197 lines
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197 lines
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# cpdlc.nas --- CPDLC library
# Copyright (C) 2020 Henning Stahlke
# This file is part of FlightGear.
# FlightGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# FlightGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with FlightGear. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Author: Henning Stahlke
# Created: 2020-11-14
# Note: this library is work in progress. Once it is stable, it should be
# added to FGDATA
# fgcommands
# cpdlc-connect
# cpdlc-send
# cpdlc-next-message
# cpdlc-disconnect
# Example:
# var tx = "/network/cpdlc/input/message";
# fgcommand("cpdlc-connect", props.Node.new( {atc: "EDDHgnd"} ));
# fgcommand("cpdlc-send", props.Node.new( {message: "TXTD-1 Hello"} ));
# fgcommand("cpdlc-send", props.Node.new( {property: tx} ));
# fgcommand("cpdlc-disconnect");
var message_arg_types = [
#keys according to tables in ICAO doc 4444
var responses = {
# W/U in Doc 4444
w: {id: "RSPD-1", txt: "WILCO"},
u: {id: "RSPD-2", txt: "UNABLE"},
# A/N in Doc 4444
a: {id: "RSPD-5", txt: "AFFIRM"},
n: {id: "RSPD-6", txt: "NEGATIVE"},
s: {id: "RSPD-3", txt: "STANDBY"},
r: {id: "RSPD-4", txt: "ROGER"},
# need clarification
# single Y in Doc 4444 means any?
#-- do not add "s" to r_opts, it is added automatically --
var uplink_messages = {
"ADVU-9": { txt: "SQUAWK $1", args: ["ARG_XPDR"], r_opts: ["w","u"] },
"ADVU-15": { txt: "SQUAWK IDENT", args: [], r_opts: ["w","u"] },
"COMU-1": { txt: "CONTACT $1 $2", args: ["ARG_CALLSIGN", "ARG_FREQ"], r_opts: ["w","u"] },
"LATU-16": { txt: "FLY HEADING $1", args: ["ARG_HEADING"], r_opts: ["w","u"] },
"LVLU-5": { txt: "MAINTAIN $1", args: ["ARG_FL_ALT"], r_opts: ["w","u"] },
"LVLU-6": { txt: "CLIMB TO $1", args: ["ARG_FL_ALT"], r_opts: ["w","u"] },
"LVLU-9": { txt: "DESCENT TO $1", args: ["ARG_FL_ALT"], r_opts: ["w","u"] },
#"SPDU-4": { txt: "MAINTAIN $1", args: ["ARG_SPEED"], r_opts: ["w","u"] },
#"SPDU-5": { txt: "MAINTAIN PRESENT SPEED", args: [], r_opts: ["w","u"] },
"SPDU-9": { txt: "INCREASE SPEED TO $1", args: ["ARG_SPEED"], r_opts: ["w","u"] },
"SPDU-11": { txt: "REDUCE SPEED TO $1", args: ["ARG_SPEED"], r_opts: ["w","u"] },
"SPDU-13": { txt: "RESUME NORMAL SPEED", args: [], r_opts: ["w","u"] },
"RSPU-1": { txt: "UNABLE", args: [], r_opts: [] },
"RSPU-2": { txt: "STANDBY", args: [], r_opts: [] },
"RSPU-4": { txt: "ROGER", args: [], r_opts: [] },
"RSPU-5": { txt: "AFFIRM", args: [], r_opts: [] },
"RSPU-6": { txt: "NEGATIVE", args: [], r_opts: [] },
"RTEU-2": { txt: "PROCEED DIRECT TO $1", args: ["ARG_NAVPOS"], r_opts: ["w","u"] },
"RTEU-7": { txt: "CLEARED $1", args: ["ARG_ROUTE"], r_opts: ["w","u"] },
#"RTEU-11": { txt: "AT $1 HOLD INBOUND TRACK $2 $3 TURNS $4 LEGS", args: ["ARG_NAVPOS", "ARG_HEADING", "ARG_DIRECTION", "ARG_LEGTYPE"], r_opts: ["w","u"] },
"TXTU-1": { txt: "$1", args: ["ARG_TEXT"], r_opts: ["r"] },
"TXTU-4": { txt: "$1", args: ["ARG_TEXT"], r_opts: ["w","u"] },
"TXTU-5": { txt: "$1", args: ["ARG_TEXT"], r_opts: ["a","n"] },
var downlink_messages = {
"COMD-1": { txt: "REQUEST VOICE CONTACT $1", args: ["ARG_FREQ"], r_opts: ["y"] },
"LVLD-1": { txt: "REQUEST LEVEL $1", args: ["ARG_FL_ALT"], r_opts: ["y"] },
"RSPD-1": { txt: "WILCO", args: [], r_opts: [] },
"RSPD-2": { txt: "UNABLE", args: [], r_opts: [] },
"RSPD-3": { txt: "STANDBY", args: [], r_opts: [] },
"RSPD-4": { txt: "ROGER", args: [], r_opts: [] },
"RSPD-5": { txt: "AFFIRM", args: [], r_opts: [] },
"RSPD-6": { txt: "NEGATIVE", args: [], r_opts: [] },
"RTED-1": { txt: "REQUEST DIRECT TO $1", args: ["ARG_NAVPOS"], r_opts: ["y"] },
"RTED-3": { txt: "REQUEST CLEARANCE $1", args: ["ARG_ROUTE"], r_opts: ["y"] },
"RTED-6": { txt: "REQUEST HEADING $1", args: ["ARG_HEADING"], r_opts: ["y"] },
"SPDD-1": { txt: "REQUEST SPEED $1", args: ["ARG_SPEED"], r_opts: ["y"] },
"TXTD-1": { txt: "$1", args: ["ARG_TEXT"], r_opts: ["y"] },
# add message buffer for old messages
# support multi part messages
var CPDLCMessageHandler = {
new: func(prop = "/network/cpdlc/rx/message") {
var obj = {
parents: [me],
mid: "",
mtxt: "",
margs: [],
r_opts: [],
valid: 0,
pMessage: props.getNode(prop, 1),
return obj;
# validate incoming message
# returns 'decoded' message
parse: func(message) {
me.margs = split(" ", message);
me.mid = me.margs[0];
# basic validation: 4th char is "U" (for uplink) followed by "-"
if (size(me.mid) >= 5 and chr(me.mid[3]) == "U" and chr(me.mid[4]) == "-") {
if (contains(uplink_messages, me.mid)) {
var descriptor = uplink_messages[me.mid];
me.mtxt = descriptor.txt;
me.r_opts = descriptor.r_opts;
#always add standby as reply option (should not be given in the message definitions!)
append(me.r_opts, "s");
# next assumes a constant number of args per message id
if (size(me.margs)-1 != size(descriptor.args)) {
logprint(DEV_ALERT, "CPDLC arg count mismatch ("~me.mid~") "~
"have "~(size(me.margs)-1)~" expecting "~size(descriptor.args));
# replace $i with args
for (var i=1; i <= size(descriptor.args); i += 1) {
me.mtxt = string.replace(me.mtxt, "$"~i, me.margs[i]);
me.valid = 1;
} else {
#unknown message id
me.mtxt = "[unknown id]"~message;
me.r_opts = [];
me.valid = 0;
elsif (size(message)) {
me.mtxt = "[raw]"~message;
else {
me.mtxt = "";
return me.mtxt;
getMessage: func() {
return me.parse(me.pMessage.getValue());
getMessageId: func() {
return me.mid;
getReplyOptions: func() {
return me.r_opts;
getReplyOptionByIndex: func(i) {
if (int(i) != nil and i < size(me.r_opts)) {
return me.r_opts[i];
else return -1;
reply: func(r) {
if (!me.valid) return;
if (vecindex(me.r_opts, r)) {
return responses[r];