if backup nav is active * Change behaviour of backup nav switch guard rmp1 and rmp2 * RMP NAV switchguard: Recalculate wrong normals and adjust transparency
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188 lines
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# A3XX mCDU by Joshua Davidson (Octal450), Jonathan Redpath, and Matthew Maring (mattmaring)
# Copyright (c) 2020 Josh Davidson (Octal450)
var radnavInput = func(key, i) {
var scratchpad = mcdu_scratchpad.scratchpads[i].scratchpad;
if (!getprop("systems/radio/rmp[0]/nav") and !getprop("systems/radio/rmp[1]/nav")) {
if (key == "L1") {
if (scratchpad == "CLR") {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/vor1freq-set", 0);
} else {
var tfs = size(scratchpad);
if (tfs == 3 or tfs == 5 or tfs == 6) {
if (scratchpad >= 108.00 and scratchpad <= 111.95) {
if (scratchpad == 108.10 or scratchpad == 108.15 or scratchpad == 108.30 or scratchpad == 108.35 or scratchpad == 108.50 or scratchpad == 108.55 or scratchpad == 108.70 or scratchpad == 108.75 or scratchpad == 108.90 or scratchpad == 108.95
or scratchpad == 109.10 or scratchpad == 109.15 or scratchpad == 109.30 or scratchpad == 109.35 or scratchpad == 109.50 or scratchpad == 109.55 or scratchpad == 109.70 or scratchpad == 109.75 or scratchpad == 109.90 or scratchpad == 109.95
or scratchpad == 110.10 or scratchpad == 110.15 or scratchpad == 110.30 or scratchpad == 110.35 or scratchpad == 110.50 or scratchpad == 110.55 or scratchpad == 110.70 or scratchpad == 110.75 or scratchpad == 110.90 or scratchpad == 110.95
or scratchpad == 111.10 or scratchpad == 111.15 or scratchpad == 111.30 or scratchpad == 111.35 or scratchpad == 111.50 or scratchpad == 111.55 or scratchpad == 111.70 or scratchpad == 111.75 or scratchpad == 111.90 or scratchpad == 111.95) {
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
} else {
setprop("instrumentation/nav[2]/frequencies/selected-mhz", scratchpad);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/vor1freq-set", 1);
} else if (scratchpad >= 112.00 and scratchpad <= 117.95) {
setprop("instrumentation/nav[2]/frequencies/selected-mhz", scratchpad);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/vor1freq-set", 1);
} else {
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
} else {
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
} else if (key == "L2") {
if (scratchpad == "CLR") {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/vor1crs-set", 0);
} else {
var tfs = size(scratchpad);
if (tfs >= 1 and tfs <= 3) {
if (scratchpad >= 0 and scratchpad <= 360) {
setprop("instrumentation/nav[2]/radials/selected-deg", scratchpad);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/vor1crs-set", 1);
} else {
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
} else {
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
} else if (key == "L3") {
if (scratchpad == "CLR") {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/ils1freq-set", 0);
} else {
var tfs = size(scratchpad);
if (tfs == 3 or tfs == 5 or tfs == 6) {
if (scratchpad >= 108.00 and scratchpad <= 111.95) {
if (scratchpad == 108.10 or scratchpad == 108.15 or scratchpad == 108.30 or scratchpad == 108.35 or scratchpad == 108.50 or scratchpad == 108.55 or scratchpad == 108.70 or scratchpad == 108.75 or scratchpad == 108.90 or scratchpad == 108.95
or scratchpad == 109.10 or scratchpad == 109.15 or scratchpad == 109.30 or scratchpad == 109.35 or scratchpad == 109.50 or scratchpad == 109.55 or scratchpad == 109.70 or scratchpad == 109.75 or scratchpad == 109.90 or scratchpad == 109.95
or scratchpad == 110.10 or scratchpad == 110.15 or scratchpad == 110.30 or scratchpad == 110.35 or scratchpad == 110.50 or scratchpad == 110.55 or scratchpad == 110.70 or scratchpad == 110.75 or scratchpad == 110.90 or scratchpad == 110.95
or scratchpad == 111.10 or scratchpad == 111.15 or scratchpad == 111.30 or scratchpad == 111.35 or scratchpad == 111.50 or scratchpad == 111.55 or scratchpad == 111.70 or scratchpad == 111.75 or scratchpad == 111.90 or scratchpad == 111.95) {
setprop("instrumentation/nav[0]/frequencies/selected-mhz", scratchpad);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/ils1freq-set", 1);
if (num(getprop("/FMGC/internal/ils1freq-calculated")) != 0 and num(getprop("/FMGC/internal/ils1freq-calculated")) != num(getprop("instrumentation/nav[0]/frequencies/selected-mhz"))) {
genericMessage(i, "RWY/LS MISMATCH", "amb");
} else {
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
} else {
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
} else {
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
} else if (key == "L4") {
if (scratchpad == "CLR") {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/ils1crs-set", 0);
} else {
var tfs = size(scratchpad);
if (tfs >= 1 and tfs <= 3) {
if (scratchpad >= 0 and scratchpad <= 360) {
setprop("instrumentation/nav[0]/radials/selected-deg", scratchpad);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/ils1crs-set", 1);
} else {
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
} else {
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
} else if (key == "L5") {
if (scratchpad == "CLR") {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/adf1freq-set", 0);
} else {
var tfs = size(scratchpad);
if (tfs == 3 or tfs == 4) {
if (scratchpad >= 190 and scratchpad <= 1750) {
setprop("instrumentation/adf[0]/frequencies/selected-khz", scratchpad);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/adf1freq-set", 1);
} else {
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
} else {
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
} else if (key == "R1") {
if (scratchpad == "CLR") {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/vor2freq-set", 0);
} else {
var tfs = size(scratchpad);
if (tfs == 3 or tfs == 5 or tfs == 6) {
if (scratchpad >= 108.10 and scratchpad <= 111.95) {
if (scratchpad == 108.10 or scratchpad == 108.15 or scratchpad == 108.30 or scratchpad == 108.35 or scratchpad == 108.50 or scratchpad == 108.55 or scratchpad == 108.70 or scratchpad == 108.75 or scratchpad == 108.90 or scratchpad == 108.95
or scratchpad == 109.10 or scratchpad == 109.15 or scratchpad == 109.30 or scratchpad == 109.35 or scratchpad == 109.50 or scratchpad == 109.55 or scratchpad == 109.70 or scratchpad == 109.75 or scratchpad == 109.90 or scratchpad == 109.95
or scratchpad == 110.10 or scratchpad == 110.15 or scratchpad == 110.30 or scratchpad == 110.35 or scratchpad == 110.50 or scratchpad == 110.55 or scratchpad == 110.70 or scratchpad == 110.75 or scratchpad == 110.90 or scratchpad == 110.95
or scratchpad == 111.10 or scratchpad == 111.15 or scratchpad == 111.30 or scratchpad == 111.35 or scratchpad == 111.50 or scratchpad == 111.55 or scratchpad == 111.70 or scratchpad == 111.75 or scratchpad == 111.90 or scratchpad == 111.95) {
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
} else {
setprop("instrumentation/nav[3]/frequencies/selected-mhz", scratchpad);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/vor2freq-set", 1);
} else if (scratchpad >= 112.00 and scratchpad <= 117.95) {
setprop("instrumentation/nav[3]/frequencies/selected-mhz", scratchpad);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/vor2freq-set", 1);
} else {
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
} else {
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
} else if (key == "R2") {
if (scratchpad == "CLR") {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/vor2crs-set", 0);
} else {
var tfs = size(scratchpad);
if (tfs >= 1 and tfs <= 3) {
if (scratchpad >= 0 and scratchpad <= 360) {
setprop("instrumentation/nav[3]/radials/selected-deg", scratchpad);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/vor2crs-set", 1);
} else {
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
} else {
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
} else if (key == "R5") {
if (scratchpad == "CLR") {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/adf2freq-set", 0);
} else {
var tfs = size(scratchpad);
if (tfs == 3 or tfs == 4) {
if (scratchpad >= 190 and scratchpad <= 1750) {
setprop("instrumentation/adf[1]/frequencies/selected-khz", scratchpad);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/adf2freq-set", 1);
} else {
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
} else {
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
} else {
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");