# A3XX ND Canvas # Joshua Davidson (Octal450) # Based on work by artix # Copyright (c) 2019 Joshua Davidson (Octal450) var assert_m = canvas.assert_m; # -------------------------------- # From FGDATA/Nasal/canvas/api.nas # -------------------------------- # Recursively get all children of class specified by first param canvas.Group.getChildrenOfType = func(type, array = nil){ var children = array; if(children == nil) children = []; var my_children = me.getChildren(); if(typeof(type) != "vector") type = [type]; foreach(var c; my_children){ foreach(var t; type){ if(isa(c, t)){ append(children, c); } } if(isa(c, canvas.Group)){ c.getChildrenOfType(type, children); } } return children; }; # Set color to children of type Path and Text. It is possible to optionally # specify which types of children should be affected by passing a vector as # the last agrument, ie. my_group.setColor(1,1,1,[Path]); canvas.Group.setColor = func(){ var color = arg; var types = [Path, Text]; var arg_c = size(color); if(arg_c > 1 and typeof(color[-1]) == "vector"){ types = color[-1]; color = subvec(color, 0, arg_c - 1); } var children = me.getChildrenOfType(types); if(typeof(color) == "vector"){ var first = color[0]; if(typeof(first) == "vector") color = first; } foreach(var c; children) c.setColor(color); }; canvas.Map.addLayer = func(factory, type_arg=nil, priority=nil, style=nil, opts=nil, visible=1) { if(contains(me.layers, type_arg)) printlog("warn", "addLayer() warning: overwriting existing layer:", type_arg); var options = opts; # Argument handling if (type_arg != nil) { var layer = factory.new(type:type_arg, group:me, map:me, style:style, options:options, visible:visible); var type = factory.get(type_arg); var key = type_arg; } else { var layer = factory.new(group:me, map:me, style:style, options:options, visible:visible); var type = factory; var key = factory.type; } me.layers[type_arg] = layer; if (priority == nil) priority = type.df_priority; if (priority != nil) layer.group.setInt("z-index", priority); return layer; # return new layer to caller() so that we can directly work with it, i.e. to register event handlers (panning/zooming) }; # ----------------------------------------- # From FGDATA/Nasal/canvas/MapStructure.nas # ----------------------------------------- var opt_member = func(h,k) { if (contains(h, k)) return h[k]; if (contains(h, "parents")) { var _=h.parents; for (var i=0;i<size(_);i+=1){ var v = opt_member(_[i], k); if (v != nil) return v; } } return nil; }; # Symbol canvas.Symbol.formattedString = func(frmt, model_props){ if(me.model == nil) return frmt; var args = []; foreach(var prop; model_props){ if(contains(me.model, prop)){ var val = me.model[prop]; var tp = typeof(val); if(tp != "scalar"){ val = ""; #printlog("warn", "formattedString: invalid type for "~prop~" (" ~ tp ~ ")"); } else { append(args, val); } } } return call(sprintf, [frmt] ~ args); }; canvas.Symbol.getOption = func(name, default = nil){ var opt = me.options; if(opt == nil) opt = me.layer.options; if(opt == nil) return default; var val = opt_member(opt, name); if(val == nil) return default; return val; }; canvas.Symbol.getStyle = func(name, default = nil){ var st = me.style; if(st == nil) st = me.layer.style; if(st == nil) return default; var val = opt_member(st, name); if(typeof(val) == "func"){ val = (call(val,[],me)); } if(val == nil) return default; return val; }; canvas.Symbol.getLabelFromModel = func(default_val = nil){ if(me.model == nil) return default_val; if(default_val == nil and contains(me.model, "id")) default_val = me.model.id; var label_content = me.getOption("label_content"); if(label_content == nil) return default_val; if(typeof(label_content) == "scalar") label_content = [label_content]; var format_s = me.getOption("label_format"); var label = ""; if(format_s == nil){ format_s = "%s"; } return me.formattedString(format_s, label_content); }; canvas.Symbol.callback = func(name, args...){ name = name ~"_callback"; var f = me.getOption(name); if(typeof(f) == "func"){ return call(f, args, me); } }; # DotSym canvas.DotSym.update = func() { if (me.controller != nil) { if (!me.controller.update(me, me.model)) return; elsif (!me.controller.isVisible(me.model)) { me.element.hide(); return; } } else me.element.show(); me.draw(); if(me.getOption("disable_position", 0)) return; # << CHECK FOR OPTION "disable_position" var pos = me.controller.getpos(me.model); if (size(pos) == 2) pos~=[nil]; # fall through if (size(pos) == 3) var (lat,lon,rotation) = pos; else __die("DotSym.update(): bad position: "~debug.dump(pos)); # print(me.model.id, ": Position lat/lon: ", lat, "/", lon); me.element.setGeoPosition(lat,lon); if (rotation != nil) me.element.setRotation(rotation); }; # SVGSymbol canvas.SVGSymbol.init = func() { me.callback("init_before"); var opt_path = me.getStyle("svg_path"); if(opt_path != nil) me.svg_path = opt_path; if (!me.cacheable) { if(me.svg_path != nil and me.svg_path != "") canvas.parsesvg(me.element, me.svg_path); # hack: if (var scale = me.layer.style["scale_factor"]) me.element.setScale(scale); if ((var transl = me.layer.style["translate"]) != nil) me.element.setTranslation(transl); } else { __die("cacheable not implemented yet!"); } me.callback("init_after"); me.draw(); }; canvas.SVGSymbol.draw = func{ me.callback("draw"); }; # SymbolLayer canvas.SymbolLayer._new = func(m, style, controller, options) { # print("SymbolLayer setup options:", m.options!=nil); m.style = default_hash(style, m.df_style); m.options = default_hash(options, m.df_options); if (controller == nil) controller = m.df_controller; assert_m(controller, "parents"); if (controller.parents[0] == SymbolLayer.Controller) controller = controller.new(m); assert_m(controller, "parents"); assert_m(controller.parents[0], "parents"); if (controller.parents[0].parents[0] != SymbolLayer.Controller) __die("MultiSymbolLayer: OOP error"); if(options != nil){ # << CHECK FOR CONFIGURABLE LISTENERS var listeners = opt_member(controller, "listeners"); var listen = opt_member(options, "listen"); if (listen != nil and listeners != nil){ var listen_tp = typeof(listen); if(listen_tp != "vector" and listen_tp != "scalar") __die("Options 'listen' cannot be a "~ listen_tp); if(typeof(listen) == "scalar") listen = [listen]; foreach(var node_name; listen){ var node = opt_member(options, node_name); if(node == nil) node = node_name; append(controller.listeners, setlistener(node, func call(m.update,[],m),0,0)); } } } m.controller = controller; }; # LineSymbol canvas.LineSymbol.new = func(group, layer, model, controller=nil) { if (me == nil) __die("Need me reference for LineSymbol.new()"); if (typeof(model) != "vector") { if(typeof(model) == "hash"){ if(!contains(model, "path")) canvas.__die("LineSymbol.new(): model hash requires path"); } else canvas.__die("LineSymbol.new(): need a vector of points or a hash"); } var m = { parents: [me], group: group, layer: layer, model: model, controller: controller == nil ? me.df_controller : controller, element: group.createChild( "path", me.element_id ), }; append(m.parents, m.element); canvas.Symbol._new(m); m.init(); return m; }; # Non-static: canvas.LineSymbol.draw = func() { me.callback("draw_before"); if (!me.needs_update) return; #printlog(_MP_dbg_lvl, "redrawing a LineSymbol "~me.layer.type); me.element.reset(); var cmds = []; var coords = []; var cmd = canvas.Path.VG_MOVE_TO; var path = me.model; if(typeof(path) == "hash"){ path = me.model.path; if(path == nil) canvas.__die("LineSymbol model requires a 'path' member (vector)"); } foreach (var m; path) { if(size(keys(m)) >= 2){ var (lat,lon) = me.controller.getpos(m); append(coords,"N"~lat); append(coords,"E"~lon); append(cmds,cmd); cmd = canvas.Path.VG_LINE_TO; } else { cmd = canvas.Path.VG_MOVE_TO; } } me.element.setDataGeo(cmds, coords); me.element.update(); # this doesn"t help with flickering, it seems me.callback("draw_after"); };