# A3XX mCDU by Joshua Davidson (Octal450), Jonathan Redpath, and Matthew Maring (mattmaring) # Copyright (c) 2020 Matthew Maring (mattmaring) var zfwcg = props.globals.getNode("FMGC/internal/zfwcg", 1); var zfwcgSet = props.globals.getNode("FMGC/internal/zfwcg-set", 1); var zfw = props.globals.getNode("FMGC/internal/zfw", 1); var zfwSet = props.globals.getNode("FMGC/internal/zfw-set", 1); var block = props.globals.getNode("FMGC/internal/block", 1); var blockSet = props.globals.getNode("FMGC/internal/block-set", 1); var taxi_fuel = props.globals.getNode("FMGC/internal/taxi-fuel", 1); var trip_fuel = props.globals.getNode("FMGC/internal/trip-fuel", 1); var trip_time = props.globals.getNode("FMGC/internal/trip-time", 1); var rte_rsv = props.globals.getNode("FMGC/internal/rte-rsv", 1); var rte_percent = props.globals.getNode("FMGC/internal/rte-percent", 1); var alt_fuel = props.globals.getNode("FMGC/internal/alt-fuel", 1); var alt_time = props.globals.getNode("FMGC/internal/alt-time", 1); var final_fuel = props.globals.getNode("FMGC/internal/final-fuel", 1); var final_time = props.globals.getNode("FMGC/internal/final-time", 1); var min_dest_fob = props.globals.getNode("FMGC/internal/min-dest-fob", 1); var tow = props.globals.getNode("FMGC/internal/tow", 1); var lw = props.globals.getNode("FMGC/internal/lw", 1); var trip_wind = props.globals.getNode("FMGC/internal/trip-wind", 1); var extra_fuel = props.globals.getNode("FMGC/internal/extra-fuel", 1); var extra_time = props.globals.getNode("FMGC/internal/extra-time", 1); var initInputB = func(key, i) { var scratchpad = getprop("MCDU[" ~ i ~ "]/scratchpad"); if (key == "L1") { if (scratchpad == "CLR") { setprop("FMGC/internal/taxi-fuel", 0.4); setprop("MCDU[" ~ i ~ "]/scratchpad-msg", 0); mcdu.clearScratchpad(i); } else { var tfs = size(scratchpad); if (tfs >= 1 and tfs <= 4) { if (num(scratchpad) != nil and scratchpad >= 0.0 and scratchpad <= 9.9) { setprop("FMGC/internal/taxi-fuel", scratchpad); mcdu.clearScratchpad(i); setprop("FMGC/internal/rte-rsv", num((block.getValue() - taxi_fuel.getValue() - min_dest_fob.getValue()) * (rte_percent.getValue() / 100) / (1 + rte_percent.getValue() / 100))); setprop("FMGC/internal/trip-fuel", num(block.getValue() - taxi_fuel.getValue() - min_dest_fob.getValue() - rte_rsv.getValue())); setprop("FMGC/internal/tow", num(block.getValue() + zfw.getValue() - taxi_fuel.getValue())); setprop("FMGC/internal/lw", num(tow.getValue() - trip_fuel.getValue())); } else { notAllowed(i); } } else { notAllowed(i); } } # } # else if (key == "L2") { # if (scratchpad == "CLR") { # notAllowed(i); # } else if (getprop("FMGC/internal/trip-fuel") != 0) { # var tfs = size(scratchpad); # if (tfs >= 1 and tfs <= 4) { # var temp_rte = num(scratchpad * (rte_percent.getValue() / 100) / (1 + rte_percent.getValue() / 100)); # if (scratchpad >= 0.0 and scratchpad <= block.getValue() - taxi_fuel.getValue() - min_dest_fob.getValue() - temp_rte) { # setprop("FMGC/internal/trip-fuel", scratchpad); # mcdu.clearScratchpad(i); # # setprop("FMGC/internal/rte-rsv", temp_rte); # setprop("FMGC/internal/tow", num(block.getValue() + zfw.getValue() - taxi_fuel.getValue())); # setprop("FMGC/internal/lw", num(tow.getValue() - trip_fuel.getValue())); # } else { # notAllowed(i); # } # } else { # notAllowed(i); # } # } else { # notAllowed(i); # } # } else if (key == "L3" and blockSet.getValue() == 1 and zfwSet.getValue() == 1) { if (scratchpad == "CLR") { setprop("FMGC/internal/rte-rsv", 0.05 * num(trip_fuel.getValue())); setprop("FMGC/internal/rte-percent", 5.0); setprop("MCDU[" ~ i ~ "]/scratchpad-msg", 0); mcdu.clearScratchpad(i); setprop("FMGC/internal/min-dest-fob", num(alt_fuel.getValue() + final_fuel.getValue())); setprop("FMGC/internal/rte-rsv", num((block.getValue() - taxi_fuel.getValue() - min_dest_fob.getValue()) * (rte_percent.getValue() / 100) / (1 + rte_percent.getValue() / 100))); setprop("FMGC/internal/trip-fuel", num(block.getValue() - taxi_fuel.getValue() - min_dest_fob.getValue() - rte_rsv.getValue())); setprop("FMGC/internal/tow", num(block.getValue() + zfw.getValue() - taxi_fuel.getValue())); setprop("FMGC/internal/lw", num(tow.getValue() - trip_fuel.getValue())); } else if (getprop("FMGC/internal/trip-fuel") != 0) { var tf = num(scratchpad); var tfs = size(scratchpad); if (tfs >= 2 and tfs <= 5 and find("/", scratchpad) == 0) { var perc = num(split("/", scratchpad)[1]); if (perc != nil and perc >= 0.0 and perc <= 15.0) { setprop("FMGC/internal/rte-rsv", num(perc) / 100 * num(trip_fuel.getValue())); setprop("FMGC/internal/rte-percent", perc); mcdu.clearScratchpad(i); } } else if (tfs >= 1 and tfs <= 4 and tf != nil and tf >= 0 and tf <= 21.7 and tf / num(trip_fuel.getValue()) <= 0.15) { setprop("FMGC/internal/rte-rsv", scratchpad); setprop("FMGC/internal/rte-percent", scratchpad / num(trip_fuel.getValue()) * 100); mcdu.clearScratchpad(i); } else { notAllowed(i); } } else { notAllowed(i); } } else if (key == "L4" and blockSet.getValue() == 1 and zfwSet.getValue() == 1) { if (scratchpad == "CLR") { setprop("FMGC/internal/alt-fuel", 0.0); setprop("FMGC/internal/alt-time", "0000"); setprop("MCDU[" ~ i ~ "]/scratchpad-msg", 0); mcdu.clearScratchpad(i); setprop("FMGC/internal/min-dest-fob", num(alt_fuel.getValue() + final_fuel.getValue())); setprop("FMGC/internal/rte-rsv", num((block.getValue() - taxi_fuel.getValue() - min_dest_fob.getValue()) * (rte_percent.getValue() / 100) / (1 + rte_percent.getValue() / 100))); setprop("FMGC/internal/trip-fuel", num(block.getValue() - taxi_fuel.getValue() - min_dest_fob.getValue() - rte_rsv.getValue())); setprop("FMGC/internal/tow", num(block.getValue() + zfw.getValue() - taxi_fuel.getValue())); setprop("FMGC/internal/lw", num(tow.getValue() - trip_fuel.getValue())); } else if (find(".", scratchpad) != -1) { var tf = num(scratchpad); var tfs = size(scratchpad); if (tfs >= 3 and tfs <= 4 and tf != nil and tf >= 0 and tf <= 10.0 and tf < trip_fuel.getValue() + alt_fuel.getValue()) { setprop("FMGC/internal/alt-fuel", tf); mcdu.clearScratchpad(i); setprop("FMGC/internal/min-dest-fob", num(alt_fuel.getValue() + final_fuel.getValue())); setprop("FMGC/internal/rte-rsv", num((block.getValue() - taxi_fuel.getValue() - min_dest_fob.getValue()) * (rte_percent.getValue() / 100) / (1 + rte_percent.getValue() / 100))); setprop("FMGC/internal/trip-fuel", num(block.getValue() - taxi_fuel.getValue() - min_dest_fob.getValue() - rte_rsv.getValue())); setprop("FMGC/internal/tow", num(block.getValue() + zfw.getValue() - taxi_fuel.getValue())); setprop("FMGC/internal/lw", num(tow.getValue() - trip_fuel.getValue())); } else { notAllowed(i); } } else { var tf = num(scratchpad); var tfs = size(scratchpad); if (tfs == 4 and tf != nil and ((tf >= 0 and tf <= 59) or (tf >= 100 and tf <= 130))) { setprop("FMGC/internal/alt-time", scratchpad); mcdu.clearScratchpad(i); } else { notAllowed(i); } } } else if (key == "L5" and blockSet.getValue() == 1 and zfwSet.getValue() == 1) { if (scratchpad == "CLR") { setprop("FMGC/internal/final-fuel", 0.0); setprop("FMGC/internal/final-time", "0030"); setprop("MCDU[" ~ i ~ "]/scratchpad-msg", 0); mcdu.clearScratchpad(i); setprop("FMGC/internal/min-dest-fob", num(alt_fuel.getValue() + final_fuel.getValue())); setprop("FMGC/internal/rte-rsv", num((block.getValue() - taxi_fuel.getValue() - min_dest_fob.getValue()) * (rte_percent.getValue() / 100) / (1 + rte_percent.getValue() / 100))); setprop("FMGC/internal/trip-fuel", num(block.getValue() - taxi_fuel.getValue() - min_dest_fob.getValue() - rte_rsv.getValue())); setprop("FMGC/internal/tow", num(block.getValue() + zfw.getValue() - taxi_fuel.getValue())); setprop("FMGC/internal/lw", num(tow.getValue() - trip_fuel.getValue())); } else if (find(".", scratchpad) != -1) { var tf = num(scratchpad); var tfs = size(scratchpad); if (tfs >= 3 and tfs <= 4 and tf != nil and tf >= 0 and tf <= 10.0 and tf < trip_fuel.getValue() + final_fuel.getValue()) { setprop("FMGC/internal/final-fuel", tf); mcdu.clearScratchpad(i); setprop("FMGC/internal/min-dest-fob", num(alt_fuel.getValue() + final_fuel.getValue())); setprop("FMGC/internal/rte-rsv", num((block.getValue() - taxi_fuel.getValue() - min_dest_fob.getValue()) * (rte_percent.getValue() / 100) / (1 + rte_percent.getValue() / 100))); setprop("FMGC/internal/trip-fuel", num(block.getValue() - taxi_fuel.getValue() - min_dest_fob.getValue() - rte_rsv.getValue())); setprop("FMGC/internal/tow", num(block.getValue() + zfw.getValue() - taxi_fuel.getValue())); setprop("FMGC/internal/lw", num(tow.getValue() - trip_fuel.getValue())); } else { notAllowed(i); } } else { var tf = num(scratchpad); var tfs = size(scratchpad); if (tfs == 4 and tf != nil and ((tf >= 0 and tf <= 59) or (tf >= 100 and tf <= 130))) { setprop("FMGC/internal/final-time", scratchpad); mcdu.clearScratchpad(i); } else { notAllowed(i); } } } else if (key == "R1") { if (scratchpad == "CLR") { notAllowed(i); } else { var tfs = size(scratchpad); if (tfs == 0) { var zfw = getprop("fdm/jsbsim/inertia/weight-lbs") - getprop("consumables/fuel/total-fuel-lbs"); setprop("MCDU[" ~ i ~ "]/scratchpad", "/" ~ sprintf("%3.1f", math.round(zfw / 1000, 0.1))); } else if (tfs >= 2 and tfs <= 11 and find("/", scratchpad) != -1) { var zfwi = split("/", scratchpad); var zfwcg = num(zfwi[0]); var zfw = num(zfwi[1]); var zfwcgs = size(zfwi[0]); var zfws = size(zfwi[1]); if (zfwcg != nil and zfwcgs >= 1 and zfwcgs <= 5 and zfwcg > 0 and zfwcg <= 99.9) { setprop("FMGC/internal/zfwcg", zfwi[0]); setprop("FMGC/internal/zfwcg-set", 1); } if (zfw != nil and zfws >= 1 and zfws <= 5 and zfw > 0 and zfw <= 999.9) { setprop("FMGC/internal/zfw", zfwi[1]); setprop("FMGC/internal/zfw-set", 1); } if ((zfwcg != nil and zfwcgs >= 1 and zfwcgs <= 5 and zfwcg > 0 and zfwcg <= 99.9) or (zfw != nil and zfws >= 1 and zfws <= 5 and zfw > 0 and zfw <= 999.9)) { mcdu.clearScratchpad(i); } else { notAllowed(i); } } else if (tfs >= 1 and tfs <= 5) { var zfwcg = size(scratchpad); if (num(scratchpad) != nil and zfwcg >= 1 and zfwcg <= 5 and scratchpad > 0 and scratchpad <= 99.9) { setprop("FMGC/internal/zfwcg", scratchpad); setprop("FMGC/internal/zfwcg-set", 1); mcdu.clearScratchpad(i); } else { notAllowed(i); } } else { notAllowed(i); } } } else if (key == "R2") { if (scratchpad == "CLR") { setprop("FMGC/internal/block", 0.0); setprop("FMGC/internal/block-set", 0); setprop("FMGC/internal/taxi-fuel", 0.4); setprop("FMGC/internal/rte-rsv", 0.05 * num(trip_fuel.getValue())); setprop("FMGC/internal/rte-percent", 5.0); setprop("FMGC/internal/alt-fuel", 0.0); setprop("FMGC/internal/alt-time", "0000"); setprop("FMGC/internal/final-fuel", 0.0); setprop("FMGC/internal/final-time", "0030"); setprop("FMGC/internal/extra-fuel", 0.0); setprop("FMGC/internal/extra-time", "0000"); setprop("FMGC/internal/min-dest-fob", 0.0); setprop("MCDU[" ~ i ~ "]/scratchpad-msg", 0); mcdu.clearScratchpad(i); } else { var tfs = size(scratchpad); var maxblock = getprop("options/maxblock"); if (tfs == 0) { setprop("MCDU[" ~ i ~ "]/scratchpad", sprintf("%3.1f", math.round(getprop("consumables/fuel/total-fuel-lbs") / 1000, 0.1))); } else if (tfs >= 1 and tfs <= 5) { if (num(scratchpad) != nil and scratchpad >= 1.0 and scratchpad <= maxblock) { setprop("FMGC/internal/block", scratchpad); setprop("FMGC/internal/block-set", 1); setprop("FMGC/internal/taxi-fuel", 0.4); setprop("FMGC/internal/rte-rsv", 0.05 * num(trip_fuel.getValue())); setprop("FMGC/internal/rte-percent", 5.0); setprop("FMGC/internal/alt-fuel", 0.0); setprop("FMGC/internal/alt-time", "0000"); setprop("FMGC/internal/final-fuel", 0.0); setprop("FMGC/internal/final-time", "0030"); setprop("FMGC/internal/extra-fuel", 0.0); setprop("FMGC/internal/extra-time", "0000"); setprop("FMGC/internal/min-dest-fob", 0.0); mcdu.clearScratchpad(i); } else { notAllowed(i); } } else { notAllowed(i); } } } else if (key == "R3") { if (scratchpad == "" and (!getprop("FMGC/internal/block-set") or !getprop("FMGC/internal/zfw-set"))) { setprop("FMGC/internal/zfw", num((getprop("fdm/jsbsim/inertia/weight-lbs") - getprop("consumables/fuel/total-fuel-lbs")) / 1000)); setprop("FMGC/internal/zfw-set", 1); setprop("FMGC/internal/block", num(getprop("consumables/fuel/total-fuel-lbs") / 1000)); setprop("FMGC/internal/block-set", 1); } else { notAllowed(i); } } else if (key == "R5") { if (scratchpad == "CLR") { setprop("FMGC/internal/trip-wind", "HD000"); setprop("MCDU[" ~ i ~ "]/scratchpad-msg", 0); mcdu.clearScratchpad(i); } else { if (find("TL", scratchpad) != -1 or find("HD", scratchpad) != -1) { var effwind = substr(scratchpad, 2); if (int(effwind) != nil and effwind >= 0 and effwind <= 500) { setprop("FMGC/internal/trip-wind", scratchpad); mcdu.clearScratchpad(i); } else { notAllowed(i); } } else if (find("-", scratchpad) != -1 or find("+", scratchpad) != -1 or find("T", scratchpad) != -1 or find("H", scratchpad) != -1) { var effwind = substr(scratchpad, 1); if (int(effwind) != nil and effwind >= 0 and effwind <= 500) { setprop("FMGC/internal/trip-wind", scratchpad); mcdu.clearScratchpad(i); } else { notAllowed(i); } } else { if (num(scratchpad) != nil and scratchpad >= 0 and scratchpad <= 500) { setprop("FMGC/internal/trip-wind", scratchpad); mcdu.clearScratchpad(i); } else { notAllowed(i); } } } } else { notAllowed(i); } }