# A3XX Notification System # Jonathan Redpath # Copyright (c) 2022 Josh Davidson (Octal450) var defaultServer = "https://www.aviationweather.gov/adds/dataserver_current/httpparam?dataSource=metars&requestType=retrieve&format=xml&mostRecent=true&hoursBeforeNow=12&stationString="; var result = nil; var ATSU = { working: 0, loop: func() { if (systems.ELEC.Bus.ac1.getValue() >= 110 or systems.ELEC.Bus.dc1.getValue() >= 25) { me.working = 1; } else { me.working = 0; } } }; var notificationSystem = { notifyAirport: nil, hasNotified: 0, inputAirport: func(airport) { #if (!fmgc.FMGCInternal.flightNumSet or size(airport) != 4) { return 1; } #var airportList = findAirportsByICAO(airport); #if (size(airportList) == 0) { return 2; } if (me.hasNotified) { me.hasNotified = 0; } me.notifyAirport = airport; return 0; }, notify: func() { if (me.notifyAirport != nil) { me.hasNotified = 1; fgcommand("cpdlc-connect", props.Node.new( {atc: me.notifyAirport} )); # todo - send notification to ATC return 0; } else { return 1; } }, automaticTransfer: func(station) { #var airportList = findAirportsByICAO(station); #if (size(airportList) == 0) { return 2; } me.notifyAirport = station; return 0; }, }; var ADS = { state: 1, connections: [nil, nil, nil, nil], setState: func(state) { me.state = state; }, getCount: func() { var count = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 4; i = i + 1) { if (me.connections[i] != nil) { count += 1; } } return count; }, }; var CompanyCall = { activeMsg: "", frequency: 999.99, received: 0, tuned: 0, init: func() { me.activeMsg = ""; me.frequency = 999.99; me.received = 0; }, newMsg: func(msg, freq) { me.activeMsg = msg; me.frequency = freq; me.received = 0; }, ack: func() { me.received = 1; ## assume that call remains until you receive another one or aircraft is reset }, tune: func() { if (!me.received) { me.ack(); } if (rmp.act_vhf3.getValue() == 0) { for (var i = 0; i < 3; i = i + 1) { if (getprop("/systems/radio/rmp[" ~ i ~ "]/sel_chan") == "vhf3") { setprop("/systems/radio/rmp[" ~ i ~ "]/vhf3-standby", me.frequency); rmp.transfer(i + 1); me.tuned = 1; } } } }, }; var AOC = { station: nil, selectedType: "HOURLY WX", lastMETAR: nil, lastTAF: nil, sent: 0, sentTime: nil, received: 0, receivedTime: nil, server: props.globals.getNode("/systems/atsu/wxr-server"), newStation: func(airport) { if (size(airport) == 3 or size(airport) == 4) { me.station = airport; } else { return 1; } }, sendReq: func(i) { if (me.station == nil or (me.sent and !me.received)) { return 1; } me.sent = 1; me.received = 0; var sentTime = left(getprop("/sim/time/gmt-string"), 5); me.sentTime = split(":", sentTime)[0] ~ "." ~ split(":", sentTime)[1] ~ "Z"; if (size(findAirportsByICAO(me.station)) == 0) { me.received = 1; me.receivedTime = me.sentTime; var message = mcdu.ACARSMessage.new(me.receivedTime, "INVALID STATION " ~ me.station); mcdu.ReceivedMessagesDatabase.addMessage(message); return 0; } if (me.selectedType == "HOURLY WX") { var result = me.fetchMETAR(atsu.AOC.station, i); if (result == 0) { return 0; } elsif (result == 1) { return 3; } elsif (result == 2) { return 4; } } if (me.selectedType == "TERM FCST") { var result = me.fetchTAF(atsu.AOC.station, i); if (result == 0) { return 0; } elsif (result == 1) { return 3; } elsif (result == 2) { return 4; } } }, downloadFail: func(i, r = nil) { mcdu.mcdu_message(i,"NO ANSWER TO REQUEST"); debug.dump("HTTP failure " ~ r.status); me.sent = 0; }, fetchMETAR: func(airport, i) { if (!ATSU.working or !fmgc.FMGCInternal.flightNumSet) { me.sent = 0; return 2; } if (ecam.vhf3_voice.active) { me.sent = 0; return 1; } var serverString = ""; if (me.server.getValue() == "vatsim") { serverString = "https://api.flybywiresim.com/metar/" ~ airport ~ "?source=vatsim"; } else { serverString = defaultServer ~ airport; } http.load(serverString) .fail(func(r) me.downloadFail(i, r)) .done(func(r) { var errs = []; call(me.processMETAR, [r, i], me, {}, errs); if (size(errs) > 0) { print("Failed to parse METAR for " ~ airport); debug.dump(r.response); debug.printerror(errs); mcdu.mcdu_message(i, "BAD SERVER RESPONSE"); } }); return 0; }, fetchTAF: func(airport, i) { if (!ATSU.working or !fmgc.FMGCInternal.flightNumSet) { me.sent = 0; return 2; } if (ecam.vhf3_voice.active) { me.sent = 0; return 1; } http.load("https://www.aviationweather.gov/adds/dataserver_current/httpparam?dataSource=tafs&requestType=retrieve&format=xml&timeType=issue&mostRecent=true&hoursBeforeNow=12&stationString=" ~ airport) .fail(func(r) me.downloadFail(i)) .done(func(r) { var errs = []; call(me.processTAF, [r, i], me, {}, errs); if (size(errs) > 0) { print("Failed to parse TAF for " ~ airport); debug.dump(r.response); debug.printerror(errs); mcdu.mcdu_message(i, "BAD SERVER RESPONSE"); } }); return 0; }, processMETAR: func(r, i) { var raw = r.response; if (find('"statusCode":404',raw) != -1) { me.received = 0; me.sent = 0; mcdu.mcdu_message(i, "NO METAR AVAILABLE"); return; } if (me.server.getValue() == "vatsim") { if (find("metar", raw) != -1) { raw = split('"metar":"', raw)[1]; raw = split('","source":"Vatsim"}', raw)[0]; } else { me.received = 0; me.sent = 0; mcdu.mcdu_message(i, "BAD SERVER RESPONSE"); return; } me.lastMETAR = raw; } else if (find("<raw_text>", raw) != -1) { raw = split("<raw_text>", raw)[1]; raw = split("</raw_text>", raw)[0]; me.lastMETAR = raw; } else { me.received = 0; me.sent = 0; mcdu.mcdu_message(i, "BAD SERVER RESPONSE"); return; } settimer(func() { me.received = 1; mcdu.mcdu_message(i, "WX UPLINK"); var receivedTime = left(getprop("/sim/time/gmt-string"), 5); me.receivedTime = split(":", receivedTime)[0] ~ "." ~ split(":", receivedTime)[1] ~ "Z"; var message = mcdu.ACARSMessage.new(me.receivedTime, me.lastMETAR); mcdu.ReceivedMessagesDatabase.addMessage(message); }, math.max(rand()*6, 2.25)); }, processTAF: func(r, i) { var raw = r.response; if (find("<raw_text>", raw) != -1) { raw = split("<raw_text>", raw)[1]; raw = split("</raw_text>", raw)[0]; me.lastTAF = raw; } else { me.received = 0; me.sent = 0; mcdu.mcdu_message(i, "BAD SERVER RESPONSE"); return; } me.lastTAF = raw; settimer(func() { me.received = 1; mcdu.mcdu_message(i, "WX UPLINK"); var receivedTime = left(getprop("/sim/time/gmt-string"), 5); me.receivedTime = split(":", receivedTime)[0] ~ "." ~ split(":", receivedTime)[1] ~ "Z"; var message = mcdu.ACARSMessage.new(me.receivedTime, me.lastTAF); mcdu.ReceivedMessagesDatabase.addMessage(message); }, math.max(rand()*6, 2.25)); }, }; var ATIS = { serverSel: props.globals.getNode("/systems/atsu/atis-server"), new: func() { var ATIS = { parents: [ATIS] }; ATIS.station = nil; ATIS.lastATIS = nil; ATIS.sent = 0; ATIS.received = 0; ATIS.receivedTime = nil; ATIS.receivedCode = nil; ATIS.type = 0; # 0 = arr, 1 = dep return ATIS; }, newStation: func(airport) { me.sent = 0; me.received = 0; if (size(airport) == 3 or size(airport) == 4) { if (size(findAirportsByICAO(airport)) == 0) { return 2; } else { me.station = airport; return 0; } } else { return 1; } }, setType: func(i) { if (i >= 0 and i <= 1) { me.type = i; } }, sendReq: func(i) { if (me.station == nil or (me.sent and !me.received)) { return 1; } me.sent = 1; me.received = 0; result = me.fetchATIS(me.station, i); if (result == 0) { return 0; } elsif (result == 1) { return 3; } elsif (result == 2) { return 4; } }, fetchATIS: func(airport, i) { if (!ATSU.working) { me.sent = 0; return 2; } if (ecam.vhf3_voice.active) { me.sent = 0; return 1; } var serverString = "https://api.flybywiresim.com/atis/" ~ airport ~ "?source=" ~ me.serverSel.getValue(); http.load(serverString) .fail(func(r) return 3) .done(func(r) { var errs = []; call(me.processATIS, [r, i], me, {}, errs); if (size(errs) > 0) { print("Failed to parse ATIS for " ~ airport); debug.dump(r.response); debug.printerror(errs); me.sent = 0; mcdu.mcdu_message(i, "BAD SERVER RESPONSE"); } }); return 0; }, processATIS: func(r, i) { var raw = r.response; if (raw == "FBW_ERROR: D-ATIS not available at this airport" or find("atis not avail",raw) != -1 or find('"statusCode":404',raw) != -1) { me.received = 0; me.sent = 0; mcdu.mcdu_message(i,"NO D-ATIS AVAILABLE"); return; } if (find("combined", raw) != -1) { raw = split('"combined":"', raw)[1]; raw = split('"}', raw)[0]; } else { if (me.type == 0) { raw = split('"arr":"', raw)[1]; raw = split('","dep":"', raw)[0]; } else { raw = split('","dep":"', raw)[1]; raw = split('"}', raw)[0]; } } var code = ""; if (find("INFO ", raw) != -1) { code = split("INFO ", raw)[1]; code = split(" ", code)[0]; } else if (find("information ", raw) != -1) { code = split("information ", raw)[1]; code = split(" ", code)[0]; } else if (find("INFORMATION ", raw) != -1) { code = split("INFORMATION ", raw)[1]; code = split(" ", code)[0]; } else if (find("ATIS ", raw) != -1) { code = split("ATIS ", raw)[1]; code = split(" ", code)[0]; } else if (find("info ", raw) != -1) { code = split("info ", raw)[1]; code = split(" ", code)[0]; } else { print("Failed to find a valid ATIS code for " ~ me.station); debug.dump(raw); } if (find(".", code) != -1) { code = split(".", code)[0]; } if (find(",", code) != -1) { code = split(",", code)[0]; } if (size(code) > 1) { code = left(code, 1); } me.receivedCode = code; var time = ""; if (find("Time ", raw) != -1) { time = split("Time ", raw)[1]; time = split(" ", time)[0]; } else if (find("time ", raw) != -1) { time = split("time ", raw)[1]; time = split(" ", time)[0]; } else if (find("TIME ", raw) != -1) { time = split("TIME ", raw)[1]; time = split(" ", time)[0]; } else if (find("WEATHER AT ", raw) != -1) { time = split("WEATHER AT ", raw)[1]; time = left(split(" ", time)[0], 4); } else if (find(" UTC", raw) != -1) { time = split(" UTC", raw)[0]; time = right(time, 4); } else if (find("Z.", raw) != -1) { time = split("Z.", raw)[0]; time = right(time, 4); } else if (find("Z SPECIAL", raw) != -1) { time = split("Z SPECIAL", raw)[0]; time = right(time, 4); } else if (find("Z EXPECT", raw) != -1) { time = split("Z EXPECT", raw)[0]; time = right(time, 4); } else if (find("metreport", raw) != -1) { time = split("metreport", raw)[0]; time = right(time, 4); } else if (find("METREPORT ", raw) != -1) { time = split("METREPORT ", raw)[1]; time = left(time, 4); } else if (find("INFORMATION " ~ code ~ " AT ", raw) != -1) { time = split("INFORMATION " ~ code ~ " AT ", raw)[1]; time = left(time, 4); } else if (find((code ~ " "), raw) != -1) { if (size(split(" ",split(code ~ " ", raw)[1])[0]) == 4) { time = split(" ",split(code ~ " ", raw)[1])[0]; } } else if (size(split(" ",split(code, raw)[1])[0]) == 4) { time = split(" ",split(code, raw)[1])[0]; } else { print("Failed to find a valid ATIS time for " ~ me.station); debug.dump(raw); } # Handle UK airport issue # Limitation: always ends in 0 if (size(time) == 3) { time ~= "0"; } else if (size(time) > 4) { time = left(time, 4); } raw = string.uc(raw); raw = string.replace(raw, ",", ""); settimer(func() { me.sent = 0; me.received = 1; me.receivedTime = time; me.lastATIS = raw; }, math.max(rand()*10, 4.5)); }, }; makeNewDictionaryString("A", "ALPHA"); makeNewDictionaryString("B", "BRAVO"); makeNewDictionaryString("C", "CHARLIE"); makeNewDictionaryString("D", "DELTA"); makeNewDictionaryString("E", "ECHO"); makeNewDictionaryString("F", "FOXTROT"); makeNewDictionaryString("G", "GOLF"); makeNewDictionaryString("H", "HOTEL"); makeNewDictionaryString("I", "INDIA"); makeNewDictionaryString("J", "JULIET"); makeNewDictionaryString("K", "KILO"); makeNewDictionaryString("L", "LIMA"); makeNewDictionaryString("M", "MIKE"); makeNewDictionaryString("N", "NOVEMBER"); makeNewDictionaryString("O", "OSCAR"); makeNewDictionaryString("P", "PAPA"); makeNewDictionaryString("Q", "QUEBEC"); makeNewDictionaryString("R", "ROMEO"); makeNewDictionaryString("S", "SIERRA"); makeNewDictionaryString("T", "TANGO"); makeNewDictionaryString("U", "UNIFORM"); makeNewDictionaryString("V", "VICTOR"); makeNewDictionaryString("W", "WHISKEY"); makeNewDictionaryString("X", "XRAY"); makeNewDictionaryString("Y", "YANKEE"); makeNewDictionaryString("Z", "ZULU"); var ATISInstances = [ATIS.new(), ATIS.new(), ATIS.new(), ATIS.new()];