# See: http://wiki.flightgear.org/MapStructure
# This layer is currently being restructured to better support 1) styling, 2) LOD and 3) caching of instanced symbols
# The corresponding APIs in MapStructure.nas and api.nas should probably be extended acccordingly
# We can look into adapting the other layers once we have a single use-case that works properly - including styling, LOD and caching -
# at that point, the framework should have evolved sufficiently. 
# It would probably be a good idea to incrementally port some other layers and provide the corresponding helpers/APIs, to reduce the amount
# of specialized/identical code in the .symbol files.

# Class things:
var name = 'DME';
var parents = [DotSym];
var __self__ = caller(0)[0];
DotSym.makeinstance( name, __self__ );

var element_type = "group"; # we want a group, becomes "me.element"

var timer = nil;

# symbols (canvas groups) managed by this file
var icon_dme = nil;

var scale_animation = 1;

var animate = func {
	if (me.scale_animation >= 1)
		me.scale_animation -= .5;
		me.scale_animation += .5;
	me.element.setScale( me.scale_animation );

var del = func {
 # me.timer.stop();

# CachedElement
# StyleAttribute
# Styleable
# RangeAwareElement

# var DMEIcon = StyleableElement.new( [{color:IconColor}, ] );

# FIXME: these should probably be part of MapStructure itself
# TODO: Need to come up with a StyleableElement class for this sort of stuff
var apply_styling = func {
	# add all styleable groups here

	# no need to do this whenever draw is called - typically, attributes won't change at all - so this is kinda redundant
	var current_color = me.icon_dme.getColor();
	var required_color = nil;

	if (typeof(me.map.controller["is_tuned"]) == 'func' and me.map.controller.is_tuned(me.model.frequency/100))
	#TODO: once we support caching/instancing, we cannot just change the symbol like this - we need to use a different symbol from the cache instead
	# which is why these things need to be done ONCE during init to set up a cache entry for each symbol variation to come up with a  corresponding raster image
	# TODO: API-wise it would make sense to maintain a vector of required keys, so that the style hash can be validated in the ctor of the layer
	# to ensure that all mandatory fields are supplied 
		required_color = canvas._getColor( me.layer.style.color_tuned);
		required_color = canvas._getColor( me.layer.style.color_default);

	if (current_color != required_color) {
		# print("Setting color!");
		# TODO: this is where we would select another cached symbol
		me.icon_dme.setColor( required_color );
	# else print("Not changing color (unnecessary)");

	# debug.dump(me.layer.style);

# NOTE: This is only applied during initialization
# TODO: expose via addLayer/style param
# TODO: also needs to be aware of current range, so that proper LOD handling can be implemented
var apply_scale = func {
	# add all symbols here that need scaling
	me.icon_dme.setScale( me.layer.style.scale_factor );

# draw routines must be called here to create a lookup table
# with different symbols, based on styling (colors etc)
# because we can no longer change instanced symbols later on 
# as they will be shared, so we need one cache entry for each 
# variation in style 
var init_cache = func {


# init is done separately to prepare support for caching (instanced symbols)
var init = func {
	# debug.dump(me.layer.style);
	var draw_func = me.getOption('draw_dme');
	if(typeof(draw_func) == 'func'){
		me.icon_dme = draw_func(me);
	} else {
		me.icon_dme = me.element.createChild("path")
		.setStrokeLineWidth( me.layer.style.line_width );

	# finally scale the symbol as requested, this is done last so that people can override this when creating the layer
	if(me.getOption('draw_text', 0)){
		me.dme_text = me.element.createChild("text")
		.setDrawMode( canvas.Text.TEXT )
		.setColor(me.getStyle('text_color', [1,1,1]))
		.setTranslation(me.getStyle('translation', [45,25]));
	if (me.layer.style.animation_test) {
		me.timer = maketimer(0.33, func me.animate() );

# this method is REQUIRED
# check if the current station is tuned or not - and style the symbol accordingly (color)
var draw = func {