# A3XX Electronic Centralised Aircraft Monitoring System # Copyright (c) 2021 Jonathan Redpath (legoboyvdlp) var lines = [props.globals.getNode("ECAM/msg/line1", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/msg/line2", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/msg/line3", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/msg/line4", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/msg/line5", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/msg/line6", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/msg/line7", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/msg/line8", 1)]; var linesCol = [props.globals.getNode("ECAM/msg/linec1", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/msg/linec2", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/msg/linec3", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/msg/linec4", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/msg/linec5", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/msg/linec6", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/msg/linec7", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/msg/linec8", 1)]; var rightLines = [props.globals.getNode("ECAM/rightmsg/line1", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/rightmsg/line2", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/rightmsg/line3", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/rightmsg/line4", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/rightmsg/line5", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/rightmsg/line6", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/rightmsg/line7", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/rightmsg/line8", 1)]; var rightLinesCol = [props.globals.getNode("ECAM/rightmsg/linec1", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/rightmsg/linec2", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/rightmsg/linec3", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/rightmsg/linec4", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/rightmsg/linec5", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/rightmsg/linec6", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/rightmsg/linec7", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/rightmsg/linec8", 1)]; var statusLines = [props.globals.getNode("ECAM/status/line1", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/status/line2", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/status/line3", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/status/line4", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/status/line5", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/status/line6", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/status/line7", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/status/line8", 1)]; var statusLinesCol = [props.globals.getNode("ECAM/status/linec1", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/status/linec2", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/status/linec3", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/status/linec4", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/status/linec5", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/status/linec6", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/status/linec7", 1), props.globals.getNode("ECAM/status/linec8", 1)]; var leftOverflow = props.globals.initNode("/ECAM/warnings/overflow-left", 0, "BOOL"); var rightOverflow = props.globals.initNode("/ECAM/warnings/overflow-right", 0, "BOOL"); var overflow = props.globals.initNode("/ECAM/warnings/overflow", 0, "BOOL"); var lights = [props.globals.initNode("/ECAM/warnings/master-warning-light", 0, "BOOL"), props.globals.initNode("/ECAM/warnings/master-caution-light", 0, "BOOL")]; var aural = [props.globals.initNode("/sim/sound/warnings/crc", 0, "BOOL"), props.globals.initNode("/sim/sound/warnings/chime", 0, "BOOL"), props.globals.initNode("/sim/sound/warnings/cricket", 0, "BOOL"), props.globals.initNode("/sim/sound/warnings/retard", 0, "BOOL"), props.globals.initNode("/sim/sound/warnings/cchord", 0, "BOOL"), props.globals.initNode("/sim/sound/warnings/click", 0, "BOOL")]; var warningFlash = props.globals.initNode("/ECAM/warnings/master-warning-flash", 0, "BOOL"); var lineIndex = 0; var rightLineIndex = 0; var statusIndex = 0; var flash = 0; var hasCleared = 0; var statusFlag = 0; var counter = 0; var counterClear = 0; var noMainMsg = 0; var storeFirstWarning = nil; var warning = { new: func(msg,colour = "g",aural = 9,light = 9,isMainMsg = 0,lastSubmsg = 0, sdPage = "nil", isMemo = 0) { var t = {parents:[warning]}; t.msg = msg; t.colour = colour; t.aural = aural; t.light = light; t.isMainMsg = isMainMsg; t.lastSubmsg = lastSubmsg; t.active = 0; t.noRepeat = 0; t.noRepeat2 = 0; t.clearFlag = 0; t.sdPage = sdPage; t.isMemo = isMemo; t.hasCalled = 0; t.wasActive = 0; return t }, write: func() { if (me.active == 0) { return; } me.wasActive = 1; lineIndex = 0; while (lineIndex <= 7 and lines[lineIndex].getValue() != "") { lineIndex = lineIndex + 1; # go to next line until empty line } if (lineIndex == 8) { leftOverflow.setBoolValue(1); } elsif (leftOverflow.getBoolValue()) { leftOverflow.setBoolValue(0); } if (lineIndex <= 7) { if (lines[lineIndex].getValue() == "" and me.msg != "") { # at empty line. Also checks if message is not blank to allow for some warnings with no displayed msg, eg stall lines[lineIndex].setValue(me.msg); linesCol[lineIndex].setValue(me.colour); } } }, warnlight: func() { if (me.light > 1) { return; } if (me.active == 0 and me.wasActive == 1) { lights[me.light].setBoolValue(0); me.wasActive = 0; } if (me.noRepeat == 1 or me.active == 0) { return; } lights[me.light].setBoolValue(1); me.noRepeat = 1; }, sound: func() { if (me.aural == 9) { return; } if (me.active == 0 and me.wasActive == 1) { aural[me.aural].setBoolValue(0); me.wasActive = 0; } if (me.noRepeat2 == 1 or me.active == 0) { return; } if (me.aural != 0) { aural[me.aural].setBoolValue(0); settimer(func() { aural[me.aural].setBoolValue(1); }, 0.15); } else { aural[me.aural].setBoolValue(1); } me.noRepeat2 = 1; }, callPage: func() { if (me.sdPage == "nil" or me.hasCalled == 1) { return; } ecam.SystemDisplayController.failureCall(me.sdPage); me.hasCalled = 1; } }; var memo = { new: func(msg,colour = "g") { var t = {parents:[memo]}; t.msg = msg; t.colour = colour; t.active = 0; return t }, write: func() { if (me.active == 1) { rightLineIndex = 0; while (rightLines[rightLineIndex].getValue() != "" and rightLineIndex <= 7) { rightLineIndex = rightLineIndex + 1; # go to next line until empty line } if (rightLineIndex > 7) { rightOverflow.setBoolValue(1); } elsif (rightOverflow.getBoolValue()) { rightOverflow.setBoolValue(0); } if (rightLines[rightLineIndex].getValue() == "" and rightLineIndex <= 7) { # at empty line rightLines[rightLineIndex].setValue(me.msg); rightLinesCol[rightLineIndex].setValue(me.colour); } } }, }; var status = { new: func(msg,colour) { var t = {parents:[status]}; t.msg = msg; t.colour = colour; t.active = 0; return t }, write: func() { if (me.active == 1) { statusIndex = 0; while (statusLines[statusIndex].getValue() != "" and statusIndex <= 7) { statusIndex = statusIndex + 1; # go to next line until empty line } if (statusLines[statusIndex].getValue() == "" and statusIndex <= 7) { # at empty line statusLines[rightLineIndex].setValue(me.msg); statusLinesCol[rightLineIndex].setValue(me.colour); } } }, }; var ECAM_controller = { _recallCounter: 0, _noneActive: 0, _ready: 0, init: func() { me.reset(); me._ready = 1; }, loop: func(notification) { if (!me._ready) { return; } if ((systems.ELEC.Bus.acEss.getValue() >= 110 or systems.ELEC.Bus.ac2.getValue() >= 110) and !pts.Acconfig.running.getBoolValue()) { # check active messages messages_priority_3(); messages_priority_2(); messages_priority_1(); messages_priority_0(); messages_config_memo(); messages_memo(); messages_right_memo(); } else { foreach (var w; warnings.vector) { w.active = 0; } shutUpYou(); } # clear display momentarily for(var n = 0; n <= 7; n += 1) { lines[n].setValue(""); } for(var n = 0; n <= 7; n += 1) { rightLines[n].setValue(""); } # write to ECAM counter = 0; if (!pts.Acconfig.running.getBoolValue()) { foreach (var w; warnings.vector) { if (w.active == 1) { if (counter < 9) { w.write(); counter += 1; w.callPage(); } w.warnlight(); w.sound(); } elsif (w.wasActive == 1) { w.warnlight(); w.sound(); } } } if (lines[0].getValue() == "" and flash == 0) { # disable left memos if a warning exists. Warnings are processed first, so this stops leftmemos if line1 is not empty foreach (var c; configmemos.vector) { c.write(); } } if (lines[0].getValue() == "" and flash == 0) { # disable left memos if a warning exists. Warnings are processed first, so this stops leftmemos if line1 is not empty foreach (var l; leftmemos.vector) { l.write(); } } foreach (var sL; specialLines.vector) { sL.write(); } foreach (var sF; secondaryFailures.vector) { sF.write(); } foreach (var m; memos.vector) { m.write(); } if (leftOverflow.getBoolValue() == 1 or leftOverflow.getBoolValue() == 1) { overflow.setBoolValue(1); } elsif (leftOverflow.getBoolValue() == 0 and leftOverflow.getBoolValue() == 0) { overflow.setBoolValue(0); } }, reset: func() { me._ready = 0; foreach (var w; warnings.vector) { if (w.active == 1) { w.active = 0; } } foreach (var l; configmemos.vector) { if (l.active == 1) { l.active = 0; } } foreach (var l; leftmemos.vector) { if (l.active == 1) { l.active = 0; } } foreach (var sL; specialLines.vector) { if (sL.active == 1) { sL.active = 0; } } foreach (var sF; secondaryFailures.vector) { if (sF.active == 1) { sF.active = 0; } } foreach (var m; memos.vector) { if (m.active == 1) { m.active = 0; } } me._ready = 1; }, clear: func() { hasCleared = 0; counterClear = 0; noMainMsg = 0; storeFirstWarning = nil; # first go through the first eight, see how many mainMsg there are foreach (var w; warnings.vector) { if (counterClear >= 8) { break; } if (w.active == 1 and w.clearFlag != 1 and w.isMemo != 1) { counterClear += 1; if (w.isMainMsg == 1) { if (noMainMsg == 0) { storeFirstWarning = w; } noMainMsg += 1; } } } # then, if there is an overflow and noMainMsg == 1, we clear the first shown ones if (leftOverflow.getBoolValue() and noMainMsg == 1) { counterClear = 0; foreach (var w; warnings.vector) { if (counterClear >= 8) { break; } if (w.active == 1 and w.clearFlag != 1 and w.isMemo != 1) { counterClear += 1; if (w.isMainMsg == 1) { continue; } w.clearFlag = 1; hasCleared = 1; statusFlag = 1; } } } # else, we clear the first mainMsg stored else { if (storeFirstWarning != nil) { if (storeFirstWarning.active == 1 and storeFirstWarning.clearFlag != 1 and storeFirstWarning.isMainMsg == 1 and storeFirstWarning.isMemo != 1) { storeFirstWarning.clearFlag = 1; hasCleared = 1; statusFlag = 1; } } } if (!hasCleared and statusFlag) { statusFlag = 0; ecam.SystemDisplayController.manCall("statusPage"); return; } if (!hasCleared and !statusFlag) { SystemDisplayController.manCall("CLR"); } }, recall: func() { me._noneActive = 1; me._recallCounter = 0; foreach (var w; warnings.vector) { if (w.clearFlag == 1) { w.noRepeat = 0; w.clearFlag = 0; me._recallCounter += 1; } if (w.active == 1) { me._noneActive = 0; } } if (me._recallCounter == 0 and me._noneActive) { FWC.Btn.recallStsNormal.setValue(1); settimer(func() { if (FWC.Btn.recallStsNormal.getValue() == 1) { # catch unexpected error, trying something new here FWC.Btn.recallStsNormal.setValue(0); } else { die("Exception in ECAM-controller.nas, line 316"); } }, 0.1); } }, warningReset: func(warning) { if (warning.aural != 9 and warning.active == 1) { aural[warning.aural].setBoolValue(0); } warning.active = 0; warning.noRepeat = 0; warning.noRepeat2 = 0; # don't set .wasActive to 0, warnlight / sound funcs do that }, }; setlistener("/systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess", func { if (systems.ELEC.Bus.dcEss.getValue() < 25) { ECAM_controller.reset(); } }, 0, 0); # Flash Master Warning Light var shutUpYou = func() { lights[0].setBoolValue(0); } var warnTimer = maketimer(0.25, func { if (!lights[0].getBoolValue()) { warnTimer.stop(); warningFlash.setBoolValue(0); } else if (!warningFlash.getBoolValue()) { warningFlash.setBoolValue(1); } else { warningFlash.setBoolValue(0); } }); setlistener("/ECAM/warnings/master-warning-light", func { if (lights[0].getBoolValue()) { warningFlash.setBoolValue(0); warnTimer.start(); } else { warnTimer.stop(); warningFlash.setBoolValue(0); } }, 0, 0);