From d5616e84ad37c498519fc3a343cded091793f29f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: legoboyvdlp R <>
Date: Sun, 10 May 2020 12:21:24 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Cleanup -set .xmls; Model/X.xmls, checklists, add generic
 checklist marker

 A320-100-CFM-set.xml    |  387 +++++++-------
 A320-200-CFM-set.xml    |  387 +++++++-------
 A320-200-IAE-set.xml    |  387 +++++++-------
 A320-main.xml           |    7 +
 A320neo-CFM-set.xml     |  389 +++++++-------
 A320neo-PW-set.xml      |  389 +++++++-------
 A32X-Checklists.xml     | 1018 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
 Models/A320-100-CFM.xml | 1015 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
 Models/A320-200-CFM.xml | 1073 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 Models/A320-200-IAE.xml | 1077 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 Models/A320neo-CFM.xml  | 1033 ++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 Models/A320neo-PW.xml   | 1047 ++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 12 files changed, 4098 insertions(+), 4111 deletions(-)

diff --git a/A320-100-CFM-set.xml b/A320-100-CFM-set.xml
index 9a966b73..3e337139 100644
--- a/A320-100-CFM-set.xml
+++ b/A320-100-CFM-set.xml
@@ -4,209 +4,200 @@
 <PropertyList include="A320-main.xml">
-	<sim>
-		<sound>
-			<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Sounds/cfm56-sound.xml</path>
-		</sound>
-		<checklists include="A32X-Checklists.xml"/>
-		<description>Airbus A320-111 (CFM56-5A1)</description>
-		<flight-model>jsb</flight-model>
-		<aero>A320-100-CFM</aero>
-		<variant-of>A320-200-IAE</variant-of>
-		<model>
-			<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-100-CFM.xml</path>
-			<livery>
-				<file>Airbus</file>
-			</livery>
-		</model>
-		<rating>
-			<FDM type="int">4</FDM>
-			<systems type="int">5</systems>
-			<cockpit type="int">5</cockpit>
-			<model type="int">4</model>
-		</rating>
-		<previews>
-			<preview>
-				<type>exterior</type>
-				<splash type="bool">true</splash>
-				<path>Splash/cockpit.png</path>
-			</preview>
-			<preview>
-				<type>exterior</type>
-				<splash type="bool">true</splash>
-				<path>Splash/wing1.png</path>
-			</preview>
-			<preview>
-				<type>exterior</type>
-				<splash type="bool">true</splash>
-				<path>Splash/wing2.png</path>
-			</preview>
-		</previews>
+    <sim>
+        <description>Airbus A320-111 (CFM56-5A1)</description>
+        <flight-model>jsb</flight-model>
+        <aero>A320-100-CFM</aero>
+        <variant-of>A320-200-IAE</variant-of>
+        <model>
+            <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-100-CFM.xml</path>
+            <livery>
+                <file>Airbus</file>
+            </livery>
+        </model>
+        <rating>
+            <FDM type="int">4</FDM>
+            <systems type="int">5</systems>
+            <cockpit type="int">5</cockpit>
+            <model type="int">4</model>
+        </rating>
+        <sound>
+            <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Sounds/cfm56-sound.xml</path>
+        </sound>
+        <previews>
+            <preview>
+                <type>exterior</type>
+                <splash type="bool">true</splash>
+                <path>Splash/cockpit.png</path>
+            </preview>
+            <preview>
+                <type>exterior</type>
+                <splash type="bool">true</splash>
+                <path>Splash/wing1.png</path>
+            </preview>
+            <preview>
+                <type>exterior</type>
+                <splash type="bool">true</splash>
+                <path>Splash/wing2.png</path>
+            </preview>
+        </previews>
-		<chase-distance-m type="double" archive="y">-80.0</chase-distance-m>
-		<view>
-			<name>Pilot View</name>
-			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
-			<config>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">-0.45</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
-				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="100">
-			<name>Copilot View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.45</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
-				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="101">
-			<name>Overhead Panel View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">0</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.72</z-offset-m>
-				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">65.5</pitch-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">115</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="102">
-			<name>Forward Pedestal View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-14.15</z-offset-m>
-				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-76</pitch-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="103">
-			<name>Aft Pedestal View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.8</z-offset-m>
-				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-82</pitch-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="104">
-			<name>FCU Panel View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
-				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">52</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="105">
-			<name>Left Front View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">false</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-6.49</z-offset-m>
-				<heading-offset-deg>129</heading-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="106">
-			<name>Right Mid View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">false</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">2.81</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">0</z-offset-m>
-				<heading-offset-deg>257</heading-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="107">
-			<name>Left Aft View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">false</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">6.8</z-offset-m>
-				<heading-offset-deg>63</heading-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<systems>
-      <wingflexer include="Systems/wingflexer-params.xml"/>
-      <property-rule n="100">
-        <name>wing flexer property rule</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/wingflexer.xml</path>
-      </property-rule>
-    </systems>
-		<systems n="0">
+        <chase-distance-m type="double" archive="y">-80.0</chase-distance-m>
+        <view>
+            <name>Pilot View</name>
+            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
+            <config>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">-0.45</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
+                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="100">
+            <name>Copilot View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.45</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
+                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="101">
+            <name>Overhead Panel View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">0</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.72</z-offset-m>
+                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">65.5</pitch-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">115</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="102">
+            <name>Forward Pedestal View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-14.15</z-offset-m>
+                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-76</pitch-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="103">
+            <name>Aft Pedestal View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.8</z-offset-m>
+                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-82</pitch-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="104">
+            <name>FCU Panel View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
+                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">52</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="105">
+            <name>Left Front View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">false</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-6.49</z-offset-m>
+                <heading-offset-deg>129</heading-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="106">
+            <name>Right Mid View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">false</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">2.81</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">0</z-offset-m>
+                <heading-offset-deg>257</heading-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="107">
+            <name>Left Aft View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">false</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">6.8</z-offset-m>
+                <heading-offset-deg>63</heading-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <systems n="0">
             <autopilot n="0">
-			<autopilot n="10">
-				<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Systems/cfm56-sound.xml</path>
-			</autopilot>
-		</systems>
+            <autopilot n="10">
+                <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Systems/cfm56-sound.xml</path>
+            </autopilot>
+        </systems>
-	</sim>
+    </sim>
-	<limits>
-		<mass-and-balance> <!--Data source: TCDS WV 002 (Issue 12) -->
-			<maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>150000</maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>
-			<maximum-landing-mass-lbs>138900</maximum-landing-mass-lbs>
-			<maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>131840</maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>
-		</mass-and-balance>
-	</limits>
-	<options n="0">
-		<EIS2 type="bool">0</EIS2>
-		<eng>CFM</eng>
-		<maxblock>52.3</maxblock>
-	</options>
-	<sharklet type="bool">0</sharklet>
-	<MCDUC n="0">
-		<type>A320-111</type>
-		<eng>CFM56-5A1</eng>
-	</MCDUC>
-	<nasal>
-		<specific>
-			<file>Aircraft/A320-family/Nasal/Libraries/a320livery-cfm-100.nas</file>
-		</specific>
-	</nasal>
+    <limits>
+        <mass-and-balance> <!--Data source: TCDS WV 002 (Issue 12) -->
+            <maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>150000</maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>
+            <maximum-landing-mass-lbs>138900</maximum-landing-mass-lbs>
+            <maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>131840</maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>
+        </mass-and-balance>
+    </limits>
+    <options n="0">
+        <EIS2 type="bool">0</EIS2>
+        <eng>CFM</eng>
+        <maxblock>52.3</maxblock>
+    </options>
+    <sharklet type="bool">0</sharklet>
+    <MCDUC n="0">
+        <type>A320-111</type>
+        <eng>CFM56-5A1</eng>
+    </MCDUC>
+    <nasal>
+        <specific>
+            <file>Aircraft/A320-family/Nasal/Libraries/a320livery-cfm-100.nas</file>
+        </specific>
+    </nasal>
diff --git a/A320-200-CFM-set.xml b/A320-200-CFM-set.xml
index abdd86fb..4e0c9f0b 100644
--- a/A320-200-CFM-set.xml
+++ b/A320-200-CFM-set.xml
@@ -4,209 +4,200 @@
 <PropertyList include="A320-main.xml">
-	<sim>
-		<sound>
-			<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Sounds/cfm56-sound.xml</path>
-		</sound>
-		<checklists include="A32X-Checklists.xml"/>
-		<description>Airbus A320-214 (CFM56-5B4)</description>
-		<flight-model>jsb</flight-model>
-		<aero>A320-200-CFM</aero>
-		<variant-of>A320-200-IAE</variant-of>
-		<model>
-			<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-200-CFM.xml</path>
-			<livery>
-				<file>Airbus</file>
-			</livery>
-		</model>
-		<rating>
-			<FDM type="int">4</FDM>
-			<systems type="int">5</systems>
-			<cockpit type="int">5</cockpit>
-			<model type="int">4</model>
-		</rating>
-		<previews>
-			<preview>
-				<type>exterior</type>
-				<splash type="bool">true</splash>
-				<path>Splash/cockpit.png</path>
-			</preview>
-			<preview>
-				<type>exterior</type>
-				<splash type="bool">true</splash>
-				<path>Splash/wing1.png</path>
-			</preview>
-			<preview>
-				<type>exterior</type>
-				<splash type="bool">true</splash>
-				<path>Splash/wing2.png</path>
-			</preview>
-		</previews>
+    <sim>
+        <description>Airbus A320-214 (CFM56-5B4)</description>
+        <flight-model>jsb</flight-model>
+        <aero>A320-200-CFM</aero>
+        <variant-of>A320-200-IAE</variant-of>
+        <model>
+            <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-200-CFM.xml</path>
+            <livery>
+                <file>Airbus</file>
+            </livery>
+        </model>
+        <rating>
+            <FDM type="int">4</FDM>
+            <systems type="int">5</systems>
+            <cockpit type="int">5</cockpit>
+            <model type="int">4</model>
+        </rating>
+        <sound>
+            <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Sounds/cfm56-sound.xml</path>
+        </sound>
+        <previews>
+            <preview>
+                <type>exterior</type>
+                <splash type="bool">true</splash>
+                <path>Splash/cockpit.png</path>
+            </preview>
+            <preview>
+                <type>exterior</type>
+                <splash type="bool">true</splash>
+                <path>Splash/wing1.png</path>
+            </preview>
+            <preview>
+                <type>exterior</type>
+                <splash type="bool">true</splash>
+                <path>Splash/wing2.png</path>
+            </preview>
+        </previews>
-		<chase-distance-m type="double" archive="y">-80.0</chase-distance-m>
-		<view>
-			<name>Pilot View</name>
-			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
-			<config>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">-0.45</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
-				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="100">
-			<name>Copilot View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.45</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
-				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="101">
-			<name>Overhead Panel View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">0</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.72</z-offset-m>
-				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">65.5</pitch-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">115</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="102">
-			<name>Forward Pedestal View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-14.15</z-offset-m>
-				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-76</pitch-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="103">
-			<name>Aft Pedestal View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.8</z-offset-m>
-				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-82</pitch-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="104">
-			<name>FCU Panel View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
-				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">52</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="105">
-			<name>Left Front View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">false</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-6.49</z-offset-m>
-				<heading-offset-deg>129</heading-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="106">
-			<name>Right Mid View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">false</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">2.81</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">0</z-offset-m>
-				<heading-offset-deg>257</heading-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="107">
-			<name>Left Aft View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">false</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">6.8</z-offset-m>
-				<heading-offset-deg>63</heading-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
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-      <wingflexer include="Systems/wingflexer-params.xml"/>
-      <property-rule n="100">
-        <name>wing flexer property rule</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/wingflexer.xml</path>
-      </property-rule>
-    </systems>
-		<systems n="0">
+        <chase-distance-m type="double" archive="y">-80.0</chase-distance-m>
+        <view>
+            <name>Pilot View</name>
+            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
+            <config>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">-0.45</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
+                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="100">
+            <name>Copilot View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.45</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
+                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="101">
+            <name>Overhead Panel View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">0</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.72</z-offset-m>
+                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">65.5</pitch-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">115</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="102">
+            <name>Forward Pedestal View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-14.15</z-offset-m>
+                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-76</pitch-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="103">
+            <name>Aft Pedestal View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.8</z-offset-m>
+                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-82</pitch-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="104">
+            <name>FCU Panel View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
+                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">52</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="105">
+            <name>Left Front View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">false</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-6.49</z-offset-m>
+                <heading-offset-deg>129</heading-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="106">
+            <name>Right Mid View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">false</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">2.81</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">0</z-offset-m>
+                <heading-offset-deg>257</heading-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="107">
+            <name>Left Aft View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">false</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">6.8</z-offset-m>
+                <heading-offset-deg>63</heading-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <systems n="0">
             <autopilot n="0">
-			<autopilot n="10">
-				<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Systems/cfm56-sound.xml</path>
-			</autopilot>
-		</systems>
+            <autopilot n="10">
+                <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Systems/cfm56-sound.xml</path>
+            </autopilot>
+        </systems>
-	</sim>
+    </sim>
-	<limits>
-		<mass-and-balance> <!--Data source: TCDS WV 017-->
-			<maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>172000</maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>
-			<maximum-landing-mass-lbs>145500</maximum-landing-mass-lbs>
-			<maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>137800</maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>
-		</mass-and-balance>
-	</limits>
-	<options n="0">
-		<EIS2 type="bool">0</EIS2>
-		<eng>CFM</eng>
-		<maxblock>52.3</maxblock>
-	</options>
-	<sharklet type="bool">0</sharklet>
-	<MCDUC n="0">
-		<type>A320-214</type>
-		<eng>CFM56-5B4</eng>
-	</MCDUC>
-	<nasal>
-		<specific>
-			<file>Aircraft/A320-family/Nasal/Libraries/a320livery-cfm.nas</file>
-		</specific>
-	</nasal>
+    <limits>
+        <mass-and-balance> <!--Data source: TCDS WV 017-->
+            <maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>172000</maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>
+            <maximum-landing-mass-lbs>145500</maximum-landing-mass-lbs>
+            <maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>137800</maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>
+        </mass-and-balance>
+    </limits>
+    <options n="0">
+        <EIS2 type="bool">0</EIS2>
+        <eng>CFM</eng>
+        <maxblock>52.3</maxblock>
+    </options>
+    <sharklet type="bool">0</sharklet>
+    <MCDUC n="0">
+        <type>A320-214</type>
+        <eng>CFM56-5B4</eng>
+    </MCDUC>
+    <nasal>
+        <specific>
+            <file>Aircraft/A320-family/Nasal/Libraries/a320livery-cfm.nas</file>
+        </specific>
+    </nasal>
diff --git a/A320-200-IAE-set.xml b/A320-200-IAE-set.xml
index 57939e65..8429d883 100644
--- a/A320-200-IAE-set.xml
+++ b/A320-200-IAE-set.xml
@@ -4,209 +4,200 @@
 <PropertyList include="A320-main.xml">
-	<sim>
-		<sound>
-			<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Sounds/v2500-sound.xml</path>
-		</sound>
-		<checklists include="A32X-Checklists.xml"/>
-		<description>Airbus A320-232 (IAE V2527-A5)</description>
-		<flight-model>jsb</flight-model>
-		<aero>A320-200-IAE</aero>
-		<primary-set>true</primary-set>
-		<model>
-			<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-200-IAE.xml</path>
-			<livery>
-				<file>Airbus</file>
-			</livery>
-		</model>
-		<rating>
-			<FDM type="int">4</FDM>
-			<systems type="int">5</systems>
-			<cockpit type="int">5</cockpit>
-			<model type="int">4</model>
-		</rating>
-		<previews>
-			<preview>
-				<type>exterior</type>
-				<splash type="bool">true</splash>
-				<path>Splash/cockpit.png</path>
-			</preview>
-			<preview>
-				<type>exterior</type>
-				<splash type="bool">true</splash>
-				<path>Splash/wing1.png</path>
-			</preview>
-			<preview>
-				<type>exterior</type>
-				<splash type="bool">true</splash>
-				<path>Splash/wing2.png</path>
-			</preview>
-		</previews>
+    <sim>
+        <description>Airbus A320-232 (IAE V2527-A5)</description>
+        <flight-model>jsb</flight-model>
+        <aero>A320-200-IAE</aero>
+        <primary-set>true</primary-set>
+        <model>
+            <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-200-IAE.xml</path>
+            <livery>
+                <file>Airbus</file>
+            </livery>
+        </model>
+        <rating>
+            <FDM type="int">4</FDM>
+            <systems type="int">5</systems>
+            <cockpit type="int">5</cockpit>
+            <model type="int">4</model>
+        </rating>
+        <sound>
+            <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Sounds/v2500-sound.xml</path>
+        </sound>
+        <previews>
+            <preview>
+                <type>exterior</type>
+                <splash type="bool">true</splash>
+                <path>Splash/cockpit.png</path>
+            </preview>
+            <preview>
+                <type>exterior</type>
+                <splash type="bool">true</splash>
+                <path>Splash/wing1.png</path>
+            </preview>
+            <preview>
+                <type>exterior</type>
+                <splash type="bool">true</splash>
+                <path>Splash/wing2.png</path>
+            </preview>
+        </previews>
-		<chase-distance-m type="double" archive="y">-80.0</chase-distance-m>
-		<view>
-			<name>Pilot View</name>
-			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
-			<config>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">-0.45</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
-				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="100">
-			<name>Copilot View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.45</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
-				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="101">
-			<name>Overhead Panel View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">0</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.72</z-offset-m>
-				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">65.5</pitch-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">115</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="102">
-			<name>Forward Pedestal View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-14.15</z-offset-m>
-				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-76</pitch-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="103">
-			<name>Aft Pedestal View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.8</z-offset-m>
-				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-82</pitch-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="104">
-			<name>FCU Panel View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
-				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">52</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="105">
-			<name>Left Front View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">false</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-6.49</z-offset-m>
-				<heading-offset-deg>129</heading-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="106">
-			<name>Right Mid View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">false</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">2.81</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">0</z-offset-m>
-				<heading-offset-deg>257</heading-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="107">
-			<name>Left Aft View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">false</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">6.8</z-offset-m>
-				<heading-offset-deg>63</heading-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<systems>
-      <wingflexer include="Systems/wingflexer-params.xml"/>
-      <property-rule n="100">
-        <name>wing flexer property rule</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/wingflexer.xml</path>
-      </property-rule>
-    </systems>
-		<systems n="0">
+        <chase-distance-m type="double" archive="y">-80.0</chase-distance-m>
+        <view>
+            <name>Pilot View</name>
+            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
+            <config>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">-0.45</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
+                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="100">
+            <name>Copilot View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.45</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
+                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="101">
+            <name>Overhead Panel View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">0</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.72</z-offset-m>
+                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">65.5</pitch-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">115</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="102">
+            <name>Forward Pedestal View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-14.15</z-offset-m>
+                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-76</pitch-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="103">
+            <name>Aft Pedestal View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.8</z-offset-m>
+                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-82</pitch-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="104">
+            <name>FCU Panel View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
+                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">52</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="105">
+            <name>Left Front View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">false</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-6.49</z-offset-m>
+                <heading-offset-deg>129</heading-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="106">
+            <name>Right Mid View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">false</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">2.81</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">0</z-offset-m>
+                <heading-offset-deg>257</heading-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="107">
+            <name>Left Aft View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">false</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">6.8</z-offset-m>
+                <heading-offset-deg>63</heading-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <systems n="0">
             <autopilot n="0">
-			<autopilot n="10">
-				<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Systems/v2500-sound.xml</path>
-			</autopilot>
-		</systems>
+            <autopilot n="10">
+                <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Systems/v2500-sound.xml</path>
+            </autopilot>
+        </systems>
-	</sim>
+    </sim>
-	<limits>
-		<mass-and-balance> <!--Data source: TCDS WV 017-->
-			<maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>172000</maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>
-			<maximum-landing-mass-lbs>145500</maximum-landing-mass-lbs>
-			<maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>137800</maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>
-		</mass-and-balance>
-	</limits>
-	<options n="0">
-		<EIS2 type="bool">0</EIS2>
-		<eng>IAE</eng>
-		<maxblock>52.3</maxblock>
-	</options>
-	<sharklet type="bool">0</sharklet>
-	<MCDUC n="0">
-		<type>A320-232</type>
-		<eng>V2527-A5</eng>
-	</MCDUC>
-	<nasal>
-		<specific>
-			<file>Aircraft/A320-family/Nasal/Libraries/a320livery-iae.nas</file>
-		</specific>
-	</nasal>
+    <limits>
+        <mass-and-balance> <!--Data source: TCDS WV 017-->
+            <maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>172000</maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>
+            <maximum-landing-mass-lbs>145500</maximum-landing-mass-lbs>
+            <maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>137800</maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>
+        </mass-and-balance>
+    </limits>
+    <options n="0">
+        <EIS2 type="bool">0</EIS2>
+        <eng>IAE</eng>
+        <maxblock>52.3</maxblock>
+    </options>
+    <sharklet type="bool">0</sharklet>
+    <MCDUC n="0">
+        <type>A320-232</type>
+        <eng>V2527-A5</eng>
+    </MCDUC>
+    <nasal>
+        <specific>
+            <file>Aircraft/A320-family/Nasal/Libraries/a320livery-iae.nas</file>
+        </specific>
+    </nasal>
diff --git a/A320-main.xml b/A320-main.xml
index d2a91d47..48ce70c1 100644
--- a/A320-main.xml
+++ b/A320-main.xml
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
 		<author>Josh Davidson/Octal450 (Flight Dynamics, Systems, Displays), Jonathan Redpath/legoboyvdlp, merspieler, Matthew Maring/mattmaring (Systems, Displays), Thorsten Herrmann/TH-555, Semir Gebran/CaptB (3D, Textures)</author>
+		<checklists include="A32X-Checklists.xml"/>
 		<status>Pre V1.0</status>
 		<hud n="0">
@@ -147,6 +149,11 @@
 			<autopilot n="13">
+			<wingflexer include="Systems/wingflexer-params.xml"/>
+			<property-rule n="100">
+				<name>Generic Wing Flexer</name>
+				<path>Aircraft/Generic/wingflexer.xml</path>
+			</property-rule>
diff --git a/A320neo-CFM-set.xml b/A320neo-CFM-set.xml
index 551801ab..4a750720 100644
--- a/A320neo-CFM-set.xml
+++ b/A320neo-CFM-set.xml
@@ -4,209 +4,200 @@
 <PropertyList include="A320-main.xml">
-	<sim>
-		<sound>
-			<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Sounds/leapx-sound.xml</path>
-		</sound>
-		<checklists include="A32X-Checklists.xml"/>
-		<description>Airbus A320-251N (LEAP-1A26)</description>
-		<flight-model>jsb</flight-model>
-		<aero>A320neo-CFM</aero>
-		<variant-of>A320neo-PW</variant-of>
-		<model>
-			<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320neo-CFM.xml</path>
-			<livery>
-				<file>Airbus</file>
-			</livery>
-		</model>
-		<rating>
-			<FDM type="int">4</FDM>
-			<systems type="int">5</systems>
-			<cockpit type="int">5</cockpit>
-			<model type="int">4</model>
-		</rating>
-		<previews>
-			<preview>
-				<type>exterior</type>
-				<splash type="bool">true</splash>
-				<path>Splash/cockpit.png</path>
-			</preview>
-			<preview>
-				<type>exterior</type>
-				<splash type="bool">true</splash>
-				<path>Splash/wing1.png</path>
-			</preview>
-			<preview>
-				<type>exterior</type>
-				<splash type="bool">true</splash>
-				<path>Splash/wing2.png</path>
-			</preview>
-		</previews>
-		<chase-distance-m type="double" archive="y">-80.0</chase-distance-m>
-		<view>
-			<name>Pilot View</name>
-			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
-			<config>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">-0.45</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
-				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="100">
-			<name>Copilot View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.45</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
-				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="101">
-			<name>Overhead Panel View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">0</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.72</z-offset-m>
-				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">65.5</pitch-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">115</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="102">
-			<name>Forward Pedestal View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-14.15</z-offset-m>
-				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-76</pitch-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="103">
-			<name>Aft Pedestal View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.8</z-offset-m>
-				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-82</pitch-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="104">
-			<name>FCU Panel View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
-				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">52</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="105">
-			<name>Left Front View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">false</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-6.49</z-offset-m>
-				<heading-offset-deg>129</heading-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="106">
-			<name>Right Mid View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">false</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">2.81</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">0</z-offset-m>
-				<heading-offset-deg>257</heading-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="107">
-			<name>Left Aft View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">false</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">6.8</z-offset-m>
-				<heading-offset-deg>63</heading-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<systems>
-      <wingflexer include="Systems/wingflexer-params.xml"/>
-      <property-rule n="100">
-        <name>wing flexer property rule</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/wingflexer.xml</path>
-      </property-rule>
-    </systems>
-		<systems n="0">
+    <sim> 
+        <description>Airbus A320-251N (LEAP-1A26)</description>
+        <flight-model>jsb</flight-model>
+        <aero>A320neo-CFM</aero>
+        <variant-of>A320neo-PW</variant-of>
+        <model>
+            <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320neo-CFM.xml</path>
+            <livery>
+                <file>Airbus</file>
+            </livery>
+        </model>
+        <rating>
+            <FDM type="int">4</FDM>
+            <systems type="int">5</systems>
+            <cockpit type="int">5</cockpit>
+            <model type="int">4</model>
+        </rating> 
+        <sound>
+            <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Sounds/leapx-sound.xml</path>
+        </sound>
+        <previews>
+            <preview>
+                <type>exterior</type>
+                <splash type="bool">true</splash>
+                <path>Splash/cockpit.png</path>
+            </preview>
+            <preview>
+                <type>exterior</type>
+                <splash type="bool">true</splash>
+                <path>Splash/wing1.png</path>
+            </preview>
+            <preview>
+                <type>exterior</type>
+                <splash type="bool">true</splash>
+                <path>Splash/wing2.png</path>
+            </preview>
+        </previews>
+        <chase-distance-m type="double" archive="y">-80.0</chase-distance-m>
+        <view>
+            <name>Pilot View</name>
+            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
+            <config>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">-0.45</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
+                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="100">
+            <name>Copilot View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.45</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
+                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="101">
+            <name>Overhead Panel View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">0</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.72</z-offset-m>
+                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">65.5</pitch-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">115</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="102">
+            <name>Forward Pedestal View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-14.15</z-offset-m>
+                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-76</pitch-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="103">
+            <name>Aft Pedestal View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.8</z-offset-m>
+                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-82</pitch-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="104">
+            <name>FCU Panel View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
+                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">52</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="105">
+            <name>Left Front View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">false</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-6.49</z-offset-m>
+                <heading-offset-deg>129</heading-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="106">
+            <name>Right Mid View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">false</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">2.81</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">0</z-offset-m>
+                <heading-offset-deg>257</heading-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="107">
+            <name>Left Aft View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">false</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">6.8</z-offset-m>
+                <heading-offset-deg>63</heading-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <systems n="0">
             <autopilot n="0">
-			<autopilot n="10">
-				<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Systems/leapx-sound.xml</path>
-			</autopilot>
-		</systems>
+            <autopilot n="10">
+                <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Systems/leapx-sound.xml</path>
+            </autopilot>
+        </systems>
-	</sim>
+    </sim>
-	<limits>
-		<mass-and-balance> <!--Data source: TCDS WV 55 -->
-			<maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>174200</maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>
-			<maximum-landing-mass-lbs>148600</maximum-landing-mass-lbs>
-			<maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>141800</maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>
-		</mass-and-balance>
-	</limits>
-	<options n="0">
-		<EIS2 type="bool">1</EIS2>
-		<eng>CFM</eng>
-		<maxblock>52.3</maxblock>
-	</options>
-	<sharklet type="bool">1</sharklet>
-	<MCDUC n="0">
-		<type>A320-251N</type>
-		<eng>LEAP-1A26</eng>
-	</MCDUC>
-	<nasal>
-		<specific>
-			<file>Aircraft/A320-family/Nasal/Libraries/a320livery-neocfm.nas</file>
-		</specific>
-	</nasal>
+    <limits>
+        <mass-and-balance> <!--Data source: TCDS WV 55 -->
+            <maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>174200</maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>
+            <maximum-landing-mass-lbs>148600</maximum-landing-mass-lbs>
+            <maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>141800</maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>
+        </mass-and-balance>
+    </limits>
+    <options n="0">
+        <EIS2 type="bool">1</EIS2>
+        <eng>CFM</eng>
+        <maxblock>52.3</maxblock>
+    </options>
+    <sharklet type="bool">1</sharklet>
+    <MCDUC n="0">
+        <type>A320-251N</type>
+        <eng>LEAP-1A26</eng>
+    </MCDUC>
+    <nasal>
+        <specific>
+            <file>Aircraft/A320-family/Nasal/Libraries/a320livery-neocfm.nas</file>
+        </specific>
+    </nasal>
diff --git a/A320neo-PW-set.xml b/A320neo-PW-set.xml
index 93b7660f..8407f6fc 100644
--- a/A320neo-PW-set.xml
+++ b/A320neo-PW-set.xml
@@ -4,209 +4,200 @@
 <PropertyList include="A320-main.xml">
-	<sim>
-		<sound>
-			<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Sounds/leapx-sound.xml</path>
-		</sound>
-		<checklists include="A32X-Checklists.xml"/>
-		<description>Airbus A320-271N (PurePower 1127G)</description>
-		<flight-model>jsb</flight-model>
-		<aero>A320neo-PW</aero>
-		<primary-set>true</primary-set>
-		<model>
-			<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320neo-PW.xml</path>
-			<livery>
-				<file>Airbus</file>
-			</livery>
-		</model>
-		<rating>
-			<FDM type="int">4</FDM>
-			<systems type="int">5</systems>
-			<cockpit type="int">5</cockpit>
-			<model type="int">4</model>
-		</rating>
-		<previews>
-			<preview>
-				<type>exterior</type>
-				<splash type="bool">true</splash>
-				<path>Splash/cockpit.png</path>
-			</preview>
-			<preview>
-				<type>exterior</type>
-				<splash type="bool">true</splash>
-				<path>Splash/wing1.png</path>
-			</preview>
-			<preview>
-				<type>exterior</type>
-				<splash type="bool">true</splash>
-				<path>Splash/wing2.png</path>
-			</preview>
-		</previews>
-		<chase-distance-m type="double" archive="y">-80.0</chase-distance-m>
-		<view>
-			<name>Pilot View</name>
-			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
-			<config>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">-0.45</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
-				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="100">
-			<name>Copilot View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.45</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
-				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="101">
-			<name>Overhead Panel View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">0</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.72</z-offset-m>
-				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">65.5</pitch-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">115</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="102">
-			<name>Forward Pedestal View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-14.15</z-offset-m>
-				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-76</pitch-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="103">
-			<name>Aft Pedestal View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.8</z-offset-m>
-				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-82</pitch-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="104">
-			<name>FCU Panel View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
-				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">52</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="105">
-			<name>Left Front View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">false</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">-6.49</z-offset-m>
-				<heading-offset-deg>129</heading-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="106">
-			<name>Right Mid View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">false</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">2.81</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">0</z-offset-m>
-				<heading-offset-deg>257</heading-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<view n="107">
-			<name>Left Aft View</name>
-			<type>lookfrom</type>
-			<internal archive="y">false</internal>
-			<config>
-				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-				<x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
-				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
-				<z-offset-m archive="y">6.8</z-offset-m>
-				<heading-offset-deg>63</heading-offset-deg>
-				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
-			</config>
-		</view>
-		<systems>
-      <wingflexer include="Systems/wingflexer-params.xml"/>
-      <property-rule n="100">
-        <name>wing flexer property rule</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/wingflexer.xml</path>
-      </property-rule>
-    </systems>
-		<systems n="0">
+    <sim>
+        <description>Airbus A320-271N (PurePower 1127G)</description>
+        <flight-model>jsb</flight-model>
+        <aero>A320neo-PW</aero>
+        <primary-set>true</primary-set>
+        <model>
+            <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320neo-PW.xml</path>
+            <livery>
+                <file>Airbus</file>
+            </livery>
+        </model>
+        <rating>
+            <FDM type="int">4</FDM>
+            <systems type="int">5</systems>
+            <cockpit type="int">5</cockpit>
+            <model type="int">4</model>
+        </rating>
+        <sound>
+            <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Sounds/leapx-sound.xml</path>
+        </sound>
+        <previews>
+            <preview>
+                <type>exterior</type>
+                <splash type="bool">true</splash>
+                <path>Splash/cockpit.png</path>
+            </preview>
+            <preview>
+                <type>exterior</type>
+                <splash type="bool">true</splash>
+                <path>Splash/wing1.png</path>
+            </preview>
+            <preview>
+                <type>exterior</type>
+                <splash type="bool">true</splash>
+                <path>Splash/wing2.png</path>
+            </preview>
+        </previews>
+        <chase-distance-m type="double" archive="y">-80.0</chase-distance-m>
+        <view>
+            <name>Pilot View</name>
+            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
+            <config>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">-0.45</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
+                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="100">
+            <name>Copilot View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.45</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
+                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="101">
+            <name>Overhead Panel View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">0</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.72</z-offset-m>
+                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">65.5</pitch-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">115</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="102">
+            <name>Forward Pedestal View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-14.15</z-offset-m>
+                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-76</pitch-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="103">
+            <name>Aft Pedestal View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.8</z-offset-m>
+                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-82</pitch-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="104">
+            <name>FCU Panel View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
+                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">52</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="105">
+            <name>Left Front View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">false</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">-6.49</z-offset-m>
+                <heading-offset-deg>129</heading-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="106">
+            <name>Right Mid View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">false</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">2.81</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">0</z-offset-m>
+                <heading-offset-deg>257</heading-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <view n="107">
+            <name>Left Aft View</name>
+            <type>lookfrom</type>
+            <internal archive="y">false</internal>
+            <config>
+                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+                <x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
+                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
+                <z-offset-m archive="y">6.8</z-offset-m>
+                <heading-offset-deg>63</heading-offset-deg>
+                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
+            </config>
+        </view>
+        <systems n="0">
             <autopilot n="0"> <!-- Apparently PW PurePower uses N1, not EPR.... sooo I use CFM FADEC -->
-			<autopilot n="10">
-				<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Systems/leapx-sound.xml</path>
-			</autopilot>
-		</systems>
+            <autopilot n="10">
+                <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Systems/leapx-sound.xml</path>
+            </autopilot>
+        </systems>
-	</sim>
+    </sim>
-	<limits>
-		<mass-and-balance> <!--Data source: TCDS WV 55 -->
-			<maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>174200</maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>
-			<maximum-landing-mass-lbs>148600</maximum-landing-mass-lbs>
-			<maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>141800</maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>
-		</mass-and-balance>
-	</limits>
-	<options n="0">
-		<EIS2 type="bool">1</EIS2>
-		<eng>CFM</eng> <!-- Apparently PW PurePower uses N1, not EPR.... sooo I use CFM ECAM, and no N1 mode switches -->
-		<maxblock>52.3</maxblock>
-	</options>
-	<sharklet type="bool">1</sharklet>
-	<MCDUC n="0">
-		<type>A320-271N</type>
-		<eng>PW1133-JM</eng>
-	</MCDUC>
-	<nasal>
-		<specific>
-			<file>Aircraft/A320-family/Nasal/Libraries/a320livery-neopw.nas</file>
-		</specific>
-	</nasal>
+    <limits>
+        <mass-and-balance> <!--Data source: TCDS WV 55 -->
+            <maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>174200</maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>
+            <maximum-landing-mass-lbs>148600</maximum-landing-mass-lbs>
+            <maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>141800</maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>
+        </mass-and-balance>
+    </limits>
+    <options n="0">
+        <EIS2 type="bool">1</EIS2>
+        <eng>CFM</eng> <!-- Apparently PW PurePower uses N1, not EPR.... sooo I use CFM ECAM, and no N1 mode switches -->
+        <maxblock>52.3</maxblock>
+    </options>
+    <sharklet type="bool">1</sharklet>
+    <MCDUC n="0">
+        <type>A320-271N</type>
+        <eng>PW1133-JM</eng>
+    </MCDUC>
+    <nasal>
+        <specific>
+            <file>Aircraft/A320-family/Nasal/Libraries/a320livery-neopw.nas</file>
+        </specific>
+    </nasal>
diff --git a/A32X-Checklists.xml b/A32X-Checklists.xml
index 16c17794..eedc2321 100644
--- a/A32X-Checklists.xml
+++ b/A32X-Checklists.xml
@@ -5,513 +5,513 @@
 <!-- Sven Seipp, Oct 2017 -->
-	<checklist>
-		<title>BEFORE START</title>
-		<item>
-			<name>COCKPIT PREP</name>
-			<value>COMPLETED(BOTH)</value>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>PINS AND COVERS</name>
-			<value>REMOVED</value>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>SIGNS</name>
-			<value>ON/AUTO</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.6733</x-m>
-				<y-m>0.0300</y-m>
-				<z-m>0.8825</z-m>
-				<scale>2.5500</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>ADIRS</name>
-			<value>NAV</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>5.1067</x-m>
-				<y-m>-0.2625</y-m>
-				<z-m>1.0325</z-m>
-				<scale>4.5500</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>FUEL QUANTITY</name>
-			<value>____KG/LB</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.5067</x-m>
-				<y-m>-0.1458</y-m>
-				<z-m>0.3317</z-m>
-				<scale>1.4333</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>TO DATA</name>
-			<value>____SET(BOTH)</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.4683</x-m>
-				<y-m>-0.1975</y-m>
-				<z-m>-0.0592</z-m>
-				<scale>1.0000</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>BARO REF</name>
-			<value>____SET(BOTH)</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.5000</x-m>
-				<y-m>-0.2592</y-m>
-				<z-m>0.4783</z-m>
-				<scale>1.5333</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>WINDOWS and DOORS</name>      
-			<value>CLOSED(BOTH)</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.4658</x-m>
-				<y-m>-0.0100</y-m>
-				<z-m>-0.0583</z-m>
-				<scale>0.9667</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>BEACON</name>
-			<value>ON</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.7067</x-m>
-				<y-m>-0.1225</y-m>
-				<z-m>0.8958</z-m>
-				<scale>1.9333</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>THR LEVERS</name>
-			<value>IDLE</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.7200</x-m>
-				<y-m>-0.0533</y-m>
-				<z-m>-0.0292</z-m>
-				<scale>1.3667</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>PARKING BRAKE</name>
-			<value>AS RQRD</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>5.0500</x-m>
-				<y-m>-0.0325</y-m>
-				<z-m>-0.0567</z-m>
-				<scale>3.3667</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-	</checklist>
-	<checklist>
-		<title>AFTER START</title>
-		<item>
-			<name>ANTI-ICE</name>
-			<value>AS RQRD</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.7650</x-m>
-				<y-m>-0.1208</y-m>
-				<z-m>0.9042</z-m>
-				<scale>4.4500</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>ECAM STATUS</name>
-			<value>CHECKED</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.6650</x-m>
-				<y-m>-0.2308</y-m>
-				<z-m>0.3975</z-m>
-				<scale>1.7500</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>PITCH TRIM</name>
-			<value>____SET</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.6850</x-m>
-				<y-m>-0.1075</y-m>
-				<z-m>-0.0142</z-m>
-				<scale>3.0333</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>RUDDER TRIM</name>
-			<value>ZERO</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.9583</x-m>
-				<y-m>-0.0142</y-m>
-				<z-m>-0.1042</z-m>
-				<scale>3.0333</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-	</checklist>
-	<checklist>
-		<title>TAXI/BEFORE TAKEOFF</title>
-		<item>
-			<name>FLIGHT CONTROLS</name>
-			<value>CHECKED(BOTH)</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.4625</x-m>
-				<y-m>0.0342</y-m>
-				<z-m>-0.0617</z-m>
-				<scale>1.0000</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>FLT INST</name>
-			<value>CHECKED(BOTH)</value>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>BRIEFING</name>
-			<value>CONFIRMED</value>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>FLAPS SETTING</name>
-			<value>CONF__(BOTH)</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.8950</x-m>
-				<y-m>0.0683</y-m>
-				<z-m>-0.0892</z-m>
-				<scale>2.5500</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>V1. VR. V2/FLX TEMP</name>
-			<value>CONF__(BOTH)</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.4683</x-m>
-				<y-m>-0.1975</y-m>
-				<z-m>-0.0592</z-m>
-				<scale>1.0000</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>ATC</name>
-			<value>SET</value>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>ECAM MEMO</name>
-			<value>TO NO BLUE</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.6650</x-m>
-				<y-m>-0.2308</y-m>
-				<z-m>0.3975</z-m>
-				<scale>1.7500</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>CABIN CREW</name>
-			<value>ADVISED</value>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>ENG MODE SEL</name>
-			<value>AS RQRD</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.8617</x-m>
-				<y-m>-0.0333</y-m>
-				<z-m>-0.0708</z-m>
-				<scale>2.0000</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>PACKS</name>
-			<value>AS RQRD</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.8175</x-m>
-				<y-m>-0.1317</y-m>
-				<z-m>0.9492</z-m>
-				<scale>1.6667</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-	</checklist>
-	<checklist>
-		<title>AFTER TAKEOFF/CLIMB</title>
-		<item>
-			<name>LDG GEAR</name>
-			<value>UP</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.3483</x-m>
-				<y-m>0.1142</y-m>
-				<z-m>0.1300</z-m>
-				<scale>3.4833</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>FLAPS</name>
-			<value>RETRACTED</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.8950</x-m>
-				<y-m>0.0683</y-m>
-				<z-m>-0.0892</z-m>
-				<scale>2.5500</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>PACKS</name>
-			<value>ON</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.8175</x-m>
-				<y-m>-0.1317</y-m>
-				<z-m>0.9492</z-m>
-				<scale>1.6667</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>BARO REF</name>
-			<value>SET(BOTH)</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.5000</x-m>
-				<y-m>-0.2592</y-m>
-				<z-m>0.4783</z-m>
-				<scale>1.5333</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-	</checklist>
-	<checklist>
-		<title>APPROACH</title>
-		<item>
-			<name>BRIEFING</name>
-			<value>CONFIRMED</value>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>ECAM STATUS</name>
-			<value>CHECKED</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.6650</x-m>
-				<y-m>-0.2308</y-m>
-				<z-m>0.3975</z-m>
-				<scale>1.7500</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>SEAT BELTS</name>
-			<value>ON</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.6733</x-m>
-				<y-m>0.0300</y-m>
-				<z-m>0.8825</z-m>
-				<scale>2.5500</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>BARO REF</name>
-			<value>____SET(BOTH)</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.5000</x-m>
-				<y-m>-0.2592</y-m>
-				<z-m>0.4783</z-m>
-				<scale>1.5333</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>MDA/DH</name>
-			<value>____SET(BOTH)</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.5000</x-m>
-				<y-m>-0.2592</y-m>
-				<z-m>0.4783</z-m>
-				<scale>1.5333</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>ENG MODE SEL</name>
-			<value>AS RQRD</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.8617</x-m>
-				<y-m>-0.0333</y-m>
-				<z-m>-0.0708</z-m>
-				<scale>2.0000</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-	</checklist>
-	<checklist>
-		<title>LANDING</title>
-		<item>
-			<name>CABIN CREW</name>
-			<value>ADVISED</value>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>A/THR</name>
-			<value>SPEED/OFF</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.2525</x-m>
-				<y-m>-0.6108</y-m>
-				<z-m>0.2933</z-m>
-				<scale>2.1167</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>ECAM MEMO</name>
-			<value>LDG NO BLUE</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.6650</x-m>
-				<y-m>-0.2308</y-m>
-				<z-m>0.3975</z-m>
-				<scale>1.7500</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-	</checklist>
-	<checklist>
-		<title>AFTER LANDING</title>
-		<item>
-			<name>FLAPS</name>
-			<value>RETRACTED</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.8950</x-m>
-				<y-m>0.0683</y-m>
-				<z-m>-0.0892</z-m>
-				<scale>2.5500</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>SPOILERS</name>
-			<value>DISARMED</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.9083</x-m>
-				<y-m>-0.0967</y-m>
-				<z-m>-0.0833</z-m>
-				<scale>2.3000</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>APU</name>
-			<value>AS RQRD</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.6817</x-m>
-				<y-m>0.0000</y-m>
-				<z-m>0.9017</z-m>
-				<scale>2.6167</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>TCAS</name>
-			<value>OFF/STBY</value>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>RADAR</name>
-			<value>OFF</value>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<value>OFF</value>
-		</item>
-	</checklist>
-	<checklist>
-		<title>PARKING</title>
-		<item>
-			<name>APU BLEED</name>
-			<value>ON</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.7958</x-m>
-				<y-m>-0.0091</y-m>
-				<z-m>0.9375</z-m>
-				<scale>1.6333</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>ENGINES</name>
-			<value>OFF</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.8592</x-m>
-				<y-m>-0.0633</y-m>
-				<z-m>0.0000</z-m>
-				<scale>3.0000</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>SEAT BELTS</name>
-			<value>OFF</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.6692</x-m>
-				<y-m>0.0275</y-m>
-				<z-m>0.8917</z-m>
-				<scale>1.5500</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>EXT LT</name>
-			<value>AS RQRD</value>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>FUEL PUMPS</name>
-			<value>OFF</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>5.0000</x-m>
-				<y-m>-0.0300</y-m>
-				<z-m>1.0017</z-m>
-				<scale>2.6833</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>PARK BRK AND CHOCKS</name>
-			<value>AS RQRD</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>5.0500</x-m>
-				<y-m>-0.0325</y-m>
-				<z-m>-0.0567</z-m>
-				<scale>3.3667</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-	</checklist>
-	<checklist>
-		<title>SECURING THE AIRCRAFT</title>
-		<item>
-			<name>ADIRS</name>
-			<value>OFF</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>5.1067</x-m>
-				<y-m>-0.2625</y-m>
-				<z-m>1.0325</z-m>
-				<scale>4.5500</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>OXYGEN</name>
-			<value>OFF</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.7958</x-m>
-				<y-m>-0.2041</y-m>
-				<z-m>0.9242</z-m>
-				<scale>1.6333</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>APU BLEED</name>
-			<value>OFF</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.7958</x-m>
-				<y-m>-0.0091</y-m>
-				<z-m>0.9375</z-m>
-				<scale>1.6333</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>EMER EXIT LT</name>
-			<value>OFF</value>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>SIGNS</name>
-			<value>OFF</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.6958</x-m>
-				<y-m>0.0275</y-m>
-				<z-m>0.8775</z-m>
-				<scale>1.4000</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<name>APU AND BAT</name>
-			<value>OFF</value>
-			<marker>
-				<x-m>4.7175</x-m>
-				<y-m>-0.0225</y-m>
-				<z-m>0.8958</z-m>
-				<scale>1.4000</scale>
-			</marker>
-		</item>
-	</checklist>
+    <checklist>
+        <title>BEFORE START</title>
+        <item>
+            <name>COCKPIT PREP</name>
+            <value>COMPLETED(BOTH)</value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>GEAR PINS AND COVERS</name>
+            <value>REMOVED</value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>SIGNS</name>
+            <value>ON/AUTO</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.6733</x-m>
+                <y-m>0.0300</y-m>
+                <z-m>0.8825</z-m>
+                <scale>2.5500</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>ADIRS</name>
+            <value>NAV</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>5.1067</x-m>
+                <y-m>-0.2625</y-m>
+                <z-m>1.0325</z-m>
+                <scale>4.5500</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>FUEL QUANTITY</name>
+            <value>____KG/LB</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.5067</x-m>
+                <y-m>-0.1458</y-m>
+                <z-m>0.3317</z-m>
+                <scale>1.4333</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>TO DATA</name>
+            <value>____SET(BOTH)</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.4683</x-m>
+                <y-m>-0.1975</y-m>
+                <z-m>-0.0592</z-m>
+                <scale>1.0000</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>BARO REF</name>
+            <value>____SET(BOTH)</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.5000</x-m>
+                <y-m>-0.2592</y-m>
+                <z-m>0.4783</z-m>
+                <scale>1.5333</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>WINDOWS and DOORS</name>      
+            <value>CLOSED(BOTH)</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.4658</x-m>
+                <y-m>-0.0100</y-m>
+                <z-m>-0.0583</z-m>
+                <scale>0.9667</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>BEACON</name>
+            <value>ON</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.7067</x-m>
+                <y-m>-0.1225</y-m>
+                <z-m>0.8958</z-m>
+                <scale>1.9333</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>THRUST LEVERS</name>
+            <value>IDLE</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.7200</x-m>
+                <y-m>-0.0533</y-m>
+                <z-m>-0.0292</z-m>
+                <scale>1.3667</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>PARKING BRAKE</name>
+            <value>AS RQRD</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>5.0500</x-m>
+                <y-m>-0.0325</y-m>
+                <z-m>-0.0567</z-m>
+                <scale>3.3667</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+    </checklist>
+    <checklist>
+        <title>AFTER START</title>
+        <item>
+            <name>ANTI-ICE</name>
+            <value>AS RQRD</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.7650</x-m>
+                <y-m>-0.1208</y-m>
+                <z-m>0.9042</z-m>
+                <scale>4.4500</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>ECAM STATUS</name>
+            <value>CHECKED</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.6650</x-m>
+                <y-m>-0.2308</y-m>
+                <z-m>0.3975</z-m>
+                <scale>1.7500</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>PITCH TRIM</name>
+            <value>____SET</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.6850</x-m>
+                <y-m>-0.1075</y-m>
+                <z-m>-0.0142</z-m>
+                <scale>3.0333</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>RUDDER TRIM</name>
+            <value>ZERO</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.9583</x-m>
+                <y-m>-0.0142</y-m>
+                <z-m>-0.1042</z-m>
+                <scale>3.0333</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+    </checklist>
+    <checklist>
+        <title>TAXI/BEFORE TAKEOFF</title>
+        <item>
+            <name>FLIGHT CONTROLS</name>
+            <value>CHECKED(BOTH)</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.4625</x-m>
+                <y-m>0.0342</y-m>
+                <z-m>-0.0617</z-m>
+                <scale>1.0000</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>FLT INST</name>
+            <value>CHECKED(BOTH)</value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>BRIEFING</name>
+            <value>CONFIRMED</value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>FLAPS SETTING</name>
+            <value>CONF__(BOTH)</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.8950</x-m>
+                <y-m>0.0683</y-m>
+                <z-m>-0.0892</z-m>
+                <scale>2.5500</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>V1. VR. V2/FLX TEMP</name>
+            <value>CONF__(BOTH)</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.4683</x-m>
+                <y-m>-0.1975</y-m>
+                <z-m>-0.0592</z-m>
+                <scale>1.0000</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>ATC</name>
+            <value>SET</value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>ECAM MEMO</name>
+            <value>TO NO BLUE</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.6650</x-m>
+                <y-m>-0.2308</y-m>
+                <z-m>0.3975</z-m>
+                <scale>1.7500</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>CABIN CREW</name>
+            <value>ADVISED</value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>ENG MODE SEL</name>
+            <value>AS RQRD</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.8617</x-m>
+                <y-m>-0.0333</y-m>
+                <z-m>-0.0708</z-m>
+                <scale>2.0000</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>PACKS</name>
+            <value>AS RQRD</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.8175</x-m>
+                <y-m>-0.1317</y-m>
+                <z-m>0.9492</z-m>
+                <scale>1.6667</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+    </checklist>
+    <checklist>
+        <title>AFTER TAKEOFF/CLIMB</title>
+        <item>
+            <name>LDG GEAR</name>
+            <value>UP</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.3483</x-m>
+                <y-m>0.1142</y-m>
+                <z-m>0.1300</z-m>
+                <scale>3.4833</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>FLAPS</name>
+            <value>RETRACTED</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.8950</x-m>
+                <y-m>0.0683</y-m>
+                <z-m>-0.0892</z-m>
+                <scale>2.5500</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>PACKS</name>
+            <value>ON</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.8175</x-m>
+                <y-m>-0.1317</y-m>
+                <z-m>0.9492</z-m>
+                <scale>1.6667</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>BARO REF</name>
+            <value>SET(BOTH)</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.5000</x-m>
+                <y-m>-0.2592</y-m>
+                <z-m>0.4783</z-m>
+                <scale>1.5333</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+    </checklist>
+    <checklist>
+        <title>APPROACH</title>
+        <item>
+            <name>BRIEFING</name>
+            <value>CONFIRMED</value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>ECAM STATUS</name>
+            <value>CHECKED</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.6650</x-m>
+                <y-m>-0.2308</y-m>
+                <z-m>0.3975</z-m>
+                <scale>1.7500</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>SEAT BELTS</name>
+            <value>ON</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.6733</x-m>
+                <y-m>0.0300</y-m>
+                <z-m>0.8825</z-m>
+                <scale>2.5500</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>BARO REF</name>
+            <value>____SET(BOTH)</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.5000</x-m>
+                <y-m>-0.2592</y-m>
+                <z-m>0.4783</z-m>
+                <scale>1.5333</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>MDA/DH</name>
+            <value>____SET(BOTH)</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.5000</x-m>
+                <y-m>-0.2592</y-m>
+                <z-m>0.4783</z-m>
+                <scale>1.5333</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>ENG MODE SEL</name>
+            <value>AS RQRD</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.8617</x-m>
+                <y-m>-0.0333</y-m>
+                <z-m>-0.0708</z-m>
+                <scale>2.0000</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+    </checklist>
+    <checklist>
+        <title>LANDING</title>
+        <item>
+            <name>CABIN CREW</name>
+            <value>ADVISED</value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>A/THR</name>
+            <value>SPEED/OFF</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.2525</x-m>
+                <y-m>-0.6108</y-m>
+                <z-m>0.2933</z-m>
+                <scale>2.1167</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>ECAM MEMO</name>
+            <value>LDG NO BLUE</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.6650</x-m>
+                <y-m>-0.2308</y-m>
+                <z-m>0.3975</z-m>
+                <scale>1.7500</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+    </checklist>
+    <checklist>
+        <title>AFTER LANDING</title>
+        <item>
+            <name>FLAPS</name>
+            <value>RETRACTED</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.8950</x-m>
+                <y-m>0.0683</y-m>
+                <z-m>-0.0892</z-m>
+                <scale>2.5500</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>SPOILERS</name>
+            <value>DISARMED</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.9083</x-m>
+                <y-m>-0.0967</y-m>
+                <z-m>-0.0833</z-m>
+                <scale>2.3000</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>APU</name>
+            <value>AS RQRD</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.6817</x-m>
+                <y-m>0.0000</y-m>
+                <z-m>0.9017</z-m>
+                <scale>2.6167</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>TCAS</name>
+            <value>OFF/STBY</value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>RADAR</name>
+            <value>OFF</value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>PREDICTIVE WINDSHEAR SYSTEM</name>
+            <value>OFF</value>
+        </item>
+    </checklist>
+    <checklist>
+        <title>PARKING</title>
+        <item>
+            <name>APU BLEED</name>
+            <value>ON</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.7958</x-m>
+                <y-m>-0.0091</y-m>
+                <z-m>0.9375</z-m>
+                <scale>1.6333</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>ENGINES</name>
+            <value>OFF</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.8592</x-m>
+                <y-m>-0.0633</y-m>
+                <z-m>0.0000</z-m>
+                <scale>3.0000</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>SEAT BELTS</name>
+            <value>OFF</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.6692</x-m>
+                <y-m>0.0275</y-m>
+                <z-m>0.8917</z-m>
+                <scale>1.5500</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>EXT LT</name>
+            <value>AS RQRD</value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>FUEL PUMPS</name>
+            <value>OFF</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>5.0000</x-m>
+                <y-m>-0.0300</y-m>
+                <z-m>1.0017</z-m>
+                <scale>2.6833</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>PARK BRK AND CHOCKS</name>
+            <value>AS RQRD</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>5.0500</x-m>
+                <y-m>-0.0325</y-m>
+                <z-m>-0.0567</z-m>
+                <scale>3.3667</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+    </checklist>
+    <checklist>
+        <title>SECURING THE AIRCRAFT</title>
+        <item>
+            <name>ADIRS</name>
+            <value>OFF</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>5.1067</x-m>
+                <y-m>-0.2625</y-m>
+                <z-m>1.0325</z-m>
+                <scale>4.5500</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>OXYGEN</name>
+            <value>OFF</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.7958</x-m>
+                <y-m>-0.2041</y-m>
+                <z-m>0.9242</z-m>
+                <scale>1.6333</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>APU BLEED</name>
+            <value>OFF</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.7958</x-m>
+                <y-m>-0.0091</y-m>
+                <z-m>0.9375</z-m>
+                <scale>1.6333</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>EMER EXIT LT</name>
+            <value>OFF</value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>SIGNS</name>
+            <value>OFF</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.6958</x-m>
+                <y-m>0.0275</y-m>
+                <z-m>0.8775</z-m>
+                <scale>1.4000</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <name>APU AND BAT</name>
+            <value>OFF</value>
+            <marker>
+                <x-m>4.7175</x-m>
+                <y-m>-0.0225</y-m>
+                <z-m>0.8958</z-m>
+                <scale>1.4000</scale>
+            </marker>
+        </item>
+    </checklist>
diff --git a/Models/A320-100-CFM.xml b/Models/A320-100-CFM.xml
index 36eef4bd..6153ae53 100644
--- a/Models/A320-100-CFM.xml
+++ b/Models/A320-100-CFM.xml
@@ -3,530 +3,535 @@
 <!-- Copyright (c) 2020 Josh Davidson (Octal450) -->
-	<name>A320-100</name>
-	<path></path> <!-- Livery system on MP multimodel -->
+    <name>A320-100</name>
+    <path></path> <!-- Livery system on MP multimodel -->
-	<offsets>
-		<x-m>-18.8499</x-m>
-		<z-m>1.7005004</z-m>
-	</offsets>
+    <offsets>
+        <x-m>-18.8499</x-m>
+        <z-m>1.7005004</z-m>
+    </offsets>
-	<model>
-		<name>Fuselage</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320-100/fuselage.xml</path>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Interior</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-interior.xml</path>
-		<!-- On multiplayer models, the interior is loaded separately and global
-			 offsets are not applied. This cancels the global offsets, so that
-			 the interior is loaded at (0,0,0) anyway. -->
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>18.8499</x-m>
-			<z-m>-1.7005004</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-		<usage>interior</usage>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Fuselage</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320-100/fuselage.xml</path>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Interior</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-interior.xml</path>
+        <!-- On multiplayer models, the interior is loaded separately and global
+             offsets are not applied. This cancels the global offsets, so that
+             the interior is loaded at (0,0,0) anyway. -->
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>18.8499</x-m>
+            <z-m>-1.7005004</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+        <usage>interior</usage>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Nose Gear</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.nlg.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.83</x-m>
-			<z-m>-1.9306008</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Nose Gear</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.nlg.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.83</x-m>
+            <z-m>-1.9306008</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Main Gears.Left</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.left.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Main Gears.Left</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.left.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Main Gears.Right</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.right.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Main Gears.Right</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.right.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.wings.cfm.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>15.280</x-m>
-			<z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.wings.cfm.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>15.280</x-m>
+            <z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Horizontal Stabilizer</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320-100/hstab.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>34.1512207</x-m>
-			<pitch-deg>0.0</pitch-deg>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Horizontal Stabilizer</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320-100/hstab.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>34.1512207</x-m>
+            <pitch-deg>0.0</pitch-deg>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Vertical Stabilizer</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320-100/vstab.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>32.2535728</x-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<!-- Lights -->
-	<model>
-		<name>Left nav light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/rednav.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Left nav light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/rednav.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Vertical Stabilizer</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320-100/vstab.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>32.2535728</x-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <!-- Lights -->
+    <model>
+        <name>Left nav light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/rednav.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Left nav light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/rednav.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Right nav light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/greennav.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Right nav light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/greennav.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Tail nav light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailnav.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-			<y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
-			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Tail nav light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tailnav.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-			<y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
-			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Right nav light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/greennav.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Right nav light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/greennav.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Tail nav light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailnav.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+            <y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
+            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Tail nav light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tailnav.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+            <y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
+            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Left strobe light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Left strobe light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/left-strobe.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Left strobe light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Left strobe light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/left-strobe.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Right strobe light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Right strobe light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/right-strobe.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Tail strobe light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailstrobe.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-			<y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
-			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Tail strobe light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tail-strobe.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-			<y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
-			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Top beacon light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>16.7</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>1.977</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Right strobe light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Right strobe light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/right-strobe.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Tail strobe light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailstrobe.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+            <y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
+            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Tail strobe light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tail-strobe.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+            <y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
+            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Top beacon light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>16.7</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>1.977</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Bottom beacon light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>18.2</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Top beacon light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>16.7</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>1.977</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Bottom beacon light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>18.2</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Top beacon light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>16.7</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>1.977</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Bottom beacon light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>18.2</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Bottom beacon light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>18.2</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Port landing light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightL.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>15.9</x-m>
-			<y-m>-3.16</y-m>
-			<z-m>-1.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Port landing light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightL.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>15.9</x-m>
+            <y-m>-3.16</y-m>
+            <z-m>-1.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.6</x-m>
-			<y-m>-0.1018315</y-m>
-			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Second Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.6</x-m>
-			<y-m>0.1018315</y-m>
-			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Left Turnoff ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffL.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.7</x-m>
-			<y-m>-0.1518315</y-m>
-			<z-m>-2.9</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Right Turnoff ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffR.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.7</x-m>
-			<y-m>0.1518315</y-m>
-			<z-m>-2.9</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.6</x-m>
+            <y-m>-0.1018315</y-m>
+            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Second Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.6</x-m>
+            <y-m>0.1018315</y-m>
+            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Left Turnoff ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffL.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.7</x-m>
+            <y-m>-0.1518315</y-m>
+            <z-m>-2.9</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Right Turnoff ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffR.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.7</x-m>
+            <y-m>0.1518315</y-m>
+            <z-m>-2.9</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Starboard landing light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightR.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>15.9</x-m>
-			<y-m>3.16</y-m>
-			<z-m>-1.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Starboard landing light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightR.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>15.9</x-m>
+            <y-m>3.16</y-m>
+            <z-m>-1.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<!-- Tire smoke and spray effects -->
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-nose.xml</path>
-	  <name>tyre-smoke-n</name>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.83</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	 </model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-port.xml</path>
-	  <name>tyre-smoke-p</name>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-stbd.xml</path>
-	  <name>tyre-smoke-s</name>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-nose.xml</path>
-	  <name>rain-splash-n</name>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.83</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-port.xml</path>
-	  <name>rain-splash-p</name>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-stbd.xml</path>
-	  <name>rain-splash-s</name>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-left.xml</path>
-	  <name>tire-smoke-l</name>
-			<offsets>
-				<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-				<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-				<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-			</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-right.xml</path>
-	  <name>tire-smoke-r</name>
-			<offsets>
-				<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-				<y-m>3.795</y-m>
-				<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-			</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <!-- Tire smoke and spray effects -->
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-nose.xml</path>
+        <name>tyre-smoke-n</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.83</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+     </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-port.xml</path>
+        <name>tyre-smoke-p</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-stbd.xml</path>
+        <name>tyre-smoke-s</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-nose.xml</path>
+        <name>rain-splash-n</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.83</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-port.xml</path>
+        <name>rain-splash-p</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-stbd.xml</path>
+        <name>rain-splash-s</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-left.xml</path>
+        <name>tire-smoke-l</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-right.xml</path>
+        <name>tire-smoke-r</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <!-- wing condensation effect -->
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-L.xml</path>
+        <name>wing-condensation</name>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-R.xml</path>
+        <name>wing-condensation</name>
+    </model>
-	<!-- wing condensation effect -->
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-L.xml</path>
-	  <name>wing-condensation</name>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-R.xml</path>
-	  <name>wing-condensation</name>
-	</model>
+    <!-- Other non-aircraft models -->
+    <model>
+        <name>Pushback</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Services/Pushback/Douglas.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>6.0</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-4.24</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/marker.xml</path>
+    </model>
+    <!-- Firetruck -->
-	<!-- Other non-aircraft models -->
-	<model>
-		<name>Pushback</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Services/Pushback/Douglas.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>6.0</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>-4.24</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<!-- Firetruck -->
+    <model>
+        <name>Firetruck1</name>
+        <path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>60.0</x-m>
+            <y-m>10.0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-4.4</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Firetruck2</name>
+        <path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>80.0</x-m>
+            <y-m>-8.0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-4.4</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <animation>
+        <type>select</type>
+        <object-name>Firetruck1</object-name>
+        <object-name>Firetruck2</object-name>
+        <condition>
+            <and>
+                <property>sim/animation/fire-services</property>
+                <less-than>
+                    <property>velocities/groundspeed-kt</property>
+                    <value>40</value>
+                </less-than>
+            </and>
+        </condition>
+    </animation>
+    <!-- LIVERY SELECT -->
+    <!-- Animation -->
+    <animation>
+        <type>material</type>
+        <!-- Fuselage -->
+        <object-name>Fuselage</object-name>
+        <object-name>Vstab</object-name>
+        <!-- Wings -->
+        <object-name>WingletL</object-name>
+        <object-name>WingletR</object-name>
+        <!-- Engines -->
+        <object-name>Intake</object-name>
+        <object-name>Nacelle</object-name>
+        <object-name>Reverser</object-name>
+        <!-- Fuselage -->
+        <property-base>sim/model/livery</property-base>
+        <texture-prop>texture</texture-prop>
+        <texture>a320.png</texture>
+    </animation>
-	<model>
-	 <name>Firetruck1</name>
-	 <path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
-	 <offsets>
-	  <x-m>60.0</x-m>
-	  <y-m>10.0</y-m>
-	  <z-m>-4.4</z-m>
-	 </offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	 <name>Firetruck2</name>
-	 <path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
-	 <offsets>
-	  <x-m>80.0</x-m>
-	  <y-m>-8.0</y-m>
-	  <z-m>-4.4</z-m>
-	 </offsets>
-	</model>
-	<animation>
-	    <type>select</type>
-	    <object-name>Firetruck1</object-name>
-	    <object-name>Firetruck2</object-name>
-	    <condition>
-	        <and>
-	            <property>sim/animation/fire-services</property>
-	            <less-than>
-	                <property>velocities/groundspeed-kt</property>
-	                <value>40</value>
-	            </less-than>
-	        </and>
-	    </condition>
-	</animation>
-	<!-- LIVERY SELECT -->
-	<!-- Animation -->
-	<animation>
-		<type>material</type>
-		<!-- Fuselage -->
-		<object-name>Fuselage</object-name>
-		<object-name>Vstab</object-name>
-		<!-- Wings -->
-		<object-name>WingletL</object-name>
-		<object-name>WingletR</object-name>
-		<!-- Engines -->
-		<object-name>Intake</object-name>
-		<object-name>Nacelle</object-name>
-		<object-name>Reverser</object-name>
-		<!-- Fuselage -->
-		<property-base>sim/model/livery</property-base>
-		<texture-prop>texture</texture-prop>
-		<texture>a320.png</texture>
-	</animation>
+    <!-- Nasal code -->
+    <nasal>
+        <load>
+            var livery_update ="Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Liveries/A320/CFM-100");
+        </load>
+        <unload>
+            livery_update.stop();
+        </unload>
+    </nasal>
+    <!-- Ground Services -->    
+    <model>
+        <name>ground_services</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-groundservices.xml</path>
+    </model>
-	<!-- Nasal code -->
-	<nasal>
-		<load>
-			var livery_update ="Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Liveries/A320/CFM-100");
-		</load>
-		<unload>
-			livery_update.stop();
-		</unload>
-	</nasal>
-	<!-- Ground Services -->    
-	<model>
-		<name>ground_services</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-groundservices.xml</path>
-	</model>
-	<animation>
-		<type>select</type>
-		<object-name>Top beacon light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Bottom beacon light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Left nav light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Right nav light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Left strobe light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Right strobe light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Tail strobe light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Tail nav light</object-name>
-		<condition>
-			<not>
-				<property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
-			</not>
-		</condition>
-	</animation>
-	<animation>
-		<type>select</type>
-		<object-name>Top beacon light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Bottom beacon light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Left nav light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Right nav light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Left strobe light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Right strobe light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Port landing light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Starboard landing light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Tail strobe light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Tail nav light ALS</object-name>
-		<condition>
-				<property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
-		</condition>
-	</animation>
-	<animation>
-		<type>select</type>
-		<object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
-		<condition>
-			<and>
-				<not>
-					<property>sim/model/lights/nose-ldglight</property>
-					<value>0</value>
-				</not>
-				<greater-than>
-					<property>gear/gear/position-norm</property>
-					<value>0.1</value>
-				</greater-than>
-			</and>
-		</condition>
-	</animation>
+    <animation>
+        <type>select</type>
+        <object-name>Top beacon light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Bottom beacon light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Left nav light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Right nav light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Left strobe light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Right strobe light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Tail strobe light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Tail nav light</object-name>
+        <condition>
+            <not>
+                <property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
+            </not>
+        </condition>
+    </animation>
+    <animation>
+        <type>select</type>
+        <object-name>Top beacon light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Bottom beacon light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Left nav light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Right nav light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Left strobe light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Right strobe light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Port landing light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Starboard landing light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Tail strobe light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Tail nav light ALS</object-name>
+        <condition>
+                <property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
+        </condition>
+    </animation>
+    <animation>
+        <type>select</type>
+        <object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
+        <condition>
+            <and>
+                <not>
+                    <property>sim/model/lights/nose-ldglight</property>
+                    <value>0</value>
+                </not>
+                <greater-than>
+                    <property>gear/gear/position-norm</property>
+                    <value>0.1</value>
+                </greater-than>
+            </and>
+        </condition>
+    </animation>
diff --git a/Models/A320-200-CFM.xml b/Models/A320-200-CFM.xml
index 57196a27..03ea18b9 100644
--- a/Models/A320-200-CFM.xml
+++ b/Models/A320-200-CFM.xml
@@ -3,560 +3,565 @@
 <!-- Copyright (c) 2020 Josh Davidson (Octal450) -->
-	<name>A320-200</name>
-	<path></path> <!-- Livery system on MP multimodel -->
+    <name>A320-200</name>
+    <path></path> <!-- Livery system on MP multimodel -->
-	<offsets>
-		<x-m>-18.8499</x-m>
-		<z-m>1.7005004</z-m>
-	</offsets>
+    <offsets>
+        <x-m>-18.8499</x-m>
+        <z-m>1.7005004</z-m>
+    </offsets>
-	<model>
-		<name>Fuselage</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320/fuselage.xml</path>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Interior</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-interior.xml</path>
-		<!-- On multiplayer models, the interior is loaded separately and global
-			 offsets are not applied. This cancels the global offsets, so that
-			 the interior is loaded at (0,0,0) anyway. -->
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>18.8499</x-m>
-			<z-m>-1.7005004</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-		<usage>interior</usage>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Fuselage</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320/fuselage.xml</path>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Interior</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-interior.xml</path>
+        <!-- On multiplayer models, the interior is loaded separately and global
+             offsets are not applied. This cancels the global offsets, so that
+             the interior is loaded at (0,0,0) anyway. -->
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>18.8499</x-m>
+            <z-m>-1.7005004</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+        <usage>interior</usage>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Nose Gear</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.nlg.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.83</x-m>
-			<z-m>-1.9306008</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Nose Gear</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.nlg.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.83</x-m>
+            <z-m>-1.9306008</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Main Gears.Left</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.left.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Main Gears.Left</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.left.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Main Gears.Right</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.right.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Main Gears.Right</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.right.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.wings.cfm.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>15.280</x-m>
-			<z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.wings.cfm.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>15.280</x-m>
+            <z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>A320 Winglets</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.winglets.xml</path>
-		<condition>
-			<equals>
-				<property>sim/multiplay/generic/int[12]</property>
-				<value>0</value>
-			</equals>
-		</condition>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>15.280</x-m>
-			<z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>A320 Sharklets</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.sharklets.xml</path>
-		<condition>
-			<equals>
-				<property>sim/multiplay/generic/int[12]</property>
-				<value>1</value>
-			</equals>
-		</condition>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>15.280</x-m>
-			<z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>A320 Winglets</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.winglets.xml</path>
+        <condition>
+            <equals>
+                <property>sim/multiplay/generic/int[12]</property>
+                <value>0</value>
+            </equals>
+        </condition>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>15.280</x-m>
+            <z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>A320 Sharklets</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.sharklets.xml</path>
+        <condition>
+            <equals>
+                <property>sim/multiplay/generic/int[12]</property>
+                <value>1</value>
+            </equals>
+        </condition>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>15.280</x-m>
+            <z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Horizontal Stabilizer</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320/hstab.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>34.1512207</x-m>
-			<pitch-deg>0.0</pitch-deg>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Horizontal Stabilizer</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320/hstab.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>34.1512207</x-m>
+            <pitch-deg>0.0</pitch-deg>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Vertical Stabilizer</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320/vstab.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>32.2535728</x-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<!-- Lights -->
-	<model>
-		<name>Left nav light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/rednav.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Left nav light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/rednav.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Vertical Stabilizer</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320/vstab.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>32.2535728</x-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <!-- Lights -->
+    <model>
+        <name>Left nav light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/rednav.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Left nav light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/rednav.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Right nav light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/greennav.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Right nav light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/greennav.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Tail nav light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailnav.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-			<y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
-			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Tail nav light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tailnav.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-			<y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
-			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Right nav light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/greennav.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Right nav light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/greennav.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Tail nav light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailnav.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+            <y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
+            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Tail nav light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tailnav.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+            <y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
+            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Left strobe light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Left strobe light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/left-strobe.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Left strobe light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Left strobe light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/left-strobe.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Right strobe light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Right strobe light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/right-strobe.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Tail strobe light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailstrobe.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-			<y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
-			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Tail strobe light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tail-strobe.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-			<y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
-			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Top beacon light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>16.7</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>1.977</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Right strobe light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Right strobe light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/right-strobe.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Tail strobe light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailstrobe.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+            <y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
+            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Tail strobe light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tail-strobe.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+            <y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
+            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Top beacon light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>16.7</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>1.977</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Bottom beacon light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>18.2</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Top beacon light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>16.7</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>1.977</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Bottom beacon light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>18.2</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Top beacon light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>16.7</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>1.977</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Bottom beacon light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>18.2</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Bottom beacon light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>18.2</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Port landing light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightL.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>15.9</x-m>
-			<y-m>-3.16</y-m>
-			<z-m>-1.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Port landing light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightL.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>15.9</x-m>
+            <y-m>-3.16</y-m>
+            <z-m>-1.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.6</x-m>
-			<y-m>-0.1018315</y-m>
-			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Second Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.6</x-m>
-			<y-m>0.1018315</y-m>
-			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Left Turnoff ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffL.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.7</x-m>
-			<y-m>-0.1518315</y-m>
-			<z-m>-2.9</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Right Turnoff ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffR.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.7</x-m>
-			<y-m>0.1518315</y-m>
-			<z-m>-2.9</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.6</x-m>
+            <y-m>-0.1018315</y-m>
+            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Second Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.6</x-m>
+            <y-m>0.1018315</y-m>
+            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Left Turnoff ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffL.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.7</x-m>
+            <y-m>-0.1518315</y-m>
+            <z-m>-2.9</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Right Turnoff ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffR.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.7</x-m>
+            <y-m>0.1518315</y-m>
+            <z-m>-2.9</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Starboard landing light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightR.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>15.9</x-m>
-			<y-m>3.16</y-m>
-			<z-m>-1.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Starboard landing light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightR.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>15.9</x-m>
+            <y-m>3.16</y-m>
+            <z-m>-1.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<!-- Tire smoke and spray effects -->
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-nose.xml</path>
-	  <name>tyre-smoke-n</name>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.83</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	 </model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-port.xml</path>
-	  <name>tyre-smoke-p</name>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-stbd.xml</path>
-	  <name>tyre-smoke-s</name>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-nose.xml</path>
-	  <name>rain-splash-n</name>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.83</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-port.xml</path>
-	  <name>rain-splash-p</name>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-stbd.xml</path>
-	  <name>rain-splash-s</name>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-left.xml</path>
-	  <name>tire-smoke-l</name>
-			<offsets>
-				<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-				<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-				<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-			</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-right.xml</path>
-	  <name>tire-smoke-r</name>
-			<offsets>
-				<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-				<y-m>3.795</y-m>
-				<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-			</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<!-- wing condensation effect -->
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-L.xml</path>
-	  <name>wing-condensation</name>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-R.xml</path>
-	  <name>wing-condensation</name>
-	</model>
+    <!-- Tire smoke and spray effects -->
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-nose.xml</path>
+        <name>tyre-smoke-n</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.83</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+     </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-port.xml</path>
+        <name>tyre-smoke-p</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-stbd.xml</path>
+        <name>tyre-smoke-s</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-nose.xml</path>
+        <name>rain-splash-n</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.83</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-port.xml</path>
+        <name>rain-splash-p</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-stbd.xml</path>
+        <name>rain-splash-s</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-left.xml</path>
+        <name>tire-smoke-l</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-right.xml</path>
+        <name>tire-smoke-r</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <!-- wing condensation effect -->
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-L.xml</path>
+        <name>wing-condensation</name>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-R.xml</path>
+        <name>wing-condensation</name>
+    </model>
-	<!-- Other non-aircraft models -->
-	<model>
-		<name>Pushback</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Services/Pushback/Douglas.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>6.0</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>-4.24</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<!--Firetruck-->
+    <!-- Other non-aircraft models -->
+    <model>
+        <name>Pushback</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Services/Pushback/Douglas.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>6.0</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-4.24</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/marker.xml</path>
+    </model>
+    <!-- Firetruck -->
-	<model>
-	 <name>Firetruck1</name>
-	 <path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
-	 <offsets>
-	  <x-m>60.0</x-m>
-	  <y-m>10.0</y-m>
-	  <z-m>-4.4</z-m>
-	 </offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	 <name>Firetruck2</name>
-	 <path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
-	 <offsets>
-	  <x-m>80.0</x-m>
-	  <y-m>-8.0</y-m>
-	  <z-m>-4.4</z-m>
-	 </offsets>
-	</model>
-	<animation>
-	    <type>select</type>
-	    <object-name>Firetruck1</object-name>
-	    <object-name>Firetruck2</object-name>
-	    <condition>
-	        <and>
-	            <property>sim/animation/fire-services</property>
-	            <less-than>
-	                <property>velocities/groundspeed-kt</property>
-	                <value>40</value>
-	            </less-than>
-	        </and>
-	    </condition>
-	</animation>
-	<!-- LIVERY SELECT -->
-	<!-- Animation -->
-	<animation>
-		<type>material</type>
-		<!-- Fuselage -->
-		<object-name>Fuselage</object-name>
-		<object-name>Vstab</object-name>
-		<!-- Wings -->
-		<object-name>WingletL</object-name>
-		<object-name>WingletR</object-name>
-		<!-- Engines -->
-		<object-name>Intake</object-name>
-		<object-name>Nacelle</object-name>
-		<object-name>Reverser</object-name>
-		<!-- Fuselage -->
-		<property-base>sim/model/livery</property-base>
-		<texture-prop>texture</texture-prop>
-		<texture>a320.png</texture>
-	</animation>
+    <model>
+        <name>Firetruck1</name>
+        <path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>60.0</x-m>
+            <y-m>10.0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-4.4</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Firetruck2</name>
+        <path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>80.0</x-m>
+            <y-m>-8.0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-4.4</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <animation>
+        <type>select</type>
+        <object-name>Firetruck1</object-name>
+        <object-name>Firetruck2</object-name>
+        <condition>
+            <and>
+                <property>sim/animation/fire-services</property>
+                <less-than>
+                    <property>velocities/groundspeed-kt</property>
+                    <value>40</value>
+                </less-than>
+            </and>
+        </condition>
+    </animation>
+    <!-- LIVERY SELECT -->
+    <!-- Animation -->
+    <animation>
+        <type>material</type>
+        <!-- Fuselage -->
+        <object-name>Fuselage</object-name>
+        <object-name>Vstab</object-name>
+        <!-- Wings -->
+        <object-name>WingletL</object-name>
+        <object-name>WingletR</object-name>
+        <!-- Engines -->
+        <object-name>Intake</object-name>
+        <object-name>Nacelle</object-name>
+        <object-name>Reverser</object-name>
+        <!-- Fuselage -->
+        <property-base>sim/model/livery</property-base>
+        <texture-prop>texture</texture-prop>
+        <texture>a320.png</texture>
+    </animation>
-	<!-- Nasal code -->
-	<nasal>
-		<load>
-			var livery_update ="Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Liveries/A320/CFM");
-		</load>
-		<unload>
-			livery_update.stop();
-		</unload>
-	</nasal>
-	<!-- Ground Services -->    
-	<model>
-		<name>ground_services</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-groundservices.xml</path>
-	</model>
+    <!-- Nasal code -->
+    <nasal>
+        <load>
+            var livery_update ="Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Liveries/A320/CFM");
+        </load>
+        <unload>
+            livery_update.stop();
+        </unload>
+    </nasal>
+    <!-- Ground Services -->    
+    <model>
+        <name>ground_services</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-groundservices.xml</path>
+    </model>
-	<animation>
-		<type>select</type>
-		<object-name>Top beacon light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Bottom beacon light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Left nav light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Right nav light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Left strobe light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Right strobe light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Tail strobe light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Tail nav light</object-name>
-		<condition>
-			<not>
-				<property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
-			</not>
-		</condition>
-	</animation>
-	<animation>
-		<type>select</type>
-		<object-name>Top beacon light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Bottom beacon light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Left nav light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Right nav light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Left strobe light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Right strobe light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Port landing light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Starboard landing light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Tail strobe light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Tail nav light ALS</object-name>
-		<condition>
-				<property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
-		</condition>
-	</animation>
-	<animation>
-		<type>select</type>
-		<object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
-		<condition>
-			<and>
-				<not>
-					<property>sim/model/lights/nose-ldglight</property>
-					<value>0</value>
-				</not>
-				<greater-than>
-					<property>gear/gear/position-norm</property>
-					<value>0.1</value>
-				</greater-than>
-			</and>
-		</condition>
-	</animation>
+    <animation>
+        <type>select</type>
+        <object-name>Top beacon light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Bottom beacon light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Left nav light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Right nav light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Left strobe light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Right strobe light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Tail strobe light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Tail nav light</object-name>
+        <condition>
+            <not>
+                <property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
+            </not>
+        </condition>
+    </animation>
+    <animation>
+        <type>select</type>
+        <object-name>Top beacon light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Bottom beacon light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Left nav light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Right nav light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Left strobe light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Right strobe light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Port landing light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Starboard landing light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Tail strobe light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Tail nav light ALS</object-name>
+        <condition>
+                <property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
+        </condition>
+    </animation>
+    <animation>
+        <type>select</type>
+        <object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
+        <condition>
+            <and>
+                <not>
+                    <property>sim/model/lights/nose-ldglight</property>
+                    <value>0</value>
+                </not>
+                <greater-than>
+                    <property>gear/gear/position-norm</property>
+                    <value>0.1</value>
+                </greater-than>
+            </and>
+        </condition>
+    </animation>
diff --git a/Models/A320-200-IAE.xml b/Models/A320-200-IAE.xml
index 063ba11a..ec736676 100644
--- a/Models/A320-200-IAE.xml
+++ b/Models/A320-200-IAE.xml
@@ -3,560 +3,565 @@
 <!-- Copyright (c) 2020 Josh Davidson (Octal450) -->
-	<name>A320-200</name>
-	<path></path> <!-- Livery system on MP multimodel -->
+    <name>A320-200</name>
+    <path></path> <!-- Livery system on MP multimodel -->
-	<offsets>
-		<x-m>-18.8499</x-m>
-		<z-m>1.7005004</z-m>
-	</offsets>
+    <offsets>
+        <x-m>-18.8499</x-m>
+        <z-m>1.7005004</z-m>
+    </offsets>
-	<model>
-		<name>Fuselage</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320/fuselage.xml</path>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Interior</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-interior.xml</path>
-		<!-- On multiplayer models, the interior is loaded separately and global
-			 offsets are not applied. This cancels the global offsets, so that
-			 the interior is loaded at (0,0,0) anyway. -->
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>18.8499</x-m>
-			<z-m>-1.7005004</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-		<usage>interior</usage>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Fuselage</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320/fuselage.xml</path>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Interior</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-interior.xml</path>
+        <!-- On multiplayer models, the interior is loaded separately and global
+             offsets are not applied. This cancels the global offsets, so that
+             the interior is loaded at (0,0,0) anyway. -->
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>18.8499</x-m>
+            <z-m>-1.7005004</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+        <usage>interior</usage>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Nose Gear</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.nlg.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.83</x-m>
-			<z-m>-1.9306008</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Nose Gear</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.nlg.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.83</x-m>
+            <z-m>-1.9306008</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Main Gears.Left</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.left.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Main Gears.Left</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.left.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Main Gears.Right</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.right.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Main Gears.Right</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.right.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.wings.iae.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>15.280</x-m>
-			<z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.wings.iae.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>15.280</x-m>
+            <z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>A320 Winglets</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.winglets.xml</path>
-		<condition>
-			<equals>
-				<property>sim/multiplay/generic/int[12]</property>
-				<value>0</value>
-			</equals>
-		</condition>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>15.280</x-m>
-			<z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>A320 Sharklets</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.sharklets.xml</path>
-		<condition>
-			<equals>
-				<property>sim/multiplay/generic/int[12]</property>
-				<value>1</value>
-			</equals>
-		</condition>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>15.280</x-m>
-			<z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>A320 Winglets</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.winglets.xml</path>
+        <condition>
+            <equals>
+                <property>sim/multiplay/generic/int[12]</property>
+                <value>0</value>
+            </equals>
+        </condition>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>15.280</x-m>
+            <z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>A320 Sharklets</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.sharklets.xml</path>
+        <condition>
+            <equals>
+                <property>sim/multiplay/generic/int[12]</property>
+                <value>1</value>
+            </equals>
+        </condition>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>15.280</x-m>
+            <z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Horizontal Stabilizer</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320/hstab.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>34.1512207</x-m>
-			<pitch-deg>0.0</pitch-deg>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Horizontal Stabilizer</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320/hstab.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>34.1512207</x-m>
+            <pitch-deg>0.0</pitch-deg>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Vertical Stabilizer</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320/vstab.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>32.2535728</x-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<!-- Lights -->
-	<model>
-		<name>Left nav light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/rednav.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Left nav light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/rednav.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Vertical Stabilizer</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320/vstab.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>32.2535728</x-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <!-- Lights -->
+    <model>
+        <name>Left nav light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/rednav.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Left nav light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/rednav.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Right nav light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/greennav.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Right nav light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/greennav.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Tail nav light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailnav.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-			<y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
-			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Tail nav light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tailnav.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-			<y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
-			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Right nav light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/greennav.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Right nav light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/greennav.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Tail nav light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailnav.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+            <y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
+            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Tail nav light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tailnav.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+            <y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
+            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Left strobe light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Left strobe light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/left-strobe.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Left strobe light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Left strobe light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/left-strobe.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Right strobe light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Right strobe light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/right-strobe.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Tail strobe light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailstrobe.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-			<y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
-			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Tail strobe light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tail-strobe.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-			<y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
-			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Top beacon light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>16.7</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>1.977</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Right strobe light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Right strobe light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/right-strobe.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Tail strobe light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailstrobe.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+            <y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
+            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Tail strobe light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tail-strobe.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+            <y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
+            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Top beacon light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>16.7</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>1.977</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Bottom beacon light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>18.2</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Top beacon light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>16.7</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>1.977</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Bottom beacon light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>18.2</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Top beacon light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>16.7</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>1.977</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Bottom beacon light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>18.2</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Bottom beacon light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>18.2</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Port landing light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightL.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>15.9</x-m>
-			<y-m>-3.16</y-m>
-			<z-m>-1.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Port landing light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightL.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>15.9</x-m>
+            <y-m>-3.16</y-m>
+            <z-m>-1.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.6</x-m>
-			<y-m>-0.1018315</y-m>
-			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Second Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.6</x-m>
-			<y-m>0.1018315</y-m>
-			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Left Turnoff ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffL.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.7</x-m>
-			<y-m>-0.1518315</y-m>
-			<z-m>-2.9</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Right Turnoff ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffR.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.7</x-m>
-			<y-m>0.1518315</y-m>
-			<z-m>-2.9</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.6</x-m>
+            <y-m>-0.1018315</y-m>
+            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Second Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.6</x-m>
+            <y-m>0.1018315</y-m>
+            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Left Turnoff ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffL.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.7</x-m>
+            <y-m>-0.1518315</y-m>
+            <z-m>-2.9</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Right Turnoff ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffR.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.7</x-m>
+            <y-m>0.1518315</y-m>
+            <z-m>-2.9</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Starboard landing light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightR.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>15.9</x-m>
-			<y-m>3.16</y-m>
-			<z-m>-1.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Starboard landing light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightR.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>15.9</x-m>
+            <y-m>3.16</y-m>
+            <z-m>-1.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<!-- Tire smoke and spray effects -->
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-nose.xml</path>
-	  <name>tyre-smoke-n</name>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.83</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	 </model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-port.xml</path>
-	  <name>tyre-smoke-p</name>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-stbd.xml</path>
-	  <name>tyre-smoke-s</name>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-nose.xml</path>
-	  <name>rain-splash-n</name>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.83</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-port.xml</path>
-	  <name>rain-splash-p</name>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-stbd.xml</path>
-	  <name>rain-splash-s</name>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-left.xml</path>
-	  <name>tire-smoke-l</name>
-			<offsets>
-				<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-				<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-				<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-			</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-right.xml</path>
-	  <name>tire-smoke-r</name>
-			<offsets>
-				<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-				<y-m>3.795</y-m>
-				<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-			</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<!-- wing condensation effect -->
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-L.xml</path>
-	  <name>wing-condensation</name>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-R.xml</path>
-	  <name>wing-condensation</name>
-	</model>
-	<!-- Other non-aircraft models -->
-	<model>
-		<name>Pushback</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Services/Pushback/Douglas.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>6.0</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>-4.24</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<!-- Firetruck -->
-	<model>
-	 <name>Firetruck1</name>
-	 <path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
-	 <offsets>
-	  <x-m>60.0</x-m>
-	  <y-m>10.0</y-m>
-	  <z-m>-4.4</z-m>
-	 </offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	 <name>Firetruck2</name>
-	 <path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
-	 <offsets>
-	  <x-m>80.0</x-m>
-	  <y-m>-8.0</y-m>
-	  <z-m>-4.4</z-m>
-	 </offsets>
-	</model>
-	<animation>
-	    <type>select</type>
-	    <object-name>Firetruck1</object-name>
-	    <object-name>Firetruck2</object-name>
-	    <condition>
-	        <and>
-	            <property>sim/animation/fire-services</property>
-	            <less-than>
-	                <property>velocities/groundspeed-kt</property>
-	                <value>40</value>
-	            </less-than>
-	        </and>
-	    </condition>
-	</animation>
-	<!-- LIVERY SELECT -->
-	<!-- Animation -->
-	<animation>
-		<type>material</type>
-		<!-- Fuselage -->
-		<object-name>Fuselage</object-name>
-		<object-name>Vstab</object-name>
-		<!-- Wings -->
-		<object-name>WingletL</object-name>
-		<object-name>WingletR</object-name>
-		<!-- Engines -->
-		<object-name>Intake</object-name>
-		<object-name>Nacelle</object-name>
-		<object-name>Reverser</object-name>
-		<!-- Fuselage -->
-		<property-base>sim/model/livery</property-base>
-		<texture-prop>texture</texture-prop>
-		<texture>a320.png</texture>
-	</animation>
+    <!-- Tire smoke and spray effects -->
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-nose.xml</path>
+        <name>tyre-smoke-n</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.83</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+     </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-port.xml</path>
+        <name>tyre-smoke-p</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-stbd.xml</path>
+        <name>tyre-smoke-s</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-nose.xml</path>
+        <name>rain-splash-n</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.83</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-port.xml</path>
+        <name>rain-splash-p</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-stbd.xml</path>
+        <name>rain-splash-s</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-left.xml</path>
+        <name>tire-smoke-l</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-right.xml</path>
+        <name>tire-smoke-r</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <!-- wing condensation effect -->
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-L.xml</path>
+        <name>wing-condensation</name>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-R.xml</path>
+        <name>wing-condensation</name>
+    </model>
-	<!-- Nasal code -->
-	<nasal>
-		<load>
-			var livery_update ="Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Liveries/A320/IAE");
-		</load>
-		<unload>
-			livery_update.stop();
-		</unload>
-	</nasal>
-	<!-- Ground Services -->    
-	<model>
-		<name>ground_services</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-groundservices.xml</path>
-	</model>
+    <!-- Other non-aircraft models -->
+    <model>
+        <name>Pushback</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Services/Pushback/Douglas.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>6.0</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-4.24</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/marker.xml</path>
+    </model>
+    <!-- Firetruck -->
-	<animation>
-		<type>select</type>
-		<object-name>Top beacon light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Bottom beacon light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Left nav light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Right nav light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Left strobe light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Right strobe light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Tail strobe light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Tail nav light</object-name>
-		<condition>
-			<not>
-				<property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
-			</not>
-		</condition>
-	</animation>
-	<animation>
-		<type>select</type>
-		<object-name>Top beacon light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Bottom beacon light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Left nav light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Right nav light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Left strobe light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Right strobe light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Port landing light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Starboard landing light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Tail strobe light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Tail nav light ALS</object-name>
-		<condition>
-				<property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
-		</condition>
-	</animation>
-	<animation>
-		<type>select</type>
-		<object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
-		<condition>
-			<and>
-				<not>
-					<property>sim/model/lights/nose-ldglight</property>
-					<value>0</value>
-				</not>
-				<greater-than>
-					<property>gear/gear/position-norm</property>
-					<value>0.1</value>
-				</greater-than>
-			</and>
-		</condition>
-	</animation>
+    <model>
+        <name>Firetruck1</name>
+        <path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>60.0</x-m>
+            <y-m>10.0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-4.4</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Firetruck2</name>
+        <path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>80.0</x-m>
+            <y-m>-8.0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-4.4</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <animation>
+        <type>select</type>
+        <object-name>Firetruck1</object-name>
+        <object-name>Firetruck2</object-name>
+        <condition>
+            <and>
+                <property>sim/animation/fire-services</property>
+                <less-than>
+                    <property>velocities/groundspeed-kt</property>
+                    <value>40</value>
+                </less-than>
+            </and>
+        </condition>
+    </animation>
+    <!-- LIVERY SELECT -->
+    <!-- Animation -->
+    <animation>
+        <type>material</type>
+        <!-- Fuselage -->
+        <object-name>Fuselage</object-name>
+        <object-name>Vstab</object-name>
+        <!-- Wings -->
+        <object-name>WingletL</object-name>
+        <object-name>WingletR</object-name>
+        <!-- Engines -->
+        <object-name>Intake</object-name>
+        <object-name>Nacelle</object-name>
+        <object-name>Reverser</object-name>
+        <!-- Fuselage -->
+        <property-base>sim/model/livery</property-base>
+        <texture-prop>texture</texture-prop>
+        <texture>a320.png</texture>
+    </animation>
+    <!-- Nasal code -->
+    <nasal>
+        <load>
+            var livery_update ="Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Liveries/A320/IAE");
+        </load>
+        <unload>
+            livery_update.stop();
+        </unload>
+    </nasal>
+    <!-- Ground Services -->    
+    <model>
+        <name>ground_services</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-groundservices.xml</path>
+    </model>
+    <animation>
+        <type>select</type>
+        <object-name>Top beacon light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Bottom beacon light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Left nav light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Right nav light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Left strobe light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Right strobe light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Tail strobe light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Tail nav light</object-name>
+        <condition>
+            <not>
+                <property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
+            </not>
+        </condition>
+    </animation>
+    <animation>
+        <type>select</type>
+        <object-name>Top beacon light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Bottom beacon light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Left nav light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Right nav light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Left strobe light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Right strobe light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Port landing light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Starboard landing light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Tail strobe light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Tail nav light ALS</object-name>
+        <condition>
+                <property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
+        </condition>
+    </animation>
+    <animation>
+        <type>select</type>
+        <object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
+        <condition>
+            <and>
+                <not>
+                    <property>sim/model/lights/nose-ldglight</property>
+                    <value>0</value>
+                </not>
+                <greater-than>
+                    <property>gear/gear/position-norm</property>
+                    <value>0.1</value>
+                </greater-than>
+            </and>
+        </condition>
+    </animation>
diff --git a/Models/A320neo-CFM.xml b/Models/A320neo-CFM.xml
index 86a25869..c5e821b2 100644
--- a/Models/A320neo-CFM.xml
+++ b/Models/A320neo-CFM.xml
@@ -3,539 +3,544 @@
 <!-- Copyright (c) 2020 Josh Davidson (Octal450) -->
-	<name>A320-200</name>
-	<path></path> <!-- Livery system on MP multimodel -->
+    <name>A320-200</name>
+    <path></path> <!-- Livery system on MP multimodel -->
-	<offsets>
-		<x-m>-18.8499</x-m>
-		<z-m>1.7005004</z-m>
-	</offsets>
+    <offsets>
+        <x-m>-18.8499</x-m>
+        <z-m>1.7005004</z-m>
+    </offsets>
-	<model>
-		<name>Fuselage</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320neo/fuselage.xml</path>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Interior</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-interior.xml</path>
-		<!-- On multiplayer models, the interior is loaded separately and global
-			 offsets are not applied. This cancels the global offsets, so that
-			 the interior is loaded at (0,0,0) anyway. -->
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>18.8499</x-m>
-			<z-m>-1.7005004</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-		<usage>interior</usage>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Fuselage</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320neo/fuselage.xml</path>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Interior</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-interior.xml</path>
+        <!-- On multiplayer models, the interior is loaded separately and global
+             offsets are not applied. This cancels the global offsets, so that
+             the interior is loaded at (0,0,0) anyway. -->
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>18.8499</x-m>
+            <z-m>-1.7005004</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+        <usage>interior</usage>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Nose Gear</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.nlg.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.83</x-m>
-			<z-m>-1.9306008</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Nose Gear</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.nlg.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.83</x-m>
+            <z-m>-1.9306008</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Main Gears.Left</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.left.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Main Gears.Left</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.left.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Main Gears.Right</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.right.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Main Gears.Right</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.right.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.wings.neocfm.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>15.280</x-m>
-			<z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>A320neo Sharklets</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320neo.sharklets.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>15.280</x-m>
-			<z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.wings.neocfm.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>15.280</x-m>
+            <z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>A320neo Sharklets</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320neo.sharklets.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>15.280</x-m>
+            <z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Horizontal Stabilizer</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320neo/hstab.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>34.1512207</x-m>
-			<pitch-deg>0.0</pitch-deg>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Horizontal Stabilizer</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320neo/hstab.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>34.1512207</x-m>
+            <pitch-deg>0.0</pitch-deg>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Vertical Stabilizer</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320neo/vstab.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>32.2535728</x-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<!-- Lights -->
-	<model>
-		<name>Left nav light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/rednav.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Left nav light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/rednav.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Vertical Stabilizer</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320neo/vstab.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>32.2535728</x-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <!-- Lights -->
+    <model>
+        <name>Left nav light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/rednav.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Left nav light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/rednav.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Right nav light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/greennav.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Right nav light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/greennav.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Tail nav light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailnav.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-			<y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
-			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Tail nav light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tailnav.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-			<y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
-			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Right nav light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/greennav.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Right nav light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/greennav.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Tail nav light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailnav.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+            <y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
+            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Tail nav light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tailnav.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+            <y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
+            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Left strobe light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Left strobe light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/left-strobe.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Left strobe light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Left strobe light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/left-strobe.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Right strobe light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Right strobe light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/right-strobe.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Tail strobe light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailstrobe.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-			<y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
-			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Tail strobe light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tail-strobe.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-			<y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
-			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Top beacon light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>16.7</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>1.977</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Right strobe light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Right strobe light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/right-strobe.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Tail strobe light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailstrobe.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+            <y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
+            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Tail strobe light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tail-strobe.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+            <y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
+            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Top beacon light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>16.7</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>1.977</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Bottom beacon light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>18.2</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Top beacon light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>16.7</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>1.977</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Bottom beacon light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>18.2</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Top beacon light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>16.7</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>1.977</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Bottom beacon light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>18.2</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Bottom beacon light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>18.2</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Port landing light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightL.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>15.9</x-m>
-			<y-m>-3.16</y-m>
-			<z-m>-1.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Port landing light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightL.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>15.9</x-m>
+            <y-m>-3.16</y-m>
+            <z-m>-1.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.6</x-m>
-			<y-m>-0.1018315</y-m>
-			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Second Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.6</x-m>
-			<y-m>0.1018315</y-m>
-			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Left Turnoff ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffL.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.7</x-m>
-			<y-m>-0.1518315</y-m>
-			<z-m>-2.9</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Right Turnoff ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffR.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.7</x-m>
-			<y-m>0.1518315</y-m>
-			<z-m>-2.9</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.6</x-m>
+            <y-m>-0.1018315</y-m>
+            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Second Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.6</x-m>
+            <y-m>0.1018315</y-m>
+            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Left Turnoff ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffL.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.7</x-m>
+            <y-m>-0.1518315</y-m>
+            <z-m>-2.9</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Right Turnoff ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffR.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.7</x-m>
+            <y-m>0.1518315</y-m>
+            <z-m>-2.9</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Starboard landing light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightR.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>15.9</x-m>
-			<y-m>3.16</y-m>
-			<z-m>-1.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Starboard landing light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightR.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>15.9</x-m>
+            <y-m>3.16</y-m>
+            <z-m>-1.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-<!-- Tire smoke and spray effects -->
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-nose.xml</path>
-	  <name>tyre-smoke-n</name>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.83</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-port.xml</path>
-	  <name>tyre-smoke-p</name>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-stbd.xml</path>
-	  <name>tyre-smoke-s</name>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-nose.xml</path>
-	  <name>rain-splash-n</name>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.83</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-port.xml</path>
-	  <name>rain-splash-p</name>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-stbd.xml</path>
-	  <name>rain-splash-s</name>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-left.xml</path>
-	  <name>tire-smoke-l</name>
-			<offsets>
-				<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-				<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-				<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-			</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-right.xml</path>
-	  <name>tire-smoke-r</name>
-			<offsets>
-				<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-				<y-m>3.795</y-m>
-				<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-			</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <!-- Tire smoke and spray effects -->
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-nose.xml</path>
+        <name>tyre-smoke-n</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.83</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+     </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-port.xml</path>
+        <name>tyre-smoke-p</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-stbd.xml</path>
+        <name>tyre-smoke-s</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-nose.xml</path>
+        <name>rain-splash-n</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.83</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-port.xml</path>
+        <name>rain-splash-p</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-stbd.xml</path>
+        <name>rain-splash-s</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-left.xml</path>
+        <name>tire-smoke-l</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-right.xml</path>
+        <name>tire-smoke-r</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <!-- wing condensation effect -->
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-L.xml</path>
+        <name>wing-condensation</name>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-R.xml</path>
+        <name>wing-condensation</name>
+    </model>
-	<!-- wing condensation effect -->
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-L.xml</path>
-	  <name>wing-condensation</name>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-R.xml</path>
-	  <name>wing-condensation</name>
-	</model>
+    <!-- Other non-aircraft models -->
+    <model>
+        <name>Pushback</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Services/Pushback/Douglas.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>6.0</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-4.24</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/marker.xml</path>
+    </model>
+    <!-- Firetruck -->
-	<!-- Other non-aircraft models -->
-	<model>
-		<name>Pushback</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Services/Pushback/Douglas.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>6.0</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>-4.24</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<!-- Firetruck -->
+    <model>
+        <name>Firetruck1</name>
+        <path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>60.0</x-m>
+            <y-m>10.0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-4.4</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Firetruck2</name>
+        <path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>80.0</x-m>
+            <y-m>-8.0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-4.4</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <animation>
+        <type>select</type>
+        <object-name>Firetruck1</object-name>
+        <object-name>Firetruck2</object-name>
+        <condition>
+            <and>
+                <property>sim/animation/fire-services</property>
+                <less-than>
+                    <property>velocities/groundspeed-kt</property>
+                    <value>40</value>
+                </less-than>
+            </and>
+        </condition>
+    </animation>
+    <!-- LIVERY SELECT -->
+    <!-- Animation -->
+    <animation>
+        <type>material</type>
+        <!-- Fuselage -->
+        <object-name>Fuselage</object-name>
+        <object-name>Vstab</object-name>
+        <!-- Wings -->
+        <object-name>WingletL</object-name>
+        <object-name>WingletR</object-name>
+        <!-- Engines -->
+        <object-name>Intake</object-name>
+        <object-name>Nacelle</object-name>
+        <object-name>Reverser</object-name>
+        <!-- Fuselage -->
+        <property-base>sim/model/livery</property-base>
+        <texture-prop>texture</texture-prop>
+        <texture>a320.png</texture>
+    </animation>
-	<model>
-	 <name>Firetruck1</name>
-	 <path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
-	 <offsets>
-	  <x-m>60.0</x-m>
-	  <y-m>10.0</y-m>
-	  <z-m>-4.4</z-m>
-	 </offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	 <name>Firetruck2</name>
-	 <path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
-	 <offsets>
-	  <x-m>80.0</x-m>
-	  <y-m>-8.0</y-m>
-	  <z-m>-4.4</z-m>
-	 </offsets>
-	</model>
-	<animation>
-	    <type>select</type>
-	    <object-name>Firetruck1</object-name>
-	    <object-name>Firetruck2</object-name>
-	    <condition>
-	        <and>
-	            <property>sim/animation/fire-services</property>
-	            <less-than>
-	                <property>velocities/groundspeed-kt</property>
-	                <value>40</value>
-	            </less-than>
-	        </and>
-	    </condition>
-	</animation>
-	<!-- LIVERY SELECT -->
-	<!-- Animation -->
-	<animation>
-		<type>material</type>
-		<!-- Fuselage -->
-		<object-name>Fuselage</object-name>
-		<object-name>Vstab</object-name>
-		<!-- Wings -->
-		<object-name>WingletL</object-name>
-		<object-name>WingletR</object-name>
-		<!-- Engines -->
-		<object-name>Intake</object-name>
-		<object-name>Nacelle</object-name>
-		<object-name>Reverser</object-name>
-		<!-- Fuselage -->
-		<property-base>sim/model/livery</property-base>
-		<texture-prop>texture</texture-prop>
-		<texture>a320.png</texture>
-	</animation>
+    <!-- Nasal code -->
+    <nasal>
+        <load>
+            var livery_update ="Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Liveries/A320/CFM-NEO");
+        </load>
+        <unload>
+            livery_update.stop();
+        </unload>
+    </nasal>
+    <!-- Ground Services -->    
+    <model>
+        <name>ground_services</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-groundservices.xml</path>
+    </model>
-	<!-- Nasal code -->
-	<nasal>
-		<load>
-			var livery_update ="Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Liveries/A320/CFM-NEO");
-		</load>
-		<unload>
-			livery_update.stop();
-		</unload>
-	</nasal>
-	<!-- Ground Services -->    
-	<model>
-		<name>ground_services</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-groundservices.xml</path>
-	</model>
-	<animation>
-		<type>select</type>
-		<object-name>Top beacon light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Bottom beacon light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Left nav light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Right nav light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Left strobe light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Right strobe light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Tail strobe light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Tail nav light</object-name>
-		<condition>
-			<not>
-				<property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
-			</not>
-		</condition>
-	</animation>
-	<animation>
-		<type>select</type>
-		<object-name>Top beacon light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Bottom beacon light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Left nav light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Right nav light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Left strobe light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Right strobe light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Port landing light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Starboard landing light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Tail strobe light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Tail nav light ALS</object-name>
-		<condition>
-				<property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
-		</condition>
-	</animation>
-	<animation>
-		<type>select</type>
-		<object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
-		<condition>
-			<and>
-				<not>
-					<property>sim/model/lights/nose-ldglight</property>
-					<value>0</value>
-				</not>
-				<greater-than>
-					<property>gear/gear/position-norm</property>
-					<value>0.1</value>
-				</greater-than>
-			</and>
-		</condition>
-	</animation>
+    <animation>
+        <type>select</type>
+        <object-name>Top beacon light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Bottom beacon light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Left nav light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Right nav light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Left strobe light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Right strobe light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Tail strobe light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Tail nav light</object-name>
+        <condition>
+            <not>
+                <property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
+            </not>
+        </condition>
+    </animation>
+    <animation>
+        <type>select</type>
+        <object-name>Top beacon light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Bottom beacon light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Left nav light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Right nav light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Left strobe light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Right strobe light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Port landing light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Starboard landing light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Tail strobe light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Tail nav light ALS</object-name>
+        <condition>
+                <property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
+        </condition>
+    </animation>
+    <animation>
+        <type>select</type>
+        <object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
+        <condition>
+            <and>
+                <not>
+                    <property>sim/model/lights/nose-ldglight</property>
+                    <value>0</value>
+                </not>
+                <greater-than>
+                    <property>gear/gear/position-norm</property>
+                    <value>0.1</value>
+                </greater-than>
+            </and>
+        </condition>
+    </animation>
diff --git a/Models/A320neo-PW.xml b/Models/A320neo-PW.xml
index 7d9b3fdf..eaab98d5 100644
--- a/Models/A320neo-PW.xml
+++ b/Models/A320neo-PW.xml
@@ -3,546 +3,551 @@
 <!-- Copyright (c) 2020 Josh Davidson (Octal450) -->
-	<name>A320-200</name>
-	<path></path> <!-- Livery system on MP multimodel -->
+    <name>A320-200</name>
+    <path></path> <!-- Livery system on MP multimodel -->
-	<offsets>
-		<x-m>-18.8499</x-m>
-		<z-m>1.7005004</z-m>
-	</offsets>
+    <offsets>
+        <x-m>-18.8499</x-m>
+        <z-m>1.7005004</z-m>
+    </offsets>
-	<model>
-		<name>Fuselage</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320neo/fuselage.xml</path>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Interior</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-interior.xml</path>
-		<!-- On multiplayer models, the interior is loaded separately and global
-			 offsets are not applied. This cancels the global offsets, so that
-			 the interior is loaded at (0,0,0) anyway. -->
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>18.8499</x-m>
-			<z-m>-1.7005004</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-		<usage>interior</usage>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Fuselage</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320neo/fuselage.xml</path>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Interior</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-interior.xml</path>
+        <!-- On multiplayer models, the interior is loaded separately and global
+             offsets are not applied. This cancels the global offsets, so that
+             the interior is loaded at (0,0,0) anyway. -->
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>18.8499</x-m>
+            <z-m>-1.7005004</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+        <usage>interior</usage>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Nose Gear</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.nlg.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.83</x-m>
-			<z-m>-1.9306008</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Nose Gear</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.nlg.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.83</x-m>
+            <z-m>-1.9306008</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Main Gears.Left</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.left.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Main Gears.Left</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.left.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Main Gears.Right</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.right.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Main Gears.Right</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.right.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.wings.neopw.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>15.280</x-m>
-			<z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>A320neo Sharklets</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320neo.sharklets.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>15.280</x-m>
-			<z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.wings.neopw.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>15.280</x-m>
+            <z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>A320neo Sharklets</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320neo.sharklets.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>15.280</x-m>
+            <z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Horizontal Stabilizer</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320neo/hstab.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>34.1512207</x-m>
-			<pitch-deg>0.0</pitch-deg>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Horizontal Stabilizer</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320neo/hstab.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>34.1512207</x-m>
+            <pitch-deg>0.0</pitch-deg>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Vertical Stabilizer</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320neo/vstab.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>32.2535728</x-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<!-- Lights -->
-	<model>
-		<name>Left nav light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/rednav.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Left nav light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/rednav.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Vertical Stabilizer</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320neo/vstab.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>32.2535728</x-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <!-- Lights -->
+    <model>
+        <name>Left nav light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/rednav.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Left nav light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/rednav.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Right nav light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/greennav.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Right nav light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/greennav.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Tail nav light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailnav.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-			<y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
-			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Tail nav light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tailnav.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-			<y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
-			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Right nav light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/greennav.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Right nav light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/greennav.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Tail nav light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailnav.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+            <y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
+            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Tail nav light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tailnav.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+            <y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
+            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Left strobe light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Left strobe light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/left-strobe.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Left strobe light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Left strobe light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/left-strobe.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Right strobe light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Right strobe light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/right-strobe.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
-			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
-			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Tail strobe light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailstrobe.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-			<y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
-			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Tail strobe light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tail-strobe.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-			<y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
-			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Top beacon light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>16.7</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>1.977</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Right strobe light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Right strobe light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/right-strobe.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
+            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
+            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Tail strobe light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailstrobe.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+            <y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
+            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Tail strobe light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tail-strobe.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+            <y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
+            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Top beacon light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>16.7</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>1.977</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Bottom beacon light</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>18.2</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Top beacon light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>16.7</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>1.977</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Bottom beacon light</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>18.2</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Top beacon light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>16.7</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>1.977</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Bottom beacon light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>18.2</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Bottom beacon light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>18.2</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Port landing light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightL.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>15.9</x-m>
-			<y-m>-3.16</y-m>
-			<z-m>-1.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Port landing light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightL.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>15.9</x-m>
+            <y-m>-3.16</y-m>
+            <z-m>-1.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.6</x-m>
-			<y-m>-0.1018315</y-m>
-			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Second Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.6</x-m>
-			<y-m>0.1018315</y-m>
-			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Left Turnoff ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffL.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.7</x-m>
-			<y-m>-0.1518315</y-m>
-			<z-m>-2.9</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Right Turnoff ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffR.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.7</x-m>
-			<y-m>0.1518315</y-m>
-			<z-m>-2.9</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.6</x-m>
+            <y-m>-0.1018315</y-m>
+            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Second Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.6</x-m>
+            <y-m>0.1018315</y-m>
+            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Left Turnoff ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffL.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.7</x-m>
+            <y-m>-0.1518315</y-m>
+            <z-m>-2.9</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Right Turnoff ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffR.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.7</x-m>
+            <y-m>0.1518315</y-m>
+            <z-m>-2.9</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<model>
-		<name>Starboard landing light ALS</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightR.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>15.9</x-m>
-			<y-m>3.16</y-m>
-			<z-m>-1.25</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Starboard landing light ALS</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightR.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>15.9</x-m>
+            <y-m>3.16</y-m>
+            <z-m>-1.25</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
-	<!-- Tire smoke and spray effects -->
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-nose.xml</path>
-	  <name>tyre-smoke-n</name>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.83</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	 </model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-port.xml</path>
-	  <name>tyre-smoke-p</name>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-stbd.xml</path>
-	  <name>tyre-smoke-s</name>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-nose.xml</path>
-	  <name>rain-splash-n</name>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>7.83</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-port.xml</path>
-	  <name>rain-splash-p</name>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-stbd.xml</path>
-	  <name>rain-splash-s</name>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
-			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-left.xml</path>
-	  <name>tire-smoke-l</name>
-			<offsets>
-				<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-				<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-				<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-			</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-right.xml</path>
-	  <name>tire-smoke-r</name>
-			<offsets>
-				<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-				<y-m>3.795</y-m>
-				<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-			</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<!-- wing condensation effect -->
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-L.xml</path>
-	  <name>wing-condensation</name>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	  <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-R.xml</path>
-	  <name>wing-condensation</name>
-	</model>
+    <!-- Tire smoke and spray effects -->
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-nose.xml</path>
+        <name>tyre-smoke-n</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.83</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+     </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-port.xml</path>
+        <name>tyre-smoke-p</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-stbd.xml</path>
+        <name>tyre-smoke-s</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-nose.xml</path>
+        <name>rain-splash-n</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>7.83</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-port.xml</path>
+        <name>rain-splash-p</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-stbd.xml</path>
+        <name>rain-splash-s</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-left.xml</path>
+        <name>tire-smoke-l</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-right.xml</path>
+        <name>tire-smoke-r</name>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
+            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <!-- wing condensation effect -->
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-L.xml</path>
+        <name>wing-condensation</name>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-R.xml</path>
+        <name>wing-condensation</name>
+    </model>
-	<!-- Other non-aircraft models -->
-	<model>
-		<name>Pushback</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Services/Pushback/Douglas.xml</path>
-		<offsets>
-			<x-m>6.0</x-m>
-			<y-m>0</y-m>
-			<z-m>-4.24</z-m>
-		</offsets>
-	</model>
-	<!-- Firetruck -->
+    <!-- Other non-aircraft models -->
+    <model>
+        <name>Pushback</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Services/Pushback/Douglas.xml</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>6.0</x-m>
+            <y-m>0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-4.24</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/marker.xml</path>
+    </model>
+    <!-- Firetruck -->
-	<model>
-	 <name>Firetruck1</name>
-	 <path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
-	 <offsets>
-	  <x-m>60.0</x-m>
-	  <y-m>10.0</y-m>
-	  <z-m>-4.4</z-m>
-	 </offsets>
-	</model>
-	<model>
-	 <name>Firetruck2</name>
-	 <path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
-	 <offsets>
-	  <x-m>80.0</x-m>
-	  <y-m>-8.0</y-m>
-	  <z-m>-4.4</z-m>
-	 </offsets>
-	</model>
-	<animation>
-	    <type>select</type>
-	    <object-name>Firetruck1</object-name>
-	    <object-name>Firetruck2</object-name>
-	    <condition>
-	        <and>
-	            <property>sim/animation/fire-services</property>
-	            <less-than>
-	                <property>velocities/groundspeed-kt</property>
-	                <value>40</value>
-	            </less-than>
-	        </and>
-	    </condition>
-	</animation>
-	<!-- LIVERY SELECT -->
-	<!-- Animation -->
-	<animation>
-		<type>material</type>
-		<!-- Fuselage -->
-		<object-name>Fuselage</object-name>
-		<object-name>Vstab</object-name>
-		<!-- Wings -->
-		<object-name>WingletL</object-name>
-		<object-name>WingletR</object-name>
-		<!-- Fuselage -->
-		<property-base>sim/model/livery</property-base>
-		<texture-prop>texture</texture-prop>
-		<texture>A321.png</texture>
-	</animation>
-	<animation>
-		<type>material</type>
-		<!-- Engines -->
-		<object-name>NacellePW1100G</object-name>
-		<object-name>ReverserPW1100G</object-name>
-		<!-- Engines -->
-		<property-base>sim/model/eng</property-base>
-		<texture-prop>texture</texture-prop>
-		<texture>PW_PurePower_1100G.png</texture>
-	</animation>
+    <model>
+        <name>Firetruck1</name>
+        <path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>60.0</x-m>
+            <y-m>10.0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-4.4</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <model>
+        <name>Firetruck2</name>
+        <path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
+        <offsets>
+            <x-m>80.0</x-m>
+            <y-m>-8.0</y-m>
+            <z-m>-4.4</z-m>
+        </offsets>
+    </model>
+    <animation>
+        <type>select</type>
+        <object-name>Firetruck1</object-name>
+        <object-name>Firetruck2</object-name>
+        <condition>
+            <and>
+                <property>sim/animation/fire-services</property>
+                <less-than>
+                    <property>velocities/groundspeed-kt</property>
+                    <value>40</value>
+                </less-than>
+            </and>
+        </condition>
+    </animation>
+    <!-- LIVERY SELECT -->
+    <!-- Animation -->
+    <animation>
+        <type>material</type>
+        <!-- Fuselage -->
+        <object-name>Fuselage</object-name>
+        <object-name>Vstab</object-name>
+        <!-- Wings -->
+        <object-name>WingletL</object-name>
+        <object-name>WingletR</object-name>
+        <!-- Fuselage -->
+        <property-base>sim/model/livery</property-base>
+        <texture-prop>texture</texture-prop>
+        <texture>A321.png</texture>
+    </animation>
+    <animation>
+        <type>material</type>
+        <!-- Engines -->
+        <object-name>NacellePW1100G</object-name>
+        <object-name>ReverserPW1100G</object-name>
+        <!-- Engines -->
+        <property-base>sim/model/eng</property-base>
+        <texture-prop>texture</texture-prop>
+        <texture>PW_PurePower_1100G.png</texture>
+    </animation>
-	<!-- Nasal code -->
-	<nasal>
-		<load>
-			var livery_update ="Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Liveries/A320/PW-NEO");
-		</load>
-		<unload>
-			livery_update.stop();
-		</unload>
-	</nasal>
-	<!-- Ground Services -->    
-	<model>
-		<name>ground_services</name>
-		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-groundservices.xml</path>
-	</model>
+    <!-- Nasal code -->
+    <nasal>
+        <load>
+            var livery_update ="Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Liveries/A320/PW-NEO");
+        </load>
+        <unload>
+            livery_update.stop();
+        </unload>
+    </nasal>
+    <!-- Ground Services -->    
+    <model>
+        <name>ground_services</name>
+        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-groundservices.xml</path>
+    </model>
-	<animation>
-		<type>select</type>
-		<object-name>Top beacon light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Bottom beacon light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Left nav light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Right nav light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Left strobe light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Right strobe light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Tail strobe light</object-name>
-		<object-name>Tail nav light</object-name>
-		<condition>
-			<not>
-				<property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
-			</not>
-		</condition>
-	</animation>
-	<animation>
-		<type>select</type>
-		<object-name>Top beacon light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Bottom beacon light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Left nav light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Right nav light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Left strobe light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Right strobe light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Port landing light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Starboard landing light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Tail strobe light ALS</object-name>
-		<object-name>Tail nav light ALS</object-name>
-		<condition>
-				<property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
-		</condition>
-	</animation>
-	<animation>
-		<type>select</type>
-		<object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
-		<condition>
-			<and>
-				<not>
-					<property>sim/model/lights/nose-ldglight</property>
-					<value>0</value>
-				</not>
-				<greater-than>
-					<property>gear/gear/position-norm</property>
-					<value>0.1</value>
-				</greater-than>
-			</and>
-		</condition>
-	</animation>
+    <animation>
+        <type>select</type>
+        <object-name>Top beacon light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Bottom beacon light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Left nav light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Right nav light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Left strobe light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Right strobe light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Tail strobe light</object-name>
+        <object-name>Tail nav light</object-name>
+        <condition>
+            <not>
+                <property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
+            </not>
+        </condition>
+    </animation>
+    <animation>
+        <type>select</type>
+        <object-name>Top beacon light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Bottom beacon light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Left nav light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Right nav light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Left strobe light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Right strobe light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Port landing light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Starboard landing light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Tail strobe light ALS</object-name>
+        <object-name>Tail nav light ALS</object-name>
+        <condition>
+                <property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
+        </condition>
+    </animation>
+    <animation>
+        <type>select</type>
+        <object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
+        <condition>
+            <and>
+                <not>
+                    <property>sim/model/lights/nose-ldglight</property>
+                    <value>0</value>
+                </not>
+                <greater-than>
+                    <property>gear/gear/position-norm</property>
+                    <value>0.1</value>
+                </greater-than>
+            </and>
+        </condition>
+    </animation>

From 9095df292f9cc361f3b1e94566795ce04aa23471 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: legoboyvdlp R <>
Date: Sun, 10 May 2020 12:25:36 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Whitespace

 A320-100-CFM-set.xml    |  386 +++++++-------
 A320-200-CFM-set.xml    |  386 +++++++-------
 A320-200-IAE-set.xml    |  386 +++++++-------
 A320neo-CFM-set.xml     |  388 +++++++-------
 A320neo-PW-set.xml      |  388 +++++++-------
 A32X-Checklists.xml     | 1018 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
 Models/A320-100-CFM.xml | 1020 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
 Models/A320-200-CFM.xml | 1078 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 Models/A320-200-IAE.xml | 1078 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 Models/A320neo-CFM.xml  | 1038 ++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 Models/A320neo-PW.xml   | 1052 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 11 files changed, 4109 insertions(+), 4109 deletions(-)

diff --git a/A320-100-CFM-set.xml b/A320-100-CFM-set.xml
index 3e337139..2503a080 100644
--- a/A320-100-CFM-set.xml
+++ b/A320-100-CFM-set.xml
@@ -4,200 +4,200 @@
 <PropertyList include="A320-main.xml">
-    <sim>
-        <description>Airbus A320-111 (CFM56-5A1)</description>
-        <flight-model>jsb</flight-model>
-        <aero>A320-100-CFM</aero>
-        <variant-of>A320-200-IAE</variant-of>
-        <model>
-            <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-100-CFM.xml</path>
-            <livery>
-                <file>Airbus</file>
-            </livery>
-        </model>
-        <rating>
-            <FDM type="int">4</FDM>
-            <systems type="int">5</systems>
-            <cockpit type="int">5</cockpit>
-            <model type="int">4</model>
-        </rating>
-        <sound>
-            <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Sounds/cfm56-sound.xml</path>
-        </sound>
-        <previews>
-            <preview>
-                <type>exterior</type>
-                <splash type="bool">true</splash>
-                <path>Splash/cockpit.png</path>
-            </preview>
-            <preview>
-                <type>exterior</type>
-                <splash type="bool">true</splash>
-                <path>Splash/wing1.png</path>
-            </preview>
-            <preview>
-                <type>exterior</type>
-                <splash type="bool">true</splash>
-                <path>Splash/wing2.png</path>
-            </preview>
-        </previews>
+	<sim>
+		<description>Airbus A320-111 (CFM56-5A1)</description>
+		<flight-model>jsb</flight-model>
+		<aero>A320-100-CFM</aero>
+		<variant-of>A320-200-IAE</variant-of>
+		<model>
+			<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-100-CFM.xml</path>
+			<livery>
+				<file>Airbus</file>
+			</livery>
+		</model>
+		<rating>
+			<FDM type="int">4</FDM>
+			<systems type="int">5</systems>
+			<cockpit type="int">5</cockpit>
+			<model type="int">4</model>
+		</rating>
+		<sound>
+			<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Sounds/cfm56-sound.xml</path>
+		</sound>
+		<previews>
+			<preview>
+				<type>exterior</type>
+				<splash type="bool">true</splash>
+				<path>Splash/cockpit.png</path>
+			</preview>
+			<preview>
+				<type>exterior</type>
+				<splash type="bool">true</splash>
+				<path>Splash/wing1.png</path>
+			</preview>
+			<preview>
+				<type>exterior</type>
+				<splash type="bool">true</splash>
+				<path>Splash/wing2.png</path>
+			</preview>
+		</previews>
-        <chase-distance-m type="double" archive="y">-80.0</chase-distance-m>
-        <view>
-            <name>Pilot View</name>
-            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
-            <config>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">-0.45</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
-                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="100">
-            <name>Copilot View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.45</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
-                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="101">
-            <name>Overhead Panel View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">0</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.72</z-offset-m>
-                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">65.5</pitch-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">115</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="102">
-            <name>Forward Pedestal View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">-14.15</z-offset-m>
-                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-76</pitch-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="103">
-            <name>Aft Pedestal View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.8</z-offset-m>
-                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-82</pitch-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="104">
-            <name>FCU Panel View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
-                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">52</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="105">
-            <name>Left Front View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">false</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
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-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="106">
-            <name>Right Mid View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">false</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">2.81</x-offset-m>
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-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="107">
-            <name>Left Aft View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">false</internal>
-            <config>
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-            </config>
-        </view>
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-            <autopilot n="0">
-                <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Systems/fadec-cfm.xml</path>
-            </autopilot>
-            <autopilot n="10">
-                <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Systems/cfm56-sound.xml</path>
-            </autopilot>
-        </systems>
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+			<name>Pilot View</name>
+			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
+			<config>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">-0.45</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
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+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="100">
+			<name>Copilot View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.45</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
+				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="101">
+			<name>Overhead Panel View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">0</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.72</z-offset-m>
+				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">65.5</pitch-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">115</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="102">
+			<name>Forward Pedestal View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-14.15</z-offset-m>
+				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-76</pitch-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="103">
+			<name>Aft Pedestal View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.8</z-offset-m>
+				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-82</pitch-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="104">
+			<name>FCU Panel View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
+				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">52</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="105">
+			<name>Left Front View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">false</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-6.49</z-offset-m>
+				<heading-offset-deg>129</heading-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="106">
+			<name>Right Mid View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">false</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">2.81</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">0</z-offset-m>
+				<heading-offset-deg>257</heading-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="107">
+			<name>Left Aft View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">false</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">6.8</z-offset-m>
+				<heading-offset-deg>63</heading-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
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+			<autopilot n="0">
+				<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Systems/fadec-cfm.xml</path>
+			</autopilot>
+			<autopilot n="10">
+				<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Systems/cfm56-sound.xml</path>
+			</autopilot>
+		</systems>
-    </sim>
-    <limits>
-        <mass-and-balance> <!--Data source: TCDS WV 002 (Issue 12) -->
-            <maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>150000</maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>
-            <maximum-landing-mass-lbs>138900</maximum-landing-mass-lbs>
-            <maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>131840</maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>
-        </mass-and-balance>
-    </limits>
-    <options n="0">
-        <EIS2 type="bool">0</EIS2>
-        <eng>CFM</eng>
-        <maxblock>52.3</maxblock>
-    </options>
-    <sharklet type="bool">0</sharklet>
-    <MCDUC n="0">
-        <type>A320-111</type>
-        <eng>CFM56-5A1</eng>
-    </MCDUC>
-    <nasal>
-        <specific>
-            <file>Aircraft/A320-family/Nasal/Libraries/a320livery-cfm-100.nas</file>
-        </specific>
-    </nasal>
+	</sim>
+	<limits>
+		<mass-and-balance> <!--Data source: TCDS WV 002 (Issue 12) -->
+			<maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>150000</maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>
+			<maximum-landing-mass-lbs>138900</maximum-landing-mass-lbs>
+			<maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>131840</maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>
+		</mass-and-balance>
+	</limits>
+	<options n="0">
+		<EIS2 type="bool">0</EIS2>
+		<eng>CFM</eng>
+		<maxblock>52.3</maxblock>
+	</options>
+	<sharklet type="bool">0</sharklet>
+	<MCDUC n="0">
+		<type>A320-111</type>
+		<eng>CFM56-5A1</eng>
+	</MCDUC>
+	<nasal>
+		<specific>
+			<file>Aircraft/A320-family/Nasal/Libraries/a320livery-cfm-100.nas</file>
+		</specific>
+	</nasal>
diff --git a/A320-200-CFM-set.xml b/A320-200-CFM-set.xml
index 4e0c9f0b..a6e18ac3 100644
--- a/A320-200-CFM-set.xml
+++ b/A320-200-CFM-set.xml
@@ -4,200 +4,200 @@
 <PropertyList include="A320-main.xml">
-    <sim>
-        <description>Airbus A320-214 (CFM56-5B4)</description>
-        <flight-model>jsb</flight-model>
-        <aero>A320-200-CFM</aero>
-        <variant-of>A320-200-IAE</variant-of>
-        <model>
-            <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-200-CFM.xml</path>
-            <livery>
-                <file>Airbus</file>
-            </livery>
-        </model>
-        <rating>
-            <FDM type="int">4</FDM>
-            <systems type="int">5</systems>
-            <cockpit type="int">5</cockpit>
-            <model type="int">4</model>
-        </rating>
-        <sound>
-            <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Sounds/cfm56-sound.xml</path>
-        </sound>
-        <previews>
-            <preview>
-                <type>exterior</type>
-                <splash type="bool">true</splash>
-                <path>Splash/cockpit.png</path>
-            </preview>
-            <preview>
-                <type>exterior</type>
-                <splash type="bool">true</splash>
-                <path>Splash/wing1.png</path>
-            </preview>
-            <preview>
-                <type>exterior</type>
-                <splash type="bool">true</splash>
-                <path>Splash/wing2.png</path>
-            </preview>
-        </previews>
+	<sim>
+		<description>Airbus A320-214 (CFM56-5B4)</description>
+		<flight-model>jsb</flight-model>
+		<aero>A320-200-CFM</aero>
+		<variant-of>A320-200-IAE</variant-of>
+		<model>
+			<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-200-CFM.xml</path>
+			<livery>
+				<file>Airbus</file>
+			</livery>
+		</model>
+		<rating>
+			<FDM type="int">4</FDM>
+			<systems type="int">5</systems>
+			<cockpit type="int">5</cockpit>
+			<model type="int">4</model>
+		</rating>
+		<sound>
+			<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Sounds/cfm56-sound.xml</path>
+		</sound>
+		<previews>
+			<preview>
+				<type>exterior</type>
+				<splash type="bool">true</splash>
+				<path>Splash/cockpit.png</path>
+			</preview>
+			<preview>
+				<type>exterior</type>
+				<splash type="bool">true</splash>
+				<path>Splash/wing1.png</path>
+			</preview>
+			<preview>
+				<type>exterior</type>
+				<splash type="bool">true</splash>
+				<path>Splash/wing2.png</path>
+			</preview>
+		</previews>
-        <chase-distance-m type="double" archive="y">-80.0</chase-distance-m>
-        <view>
-            <name>Pilot View</name>
-            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
-            <config>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">-0.45</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
-                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="100">
-            <name>Copilot View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.45</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
-                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="101">
-            <name>Overhead Panel View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">0</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.72</z-offset-m>
-                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">65.5</pitch-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">115</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="102">
-            <name>Forward Pedestal View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">-14.15</z-offset-m>
-                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-76</pitch-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="103">
-            <name>Aft Pedestal View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.8</z-offset-m>
-                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-82</pitch-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="104">
-            <name>FCU Panel View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
-                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">52</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="105">
-            <name>Left Front View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">false</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">-6.49</z-offset-m>
-                <heading-offset-deg>129</heading-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="106">
-            <name>Right Mid View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">false</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">2.81</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">0</z-offset-m>
-                <heading-offset-deg>257</heading-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="107">
-            <name>Left Aft View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">false</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">6.8</z-offset-m>
-                <heading-offset-deg>63</heading-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <systems n="0">
-            <autopilot n="0">
-                <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Systems/fadec-cfm.xml</path>
-            </autopilot>
-            <autopilot n="10">
-                <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Systems/cfm56-sound.xml</path>
-            </autopilot>
-        </systems>
+		<chase-distance-m type="double" archive="y">-80.0</chase-distance-m>
+		<view>
+			<name>Pilot View</name>
+			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
+			<config>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">-0.45</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
+				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="100">
+			<name>Copilot View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.45</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
+				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="101">
+			<name>Overhead Panel View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">0</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.72</z-offset-m>
+				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">65.5</pitch-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">115</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="102">
+			<name>Forward Pedestal View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-14.15</z-offset-m>
+				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-76</pitch-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="103">
+			<name>Aft Pedestal View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.8</z-offset-m>
+				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-82</pitch-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="104">
+			<name>FCU Panel View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
+				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">52</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="105">
+			<name>Left Front View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">false</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-6.49</z-offset-m>
+				<heading-offset-deg>129</heading-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="106">
+			<name>Right Mid View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">false</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">2.81</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">0</z-offset-m>
+				<heading-offset-deg>257</heading-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="107">
+			<name>Left Aft View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">false</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">6.8</z-offset-m>
+				<heading-offset-deg>63</heading-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<systems n="0">
+			<autopilot n="0">
+				<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Systems/fadec-cfm.xml</path>
+			</autopilot>
+			<autopilot n="10">
+				<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Systems/cfm56-sound.xml</path>
+			</autopilot>
+		</systems>
-    </sim>
-    <limits>
-        <mass-and-balance> <!--Data source: TCDS WV 017-->
-            <maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>172000</maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>
-            <maximum-landing-mass-lbs>145500</maximum-landing-mass-lbs>
-            <maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>137800</maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>
-        </mass-and-balance>
-    </limits>
-    <options n="0">
-        <EIS2 type="bool">0</EIS2>
-        <eng>CFM</eng>
-        <maxblock>52.3</maxblock>
-    </options>
-    <sharklet type="bool">0</sharklet>
-    <MCDUC n="0">
-        <type>A320-214</type>
-        <eng>CFM56-5B4</eng>
-    </MCDUC>
-    <nasal>
-        <specific>
-            <file>Aircraft/A320-family/Nasal/Libraries/a320livery-cfm.nas</file>
-        </specific>
-    </nasal>
+	</sim>
+	<limits>
+		<mass-and-balance> <!--Data source: TCDS WV 017-->
+			<maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>172000</maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>
+			<maximum-landing-mass-lbs>145500</maximum-landing-mass-lbs>
+			<maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>137800</maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>
+		</mass-and-balance>
+	</limits>
+	<options n="0">
+		<EIS2 type="bool">0</EIS2>
+		<eng>CFM</eng>
+		<maxblock>52.3</maxblock>
+	</options>
+	<sharklet type="bool">0</sharklet>
+	<MCDUC n="0">
+		<type>A320-214</type>
+		<eng>CFM56-5B4</eng>
+	</MCDUC>
+	<nasal>
+		<specific>
+			<file>Aircraft/A320-family/Nasal/Libraries/a320livery-cfm.nas</file>
+		</specific>
+	</nasal>
diff --git a/A320-200-IAE-set.xml b/A320-200-IAE-set.xml
index 8429d883..61d17a7a 100644
--- a/A320-200-IAE-set.xml
+++ b/A320-200-IAE-set.xml
@@ -4,200 +4,200 @@
 <PropertyList include="A320-main.xml">
-    <sim>
-        <description>Airbus A320-232 (IAE V2527-A5)</description>
-        <flight-model>jsb</flight-model>
-        <aero>A320-200-IAE</aero>
-        <primary-set>true</primary-set>
-        <model>
-            <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-200-IAE.xml</path>
-            <livery>
-                <file>Airbus</file>
-            </livery>
-        </model>
-        <rating>
-            <FDM type="int">4</FDM>
-            <systems type="int">5</systems>
-            <cockpit type="int">5</cockpit>
-            <model type="int">4</model>
-        </rating>
-        <sound>
-            <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Sounds/v2500-sound.xml</path>
-        </sound>
-        <previews>
-            <preview>
-                <type>exterior</type>
-                <splash type="bool">true</splash>
-                <path>Splash/cockpit.png</path>
-            </preview>
-            <preview>
-                <type>exterior</type>
-                <splash type="bool">true</splash>
-                <path>Splash/wing1.png</path>
-            </preview>
-            <preview>
-                <type>exterior</type>
-                <splash type="bool">true</splash>
-                <path>Splash/wing2.png</path>
-            </preview>
-        </previews>
+	<sim>
+		<description>Airbus A320-232 (IAE V2527-A5)</description>
+		<flight-model>jsb</flight-model>
+		<aero>A320-200-IAE</aero>
+		<primary-set>true</primary-set>
+		<model>
+			<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-200-IAE.xml</path>
+			<livery>
+				<file>Airbus</file>
+			</livery>
+		</model>
+		<rating>
+			<FDM type="int">4</FDM>
+			<systems type="int">5</systems>
+			<cockpit type="int">5</cockpit>
+			<model type="int">4</model>
+		</rating>
+		<sound>
+			<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Sounds/v2500-sound.xml</path>
+		</sound>
+		<previews>
+			<preview>
+				<type>exterior</type>
+				<splash type="bool">true</splash>
+				<path>Splash/cockpit.png</path>
+			</preview>
+			<preview>
+				<type>exterior</type>
+				<splash type="bool">true</splash>
+				<path>Splash/wing1.png</path>
+			</preview>
+			<preview>
+				<type>exterior</type>
+				<splash type="bool">true</splash>
+				<path>Splash/wing2.png</path>
+			</preview>
+		</previews>
-        <chase-distance-m type="double" archive="y">-80.0</chase-distance-m>
-        <view>
-            <name>Pilot View</name>
-            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
-            <config>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">-0.45</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
-                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="100">
-            <name>Copilot View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.45</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
-                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="101">
-            <name>Overhead Panel View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">0</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.72</z-offset-m>
-                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">65.5</pitch-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">115</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="102">
-            <name>Forward Pedestal View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">-14.15</z-offset-m>
-                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-76</pitch-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="103">
-            <name>Aft Pedestal View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.8</z-offset-m>
-                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-82</pitch-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="104">
-            <name>FCU Panel View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
-                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">52</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="105">
-            <name>Left Front View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">false</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">-6.49</z-offset-m>
-                <heading-offset-deg>129</heading-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="106">
-            <name>Right Mid View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">false</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">2.81</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">0</z-offset-m>
-                <heading-offset-deg>257</heading-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="107">
-            <name>Left Aft View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">false</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">6.8</z-offset-m>
-                <heading-offset-deg>63</heading-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <systems n="0">
-            <autopilot n="0">
-                <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Systems/fadec-iae.xml</path>
-            </autopilot>
-            <autopilot n="10">
-                <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Systems/v2500-sound.xml</path>
-            </autopilot>
-        </systems>
+		<chase-distance-m type="double" archive="y">-80.0</chase-distance-m>
+		<view>
+			<name>Pilot View</name>
+			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
+			<config>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">-0.45</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
+				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="100">
+			<name>Copilot View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.45</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
+				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="101">
+			<name>Overhead Panel View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">0</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.72</z-offset-m>
+				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">65.5</pitch-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">115</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="102">
+			<name>Forward Pedestal View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-14.15</z-offset-m>
+				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-76</pitch-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="103">
+			<name>Aft Pedestal View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.8</z-offset-m>
+				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-82</pitch-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="104">
+			<name>FCU Panel View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
+				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">52</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="105">
+			<name>Left Front View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">false</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-6.49</z-offset-m>
+				<heading-offset-deg>129</heading-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="106">
+			<name>Right Mid View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">false</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">2.81</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">0</z-offset-m>
+				<heading-offset-deg>257</heading-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="107">
+			<name>Left Aft View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">false</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">6.8</z-offset-m>
+				<heading-offset-deg>63</heading-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<systems n="0">
+			<autopilot n="0">
+				<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Systems/fadec-iae.xml</path>
+			</autopilot>
+			<autopilot n="10">
+				<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Systems/v2500-sound.xml</path>
+			</autopilot>
+		</systems>
-    </sim>
-    <limits>
-        <mass-and-balance> <!--Data source: TCDS WV 017-->
-            <maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>172000</maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>
-            <maximum-landing-mass-lbs>145500</maximum-landing-mass-lbs>
-            <maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>137800</maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>
-        </mass-and-balance>
-    </limits>
-    <options n="0">
-        <EIS2 type="bool">0</EIS2>
-        <eng>IAE</eng>
-        <maxblock>52.3</maxblock>
-    </options>
-    <sharklet type="bool">0</sharklet>
-    <MCDUC n="0">
-        <type>A320-232</type>
-        <eng>V2527-A5</eng>
-    </MCDUC>
-    <nasal>
-        <specific>
-            <file>Aircraft/A320-family/Nasal/Libraries/a320livery-iae.nas</file>
-        </specific>
-    </nasal>
+	</sim>
+	<limits>
+		<mass-and-balance> <!--Data source: TCDS WV 017-->
+			<maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>172000</maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>
+			<maximum-landing-mass-lbs>145500</maximum-landing-mass-lbs>
+			<maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>137800</maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>
+		</mass-and-balance>
+	</limits>
+	<options n="0">
+		<EIS2 type="bool">0</EIS2>
+		<eng>IAE</eng>
+		<maxblock>52.3</maxblock>
+	</options>
+	<sharklet type="bool">0</sharklet>
+	<MCDUC n="0">
+		<type>A320-232</type>
+		<eng>V2527-A5</eng>
+	</MCDUC>
+	<nasal>
+		<specific>
+			<file>Aircraft/A320-family/Nasal/Libraries/a320livery-iae.nas</file>
+		</specific>
+	</nasal>
diff --git a/A320neo-CFM-set.xml b/A320neo-CFM-set.xml
index 4a750720..8cfb9497 100644
--- a/A320neo-CFM-set.xml
+++ b/A320neo-CFM-set.xml
@@ -4,200 +4,200 @@
 <PropertyList include="A320-main.xml">
-    <sim> 
-        <description>Airbus A320-251N (LEAP-1A26)</description>
-        <flight-model>jsb</flight-model>
-        <aero>A320neo-CFM</aero>
-        <variant-of>A320neo-PW</variant-of>
-        <model>
-            <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320neo-CFM.xml</path>
-            <livery>
-                <file>Airbus</file>
-            </livery>
-        </model>
-        <rating>
-            <FDM type="int">4</FDM>
-            <systems type="int">5</systems>
-            <cockpit type="int">5</cockpit>
-            <model type="int">4</model>
-        </rating> 
-        <sound>
-            <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Sounds/leapx-sound.xml</path>
-        </sound>
-        <previews>
-            <preview>
-                <type>exterior</type>
-                <splash type="bool">true</splash>
-                <path>Splash/cockpit.png</path>
-            </preview>
-            <preview>
-                <type>exterior</type>
-                <splash type="bool">true</splash>
-                <path>Splash/wing1.png</path>
-            </preview>
-            <preview>
-                <type>exterior</type>
-                <splash type="bool">true</splash>
-                <path>Splash/wing2.png</path>
-            </preview>
-        </previews>
-        <chase-distance-m type="double" archive="y">-80.0</chase-distance-m>
-        <view>
-            <name>Pilot View</name>
-            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
-            <config>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">-0.45</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
-                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="100">
-            <name>Copilot View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.45</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
-                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="101">
-            <name>Overhead Panel View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">0</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.72</z-offset-m>
-                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">65.5</pitch-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">115</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="102">
-            <name>Forward Pedestal View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">-14.15</z-offset-m>
-                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-76</pitch-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="103">
-            <name>Aft Pedestal View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.8</z-offset-m>
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-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="104">
-            <name>FCU Panel View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
-                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">52</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="105">
-            <name>Left Front View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">false</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">-6.49</z-offset-m>
-                <heading-offset-deg>129</heading-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="106">
-            <name>Right Mid View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">false</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">2.81</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">0</z-offset-m>
-                <heading-offset-deg>257</heading-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="107">
-            <name>Left Aft View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">false</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">6.8</z-offset-m>
-                <heading-offset-deg>63</heading-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <systems n="0">
-            <autopilot n="0">
-                <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Systems/fadec-cfm.xml</path>
-            </autopilot>
-            <autopilot n="10">
-                <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Systems/leapx-sound.xml</path>
-            </autopilot>
-        </systems>
+	<sim> 
+		<description>Airbus A320-251N (LEAP-1A26)</description>
+		<flight-model>jsb</flight-model>
+		<aero>A320neo-CFM</aero>
+		<variant-of>A320neo-PW</variant-of>
+		<model>
+			<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320neo-CFM.xml</path>
+			<livery>
+				<file>Airbus</file>
+			</livery>
+		</model>
+		<rating>
+			<FDM type="int">4</FDM>
+			<systems type="int">5</systems>
+			<cockpit type="int">5</cockpit>
+			<model type="int">4</model>
+		</rating> 
+		<sound>
+			<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Sounds/leapx-sound.xml</path>
+		</sound>
+		<previews>
+			<preview>
+				<type>exterior</type>
+				<splash type="bool">true</splash>
+				<path>Splash/cockpit.png</path>
+			</preview>
+			<preview>
+				<type>exterior</type>
+				<splash type="bool">true</splash>
+				<path>Splash/wing1.png</path>
+			</preview>
+			<preview>
+				<type>exterior</type>
+				<splash type="bool">true</splash>
+				<path>Splash/wing2.png</path>
+			</preview>
+		</previews>
+		<chase-distance-m type="double" archive="y">-80.0</chase-distance-m>
+		<view>
+			<name>Pilot View</name>
+			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
+			<config>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">-0.45</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
+				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="100">
+			<name>Copilot View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.45</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
+				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="101">
+			<name>Overhead Panel View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">0</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.72</z-offset-m>
+				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">65.5</pitch-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">115</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="102">
+			<name>Forward Pedestal View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-14.15</z-offset-m>
+				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-76</pitch-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="103">
+			<name>Aft Pedestal View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.8</z-offset-m>
+				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-82</pitch-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="104">
+			<name>FCU Panel View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
+				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">52</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="105">
+			<name>Left Front View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">false</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-6.49</z-offset-m>
+				<heading-offset-deg>129</heading-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="106">
+			<name>Right Mid View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">false</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">2.81</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">0</z-offset-m>
+				<heading-offset-deg>257</heading-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="107">
+			<name>Left Aft View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">false</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">6.8</z-offset-m>
+				<heading-offset-deg>63</heading-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<systems n="0">
+			<autopilot n="0">
+				<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Systems/fadec-cfm.xml</path>
+			</autopilot>
+			<autopilot n="10">
+				<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Systems/leapx-sound.xml</path>
+			</autopilot>
+		</systems>
-    </sim>
-    <limits>
-        <mass-and-balance> <!--Data source: TCDS WV 55 -->
-            <maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>174200</maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>
-            <maximum-landing-mass-lbs>148600</maximum-landing-mass-lbs>
-            <maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>141800</maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>
-        </mass-and-balance>
-    </limits>
-    <options n="0">
-        <EIS2 type="bool">1</EIS2>
-        <eng>CFM</eng>
-        <maxblock>52.3</maxblock>
-    </options>
-    <sharklet type="bool">1</sharklet>
-    <MCDUC n="0">
-        <type>A320-251N</type>
-        <eng>LEAP-1A26</eng>
-    </MCDUC>
-    <nasal>
-        <specific>
-            <file>Aircraft/A320-family/Nasal/Libraries/a320livery-neocfm.nas</file>
-        </specific>
-    </nasal>
+	</sim>
+	<limits>
+		<mass-and-balance> <!--Data source: TCDS WV 55 -->
+			<maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>174200</maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>
+			<maximum-landing-mass-lbs>148600</maximum-landing-mass-lbs>
+			<maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>141800</maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>
+		</mass-and-balance>
+	</limits>
+	<options n="0">
+		<EIS2 type="bool">1</EIS2>
+		<eng>CFM</eng>
+		<maxblock>52.3</maxblock>
+	</options>
+	<sharklet type="bool">1</sharklet>
+	<MCDUC n="0">
+		<type>A320-251N</type>
+		<eng>LEAP-1A26</eng>
+	</MCDUC>
+	<nasal>
+		<specific>
+			<file>Aircraft/A320-family/Nasal/Libraries/a320livery-neocfm.nas</file>
+		</specific>
+	</nasal>
diff --git a/A320neo-PW-set.xml b/A320neo-PW-set.xml
index 8407f6fc..805fddf3 100644
--- a/A320neo-PW-set.xml
+++ b/A320neo-PW-set.xml
@@ -4,200 +4,200 @@
 <PropertyList include="A320-main.xml">
-    <sim>
-        <description>Airbus A320-271N (PurePower 1127G)</description>
-        <flight-model>jsb</flight-model>
-        <aero>A320neo-PW</aero>
-        <primary-set>true</primary-set>
-        <model>
-            <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320neo-PW.xml</path>
-            <livery>
-                <file>Airbus</file>
-            </livery>
-        </model>
-        <rating>
-            <FDM type="int">4</FDM>
-            <systems type="int">5</systems>
-            <cockpit type="int">5</cockpit>
-            <model type="int">4</model>
-        </rating>
-        <sound>
-            <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Sounds/leapx-sound.xml</path>
-        </sound>
-        <previews>
-            <preview>
-                <type>exterior</type>
-                <splash type="bool">true</splash>
-                <path>Splash/cockpit.png</path>
-            </preview>
-            <preview>
-                <type>exterior</type>
-                <splash type="bool">true</splash>
-                <path>Splash/wing1.png</path>
-            </preview>
-            <preview>
-                <type>exterior</type>
-                <splash type="bool">true</splash>
-                <path>Splash/wing2.png</path>
-            </preview>
-        </previews>
-        <chase-distance-m type="double" archive="y">-80.0</chase-distance-m>
-        <view>
-            <name>Pilot View</name>
-            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
-            <config>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">-0.45</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
-                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="100">
-            <name>Copilot View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.45</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
-                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="101">
-            <name>Overhead Panel View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">0</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.72</z-offset-m>
-                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">65.5</pitch-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">115</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="102">
-            <name>Forward Pedestal View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">-14.15</z-offset-m>
-                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-76</pitch-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="103">
-            <name>Aft Pedestal View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.8</z-offset-m>
-                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-82</pitch-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="104">
-            <name>FCU Panel View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">true</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
-                <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">52</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="105">
-            <name>Left Front View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">false</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">-6.49</z-offset-m>
-                <heading-offset-deg>129</heading-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="106">
-            <name>Right Mid View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">false</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">2.81</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">0</z-offset-m>
-                <heading-offset-deg>257</heading-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <view n="107">
-            <name>Left Aft View</name>
-            <type>lookfrom</type>
-            <internal archive="y">false</internal>
-            <config>
-                <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
-                <x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
-                <y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
-                <z-offset-m archive="y">6.8</z-offset-m>
-                <heading-offset-deg>63</heading-offset-deg>
-                <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
-            </config>
-        </view>
-        <systems n="0">
-            <autopilot n="0"> <!-- Apparently PW PurePower uses N1, not EPR.... sooo I use CFM FADEC -->
-                <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Systems/fadec-cfm.xml</path>
-            </autopilot>
-            <autopilot n="10">
-                <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Systems/leapx-sound.xml</path>
-            </autopilot>
-        </systems>
+	<sim>
+		<description>Airbus A320-271N (PurePower 1127G)</description>
+		<flight-model>jsb</flight-model>
+		<aero>A320neo-PW</aero>
+		<primary-set>true</primary-set>
+		<model>
+			<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320neo-PW.xml</path>
+			<livery>
+				<file>Airbus</file>
+			</livery>
+		</model>
+		<rating>
+			<FDM type="int">4</FDM>
+			<systems type="int">5</systems>
+			<cockpit type="int">5</cockpit>
+			<model type="int">4</model>
+		</rating>
+		<sound>
+			<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Sounds/leapx-sound.xml</path>
+		</sound>
+		<previews>
+			<preview>
+				<type>exterior</type>
+				<splash type="bool">true</splash>
+				<path>Splash/cockpit.png</path>
+			</preview>
+			<preview>
+				<type>exterior</type>
+				<splash type="bool">true</splash>
+				<path>Splash/wing1.png</path>
+			</preview>
+			<preview>
+				<type>exterior</type>
+				<splash type="bool">true</splash>
+				<path>Splash/wing2.png</path>
+			</preview>
+		</previews>
+		<chase-distance-m type="double" archive="y">-80.0</chase-distance-m>
+		<view>
+			<name>Pilot View</name>
+			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
+			<config>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">-0.45</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
+				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="100">
+			<name>Copilot View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.45</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
+				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="101">
+			<name>Overhead Panel View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">0</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.72</z-offset-m>
+				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">65.5</pitch-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">115</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="102">
+			<name>Forward Pedestal View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-14.15</z-offset-m>
+				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-76</pitch-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="103">
+			<name>Aft Pedestal View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.8</z-offset-m>
+				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-82</pitch-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">63</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="104">
+			<name>FCU Panel View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">true</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">0.0</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.34</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-13.75</z-offset-m>
+				<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-14.6</pitch-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">52</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="105">
+			<name>Left Front View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">false</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">-6.49</z-offset-m>
+				<heading-offset-deg>129</heading-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="106">
+			<name>Right Mid View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">false</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">2.81</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">0</z-offset-m>
+				<heading-offset-deg>257</heading-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<view n="107">
+			<name>Left Aft View</name>
+			<type>lookfrom</type>
+			<internal archive="y">false</internal>
+			<config>
+				<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+				<x-offset-m archive="y">-2.81</x-offset-m>
+				<y-offset-m archive="y">2.44</y-offset-m>
+				<z-offset-m archive="y">6.8</z-offset-m>
+				<heading-offset-deg>63</heading-offset-deg>
+				<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">85</default-field-of-view-deg>
+			</config>
+		</view>
+		<systems n="0">
+			<autopilot n="0"> <!-- Apparently PW PurePower uses N1, not EPR.... sooo I use CFM FADEC -->
+				<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Systems/fadec-cfm.xml</path>
+			</autopilot>
+			<autopilot n="10">
+				<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Systems/leapx-sound.xml</path>
+			</autopilot>
+		</systems>
-    </sim>
-    <limits>
-        <mass-and-balance> <!--Data source: TCDS WV 55 -->
-            <maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>174200</maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>
-            <maximum-landing-mass-lbs>148600</maximum-landing-mass-lbs>
-            <maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>141800</maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>
-        </mass-and-balance>
-    </limits>
-    <options n="0">
-        <EIS2 type="bool">1</EIS2>
-        <eng>CFM</eng> <!-- Apparently PW PurePower uses N1, not EPR.... sooo I use CFM ECAM, and no N1 mode switches -->
-        <maxblock>52.3</maxblock>
-    </options>
-    <sharklet type="bool">1</sharklet>
-    <MCDUC n="0">
-        <type>A320-271N</type>
-        <eng>PW1133-JM</eng>
-    </MCDUC>
-    <nasal>
-        <specific>
-            <file>Aircraft/A320-family/Nasal/Libraries/a320livery-neopw.nas</file>
-        </specific>
-    </nasal>
+	</sim>
+	<limits>
+		<mass-and-balance> <!--Data source: TCDS WV 55 -->
+			<maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>174200</maximum-takeoff-mass-lbs>
+			<maximum-landing-mass-lbs>148600</maximum-landing-mass-lbs>
+			<maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>141800</maximum-zero-fuel-mass-lbs>
+		</mass-and-balance>
+	</limits>
+	<options n="0">
+		<EIS2 type="bool">1</EIS2>
+		<eng>CFM</eng> <!-- Apparently PW PurePower uses N1, not EPR.... sooo I use CFM ECAM, and no N1 mode switches -->
+		<maxblock>52.3</maxblock>
+	</options>
+	<sharklet type="bool">1</sharklet>
+	<MCDUC n="0">
+		<type>A320-271N</type>
+		<eng>PW1133-JM</eng>
+	</MCDUC>
+	<nasal>
+		<specific>
+			<file>Aircraft/A320-family/Nasal/Libraries/a320livery-neopw.nas</file>
+		</specific>
+	</nasal>
diff --git a/A32X-Checklists.xml b/A32X-Checklists.xml
index eedc2321..f87f4a35 100644
--- a/A32X-Checklists.xml
+++ b/A32X-Checklists.xml
@@ -5,513 +5,513 @@
 <!-- Sven Seipp, Oct 2017 -->
-    <checklist>
-        <title>BEFORE START</title>
-        <item>
-            <name>COCKPIT PREP</name>
-            <value>COMPLETED(BOTH)</value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>GEAR PINS AND COVERS</name>
-            <value>REMOVED</value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>SIGNS</name>
-            <value>ON/AUTO</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.6733</x-m>
-                <y-m>0.0300</y-m>
-                <z-m>0.8825</z-m>
-                <scale>2.5500</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>ADIRS</name>
-            <value>NAV</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>5.1067</x-m>
-                <y-m>-0.2625</y-m>
-                <z-m>1.0325</z-m>
-                <scale>4.5500</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>FUEL QUANTITY</name>
-            <value>____KG/LB</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.5067</x-m>
-                <y-m>-0.1458</y-m>
-                <z-m>0.3317</z-m>
-                <scale>1.4333</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>TO DATA</name>
-            <value>____SET(BOTH)</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.4683</x-m>
-                <y-m>-0.1975</y-m>
-                <z-m>-0.0592</z-m>
-                <scale>1.0000</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>BARO REF</name>
-            <value>____SET(BOTH)</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.5000</x-m>
-                <y-m>-0.2592</y-m>
-                <z-m>0.4783</z-m>
-                <scale>1.5333</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>WINDOWS and DOORS</name>      
-            <value>CLOSED(BOTH)</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.4658</x-m>
-                <y-m>-0.0100</y-m>
-                <z-m>-0.0583</z-m>
-                <scale>0.9667</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>BEACON</name>
-            <value>ON</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.7067</x-m>
-                <y-m>-0.1225</y-m>
-                <z-m>0.8958</z-m>
-                <scale>1.9333</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>THRUST LEVERS</name>
-            <value>IDLE</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.7200</x-m>
-                <y-m>-0.0533</y-m>
-                <z-m>-0.0292</z-m>
-                <scale>1.3667</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>PARKING BRAKE</name>
-            <value>AS RQRD</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>5.0500</x-m>
-                <y-m>-0.0325</y-m>
-                <z-m>-0.0567</z-m>
-                <scale>3.3667</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-    </checklist>
-    <checklist>
-        <title>AFTER START</title>
-        <item>
-            <name>ANTI-ICE</name>
-            <value>AS RQRD</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.7650</x-m>
-                <y-m>-0.1208</y-m>
-                <z-m>0.9042</z-m>
-                <scale>4.4500</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>ECAM STATUS</name>
-            <value>CHECKED</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.6650</x-m>
-                <y-m>-0.2308</y-m>
-                <z-m>0.3975</z-m>
-                <scale>1.7500</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>PITCH TRIM</name>
-            <value>____SET</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.6850</x-m>
-                <y-m>-0.1075</y-m>
-                <z-m>-0.0142</z-m>
-                <scale>3.0333</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>RUDDER TRIM</name>
-            <value>ZERO</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.9583</x-m>
-                <y-m>-0.0142</y-m>
-                <z-m>-0.1042</z-m>
-                <scale>3.0333</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-    </checklist>
-    <checklist>
-        <title>TAXI/BEFORE TAKEOFF</title>
-        <item>
-            <name>FLIGHT CONTROLS</name>
-            <value>CHECKED(BOTH)</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.4625</x-m>
-                <y-m>0.0342</y-m>
-                <z-m>-0.0617</z-m>
-                <scale>1.0000</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>FLT INST</name>
-            <value>CHECKED(BOTH)</value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>BRIEFING</name>
-            <value>CONFIRMED</value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>FLAPS SETTING</name>
-            <value>CONF__(BOTH)</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.8950</x-m>
-                <y-m>0.0683</y-m>
-                <z-m>-0.0892</z-m>
-                <scale>2.5500</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>V1. VR. V2/FLX TEMP</name>
-            <value>CONF__(BOTH)</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.4683</x-m>
-                <y-m>-0.1975</y-m>
-                <z-m>-0.0592</z-m>
-                <scale>1.0000</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>ATC</name>
-            <value>SET</value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>ECAM MEMO</name>
-            <value>TO NO BLUE</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.6650</x-m>
-                <y-m>-0.2308</y-m>
-                <z-m>0.3975</z-m>
-                <scale>1.7500</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>CABIN CREW</name>
-            <value>ADVISED</value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>ENG MODE SEL</name>
-            <value>AS RQRD</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.8617</x-m>
-                <y-m>-0.0333</y-m>
-                <z-m>-0.0708</z-m>
-                <scale>2.0000</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>PACKS</name>
-            <value>AS RQRD</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.8175</x-m>
-                <y-m>-0.1317</y-m>
-                <z-m>0.9492</z-m>
-                <scale>1.6667</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-    </checklist>
-    <checklist>
-        <title>AFTER TAKEOFF/CLIMB</title>
-        <item>
-            <name>LDG GEAR</name>
-            <value>UP</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.3483</x-m>
-                <y-m>0.1142</y-m>
-                <z-m>0.1300</z-m>
-                <scale>3.4833</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>FLAPS</name>
-            <value>RETRACTED</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.8950</x-m>
-                <y-m>0.0683</y-m>
-                <z-m>-0.0892</z-m>
-                <scale>2.5500</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>PACKS</name>
-            <value>ON</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.8175</x-m>
-                <y-m>-0.1317</y-m>
-                <z-m>0.9492</z-m>
-                <scale>1.6667</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>BARO REF</name>
-            <value>SET(BOTH)</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.5000</x-m>
-                <y-m>-0.2592</y-m>
-                <z-m>0.4783</z-m>
-                <scale>1.5333</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-    </checklist>
-    <checklist>
-        <title>APPROACH</title>
-        <item>
-            <name>BRIEFING</name>
-            <value>CONFIRMED</value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>ECAM STATUS</name>
-            <value>CHECKED</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.6650</x-m>
-                <y-m>-0.2308</y-m>
-                <z-m>0.3975</z-m>
-                <scale>1.7500</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>SEAT BELTS</name>
-            <value>ON</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.6733</x-m>
-                <y-m>0.0300</y-m>
-                <z-m>0.8825</z-m>
-                <scale>2.5500</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>BARO REF</name>
-            <value>____SET(BOTH)</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.5000</x-m>
-                <y-m>-0.2592</y-m>
-                <z-m>0.4783</z-m>
-                <scale>1.5333</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>MDA/DH</name>
-            <value>____SET(BOTH)</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.5000</x-m>
-                <y-m>-0.2592</y-m>
-                <z-m>0.4783</z-m>
-                <scale>1.5333</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>ENG MODE SEL</name>
-            <value>AS RQRD</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.8617</x-m>
-                <y-m>-0.0333</y-m>
-                <z-m>-0.0708</z-m>
-                <scale>2.0000</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-    </checklist>
-    <checklist>
-        <title>LANDING</title>
-        <item>
-            <name>CABIN CREW</name>
-            <value>ADVISED</value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>A/THR</name>
-            <value>SPEED/OFF</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.2525</x-m>
-                <y-m>-0.6108</y-m>
-                <z-m>0.2933</z-m>
-                <scale>2.1167</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>ECAM MEMO</name>
-            <value>LDG NO BLUE</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.6650</x-m>
-                <y-m>-0.2308</y-m>
-                <z-m>0.3975</z-m>
-                <scale>1.7500</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-    </checklist>
-    <checklist>
-        <title>AFTER LANDING</title>
-        <item>
-            <name>FLAPS</name>
-            <value>RETRACTED</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.8950</x-m>
-                <y-m>0.0683</y-m>
-                <z-m>-0.0892</z-m>
-                <scale>2.5500</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>SPOILERS</name>
-            <value>DISARMED</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.9083</x-m>
-                <y-m>-0.0967</y-m>
-                <z-m>-0.0833</z-m>
-                <scale>2.3000</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>APU</name>
-            <value>AS RQRD</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.6817</x-m>
-                <y-m>0.0000</y-m>
-                <z-m>0.9017</z-m>
-                <scale>2.6167</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>TCAS</name>
-            <value>OFF/STBY</value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>RADAR</name>
-            <value>OFF</value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>PREDICTIVE WINDSHEAR SYSTEM</name>
-            <value>OFF</value>
-        </item>
-    </checklist>
-    <checklist>
-        <title>PARKING</title>
-        <item>
-            <name>APU BLEED</name>
-            <value>ON</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.7958</x-m>
-                <y-m>-0.0091</y-m>
-                <z-m>0.9375</z-m>
-                <scale>1.6333</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>ENGINES</name>
-            <value>OFF</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.8592</x-m>
-                <y-m>-0.0633</y-m>
-                <z-m>0.0000</z-m>
-                <scale>3.0000</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>SEAT BELTS</name>
-            <value>OFF</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.6692</x-m>
-                <y-m>0.0275</y-m>
-                <z-m>0.8917</z-m>
-                <scale>1.5500</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>EXT LT</name>
-            <value>AS RQRD</value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>FUEL PUMPS</name>
-            <value>OFF</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>5.0000</x-m>
-                <y-m>-0.0300</y-m>
-                <z-m>1.0017</z-m>
-                <scale>2.6833</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>PARK BRK AND CHOCKS</name>
-            <value>AS RQRD</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>5.0500</x-m>
-                <y-m>-0.0325</y-m>
-                <z-m>-0.0567</z-m>
-                <scale>3.3667</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-    </checklist>
-    <checklist>
-        <title>SECURING THE AIRCRAFT</title>
-        <item>
-            <name>ADIRS</name>
-            <value>OFF</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>5.1067</x-m>
-                <y-m>-0.2625</y-m>
-                <z-m>1.0325</z-m>
-                <scale>4.5500</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>OXYGEN</name>
-            <value>OFF</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.7958</x-m>
-                <y-m>-0.2041</y-m>
-                <z-m>0.9242</z-m>
-                <scale>1.6333</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>APU BLEED</name>
-            <value>OFF</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.7958</x-m>
-                <y-m>-0.0091</y-m>
-                <z-m>0.9375</z-m>
-                <scale>1.6333</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>EMER EXIT LT</name>
-            <value>OFF</value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>SIGNS</name>
-            <value>OFF</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.6958</x-m>
-                <y-m>0.0275</y-m>
-                <z-m>0.8775</z-m>
-                <scale>1.4000</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <name>APU AND BAT</name>
-            <value>OFF</value>
-            <marker>
-                <x-m>4.7175</x-m>
-                <y-m>-0.0225</y-m>
-                <z-m>0.8958</z-m>
-                <scale>1.4000</scale>
-            </marker>
-        </item>
-    </checklist>
+	<checklist>
+		<title>BEFORE START</title>
+		<item>
+			<name>COCKPIT PREP</name>
+			<value>COMPLETED(BOTH)</value>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>GEAR PINS AND COVERS</name>
+			<value>REMOVED</value>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>SIGNS</name>
+			<value>ON/AUTO</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.6733</x-m>
+				<y-m>0.0300</y-m>
+				<z-m>0.8825</z-m>
+				<scale>2.5500</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>ADIRS</name>
+			<value>NAV</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>5.1067</x-m>
+				<y-m>-0.2625</y-m>
+				<z-m>1.0325</z-m>
+				<scale>4.5500</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>FUEL QUANTITY</name>
+			<value>____KG/LB</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.5067</x-m>
+				<y-m>-0.1458</y-m>
+				<z-m>0.3317</z-m>
+				<scale>1.4333</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>TO DATA</name>
+			<value>____SET(BOTH)</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.4683</x-m>
+				<y-m>-0.1975</y-m>
+				<z-m>-0.0592</z-m>
+				<scale>1.0000</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>BARO REF</name>
+			<value>____SET(BOTH)</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.5000</x-m>
+				<y-m>-0.2592</y-m>
+				<z-m>0.4783</z-m>
+				<scale>1.5333</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>WINDOWS and DOORS</name>		
+			<value>CLOSED(BOTH)</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.4658</x-m>
+				<y-m>-0.0100</y-m>
+				<z-m>-0.0583</z-m>
+				<scale>0.9667</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>BEACON</name>
+			<value>ON</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.7067</x-m>
+				<y-m>-0.1225</y-m>
+				<z-m>0.8958</z-m>
+				<scale>1.9333</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>THRUST LEVERS</name>
+			<value>IDLE</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.7200</x-m>
+				<y-m>-0.0533</y-m>
+				<z-m>-0.0292</z-m>
+				<scale>1.3667</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>PARKING BRAKE</name>
+			<value>AS RQRD</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>5.0500</x-m>
+				<y-m>-0.0325</y-m>
+				<z-m>-0.0567</z-m>
+				<scale>3.3667</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+	</checklist>
+	<checklist>
+		<title>AFTER START</title>
+		<item>
+			<name>ANTI-ICE</name>
+			<value>AS RQRD</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.7650</x-m>
+				<y-m>-0.1208</y-m>
+				<z-m>0.9042</z-m>
+				<scale>4.4500</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>ECAM STATUS</name>
+			<value>CHECKED</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.6650</x-m>
+				<y-m>-0.2308</y-m>
+				<z-m>0.3975</z-m>
+				<scale>1.7500</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>PITCH TRIM</name>
+			<value>____SET</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.6850</x-m>
+				<y-m>-0.1075</y-m>
+				<z-m>-0.0142</z-m>
+				<scale>3.0333</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>RUDDER TRIM</name>
+			<value>ZERO</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.9583</x-m>
+				<y-m>-0.0142</y-m>
+				<z-m>-0.1042</z-m>
+				<scale>3.0333</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+	</checklist>
+	<checklist>
+		<title>TAXI/BEFORE TAKEOFF</title>
+		<item>
+			<name>FLIGHT CONTROLS</name>
+			<value>CHECKED(BOTH)</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.4625</x-m>
+				<y-m>0.0342</y-m>
+				<z-m>-0.0617</z-m>
+				<scale>1.0000</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>FLT INST</name>
+			<value>CHECKED(BOTH)</value>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>BRIEFING</name>
+			<value>CONFIRMED</value>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>FLAPS SETTING</name>
+			<value>CONF__(BOTH)</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.8950</x-m>
+				<y-m>0.0683</y-m>
+				<z-m>-0.0892</z-m>
+				<scale>2.5500</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>V1. VR. V2/FLX TEMP</name>
+			<value>CONF__(BOTH)</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.4683</x-m>
+				<y-m>-0.1975</y-m>
+				<z-m>-0.0592</z-m>
+				<scale>1.0000</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>ATC</name>
+			<value>SET</value>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>ECAM MEMO</name>
+			<value>TO NO BLUE</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.6650</x-m>
+				<y-m>-0.2308</y-m>
+				<z-m>0.3975</z-m>
+				<scale>1.7500</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>CABIN CREW</name>
+			<value>ADVISED</value>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>ENG MODE SEL</name>
+			<value>AS RQRD</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.8617</x-m>
+				<y-m>-0.0333</y-m>
+				<z-m>-0.0708</z-m>
+				<scale>2.0000</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>PACKS</name>
+			<value>AS RQRD</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.8175</x-m>
+				<y-m>-0.1317</y-m>
+				<z-m>0.9492</z-m>
+				<scale>1.6667</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+	</checklist>
+	<checklist>
+		<title>AFTER TAKEOFF/CLIMB</title>
+		<item>
+			<name>LDG GEAR</name>
+			<value>UP</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.3483</x-m>
+				<y-m>0.1142</y-m>
+				<z-m>0.1300</z-m>
+				<scale>3.4833</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>FLAPS</name>
+			<value>RETRACTED</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.8950</x-m>
+				<y-m>0.0683</y-m>
+				<z-m>-0.0892</z-m>
+				<scale>2.5500</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>PACKS</name>
+			<value>ON</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.8175</x-m>
+				<y-m>-0.1317</y-m>
+				<z-m>0.9492</z-m>
+				<scale>1.6667</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>BARO REF</name>
+			<value>SET(BOTH)</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.5000</x-m>
+				<y-m>-0.2592</y-m>
+				<z-m>0.4783</z-m>
+				<scale>1.5333</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+	</checklist>
+	<checklist>
+		<title>APPROACH</title>
+		<item>
+			<name>BRIEFING</name>
+			<value>CONFIRMED</value>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>ECAM STATUS</name>
+			<value>CHECKED</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.6650</x-m>
+				<y-m>-0.2308</y-m>
+				<z-m>0.3975</z-m>
+				<scale>1.7500</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>SEAT BELTS</name>
+			<value>ON</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.6733</x-m>
+				<y-m>0.0300</y-m>
+				<z-m>0.8825</z-m>
+				<scale>2.5500</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>BARO REF</name>
+			<value>____SET(BOTH)</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.5000</x-m>
+				<y-m>-0.2592</y-m>
+				<z-m>0.4783</z-m>
+				<scale>1.5333</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>MDA/DH</name>
+			<value>____SET(BOTH)</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.5000</x-m>
+				<y-m>-0.2592</y-m>
+				<z-m>0.4783</z-m>
+				<scale>1.5333</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>ENG MODE SEL</name>
+			<value>AS RQRD</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.8617</x-m>
+				<y-m>-0.0333</y-m>
+				<z-m>-0.0708</z-m>
+				<scale>2.0000</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+	</checklist>
+	<checklist>
+		<title>LANDING</title>
+		<item>
+			<name>CABIN CREW</name>
+			<value>ADVISED</value>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>A/THR</name>
+			<value>SPEED/OFF</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.2525</x-m>
+				<y-m>-0.6108</y-m>
+				<z-m>0.2933</z-m>
+				<scale>2.1167</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>ECAM MEMO</name>
+			<value>LDG NO BLUE</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.6650</x-m>
+				<y-m>-0.2308</y-m>
+				<z-m>0.3975</z-m>
+				<scale>1.7500</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+	</checklist>
+	<checklist>
+		<title>AFTER LANDING</title>
+		<item>
+			<name>FLAPS</name>
+			<value>RETRACTED</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.8950</x-m>
+				<y-m>0.0683</y-m>
+				<z-m>-0.0892</z-m>
+				<scale>2.5500</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>SPOILERS</name>
+			<value>DISARMED</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.9083</x-m>
+				<y-m>-0.0967</y-m>
+				<z-m>-0.0833</z-m>
+				<scale>2.3000</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>APU</name>
+			<value>AS RQRD</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.6817</x-m>
+				<y-m>0.0000</y-m>
+				<z-m>0.9017</z-m>
+				<scale>2.6167</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>TCAS</name>
+			<value>OFF/STBY</value>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>RADAR</name>
+			<value>OFF</value>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<value>OFF</value>
+		</item>
+	</checklist>
+	<checklist>
+		<title>PARKING</title>
+		<item>
+			<name>APU BLEED</name>
+			<value>ON</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.7958</x-m>
+				<y-m>-0.0091</y-m>
+				<z-m>0.9375</z-m>
+				<scale>1.6333</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>ENGINES</name>
+			<value>OFF</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.8592</x-m>
+				<y-m>-0.0633</y-m>
+				<z-m>0.0000</z-m>
+				<scale>3.0000</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>SEAT BELTS</name>
+			<value>OFF</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.6692</x-m>
+				<y-m>0.0275</y-m>
+				<z-m>0.8917</z-m>
+				<scale>1.5500</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>EXT LT</name>
+			<value>AS RQRD</value>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>FUEL PUMPS</name>
+			<value>OFF</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>5.0000</x-m>
+				<y-m>-0.0300</y-m>
+				<z-m>1.0017</z-m>
+				<scale>2.6833</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>PARK BRK AND CHOCKS</name>
+			<value>AS RQRD</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>5.0500</x-m>
+				<y-m>-0.0325</y-m>
+				<z-m>-0.0567</z-m>
+				<scale>3.3667</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+	</checklist>
+	<checklist>
+		<title>SECURING THE AIRCRAFT</title>
+		<item>
+			<name>ADIRS</name>
+			<value>OFF</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>5.1067</x-m>
+				<y-m>-0.2625</y-m>
+				<z-m>1.0325</z-m>
+				<scale>4.5500</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>OXYGEN</name>
+			<value>OFF</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.7958</x-m>
+				<y-m>-0.2041</y-m>
+				<z-m>0.9242</z-m>
+				<scale>1.6333</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>APU BLEED</name>
+			<value>OFF</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.7958</x-m>
+				<y-m>-0.0091</y-m>
+				<z-m>0.9375</z-m>
+				<scale>1.6333</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>EMER EXIT LT</name>
+			<value>OFF</value>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>SIGNS</name>
+			<value>OFF</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.6958</x-m>
+				<y-m>0.0275</y-m>
+				<z-m>0.8775</z-m>
+				<scale>1.4000</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+		<item>
+			<name>APU AND BAT</name>
+			<value>OFF</value>
+			<marker>
+				<x-m>4.7175</x-m>
+				<y-m>-0.0225</y-m>
+				<z-m>0.8958</z-m>
+				<scale>1.4000</scale>
+			</marker>
+		</item>
+	</checklist>
diff --git a/Models/A320-100-CFM.xml b/Models/A320-100-CFM.xml
index 6153ae53..ab25da97 100644
--- a/Models/A320-100-CFM.xml
+++ b/Models/A320-100-CFM.xml
@@ -3,535 +3,535 @@
 <!-- Copyright (c) 2020 Josh Davidson (Octal450) -->
-    <name>A320-100</name>
-    <path></path> <!-- Livery system on MP multimodel -->
+	<name>A320-100</name>
+	<path></path> <!-- Livery system on MP multimodel -->
-    <offsets>
-        <x-m>-18.8499</x-m>
-        <z-m>1.7005004</z-m>
-    </offsets>
+	<offsets>
+		<x-m>-18.8499</x-m>
+		<z-m>1.7005004</z-m>
+	</offsets>
-    <model>
-        <name>Fuselage</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320-100/fuselage.xml</path>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Interior</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-interior.xml</path>
-        <!-- On multiplayer models, the interior is loaded separately and global
-             offsets are not applied. This cancels the global offsets, so that
-             the interior is loaded at (0,0,0) anyway. -->
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>18.8499</x-m>
-            <z-m>-1.7005004</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-        <usage>interior</usage>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Fuselage</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320-100/fuselage.xml</path>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Interior</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-interior.xml</path>
+		<!-- On multiplayer models, the interior is loaded separately and global
+			 offsets are not applied. This cancels the global offsets, so that
+			 the interior is loaded at (0,0,0) anyway. -->
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>18.8499</x-m>
+			<z-m>-1.7005004</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+		<usage>interior</usage>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Nose Gear</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.nlg.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.83</x-m>
-            <z-m>-1.9306008</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Nose Gear</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.nlg.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.83</x-m>
+			<z-m>-1.9306008</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Main Gears.Left</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.left.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Main Gears.Left</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.left.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Main Gears.Right</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.right.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Main Gears.Right</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.right.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.wings.cfm.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>15.280</x-m>
-            <z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.wings.cfm.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>15.280</x-m>
+			<z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Horizontal Stabilizer</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320-100/hstab.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>34.1512207</x-m>
-            <pitch-deg>0.0</pitch-deg>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Horizontal Stabilizer</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320-100/hstab.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>34.1512207</x-m>
+			<pitch-deg>0.0</pitch-deg>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Vertical Stabilizer</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320-100/vstab.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>32.2535728</x-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <!-- Lights -->
-    <model>
-        <name>Left nav light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/rednav.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Left nav light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/rednav.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Vertical Stabilizer</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320-100/vstab.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>32.2535728</x-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<!-- Lights -->
+	<model>
+		<name>Left nav light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/rednav.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Left nav light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/rednav.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Right nav light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/greennav.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Right nav light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/greennav.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Tail nav light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailnav.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-            <y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
-            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Tail nav light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tailnav.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-            <y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
-            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Right nav light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/greennav.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Right nav light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/greennav.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Tail nav light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailnav.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+			<y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
+			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Tail nav light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tailnav.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+			<y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
+			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Left strobe light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Left strobe light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/left-strobe.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Left strobe light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Left strobe light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/left-strobe.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Right strobe light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Right strobe light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/right-strobe.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Tail strobe light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailstrobe.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-            <y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
-            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Tail strobe light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tail-strobe.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-            <y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
-            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Top beacon light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>16.7</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>1.977</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Right strobe light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Right strobe light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/right-strobe.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Tail strobe light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailstrobe.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+			<y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
+			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Tail strobe light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tail-strobe.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+			<y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
+			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Top beacon light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>16.7</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>1.977</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Bottom beacon light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>18.2</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Top beacon light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>16.7</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>1.977</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Bottom beacon light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>18.2</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Top beacon light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>16.7</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>1.977</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Bottom beacon light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>18.2</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Bottom beacon light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>18.2</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Port landing light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightL.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>15.9</x-m>
-            <y-m>-3.16</y-m>
-            <z-m>-1.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Port landing light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightL.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>15.9</x-m>
+			<y-m>-3.16</y-m>
+			<z-m>-1.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.6</x-m>
-            <y-m>-0.1018315</y-m>
-            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Second Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.6</x-m>
-            <y-m>0.1018315</y-m>
-            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Left Turnoff ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffL.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.7</x-m>
-            <y-m>-0.1518315</y-m>
-            <z-m>-2.9</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Right Turnoff ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffR.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.7</x-m>
-            <y-m>0.1518315</y-m>
-            <z-m>-2.9</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.6</x-m>
+			<y-m>-0.1018315</y-m>
+			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Second Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.6</x-m>
+			<y-m>0.1018315</y-m>
+			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Left Turnoff ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffL.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.7</x-m>
+			<y-m>-0.1518315</y-m>
+			<z-m>-2.9</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Right Turnoff ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffR.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.7</x-m>
+			<y-m>0.1518315</y-m>
+			<z-m>-2.9</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Starboard landing light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightR.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>15.9</x-m>
-            <y-m>3.16</y-m>
-            <z-m>-1.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Starboard landing light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightR.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>15.9</x-m>
+			<y-m>3.16</y-m>
+			<z-m>-1.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <!-- Tire smoke and spray effects -->
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-nose.xml</path>
-        <name>tyre-smoke-n</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.83</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-     </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-port.xml</path>
-        <name>tyre-smoke-p</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-stbd.xml</path>
-        <name>tyre-smoke-s</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-nose.xml</path>
-        <name>rain-splash-n</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.83</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-port.xml</path>
-        <name>rain-splash-p</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-stbd.xml</path>
-        <name>rain-splash-s</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-left.xml</path>
-        <name>tire-smoke-l</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-right.xml</path>
-        <name>tire-smoke-r</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <!-- wing condensation effect -->
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-L.xml</path>
-        <name>wing-condensation</name>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-R.xml</path>
-        <name>wing-condensation</name>
-    </model>
+	<!-- Tire smoke and spray effects -->
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-nose.xml</path>
+		<name>tyre-smoke-n</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.83</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	 </model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-port.xml</path>
+		<name>tyre-smoke-p</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-stbd.xml</path>
+		<name>tyre-smoke-s</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-nose.xml</path>
+		<name>rain-splash-n</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.83</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-port.xml</path>
+		<name>rain-splash-p</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-stbd.xml</path>
+		<name>rain-splash-s</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-left.xml</path>
+		<name>tire-smoke-l</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-right.xml</path>
+		<name>tire-smoke-r</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<!-- wing condensation effect -->
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-L.xml</path>
+		<name>wing-condensation</name>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-R.xml</path>
+		<name>wing-condensation</name>
+	</model>
-    <!-- Other non-aircraft models -->
-    <model>
-        <name>Pushback</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Services/Pushback/Douglas.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>6.0</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-4.24</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/marker.xml</path>
-    </model>
-    <!-- Firetruck -->
+	<!-- Other non-aircraft models -->
+	<model>
+		<name>Pushback</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Services/Pushback/Douglas.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>6.0</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-4.24</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/marker.xml</path>
+	</model>
+	<!-- Firetruck -->
-    <model>
-        <name>Firetruck1</name>
-        <path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>60.0</x-m>
-            <y-m>10.0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-4.4</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Firetruck2</name>
-        <path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>80.0</x-m>
-            <y-m>-8.0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-4.4</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <animation>
-        <type>select</type>
-        <object-name>Firetruck1</object-name>
-        <object-name>Firetruck2</object-name>
-        <condition>
-            <and>
-                <property>sim/animation/fire-services</property>
-                <less-than>
-                    <property>velocities/groundspeed-kt</property>
-                    <value>40</value>
-                </less-than>
-            </and>
-        </condition>
-    </animation>
-    <!-- LIVERY SELECT -->
-    <!-- Animation -->
-    <animation>
-        <type>material</type>
-        <!-- Fuselage -->
-        <object-name>Fuselage</object-name>
-        <object-name>Vstab</object-name>
-        <!-- Wings -->
-        <object-name>WingletL</object-name>
-        <object-name>WingletR</object-name>
-        <!-- Engines -->
-        <object-name>Intake</object-name>
-        <object-name>Nacelle</object-name>
-        <object-name>Reverser</object-name>
-        <!-- Fuselage -->
-        <property-base>sim/model/livery</property-base>
-        <texture-prop>texture</texture-prop>
-        <texture>a320.png</texture>
-    </animation>
+	<model>
+		<name>Firetruck1</name>
+		<path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>60.0</x-m>
+			<y-m>10.0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-4.4</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Firetruck2</name>
+		<path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>80.0</x-m>
+			<y-m>-8.0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-4.4</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<animation>
+		<type>select</type>
+		<object-name>Firetruck1</object-name>
+		<object-name>Firetruck2</object-name>
+		<condition>
+			<and>
+				<property>sim/animation/fire-services</property>
+				<less-than>
+					<property>velocities/groundspeed-kt</property>
+					<value>40</value>
+				</less-than>
+			</and>
+		</condition>
+	</animation>
+	<!-- LIVERY SELECT -->
+	<!-- Animation -->
+	<animation>
+		<type>material</type>
+		<!-- Fuselage -->
+		<object-name>Fuselage</object-name>
+		<object-name>Vstab</object-name>
+		<!-- Wings -->
+		<object-name>WingletL</object-name>
+		<object-name>WingletR</object-name>
+		<!-- Engines -->
+		<object-name>Intake</object-name>
+		<object-name>Nacelle</object-name>
+		<object-name>Reverser</object-name>
+		<!-- Fuselage -->
+		<property-base>sim/model/livery</property-base>
+		<texture-prop>texture</texture-prop>
+		<texture>a320.png</texture>
+	</animation>
-    <!-- Nasal code -->
-    <nasal>
-        <load>
-            var livery_update ="Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Liveries/A320/CFM-100");
-        </load>
-        <unload>
-            livery_update.stop();
-        </unload>
-    </nasal>
-    <!-- Ground Services -->    
-    <model>
-        <name>ground_services</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-groundservices.xml</path>
-    </model>
+	<!-- Nasal code -->
+	<nasal>
+		<load>
+			var livery_update ="Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Liveries/A320/CFM-100");
+		</load>
+		<unload>
+			livery_update.stop();
+		</unload>
+	</nasal>
+	<!-- Ground Services -->	
+	<model>
+		<name>ground_services</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-groundservices.xml</path>
+	</model>
-    <animation>
-        <type>select</type>
-        <object-name>Top beacon light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Bottom beacon light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Left nav light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Right nav light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Left strobe light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Right strobe light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Tail strobe light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Tail nav light</object-name>
-        <condition>
-            <not>
-                <property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
-            </not>
-        </condition>
-    </animation>
-    <animation>
-        <type>select</type>
-        <object-name>Top beacon light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Bottom beacon light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Left nav light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Right nav light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Left strobe light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Right strobe light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Port landing light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Starboard landing light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Tail strobe light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Tail nav light ALS</object-name>
-        <condition>
-                <property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
-        </condition>
-    </animation>
-    <animation>
-        <type>select</type>
-        <object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
-        <condition>
-            <and>
-                <not>
-                    <property>sim/model/lights/nose-ldglight</property>
-                    <value>0</value>
-                </not>
-                <greater-than>
-                    <property>gear/gear/position-norm</property>
-                    <value>0.1</value>
-                </greater-than>
-            </and>
-        </condition>
-    </animation>
+	<animation>
+		<type>select</type>
+		<object-name>Top beacon light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Bottom beacon light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Left nav light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Right nav light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Left strobe light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Right strobe light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Tail strobe light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Tail nav light</object-name>
+		<condition>
+			<not>
+				<property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
+			</not>
+		</condition>
+	</animation>
+	<animation>
+		<type>select</type>
+		<object-name>Top beacon light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Bottom beacon light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Left nav light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Right nav light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Left strobe light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Right strobe light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Port landing light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Starboard landing light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Tail strobe light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Tail nav light ALS</object-name>
+		<condition>
+				<property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
+		</condition>
+	</animation>
+	<animation>
+		<type>select</type>
+		<object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
+		<condition>
+			<and>
+				<not>
+					<property>sim/model/lights/nose-ldglight</property>
+					<value>0</value>
+				</not>
+				<greater-than>
+					<property>gear/gear/position-norm</property>
+					<value>0.1</value>
+				</greater-than>
+			</and>
+		</condition>
+	</animation>
diff --git a/Models/A320-200-CFM.xml b/Models/A320-200-CFM.xml
index 03ea18b9..e371bf47 100644
--- a/Models/A320-200-CFM.xml
+++ b/Models/A320-200-CFM.xml
@@ -3,565 +3,565 @@
 <!-- Copyright (c) 2020 Josh Davidson (Octal450) -->
-    <name>A320-200</name>
-    <path></path> <!-- Livery system on MP multimodel -->
+	<name>A320-200</name>
+	<path></path> <!-- Livery system on MP multimodel -->
-    <offsets>
-        <x-m>-18.8499</x-m>
-        <z-m>1.7005004</z-m>
-    </offsets>
+	<offsets>
+		<x-m>-18.8499</x-m>
+		<z-m>1.7005004</z-m>
+	</offsets>
-    <model>
-        <name>Fuselage</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320/fuselage.xml</path>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Interior</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-interior.xml</path>
-        <!-- On multiplayer models, the interior is loaded separately and global
-             offsets are not applied. This cancels the global offsets, so that
-             the interior is loaded at (0,0,0) anyway. -->
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>18.8499</x-m>
-            <z-m>-1.7005004</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-        <usage>interior</usage>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Fuselage</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320/fuselage.xml</path>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Interior</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-interior.xml</path>
+		<!-- On multiplayer models, the interior is loaded separately and global
+			 offsets are not applied. This cancels the global offsets, so that
+			 the interior is loaded at (0,0,0) anyway. -->
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>18.8499</x-m>
+			<z-m>-1.7005004</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+		<usage>interior</usage>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Nose Gear</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.nlg.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.83</x-m>
-            <z-m>-1.9306008</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Nose Gear</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.nlg.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.83</x-m>
+			<z-m>-1.9306008</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Main Gears.Left</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.left.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Main Gears.Left</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.left.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Main Gears.Right</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.right.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Main Gears.Right</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.right.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.wings.cfm.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>15.280</x-m>
-            <z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.wings.cfm.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>15.280</x-m>
+			<z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>A320 Winglets</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.winglets.xml</path>
-        <condition>
-            <equals>
-                <property>sim/multiplay/generic/int[12]</property>
-                <value>0</value>
-            </equals>
-        </condition>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>15.280</x-m>
-            <z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>A320 Sharklets</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.sharklets.xml</path>
-        <condition>
-            <equals>
-                <property>sim/multiplay/generic/int[12]</property>
-                <value>1</value>
-            </equals>
-        </condition>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>15.280</x-m>
-            <z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>A320 Winglets</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.winglets.xml</path>
+		<condition>
+			<equals>
+				<property>sim/multiplay/generic/int[12]</property>
+				<value>0</value>
+			</equals>
+		</condition>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>15.280</x-m>
+			<z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>A320 Sharklets</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.sharklets.xml</path>
+		<condition>
+			<equals>
+				<property>sim/multiplay/generic/int[12]</property>
+				<value>1</value>
+			</equals>
+		</condition>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>15.280</x-m>
+			<z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Horizontal Stabilizer</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320/hstab.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>34.1512207</x-m>
-            <pitch-deg>0.0</pitch-deg>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Horizontal Stabilizer</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320/hstab.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>34.1512207</x-m>
+			<pitch-deg>0.0</pitch-deg>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Vertical Stabilizer</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320/vstab.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>32.2535728</x-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <!-- Lights -->
-    <model>
-        <name>Left nav light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/rednav.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Left nav light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/rednav.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Vertical Stabilizer</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320/vstab.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>32.2535728</x-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<!-- Lights -->
+	<model>
+		<name>Left nav light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/rednav.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Left nav light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/rednav.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Right nav light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/greennav.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Right nav light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/greennav.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Tail nav light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailnav.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-            <y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
-            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Tail nav light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tailnav.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-            <y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
-            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Right nav light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/greennav.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Right nav light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/greennav.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Tail nav light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailnav.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+			<y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
+			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Tail nav light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tailnav.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+			<y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
+			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Left strobe light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Left strobe light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/left-strobe.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Left strobe light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Left strobe light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/left-strobe.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Right strobe light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Right strobe light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/right-strobe.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Tail strobe light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailstrobe.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-            <y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
-            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Tail strobe light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tail-strobe.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-            <y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
-            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Top beacon light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>16.7</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>1.977</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Right strobe light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Right strobe light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/right-strobe.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Tail strobe light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailstrobe.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+			<y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
+			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Tail strobe light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tail-strobe.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+			<y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
+			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Top beacon light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>16.7</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>1.977</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Bottom beacon light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>18.2</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Top beacon light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>16.7</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>1.977</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Bottom beacon light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>18.2</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Top beacon light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>16.7</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>1.977</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Bottom beacon light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>18.2</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Bottom beacon light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>18.2</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Port landing light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightL.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>15.9</x-m>
-            <y-m>-3.16</y-m>
-            <z-m>-1.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Port landing light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightL.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>15.9</x-m>
+			<y-m>-3.16</y-m>
+			<z-m>-1.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.6</x-m>
-            <y-m>-0.1018315</y-m>
-            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Second Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.6</x-m>
-            <y-m>0.1018315</y-m>
-            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Left Turnoff ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffL.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.7</x-m>
-            <y-m>-0.1518315</y-m>
-            <z-m>-2.9</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Right Turnoff ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffR.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.7</x-m>
-            <y-m>0.1518315</y-m>
-            <z-m>-2.9</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.6</x-m>
+			<y-m>-0.1018315</y-m>
+			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Second Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.6</x-m>
+			<y-m>0.1018315</y-m>
+			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Left Turnoff ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffL.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.7</x-m>
+			<y-m>-0.1518315</y-m>
+			<z-m>-2.9</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Right Turnoff ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffR.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.7</x-m>
+			<y-m>0.1518315</y-m>
+			<z-m>-2.9</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Starboard landing light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightR.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>15.9</x-m>
-            <y-m>3.16</y-m>
-            <z-m>-1.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Starboard landing light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightR.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>15.9</x-m>
+			<y-m>3.16</y-m>
+			<z-m>-1.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <!-- Tire smoke and spray effects -->
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-nose.xml</path>
-        <name>tyre-smoke-n</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.83</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-     </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-port.xml</path>
-        <name>tyre-smoke-p</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-stbd.xml</path>
-        <name>tyre-smoke-s</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-nose.xml</path>
-        <name>rain-splash-n</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.83</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-port.xml</path>
-        <name>rain-splash-p</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-stbd.xml</path>
-        <name>rain-splash-s</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-left.xml</path>
-        <name>tire-smoke-l</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-right.xml</path>
-        <name>tire-smoke-r</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <!-- wing condensation effect -->
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-L.xml</path>
-        <name>wing-condensation</name>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-R.xml</path>
-        <name>wing-condensation</name>
-    </model>
+	<!-- Tire smoke and spray effects -->
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-nose.xml</path>
+		<name>tyre-smoke-n</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.83</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	 </model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-port.xml</path>
+		<name>tyre-smoke-p</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-stbd.xml</path>
+		<name>tyre-smoke-s</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-nose.xml</path>
+		<name>rain-splash-n</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.83</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-port.xml</path>
+		<name>rain-splash-p</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-stbd.xml</path>
+		<name>rain-splash-s</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-left.xml</path>
+		<name>tire-smoke-l</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-right.xml</path>
+		<name>tire-smoke-r</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<!-- wing condensation effect -->
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-L.xml</path>
+		<name>wing-condensation</name>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-R.xml</path>
+		<name>wing-condensation</name>
+	</model>
-    <!-- Other non-aircraft models -->
-    <model>
-        <name>Pushback</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Services/Pushback/Douglas.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>6.0</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-4.24</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/marker.xml</path>
-    </model>
-    <!-- Firetruck -->
+	<!-- Other non-aircraft models -->
+	<model>
+		<name>Pushback</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Services/Pushback/Douglas.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>6.0</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-4.24</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/marker.xml</path>
+	</model>
+	<!-- Firetruck -->
-    <model>
-        <name>Firetruck1</name>
-        <path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>60.0</x-m>
-            <y-m>10.0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-4.4</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Firetruck2</name>
-        <path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>80.0</x-m>
-            <y-m>-8.0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-4.4</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <animation>
-        <type>select</type>
-        <object-name>Firetruck1</object-name>
-        <object-name>Firetruck2</object-name>
-        <condition>
-            <and>
-                <property>sim/animation/fire-services</property>
-                <less-than>
-                    <property>velocities/groundspeed-kt</property>
-                    <value>40</value>
-                </less-than>
-            </and>
-        </condition>
-    </animation>
-    <!-- LIVERY SELECT -->
-    <!-- Animation -->
-    <animation>
-        <type>material</type>
-        <!-- Fuselage -->
-        <object-name>Fuselage</object-name>
-        <object-name>Vstab</object-name>
-        <!-- Wings -->
-        <object-name>WingletL</object-name>
-        <object-name>WingletR</object-name>
-        <!-- Engines -->
-        <object-name>Intake</object-name>
-        <object-name>Nacelle</object-name>
-        <object-name>Reverser</object-name>
-        <!-- Fuselage -->
-        <property-base>sim/model/livery</property-base>
-        <texture-prop>texture</texture-prop>
-        <texture>a320.png</texture>
-    </animation>
+	<model>
+		<name>Firetruck1</name>
+		<path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>60.0</x-m>
+			<y-m>10.0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-4.4</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Firetruck2</name>
+		<path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>80.0</x-m>
+			<y-m>-8.0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-4.4</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<animation>
+		<type>select</type>
+		<object-name>Firetruck1</object-name>
+		<object-name>Firetruck2</object-name>
+		<condition>
+			<and>
+				<property>sim/animation/fire-services</property>
+				<less-than>
+					<property>velocities/groundspeed-kt</property>
+					<value>40</value>
+				</less-than>
+			</and>
+		</condition>
+	</animation>
+	<!-- LIVERY SELECT -->
+	<!-- Animation -->
+	<animation>
+		<type>material</type>
+		<!-- Fuselage -->
+		<object-name>Fuselage</object-name>
+		<object-name>Vstab</object-name>
+		<!-- Wings -->
+		<object-name>WingletL</object-name>
+		<object-name>WingletR</object-name>
+		<!-- Engines -->
+		<object-name>Intake</object-name>
+		<object-name>Nacelle</object-name>
+		<object-name>Reverser</object-name>
+		<!-- Fuselage -->
+		<property-base>sim/model/livery</property-base>
+		<texture-prop>texture</texture-prop>
+		<texture>a320.png</texture>
+	</animation>
-    <!-- Nasal code -->
-    <nasal>
-        <load>
-            var livery_update ="Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Liveries/A320/CFM");
-        </load>
-        <unload>
-            livery_update.stop();
-        </unload>
-    </nasal>
-    <!-- Ground Services -->    
-    <model>
-        <name>ground_services</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-groundservices.xml</path>
-    </model>
+	<!-- Nasal code -->
+	<nasal>
+		<load>
+			var livery_update ="Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Liveries/A320/CFM");
+		</load>
+		<unload>
+			livery_update.stop();
+		</unload>
+	</nasal>
+	<!-- Ground Services -->	
+	<model>
+		<name>ground_services</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-groundservices.xml</path>
+	</model>
-    <animation>
-        <type>select</type>
-        <object-name>Top beacon light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Bottom beacon light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Left nav light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Right nav light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Left strobe light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Right strobe light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Tail strobe light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Tail nav light</object-name>
-        <condition>
-            <not>
-                <property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
-            </not>
-        </condition>
-    </animation>
-    <animation>
-        <type>select</type>
-        <object-name>Top beacon light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Bottom beacon light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Left nav light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Right nav light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Left strobe light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Right strobe light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Port landing light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Starboard landing light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Tail strobe light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Tail nav light ALS</object-name>
-        <condition>
-                <property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
-        </condition>
-    </animation>
-    <animation>
-        <type>select</type>
-        <object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
-        <condition>
-            <and>
-                <not>
-                    <property>sim/model/lights/nose-ldglight</property>
-                    <value>0</value>
-                </not>
-                <greater-than>
-                    <property>gear/gear/position-norm</property>
-                    <value>0.1</value>
-                </greater-than>
-            </and>
-        </condition>
-    </animation>
+	<animation>
+		<type>select</type>
+		<object-name>Top beacon light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Bottom beacon light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Left nav light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Right nav light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Left strobe light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Right strobe light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Tail strobe light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Tail nav light</object-name>
+		<condition>
+			<not>
+				<property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
+			</not>
+		</condition>
+	</animation>
+	<animation>
+		<type>select</type>
+		<object-name>Top beacon light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Bottom beacon light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Left nav light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Right nav light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Left strobe light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Right strobe light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Port landing light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Starboard landing light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Tail strobe light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Tail nav light ALS</object-name>
+		<condition>
+				<property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
+		</condition>
+	</animation>
+	<animation>
+		<type>select</type>
+		<object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
+		<condition>
+			<and>
+				<not>
+					<property>sim/model/lights/nose-ldglight</property>
+					<value>0</value>
+				</not>
+				<greater-than>
+					<property>gear/gear/position-norm</property>
+					<value>0.1</value>
+				</greater-than>
+			</and>
+		</condition>
+	</animation>
diff --git a/Models/A320-200-IAE.xml b/Models/A320-200-IAE.xml
index ec736676..fcaa6c82 100644
--- a/Models/A320-200-IAE.xml
+++ b/Models/A320-200-IAE.xml
@@ -3,565 +3,565 @@
 <!-- Copyright (c) 2020 Josh Davidson (Octal450) -->
-    <name>A320-200</name>
-    <path></path> <!-- Livery system on MP multimodel -->
+	<name>A320-200</name>
+	<path></path> <!-- Livery system on MP multimodel -->
-    <offsets>
-        <x-m>-18.8499</x-m>
-        <z-m>1.7005004</z-m>
-    </offsets>
+	<offsets>
+		<x-m>-18.8499</x-m>
+		<z-m>1.7005004</z-m>
+	</offsets>
-    <model>
-        <name>Fuselage</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320/fuselage.xml</path>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Interior</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-interior.xml</path>
-        <!-- On multiplayer models, the interior is loaded separately and global
-             offsets are not applied. This cancels the global offsets, so that
-             the interior is loaded at (0,0,0) anyway. -->
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>18.8499</x-m>
-            <z-m>-1.7005004</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-        <usage>interior</usage>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Fuselage</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320/fuselage.xml</path>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Interior</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-interior.xml</path>
+		<!-- On multiplayer models, the interior is loaded separately and global
+			 offsets are not applied. This cancels the global offsets, so that
+			 the interior is loaded at (0,0,0) anyway. -->
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>18.8499</x-m>
+			<z-m>-1.7005004</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+		<usage>interior</usage>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Nose Gear</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.nlg.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.83</x-m>
-            <z-m>-1.9306008</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Nose Gear</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.nlg.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.83</x-m>
+			<z-m>-1.9306008</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Main Gears.Left</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.left.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Main Gears.Left</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.left.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Main Gears.Right</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.right.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Main Gears.Right</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.right.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.wings.iae.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>15.280</x-m>
-            <z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.wings.iae.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>15.280</x-m>
+			<z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>A320 Winglets</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.winglets.xml</path>
-        <condition>
-            <equals>
-                <property>sim/multiplay/generic/int[12]</property>
-                <value>0</value>
-            </equals>
-        </condition>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>15.280</x-m>
-            <z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>A320 Sharklets</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.sharklets.xml</path>
-        <condition>
-            <equals>
-                <property>sim/multiplay/generic/int[12]</property>
-                <value>1</value>
-            </equals>
-        </condition>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>15.280</x-m>
-            <z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>A320 Winglets</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.winglets.xml</path>
+		<condition>
+			<equals>
+				<property>sim/multiplay/generic/int[12]</property>
+				<value>0</value>
+			</equals>
+		</condition>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>15.280</x-m>
+			<z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>A320 Sharklets</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.sharklets.xml</path>
+		<condition>
+			<equals>
+				<property>sim/multiplay/generic/int[12]</property>
+				<value>1</value>
+			</equals>
+		</condition>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>15.280</x-m>
+			<z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Horizontal Stabilizer</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320/hstab.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>34.1512207</x-m>
-            <pitch-deg>0.0</pitch-deg>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Horizontal Stabilizer</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320/hstab.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>34.1512207</x-m>
+			<pitch-deg>0.0</pitch-deg>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Vertical Stabilizer</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320/vstab.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>32.2535728</x-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <!-- Lights -->
-    <model>
-        <name>Left nav light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/rednav.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Left nav light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/rednav.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Vertical Stabilizer</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320/vstab.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>32.2535728</x-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<!-- Lights -->
+	<model>
+		<name>Left nav light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/rednav.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Left nav light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/rednav.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Right nav light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/greennav.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Right nav light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/greennav.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Tail nav light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailnav.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-            <y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
-            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Tail nav light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tailnav.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-            <y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
-            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Right nav light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/greennav.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Right nav light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/greennav.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Tail nav light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailnav.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+			<y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
+			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Tail nav light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tailnav.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+			<y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
+			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Left strobe light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Left strobe light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/left-strobe.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Left strobe light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Left strobe light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/left-strobe.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Right strobe light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Right strobe light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/right-strobe.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Tail strobe light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailstrobe.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-            <y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
-            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Tail strobe light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tail-strobe.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-            <y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
-            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Top beacon light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>16.7</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>1.977</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Right strobe light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Right strobe light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/right-strobe.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Tail strobe light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailstrobe.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+			<y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
+			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Tail strobe light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tail-strobe.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+			<y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
+			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Top beacon light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>16.7</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>1.977</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Bottom beacon light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>18.2</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Top beacon light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>16.7</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>1.977</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Bottom beacon light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>18.2</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Top beacon light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>16.7</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>1.977</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Bottom beacon light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>18.2</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Bottom beacon light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>18.2</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Port landing light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightL.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>15.9</x-m>
-            <y-m>-3.16</y-m>
-            <z-m>-1.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Port landing light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightL.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>15.9</x-m>
+			<y-m>-3.16</y-m>
+			<z-m>-1.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.6</x-m>
-            <y-m>-0.1018315</y-m>
-            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Second Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.6</x-m>
-            <y-m>0.1018315</y-m>
-            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Left Turnoff ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffL.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.7</x-m>
-            <y-m>-0.1518315</y-m>
-            <z-m>-2.9</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Right Turnoff ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffR.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.7</x-m>
-            <y-m>0.1518315</y-m>
-            <z-m>-2.9</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.6</x-m>
+			<y-m>-0.1018315</y-m>
+			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Second Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.6</x-m>
+			<y-m>0.1018315</y-m>
+			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Left Turnoff ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffL.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.7</x-m>
+			<y-m>-0.1518315</y-m>
+			<z-m>-2.9</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Right Turnoff ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffR.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.7</x-m>
+			<y-m>0.1518315</y-m>
+			<z-m>-2.9</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Starboard landing light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightR.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>15.9</x-m>
-            <y-m>3.16</y-m>
-            <z-m>-1.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Starboard landing light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightR.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>15.9</x-m>
+			<y-m>3.16</y-m>
+			<z-m>-1.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <!-- Tire smoke and spray effects -->
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-nose.xml</path>
-        <name>tyre-smoke-n</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.83</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-     </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-port.xml</path>
-        <name>tyre-smoke-p</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-stbd.xml</path>
-        <name>tyre-smoke-s</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-nose.xml</path>
-        <name>rain-splash-n</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.83</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-port.xml</path>
-        <name>rain-splash-p</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-stbd.xml</path>
-        <name>rain-splash-s</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-left.xml</path>
-        <name>tire-smoke-l</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-right.xml</path>
-        <name>tire-smoke-r</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <!-- wing condensation effect -->
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-L.xml</path>
-        <name>wing-condensation</name>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-R.xml</path>
-        <name>wing-condensation</name>
-    </model>
+	<!-- Tire smoke and spray effects -->
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-nose.xml</path>
+		<name>tyre-smoke-n</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.83</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	 </model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-port.xml</path>
+		<name>tyre-smoke-p</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-stbd.xml</path>
+		<name>tyre-smoke-s</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-nose.xml</path>
+		<name>rain-splash-n</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.83</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-port.xml</path>
+		<name>rain-splash-p</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-stbd.xml</path>
+		<name>rain-splash-s</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-left.xml</path>
+		<name>tire-smoke-l</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-right.xml</path>
+		<name>tire-smoke-r</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<!-- wing condensation effect -->
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-L.xml</path>
+		<name>wing-condensation</name>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-R.xml</path>
+		<name>wing-condensation</name>
+	</model>
-    <!-- Other non-aircraft models -->
-    <model>
-        <name>Pushback</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Services/Pushback/Douglas.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>6.0</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-4.24</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/marker.xml</path>
-    </model>
-    <!-- Firetruck -->
+	<!-- Other non-aircraft models -->
+	<model>
+		<name>Pushback</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Services/Pushback/Douglas.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>6.0</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-4.24</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/marker.xml</path>
+	</model>
+	<!-- Firetruck -->
-    <model>
-        <name>Firetruck1</name>
-        <path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>60.0</x-m>
-            <y-m>10.0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-4.4</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Firetruck2</name>
-        <path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>80.0</x-m>
-            <y-m>-8.0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-4.4</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <animation>
-        <type>select</type>
-        <object-name>Firetruck1</object-name>
-        <object-name>Firetruck2</object-name>
-        <condition>
-            <and>
-                <property>sim/animation/fire-services</property>
-                <less-than>
-                    <property>velocities/groundspeed-kt</property>
-                    <value>40</value>
-                </less-than>
-            </and>
-        </condition>
-    </animation>
-    <!-- LIVERY SELECT -->
-    <!-- Animation -->
-    <animation>
-        <type>material</type>
-        <!-- Fuselage -->
-        <object-name>Fuselage</object-name>
-        <object-name>Vstab</object-name>
-        <!-- Wings -->
-        <object-name>WingletL</object-name>
-        <object-name>WingletR</object-name>
-        <!-- Engines -->
-        <object-name>Intake</object-name>
-        <object-name>Nacelle</object-name>
-        <object-name>Reverser</object-name>
-        <!-- Fuselage -->
-        <property-base>sim/model/livery</property-base>
-        <texture-prop>texture</texture-prop>
-        <texture>a320.png</texture>
-    </animation>
+	<model>
+		<name>Firetruck1</name>
+		<path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>60.0</x-m>
+			<y-m>10.0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-4.4</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Firetruck2</name>
+		<path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>80.0</x-m>
+			<y-m>-8.0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-4.4</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<animation>
+		<type>select</type>
+		<object-name>Firetruck1</object-name>
+		<object-name>Firetruck2</object-name>
+		<condition>
+			<and>
+				<property>sim/animation/fire-services</property>
+				<less-than>
+					<property>velocities/groundspeed-kt</property>
+					<value>40</value>
+				</less-than>
+			</and>
+		</condition>
+	</animation>
+	<!-- LIVERY SELECT -->
+	<!-- Animation -->
+	<animation>
+		<type>material</type>
+		<!-- Fuselage -->
+		<object-name>Fuselage</object-name>
+		<object-name>Vstab</object-name>
+		<!-- Wings -->
+		<object-name>WingletL</object-name>
+		<object-name>WingletR</object-name>
+		<!-- Engines -->
+		<object-name>Intake</object-name>
+		<object-name>Nacelle</object-name>
+		<object-name>Reverser</object-name>
+		<!-- Fuselage -->
+		<property-base>sim/model/livery</property-base>
+		<texture-prop>texture</texture-prop>
+		<texture>a320.png</texture>
+	</animation>
-    <!-- Nasal code -->
-    <nasal>
-        <load>
-            var livery_update ="Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Liveries/A320/IAE");
-        </load>
-        <unload>
-            livery_update.stop();
-        </unload>
-    </nasal>
-    <!-- Ground Services -->    
-    <model>
-        <name>ground_services</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-groundservices.xml</path>
-    </model>
+	<!-- Nasal code -->
+	<nasal>
+		<load>
+			var livery_update ="Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Liveries/A320/IAE");
+		</load>
+		<unload>
+			livery_update.stop();
+		</unload>
+	</nasal>
+	<!-- Ground Services -->	
+	<model>
+		<name>ground_services</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-groundservices.xml</path>
+	</model>
-    <animation>
-        <type>select</type>
-        <object-name>Top beacon light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Bottom beacon light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Left nav light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Right nav light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Left strobe light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Right strobe light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Tail strobe light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Tail nav light</object-name>
-        <condition>
-            <not>
-                <property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
-            </not>
-        </condition>
-    </animation>
-    <animation>
-        <type>select</type>
-        <object-name>Top beacon light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Bottom beacon light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Left nav light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Right nav light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Left strobe light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Right strobe light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Port landing light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Starboard landing light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Tail strobe light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Tail nav light ALS</object-name>
-        <condition>
-                <property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
-        </condition>
-    </animation>
-    <animation>
-        <type>select</type>
-        <object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
-        <condition>
-            <and>
-                <not>
-                    <property>sim/model/lights/nose-ldglight</property>
-                    <value>0</value>
-                </not>
-                <greater-than>
-                    <property>gear/gear/position-norm</property>
-                    <value>0.1</value>
-                </greater-than>
-            </and>
-        </condition>
-    </animation>
+	<animation>
+		<type>select</type>
+		<object-name>Top beacon light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Bottom beacon light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Left nav light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Right nav light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Left strobe light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Right strobe light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Tail strobe light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Tail nav light</object-name>
+		<condition>
+			<not>
+				<property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
+			</not>
+		</condition>
+	</animation>
+	<animation>
+		<type>select</type>
+		<object-name>Top beacon light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Bottom beacon light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Left nav light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Right nav light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Left strobe light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Right strobe light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Port landing light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Starboard landing light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Tail strobe light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Tail nav light ALS</object-name>
+		<condition>
+				<property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
+		</condition>
+	</animation>
+	<animation>
+		<type>select</type>
+		<object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
+		<condition>
+			<and>
+				<not>
+					<property>sim/model/lights/nose-ldglight</property>
+					<value>0</value>
+				</not>
+				<greater-than>
+					<property>gear/gear/position-norm</property>
+					<value>0.1</value>
+				</greater-than>
+			</and>
+		</condition>
+	</animation>
diff --git a/Models/A320neo-CFM.xml b/Models/A320neo-CFM.xml
index c5e821b2..6f06e17a 100644
--- a/Models/A320neo-CFM.xml
+++ b/Models/A320neo-CFM.xml
@@ -3,544 +3,544 @@
 <!-- Copyright (c) 2020 Josh Davidson (Octal450) -->
-    <name>A320-200</name>
-    <path></path> <!-- Livery system on MP multimodel -->
+	<name>A320-200</name>
+	<path></path> <!-- Livery system on MP multimodel -->
-    <offsets>
-        <x-m>-18.8499</x-m>
-        <z-m>1.7005004</z-m>
-    </offsets>
+	<offsets>
+		<x-m>-18.8499</x-m>
+		<z-m>1.7005004</z-m>
+	</offsets>
-    <model>
-        <name>Fuselage</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320neo/fuselage.xml</path>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Interior</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-interior.xml</path>
-        <!-- On multiplayer models, the interior is loaded separately and global
-             offsets are not applied. This cancels the global offsets, so that
-             the interior is loaded at (0,0,0) anyway. -->
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>18.8499</x-m>
-            <z-m>-1.7005004</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-        <usage>interior</usage>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Fuselage</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320neo/fuselage.xml</path>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Interior</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-interior.xml</path>
+		<!-- On multiplayer models, the interior is loaded separately and global
+			 offsets are not applied. This cancels the global offsets, so that
+			 the interior is loaded at (0,0,0) anyway. -->
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>18.8499</x-m>
+			<z-m>-1.7005004</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+		<usage>interior</usage>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Nose Gear</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.nlg.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.83</x-m>
-            <z-m>-1.9306008</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Nose Gear</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.nlg.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.83</x-m>
+			<z-m>-1.9306008</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Main Gears.Left</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.left.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Main Gears.Left</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.left.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Main Gears.Right</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.right.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Main Gears.Right</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.right.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.wings.neocfm.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>15.280</x-m>
-            <z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>A320neo Sharklets</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320neo.sharklets.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>15.280</x-m>
-            <z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.wings.neocfm.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>15.280</x-m>
+			<z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>A320neo Sharklets</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320neo.sharklets.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>15.280</x-m>
+			<z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Horizontal Stabilizer</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320neo/hstab.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>34.1512207</x-m>
-            <pitch-deg>0.0</pitch-deg>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Horizontal Stabilizer</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320neo/hstab.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>34.1512207</x-m>
+			<pitch-deg>0.0</pitch-deg>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Vertical Stabilizer</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320neo/vstab.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>32.2535728</x-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <!-- Lights -->
-    <model>
-        <name>Left nav light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/rednav.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Left nav light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/rednav.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Vertical Stabilizer</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320neo/vstab.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>32.2535728</x-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<!-- Lights -->
+	<model>
+		<name>Left nav light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/rednav.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Left nav light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/rednav.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Right nav light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/greennav.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Right nav light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/greennav.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Tail nav light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailnav.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-            <y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
-            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Tail nav light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tailnav.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-            <y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
-            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Right nav light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/greennav.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Right nav light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/greennav.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Tail nav light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailnav.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+			<y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
+			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Tail nav light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tailnav.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+			<y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
+			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Left strobe light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Left strobe light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/left-strobe.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Left strobe light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Left strobe light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/left-strobe.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Right strobe light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Right strobe light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/right-strobe.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Tail strobe light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailstrobe.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-            <y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
-            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Tail strobe light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tail-strobe.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-            <y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
-            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Top beacon light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>16.7</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>1.977</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Right strobe light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Right strobe light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/right-strobe.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Tail strobe light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailstrobe.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+			<y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
+			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Tail strobe light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tail-strobe.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+			<y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
+			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Top beacon light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>16.7</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>1.977</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Bottom beacon light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>18.2</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Top beacon light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>16.7</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>1.977</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Bottom beacon light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>18.2</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Top beacon light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>16.7</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>1.977</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Bottom beacon light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>18.2</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Bottom beacon light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>18.2</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Port landing light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightL.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>15.9</x-m>
-            <y-m>-3.16</y-m>
-            <z-m>-1.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Port landing light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightL.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>15.9</x-m>
+			<y-m>-3.16</y-m>
+			<z-m>-1.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.6</x-m>
-            <y-m>-0.1018315</y-m>
-            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Second Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.6</x-m>
-            <y-m>0.1018315</y-m>
-            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Left Turnoff ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffL.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.7</x-m>
-            <y-m>-0.1518315</y-m>
-            <z-m>-2.9</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Right Turnoff ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffR.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.7</x-m>
-            <y-m>0.1518315</y-m>
-            <z-m>-2.9</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.6</x-m>
+			<y-m>-0.1018315</y-m>
+			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Second Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.6</x-m>
+			<y-m>0.1018315</y-m>
+			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Left Turnoff ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffL.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.7</x-m>
+			<y-m>-0.1518315</y-m>
+			<z-m>-2.9</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Right Turnoff ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffR.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.7</x-m>
+			<y-m>0.1518315</y-m>
+			<z-m>-2.9</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Starboard landing light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightR.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>15.9</x-m>
-            <y-m>3.16</y-m>
-            <z-m>-1.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Starboard landing light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightR.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>15.9</x-m>
+			<y-m>3.16</y-m>
+			<z-m>-1.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <!-- Tire smoke and spray effects -->
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-nose.xml</path>
-        <name>tyre-smoke-n</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.83</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-     </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-port.xml</path>
-        <name>tyre-smoke-p</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-stbd.xml</path>
-        <name>tyre-smoke-s</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-nose.xml</path>
-        <name>rain-splash-n</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.83</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-port.xml</path>
-        <name>rain-splash-p</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-stbd.xml</path>
-        <name>rain-splash-s</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-left.xml</path>
-        <name>tire-smoke-l</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-right.xml</path>
-        <name>tire-smoke-r</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <!-- wing condensation effect -->
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-L.xml</path>
-        <name>wing-condensation</name>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-R.xml</path>
-        <name>wing-condensation</name>
-    </model>
+	<!-- Tire smoke and spray effects -->
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-nose.xml</path>
+		<name>tyre-smoke-n</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.83</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	 </model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-port.xml</path>
+		<name>tyre-smoke-p</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-stbd.xml</path>
+		<name>tyre-smoke-s</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-nose.xml</path>
+		<name>rain-splash-n</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.83</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-port.xml</path>
+		<name>rain-splash-p</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-stbd.xml</path>
+		<name>rain-splash-s</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-left.xml</path>
+		<name>tire-smoke-l</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-right.xml</path>
+		<name>tire-smoke-r</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<!-- wing condensation effect -->
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-L.xml</path>
+		<name>wing-condensation</name>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-R.xml</path>
+		<name>wing-condensation</name>
+	</model>
-    <!-- Other non-aircraft models -->
-    <model>
-        <name>Pushback</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Services/Pushback/Douglas.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>6.0</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-4.24</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/marker.xml</path>
-    </model>
-    <!-- Firetruck -->
+	<!-- Other non-aircraft models -->
+	<model>
+		<name>Pushback</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Services/Pushback/Douglas.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>6.0</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-4.24</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/marker.xml</path>
+	</model>
+	<!-- Firetruck -->
-    <model>
-        <name>Firetruck1</name>
-        <path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>60.0</x-m>
-            <y-m>10.0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-4.4</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Firetruck2</name>
-        <path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>80.0</x-m>
-            <y-m>-8.0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-4.4</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <animation>
-        <type>select</type>
-        <object-name>Firetruck1</object-name>
-        <object-name>Firetruck2</object-name>
-        <condition>
-            <and>
-                <property>sim/animation/fire-services</property>
-                <less-than>
-                    <property>velocities/groundspeed-kt</property>
-                    <value>40</value>
-                </less-than>
-            </and>
-        </condition>
-    </animation>
-    <!-- LIVERY SELECT -->
-    <!-- Animation -->
-    <animation>
-        <type>material</type>
-        <!-- Fuselage -->
-        <object-name>Fuselage</object-name>
-        <object-name>Vstab</object-name>
-        <!-- Wings -->
-        <object-name>WingletL</object-name>
-        <object-name>WingletR</object-name>
-        <!-- Engines -->
-        <object-name>Intake</object-name>
-        <object-name>Nacelle</object-name>
-        <object-name>Reverser</object-name>
-        <!-- Fuselage -->
-        <property-base>sim/model/livery</property-base>
-        <texture-prop>texture</texture-prop>
-        <texture>a320.png</texture>
-    </animation>
+	<model>
+		<name>Firetruck1</name>
+		<path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>60.0</x-m>
+			<y-m>10.0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-4.4</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Firetruck2</name>
+		<path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>80.0</x-m>
+			<y-m>-8.0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-4.4</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<animation>
+		<type>select</type>
+		<object-name>Firetruck1</object-name>
+		<object-name>Firetruck2</object-name>
+		<condition>
+			<and>
+				<property>sim/animation/fire-services</property>
+				<less-than>
+					<property>velocities/groundspeed-kt</property>
+					<value>40</value>
+				</less-than>
+			</and>
+		</condition>
+	</animation>
+	<!-- LIVERY SELECT -->
+	<!-- Animation -->
+	<animation>
+		<type>material</type>
+		<!-- Fuselage -->
+		<object-name>Fuselage</object-name>
+		<object-name>Vstab</object-name>
+		<!-- Wings -->
+		<object-name>WingletL</object-name>
+		<object-name>WingletR</object-name>
+		<!-- Engines -->
+		<object-name>Intake</object-name>
+		<object-name>Nacelle</object-name>
+		<object-name>Reverser</object-name>
+		<!-- Fuselage -->
+		<property-base>sim/model/livery</property-base>
+		<texture-prop>texture</texture-prop>
+		<texture>a320.png</texture>
+	</animation>
-    <!-- Nasal code -->
-    <nasal>
-        <load>
-            var livery_update ="Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Liveries/A320/CFM-NEO");
-        </load>
-        <unload>
-            livery_update.stop();
-        </unload>
-    </nasal>
-    <!-- Ground Services -->    
-    <model>
-        <name>ground_services</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-groundservices.xml</path>
-    </model>
+	<!-- Nasal code -->
+	<nasal>
+		<load>
+			var livery_update ="Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Liveries/A320/CFM-NEO");
+		</load>
+		<unload>
+			livery_update.stop();
+		</unload>
+	</nasal>
+	<!-- Ground Services -->	
+	<model>
+		<name>ground_services</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-groundservices.xml</path>
+	</model>
-    <animation>
-        <type>select</type>
-        <object-name>Top beacon light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Bottom beacon light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Left nav light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Right nav light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Left strobe light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Right strobe light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Tail strobe light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Tail nav light</object-name>
-        <condition>
-            <not>
-                <property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
-            </not>
-        </condition>
-    </animation>
-    <animation>
-        <type>select</type>
-        <object-name>Top beacon light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Bottom beacon light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Left nav light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Right nav light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Left strobe light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Right strobe light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Port landing light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Starboard landing light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Tail strobe light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Tail nav light ALS</object-name>
-        <condition>
-                <property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
-        </condition>
-    </animation>
-    <animation>
-        <type>select</type>
-        <object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
-        <condition>
-            <and>
-                <not>
-                    <property>sim/model/lights/nose-ldglight</property>
-                    <value>0</value>
-                </not>
-                <greater-than>
-                    <property>gear/gear/position-norm</property>
-                    <value>0.1</value>
-                </greater-than>
-            </and>
-        </condition>
-    </animation>
+	<animation>
+		<type>select</type>
+		<object-name>Top beacon light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Bottom beacon light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Left nav light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Right nav light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Left strobe light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Right strobe light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Tail strobe light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Tail nav light</object-name>
+		<condition>
+			<not>
+				<property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
+			</not>
+		</condition>
+	</animation>
+	<animation>
+		<type>select</type>
+		<object-name>Top beacon light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Bottom beacon light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Left nav light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Right nav light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Left strobe light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Right strobe light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Port landing light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Starboard landing light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Tail strobe light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Tail nav light ALS</object-name>
+		<condition>
+				<property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
+		</condition>
+	</animation>
+	<animation>
+		<type>select</type>
+		<object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
+		<condition>
+			<and>
+				<not>
+					<property>sim/model/lights/nose-ldglight</property>
+					<value>0</value>
+				</not>
+				<greater-than>
+					<property>gear/gear/position-norm</property>
+					<value>0.1</value>
+				</greater-than>
+			</and>
+		</condition>
+	</animation>
diff --git a/Models/A320neo-PW.xml b/Models/A320neo-PW.xml
index eaab98d5..4f22b32c 100644
--- a/Models/A320neo-PW.xml
+++ b/Models/A320neo-PW.xml
@@ -3,551 +3,551 @@
 <!-- Copyright (c) 2020 Josh Davidson (Octal450) -->
-    <name>A320-200</name>
-    <path></path> <!-- Livery system on MP multimodel -->
+	<name>A320-200</name>
+	<path></path> <!-- Livery system on MP multimodel -->
-    <offsets>
-        <x-m>-18.8499</x-m>
-        <z-m>1.7005004</z-m>
-    </offsets>
+	<offsets>
+		<x-m>-18.8499</x-m>
+		<z-m>1.7005004</z-m>
+	</offsets>
-    <model>
-        <name>Fuselage</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320neo/fuselage.xml</path>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Interior</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-interior.xml</path>
-        <!-- On multiplayer models, the interior is loaded separately and global
-             offsets are not applied. This cancels the global offsets, so that
-             the interior is loaded at (0,0,0) anyway. -->
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>18.8499</x-m>
-            <z-m>-1.7005004</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-        <usage>interior</usage>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Fuselage</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320neo/fuselage.xml</path>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Interior</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-interior.xml</path>
+		<!-- On multiplayer models, the interior is loaded separately and global
+			 offsets are not applied. This cancels the global offsets, so that
+			 the interior is loaded at (0,0,0) anyway. -->
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>18.8499</x-m>
+			<z-m>-1.7005004</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+		<usage>interior</usage>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Nose Gear</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.nlg.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.83</x-m>
-            <z-m>-1.9306008</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Nose Gear</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.nlg.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.83</x-m>
+			<z-m>-1.9306008</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Main Gears.Left</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.left.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Main Gears.Left</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.left.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Main Gears.Right</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.right.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Main Gears.Right</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/LandingGears/a320.mlg.right.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.wings.neopw.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>15.280</x-m>
-            <z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>A320neo Sharklets</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320neo.sharklets.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>15.280</x-m>
-            <z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320.wings.neopw.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>15.280</x-m>
+			<z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>A320neo Sharklets</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Wings/a320neo.sharklets.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>15.280</x-m>
+			<z-m>-1.06019</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Horizontal Stabilizer</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320neo/hstab.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>34.1512207</x-m>
-            <pitch-deg>0.0</pitch-deg>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Horizontal Stabilizer</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320neo/hstab.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>34.1512207</x-m>
+			<pitch-deg>0.0</pitch-deg>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Vertical Stabilizer</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320neo/vstab.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>32.2535728</x-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <!-- Lights -->
-    <model>
-        <name>Left nav light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/rednav.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Left nav light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/rednav.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Vertical Stabilizer</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Fuselages/A320neo/vstab.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>32.2535728</x-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<!-- Lights -->
+	<model>
+		<name>Left nav light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/rednav.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Left nav light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/rednav.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Right nav light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/greennav.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Right nav light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/greennav.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Tail nav light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailnav.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-            <y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
-            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Tail nav light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tailnav.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-            <y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
-            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Right nav light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/greennav.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Right nav light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/greennav.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Tail nav light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailnav.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+			<y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
+			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Tail nav light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tailnav.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+			<y-m>0.0495674</y-m>
+			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Left strobe light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Left strobe light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/left-strobe.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>-16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Left strobe light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Left strobe light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/left-strobe.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>-16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Right strobe light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Right strobe light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/right-strobe.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>22.93</x-m>
-            <y-m>16.5</y-m>
-            <z-m>0.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Tail strobe light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailstrobe.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-            <y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
-            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Tail strobe light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tail-strobe.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>40.00461</x-m>
-            <y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
-            <z-m>1.2301</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Top beacon light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>16.7</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>1.977</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Right strobe light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/strobe.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Right strobe light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/right-strobe.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>22.93</x-m>
+			<y-m>16.5</y-m>
+			<z-m>0.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Tail strobe light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/tailstrobe.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+			<y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
+			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Tail strobe light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/tail-strobe.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>40.00461</x-m>
+			<y-m>-0.0495674</y-m>
+			<z-m>1.2301</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Top beacon light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>16.7</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>1.977</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Bottom beacon light</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>18.2</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Top beacon light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>16.7</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>1.977</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Bottom beacon light</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/beacon.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>18.2</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Top beacon light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>16.7</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>1.977</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Bottom beacon light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>18.2</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Bottom beacon light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/beacon.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>18.2</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Port landing light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightL.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>15.9</x-m>
-            <y-m>-3.16</y-m>
-            <z-m>-1.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Port landing light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightL.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>15.9</x-m>
+			<y-m>-3.16</y-m>
+			<z-m>-1.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.6</x-m>
-            <y-m>-0.1018315</y-m>
-            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Second Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.6</x-m>
-            <y-m>0.1018315</y-m>
-            <z-m>-2.5</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Left Turnoff ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffL.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.7</x-m>
-            <y-m>-0.1518315</y-m>
-            <z-m>-2.9</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Right Turnoff ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffR.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.7</x-m>
-            <y-m>0.1518315</y-m>
-            <z-m>-2.9</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.6</x-m>
+			<y-m>-0.1018315</y-m>
+			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Second Nosegear landing light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/taxilight.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.6</x-m>
+			<y-m>0.1018315</y-m>
+			<z-m>-2.5</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Left Turnoff ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffL.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.7</x-m>
+			<y-m>-0.1518315</y-m>
+			<z-m>-2.9</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Right Turnoff ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/turnoffR.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.7</x-m>
+			<y-m>0.1518315</y-m>
+			<z-m>-2.9</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Starboard landing light ALS</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightR.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>15.9</x-m>
-            <y-m>3.16</y-m>
-            <z-m>-1.25</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Starboard landing light ALS</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Lights/ALS/landinglightR.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>15.9</x-m>
+			<y-m>3.16</y-m>
+			<z-m>-1.25</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
-    <!-- Tire smoke and spray effects -->
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-nose.xml</path>
-        <name>tyre-smoke-n</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.83</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-     </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-port.xml</path>
-        <name>tyre-smoke-p</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-stbd.xml</path>
-        <name>tyre-smoke-s</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-nose.xml</path>
-        <name>rain-splash-n</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>7.83</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-port.xml</path>
-        <name>rain-splash-p</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-stbd.xml</path>
-        <name>rain-splash-s</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-left.xml</path>
-        <name>tire-smoke-l</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>-3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-right.xml</path>
-        <name>tire-smoke-r</name>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
-            <y-m>3.795</y-m>
-            <z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <!-- wing condensation effect -->
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-L.xml</path>
-        <name>wing-condensation</name>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-R.xml</path>
-        <name>wing-condensation</name>
-    </model>
+	<!-- Tire smoke and spray effects -->
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-nose.xml</path>
+		<name>tyre-smoke-n</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.83</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	 </model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-port.xml</path>
+		<name>tyre-smoke-p</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/tyre-smoke-stbd.xml</path>
+		<name>tyre-smoke-s</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-nose.xml</path>
+		<name>rain-splash-n</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>7.83</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-port.xml</path>
+		<name>rain-splash-p</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/rain-stbd.xml</path>
+		<name>rain-splash-s</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-left.xml</path>
+		<name>tire-smoke-l</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>-3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/tire-smoke-right.xml</path>
+		<name>tire-smoke-r</name>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>20.3180764</x-m>
+			<y-m>3.795</y-m>
+			<z-m>-3.9669424</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<!-- wing condensation effect -->
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-L.xml</path>
+		<name>wing-condensation</name>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Effects/wing-condensation-R.xml</path>
+		<name>wing-condensation</name>
+	</model>
-    <!-- Other non-aircraft models -->
-    <model>
-        <name>Pushback</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Services/Pushback/Douglas.xml</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>6.0</x-m>
-            <y-m>0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-4.24</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/marker.xml</path>
-    </model>
-    <!-- Firetruck -->
+	<!-- Other non-aircraft models -->
+	<model>
+		<name>Pushback</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Services/Pushback/Douglas.xml</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>6.0</x-m>
+			<y-m>0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-4.24</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<path>Aircraft/Generic/marker.xml</path>
+	</model>
+	<!-- Firetruck -->
-    <model>
-        <name>Firetruck1</name>
-        <path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>60.0</x-m>
-            <y-m>10.0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-4.4</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <model>
-        <name>Firetruck2</name>
-        <path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
-        <offsets>
-            <x-m>80.0</x-m>
-            <y-m>-8.0</y-m>
-            <z-m>-4.4</z-m>
-        </offsets>
-    </model>
-    <animation>
-        <type>select</type>
-        <object-name>Firetruck1</object-name>
-        <object-name>Firetruck2</object-name>
-        <condition>
-            <and>
-                <property>sim/animation/fire-services</property>
-                <less-than>
-                    <property>velocities/groundspeed-kt</property>
-                    <value>40</value>
-                </less-than>
-            </and>
-        </condition>
-    </animation>
-    <!-- LIVERY SELECT -->
-    <!-- Animation -->
-    <animation>
-        <type>material</type>
-        <!-- Fuselage -->
-        <object-name>Fuselage</object-name>
-        <object-name>Vstab</object-name>
-        <!-- Wings -->
-        <object-name>WingletL</object-name>
-        <object-name>WingletR</object-name>
-        <!-- Fuselage -->
-        <property-base>sim/model/livery</property-base>
-        <texture-prop>texture</texture-prop>
-        <texture>A321.png</texture>
-    </animation>
-    <animation>
-        <type>material</type>
-        <!-- Engines -->
-        <object-name>NacellePW1100G</object-name>
-        <object-name>ReverserPW1100G</object-name>
-        <!-- Engines -->
-        <property-base>sim/model/eng</property-base>
-        <texture-prop>texture</texture-prop>
-        <texture>PW_PurePower_1100G.png</texture>
-    </animation>
+	<model>
+		<name>Firetruck1</name>
+		<path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>60.0</x-m>
+			<y-m>10.0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-4.4</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<model>
+		<name>Firetruck2</name>
+		<path>Models/Airport/Vehicle/</path>
+		<offsets>
+			<x-m>80.0</x-m>
+			<y-m>-8.0</y-m>
+			<z-m>-4.4</z-m>
+		</offsets>
+	</model>
+	<animation>
+		<type>select</type>
+		<object-name>Firetruck1</object-name>
+		<object-name>Firetruck2</object-name>
+		<condition>
+			<and>
+				<property>sim/animation/fire-services</property>
+				<less-than>
+					<property>velocities/groundspeed-kt</property>
+					<value>40</value>
+				</less-than>
+			</and>
+		</condition>
+	</animation>
+	<!-- LIVERY SELECT -->
+	<!-- Animation -->
+	<animation>
+		<type>material</type>
+		<!-- Fuselage -->
+		<object-name>Fuselage</object-name>
+		<object-name>Vstab</object-name>
+		<!-- Wings -->
+		<object-name>WingletL</object-name>
+		<object-name>WingletR</object-name>
+		<!-- Fuselage -->
+		<property-base>sim/model/livery</property-base>
+		<texture-prop>texture</texture-prop>
+		<texture>A321.png</texture>
+	</animation>
+	<animation>
+		<type>material</type>
+		<!-- Engines -->
+		<object-name>NacellePW1100G</object-name>
+		<object-name>ReverserPW1100G</object-name>
+		<!-- Engines -->
+		<property-base>sim/model/eng</property-base>
+		<texture-prop>texture</texture-prop>
+		<texture>PW_PurePower_1100G.png</texture>
+	</animation>
-    <!-- Nasal code -->
-    <nasal>
-        <load>
-            var livery_update ="Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Liveries/A320/PW-NEO");
-        </load>
-        <unload>
-            livery_update.stop();
-        </unload>
-    </nasal>
-    <!-- Ground Services -->    
-    <model>
-        <name>ground_services</name>
-        <path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-groundservices.xml</path>
-    </model>
+	<!-- Nasal code -->
+	<nasal>
+		<load>
+			var livery_update ="Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Liveries/A320/PW-NEO");
+		</load>
+		<unload>
+			livery_update.stop();
+		</unload>
+	</nasal>
+	<!-- Ground Services -->	
+	<model>
+		<name>ground_services</name>
+		<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Models/A320-groundservices.xml</path>
+	</model>
-    <animation>
-        <type>select</type>
-        <object-name>Top beacon light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Bottom beacon light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Left nav light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Right nav light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Left strobe light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Right strobe light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Tail strobe light</object-name>
-        <object-name>Tail nav light</object-name>
-        <condition>
-            <not>
-                <property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
-            </not>
-        </condition>
-    </animation>
-    <animation>
-        <type>select</type>
-        <object-name>Top beacon light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Bottom beacon light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Left nav light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Right nav light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Left strobe light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Right strobe light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Port landing light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Starboard landing light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Tail strobe light ALS</object-name>
-        <object-name>Tail nav light ALS</object-name>
-        <condition>
-                <property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
-        </condition>
-    </animation>
-    <animation>
-        <type>select</type>
-        <object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
-        <condition>
-            <and>
-                <not>
-                    <property>sim/model/lights/nose-ldglight</property>
-                    <value>0</value>
-                </not>
-                <greater-than>
-                    <property>gear/gear/position-norm</property>
-                    <value>0.1</value>
-                </greater-than>
-            </and>
-        </condition>
-    </animation>
+	<animation>
+		<type>select</type>
+		<object-name>Top beacon light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Bottom beacon light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Left nav light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Right nav light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Left strobe light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Right strobe light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Tail strobe light</object-name>
+		<object-name>Tail nav light</object-name>
+		<condition>
+			<not>
+				<property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
+			</not>
+		</condition>
+	</animation>
+	<animation>
+		<type>select</type>
+		<object-name>Top beacon light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Bottom beacon light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Left nav light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Right nav light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Left strobe light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Right strobe light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Port landing light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Starboard landing light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Tail strobe light ALS</object-name>
+		<object-name>Tail nav light ALS</object-name>
+		<condition>
+				<property>sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
+		</condition>
+	</animation>
+	<animation>
+		<type>select</type>
+		<object-name>Nosegear landing light ALS</object-name>
+		<condition>
+			<and>
+				<not>
+					<property>sim/model/lights/nose-ldglight</property>
+					<value>0</value>
+				</not>
+				<greater-than>
+					<property>gear/gear/position-norm</property>
+					<value>0.1</value>
+				</greater-than>
+			</and>
+		</condition>
+	</animation>