# A3XX ND Canvas # Joshua Davidson (Octal450) # Based on work by artix # Copyright (c) 2020 Josh Davidson (Octal450) var ALWAYS = func 1; var NOTHING = func nil; var att_switch = props.globals.getNode("/controls/navigation/switching/att-hdg", 1); var adirs_3 = props.globals.getNode("/instrumentation/efis[0]/nd/ir-3", 1); var vhdg_bug = props.globals.getNode("/it-autoflight/input/hdg",0); # ND compass position deg var terrain_alert = props.globals.getNode("/instrumentation/mk-viii/outputs/alert-mode",0); var GREEN = [0.0509,0.7529,0.2941]; var YELLOW = [0.949,0.949,0.207]; var RED = [1.0000,0.0000,0.0000]; canvas.NDStyles["Airbus"] = { font_mapper: func(family, weight) { return "ECAMFontRegular.ttf"; }, # where all the symbols are stored # TODO: SVG elements should be renamed to use boeing/airbus prefix # aircraft developers should all be editing the same ND.svg image # the code can deal with the differences now svg_filename: get_local_path("res/airbusND.svg"), ## ## this loads and configures existing layers (currently, *.layer files in Nasal/canvas/map) ## options: { position_callback: func(nd, pos){ if(nd.get_switch("toggle_centered") or nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") == "PLAN") pos.range = (nd.rangeNm() * 1.6156087432822295); }, translation_callback: func(nd){ var t = {x: 512, y: 824}; if(nd.get_switch("toggle_centered") or nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") == "PLAN") t.y = 512; return t; }, defaults: { # Configurable Global Options: # - fplan_active: the boolean property used to determine if the flight plan is active # - lat_ctrl: the property used to determine if lateral flight mode is managed # Lateral managed mode is similar to Boeing LNAV and indicates that the # aircraft should follow the current active flight plan. By default # the lat_ctrl property is checked against "fmgc" (managed) value. # You can use a custom value instead on "fmgc" by overriding "managed_val" # - managed_val: the value that the property defined by "lat_ctrl" should have in case # that the lateral flight mode is managed. # You can easily override these options before creating the ND, example: # canvas.NDStyles["Airbus"].options.defaults.fplan_active = "my/autpilot/f-plan/active" fplan_active: "/FMGC/flightplan[2]/active", lat_ctrl: "/it-autoflight/output/lat", managed_val: 1, ver_ctrl: "/it-autoflight/output/vert", spd_ctrl: "/flight-management/control/spd-ctrl", current_wp: "/FMGC/flightplan[2]/current-wp", ap1: "/it-autoflight/output/ap1", ap2: "/it-autoflight/output/ap2", nav1_frq: "/instrumentation/nav[0]/frequencies/selected-mhz", nav2_frq: "/instrumentation/nav[1]/frequencies/selected-mhz", vor1_frq: "/instrumentation/nav[2]/frequencies/selected-mhz", vor2_frq: "/instrumentation/nav[3]/frequencies/selected-mhz", adf1_frq: "/instrumentation/adf[0]/frequencies/selected-khz", adf2_frq: "/instrumentation/adf[1]/frequencies/selected-khz", dep_rwy: "/autopilot/route-manager/departure/runway", dest_rwy: "/autopilot/route-manager/destination/runway", wp_count: "/FMGC/flightplan[2]/num", level_off_alt: "/autopilot/route-manager/vnav/level-off-alt", athr: "/it-autoflight/output/athr", app_mode: "/instrumentation/nd/app-mode", chrono_node: "/instrumentation/ndchrono", fpln_offset: "/autopilot/route-manager/offset", active_route_color: [0.0509,0.7529,0.2941], inactive_route_color: [0.95,0.95,0.21] }, radio: { ils: [0, 1], vor: [2, 3], dme: [2, 3] } }, layers: [ { name:"TERRAIN", isMapStructure: 1, update_on:[ {rate_hz: 10}, "toggle_range","toggle_display_mode","toggle_terrain"], predicate: func(nd, layer) { #print("TERRAIN TOGGLE: " ~ nd.get_switch("toggle_terrain")); var visible = nd.get_switch("toggle_terrain") and nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") != "PLAN" and (nd.rangeNm() <= 40) and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting)); if (visible) { layer.update(); } else { layer.efis_path = nd.efis_path; layer.display_hidden = 1; } layer.group.setVisible(visible); }, # end of layer update predicate options: { viewport_radius: 670, #512, #706, }, "z-index": -100, }, { name:"WXR_live", isMapStructure:1, always_update: 1, update_on:[ "toggle_range","toggle_weather","toggle_display_mode","toggle_weather_live","toggle_terrain"], predicate: func(nd, layer) { var visible=nd.get_switch("toggle_weather") and nd.get_switch("toggle_weather_live") and nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") != "PLAN" and !nd.get_switch("toggle_terrain") and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting)); layer.group.setVisible(visible); if (visible) { layer.update(); } }, # end of layer update predicate options: { viewport_radius: 706 }, "z-index": -100, }, { name:"WXR", isMapStructure:1, update_on:[ {rate_hz: 0.1}, "toggle_range","toggle_weather","toggle_display_mode", "toggle_weather_live"], predicate: func(nd, layer) { #print("Running storms predicate"); var visible=nd.get_switch("toggle_weather") and !nd.get_switch("toggle_weather_live") and nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") != "PLAN" and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting)); layer.group.setVisible(visible); if (visible) { #print("storms update requested! (timer issue when closing the dialog?)"); layer.update(); } }, # end of layer update predicate "z-index": -4, }, # end of storms/WXR layer { name:"FIX", isMapStructure:1, update_on:["toggle_range","toggle_waypoints", "toggle_display_mode"], predicate: func(nd, layer) { var visible = nd.get_switch("toggle_waypoints") and nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["MAP"]) and (nd.rangeNm() <= 40) and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting)); layer.group.setVisible( visible ); if (visible) layer.update(); }, # end of layer update predicate style: { color: [0.69, 0, 0.39], text_offset: [20,10], text_color: [1,1,1] }, options: { draw_function: func(group){ group.createChild("path") .moveTo(-10,0) .lineTo(0,-17) .lineTo(10,0) .lineTo(0,17) .close() .setStrokeLineWidth(3) .setColor(color) .setScale(1); } } }, # end of FIX layer { name: "ALT-profile", isMapStructure: 1, update_on: ["toggle_display_mode","toggle_range",{rate_hz: 2}], predicate: func(nd, layer) { var visible = nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["MAP", "PLAN"]) and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting)); layer.group.setVisible( visible ); if (visible) { layer.update(); } }, style: { default_color: [1,1,1], armed_color: [0.06,0.55,1], managed_color: [0.68, 0, 0.38] }, options: { # You can overwrite these with different nodes, before creating the ND # Example: canvas.NDStyles["Airbus"].layers["ALT-profile"].options.vnav_node = "my/vnav/node"; # In order to display ALT-profile on your ND you have to create the various # nodes corresponding to the different ALT pseudowaypoint in your aircraft code. # Every node must be set into the "vnav_node" configured here (you can override it). # Example: if you want to display the top-of-descent symbol you must create a "td" # node into vnav_node. Something like this: # /autopilot/route-manager/vnav/td/ # Each node should have the latitude-deg and longitude-deg properties. # Available nodes are: # tc (top of climb) # td (top of descent) # ec (end of climb) # ed (end of descent) # sc (start of climb) # sd (start of descent) # If ec and ed are altitude constraints, their node should have the # boolean "alt-cstr" property set to 1. vnav_node: "/autopilot/route-manager/vnav/", types: ["tc", "td", "ec", "ed","sc","sd"], svg_path: { tc: get_local_path("res/airbus_tc.svg"), td: get_local_path("res/airbus_td.svg"), ec: get_local_path("res/airbus_ec.svg"), ed: get_local_path("res/airbus_ed.svg"), sc: get_local_path("res/airbus_sc.svg"), sd: get_local_path("res/airbus_sd.svg") }, listen: [ "fplan_active", "ver_ctrl", "ap1", "ap2", "current_wp" ], draw_callback: func(){ var name = me.model.getName(); var grp = me.element.getElementById(name~"_symbol"); if(grp == nil) return; var dfcolor = me.getStyle("default_color"); var armed_color = me.getStyle("armed_color"); var managed_color = me.getStyle("managed_color"); #print("Draw: -> " ~ name); if(name == "td" or name == "sd" or name == "sc"){ var vnav_armed = me.model.getValue("vnav-armed"); if(vnav_armed and name != "td") grp.setColor(armed_color); else grp.setColor(dfcolor); } elsif(name == "ed" or name == "ec"){ var is_cstr = me.model.getValue("alt-cstr"); if(is_cstr) grp.setColor(managed_color); else grp.setColor(armed_color); } }, init_after_callback: func{ var name = me.model.getName(); var grp = me.element.getElementById(name~"_symbol"); if(name != "td" and name != "sd" and name != "sc"){ grp.setTranslation(-66,0); } } } }, { name:"APT", isMapStructure:1, update_on:["toggle_range","toggle_airports", "toggle_display_mode"], predicate: func(nd, layer) { var visible = nd.get_switch("toggle_airports") and nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["MAP"]) and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting)); layer.group.setVisible( visible ); if (visible) { layer.update(); } }, # end of layer update predicate style: { svg_path: get_local_path("res/airbus_airport.svg"), text_offset: [45, 35], label_font_color: [1,1,1], label_font_size: 28 } }, # end of APT layer { name:"VOR-airbus", isMapStructure:1, update_on:["toggle_range","toggle_vor","toggle_display_mode"], # FIXME: this is a really ugly place for controller code predicate: func(nd, layer) { # print("Running vor layer predicate"); # toggle visibility here var visible = nd.get_switch("toggle_vor") and nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["MAP"]) and (nd.rangeNm() <= 40) and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting)); layer.group.setVisible( visible ); if (visible) { layer.update(); } }, # end of layer update predicate # You can override default colors within the style # Default color: "color" # Tuned color: "tuned_color" # Example: # canvas.NDStyles["Airbus"].layers["VOR-airbus"].style.color = [1,1,1]; # canvas.NDStyles["Airbus"].layers["VOR-airbus"].style.tuned_color = [0,0,1]; style: {}, options:{ listen: [ "vor1_frq", "vor2_frq" ] } }, # end of VOR layer { name:"DME", disabled:1, isMapStructure:1, update_on:["toggle_display_mode","toggle_range","toggle_dme"], # FIXME: this is a really ugly place for controller code predicate: func(nd, layer) { var visible = nd.get_switch("toggle_dme") and nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["MAP"]) and (nd.rangeNm() <= 40) and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting)); # toggle visibility here layer.group.setVisible( visible ); if (visible) { #print("Updating MapStructure ND layer: DME"); layer.update(); } }, # end of layer update predicate options: { draw_dme: func(sym){ return sym.createChild("path") .moveTo(-13, 0) .arcSmallCW(13,13,0,26,0) .arcSmallCW(13,13,0,-26,0) .setStrokeLineWidth(2) .close(); }, draw_text: 1 }, style: { color_default: [0.9,0,0.47], color_tuned: [0,0.62,0.84], }, "z-index": -2, }, # end of DME layer { name:"NDB", isMapStructure:1, update_on:["toggle_range","toggle_ndb","toggle_display_mode"], # FIXME: this is a really ugly place for controller code predicate: func(nd, layer) { var visible = nd.get_switch("toggle_ndb") and nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["MAP"]) and (nd.rangeNm() <= 40) and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting)); # print("Running vor layer predicate"); # toggle visibility here layer.group.setVisible( visible ); if (visible) { layer.update(); } }, # end of layer update predicate # You can override default colors within the style # Default color: "color" # Tuned color: "tuned_color" # Example: # canvas.NDStyles["Airbus"].layers["VOR-airbus"].style.color = [1,1,1]; # canvas.NDStyles["Airbus"].layers["VOR-airbus"].style.tuned_color = [0,0,1]; style: { #svg_path: get_local_path("res/airbus_ndb.svg") svg_path: "" }, options: { listen: [ "adf1_frq", "adf2_frq" ], init_after_callback: func{ #me.element.removeAllChildren(); me.text_ndb = me.element.createChild("text") .setDrawMode( canvas.Text.TEXT ) .setText(me.model.id) .setFont("LiberationFonts/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf") .setFontSize(28) .setTranslation(25,10); me.ndb_sym = me.element.createChild("path"); me.ndb_sym.moveTo(-15,15) .lineTo(0,-15) .lineTo(15,15) .close() .setStrokeLineWidth(3) .setColor(0.69,0,0.39) .setScale(1,1); }, draw_callback: func{ var frq = me.model.frequency; if(frq != nil){ var dfcolor = me.getStyle("color", [0.9,0,0.47]); var tuned_color = me.getStyle("tuned_color", [0,0.62,0.84]); frq = frq / 100; var adf1_frq = getprop(me.options.adf1_frq); var adf2_frq = getprop(me.options.adf2_frq); if(adf1_frq == frq or adf2_frq == frq){ me.element.setColor(tuned_color, [Path]); } else { me.element.setColor(dfcolor, [Path]); } } }, } }, # end of NDB layer { name:"TFC", #disabled:1, always_update: 1, isMapStructure:1, update_on:["toggle_range","toggle_traffic"], predicate: func(nd, layer) { var visible = nd.get_switch("toggle_traffic"); layer.group.setVisible( visible ); if (visible) { layer.update(); } }, # end of layer update predicate }, # end of traffic layer { name:"RWY-profile", isMapStructure:1, update_on:["toggle_range","toggle_display_mode"], predicate: func(nd, layer) { var visible = (nd.rangeNm() <= 40) and nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["MAP","PLAN"]) and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting)) ; layer.group.setVisible( visible ); if (visible) { layer.update(); } }, # end of layer update predicate options: { listen: [ "fplan_active", "dep_rwy", "dest_rwy" ] } }, # end of runway layer { name:"HOLD", isMapStructure: 1, always_update: 1, update_on:["toggle_range","toggle_display_mode","toggle_wpt_idx"], predicate: func(nd, layer) { var visible= nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["MAP","PLAN"]) and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting)); layer.group.setVisible( visible ); if (visible) { layer.update(); } }, options: { hold_node: "/flight-management/hold", hold_init: "flight-management/hold/init", points_node: "/flight-management/hold/points", first_point_node: "/flight-management/hold/points/point/lat", hold_wp: "/flight-management/hold/wp", hold_wp_idx: "/flight-management/hold/wp_id", range_dependant: 1, listen: [ "first_point_node", "fplan_active", "lat_ctrl", "current_wp", "hold_wp", "hold_init", "hold_wp_idx" ] } # end of layer update predicate }, # end of HOLD layer { name:"RTE", isMapStructure: 1, update_on:["toggle_range","toggle_display_mode", "toggle_cstr", "toggle_wpt_idx"], predicate: func(nd, layer) { var visible= (nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["MAP","PLAN"]) and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting))); layer.group.setVisible( visible ); if (visible) { layer.update(); } }, # end of layer update predicate options: { display_inactive_rte: 1, listen: [ "fplan_active", "lat_ctrl", "current_wp", "wp_count" ], draw_after_callback: func{ me.setRouteStyle(); } }, style: { line_width: 5, inactive_color: [0.95,0.95,0.21], active_color: [0.4,0.7,0.4], color: func{ if(!contains(me, "inactive_color")){ me.inactive_color = me.getStyle("inactive_color"); if(me.inactive_color == nil) me.inactive_color = me.getOption("inactive_route_color"); } if(!contains(me, "active_color")){ me.active_color = me.getStyle("active_color"); if(me.active_color == nil) me.active_color = me.getOption("active_route_color"); } var is_active = getprop(me.options.fplan_active); (is_active ? me.active_color : me.inactive_color); }, color_alternate_active: [0,0.62,0.84], color_missed: [0,0.62,0.84], color_temporary: func me.getStyle("inactive_color", me.getOption("inactive_route_color")), color_secondary: [1,1,1], color_alternate_secondary: [1,1,1], line_dash: func{ var lat_ctrl = getprop(me.options.lat_ctrl); var is_managed = (lat_ctrl == me.options.managed_val); var is_active = getprop(me.options.fplan_active); (is_managed and is_active ? [] : [12, 12]); }, line_dash_alternate_active: [32,16], line_dash_temporary: [32,16], line_dash_original: [32,16] } }, # end of route layer { name:"WPT-airbus", isMapStructure: 1, update_on:["toggle_range","toggle_display_mode", "toggle_cstr", "toggle_wpt_idx"], style: { wp_color: [0.4,0.7,0.4], current_wp_color: [1,1,1], constraint_color: [1,1,1], active_constraint_color: [0.69,0,0.39], missed_constraint_color: [1,0.57,0.14] }, predicate: func(nd, layer) { var visible= (nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["MAP","PLAN"]) and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting))); layer.group.setVisible( visible ); if (visible) { layer.toggle_cstr = nd.get_switch("toggle_cstr"); layer.update(); } }, # end of layer update predicate options: { listen: [ "fplan_active", "lat_ctrl", "ver_ctrl", "spd_ctrl", "current_wp", "wp_count", "dep_rwy", "dest_rwy", "level_off_alt" ], } }, # end of WPT layer { name: "SPD-profile", isMapStructure: 1, update_on: ["toggle_display_mode","toggle_range",{rate_hz: 2}], predicate: func(nd, layer) { var visible = nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["MAP", "PLAN"]) and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting)); layer.group.setVisible( visible ); if (visible) { layer.update(); } }, style: { color: [0.69,0,0.39] }, options: { spd_node: "/autopilot/route-manager/spd/", listen: [ "fplan_active" ] } }, { name: "DECEL", isMapStructure: 1, update_on: ["toggle_display_mode","toggle_range"], predicate: func(nd, layer) { var visible = nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["MAP", "PLAN"]) and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting)); layer.group.setVisible( visible ); if (visible) { layer.update(); } }, options: { # Overridable options: # decel_node: node containing latitude-deg and longitude-deg used to mark the deceleration point # managed_speed_node: boolean property indicating that the aircraft is flying in managed speed mode listen: [ "fplan_active", "spd_ctrl", "ver_ctrl", "athr" ] }, style: { # managed_color: decelaration symbol color when the aircraft flies in managed speed mode # selected_color: decelaration symbol color when the aircraft flies in selected speed mode managed_color: [0.68, 0, 0.38], selected_color: [1,1,1] } }, { name:"APS", isMapStructure:1, always_update: 1, update_on:["toggle_display_mode"], predicate: func(nd, layer) { var visible = (nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") == "PLAN" and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting))); layer.group.setVisible( visible ); if (visible) { layer.update(); } }, style: { svg_path: get_local_path("res/airbusAirplane.svg"), #translate: [-45,-52] }, options: { model: { parents: [geo.Coord], id: 999999, pos: props.globals.getNode("position"), type: "position", latlon: func(){ me.pos = props.globals.getNode("position"); return [ me.pos.getValue("latitude-deg"), me.pos.getValue("longitude-deg"), me.pos.getValue("altitude-ft") ]; }, equals: func(o){me.id == o.id} }, init_after_callback: func{ var aplSymbol = me.element.getElementById("airplane"); aplSymbol.setTranslation(-45,-52); } } }, { name: "DEBUG", isMapStructure: 1, always_update: 1, update_on: ["toggle_display_mode"], predicate: func(nd, layer){ var map_mode = nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["MAP", "PLAN"]); var debug_actv = getprop("/autopilot/route-manager/debug/active") or 0; var visible = (map_mode and debug_actv); layer.group.setVisible( visible ); if (visible) { layer.update(); } } } ## add other layers here, layer names must match the registered names as used in *.layer files for now ## this will all change once we"re using Philosopher"s MapStructure framework ], # end of vector with configured layers # This is where SVG elements are configured by providing "behavior" hashes, i.e. for animations # to animate each SVG symbol, specify behavior via callbacks (predicate, and true/false implementation) # SVG identifier, callback etc # TODO: update_on([]), update_mode (update() vs. timers/listeners) # TODO: support putting symbols on specific layers features: [ { id: "compass_mask", impl: { init: func(nd, symbol), predicate: func(nd) !nd.get_switch("toggle_centered"), is_true: func(nd) nd.symbols.compass_mask.show(), is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.compass_mask.hide(), } }, { id: "compass_mask_ctr", impl: { init: func(nd, symbol), predicate: func(nd) nd.get_switch("toggle_centered") or nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode",["PLAN"]), is_true: func(nd) nd.symbols.compass_mask_ctr.show(), is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.compass_mask_ctr.hide(), } }, { id: "nd_warn_memo", impl: { init: func(nd, symbol), predicate: func(nd) { (!systems.ADIRS.Operating.aligned[0].getBoolValue() and !systems.ADIRS.Operating.aligned[1].getBoolValue() and !systems.ADIRS.Operating.aligned[2].getBoolValue()) or (mcdu_scratchpad.scratchpads[nd.number].showTypeIIMsg and mcdu_scratchpad.scratchpads[nd.number].scratchpad == "GPS PRIMARY") }, is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.nd_warn_memo.show(); if (mcdu_scratchpad.scratchpads[nd.number].showTypeIIMsg and mcdu_scratchpad.scratchpads[nd.number].scratchpad == "GPS PRIMARY") { nd.symbols.nd_warn_memo.setText("GPS PRIMARY"); nd.symbols.nd_warn_memo.setColor(0.8078,0.8039,0.8078); } else { nd.symbols.nd_warn_memo.setText("GPS PRIMARY LOST"); nd.symbols.nd_warn_memo.setColor(0.7333,0.3803,0); } }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.nd_warn_memo.hide(), }, }, { id: "nd_warn_msgbox", impl: { init: func(nd, symbol), predicate: func(nd) { (!systems.ADIRS.Operating.aligned[0].getBoolValue() and !systems.ADIRS.Operating.aligned[1].getBoolValue() and !systems.ADIRS.Operating.aligned[2].getBoolValue()) or (mcdu_scratchpad.scratchpads[nd.number].showTypeIIMsg and mcdu_scratchpad.scratchpads[nd.number].scratchpad == "GPS PRIMARY") }, is_true: func(nd) nd.symbols.nd_warn_msgbox.show(), is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.nd_warn_msgbox.hide(), }, }, { id: "taOnlyBox", impl: { init: func(nd, symbol), predicate: func(nd) getprop("/instrumentation/tcas/inputs/mode") == 2, is_true: func(nd) nd.symbols.taOnlyBox.show(), is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.taOnlyBox.hide(), }, }, { id: "taOnly", # the SVG ID impl: { # implementation hash init: func(nd, symbol), # for updateCenter stuff, called during initialization in the ctor predicate: func(nd) getprop("/instrumentation/tcas/inputs/mode") == 2, # the condition is_true: func(nd) nd.symbols.taOnly.show(), # if true, run this is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.taOnly.hide(), # if false, run this }, # end of taOnly behavior/callbacks }, # end of taOnly { id: "tas", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) getprop("/instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/true-speed-kt") >= 60, is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.tas.setText(sprintf("%3.0f",getprop("/instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/true-speed-kt"))); nd.symbols.tas.show(); }, is_false: func(nd){ nd.symbols.tas.setText("---"); } }, }, { id: "ilsFreq", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["APP", "VOR"]), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.ilsFreq.show(); var is_ils = (nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") == "APP"); var type = (is_ils ? "ils" : "vor"); var path = nd.get_nav_path(type, 0); nd.symbols.ilsFreq.setText(getprop(path~ "frequencies/selected-mhz-fmt")); if(is_ils) nd.symbols.ilsFreq.setColor(0.69,0,0.39); else nd.symbols.ilsFreq.setColor(1,1,1); }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.ilsFreq.hide(), }, }, { id: "ilsLbl", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["APP", "VOR"]), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.ilsLbl.show(); if(nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") == "APP") nd.symbols.ilsLbl.setText("ILS"); else nd.symbols.ilsLbl.setText("VOR 1"); }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.ilsLbl.hide(), }, }, { id: "wpActiveId", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) getprop("/FMGC/flightplan[2]/current-leg") != nil and getprop("/FMGC/flightplan[2]/active") and nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["MAP", "PLAN"]) and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting)), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.wpActiveId.setText(getprop("/FMGC/flightplan[2]/current-leg")); nd.symbols.wpActiveId.show(); }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.wpActiveId.hide(), }, # of wpActiveId.impl }, # of wpActiveId { id: "wpActiveCrs", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) getprop("/FMGC/flightplan[2]/current-leg") != nil and getprop("/FMGC/flightplan[2]/active") and nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["MAP", "PLAN"]) and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting)), is_true: func(nd) { #var cur_wp = getprop("/autopilot/route-manager/current-wp"); var deg = nil; if (nd.get_switch("toggle_true_north")) { var deg = math.round(getprop("/FMGC/flightplan[2]/current-leg-course")) or 0; } else { var deg = math.round(getprop("/FMGC/flightplan[2]/current-leg-course-mag")) or 0; } if (deg != nil) { nd.symbols.wpActiveCrs.setText(sprintf("%03.0f", deg) ~ "°"); nd.symbols.wpActiveCrs.show(); } else { nd.symbols.wpActiveCrs.hide(); } }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.wpActiveCrs.hide(), }, # of wpActiveId.impl }, # of wpActiveId { id: "wpActiveDist", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) (getprop("/FMGC/flightplan[2]/current-leg-dist") != nil and getprop("/FMGC/flightplan[2]/active") and nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["MAP", "PLAN"]) and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting))), is_true: func(nd) { var dst = getprop("/FMGC/flightplan[2]/current-leg-dist"); nd.symbols.wpActiveDist.setText(sprintf("%3.01f",dst)); nd.symbols.wpActiveDist.show(); }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.wpActiveDist.hide(), }, }, { id: "wpActiveDistLbl", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) getprop("/FMGC/flightplan[2]/current-leg-dist") != nil and getprop("/FMGC/flightplan[2]/active") and nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["MAP", "PLAN"]) and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting)), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.wpActiveDistLbl.show(); if(getprop("/FMGC/flightplan[2]/current-leg-dist") > 1000) nd.symbols.wpActiveDistLbl.setText(" NM"); }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.wpActiveDistLbl.hide(), }, }, { id: "eta", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) getprop("/autopilot/route-manager/wp/eta") != nil and getprop("/FMGC/flightplan[2]/active") and nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["MAP", "PLAN"]) and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting)), is_true: func(nd) { var etaSec = getprop("/sim/time/utc/day-seconds")+ getprop("/autopilot/route-manager/wp/eta-seconds"); var h = math.floor(etaSec/3600); etaSec = etaSec-3600*h; var m = math.floor(etaSec/60); etaSec = etaSec-60*m; var s = etaSec / 10; if (h > 24) h = h - 24; nd.symbols.eta.setText(sprintf("%02.0f:%02.0f",h,m)); nd.symbols.eta.show(); }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.eta.hide(), }, # of eta.impl }, # of eta { id: "gsGroup", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["APP"]), is_true: func(nd) { if(nd.get_switch("toggle_centered")) nd.symbols.gsGroup.setTranslation(0,0); else nd.symbols.gsGroup.setTranslation(0,150); nd.symbols.gsGroup.show(); }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.gsGroup.hide(), }, }, { id:"hdg", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["APP","MAP","VOR"]), is_true: func(nd) { var hdgText = ""; if(nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["MAP"])) { if(nd.get_switch("toggle_true_north")) hdgText = nd.aircraft_source.get_trk_tru(); else hdgText = nd.aircraft_source.get_trk_mag(); } else { if(nd.get_switch("toggle_true_north")) hdgText = nd.aircraft_source.get_hdg_tru(); else hdgText = nd.aircraft_source.get_hdg_mag(); } nd.symbols.hdg.setText(sprintf("%03.0f", hdgText+0.5)); }, is_false: NOTHING, }, }, { id:"hdgBug2ValR", #"hdgBug2ValL"", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["MAP"]) and !nd.get_switch("toggle_centered") and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting)), is_true: func(nd) { var bugRot = vhdg_bug.getValue(); var diffRot = (bugRot>=nd.userHdgTrk) ? (bugRot-nd.userHdgTrk) : (360+bugRot-nd.userHdgTrk); if (diffRot<180 and diffRot>48) { nd.symbols.hdgBug2ValR.setText(sprintf("%03d", bugRot+0.5)); #CHECKME - not sure about adding +.5 as "hdg" process nd.symbols.hdgBug2ValR.show(); } else { nd.symbols.hdgBug2ValR.hide(); } }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.hdgBug2ValR.hide(), }, }, { id:"hdgBug2ValL", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["MAP"]) and !nd.get_switch("toggle_centered") and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting)), is_true: func(nd) { var bugRot = vhdg_bug.getValue(); var diffRot = (bugRot>nd.userHdgTrk) ? (360+nd.userHdgTrk-bugRot) : (nd.userHdgTrk-bugRot); if (diffRot<180 and diffRot>48) { nd.symbols.hdgBug2ValL.setText(sprintf("%03d", bugRot-0.5)); #CHECKME - not sure about adding +.5 as "hdg" process nd.symbols.hdgBug2ValL.show(); } else { nd.symbols.hdgBug2ValL.hide(); } }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.hdgBug2ValL.hide(), }, }, { id:"hdgGroup", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) {return 0},#nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["APP","MAP","VOR"]), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.hdgGroup.show(); if(nd.get_switch("toggle_centered")) nd.symbols.hdgGroup.setTranslation(0,100); else nd.symbols.hdgGroup.setTranslation(0,0); }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.hdgGroup.hide(), }, }, { id:"altArc", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) {return 0},#nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["APP","MAP","VOR"]), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.altArc.show(); }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.altArc.hide(), }, }, { id:"gs", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), common: func(nd) nd.symbols.gs.setText(sprintf("%3.0f",nd.aircraft_source.get_gnd_spd() )), }, }, { id:"nd_warn_hdg", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), common: func(nd), predicate: func(nd) (nd.adirs_property.getValue() != 1 and (adirs_3.getValue() != 1 or att_switch.getValue() != nd.attitude_heading_setting)), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.nd_warn_hdg.show(); }, is_false: func(nd) { nd.symbols.nd_warn_hdg.hide(); }, }, }, { id:"nd_warn_map", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), common: func(nd), predicate: func(nd) (nd.adirs_property.getValue() != 1 and (adirs_3.getValue() != 1 or att_switch.getValue() != nd.attitude_heading_setting)), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.nd_warn_map.show(); }, is_false: func(nd) { nd.symbols.nd_warn_map.hide(); }, }, }, { id:"unavailARC", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), common: func(nd), predicate: func(nd) (!nd.get_switch("toggle_centered") and nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") != "PLAN" and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() != 1 and (adirs_3.getValue() != 1 or att_switch.getValue() != nd.attitude_heading_setting))), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.unavailARC.show(); }, is_false: func(nd) { nd.symbols.unavailARC.hide(); }, }, }, { id:"unavailNAV", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), common: func(nd), predicate: func(nd) (nd.get_switch("toggle_centered") and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() != 1 and (adirs_3.getValue() != 1 or att_switch.getValue() != nd.attitude_heading_setting))), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.unavailNAV.show(); }, is_false: func(nd) { nd.symbols.unavailNAV.hide(); }, }, }, { id:"compass", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) (!nd.get_switch("toggle_centered") and nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") != "PLAN" and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting))), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.compass.setRotation(-nd.userHdgTrk*D2R); nd.symbols.compass.show() }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.compass.hide(), }, # of compass.impl }, # of compass { id:"compassApp", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) (nd.get_switch("toggle_centered") and nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") != "PLAN" and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting))), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.compassApp.setRotation(-nd.userHdgTrk*D2R); nd.symbols.compassApp.show() }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.compassApp.hide(), }, # of compassApp.impl }, # of compassApp { id:"northUp", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) (nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") == "PLAN" and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting))), is_true: func(nd) nd.symbols.northUp.show(), is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.northUp.hide(), }, # of northUp.impl }, # of northUp { id:"planArcs", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) (((nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["APP","VOR","PLAN"])) or ((nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") == "MAP") and (nd.get_switch("toggle_centered")))) and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting))), is_true: func(nd) nd.symbols.planArcs.show(), is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.planArcs.hide(), }, # of planArcs.impl }, # of planArcs { id:"rangeRingPlan", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) (((nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["PLAN"])) or ((nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") == "MAP") and (nd.get_switch("toggle_centered")))) and (pts.Instrumentation.TCAS.Inputs.mode.getValue() >= 2) and (nd.rangeNm() <= 20) and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting))), is_true: func(nd) nd.symbols.rangeRingPlan.show(), is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.rangeRingPlan.hide(), }, # of rangeRingPlan.impl }, # of rangeRingPlan { id:"rangeArcs", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) ((nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") == "MAP") and (!nd.get_switch("toggle_centered")) and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting))), is_true: func(nd) nd.symbols.rangeArcs.show(), is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.rangeArcs.hide(), }, # of rangeArcs.impl }, # of rangeArcs { id:"rangeRingMap", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) ((nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") == "MAP") and (!nd.get_switch("toggle_centered")) and (pts.Instrumentation.TCAS.Inputs.mode.getValue() >= 2) and (nd.rangeNm() <= 20) and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting))), is_true: func(nd) nd.symbols.rangeRingMap.show(), is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.rangeRingMap.hide(), }, # of rangeRingMap.impl }, # of rangeRingMap { id:"rangePln1", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) {return 0}, is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.rangePln1.show(); nd.symbols.rangePln1.setText(sprintf("%3.0f",nd.rangeNm())); }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.rangePln1.hide(), }, }, { id:"rangePln2", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") == "MAP" and !nd.get_switch("toggle_centered"), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.rangePln2.show(); if (nd.rangeNm() > 10) { nd.symbols.rangePln2.setText(sprintf("%3.0f",(nd.rangeNm()/2) + (nd.rangeNm()/4))); } else { nd.symbols.rangePln2.setText(sprintf("%3.1f",(nd.rangeNm()/2) + (nd.rangeNm()/4))); } }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.rangePln2.hide(), }, }, { id:"rangePln3", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") == "PLAN" or nd.get_switch("toggle_centered"), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.rangePln3.show(); nd.symbols.rangePln3.setText(sprintf("%3.0f",nd.rangeNm()/2)); }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.rangePln3.hide(), }, }, { id:"rangePln4", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") == "PLAN" or nd.get_switch("toggle_centered"), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.rangePln4.show(); nd.symbols.rangePln4.setText(sprintf("%3.0f",nd.rangeNm())); }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.rangePln4.hide(), }, }, { id:"rangePln5", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") == "MAP" and !nd.get_switch("toggle_centered"), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.rangePln5.show(); if (nd.rangeNm() > 10) { nd.symbols.rangePln5.setText(sprintf("%3.0f",(nd.rangeNm()/2) + (nd.rangeNm()/4))); } else { nd.symbols.rangePln5.setText(sprintf("%3.1f",(nd.rangeNm()/2) + (nd.rangeNm()/4))); } }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.rangePln5.hide(), }, }, { id:"range", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) !nd.get_switch("toggle_centered"), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.range.show(); nd.symbols.range.setText(sprintf("%3.0f",nd.rangeNm()/2)); }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.range.hide(), }, }, { id:"range_r", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) !nd.get_switch("toggle_centered"), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.range_r.show(); nd.symbols.range_r.setText(sprintf("%3.0f",nd.rangeNm()/2)); }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.range_r.hide(), }, }, { id:"aplSymMap", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) (nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") == "MAP" and !nd.get_switch("toggle_centered") and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting))), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.aplSymMap.set("z-index", 10); nd.symbols.aplSymMap.show(); }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.aplSymMap.hide(), }, }, { id:"aplSymMapCtr", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) (((nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") == "MAP" and nd.get_switch("toggle_centered")) or nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["APP","VOR"])) and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting))), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.aplSymMapCtr.set("z-index", 10); nd.symbols.aplSymMapCtr.show(); }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.aplSymMapCtr.hide(), }, }, { id:"aplSymVor", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) {return 0;}, is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.aplSymVor.show(); }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.aplSymVor.hide(), }, }, { id:"crsLbl", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["APP","VOR"]), is_true: func(nd) nd.symbols.crsLbl.show(), is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.crsLbl.hide(), }, }, { id:"crs", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["APP","VOR"]), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.crs.show(); var is_ils = (nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") == "APP"); var type = (is_ils ? "ils" : "vor"); var path = nd.get_nav_path(type, 0); var crs = getprop(path~ "radials/selected-deg"); if(crs != nil) nd.symbols.crs.setText(sprintf("%03.0f", crs)); }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.crs.hide(), }, }, { id:"dmeLbl", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["APP","VOR"]), is_true: func(nd) nd.symbols.dmeLbl.show(), is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.dmeLbl.hide(), }, }, { id:"dme", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["APP","VOR"]), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.dme.show(); var is_ils = (nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") == "APP"); var type = (is_ils ? "ils" : "vor"); var path = nd.get_nav_path(type, 0); nd.symbols.dme.setText(getprop(path~ "nav-id")); if(is_ils) nd.symbols.dme.setColor(0.69,0,0.39); else nd.symbols.dme.setColor(1,1,1); }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.dme.hide(), }, }, { id:"curTrkPtr", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) (nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["APP","VOR","MAP"]) and !nd.get_switch("toggle_centered") and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting)) and abs(nd.aircraft_source.get_trk_mag() - nd.aircraft_source.get_hdg_mag()) <= 42), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.curTrkPtr.setRotation((nd.aircraft_source.get_trk_mag()-nd.aircraft_source.get_hdg_mag())*D2R); nd.symbols.curTrkPtr.show(); }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.curTrkPtr.hide(), }, }, { id:"trkline", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) (nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") == "MAP" and !nd.get_switch("toggle_centered") and (nd.change_phase != 1) and getprop(nd.options.defaults.lat_ctrl) == 0 and abs(nd.aircraft_source.get_trk_mag() - nd.aircraft_source.get_hdg_mag()) <= 42 and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting))), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.trkline.setRotation((nd.aircraft_source.get_trk_mag()-nd.aircraft_source.get_hdg_mag())*D2R); nd.symbols.trkline.show(); }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.trkline.hide(), }, }, { id:"curTrkPtr2", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) (nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["APP","VOR","MAP"]) and nd.get_switch("toggle_centered") and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting)) and abs(nd.aircraft_source.get_trk_mag() - nd.aircraft_source.get_hdg_mag()) <= 42), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.curTrkPtr2.setRotation((nd.aircraft_source.get_trk_mag()-nd.aircraft_source.get_hdg_mag())*D2R); nd.symbols.curTrkPtr2.show(); }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.curTrkPtr2.hide(), }, }, { id:"trkline2", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) (nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") == "MAP" and nd.get_switch("toggle_centered") and (nd.change_phase != 1) and getprop(nd.options.defaults.lat_ctrl) == 0 and abs(nd.aircraft_source.get_trk_mag() - nd.aircraft_source.get_hdg_mag()) <= 42 and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting))), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.trkline2.setRotation((nd.aircraft_source.get_trk_mag()-nd.aircraft_source.get_hdg_mag())*D2R); nd.symbols.trkline2.show(); }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.trkline2.hide(), }, }, { id:"vorCrsPtr", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) (nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["APP","VOR"]) and !nd.get_switch("toggle_centered")) and (nd.change_phase != 1), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.vorCrsPtr.show(); if (is_ils) { nd.symbols.vorCrsPtr.setRotation((getprop("/instrumentation/nav[0]/radials/selected-deg")-nd.aircraft_source.get_hdg_mag())*D2R); } else { nd.symbols.vorCrsPtr.setRotation((getprop("/instrumentation/nav[2]/radials/selected-deg")-nd.aircraft_source.get_hdg_mag())*D2R); } }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.vorCrsPtr.hide(), }, }, { id:"vorCrsPtr2", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) (nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["APP","VOR"]) and nd.get_switch("toggle_centered")) and (nd.change_phase != 1), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.vorCrsPtr2.show(); var is_ils = (nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") == "APP"); var type = (is_ils ? "ils" : "vor"); var path = nd.get_nav_path(type, 0); if (is_ils) { nd.symbols.vorCrsPtr2.setRotation((getprop("/instrumentation/nav[0]/radials/selected-deg")-nd.aircraft_source.get_hdg_mag())*D2R); } else { nd.symbols.vorCrsPtr2.setRotation((getprop("/instrumentation/nav[2]/radials/selected-deg")-nd.aircraft_source.get_hdg_mag())*D2R); } var line = nd.symbols.vorCrsPtr2.getElementById("vorCrsPtr2_line"); if(!is_ils){ line.setColor(0,0.62,0.84); line.setColorFill(0,0.62,0.84); } else { line.setColor(0.9,0,0.47); line.setColorFill(0.9,0,0.47); } }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.vorCrsPtr2.hide(), }, }, { id: "gsDiamond", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["APP"]) and (nd.change_phase != 1), is_true: func(nd) { if(getprop("/instrumentation/nav/gs-needle-deflection-norm") != nil) nd.symbols.gsDiamond.setTranslation(getprop("/instrumentation/nav[0]/gs-needle-deflection-norm")*150,0); }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.gsGroup.hide(), }, }, { id:"locPtr", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) (nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["APP","VOR"]) and !nd.get_switch("toggle_centered") and getprop("/instrumentation/nav/in-range")), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.locPtr.show(); var deflection = getprop("/instrumentation/nav[0]/heading-needle-deflection-norm"); nd.symbols.locPtr.setTranslation(deflection*150,0); }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.locPtr.hide(), }, }, { id:"locPtr2", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) { var curmode = nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode"); var is_ils = (curmode == "APP"); var type = (is_ils ? "ils" : "vor"); var path = nd.get_nav_path(type, 0); return (nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["APP","VOR"]) and nd.get_switch("toggle_centered") and getprop(path~ "in-range")); }, is_true: func(nd) { var curmode = nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode"); var is_ils = (curmode == "APP"); var type = (is_ils ? "ils" : "vor"); var path = nd.get_nav_path(type, 0); nd.symbols.locPtr2.show(); var deflection = getprop(path~ "heading-needle-deflection-norm"); nd.symbols.locPtr2.setTranslation(deflection*150,0); var line = nd.symbols.locPtr2.getElementById("locPtr2_line"); var arr1 = nd.symbols.locPtr2.getElementById("locPtr2_arr1"); var arr2 = nd.symbols.locPtr2.getElementById("locPtr2_arr2"); if(!is_ils){ #nd.symbols.vorCrsPtr2.setColor(0,0.62,0.84); line.setColor(0,0.62,0.84); line.setColorFill(0,0.62,0.84); arr1.show(); arr2.show(); } else { line.setColor(0.9,0,0.47); line.setColorFill(0.9,0,0.47); arr1.hide(); arr2.hide(); } }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.locPtr2.hide(), }, }, { id:"locTrkPointer", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) { var nav_id = getprop("/instrumentation/nav/nav-id"); var ils_mode = getprop("/Flight-management/freq/ils-mode"); var has_ils = (nav_id != nil and nav_id != ""); (nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") == "MAP" and !nd.get_switch("toggle_centered") and has_ils and ils_mode and (nd.change_phase != 1)); }, is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.locTrkPointer.show(); var crs = getprop("/instrumentation/nav/radials/selected-deg"); var rotation = (crs - nd.aircraft_source.get_hdg_tru())*D2R; nd.symbols.locTrkPointer.setRotation(rotation); }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.locTrkPointer.hide(), }, }, { id:"locTrkPointer2", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) { var nav_id = getprop("/instrumentation/nav/nav-id"); var ils_mode = getprop("/Flight-management/freq/ils-mode"); var has_ils = (nav_id != nil and nav_id != ""); (nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") == "MAP" and nd.get_switch("toggle_centered") and has_ils and ils_mode and (nd.change_phase != 1)); }, is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.locTrkPointer2.show(); var crs = getprop("/instrumentation/nav/radials/selected-deg"); var rotation = (crs - nd.aircraft_source.get_hdg_tru())*D2R; nd.symbols.locTrkPointer2.setRotation(rotation); }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.locTrkPointer2.hide(), }, }, { id:"wind", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) (getprop("/instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/true-speed-kt") >= 100), is_true: func(nd) { var windDir = pts.Instrumentation.PFD.windDirection.getValue() or 0; nd.symbols.wind.setText(sprintf("%03.0f / %02.0f",windDir,pts.Instrumentation.PFD.windSpeed.getValue() or 0)); }, is_false: func(nd) { nd.symbols.wind.setText("---/--"); } }, }, { id:"windArrow", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) (!(nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["PLAN"]) and (nd.get_switch("toggle_display_type") == "LCD")) and (pts.Instrumentation.PFD.windSpeed.getValue() or 0) >= 2 and getprop("/instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/true-speed-kt") >= 100), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.windArrow.show(); var windArrowRot = (pts.Instrumentation.PFD.windDirection.getValue() or 0) - nd.aircraft_source.get_hdg_tru(); nd.symbols.windArrow.setRotation(windArrowRot*D2R); }, is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.windArrow.hide(), }, }, { id:"staToL2", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) { var path = nd.get_nav_path("vor", 0); return !(nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["PLAN"])) and nd.get_switch("toggle_centered") and ((getprop(path~ "in-range") and nd.get_switch("toggle_lh_vor_adf") == 1) or (getprop("/instrumentation/adf/in-range") and nd.get_switch("toggle_lh_vor_adf") == -1)); }, is_true: func(nd) { if(nd.get_switch("toggle_lh_vor_adf") < 0){ nd.symbols.staToL2.setColor(0.195,0.96,0.097); nd.symbols.staFromL2.setColor(0.195,0.96,0.097); } else { nd.symbols.staToL2.setColor(1,1,1); nd.symbols.staFromL2.setColor(1,1,1); } nd.symbols.staToL2.show(); nd.symbols.staFromL2.show(); }, is_false: func(nd){ nd.symbols.staToL2.hide(); nd.symbols.staFromL2.hide(); } } }, { id:"staToR2", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) { var path = nd.get_nav_path("vor", 1); return !(nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["PLAN"])) and nd.get_switch("toggle_centered") and ((getprop(path~ "in-range") and nd.get_switch("toggle_rh_vor_adf") == 1) or (getprop("/instrumentation/adf[1]/in-range") and nd.get_switch("toggle_rh_vor_adf") == -1)); }, is_true: func(nd) { if(nd.get_switch("toggle_rh_vor_adf") < 0){ nd.symbols.staToR2.setColor(0.195,0.96,0.097); nd.symbols.staFromR2.setColor(0.195,0.96,0.097); } else { nd.symbols.staToR2.setColor(1,1,1); nd.symbols.staFromR2.setColor(1,1,1); } nd.symbols.staToR2.show(); nd.symbols.staFromR2.show(); }, is_false: func(nd){ nd.symbols.staToR2.hide(); nd.symbols.staFromR2.hide(); } } }, { id:"staToL", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) { var path = nd.get_nav_path("vor", 0); return nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["MAP"]) and !nd.get_switch("toggle_centered") and ((getprop(path~ "in-range") and nd.get_switch("toggle_lh_vor_adf") == 1) or (getprop("/instrumentation/adf/in-range") and nd.get_switch("toggle_lh_vor_adf") == -1)); }, is_true: func(nd) { if(nd.get_switch("toggle_lh_vor_adf") < 0){ nd.symbols.staToL.setColor(0.195,0.96,0.097); nd.symbols.staFromL.setColor(0.195,0.96,0.097); } else { nd.symbols.staToL.setColor(1,1,1); nd.symbols.staFromL.setColor(1,1,1); } nd.symbols.staToL.show(); nd.symbols.staFromL.show(); }, is_false: func(nd){ nd.symbols.staToL.hide(); nd.symbols.staFromL.hide(); } } }, { id:"staToR", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) { var path = nd.get_nav_path("vor", 1); return nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["MAP"]) and !nd.get_switch("toggle_centered") and ((getprop(path~ "in-range") and nd.get_switch("toggle_rh_vor_adf") == 1) or (getprop("/instrumentation/adf[1]/in-range") and nd.get_switch("toggle_rh_vor_adf") == -1)); }, is_true: func(nd) { if(nd.get_switch("toggle_rh_vor_adf") < 0){ nd.symbols.staToR.setColor(0.195,0.96,0.097); nd.symbols.staFromR.setColor(0.195,0.96,0.097); } else { nd.symbols.staToR.setColor(1,1,1); nd.symbols.staFromR.setColor(1,1,1); } nd.symbols.staToR.show(); nd.symbols.staFromR.show(); }, is_false: func(nd){ nd.symbols.staToR.hide(); nd.symbols.staFromR.hide(); } } }, { id:"dmeL", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) (nd.get_switch("toggle_lh_vor_adf") != 0), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.dmeL.show(); if(nd.get_switch("toggle_lh_vor_adf") < 0){ nd.symbols.vorL.setText("ADF 1"); nd.symbols.vorL.setColor(0.195,0.96,0.097); nd.symbols.vorLId.setColor(0.195,0.96,0.097); #nd.symbols.dmeLDist.setColor(0.195,0.96,0.097); nd.symbols.dmeL.setText(""); } else { nd.symbols.vorL.setText("VOR 1"); nd.symbols.vorL.setColor(1,1,1); nd.symbols.vorLId.setColor(1,1,1); #nd.symbols.dmeLDist.setColor(1,1,1); nd.symbols.dmeL.setText("NM"); } nd.symbols.dmeL.setColor(0,0.59,0.8); }, is_false: func(nd){ nd.symbols.dmeL.hide(); } } }, { id:"dmeR", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) (nd.get_switch("toggle_rh_vor_adf") != 0), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.dmeR.show(); if(nd.get_switch("toggle_rh_vor_adf") < 0){ nd.symbols.vorR.setText("ADF 2"); nd.symbols.vorR.setColor(0.195,0.96,0.097); nd.symbols.vorRId.setColor(0.195,0.96,0.097); nd.symbols.dmeR.setText(""); } else { nd.symbols.vorR.setText("VOR 2"); nd.symbols.vorR.setColor(1,1,1); nd.symbols.vorRId.setColor(1,1,1); #nd.symbols.dmeRDist.setColor(1,1,1); nd.symbols.dmeR.setText("NM"); } nd.symbols.dmeR.setColor(0,0.59,0.8); }, is_false: func(nd){ nd.symbols.dmeR.hide(); } } }, { id: "vorL", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) (nd.get_switch("toggle_lh_vor_adf") != 0), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.vorL.show(); nd.symbols.vorLId.show(); nd.symbols.dmeLDist.show(); if(nd.get_switch("toggle_lh_vor_adf") < 0){ var adf = "instrumentation/adf/"; var navident = getprop(adf~ "ident"); var frq = getprop(adf~ "frequencies/selected-khz"); if(navident != "") nd.symbols.vorLId.setText(navident); else nd.symbols.vorLId.setText(sprintf("%3d", frq)); nd.symbols.dmeLDist.setText(""); } else { var nav = nd.get_nav_path("vor", 0); var navID = getprop(nav~"nav-id"); var frq = getprop(nav~"frequencies/selected-mhz-fmt"); var dme = nd.get_nav_path("dme", 0); var dst = getprop(dme~ "indicated-distance-nm"); #print(dme~ "indicated-distance-nm"); if(getprop(nav~ "in-range")) nd.symbols.vorLId.setText(navID); else nd.symbols.vorLId.setText(frq); if(getprop(dme~ "in-range")) nd.symbols.dmeLDist.setText(sprintf("%3.1f", dst)); else nd.symbols.dmeLDist.setText(" ---"); } }, is_false: func(nd){ nd.symbols.vorL.hide(); nd.symbols.vorLId.hide(); nd.symbols.dmeLDist.hide(); } } }, { id:"vorLSym", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) (nd.get_switch("toggle_lh_vor_adf") != 0), is_true: func(nd) { if (nd.get_switch("toggle_lh_vor_adf") < 0) nd.symbols.vorLSym.setColor(0.195,0.96,0.097); else nd.symbols.vorLSym.setColor(1,1,1); nd.symbols.vorLSym.show(); }, is_false: func(nd){ nd.symbols.vorLSym.hide(); } } }, { id: "vorR", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) (nd.get_switch("toggle_rh_vor_adf") != 0), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.vorR.show(); nd.symbols.vorRId.show(); nd.symbols.dmeRDist.show(); if(nd.get_switch("toggle_rh_vor_adf") < 0){ var adf = "instrumentation/adf[1]/"; var navident = getprop(adf~ "ident"); var frq = getprop(adf~ "frequencies/selected-khz"); if(navident != "") nd.symbols.vorRId.setText(navident); else nd.symbols.vorRId.setText(sprintf("%3d", frq)); nd.symbols.dmeRDist.setText(""); } else { var nav = nd.get_nav_path("vor", 1); var navID = getprop(nav~"nav-id"); var frq = getprop(nav~"frequencies/selected-mhz-fmt"); var dme = nd.get_nav_path("dme", 1); var dst = getprop(dme~ "indicated-distance-nm"); #print(dme~ "indicated-distance-nm"); if(getprop(nav~ "in-range")) nd.symbols.vorRId.setText(navID); else nd.symbols.vorRId.setText(frq); if(getprop(dme~ "in-range")) nd.symbols.dmeRDist.setText(sprintf("%3.1f", dst)); else nd.symbols.dmeRDist.setText(" ---"); } }, is_false: func(nd){ nd.symbols.vorR.hide(); nd.symbols.vorRId.hide(); nd.symbols.dmeRDist.hide(); } } }, { id:"vorRSym", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) (nd.get_switch("toggle_rh_vor_adf") != 0), is_true: func(nd) { if (nd.get_switch("toggle_rh_vor_adf") < 0) nd.symbols.vorRSym.setColor(0.195,0.96,0.097); else nd.symbols.vorRSym.setColor(1,1,1); nd.symbols.vorRSym.show(); }, is_false: func(nd){ nd.symbols.vorRSym.hide(); } } }, { id:"appMode", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) { var mode = getprop(nd.options.defaults.app_mode); return (mode != "" and mode != nil); }, is_true: func(nd) { var mode = getprop(nd.options.defaults.app_mode); nd.symbols.appMode.show(); nd.symbols.appMode.setText(mode); }, is_false: func(nd){ nd.symbols.appMode.hide(); } } }, { id:"chrono_box", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) nd.get_switch("toggle_chrono"), is_true: func(nd) { var efis_node = props.globals.getNode(nd.efis_path); var idx = efis_node.getIndex() or 0; var chronoNode = nd.options.defaults.chrono_node~"["~idx~"]"; chronoNode = props.globals.getNode(chronoNode); var time = nil; if(chronoNode != nil){ time = chronoNode.getValue("text"); } nd.symbols.chrono_box.show(); if(time != nil and time != "") nd.symbols.chrono_text.setText(time); }, is_false: func(nd){ nd.symbols.chrono_box.hide(); } } }, { id:"chrono_text", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) 1, is_true: func(nd) nd.symbols.chrono_text.show(), is_false: func(nd) nd.symbols.chrono_text.hide(), } }, { id:"degreeArrows", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) (nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") != "PLAN" and nd.get_switch("toggle_centered")), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.degreeArrows.show(); }, is_false: func(nd){ nd.symbols.degreeArrows.hide(); } } }, { id: "legDistL", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) (nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") == "MAP" and !nd.get_switch("toggle_centered")), is_true: func(nd){ var active = getprop("/FMGC/flightplan[2]/active"); var lat_ctrl = getprop(nd.options.defaults.lat_ctrl); var managed_v = nd.options.defaults.managed_val; var is_managed = (lat_ctrl == managed_v); var toggle_xtrk_err = nd.get_switch("toggle_xtrk_error"); if((!active or is_managed) and !toggle_xtrk_err){ nd.symbols.legDistL.hide(); } else { var dist = getprop("/instrumentation/gps/wp/wp[1]/course-error-nm"); if(dist == nil or dist == "" or dist > -0.1){ nd.symbols.legDistL.hide(); } else { dist = sprintf("%.1fL", math.abs(dist)); nd.symbols.legDistL.setText(dist); nd.symbols.legDistL.show(); } } }, is_false: func(nd){ nd.symbols.legDistL.hide(); } } }, { id: "legDistR", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) (nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") == "MAP" and !nd.get_switch("toggle_centered")), is_true: func(nd){ var active = getprop("/FMGC/flightplan[2]/active"); var lat_ctrl = getprop(nd.options.defaults.lat_ctrl); var managed_v = nd.options.defaults.managed_val; var is_managed = (lat_ctrl == managed_v); var toggle_xtrk_err = nd.get_switch("toggle_xtrk_error"); if((!active or is_managed) and !toggle_xtrk_err){ nd.symbols.legDistR.hide(); } else { var dist = getprop("/instrumentation/gps/wp/wp[1]/course-error-nm"); if(dist == nil or dist == "" or dist < 0.1){ nd.symbols.legDistR.hide(); } else { dist = sprintf("%.1fR", math.abs(dist)); nd.symbols.legDistR.setText(dist); nd.symbols.legDistR.show(); } } }, is_false: func(nd){ nd.symbols.legDistR.hide(); } } }, { id: "legDistCtrL", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) (nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") == "MAP" and nd.get_switch("toggle_centered")), is_true: func(nd){ var active = getprop("/FMGC/flightplan[2]/active"); var lat_ctrl = getprop(nd.options.defaults.lat_ctrl); var managed_v = nd.options.defaults.managed_val; var is_managed = (lat_ctrl == managed_v); var toggle_xtrk_err = nd.get_switch("toggle_xtrk_error"); if((!active or is_managed) and !toggle_xtrk_err){ nd.symbols.legDistCtrL.hide(); } else { var dist = getprop("/instrumentation/gps/wp/wp[1]/course-error-nm"); if(dist == nil or dist == "" or dist > -0.1){ nd.symbols.legDistCtrL.hide(); } else { dist = sprintf("%.1fL", math.abs(dist)); nd.symbols.legDistCtrL.setText(dist); nd.symbols.legDistCtrL.show(); } } }, is_false: func(nd){ nd.symbols.legDistCtrL.hide(); } } }, { id: "legDistCtrR", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) (nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") == "MAP" and nd.get_switch("toggle_centered")), is_true: func(nd){ var active = getprop("/FMGC/flightplan[2]/active"); var lat_ctrl = getprop(nd.options.defaults.lat_ctrl); var managed_v = nd.options.defaults.managed_val; var is_managed = (lat_ctrl == managed_v); var toggle_xtrk_err = nd.get_switch("toggle_xtrk_error"); if((!active or is_managed) and !toggle_xtrk_err){ nd.symbols.legDistCtrR.hide(); } else { var dist = getprop("/instrumentation/gps/wp/wp[1]/course-error-nm"); if(dist == nil or dist == "" or dist < 0.1){ nd.symbols.legDistCtrR.hide(); } else { dist = sprintf("%.1fR", math.abs(dist)); nd.symbols.legDistCtrR.setText(dist); nd.symbols.legDistCtrR.show(); } } }, is_false: func(nd){ nd.symbols.legDistCtrR.hide(); } } }, { id: "offsetLbl", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) (nd.in_mode("toggle_display_mode", ["MAP", "PLAN"])), is_true: func(nd){ var active = getprop("/FMGC/flightplan[2]/active"); var lat_ctrl = getprop(nd.options.defaults.lat_ctrl); var managed_v = nd.options.defaults.managed_val; var is_managed = (lat_ctrl == managed_v); var offset = getprop(nd.options.defaults.fpln_offset); var has_offset = (offset != nil and offset != "" and offset != 0); if(!active or !is_managed or !has_offset){ nd.symbols.offsetLbl.hide(); } else { nd.symbols.offsetLbl.setText("OFST\n"~ offset); nd.symbols.offsetLbl.show(); } }, is_false: func(nd){ nd.symbols.offsetLbl.hide(); } } }, { id: "terrGroup", impl: { init: func(nd,symbol), predicate: func(nd) ( nd.get_switch("toggle_terrain") and nd.get_switch("toggle_display_mode") != "PLAN" and (nd.rangeNm() <= 40) and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting)) ), is_true: func(nd){ var terrain_maxalt = props.globals.initNode(nd.efis_path ~ "/nd/terrain-on-nd/max-altitude", -9999,"INT"); var alert = terrain_alert.getValue(); if (alert == 0) { nd.symbols.TerrLabel.setVisible(1); nd.symbols.terrAhead.setVisible(0); } else { nd.symbols.TerrLabel.setVisible(0); nd.symbols.terrAhead.setVisible(1); if (alert == 1) nd.symbols.terrAhead.setColor(YELLOW[0],YELLOW[1],YELLOW[2]); else nd.symbols.terrAhead.setColor(RED[0],RED[1],RED[2]); } if (terrain_maxalt.getValue() != -9999) { var terrain_minalt = getprop(nd.efis_path ~ "/nd/terrain-on-nd/min-altitude"); var terrain_maxcol = getprop(nd.efis_path ~ "/nd/terrain-on-nd/max-color"); nd.symbols.terrLO.setText(sprintf("%03d",math.round(terrain_minalt/100))); nd.symbols.terrHI.setText(sprintf("%03d",math.round(terrain_maxalt.getValue()/100))); if (terrain_maxcol == 0) nd.symbols.terrHI.setColor(GREEN[0],GREEN[1],GREEN[2]); else if (terrain_maxcol == 1) nd.symbols.terrHI.setColor(YELLOW[0],YELLOW[1],YELLOW[2]); else nd.symbols.terrHI.setColor(RED[0],RED[1],RED[2]); terrain_maxalt.setValue(-9999); #update visual at radar cycle nd.symbols.terrAltGroup.show(); } if (nd.change_phase == 1) { nd.symbols.terrAltGroup.hide(); } nd.symbols.terrGroup.show(); }, is_false: func(nd){ nd.symbols.terrGroup.hide(); nd.symbols.terrAltGroup.hide(); } } }, { id: "nd_msg_change", impl: { init: func(nd, symbol), predicate: func(nd) ( (nd.change_phase != 0) and (nd.adirs_property.getValue() == 1 or (adirs_3.getValue() == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == nd.attitude_heading_setting)) ), is_true: func(nd) { nd.symbols.nd_msg_change.show(); }, is_false: func(nd) { nd.symbols.nd_msg_change.hide(); } } } ], # end of vector with features };