<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!-- Copyright (c) 2020 Josh Davidson (Octal450) --> <!-- A3XX Load Flightplans --> <PropertyList> <name>load-flightplans</name> <layout>vbox</layout> <nasal> <open><![CDATA[ var loadfpl = func(path) { fmgc.flightPlanController.loadFlightPlan(path.getValue()); } var defaultDirInFileSelector = getprop("/sim/fg-home") ~ "/Export"; var file_selector = gui.FileSelector.new( callback: loadfpl, title: "Load flightplan", button: "Load", dir: defaultDirInFileSelector, dotfiles: 1, pattern: ["*.xml","*.gpx","*.fgfp"]); ]]></open> <close><![CDATA[ file_selector.del(); ]]></close> </nasal> <group> <layout>hbox</layout> <text> <halign>left</halign> <label>Load Flightplans</label> </text> <button> <halign>right</halign> <pref-width>20</pref-width> <pref-height>20</pref-height> <legend>X</legend> <key>Esc</key> <binding> <command>dialog-close</command> </binding> </button> </group> <hrule/> <group> <layout>vbox</layout> <text> <halign>left</halign> <label>This dialog allows users to load their own .gpx / .fgfp flightplans.</label> </text> <text> <halign>left</halign> <label>Follow these guidelines. Not doing so will cause problems!</label> </text> <text> <halign>left</halign> <label>1. You must have a departure and destination airport set on MCDU INIT A</label> </text> <text> <halign>left</halign> <label>2. Your file's destination / departure must match exactly the one set in INITA</label> </text> <text> <halign>left</halign> <label>3. If your file includes SIDS / STARS you CANNOT change them in the MCDU.</label> </text> <text> <halign>left</halign> <label>If you have a NAVIGRAPH subcription, we reccomend to load them in the MCDU instead of here.</label> </text> <text> <halign>left</halign> <label>Minimum FGFS version for use of this feature (due to bugs in prior versions) is 2020.1.3.</label> </text> <group> <layout>hbox</layout> <text> <halign>left</halign> <label>Load a flightplan</label> </text> <button> <legend>Load flightplan</legend> <equal>true</equal> <enable> <and> <property>FMGC/internal/tofrom-set</property> <not> <or> <equals> <property>/sim/version/flightgear</property> <value>2019.2.0</value> </equals> <equals> <property>/sim/version/flightgear</property> <value>2020.1.0</value> </equals> <equals> <property>/sim/version/flightgear</property> <value>2020.1.1</value> </equals> <equals> <property>/sim/version/flightgear</property> <value>2020.1.2</value> </equals> </or> </not> </and> </enable> <binding> <command>nasal</command> <script>file_selector.open()</script> </binding> </button> </group> </group> </PropertyList>