<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!-- Airbus A320 FMGC -->
<!-- Copyright (c) 2022 Josh Davidson and Jonathan Redpath -->

<system name="A320: FMGC">
	<property value="350">/FMGC/internal/vmo-kts</property>
	<channel name="FMGC Power" execrate="8">
		<switch name="/systems/fmgc/power/power-1">
			<default value="0"/>
			<test logic="OR" value="1">
				/systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess-shed ge 25
		<switch name="/systems/fmgc/power/power-2">
			<default value="0"/>
			<test logic="OR" value="1">
				/systems/electrical/bus/dc-2 ge 25
		<actuator name="/systems/fmgc/power/power-1-timer">
			<rate_limit sense="decr">5</rate_limit>
			<rate_limit sense="incr">100</rate_limit>
		<actuator name="/systems/fmgc/power/power-2-timer">
			<rate_limit sense="decr">5</rate_limit>
			<rate_limit sense="incr">100</rate_limit>
		<switch name="/systems/fmgc/power/power-1-on">
			<default value="0"/>
			<test logic="OR" value="1">
				/systems/fmgc/power/power-1-timer ne 0
		<switch name="/systems/fmgc/power/power-2-on">
			<default value="0"/>
			<test logic="OR" value="1">
				/systems/fmgc/power/power-2-timer ne 0
	<channel name="Envelope Protection" execrate="8">
		<!-- Vmo/Mmo -->
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/mmo-kts">
						<max> <!-- Prevent divide by 0 -->
		<switch name="/FMGC/internal/vmo-mmo">
			<default value="/FMGC/internal/vmo-kts"/>
			<test logic="AND" value="/FMGC/internal/mmo-kts">
				/FMGC/internal/mmo-kts lt /FMGC/internal/vmo-kts
				position/wow eq 0
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/vmo-mmo-minus-5">
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/vmo-mmo-plus-6">
		<!-- Green Dot -->
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/clean">
						<value>500</value> <!-- Skip the * 2 step! -->
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/tow-clean">
						<value>500</value> <!-- Skip the * 2 step! -->
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/lw-clean">
						<value>500</value> <!-- Skip the * 2 step! -->
		<!-- VS1g -->
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/vs1g-kts">
					<independentVar lookup="row">inertia/weight-kg</independentVar>
					<independentVar lookup="column">fcs/flap-pos-deg</independentVar>
					<independentVar lookup="table">fcs/slat-pos-deg</independentVar>
					<tableData breakPoint="0"> <!-- 40 column is a guess, no data for flap without slat -->
						       0       40
						35000  114.99   99.55
						40000  123.08  106.14
						45000  130.66  111.83
						50000  137.73  117.76
						55000  144.41  123.46
						60000  150.81  128.89
						65000  156.76  133.34
						70000  162.65  138.73
						75000  168.43  143.60
						80000  173.65  148.02
					<tableData breakPoint="18">
						       0       10      15      20      35      40
						35000   95.11   90.08   85.16   83.55   81.61   79.67
						40000  101.59   96.03   90.31   88.77   86.71   84.65
						45000  107.89  101.93   95.64   94.32   91.69   89.06
						50000  113.84  107.55  101.02   99.25   96.56   93.87
						55000  119.46  112.76  106.07  104.23  101.37   98.51
						60000  124.84  117.97  110.94  109.10  106.01  102.92
						65000  130.17  122.96  115.63  113.75  110.25  106.75
						70000  135.10  127.54  119.99  118.16  114.67  111.18
						75000  139.91  132.18  124.23  122.28  118.68  115.08
						80000  144.44  136.54  128.58  126.35  122.58  118.81
		<!-- Extra VS1g tables for predictions etc -->
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/vs1g-conf-0">
					<independentVar lookup="row">inertia/weight-kg</independentVar>
						35000  114.99
						40000  123.08
						45000  130.66
						50000  137.73
						55000  144.41
						60000  150.81
						65000  156.76
						70000  162.65
						75000  168.43
						80000  173.65
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/tow-vs1g-conf-0">
					<independentVar lookup="row">/FMGC/internal/tow</independentVar>
						35000  114.99
						40000  123.08
						45000  130.66
						50000  137.73
						55000  144.41
						60000  150.81
						65000  156.76
						70000  162.65
						75000  168.43
						80000  173.65
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/lw-vs1g-conf-0">
					<independentVar lookup="row">/FMGC/internal/lw</independentVar>
						35000  114.99
						40000  123.08
						45000  130.66
						50000  137.73
						55000  144.41
						60000  150.81
						65000  156.76
						70000  162.65
						75000  168.43
						80000  173.65
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/vs1g-conf-1">
					<independentVar lookup="row">inertia/weight-kg</independentVar>
						35000   95.11
						40000  101.59
						45000  107.89
						50000  113.84
						55000  119.46
						60000  124.84
						65000  130.17
						70000  135.10
						75000  139.91
						80000  144.44
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/vs1g-conf-1f">
					<independentVar lookup="row">inertia/weight-kg</independentVar>
						35000   90.08
						40000   96.03
						45000  101.93
						50000  107.55
						55000  112.76
						60000  117.97
						65000  122.96
						70000  127.54
						75000  132.18
						80000  136.54
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/tow-vs1g-conf-1f">
					<independentVar lookup="row">/FMGC/internal/tow</independentVar>
						35000   90.08
						40000   96.03
						45000  101.93
						50000  107.55
						55000  112.76
						60000  117.97
						65000  122.96
						70000  127.54
						75000  132.18
						80000  136.54
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/lw-vs1g-conf-1f">
					<independentVar lookup="row">/FMGC/internal/lw</independentVar>
						35000   90.08
						40000   96.03
						45000  101.93
						50000  107.55
						55000  112.76
						60000  117.97
						65000  122.96
						70000  127.54
						75000  132.18
						80000  136.54
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/vs1g-conf-2">
					<independentVar lookup="row">inertia/weight-kg</independentVar>
						35000   85.16
						40000   90.31
						45000   95.64
						50000  101.02
						55000  106.07
						60000  110.94
						65000  115.63
						70000  119.99
						75000  124.23
						80000  128.58
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/tow-vs1g-conf-2">
					<independentVar lookup="row">/FMGC/internal/tow</independentVar>
						35000   85.16
						40000   90.31
						45000   95.64
						50000  101.02
						55000  106.07
						60000  110.94
						65000  115.63
						70000  119.99
						75000  124.23
						80000  128.58
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/lw-vs1g-conf-2">
					<independentVar lookup="row">/FMGC/internal/lw</independentVar>
						35000   85.16
						40000   90.31
						45000   95.64
						50000  101.02
						55000  106.07
						60000  110.94
						65000  115.63
						70000  119.99
						75000  124.23
						80000  128.58
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/vs1g-conf-3">
					<independentVar lookup="row">inertia/weight-kg</independentVar>
						35000   83.55
						40000   88.77
						45000   94.32
						50000   99.25
						55000  104.23
						60000  109.10
						65000  113.75
						70000  118.16
						75000  122.28
						80000  126.35
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/tow-vs1g-conf-3">
					<independentVar lookup="row">/FMGC/internal/tow</independentVar>
						35000   83.55
						40000   88.77
						45000   94.32
						50000   99.25
						55000  104.23
						60000  109.10
						65000  113.75
						70000  118.16
						75000  122.28
						80000  126.35
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/lw-vs1g-conf-3">
					<independentVar lookup="row">/FMGC/internal/lw</independentVar>
						35000   83.55
						40000   88.77
						45000   94.32
						50000   99.25
						55000  104.23
						60000  109.10
						65000  113.75
						70000  118.16
						75000  122.28
						80000  126.35
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/vs1g-conf-full">
					<independentVar lookup="row">inertia/weight-kg</independentVar>
					<independentVar lookup="column">/options/maxflap</independentVar>
					<tableData> <!-- CFM 35, IAE 40 -->
						       35      40
						35000   81.61   79.67
						40000   86.71   84.65
						45000   91.69   89.06
						50000   96.56   93.87
						55000  101.37   98.51
						60000  106.01  102.92
						65000  110.25  106.75
						70000  114.67  111.18
						75000  118.68  115.08
						80000  122.58  118.81
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/tow-vs1g-conf-full">
					<independentVar lookup="row">/FMGC/internal/tow</independentVar>
					<independentVar lookup="column">/options/maxflap</independentVar>
					<tableData> <!-- CFM 35, IAE 40 -->
						       35      40
						35000   81.61   79.67
						40000   86.71   84.65
						45000   91.69   89.06
						50000   96.56   93.87
						55000  101.37   98.51
						60000  106.01  102.92
						65000  110.25  106.75
						70000  114.67  111.18
						75000  118.68  115.08
						80000  122.58  118.81
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/lw-vs1g-conf-full">
					<independentVar lookup="row">/FMGC/internal/lw</independentVar>
					<independentVar lookup="column">/options/maxflap</independentVar>
					<tableData> <!-- CFM 35, IAE 40 -->
						       35      40
						35000   81.61   79.67
						40000   86.71   84.65
						45000   91.69   89.06
						50000   96.56   93.87
						55000  101.37   98.51
						60000  106.01  102.92
						65000  110.25  106.75
						70000  114.67  111.18
						75000  118.68  115.08
						80000  122.58  118.81
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/vs1g-roll-factor">
				<sqrt> <!-- Take the square root to get the factor -->
					<quotient> <!-- Calculate neutral load factor from bank -->
									<value>89</value> <!-- Above math breaks -->
		<pure_gain name="/FMGC/internal/vs1g">
		<!-- Vsw -->
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/vsw">
		<!-- Minimum speed (Target speed for managed speed after decel) -->
		<switch name="/FMGC/internal/minspeed">
			<default value="0"/>
			<test logic="OR" value="/FMGC/internal/clean">
				/controls/flight/flaps-pos eq 0
			<test logic="OR" value="/FMGC/internal/slat">
				/controls/flight/flaps-pos eq 1
				/controls/flight/flaps-pos eq 2
			<test logic="OR" value="/FMGC/internal/flap-2">
				/controls/flight/flaps-pos eq 3
			<test logic="OR" value="/FMGC/internal/flap-3">
				/controls/flight/flaps-pos eq 4
			<test logic="AND" value="/FMGC/internal/vapp">
				/controls/flight/flaps-pos eq 5
				/FMGC/internal/vapp-set eq 0
			<test logic="AND" value="/FMGC/internal/vapp-predicted">
				/controls/flight/flaps-pos eq 5
				/FMGC/internal/vapp-set eq 1
		<!-- V alpha prot/max -->
		<lag_filter name="/FMGC/internal/alpha-input">
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/valpha-prot">
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/valpha-max">
		<!-- Vls -->
		<switch name="/FMGC/internal/takeoff-latch">
			<default value="/FMGC/internal/takeoff-latch"/>
			<test logic="AND" value="0">
				position/wow eq 0
				/instrumentation/altimeter/indicated-altitude-ft ge /it-autoflight/settings/accel-ft
			<test logic="OR" value="1">
				position/wow eq 1
				/FMGC/internal/phase lt 2
				/FMGC/internal/phase eq 6
			<test value="0">
				fcs/flap-pos-deg lt 0.1
		<switch name="/FMGC/internal/vls-factor-cmd">
			<default value="1.25"/> <!-- 1.25 VS1g -->
			<test value="1.13"> <!-- 1.13 VS1g -->
				/FMGC/internal/takeoff-latch eq 1
			<test value="1.23"> <!-- 1.23 VS1g -->
				fcs/flap-pos-deg ge 0.1
		<switch name="/FMGC/internal/vls-factor-rate">
			<default value="10"/>
			<test value="0.05">
				position/wow eq 0
		<actuator name="/FMGC/internal/vls-factor">
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/vls">
								<independentVar lookup="row">atmosphere/density-altitude</independentVar>
									    0  0.00
									43000  0.18
					<!-- Never drop below either of the following -->
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/vls-mach">
						<max> <!-- Prevent divide by 0 -->
		<!-- Vmax - Computed in FMGC.nas and ADR.nas -->
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/vmax-mach">
						<max> <!-- Prevent divide by 0 -->
		<!-- VMCA -->
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/vmca-kt">
					<independentVar lookup="row">/position/altitude-ft</independentVar>
						-2000  112.0
						    0  110.0
						 2000  108.0
						 4000  107.5
						 6000  105.5
						 8000  103.0
						 9200  101.2
						10000  100.0
						12000   96.5
						14100   93.5
		<!-- VMCG -->
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/vmcg-kt">
					<independentVar lookup="row">/position/altitude-ft</independentVar>
					<independentVar lookup="column">fcs/flap-pos-deg</independentVar>
						       10     15     20
						-2000  111.5  109.5  109.0
						    0  109.5  107.5  107.0
						 2000  107.5  105.5  105.0
						 4000  107.0  105.0  104.5
						 6000  105.0  103.0  103.0
						 8000  103.0  101.0  100.5
						 9200  101.0   99.0   98.5
						10000  100.0   98.0   97.5
						12000   96.5   94.5   94.0
						14100   93.0   91.0   91.0
		<!-- Slat -->
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/vls-factor-conf-0">
						<independentVar lookup="row">atmosphere/density-altitude</independentVar>
							    0  0.00
							43000  0.18
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/vls-factor-conf-f">
						<independentVar lookup="row">atmosphere/density-altitude</independentVar>
							    0  0.00
							43000  0.18
		<pure_gain name="/FMGC/internal/slat">
		<pure_gain name="/FMGC/internal/slat-tow">
		<!-- Flap 2 -->
		<pure_gain name="/FMGC/internal/flap-2">
		<pure_gain name="/FMGC/internal/flap-2-tow">
		<!-- Flap 3 -->
		<pure_gain name="/FMGC/internal/flap-3">
	<channel name="FMGC Misc" execrate="8">
		<summer name="/it-autoflight/internal/vmo-mmo-error">
		<fcs_function name="/FMGC/internal/vls-switched-plus-5">
					<property>/FMGC/internal/vls</property> <!-- Engage at VLS for VLS - 5 -->
					<sum> <!-- Engage at VLS + 5 for VLS -->
		<fcs_function name="/it-autoflight/internal/vls-error">
						<value>-5</value> <!-- Intentional double negative -->
		<switch name="/FMGC/internal/to-state">
			<default value="0"/>
			<test logic="AND" value="1">
				/gear/gear[0]/wow eq 1
				/controls/flight/flaps-pos lt 5
				<test logic="OR">
					/fdm/jsbsim/fadec/control-1/detent ge 4
					/fdm/jsbsim/fadec/control-2/detent ge 4
	<channel name="FMGC" execrate="8">
		<switch name="/systems/fmgc/airborne">
			<default value="0"/>
			<test logic="OR" value="1">
				/gear/gear[1]/wow eq 0
				/gear/gear[2]/wow eq 0
		<actuator name="/systems/fmgc/airborne-timer">
			<rate_limit sense="decr">100</rate_limit>
			<rate_limit sense="incr">0.2</rate_limit>
		<switch name="/systems/fmgc/airborne-5-secs">
			<default value="0"/>
			<test logic="OR" value="1">
				/systems/fmgc/airborne-timer eq 1
		<fcs_function name="/systems/fmgc/cas-compare/cas-1-to-3">
		<fcs_function name="/systems/fmgc/cas-compare/cas-2-to-3">
		<fcs_function name="/systems/fmgc/cas-compare/cas-2-to-1">
		<fcs_function name="/systems/fmgc/cas-compare/cas-reject-all">
							<value>5</value> <!-- todo - find proper value -->
		<fcs_function name="/systems/fmgc/cas-compare/cas-reject-1"> <!-- 2 and 3 are the same but 1 is different -->
								<value>5</value> <!-- todo - find proper value -->
		<fcs_function name="/systems/fmgc/cas-compare/cas-reject-2"> <!-- 1 and 3 are the same but 2 is different -->
		<fcs_function name="/systems/fmgc/cas-compare/cas-reject-3"> <!-- 1 and 2 are the same but 3 is different -->
		<fcs_function name="/systems/fmgc/active-airspeed-src-1">
		<fcs_function name="/systems/fmgc/active-airspeed-1">
		<fcs_function name="/systems/fmgc/active-airspeed-src-2">
		<fcs_function name="/systems/fmgc/active-airspeed-2">
