<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<!-- Copyright (c) 2020 Josh Davidson (Octal450) -->

<!-- A3XX MCDU web launcher Dialog -->



			props.globals.initNode("/sim/http/mcduweb/local-ip", "", "STRING");

            <label>Remote MCDU for browser/tablet/smartphone</label>

			<label>Please check: HTTP service running is required.</label>
			<label>Start FlightGear with -httpd=8080</label>



			<label>Open MCDU on browser</label>

			<legend>launch browser</legend>
					var n = getprop("/sim/http/running",0);
					if( n != 1 ) {
					  gui.popupTip("Internal webserver not running. Restart FlightGear with -httpd=8080", 5.0);
					} else {
					  var _url = "http://localhost:" ~ getprop("/sim/http/options/listening-port") ~ "/aircraft-dir/WebPanel/mcdu.html";
					  fgcommand("open-browser", props.Node.new({ "url": _url }));
			<label>Scan QR code with your smartphone or tablet</label>


			<label>Local IP</label>
			<live type="bool">true</live>
			<legend>get qrcode</legend>
					var _url = "";
					if (size(getprop("/sim/http/mcduweb/local-ip"))>6) {
						if ( getprop("sim/http/running",0) == 1 ) _url = "http://" ~ getprop("/sim/http/mcduweb/local-ip") ~ ":" ~ getprop("/sim/http/options/listening-port") ~ "/aircraft-dir/WebPanel/mcdu.html";
						root.createChild("image").set("src", "https://qr.eletto.dev/" ~ _url).setSize(300,300).setTranslation(10,10); 					

				    var n = props.globals.getNode("/sim/http/running");
					var mcdu_canvas_dlg = canvas.get(cmdarg());
					var root = mcdu_canvas_dlg.createGroup();
					mcdu_canvas_dlg.setColorBackground(1, 1, 1, 1);
					mcdu_canvas_dlg = nil;
					root = nil;

			<label>* QRCode provided by https://qr.eletto.dev/</label>

