# A3XX FMGC Autopilot # Based off IT-AUTOFLIGHT System Controller V4.0.X # Copyright (c) 2020 Josh Davidson (Octal450) # Initialize all used variables and property nodes # Sim var Velocities = { airspeedKt: props.globals.getNode("velocities/airspeed-kt", 1), # Only used for gain scheduling groundspeedKt: props.globals.getNode("velocities/groundspeed-kt", 1), groundspeedMps: 0, indicatedAirspeedKt: props.globals.getNode("instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-speed-kt", 1), indicatedMach: props.globals.getNode("instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-mach", 1), trueAirspeedKt: props.globals.getNode("instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/true-speed-kt", 1), trueAirspeedKtTemp: 0, }; var Position = { gearAglFtTemp: 0, gearAglFt: props.globals.getNode("position/gear-agl-ft", 1), indicatedAltitudeFt: props.globals.getNode("instrumentation/altimeter/indicated-altitude-ft", 1), indicatedAltitudeFtTemp: 0, }; var Gear = { wow0: props.globals.getNode("gear/gear[0]/wow", 1), wow1: props.globals.getNode("gear/gear[1]/wow", 1), wow1Temp: 1, wow2: props.globals.getNode("gear/gear[2]/wow", 1), wow2Temp: 1, }; var Control = { aileron: props.globals.getNode("controls/flight/aileron", 1), elevator: props.globals.getNode("controls/flight/elevator", 1), rudder: props.globals.getNode("controls/flight/rudder", 1), }; var Radio = { gsDefl: [props.globals.getNode("instrumentation/nav[0]/gs-needle-deflection-norm", 1), props.globals.getNode("instrumentation/nav[1]/gs-needle-deflection-norm", 1)], gsDeflTemp: 0, inRange: [props.globals.getNode("instrumentation/nav[0]/in-range", 1), props.globals.getNode("instrumentation/nav[1]/in-range", 1)], inRangeTemp: 0, locDefl: [props.globals.getNode("instrumentation/nav[0]/heading-needle-deflection-norm", 1), props.globals.getNode("instrumentation/nav[1]/heading-needle-deflection-norm", 1)], locDeflTemp: 0, radioSel: 0, signalQuality: [props.globals.getNode("instrumentation/nav[0]/signal-quality-norm", 1), props.globals.getNode("instrumentation/nav[1]/signal-quality-norm", 1)], signalQualityTemp: 0, }; var FPLN = { active: props.globals.getNode("/FMGC/flightplan[2]/active", 1), activeTemp: 0, currentCourse: 0, currentWP: props.globals.getNode("/FMGC/flightplan[2]/current-wp", 1), currentWPTemp: 0, deltaAngle: 0, deltaAngleRad: 0, distCoeff: 0, maxBank: 0, maxBankLimit: 0, nextCourse: 0, R: 0, radius: 0, turnDist: 0, wp0Dist: props.globals.getNode("/FMGC/flightplan[2]/current-leg-dist", 1), wpFlyFrom: 0, wpFlyTo: 0, }; var Misc = { acEss: props.globals.getNode("systems/electrical/bus/ac-ess", 1), elapsedSec: props.globals.getNode("sim/time/elapsed-sec", 1), fbwLaw: props.globals.getNode("it-fbw/law", 1), flapNorm: props.globals.getNode("surface-positions/flap-pos-norm", 1), pfdHeadingScale: props.globals.getNode("instrumentation/pfd/heading-scale", 1), }; # IT-AUTOFLIGHT var Input = { alt: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/input/alt", 10000, "INT"), ap1: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/input/ap1", 0, "BOOL"), ap2: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/input/ap2", 0, "BOOL"), athr: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/input/athr", 0, "BOOL"), altDiff: 0, bankLimitSW: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/input/bank-limit-sw", 0, "INT"), bankLimitSWTemp: 0, fd1: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/input/fd1", 1, "BOOL"), fd2: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/input/fd2", 1, "BOOL"), fpa: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/input/fpa", 0, "DOUBLE"), hdg: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/input/hdg", 0, "INT"), hdgCalc: 0, ias: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/input/spd-kts", 250, "INT"), ktsMach: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/input/kts-mach", 0, "BOOL"), lat: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/input/lat", 5, "INT"), latTemp: 5, mach: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/input/spd-mach", 0.5, "DOUBLE"), toga: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/input/toga", 0, "BOOL"), trk: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/input/trk", 0, "BOOL"), trueCourse: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/input/true-course", 0, "BOOL"), vs: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/input/vs", 0, "INT"), vert: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/input/vert", 7, "INT"), vertTemp: 7, }; var Internal = { alt: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/internal/alt", 10000, "INT"), altCaptureActive: 0, altDiff: 0, altTemp: 0, altPredicted: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/internal/altitude-predicted", 0, "DOUBLE"), bankLimit: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/internal/bank-limit", 30, "INT"), bankLimitAuto: 30, captVS: 0, driftAngle: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/internal/drift-angle-deg", 0, "DOUBLE"), flchActive: 0, fpa: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/internal/fpa", 0, "DOUBLE"), hdg: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/internal/heading-deg", 0, "DOUBLE"), hdgErrorDeg: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/internal/heading-error-deg", 0, "DOUBLE"), hdgPredicted: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/internal/heading-predicted", 0, "DOUBLE"), lnavAdvanceNm: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/internal/lnav-advance-nm", 0, "DOUBLE"), minVS: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/internal/min-vs", -500, "INT"), maxVS: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/internal/max-vs", 500, "INT"), trk: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/internal/track-deg", 0, "DOUBLE"), vs: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/internal/vert-speed-fpm", 0, "DOUBLE"), vsTemp: 0, }; var Output = { ap1: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/output/ap1", 0, "BOOL"), ap1Temp: 0, ap2: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/output/ap2", 0, "BOOL"), ap2Temp: 0, apprArm: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/output/appr-armed", 0, "BOOL"), athr: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/output/athr", 0, "BOOL"), athrTemp: 0, fd1: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/output/fd1", 1, "BOOL"), fd1Temp: 0, fd2: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/output/fd2", 1, "BOOL"), fd2Temp: 0, lat: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/output/lat", 5, "INT"), latTemp: 5, lnavArm: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/output/lnav-armed", 0, "BOOL"), locArm: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/output/loc-armed", 0, "BOOL"), thrMode: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/output/thr-mode", 2, "INT"), vert: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/output/vert", 7, "INT"), vertTemp: 7, }; var Text = { arm: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/mode/arm", " ", "STRING"), lat: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/mode/lat", "T/O", "STRING"), thr: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/mode/thr", "PITCH", "STRING"), vert: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/mode/vert", "T/O CLB", "STRING"), vertTemp: 0, }; var Setting = { reducAglFt: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/settings/reduc-agl-ft", 1500, "INT"), # Changable from MCDU #eventually set to 1500 above runway }; var Sound = { apOff: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/sound/apoffsound", 0, "BOOL"), enableApOff: 0, }; # A3XX Custom var Custom = { apFdOn: 0, hdgTime: props.globals.getNode("modes/fcu/hdg-time", 1), ndTrkSel: [props.globals.getNode("instrumentation/efis[0]/trk-selected", 1), props.globals.getNode("instrumentation/efis[1]/trk-selected", 1)], showHdg: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/custom/show-hdg", 1, "BOOL"), trkFpa: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/custom/trk-fpa", 0, "BOOL"), Input: { spdManaged: props.globals.getNode("it-autoflight/input/spd-managed", 1), }, Output: { fmaPower: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/output/fma-pwr", 0, "BOOL"), }, Sound: { athrOff: props.globals.initNode("/it-autoflight/sound/athrsound", 0, "BOOL"), enableAthrOff: 0, }, ThrLock: props.globals.getNode("systems/thrust/thr-locked", 1) }; var ITAF = { init: func() { Custom.ndTrkSel[0].setBoolValue(0); Custom.ndTrkSel[1].setBoolValue(0); Custom.trkFpa.setBoolValue(0); Input.ktsMach.setBoolValue(0); Input.ap1.setBoolValue(0); Input.ap2.setBoolValue(0); Input.athr.setBoolValue(0); Input.fd1.setBoolValue(1); Input.fd2.setBoolValue(1); Input.hdg.setValue(360); Input.alt.setValue(10000); Input.vs.setValue(0); Input.fpa.setValue(0); Input.lat.setValue(9); Input.vert.setValue(9); Input.trk.setBoolValue(0); Input.trueCourse.setBoolValue(0); Input.toga.setBoolValue(0); Custom.Input.spdManaged.setBoolValue(0); Output.ap1.setBoolValue(0); Output.ap2.setBoolValue(0); Output.athr.setBoolValue(0); Output.fd1.setBoolValue(1); Output.fd2.setBoolValue(1); Output.lnavArm.setBoolValue(0); Output.locArm.setBoolValue(0); Output.apprArm.setBoolValue(0); Output.thrMode.setValue(0); Output.lat.setValue(9); Output.vert.setValue(9); Internal.minVS.setValue(-500); Internal.maxVS.setValue(500); Internal.bankLimit.setValue(30); Internal.bankLimitAuto = 30; Internal.alt.setValue(10000); Internal.altCaptureActive = 0; Input.ias.setValue(100); Input.mach.setValue(0.5); Text.thr.setValue("THRUST"); Text.arm.setValue(" "); Text.lat.setValue(" "); Text.vert.setValue(" "); Custom.showHdg.setBoolValue(1); Custom.Output.fmaPower.setBoolValue(1); ManagedSPD.stop(); loopTimer.start(); slowLoopTimer.start(); }, loop: func() { Output.latTemp = Output.lat.getValue(); Output.vertTemp = Output.vert.getValue(); # VOR/ILS Revision if (Output.latTemp == 2 or Output.vertTemp == 2 or Output.vertTemp == 6) { me.checkRadioRevision(Output.latTemp, Output.vertTemp); } Gear.wow1Temp = Gear.wow1.getBoolValue(); Gear.wow2Temp = Gear.wow2.getBoolValue(); Output.ap1Temp = Output.ap1.getBoolValue(); Output.ap2Temp = Output.ap2.getBoolValue(); Output.latTemp = Output.lat.getValue(); Output.vertTemp = Output.vert.getValue(); Text.vertTemp = Text.vert.getValue(); Position.gearAglFtTemp = Position.gearAglFt.getValue(); Internal.vsTemp = Internal.vs.getValue(); Position.indicatedAltitudeFtTemp = Position.indicatedAltitudeFt.getValue(); # LNAV Engagement if (Output.lnavArm.getBoolValue()) { me.checkLNAV(1); } # VOR/LOC or ILS/LOC Capture if (Output.locArm.getBoolValue()) { me.checkLOC(1, 0); } # G/S Capture if (Output.apprArm.getBoolValue()) { me.checkAPPR(1); } # Autoland Logic if (Output.latTemp == 2) { if (Position.gearAglFtTemp <= 150) { me.setLatMode(4); } } if (Output.vertTemp == 2) { if (Position.gearAglFtTemp <= 300 and Position.gearAglFtTemp >= 5) { Text.vert.setValue("LAND"); } if (Position.gearAglFtTemp <= 100 and Position.gearAglFtTemp >= 5) { me.setVertMode(6); } } else if (Output.vertTemp == 6) { if (Position.gearAglFtTemp <= 50 and Position.gearAglFtTemp >= 5) { Text.vert.setValue("FLARE"); } if (Gear.wow1Temp and Gear.wow2Temp) { Text.lat.setValue("RLOU"); Text.vert.setValue("ROLLOUT"); } } # FLCH Engagement if (Text.vertTemp == "T/O CLB") { me.checkFLCH(Setting.reducAglFt.getValue()); } # Altitude Capture/Sync Logic if (Output.vertTemp != 0) { Internal.alt.setValue(Input.alt.getValue()); } Internal.altTemp = Internal.alt.getValue(); Internal.altDiff = Internal.altTemp - Position.indicatedAltitudeFtTemp; if (Output.vertTemp != 0 and Output.vertTemp != 2 and Output.vertTemp != 6 and Output.vertTemp != 9 and Text.vertTemp != "G/A CLB") { Internal.captVS = math.clamp(math.round(abs(Internal.vs.getValue()) / 5, 100), 50, 2500); # Capture limits Custom.apFdOn = Output.ap1Temp or Output.ap2Temp or Output.fd1.getBoolValue() or Output.fd2.getBoolValue(); if (abs(Internal.altDiff) <= Internal.captVS and !Gear.wow1Temp and !Gear.wow2Temp and Custom.apFdOn) { if (Internal.altTemp >= Position.indicatedAltitudeFtTemp and Internal.vsTemp >= -25) { # Don't capture if we are going the wrong way me.setVertMode(3); } else if (Internal.altTemp < Position.indicatedAltitudeFtTemp and Internal.vsTemp <= 25) { # Don't capture if we are going the wrong way me.setVertMode(3); } } } # Altitude Hold Min/Max Reset if (Internal.altCaptureActive) { if (abs(Internal.altDiff) <= 25) { me.resetClimbRateLim(); Text.vert.setValue("ALT HLD"); } } # Thrust Mode Selector if (Output.athr.getBoolValue() and Output.vertTemp != 7 and (Output.ap1Temp or Output.ap2Temp) and Position.gearAglFt.getValue() <= 18 and (Output.vertTemp == 2 or Output.vertTemp == 6)) { Output.thrMode.setValue(1); Text.thr.setValue("RETARD"); } else if (Output.vertTemp == 4) { if (Internal.altTemp >= Position.indicatedAltitudeFtTemp) { Output.thrMode.setValue(2); Text.thr.setValue("PITCH"); if (Internal.flchActive) { # Set before mode change to prevent it from overwriting by mistake Text.vert.setValue("SPD CLB"); } } else { Output.thrMode.setValue(1); Text.thr.setValue("PITCH"); if (Internal.flchActive) { # Set before mode change to prevent it from overwriting by mistake Text.vert.setValue("SPD DES"); } } } else if (Output.vertTemp == 7) { Output.thrMode.setValue(2); Text.thr.setValue("PITCH"); } else { Output.thrMode.setValue(0); Text.thr.setValue("THRUST"); } # Custom Stuff Below # Heading Sync if (!Custom.showHdg.getBoolValue()) { Input.hdg.setValue(Misc.pfdHeadingScale.getValue()); } # Preselect Heading if (Output.latTemp != 0 and Output.latTemp != 9) { # Modes that always show HDG if (Custom.hdgTime.getValue() + 45 >= Misc.elapsedSec.getValue()) { setprop("it-autoflight/custom/show-hdg", 1); } else { setprop("it-autoflight/custom/show-hdg", 0); } } # Misc if (Output.ap1Temp == 1 or Output.ap2Temp == 1) { # Trip AP off if (abs(Control.aileron.getValue()) >= 0.2 or abs(Control.elevator.getValue()) >= 0.2 or abs(Control.rudder.getValue()) >= 0.2) { fcu.apOff("hard", 0); } } }, slowLoop: func() { Input.bankLimitSWTemp = Input.bankLimitSW.getValue(); Velocities.trueAirspeedKtTemp = Velocities.trueAirspeedKt.getValue(); FPLN.activeTemp = FPLN.active.getValue(); FPLN.currentWPTemp = FPLN.currentWP.getValue(); # Bank Limit if (Velocities.trueAirspeedKtTemp >= 420) { Internal.bankLimitAuto = 15; } else if (Velocities.trueAirspeedKtTemp >= 340) { Internal.bankLimitAuto = 20; } else { Internal.bankLimitAuto = 25; } Internal.bankLimit.setValue(Internal.bankLimitAuto); # If in LNAV mode and route is not longer active, switch to HDG HLD if (Output.lat.getValue() == 1) { # Only evaulate the rest of the condition if we are in LNAV mode if (flightPlanController.num[2].getValue() == 0 or !FPLN.active.getBoolValue()) { me.setLatMode(3); } } # Waypoint Advance Logic if (flightPlanController.num[2].getValue() > 0 and FPLN.activeTemp == 1) { if ((FPLN.currentWPTemp + 1) < flightPlanController.num[2].getValue()) { Velocities.groundspeedMps = Velocities.groundspeedKt.getValue() * 0.5144444444444; FPLN.wpFlyFrom = FPLN.currentWPTemp; if (FPLN.wpFlyFrom < 0) { FPLN.wpFlyFrom = 0; } FPLN.currentCourse = getprop("/FMGC/flightplan[2]/wp[" ~ FPLN.wpFlyFrom ~ "]/course"); # Best left at getprop FPLN.wpFlyTo = FPLN.currentWPTemp + 1; if (FPLN.wpFlyTo < 0) { FPLN.wpFlyTo = 0; } FPLN.nextCourse = getprop("/FMGC/flightplan[2]/wp[" ~ FPLN.wpFlyTo ~ "]/course"); # Best left at getprop FPLN.maxBankLimit = Internal.bankLimit.getValue(); FPLN.deltaAngle = math.abs(geo.normdeg180(FPLN.currentCourse - FPLN.nextCourse)); FPLN.maxBank = FPLN.deltaAngle * 1.5; if (FPLN.maxBank > FPLN.maxBankLimit) { FPLN.maxBank = FPLN.maxBankLimit; } FPLN.radius = (Velocities.groundspeedMps * Velocities.groundspeedMps) / (9.81 * math.tan(FPLN.maxBank / 57.2957795131)); FPLN.deltaAngleRad = (180 - FPLN.deltaAngle) / 114.5915590262; FPLN.R = FPLN.radius / math.sin(FPLN.deltaAngleRad); FPLN.distCoeff = FPLN.deltaAngle * -0.011111 + 2; if (FPLN.distCoeff < 1) { FPLN.distCoeff = 1; } FPLN.turnDist = math.cos(FPLN.deltaAngleRad) * FPLN.R * FPLN.distCoeff / 1852; if (Gear.wow0.getBoolValue() and FPLN.turnDist < 1) { FPLN.turnDist = 1; } Internal.lnavAdvanceNm.setValue(FPLN.turnDist); if (FPLN.wp0Dist.getValue() <= FPLN.turnDist) { if (flightPlanController.currentToWptIndex.getValue() < 1) { flightPlanController.currentToWptIndex.setValue(1); } else if (flightPlanController.num[2].getValue() > 2) { # The Airbus doesn't display anything past the previous waypoint after advancing flightPlanController.autoSequencing(); } } } } }, ap1Master: func(s) { if (s == 1) { if (Output.vert.getValue() != 6 and !Gear.wow1.getBoolValue() and !Gear.wow2.getBoolValue() and Misc.acEss.getValue() >= 110 and Misc.fbwLaw.getValue() == 0 and Position.gearAglFt.getValue() >= 100) { me.revertBasicMode(); Output.ap1.setBoolValue(1); Output.latTemp = Output.lat.getValue(); if (Output.ap2.getBoolValue() and !Output.apprArm.getBoolValue() and Output.latTemp != 2 and Output.latTemp != 4) { me.ap2Master(0); } Sound.enableApOff = 1; Sound.apOff.setBoolValue(0); } } else { Output.ap1.setBoolValue(0); me.apOffFunction(); } Output.ap1Temp = Output.ap1.getBoolValue(); if (Input.ap1.getBoolValue() != Output.ap1Temp) { Input.ap1.setBoolValue(Output.ap1Temp); } }, ap2Master: func(s) { if (s == 1) { if (Output.vert.getValue() != 6 and !Gear.wow1.getBoolValue() and !Gear.wow2.getBoolValue() and Misc.acEss.getValue() >= 110 and Misc.fbwLaw.getValue() == 0 and Position.gearAglFt.getValue() >= 100) { me.revertBasicMode(); Output.ap2.setBoolValue(1); Output.latTemp = Output.lat.getValue(); if (Output.ap1.getBoolValue() and !Output.apprArm.getBoolValue() and Output.latTemp != 2 and Output.latTemp != 4) { me.ap1Master(0); } Sound.enableApOff = 1; Sound.apOff.setBoolValue(0); } } else { Output.ap2.setBoolValue(0); me.apOffFunction(); } Output.ap2Temp = Output.ap2.getBoolValue(); if (Input.ap2.getBoolValue() != Output.ap2Temp) { Input.ap2.setBoolValue(Output.ap2Temp); } }, apOffFunction: func() { if (!Output.ap1.getBoolValue() and !Output.ap2.getBoolValue()) { # Only do if both APs are off me.updateFma(); if (Sound.enableApOff) { Sound.apOff.setBoolValue(1); Sound.enableApOff = 0; } } }, athrMaster: func(s) { if (s == 1) { if (Misc.acEss.getValue() >= 110) { Output.athr.setBoolValue(1); Custom.ThrLock.setValue(0); Custom.Sound.enableAthrOff = 1; Custom.Sound.athrOff.setBoolValue(0); } } else { Output.athr.setBoolValue(0); if (Custom.Sound.enableAthrOff) { Custom.Sound.athrOff.setBoolValue(1); Custom.Sound.enableAthrOff = 0; } } Output.athrTemp = Output.athr.getBoolValue(); if (Input.athr.getBoolValue() != Output.athrTemp) { Input.athr.setBoolValue(Output.athrTemp); } }, fd1Master: func(s) { if (s == 1) { Output.fd1.setBoolValue(1); me.updateFma(); } else { Output.fd1.setBoolValue(0); if (!Output.fd2.getBoolValue()) { me.updateFma(); } } Output.fd1Temp = Output.fd1.getBoolValue(); if (Input.fd1.getBoolValue() != Output.fd1Temp) { Input.fd1.setBoolValue(Output.fd1Temp); } }, fd2Master: func(s) { if (s == 1) { Output.fd2.setBoolValue(1); me.updateFma(); } else { Output.fd2.setBoolValue(0); if (!Output.fd1.getBoolValue()) { me.updateFma(); } } Output.fd2Temp = Output.fd2.getBoolValue(); if (Input.fd2.getBoolValue() != Output.fd2Temp) { Input.fd2.setBoolValue(Output.fd2Temp); } }, setLatMode: func(n) { Output.vertTemp = Output.vert.getValue(); if (n == 0) { # HDG SEL Output.lnavArm.setBoolValue(0); Output.locArm.setBoolValue(0); Output.apprArm.setBoolValue(0); Output.lat.setValue(0); Custom.showHdg.setBoolValue(1); Text.lat.setValue("HDG"); if (Output.vertTemp == 2 or Output.vertTemp == 6) { # Also cancel G/S or FLARE if active me.setVertMode(1); } else { me.armTextCheck(); } } else if (n == 1) { # LNAV me.checkLNAV(0); } else if (n == 2) { # VOR/LOC Output.lnavArm.setBoolValue(0); me.armTextCheck(); me.checkLOC(0, 0); } else if (n == 3) { # HDG HLD Output.lnavArm.setBoolValue(0); Output.locArm.setBoolValue(0); Output.apprArm.setBoolValue(0); me.syncHDG(); Output.lat.setValue(0); Custom.showHdg.setBoolValue(1); Text.lat.setValue("HDG"); if (Output.vertTemp == 2 or Output.vertTemp == 6) { # Also cancel G/S or FLARE if active me.setVertMode(1); } else { me.armTextCheck(); } } else if (n == 4) { # ALIGN Output.lnavArm.setBoolValue(0); Output.locArm.setBoolValue(0); Output.apprArm.setBoolValue(0); Output.lat.setValue(4); Custom.showHdg.setBoolValue(0); Text.lat.setValue("ALGN"); me.armTextCheck(); } else if (n == 5) { # RWY Output.lnavArm.setBoolValue(0); Output.locArm.setBoolValue(0); Output.apprArm.setBoolValue(0); Output.lat.setValue(5); Custom.showHdg.setBoolValue(0); Text.lat.setValue("T/O"); me.armTextCheck(); } else if (n == 9) { # NONE Output.locArm.setBoolValue(0); Output.lat.setValue(9); Custom.showHdg.setBoolValue(1); Text.lat.setValue(" "); me.armTextCheck(); } }, setLatArm: func(n) { if (n == 0) { Output.lnavArm.setBoolValue(0); Custom.showHdg.setBoolValue(1); me.armTextCheck(); } else if (n == 1) { if (flightPlanController.num[2].getValue() > 0 and FPLN.active.getBoolValue()) { Output.lnavArm.setBoolValue(1); Custom.showHdg.setBoolValue(0); me.armTextCheck(); } } else if (n == 3) { me.syncHDG(); Output.lnavArm.setBoolValue(0); Custom.showHdg.setBoolValue(1); me.armTextCheck(); } }, setVertMode: func(n) { Input.altDiff = Input.alt.getValue() - Position.indicatedAltitudeFt.getValue(); if (n == 0) { # ALT HLD Internal.flchActive = 0; Internal.altCaptureActive = 0; Output.apprArm.setBoolValue(0); Output.vert.setValue(0); me.resetClimbRateLim(); Text.vert.setValue("ALT HLD"); me.syncALT(); me.armTextCheck(); } else if (n == 1) { # V/S if (abs(Input.altDiff) >= 25) { Internal.flchActive = 0; Internal.altCaptureActive = 0; Output.apprArm.setBoolValue(0); Output.vert.setValue(1); Text.vert.setValue("V/S"); me.syncVS(); me.armTextCheck(); } else { Output.apprArm.setBoolValue(0); me.armTextCheck(); } } else if (n == 2) { # G/S me.checkLOC(0, 1); me.checkAPPR(0); } else if (n == 3) { # ALT CAP Internal.flchActive = 0; Output.vert.setValue(0); me.setClimbRateLim(); Internal.altCaptureActive = 1; Text.vert.setValue("ALT CAP"); } else if (n == 4) { # FLCH Output.apprArm.setBoolValue(0); Output.vert.setValue(1); Internal.alt.setValue(Input.alt.getValue()); Internal.altDiff = Internal.alt.getValue() - Position.indicatedAltitudeFt.getValue(); if (abs(Internal.altDiff) >= 250) { # SPD CLB or SPD DES if (Input.alt.getValue() >= Position.indicatedAltitudeFt.getValue()) { # Usually set Thrust Mode Selector, but we do it now due to timer lag Text.vert.setValue("SPD CLB"); } else { Text.vert.setValue("SPD DES"); } Internal.altCaptureActive = 0; Output.vert.setValue(4); Internal.flchActive = 1; } else { # ALT CAP Internal.flchActive = 0; Internal.alt.setValue(Input.alt.getValue()); Internal.altCaptureActive = 1; Output.vert.setValue(0); Text.vert.setValue("ALT CAP"); } me.armTextCheck(); } else if (n == 5) { # FPA if (abs(Input.altDiff) >= 25) { Internal.flchActive = 0; Internal.altCaptureActive = 0; Output.apprArm.setBoolValue(0); Output.vert.setValue(5); Text.vert.setValue("FPA"); me.syncFPA(); me.armTextCheck(); } else { Output.apprArm.setBoolValue(0); me.armTextCheck(); } } else if (n == 6) { # FLARE/ROLLOUT Internal.flchActive = 0; Internal.altCaptureActive = 0; Output.apprArm.setBoolValue(0); Output.vert.setValue(6); me.armTextCheck(); } else if (n == 7) { # T/O CLB or G/A CLB, text is set by TOGA selector Internal.flchActive = 0; Internal.altCaptureActive = 0; Output.apprArm.setBoolValue(0); Output.vert.setValue(7); me.armTextCheck(); } else if (n == 9) { # NONE Internal.flchActive = 0; Internal.altCaptureActive = 0; Output.apprArm.setBoolValue(0); Output.vert.setValue(9); Text.vert.setValue(" "); me.armTextCheck(); } }, activateLNAV: func() { if (Output.lat.getValue() != 1) { Output.lnavArm.setBoolValue(0); Output.locArm.setBoolValue(0); Output.apprArm.setBoolValue(0); Output.lat.setValue(1); Custom.showHdg.setBoolValue(0); Text.lat.setValue("LNAV"); if (Output.vertTemp == 2 or Output.vertTemp == 6) { # Also cancel G/S or FLARE if active me.setVertMode(1); } else { me.armTextCheck(); } } }, activateLOC: func() { if (Output.lat.getValue() != 2) { Output.lnavArm.setBoolValue(0); Output.locArm.setBoolValue(0); Output.lat.setValue(2); Custom.showHdg.setBoolValue(0); Text.lat.setValue("LOC"); me.armTextCheck(); } }, activateGS: func() { if (Output.vert.getValue() != 2) { Internal.flchActive = 0; Internal.altCaptureActive = 0; Output.apprArm.setBoolValue(0); Output.vert.setValue(2); Text.vert.setValue("G/S"); me.armTextCheck(); } }, checkLNAV: func(t) { if (flightPlanController.num[2].getValue() > 0 and FPLN.active.getBoolValue() and Position.gearAglFt.getValue() >= 30) { me.activateLNAV(); } else if (FPLN.active.getBoolValue() and Output.lat.getValue() != 1 and t != 1) { Output.lnavArm.setBoolValue(1); me.armTextCheck(); } }, checkFLCH: func(a) { if (Position.indicatedAltitudeFt.getValue() >= a and a != 0 and !Gear.wow1.getBoolValue() and !Gear.wow2.getBoolValue()) { me.setVertMode(4); } }, checkLOC: func(t, a) { if (Radio.inRange[Radio.radioSel].getBoolValue()) { # # Only evaulate the rest of the condition unless we are in range Radio.locDeflTemp = Radio.locDefl[Radio.radioSel].getValue(); Radio.signalQualityTemp = Radio.signalQuality[Radio.radioSel].getValue(); if (abs(Radio.locDeflTemp) <= 0.95 and Radio.locDeflTemp != 0 and Radio.signalQualityTemp >= 0.99) { me.activateLOC(); } else if (t != 1) { # Do not do this if loop calls it if (Output.lat.getValue() != 2) { Output.lnavArm.setBoolValue(0); Output.locArm.setBoolValue(1); if (a != 1) { # Don't call this if arming with G/S me.armTextCheck(); } } } } else { # Prevent bad behavior due to FG not updating it when not in range Radio.signalQuality[Radio.radioSel].setValue(0); } }, checkAPPR: func(t) { if (Radio.inRange[Radio.radioSel].getBoolValue()) { # # Only evaulate the rest of the condition unless we are in range Radio.gsDeflTemp = Radio.gsDefl[Radio.radioSel].getValue(); if (abs(Radio.gsDeflTemp) <= 0.2 and Radio.gsDeflTemp != 0 and Output.lat.getValue() == 2) { # Only capture if LOC is active me.activateGS(); } else if (t != 1) { # Do not do this if loop calls it if (Output.vert.getValue() != 2) { Output.apprArm.setBoolValue(1); } me.armTextCheck(); } } else { # Prevent bad behavior due to FG not updating it when not in range Radio.signalQuality[Radio.radioSel].setValue(0); } }, checkRadioRevision: func(l, v) { # Revert mode if signal lost Radio.inRangeTemp = Radio.inRange[Radio.radioSel].getBoolValue(); if (!Radio.inRangeTemp) { if (l == 4 or v == 6) { me.ap1Master(0); me.ap2Master(0); me.setLatMode(3); me.setVertMode(1); } else { me.setLatMode(3); # Also cancels G/S if active } } }, setClimbRateLim: func() { Internal.vsTemp = Internal.vs.getValue(); if (Internal.alt.getValue() >= Position.indicatedAltitudeFt.getValue()) { Internal.maxVS.setValue(math.round(Internal.vsTemp)); Internal.minVS.setValue(-500); } else { Internal.maxVS.setValue(500); Internal.minVS.setValue(math.round(Internal.vsTemp)); } }, resetClimbRateLim: func() { Internal.minVS.setValue(-500); Internal.maxVS.setValue(500); }, takeoffGoAround: func() { Output.vertTemp = Output.vert.getValue(); if ((Output.vertTemp == 2 or Output.vertTemp == 6) and Velocities.indicatedAirspeedKt.getValue() >= 80) { if (Gear.wow1.getBoolValue() or Gear.wow2.getBoolValue()) { me.ap1Master(0); me.ap2Master(0); } me.setLatMode(3); me.setVertMode(7); Text.vert.setValue("G/A CLB"); Input.ktsMach.setBoolValue(0); me.syncIAS(); } else if (Gear.wow1Temp or Gear.wow2Temp) { me.athrMaster(1); if (Output.lat.getValue() != 5) { # Don't accidently disarm LNAV me.setLatMode(5); } me.setVertMode(7); Text.vert.setValue("T/O CLB"); } }, armTextCheck: func() { if (Output.apprArm.getBoolValue()) { Text.arm.setValue("ILS"); } else if (Output.locArm.getBoolValue()) { Text.arm.setValue("LOC"); } else if (Output.lnavArm.getBoolValue()) { Text.arm.setValue("LNV"); } else { Text.arm.setValue(" "); } }, syncIAS: func() { Input.ias.setValue(math.clamp(math.round(Velocities.indicatedAirspeedKt.getValue()), 100, 350)); }, syncMach: func() { Input.mach.setValue(math.clamp(math.round(Velocities.indicatedMach.getValue(), 0.001), 0.5, 0.82)); }, syncHDG: func() { Input.hdg.setValue(math.round(Internal.hdgPredicted.getValue())); # Switches to track automatically }, syncALT: func() { Input.alt.setValue(math.clamp(math.round(Internal.altPredicted.getValue(), 100), 0, 50000)); Internal.alt.setValue(math.clamp(math.round(Internal.altPredicted.getValue(), 100), 0, 50000)); }, syncVS: func() { Input.vs.setValue(math.clamp(math.round(Internal.vs.getValue(), 100), -6000, 6000)); }, syncFPA: func() { Input.fpa.setValue(math.clamp(math.round(Internal.fpa.getValue(), 0.1), -9.9, 9.9)); }, # Custom Stuff Below updateFma: func() { if (!Output.ap1.getBoolValue() and !Output.ap2.getBoolValue() and !Output.fd1.getBoolValue() and !Output.fd2.getBoolValue()) { me.setLatMode(9); me.setVertMode(9); me.setLatArm(0); Custom.Output.fmaPower.setBoolValue(0); } else { Custom.Output.fmaPower.setBoolValue(1); me.revertBasicMode(); } }, revertBasicMode: func() { if (!Gear.wow1.getBoolValue() and !Gear.wow2.getBoolValue()) { # Don't do this on ground if (Output.lat.getValue() == 9) { me.setLatMode(3); } if (Output.vert.getValue() == 9) { if (Custom.trkFpa.getBoolValue()) { me.setVertMode(5); } else { me.setVertMode(1); } } } }, disarmLOC: func() { Output.locArm.setBoolValue(0); ITAF.armTextCheck(); }, disarmGS: func() { Output.apprArm.setBoolValue(0); ITAF.armTextCheck(); }, toggleTrkFpa: func() { if (Custom.trkFpa.getBoolValue()) { me.trkFpaOff(); } else { me.trkFpaOn(); } }, trkFpaOn: func() { Custom.trkFpa.setBoolValue(1); if (Output.vert.getValue() == 1) { Input.vert.setValue(5); # This way we only do this if all conditions are true } Input.trk.setBoolValue(1); Custom.ndTrkSel[0].setBoolValue(1); Custom.ndTrkSel[1].setBoolValue(1); Input.hdgCalc = Input.hdg.getValue() + math.round(Internal.driftAngle.getValue()); if (Input.hdgCalc > 360) { # It's rounded, so this is ok. Otherwise do >= 360.5 Input.hdgCalc = Input.hdgCalc - 360; } else if (Input.hdgCalc < 1) { # It's rounded, so this is ok. Otherwise do < 0.5 Input.hdgCalc = Input.hdgCalc + 360; } Input.hdg.setValue(Input.hdgCalc); }, trkFpaOff: func() { Custom.trkFpa.setBoolValue(0); if (Output.vert.getValue() == 5) { Input.vert.setValue(1); # This way we only do this if all conditions are true } Input.trk.setBoolValue(0); Custom.ndTrkSel[0].setBoolValue(0); Custom.ndTrkSel[1].setBoolValue(0); Input.hdgCalc = Input.hdg.getValue() - math.round(Internal.driftAngle.getValue()); if (Input.hdgCalc > 360) { # It's rounded, so this is ok. Otherwise do >= 360.5 Input.hdgCalc = Input.hdgCalc - 360; } else if (Input.hdgCalc < 1) { # It's rounded, so this is ok. Otherwise do < 0.5 Input.hdgCalc = Input.hdgCalc + 360; } Input.hdg.setValue(Input.hdgCalc); }, }; setlistener("/it-autoflight/input/ap1", func { Input.ap1Temp = Input.ap1.getBoolValue(); if (Input.ap1Temp != Output.ap1.getBoolValue()) { ITAF.ap1Master(Input.ap1Temp); } }); setlistener("/it-autoflight/input/ap2", func { Input.ap2Temp = Input.ap2.getBoolValue(); if (Input.ap2Temp != Output.ap2.getBoolValue()) { ITAF.ap2Master(Input.ap2Temp); } }); setlistener("/it-autoflight/input/athr", func { Input.athrTemp = Input.athr.getBoolValue(); if (Input.athrTemp != Output.athr.getBoolValue()) { ITAF.athrMaster(Input.athrTemp); } }); setlistener("/it-autoflight/input/fd1", func { Input.fd1Temp = Input.fd1.getBoolValue(); if (Input.fd1Temp != Output.fd1.getBoolValue()) { ITAF.fd1Master(Input.fd1Temp); } }); setlistener("/it-autoflight/input/fd2", func { Input.fd2Temp = Input.fd2.getBoolValue(); if (Input.fd2Temp != Output.fd2.getBoolValue()) { ITAF.fd2Master(Input.fd2Temp); } }); setlistener("/it-autoflight/input/kts-mach", func { if (Input.ktsMach.getBoolValue()) { ITAF.syncMach(); } else { ITAF.syncIAS(); } }, 0, 0); setlistener("/it-autoflight/input/toga", func { if (Input.toga.getBoolValue()) { ITAF.takeoffGoAround(); Input.toga.setBoolValue(0); } }); setlistener("/it-autoflight/input/lat", func { Input.latTemp = Input.lat.getValue(); Output.ap1Temp = Output.ap1.getBoolValue(); Output.ap2Temp = Output.ap2.getBoolValue(); Output.fd1Temp = Output.fd1.getBoolValue(); Output.fd2Temp = Output.fd2.getBoolValue(); if (!Gear.wow1.getBoolValue() and !Gear.wow2.getBoolValue()) { if (Output.ap1Temp or Output.ap2Temp or Output.fd1Temp or Output.fd2Temp) { ITAF.setLatMode(Input.latTemp); } else { ITAF.setLatMode(9); } } else { if (Output.ap1Temp or Output.ap2Temp or Output.fd1Temp or Output.fd2Temp) { ITAF.setLatArm(Input.latTemp); } else { ITAF.setLatArm(0); } } }); setlistener("/it-autoflight/input/vert", func { if (!Gear.wow1.getBoolValue() and !Gear.wow2.getBoolValue() and (Output.ap1.getBoolValue() or Output.ap2.getBoolValue() or Output.fd1.getBoolValue() or Output.fd2.getBoolValue())) { ITAF.setVertMode(Input.vert.getValue()); } else { ITAF.setVertMode(9); } }); setlistener("/sim/signals/fdm-initialized", func { ITAF.init(); }); # For Canvas Nav Display. setlistener("/it-autoflight/input/hdg", func { setprop("autopilot/settings/heading-bug-deg", getprop("it-autoflight/input/hdg")); }); setlistener("/it-autoflight/internal/alt", func { setprop("autopilot/settings/target-altitude-ft", getprop("it-autoflight/internal/alt")); }); var loopTimer = maketimer(0.1, ITAF, ITAF.loop); var slowLoopTimer = maketimer(1, ITAF, ITAF.slowLoop);