<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!-- Copyright (c) 2023 Josh Davidson (Octal450) -->

<turbine_engine name="LEAP-1A26">
	<bleed>0</bleed> <!-- Set by pneumatic system -->
	<function name="N1SpoolUp">
			<independentVar lookup="row">/engines/engine[0]/n1</independentVar>
				 24   1.1
				 28   2.9
				 46   9.7
				 68  15.4
				 80  19.6
				 94  21.4
				103  23.6
	<function name="N1SpoolDown">
			<independentVar lookup="row">/engines/engine[0]/n1</independentVar>
				 24   1.1
				 28   2.9
				 46   9.7
				 68  15.4
				 80  19.6
				 94  21.4
				103  23.6
	<function name="N2SpoolUp"> <!-- N1 to N2 factor 0.535840188014101 -->
			<independentVar lookup="row">/engines/engine[0]/n1</independentVar>
				 24   0.6
				 28   1.6
				 46   5.2
				 68   8.3
				 80  10.5
				 94  11.5
				103  12.6
	<function name="N2SpoolDown"> <!-- N1 to N2 factor 0.535840188014101 -->
			<independentVar lookup="row">/engines/engine[0]/n1</independentVar>
				 24   0.6
				 28   1.6
				 46   5.2
				 68   8.3
				 80  10.5
				 94  11.5
				103  12.6
	<function name="IdleThrust">
			<independentVar lookup="row">velocities/mach</independentVar>
			<independentVar lookup="column">atmosphere/density-altitude</independentVar>
				    -10000   0       10000   20000   30000   43000   50000
				0.0  0.0430  0.0458  0.0378  0.0684  0.0654  0.0623  0.0000
				0.2  0.0500  0.0291  0.0205  0.0514  0.0539  0.0563  0.0000
				0.4  0.0040  0.0047  0.0012  0.0412  0.0460  0.0507  0.0000
				0.6  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0181  0.0362  0.0000
				0.8  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0158  0.0315  0.0000
				1.0  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0204  0.0000
				1.2  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
	<function name="MilThrust"> <!-- If you change this, make sure you update the table in the engine system file -->
				<independentVar lookup="row">velocities/mach</independentVar>
				<independentVar lookup="column">atmosphere/density-altitude</independentVar>
					    -10000   0       10000   20000   30000   43000   50000
					0.0  1.2600  1.0000  0.7400  0.5640  0.3920  0.2840  0.0000
					0.2  1.1710  0.9740  0.6970  0.5360  0.3850  0.2740  0.0000
					0.4  1.1500  0.9570  0.6920  0.5460  0.3870  0.2670  0.0000
					0.6  1.1810  0.9410  0.7210  0.5660  0.3580  0.2310  0.0000
					0.8  1.2290  1.0200  0.7820  0.5570  0.3040  0.2060  0.0000
					0.9  1.2580  1.0200  0.7820  0.5220  0.2710  0.1270  0.0000
					1.0  1.1810  0.9510  0.7210  0.4410  0.1740  0.0580  0.0000
					1.2  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
			<table> <!-- Thrust loss due to reverser angle -->
				<independentVar lookup="row">/engines/engine[0]/reverser-pos-norm</independentVar>
					0.01  1.00
					1.00  0.65
