# A3XX mCDU by Joshua Davidson (Octal450), Jonathan Redpath, and Matthew Maring (mattmaring) # Copyright (c) 2020 Matthew Maring (mattmaring) var perfCRZInput = func(key, i) { var scratchpad = getprop("MCDU[" ~ i ~ "]/scratchpad"); if (key == "L2") { if (scratchpad == "CLR") { setprop("FMGC/internal/cost-index", 0); setprop("FMGC/internal/cost-index-set", 0); setprop("MCDU[" ~ i ~ "]/scratchpad-msg", 0); mcdu.clearScratchpad(i); } else { var ci = int(scratchpad); var cis = size(scratchpad); if (cis >= 1 and cis <= 3) { if (ci != nil and ci >= 0 and ci <= 999) { setprop("FMGC/internal/cost-index", ci); setprop("FMGC/internal/cost-index-set", 1); mcdu.clearScratchpad(i); } else { notAllowed(i); } } else { notAllowed(i); } } } else if (key == "L6") { if (getprop("FMGC/status/phase") == 3) { if (getprop("FMGC/internal/activate-once") == 1) { if (getprop("FMGC/internal/activate-twice") == 0) { setprop("FMGC/internal/activate-twice", 1); setprop("FMGC/status/phase", 5); setprop("FMGC/internal/decel", 1); setprop("MCDU[" ~ i ~ "]/page", "PERFAPPR"); } else { notAllowed(i); } } else { setprop("FMGC/internal/activate-once", 1); } } else { setprop("MCDU[" ~ i ~ "]/page", "PERFCLB"); } } else if (key == "R6") { setprop("MCDU[" ~ i ~ "]/page", "PERFDES"); } }