# A3XX FCU # Copyright (c) 2020 Josh Davidson (Octal450), Jonathan Redpath (legoboyvdlp) # Nodes var altSetMode = props.globals.getNode("/it-autoflight/config/altitude-dial-mode", 1); var apOffSound = [props.globals.getNode("/it-autoflight/sound/apoffsound"),props.globals.getNode("/it-autoflight/sound/apoffsound2")]; var apWarningNode = props.globals.getNode("/it-autoflight/output/ap-warning"); var athrWarningNode = props.globals.getNode("/it-autoflight/output/athr-warning"); var apDiscBtn = props.globals.getNode("/sim/sounde/apdiscbtn"); var FCUworkingNode = props.globals.initNode("/FMGC/FCU-working", 0, "BOOL"); var FCU = { elecSupply: "", failed: 0, condition: 100, new: func(elecNode) { var f = { parents:[FCU] }; f.elecSupply = elecNode; return f; }, elec: nil, powerOffTime: -99, loop: func(notification) { me.elec = me.elecSupply.getValue(); if (me.elec < 25) { if (me.powerOffTime == -99) { me.powerOffTime = notification.elapsedTime; } } else { me.powerOffTime = -99; } me.failed = ((notification.elapsedTime > (me.powerOffTime + 0.25) and me.elec < 25) or me.condition == 0) ? 1 : 0; }, setFail: func() { me.condition = 0; }, restore: func() { me.condition = 100; }, }; var FCUController = { FCU1: nil, FCU2: nil, activeFMGC: props.globals.getNode("/FMGC/active-fmgc-channel"), FCUworking: 0, _init: 0, init: func() { me.FCU1 = FCU.new(systems.ELEC.Bus.dcEss); me.FCU2 = FCU.new(systems.ELEC.Bus.dc2); me._init = 1; }, loop: func(notification) { if (me._init == 0) { return; } # Update FCU Power me.FCU1.loop(notification); me.FCU2.loop(notification); if (!me.FCU1.failed or !me.FCU2.failed) { me.FCUworking = 1; FCUworkingNode.setValue(1); } else { me.FCUworking = 0; FCUworkingNode.setValue(0); } foreach (var update_item; me.update_items) { update_item.update(notification); } }, update_items: [ props.UpdateManager.FromPropertyHashList(["/it-autoflight/output/fd1","/it-autoflight/output/fd2", "/it-autoflight/output/ap1", "/it-autoflight/output/ap2"], nil, func(notification) { updateActiveFMGC(); } ), ], resetFail: func() { if (me._init == 0) { return; } me.FCU1.restore(); me.FCU2.restore(); }, AP1: func() { if (me.FCUworking) { if (!fmgc.Output.ap1.getBoolValue() and fbw.FBW.apOff == 0) { fmgc.Input.ap1.setValue(1); ecam.apWarnNode.setValue(0); pts.Controls.Flight.rudderTrim.setValue(0); } else { apOff("hard", 1); } } }, AP2: func() { if (me.FCUworking) { if (!fmgc.Output.ap2.getBoolValue() and fbw.FBW.apOff == 0) { fmgc.Input.ap2.setValue(1); ecam.apWarnNode.setValue(0); pts.Controls.Flight.rudderTrim.setValue(0); } else { apOff("hard", 2); } } }, ATHR: func() { if (me.FCUworking) { if (!fmgc.Output.athr.getBoolValue() and !pts.FMGC.CasCompare.casRejectAll.getBoolValue() and fbw.FBW.apOff == 0) { fmgc.Input.athr.setValue(1); } else { athrOff("hard"); } } }, FD1: func() { if (me.FCUworking) { if (!fmgc.Output.fd1.getBoolValue()) { fmgc.Input.fd1.setValue(1); } else { fmgc.Input.fd1.setValue(0); } } }, FD2: func() { if (me.FCUworking) { if (!fmgc.Output.fd2.getBoolValue()) { fmgc.Input.fd2.setValue(1); } else { fmgc.Input.fd2.setValue(0); } } }, APDisc: func() { # physical button sound - so put it outside here as you get a sound even if it doesn't work! apDiscBtn.setValue(1); settimer(func { apDiscBtn.setValue(0); }, 0.5); if (me.FCUworking) { if (fmgc.Output.ap1.getBoolValue() or fmgc.Output.ap2.getBoolValue()) { apOff("soft", 0); } else { if (apOffSound[0].getValue() or apOffSound[1].getValue()) { apOffSound[0].setValue(0); apOffSound[1].setValue(0); } if (apWarningNode.getValue() != 0) { apWarningNode.setValue(0); ecam.lights[0].setValue(0); } } } }, ATDisc: func() { # physical button sound - so put it outside here as you get a sound even if it doesn't work! apDiscBtn.setValue(1); settimer(func { apDiscBtn.setValue(0); }, 0.5); if (me.FCUworking) { if (fmgc.Output.athr.getBoolValue()) { athrOff("soft"); ecam.lights[1].setValue(1); } else { if (athrWarningNode.getValue() == 1) { athrWarningNode.setValue(0); ecam.lights[1].setValue(0); } } } }, IASMach: func() { if (me.FCUworking) { if (fmgc.Input.ktsMach.getBoolValue()) { fmgc.Input.ktsMach.setBoolValue(0); } else { fmgc.Input.ktsMach.setBoolValue(1); } } }, SPDPush: func() { if (me.FCUworking) { if (fmgc.FMGCInternal.crzSet and fmgc.FMGCInternal.costIndexSet) { fmgc.Custom.Input.spdManaged.setBoolValue(1); fmgc.ManagedSPD.start(); } } }, ias: nil, mach: nil, SPDPull: func() { if (me.FCUworking) { fmgc.Custom.Input.spdManaged.setBoolValue(0); fmgc.ManagedSPD.stop(); me.ias = fmgc.Velocities.indicatedAirspeedKt.getValue(); me.mach = fmgc.Velocities.indicatedMach.getValue(); if (!fmgc.Input.ktsMach.getBoolValue()) { if (me.ias >= 100 and me.ias <= 399) { fmgc.Input.kts.setValue(math.round(me.ias)); } else if (me.ias < 100) { fmgc.Input.kts.setValue(100); } else if (me.ias > 399) { fmgc.Input.kts.setValue(399); } } else if (fmgc.Input.ktsMach.getBoolValue()) { if (me.mach >= 0.10 and me.mach <= 0.99) { fmgc.Input.mach.setValue(math.round(me.mach, 0.001)); } else if (me.mach < 0.10) { fmgc.Input.mach.setValue(0.10); } else if (me.mach > 0.99) { fmgc.Input.mach.setValue(0.99); } } } }, machTemp: nil, iasTemp: nil, SPDAdjust: func(d) { if (me.FCUworking) { if (!fmgc.Custom.Input.spdManaged.getBoolValue()) { if (fmgc.Input.ktsMach.getBoolValue()) { me.machTemp = fmgc.Input.mach.getValue(); if (d == 1) { me.machTemp = math.round(me.machTemp + 0.001, 0.001); # Kill floating point error } else if (d == -1) { me.machTemp = math.round(me.machTemp - 0.001, 0.001); # Kill floating point error } else if (d == 10) { me.machTemp = math.round(me.machTemp + 0.01, 0.01); # Kill floating point error } else if (d == -10) { me.machTemp = math.round(me.machTemp - 0.01, 0.01); # Kill floating point error } if (me.machTemp < 0.10) { fmgc.Input.mach.setValue(0.10); } else if (me.machTemp > 0.99) { fmgc.Input.mach.setValue(0.99); } else { fmgc.Input.mach.setValue(me.machTemp); } } else { me.iasTemp = fmgc.Input.kts.getValue(); if (d == 1) { me.iasTemp = me.iasTemp + 1; } else if (d == -1) { me.iasTemp = me.iasTemp - 1; } else if (d == 10) { me.iasTemp = me.iasTemp + 10; } else if (d == -10) { me.iasTemp = me.iasTemp - 10; } if (me.iasTemp < 100) { fmgc.Input.kts.setValue(100); } else if (me.iasTemp > 399) { fmgc.Input.kts.setValue(399); } else { fmgc.Input.kts.setValue(me.iasTemp); } } } } }, HDGPush: func() { if (me.FCUworking) { if (fmgc.Output.fd1.getBoolValue() or fmgc.Output.fd2.getBoolValue() or fmgc.Output.ap1.getBoolValue() or fmgc.Output.ap2.getBoolValue()) { var wp = fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[2].getWP(fmgc.flightPlanController.currentToWptIndex.getValue() + 1); if (wp != nil and wp.wp_type != "discontinuity") { fmgc.Input.lat.setValue(1); } } } }, HDGPull: func() { if (me.FCUworking) { if (fmgc.Output.fd1.getBoolValue() or fmgc.Output.fd2.getBoolValue() or fmgc.Output.ap1.getBoolValue() or fmgc.Output.ap2.getBoolValue()) { if (fmgc.Output.lat.getValue() == 0 or !fmgc.Custom.showHdg.getBoolValue()) { fmgc.Input.lat.setValue(3); } else { fmgc.Input.lat.setValue(0); } } } }, hdgTemp: nil, HDGAdjust: func(d) { if (me.FCUworking) { if (fmgc.Output.lat.getValue() != 0) { hdgInput(); } if (fmgc.Custom.showHdg.getBoolValue()) { me.hdgTemp = fmgc.Input.hdg.getValue(); if (d == 1) { me.hdgTemp = me.hdgTemp + 1; } else if (d == -1) { me.hdgTemp = me.hdgTemp - 1; } else if (d == 10) { me.hdgTemp = me.hdgTemp + 10; } else if (d == -10) { me.hdgTemp = me.hdgTemp - 10; } if (me.hdgTemp < 0.5) { fmgc.Input.hdg.setValue(me.hdgTemp + 360); } else if (me.hdgTemp >= 360.5) { fmgc.Input.hdg.setValue(me.hdgTemp - 360); } else { fmgc.Input.hdg.setValue(me.hdgTemp); } } } }, vertTemp: nil, LOCButton: func() { if (me.FCUworking) { me.vertTemp = fmgc.Output.vert.getValue(); if ((fmgc.Output.locArm.getBoolValue() or fmgc.Output.lat.getValue() == 2) and !fmgc.Output.apprArm.getBoolValue() and me.vertTemp != 2 and me.vertTemp != 6) { if (fmgc.Output.lat.getValue() == 2) { fmgc.Input.lat.setValue(0); } else { fmgc.ITAF.disarmLOC(); } if (me.vertTemp == 2 or me.vertTemp == 6) { me.VSPull(); } else { fmgc.ITAF.disarmGS(); } } else { if (pts.Position.gearAglFt.getValue() >= 400 and me.vertTemp != 7) { fmgc.Input.lat.setValue(2); if (me.vertTemp == 2 or me.vertTemp == 6) { me.VSPull(); } else { fmgc.ITAF.disarmGS(); } } } } }, TRKFPA: func() { if (me.FCUworking) { fmgc.ITAF.toggleTrkFpa(); } }, ALTPush: func() { if (me.FCUworking) { # setprop("/it-autoflight/input/vert", 8); # He don't work yet m8 } }, ALTPull: func() { if (me.FCUworking) { fmgc.Input.vert.setValue(4); } }, altTemp: nil, ALTAdjust: func(d) { if (me.FCUworking) { me.altTemp = fmgc.Input.alt.getValue(); if (d == 1) { if (altSetMode.getBoolValue()) { me.altTemp = me.altTemp + 1000; } else { me.altTemp = me.altTemp + 100; } } else if (d == -1) { if (altSetMode.getBoolValue()) { me.altTemp = me.altTemp - 1000; } else { me.altTemp = me.altTemp - 100; } } else if (d == 2) { me.altTemp = me.altTemp + 100; } else if (d == -2) { me.altTemp = me.altTemp - 100; } else if (d == 10) { me.altTemp = me.altTemp + 1000; } else if (d == -10) { me.altTemp = me.altTemp - 1000; } if (me.altTemp < 100) { fmgc.Input.alt.setValue(100); } else if (me.altTemp > 49000) { fmgc.Input.alt.setValue(49000); } else { fmgc.Input.alt.setValue(me.altTemp); } } }, VSPush: func() { if (me.FCUworking) { if (fmgc.Custom.trkFpa.getBoolValue()) { fmgc.Input.vert.setValue(5); fmgc.Input.fpa.setValue(0); } else { fmgc.Input.vert.setValue(1); fmgc.Input.vs.setValue(0); fmgc.Custom.Output.vsFCU.setValue(left(sprintf("%+05.0f",0),3)); } } }, VSPull: func() { if (me.FCUworking) { if (fmgc.Custom.trkFpa.getBoolValue()) { fmgc.Input.vert.setValue(5); } else { fmgc.Input.vert.setValue(1); } } }, vsTemp: nil, fpaTemp: nil, VSAdjust: func(d) { if (me.FCUworking) { if (fmgc.Output.vert.getValue() == 1) { me.vsTemp = fmgc.Input.vs.getValue(); if (d == 1) { me.vsTemp = me.vsTemp + 100; } else if (d == -1) { me.vsTemp = me.vsTemp - 100; } else if (d == 10) { me.vsTemp = me.vsTemp + 1000; } else if (d == -10) { me.vsTemp = me.vsTemp - 1000; } if (me.vsTemp < -6000) { fmgc.Input.vs.setValue(-6000); } else if (me.vsTemp > 6000) { fmgc.Input.vs.setValue(6000); } else { fmgc.Input.vs.setValue(me.vsTemp); } fmgc.Custom.Output.vsFCU.setValue(left(sprintf("%+05.0f",fmgc.Input.vs.getValue()),3)); } else if (fmgc.Output.vert.getValue() == 5) { me.fpaTemp = fmgc.Input.fpa.getValue(); if (d == 1) { me.fpaTemp = math.round(me.fpaTemp + 0.1, 0.1); } else if (d == -1) { me.fpaTemp = math.round(me.fpaTemp - 0.1, 0.1); } else if (d == 10) { me.fpaTemp = me.fpaTemp + 1; } else if (d == -10) { me.fpaTemp = me.fpaTemp - 1; } if (me.fpaTemp < -9.9) { fmgc.Input.fpa.setValue(-9.9); } else if (me.fpaTemp > 9.9) { fmgc.Input.fpa.setValue(9.9); } else { fmgc.Input.fpa.setValue(me.fpaTemp); } } if ((fmgc.Output.vert.getValue() != 1 and !fmgc.Custom.trkFpa.getBoolValue()) or (fmgc.Output.vert.getValue() != 5 and fmgc.Custom.trkFpa.getBoolValue())) { me.VSPull(); } } }, APPRButton: func() { if (me.FCUworking) { me.vertTemp = fmgc.Output.vert.getValue(); if ((fmgc.Output.locArm.getBoolValue() or fmgc.Output.lat.getValue() == 2) and (fmgc.Output.apprArm.getBoolValue() or me.vertTemp == 2 or me.vertTemp == 6)) { if (fmgc.Output.lat.getValue() == 2) { fmgc.Input.lat.setValue(0); } else { fmgc.ITAF.disarmLOC(); } if (me.vertTemp == 2 or me.vertTemp == 6) { me.VSPull(); } else { fmgc.ITAF.disarmGS(); } } else { if (pts.Position.gearAglFt.getValue() >= 400 and me.vertTemp != 7) { fmgc.Input.vert.setValue(2); } } } }, MetricAlt: func() { if (me.FCUworking) { canvas_pfd.A320PFD1.MainScreen.showMetricAlt = !canvas_pfd.A320PFD1.MainScreen.showMetricAlt; canvas_pfd.A320PFD2.MainScreen.showMetricAlt = !canvas_pfd.A320PFD2.MainScreen.showMetricAlt; } }, }; # Master / slave principle of operation depending on the autopilot / flight director engagement var updateActiveFMGC = func { if (fmgc.Output.ap1.getBoolValue()) { FCUController.activeFMGC.setValue(1); } elsif (fmgc.Output.ap2.getBoolValue()) { FCUController.activeFMGC.setValue(2); } elsif (fmgc.Output.fd1.getBoolValue()) { FCUController.activeFMGC.setValue(1); } elsif (fmgc.Output.fd2.getBoolValue()) { FCUController.activeFMGC.setValue(2); } else { FCUController.activeFMGC.setValue(1); } } # Autopilot Disconnection var apOff = func(type, side) { if ((fmgc.Input.ap1.getValue() and (side == 1 or side == 0)) or (fmgc.Input.ap2.getValue() and (side == 2 or side == 0))) { ecam.doApWarn(type); } if (side == 0) { fmgc.Input.ap1.setValue(0); fmgc.Input.ap2.setValue(0); } elsif (side == 1) { fmgc.Input.ap1.setValue(0); } elsif (side == 2) { fmgc.Input.ap2.setValue(0); } } # Autothrust Disconnection var athrOff = func(type) { if (fmgc.Input.athr.getValue() == 1) { if (type == "hard") { fadec.lockThr(); } fmgc.Input.athr.setValue(0); ecam.doAthrWarn(type); } } # If the heading knob is turned while in nav mode, it will display heading for a period of time var hdgInput = func { if (fmgc.Output.lat.getValue() != 0) { fmgc.Custom.showHdg.setBoolValue(1); fmgc.Custom.hdgTime.setValue(pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue()); } }