# A3XX ADIRS System # Jonathan Redpath (legoboyvdlp) # Copyright (c) 2019 Jonathan Redpath (legoboyvdlp) var _NUMADIRU = 3; var _selfTestTime = nil; var ADIRU = { # local vars _alignTime: 0, _voltageMain: 0, _voltageBackup: 0, _voltageLimitedTime: 0, _noPowerTime: 0, _timeVar: 0, _roll: 0, _pitch: 0, _gs: 0, num: 0, aligned: 0, inAlign: 0, outputOn: 0, # 0 = disc, 1 = normal mode: 0, # 0 = off, 1 = nav, 2 = att energised: 0, # 0 = off, 1 = on operative: 0, # 0 = off, alignTimer: nil, input: [], output: [], # methods new: func(n) { var adiru = { parents:[ADIRU] }; adiru.num = n; adiru.alignTimer = maketimer(0.1, adiru, me.alignLoop); return adiru; }, setOperative: func(newOperative) { if (newOperative != me.operative) { me.operative = newOperative; if (newOperative) { me.selfTest(); } } }, # Power and state updateEnergised: func(mode) { me.energised = mode != 0 ? 1 : 0; }, updatePower: func(elec) { me._voltageMain = elec.getValue() or 0; return me._voltageMain; }, updateBackupPower: func(elec, isLimited) { me._voltageBackup = elec.getValue() or 0; me._voltageLimitedTime = isLimited; return me._voltageBackup; }, # BITE selfTest: func() { ADIRSnew._selfTest = 1; _selfTestTime = pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue(); ADIRSnew.Lights.adrOff[me.num].setValue(1); ADIRSnew.Lights.adrFault[me.num].setValue(1); settimer(func() { ADIRSnew.Lights.adrOff[me.num].setValue(0); ADIRSnew.Lights.adrFault[me.num].setValue(0); }, 0.1); settimer(func() { ADIRSnew.Lights.adrOff[me.num].setValue(1); ADIRSnew.Lights.adrFault[me.num].setValue(1); ADIRSnew.Lights.irFault[me.num].setValue(1); ADIRSnew.Lights.irOff[me.num].setValue(1); }, 1.0); settimer(func() { ADIRSnew.Lights.adrOff[me.num].setValue(0); ADIRSnew.Lights.adrFault[me.num].setValue(0); ADIRSnew.Lights.irFault[me.num].setValue(0); ADIRSnew.Lights.irOff[me.num].setValue(0); }, 1.1); ADIRSnew.selfTest(); }, # Alignment align: func(time) { ADIRSnew.Lights.irFault[me.num].setBoolValue(0); if (!ADIRSnew.skip.getValue()) { if (time > 0 and me.aligned == 0 and me.inAlign == 0 and me.operative == 1) { me._alignTime = pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue() + time; me.inAlign = 1; if (me.alignTimer != nil) { me.alignTimer.start(); } } } else { if (me.aligned == 0 and me.inAlign == 0 and me.operative == 1) { me._alignTime = pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue() + 5; me.inAlign = 1; if (me.alignTimer != nil) { me.alignTimer.start(); } } } }, stopAlignNoAlign: func() { print("Stopping alignment or setting unaligned state"); me.inAlign = 0; me.aligned = 0; setprop("systems/navigation/aligned-" ~ (me.num + 1), 0); if (me.alignTimer != nil) { me.alignTimer.stop(); } }, stopAlignAligned: func() { me.inAlign = 0; me.aligned = 1; setprop("systems/navigation/aligned-" ~ (me.num + 1), 1); if (me.alignTimer != nil) { me.alignTimer.stop(); } }, alignLoop: func() { me._roll = pts.Orientation.roll.getValue(); me._pitch = pts.Orientation.pitch.getValue(); me._gs = pts.Velocities.groundspeed.getValue(); # todo use IR values if (me._gs > 5 or abs(me._pitch) > 5 or abs(me._roll) > 10) { me.stopAlignNoAlign(); print("Excessive motion, restarting"); me.update(); # update operative me.align(calcAlignTime(pts.Position.latitude.getValue())); } elsif (me.operative == 0) { me.stopAlignNoAlign(); } elsif (pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue() >= me._alignTime) { me.stopAlignAligned(); } }, instAlign: func() { me.stopAlignAligned(); }, # Update loop update: func() { me._timeVar = pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue(); if (me.energised and !me._voltageMain and me._voltageLimitedTime and me._noPowerTime == 0) { me._noPowerTime = me._timeVar; } if (me.energised and me.mode) { if (me._voltageMain) { me._noPowerTime = 0; me.setOperative(1); if (!ADIRSnew._selfTest) { ADIRSnew.Lights.onBat.setBoolValue(0); } } elsif (((me._timeVar < me._noPowerTime + 300 and me._voltageLimitedTime) or !me._voltageLimitedTime) and me._voltageBackup) { me.setOperative(1); if (!ADIRSnew._selfTest) { ADIRSnew.Lights.onBat.setBoolValue(1); } } else { me._noPowerTime = 0; me.setOperative(0); if (!ADIRSnew._selfTest) { ADIRSnew.Lights.onBat.setBoolValue(0); } } } else { me._noPowerTime = 0; me.setOperative(0); if (!ADIRSnew._selfTest) { ADIRSnew.Lights.onBat.setBoolValue(0); } } }, }; var ADIRSControlPanel = { adrSw: func(n) { if (n < 0 or n > _NUMADIRU) { return; } ADIRSnew._adrSwitchState = ADIRSnew.Switches.adrSw[n].getValue(); ADIRSnew.Switches.adrSw[n].setValue(!ADIRSnew._adrSwitchState); if (ADIRSnew.ADIRunits[n] != nil) { ADIRSnew.ADIRunits[n].outputOn = !ADIRSnew._adrSwitchState; } ADIRSnew.Lights.adrOff[n].setValue(ADIRSnew._adrSwitchState); }, irSw: func(n) { if (n < 0 or n > _NUMADIRU) { return; } ADIRSnew._irSwitchState = ADIRSnew.Switches.irSw[n].getValue(); ADIRSnew.Switches.irSw[n].setValue(!ADIRSnew._irSwitchState); if (ADIRSnew.IRunits[n] != nil) { ADIRSnew.IRunits[n].outputOn = !ADIRSnew._irSwitchState; } ADIRSnew.Lights.irOff[n].setValue(ADIRSnew._adrSwitchState); }, irModeSw: func(n, mode) { if (n < 0 or n > _NUMADIRU) { return; } if (mode < 0 or mode > 2) { return; } me._irModeSwitchState = ADIRSnew.Switches.irModeSw[n].getValue(); if (ADIRSnew.ADIRunits[n] != nil) { ADIRSnew.ADIRunits[n].mode = mode; ADIRSnew.ADIRunits[n].updateEnergised(mode); ADIRSnew.Switches.irModeSw[n].setValue(mode); if (mode == 0) { ADIRSnew.Lights.irFault[n].setBoolValue(0); ADIRSnew.ADIRunits[n].stopAlignNoAlign(); } elsif (ADIRSnew.ADIRunits[n].aligned == 0) { ADIRSnew.ADIRunits[n].update(); # update early so operative is set properly ADIRSnew.ADIRunits[n].align(calcAlignTime(pts.Position.latitude.getValue())); # when you set NAV, it first acquires GPS position then acquires GPS. You then use IRS INIT > to set PPOS to align if you wish } } } }; var ADIRSnew = { # local vars _adrSwitchState: 0, _irSwitchState: 0, _irModeSwitchState: 0, _hasPower: 0, _cacheOperative: [0, 0, 0], _cacheOutputOn: [0, 0, 0], _flapPos: nil, _slatPos: nil, _selfTest: 0, _init: 0, # ADIRS Units ADIRunits: [nil, nil, nil], # Electrical mainSupply: [systems.ELEC.Bus.acEss, systems.ELEC.Bus.ac2, systems.ELEC.Bus.ac1], backupSupply: [[systems.ELEC.Bus.dcHot2, 0], [systems.ELEC.Bus.dcHot2, 1], [systems.ELEC.Bus.dcHot1, 1]], # PTS Lights: { adrFault: [props.globals.getNode("controls/navigation/adirscp/lights/adr-1-fault"), props.globals.getNode("controls/navigation/adirscp/lights/adr-2-fault"), props.globals.getNode("controls/navigation/adirscp/lights/adr-3-fault")], adrOff: [props.globals.getNode("controls/navigation/adirscp/lights/adr-1-off"), props.globals.getNode("controls/navigation/adirscp/lights/adr-2-off"), props.globals.getNode("controls/navigation/adirscp/lights/adr-3-off")], irFault: [props.globals.getNode("controls/navigation/adirscp/lights/ir-1-fault"), props.globals.getNode("controls/navigation/adirscp/lights/ir-2-fault"), props.globals.getNode("controls/navigation/adirscp/lights/ir-3-fault")], irOff: [props.globals.getNode("controls/navigation/adirscp/lights/ir-1-off"), props.globals.getNode("controls/navigation/adirscp/lights/ir-2-off"), props.globals.getNode("controls/navigation/adirscp/lights/ir-3-off")], onBat: props.globals.getNode("controls/navigation/adirscp/lights/on-bat"), }, Switches: { adrSw: [props.globals.getNode("controls/navigation/adirscp/switches/adr-1"), props.globals.getNode("controls/navigation/adirscp/switches/adr-2"), props.globals.getNode("controls/navigation/adirscp/switches/adr-3")], irModeSw: [props.globals.getNode("controls/navigation/adirscp/switches/ir-1-mode"), props.globals.getNode("controls/navigation/adirscp/switches/ir-2-mode"), props.globals.getNode("controls/navigation/adirscp/switches/ir-3-mode")], irSw: [props.globals.getNode("controls/navigation/adirscp/switches/ir-1"), props.globals.getNode("controls/navigation/adirscp/switches/ir-2"), props.globals.getNode("controls/navigation/adirscp/switches/ir-3")], }, Operating: { adr: [props.globals.getNode("systems/navigation/adr/operating-1"), props.globals.getNode("systems/navigation/adr/operating-2"), props.globals.getNode("systems/navigation/adr/operating-3")], }, # Nodes overspeedVFE: props.globals.initNode("/systems/navigation/adr/computation/overspeed-vfe-spd", 0, "INT"), skip: props.globals.initNode("/controls/adirs/skip", 0, "BOOL"), mcduControl: props.globals.initNode("/controls/adirs/mcducbtn", 0, "BOOL"), # System init: func() { if (!me._init) { for (i = 0; i < _NUMADIRU; i = i + 1) { me.ADIRunits[i] = ADIRU.new(i); me._init = 1; } } }, update_items: [ props.UpdateManager.FromPropertyHashList(["/fdm/jsbsim/fcs/flap-pos-deg","/fdm/jsbsim/fcs/slat-pos-deg"], 0.1, func(notification) { me._flapPos = pts.Fdm.JSBsim.Fcs.flapDeg.getValue(); me._slatPos = pts.Fdm.JSBsim.Fcs.slatDeg.getValue(); if (me._flapPos >= 23 and me._slatPos >= 25) { ADIRSnew.overspeedVFE.setValue(181); } elsif (me._flapPos >= 18) { ADIRSnew.overspeedVFE.setValue(189); } elsif (me._flapPos >= 13 or me._slatPos > 20) { ADIRSnew.overspeedVFE.setValue(204); } elsif (me._slatPos <= 20 and me._flapPos > 2) { ADIRSnew.overspeedVFE.setValue(219); } elsif (me._slatPos >= 2 and me._slatPos <= 20) { ADIRSnew.overspeedVFE.setValue(234); } else { ADIRSnew.overspeedVFE.setValue(1024); } } ), ], loop: func() { if (me._init) { for (i = 0; i < _NUMADIRU; i = i + 1) { # update ADR units power me._hasPower = me.ADIRunits[i].updatePower(me.mainSupply[i]); if (me._hasPower == 0) { me.ADIRunits[i].updateBackupPower(me.backupSupply[i][0],me.backupSupply[i][1]) } # Update ADR units me.ADIRunits[i].update(); if (me.ADIRunits[i].operative != me._cacheOperative[i] or me.ADIRunits[i].outputOn != me._cacheOutputOn[i]) { me._cacheOperative[i] = me.ADIRunits[i].operative; me._cacheOutputOn[i] = me.ADIRunits[i].outputOn; if (me.ADIRunits[i].outputOn) { me.Operating.adr[i].setValue(me.ADIRunits[i].operative); } else { me.Operating.adr[i].setValue(0); } } } # Update VFE notification = nil; foreach (var update_item; me.update_items) { update_item.update(notification); } } }, selfTest: func() { ADIRSnew.Lights.onBat.setBoolValue(1); selfTestLoop.start(); }, }; var calcAlignTime = func(latitude) { return ((0.002 * (latitude * latitude)) + 5) * 60; }; setlistener("/systems/fmgc/cas-compare/cas-reject-all", func() { if (pts.FMGC.CasCompare.casRejectAll.getBoolValue()) { fcu.athrOff("hard"); } }, 0, 0); setlistener("/controls/adirs/skip", func() { if (ADIRSnew.skip.getBoolValue()) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i = i + 1) { if (ADIRSnew.ADIRunits[i].inAlign == 1) { ADIRSnew.ADIRunits[i].stopAlignAligned(); } } } }, 0, 0); selfTestLoop = maketimer(0.2, func() { if (pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue() > _selfTestTime + 5) { ADIRSnew.Lights.onBat.setBoolValue(0); selfTestLoop.stop(); ADIRSnew._selfTest = 0; } });