# A3XX ND Canvas # Copyright (c) 2019 Joshua Davidson (Octal450) io.include("A3XX_ND.nas"); io.include("A3XX_ND_drivers.nas"); canvas.NDStyles["Airbus"].options.defaults.route_driver = A3XXRouteDriver.new(); var ND_1 = nil; var ND_2 = nil; var ND_1_test = nil; var ND_2_test = nil; var elapsedtime = 0; # Fetch nodes: var du1_test_time = props.globals.initNode("/instrumentation/du/du1-test-time", 0.0, "DOUBLE"); var du1_off_time = props.globals.initNode("/instrumentation/du/du1-off-time", 0.0, "DOUBLE"); var du1_off_time_2 = props.globals.initNode("/instrumentation/du/du1-off-time-2", 0.0, "DOUBLE"); var du1_test_amount = props.globals.initNode("/instrumentation/du/du1-test-amount", 0.0, "DOUBLE"); var du2_test = props.globals.initNode("/instrumentation/du/du2-test", 0, "BOOL"); var du2_test_time = props.globals.initNode("/instrumentation/du/du2-test-time", 0.0, "DOUBLE"); var du2_off_time = props.globals.initNode("/instrumentation/du/du2-off-time", 0.0, "DOUBLE"); var du2_off_time_2 = props.globals.initNode("/instrumentation/du/du2-off-time-2", 0.0, "DOUBLE"); var du2_test_amount = props.globals.initNode("/instrumentation/du/du2-test-amount", 0.0, "DOUBLE"); var du5_test = props.globals.initNode("/instrumentation/du/du5-test", 0, "BOOL"); var du5_test_time = props.globals.initNode("/instrumentation/du/du5-test-time", 0.0, "DOUBLE"); var du5_off_time = props.globals.initNode("/instrumentation/du/du5-off-time", 0.0, "DOUBLE"); var du5_off_time_2 = props.globals.initNode("/instrumentation/du/du5-off-time-2", 0.0, "DOUBLE"); var du5_test_amount = props.globals.initNode("/instrumentation/du/du5-test-amount", 0.0, "DOUBLE"); var du6_test = props.globals.initNode("/instrumentation/du/du6-test", 0, "BOOL"); var du6_test_time = props.globals.initNode("/instrumentation/du/du6-test-time", 0.0, "DOUBLE"); var du6_off_time = props.globals.initNode("/instrumentation/du/du6-off-time", 0.0, "DOUBLE"); var du6_off_time_2 = props.globals.initNode("/instrumentation/du/du6-off-time-2", 0.0, "DOUBLE"); var du6_test_amount = props.globals.initNode("/instrumentation/du/du6-test-amount", 0.0, "DOUBLE"); var cpt_du_xfr = props.globals.getNode("/modes/cpt-du-xfr"); var fo_du_xfr = props.globals.getNode("/modes/fo-du-xfr"); var wow0 = props.globals.getNode("/gear/gear[0]/wow"); var nd_display = {}; var ND = canvas.NavDisplay; var myCockpit_switches = { "toggle_range": {path: "/inputs/range-nm", value:40, type:"INT"}, "toggle_weather": {path: "/inputs/wxr", value:0, type:"BOOL"}, "toggle_airports": {path: "/inputs/arpt", value:0, type:"BOOL"}, "toggle_ndb": {path: "/inputs/NDB", value:0, type:"BOOL"}, "toggle_stations": {path: "/inputs/sta", value:0, type:"BOOL"}, "toggle_vor": {path: "/inputs/VORD", value:0, type:"BOOL"}, "toggle_dme": {path: "/inputs/DME", value:0, type:"BOOL"}, "toggle_cstr": {path: "/inputs/CSTR", value:0, type:"BOOL"}, "toggle_waypoints": {path: "/inputs/wpt", value:0, type:"BOOL"}, "toggle_position": {path: "/inputs/pos", value:0, type:"BOOL"}, "toggle_data": {path: "/inputs/data",value:0, type:"BOOL"}, "toggle_terrain": {path: "/inputs/terr",value:0, type:"BOOL"}, "toggle_traffic": {path: "/inputs/tfc",value:0, type:"BOOL"}, "toggle_centered": {path: "/inputs/nd-centered",value:0, type:"BOOL"}, "toggle_lh_vor_adf": {path: "/input/lh-vor-adf",value:0, type:"INT"}, "toggle_rh_vor_adf": {path: "/input/rh-vor-adf",value:0, type:"INT"}, "toggle_display_mode": {path: "/nd/canvas-display-mode", value:"NAV", type:"STRING"}, "toggle_display_type": {path: "/nd/display-type", value:"LCD", type:"STRING"}, "toggle_true_north": {path: "/nd/true-north", value:0, type:"BOOL"}, "toggle_track_heading": {path: "/trk-selected", value:0, type:"BOOL"}, "toggle_wpt_idx": {path: "/inputs/plan-wpt-index", value: -1, type: "INT"}, "toggle_plan_loop": {path: "/nd/plan-mode-loop", value: 0, type: "INT"}, "toggle_weather_live": {path: "/nd/wxr-live-enabled", value: 0, type: "BOOL"}, "toggle_chrono": {path: "/inputs/CHRONO", value: 0, type: "INT"}, "toggle_xtrk_error": {path: "/nd/xtrk-error", value: 0, type: "BOOL"}, "toggle_trk_line": {path: "/nd/trk-line", value: 0, type: "BOOL"}, }; var canvas_nd_base = { init: func(canvas_group, file = nil) { var font_mapper = func(family, weight) { return "LiberationFonts/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf"; }; if (file != nil) { canvas.parsesvg(canvas_group, file, {"font-mapper": font_mapper}); var svg_keys = me.getKeys(); foreach(var key; svg_keys) { me[key] = canvas_group.getElementById(key); } } me.page = canvas_group; return me; }, getKeys: func() { return []; }, update: func() { elapsedtime = getprop("/sim/time/elapsed-sec"); if (getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/ac-ess-shed") >= 110) { if (du2_off_time.getValue() != 0) { du2_off_time_2.setValue(elapsedtime - du2_off_time.getValue()); du2_off_time.setValue(0); } if (wow0.getValue() == 1) { if (getprop("/systems/acconfig/autoconfig-running") != 1 and du2_test.getValue() != 1) { du2_test.setValue(1); du2_test_amount.setValue(math.round((rand() * 5 ) + 35, 0.1)); du2_test_time.setValue(getprop("/sim/time/elapsed-sec")); } else if (getprop("/systems/acconfig/autoconfig-running") == 1 and du2_test.getValue() != 1) { du2_test.setValue(1); du2_test_amount.setValue(math.round((rand() * 5 ) + 35, 0.1)); du2_test_time.setValue(getprop("/sim/time/elapsed-sec") - 30); } } else { du2_test.setValue(1); du2_test_amount.setValue(0); du2_test_time.setValue(-100); } } elsif (du2_test.getValue() != 0) { du2_test.setValue(0); du2_off_time.setValue(elapsedtime); du2_off_time_2.setValue(0); } if (getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/ac-2") >= 110) { if (du5_off_time.getValue() != 0) { du5_off_time_2.setValue(elapsedtime - du5_off_time.getValue()); du5_off_time.setValue(0); } if (wow0.getValue() == 1) { if (getprop("/systems/acconfig/autoconfig-running") != 1 and du5_test.getValue() != 1) { du5_test.setValue(1); du5_test_amount.setValue(math.round((rand() * 5 ) + 35, 0.1)); du5_test_time.setValue(getprop("/sim/time/elapsed-sec")); } else if (getprop("/systems/acconfig/autoconfig-running") == 1 and du5_test.getValue() != 1) { du5_test.setValue(1); du5_test_amount.setValue(math.round((rand() * 5 ) + 35, 0.1)); du5_test_time.setValue(getprop("/sim/time/elapsed-sec") - 30); } } else { du5_test.setValue(1); du5_test_amount.setValue(0); du5_test_time.setValue(-100); } } elsif (du5_test.getValue() != 0) { du5_test.setValue(0); du5_off_time.setValue(elapsedtime); du5_off_time_2.setValue(0); } if (getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/ac-ess-shed") >= 110 and getprop("/controls/lighting/DU/du2") > 0) { if (du2_test_time.getValue() + du2_test_amount.getValue() >= elapsedtime and cpt_du_xfr.getValue() != 1 and du2_off_time_2.getValue() > 0.5) { ND_1.page.hide(); ND_1_test.page.show(); ND_1_test.update(); } else if (du1_test_time.getValue() + du1_test_amount.getValue() >= elapsedtime and cpt_du_xfr.getValue() == 1 and du1_off_time_2.getValue() > 0.5) { ND_1.page.hide(); ND_1_test.page.show(); ND_1_test.update(); } else { ND_1_test.page.hide(); ND_1.page.show(); ND_1.NDCpt.update(); } } else { ND_1_test.page.hide(); ND_1.page.hide(); } if (getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/ac-2") >= 110 and getprop("/controls/lighting/DU/du5") > 0) { if (du5_test_time.getValue() + du5_test_amount.getValue() >= elapsedtime and fo_du_xfr.getValue() != 1 and du5_off_time_2.getValue() > 0.5) { ND_2.page.hide(); ND_2_test.page.show(); ND_2_test.update(); } else if (du6_test_time.getValue() + du6_test_amount.getValue() >= elapsedtime and fo_du_xfr.getValue() == 1 and du6_off_time_2.getValue() > 0.5) { ND_2.page.hide(); ND_2_test.page.show(); ND_2_test.update(); } else { ND_2_test.page.hide(); ND_2.page.show(); ND_2.NDFo.update(); } } else { ND_2_test.page.hide(); ND_2.page.hide(); } }, }; var canvas_ND_1 = { new: func(canvas_group) { var m = {parents: [canvas_ND_1, canvas_nd_base]}; m.init(canvas_group); # here we make the ND: me.NDCpt = ND.new("instrumentation/efis", myCockpit_switches, "Airbus"); me.NDCpt.newMFD(canvas_group); me.NDCpt.update(); return m; }, getKeys: func() { return []; }, update: func() { }, }; var canvas_ND_2 = { new: func(canvas_group) { var m = {parents: [canvas_ND_2, canvas_nd_base]}; m.init(canvas_group); # here we make the ND: me.NDFo = ND.new("instrumentation/efis[1]", myCockpit_switches, "Airbus"); me.NDFo.newMFD(canvas_group); me.NDFo.update(); return m; }, getKeys: func() { return []; }, update: func() { }, }; var canvas_ND_1_test = { init: func(canvas_group, file) { var font_mapper = func(family, weight) { return "LiberationFonts/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf"; }; canvas.parsesvg(canvas_group, file, {"font-mapper": font_mapper}); var svg_keys = me.getKeys(); foreach(var key; svg_keys) { me[key] = canvas_group.getElementById(key); } me.page = canvas_group; return me; }, new: func(canvas_group, file) { var m = {parents: [canvas_ND_1_test]}; m.init(canvas_group, file); return m; }, getKeys: func() { return ["Test_white","Test_text"]; }, update: func() { elapsedtime = getprop("/sim/time/elapsed-sec") or 0; if ((du2_test_time.getValue() + 1 >= elapsedtime) and getprop("/modes/cpt-du-xfr") != 1) { me["Test_white"].show(); me["Test_text"].hide(); } else if ((du1_test_time.getValue() + 1 >= elapsedtime) and getprop("/modes/cpt-du-xfr") != 0) { print(getprop("/modes/cpt-du-xfr")); me["Test_white"].show(); me["Test_text"].hide(); } else { me["Test_white"].hide(); me["Test_text"].show(); } }, }; var canvas_ND_2_test = { init: func(canvas_group, file) { var font_mapper = func(family, weight) { return "LiberationFonts/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf"; }; canvas.parsesvg(canvas_group, file, {"font-mapper": font_mapper}); var svg_keys = me.getKeys(); foreach(var key; svg_keys) { me[key] = canvas_group.getElementById(key); } me.page = canvas_group; return me; }, new: func(canvas_group, file) { var m = {parents: [canvas_ND_2_test]}; m.init(canvas_group, file); return m; }, getKeys: func() { return ["Test_white","Test_text"]; }, update: func() { elapsedtime = getprop("/sim/time/elapsed-sec") or 0; if ((du5_test_time.getValue() + 1 >= elapsedtime) and getprop("/modes/cpt-du-xfr") != 1) { me["Test_white"].show(); me["Test_text"].hide(); } else if ((du6_test_time.getValue() + 1 >= elapsedtime) and getprop("/modes/cpt-du-xfr") != 0) { me["Test_white"].show(); me["Test_text"].hide(); } else { me["Test_white"].hide(); me["Test_text"].show(); } }, }; setlistener("sim/signals/fdm-initialized", func { setprop("instrumentation/efis[0]/inputs/plan-wpt-index", -1); setprop("instrumentation/efis[1]/inputs/plan-wpt-index", -1); nd_display.main = canvas.new({ "name": "ND1", "size": [1024, 1024], "view": [1024, 1024], "mipmapping": 1 }); nd_display.right = canvas.new({ "name": "ND2", "size": [1024, 1024], "view": [1024, 1024], "mipmapping": 1 }); nd_display.main.addPlacement({"node": "ND.screen"}); nd_display.right.addPlacement({"node": "ND_R.screen"}); var group_nd1 = nd_display.main.createGroup(); var group_nd1_test = nd_display.main.createGroup(); var group_nd2 = nd_display.right.createGroup(); var group_nd2_test = nd_display.right.createGroup(); ND_1 = canvas_ND_1.new(group_nd1); ND_1_test = canvas_ND_1_test.new(group_nd1_test, "Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Instruments/Common/res/du-test.svg"); ND_2 = canvas_ND_2.new(group_nd2); ND_2_test = canvas_ND_2_test.new(group_nd2_test, "Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Instruments/Common/res/du-test.svg"); nd_update.start(); if (getprop("/systems/acconfig/options/nd-rate") > 1) { rateApply(); } }); var rateApply = func { nd_update.restart(0.05 * getprop("/systems/acconfig/options/nd-rate")); } var nd_update = maketimer(0.05, func { canvas_nd_base.update(); }); for (i = 0; i < 2; i = i + 1 ) { setlistener("/instrumentation/efis["~i~"]/nd/display-mode", func(node) { var par = node.getParent().getParent(); var idx = par.getIndex(); var canvas_mode = "/instrumentation/efis["~idx~"]/nd/canvas-display-mode"; var nd_centered = "/instrumentation/efis["~idx~"]/inputs/nd-centered"; var mode = getprop("/instrumentation/efis["~idx~"]/nd/display-mode"); var cvs_mode = "NAV"; var centered = 1; if (mode == "ILS") { cvs_mode = "APP"; } else if (mode == "VOR") { cvs_mode = "VOR"; } else if (mode == "NAV"){ cvs_mode = "MAP"; } else if (mode == "ARC"){ cvs_mode = "MAP"; centered = 0; } else if (mode == "PLAN"){ cvs_mode = "PLAN"; } setprop(canvas_mode, cvs_mode); setprop(nd_centered, centered); }); } setlistener("/instrumentation/efis[0]/nd/terrain-on-nd", func{ var terr_on_hd = getprop("/instrumentation/efis[0]/nd/terrain-on-nd"); var alpha = 1; if (terr_on_hd) { alpha = 0.5; } nd_display.main.setColorBackground(0,0,0,alpha); }); setlistener("/flight-management/control/capture-leg", func(n) { var capture_leg = n.getValue(); setprop("instrumentation/efis[0]/nd/xtrk-error", capture_leg); setprop("instrumentation/efis[1]/nd/xtrk-error", capture_leg); setprop("instrumentation/efis[0]/nd/trk-line", capture_leg); setprop("instrumentation/efis[1]/nd/trk-line", capture_leg); }, 0, 0); var showNd = func(nd = nil) { if (nd == nil) nd = "main"; var dlg = canvas.Window.new([512, 512], "dialog").set("resize", 1); dlg.setCanvas(nd_display[nd]); }