diff --git a/A320-main.xml b/A320-main.xml
index f1ca51c5..d1c5d0d2 100644
--- a/A320-main.xml
+++ b/A320-main.xml
@@ -3935,6 +3935,7 @@
+			<file>Aircraft/A320-family/Nasal/Effects/thunder-effects.nas</file>
diff --git a/Nasal/Effects/thunder-effects.nas b/Nasal/Effects/thunder-effects.nas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..affe1a18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Nasal/Effects/thunder-effects.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+########### Thunder sounds (from c172p) ###################
+var clamp = func(v, min, max) { v < min ? min : v > max ? max : v };
+var speed_of_sound = func (t, re) {
+    # Compute speed of sound in m/s
+    #
+    # t = temperature in Celsius
+    # re = amount of water vapor in the air
+    # Compute virtual temperature using mixing ratio (amount of water vapor)
+    # Ratio of gas constants of dry air and water vapor: 287.058 / 461.5 = 0.622
+    var T = 273.15 + t;
+    var v_T = T * (1 + re/0.622)/(1 + re);
+    # Compute speed of sound using adiabatic index, gas constant of air,
+    # and virtual temperature in Kelvin.
+    return math.sqrt(1.4 * 287.058 * v_T);
+var thunder_listener = func {
+    var thunderCalls = 0;
+    var lightning_pos_x = getprop("/environment/lightning/lightning-pos-x");
+    var lightning_pos_y = getprop("/environment/lightning/lightning-pos-y");
+    var lightning_distance = math.sqrt(math.pow(lightning_pos_x, 2) + math.pow(lightning_pos_y, 2));
+    # On the ground, thunder can be heard up to 16 km. Increase this value
+    # a bit because the aircraft is usually in the air.
+    if (lightning_distance > 20000)
+        return;
+    var t = getprop("/environment/temperature-degc");
+    var re = getprop("/environment/relative-humidity") / 100;
+    var delay_seconds = lightning_distance / speed_of_sound(t, re);
+    # Maximum volume at 5000 meter
+    var lightning_distance_norm = std.min(1.0, 1 / math.pow(lightning_distance / 5000.0, 2));
+    settimer(func {
+        var thunder1 = getprop("sim/sound/thunder1");
+        var thunder2 = getprop("sim/sound/thunder2");
+        var thunder3 = getprop("sim/sound/thunder3");
+        var thunder4 = getprop("sim/sound/thunder4");
+        var vol = getprop("sim/current-view/internal");
+        if (!thunder1) {
+            thunderCalls = 1;
+            setprop("sim/sound/dist-thunder1", lightning_distance_norm * vol * 1.75);
+        }
+        else if (!thunder2) {
+            thunderCalls = 2;
+            setprop("sim/sound/dist-thunder2", lightning_distance_norm * vol * 1.75);
+        }
+        else if (!thunder3) {
+            thunderCalls = 3;
+            setprop("sim/sound/dist-thunder3", lightning_distance_norm * vol * 1.75);
+        }
+        else if (!thunder4) {
+            thunderCalls = 4;
+            setprop("sim/sound/dist-thunder4", lightning_distance_norm * vol * 1.75);
+        }
+        else
+            return;
+        # Play the sound (sound files are about 9 seconds)
+        play_thunder("thunder" ~ thunderCalls, 9.0, 0);
+    }, delay_seconds);
+var play_thunder = func (name, timeout=0.1, delay=0) {
+    var sound_prop = "/sim/sound/" ~ name;
+    settimer(func {
+        # Play the sound
+        setprop(sound_prop, 1);
+        # Reset the property after timeout so that the sound can be
+        # played again.
+        settimer(func {
+            setprop(sound_prop, 0);
+        }, timeout);
+    }, delay);
+setlistener("/environment/lightning/lightning-pos-y", thunder_listener);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Sounds/A320-common-sound.xml b/Sounds/A320-common-sound.xml
index 2ee8cafc..220039bc 100644
--- a/Sounds/A320-common-sound.xml
+++ b/Sounds/A320-common-sound.xml
@@ -1794,5 +1794,157 @@
+		<rain>
+			<name>RainInside</name>
+			<mode>looped</mode>
+			<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Sounds/Effects/rain.wav</path>
+			<condition>
+				<property>sim/current-view/internal</property>
+				<greater-than>
+					<property>/environment/rain-norm</property>
+					<value>0</value>
+				</greater-than>
+			</condition>
+			<volume>
+				<property>/environment/rain-norm</property>
+				<factor>0.095</factor>
+			</volume>
+		</rain>
+		<rain-windshield>
+			<name>RainWindshieldInside</name>
+			<mode>looped</mode>
+			<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Sounds/Effects/rain-windshield.wav</path>
+			<condition>
+				<property>sim/current-view/internal</property>
+				<greater-than>
+					<property>/environment/rain-norm</property>
+					<value>0</value>
+				</greater-than>
+			</condition>
+			<volume>
+				<property>velocities/airspeed-kt</property>
+				<factor>0.0075</factor>
+				<min>0.04</min>
+				<max>0.38</max>
+			</volume>
+		</rain-windshield>
+		<thunder1>
+			<name>thunder1</name>
+			<mode>once</mode>
+			<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Sounds/Effects/thunder1.wav</path>
+			<type>avionics</type>
+			<property>sim/sound/thunder1</property>
+			<pitch>
+				<property>sim/sound/dist-thunder1</property>
+				<factor>2</factor>
+				<offset>0.50</offset>
+				<min>1.00</min>
+				<max>2.00</max>
+			</pitch>
+			<volume>
+				<property>sim/sound/dist-thunder1</property>
+			</volume>
+		</thunder1>
+		<thunder2>
+			<name>thunder2</name>
+			<mode>once</mode>
+			<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Sounds/Effects/thunder2.wav</path>
+			<type>avionics</type>
+			<property>sim/sound/thunder2</property>
+			<pitch>
+				<property>sim/sound/dist-thunder2</property>
+				<factor>2</factor>
+				<offset>0.50</offset>
+				<min>1.00</min>
+				<max>2.00</max>
+			</pitch>
+			<volume>
+				<property>sim/sound/dist-thunder2</property>
+			</volume>
+		</thunder2>
+		<thunder3>
+			<name>thunder3</name>
+			<mode>once</mode>
+			<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Sounds/Effects/thunder3.wav</path>
+			<type>avionics</type>
+			<property>sim/sound/thunder3</property>
+			<pitch>
+				<property>sim/sound/dist-thunder3</property>
+				<factor>1</factor>
+				<offset>0.50</offset>
+				<min>1.00</min>
+				<max>2.00</max>
+			</pitch>
+			<volume>
+				<property>sim/sound/dist-thunder3</property>
+			</volume>
+		</thunder3>
+		<thunder4>
+			<name>thunder4</name>
+			<mode>once</mode>
+			<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Sounds/Effects/thunder4.wav</path>
+			<type>avionics</type>
+			<property>sim/sound/thunder4</property>
+			<pitch>
+				<property>sim/sound/dist-thunder4</property>
+				<factor>1</factor>
+				<offset>0.50</offset>
+				<min>1.00</min>
+				<max>2.00</max>
+			</pitch>
+			<volume>
+				<property>sim/sound/dist-thunder4</property>
+			</volume>
+		</thunder4>
+		<pushback>
+			<name>Pushback_outside</name>
+			<mode>looped</mode>
+			<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Sounds/Effects/pushback.wav</path>
+			<condition>
+				<and>
+					<not>
+						<property>/sim/current-view/internal</property>
+					</not>
+					<property>/sim/model/autopush/enabled</property>
+				</and>
+			</condition>
+			<volume>
+				<value>0.35</value>
+			</volume>
+			<pitch>
+				<property>sim/model/autopush/force-lbf</property>
+				<factor>0.0001</factor>
+				<offset>0.50</offset>
+				<min>0.50</min>
+				<max>0.65</max>
+			</pitch>
+		</pushback>
+		<pushback>
+			<name>Pushback_inside</name>
+			<mode>looped</mode>
+			<path>Aircraft/A320-family/Sounds/Effects/pushback.wav</path>
+			<condition>
+				<and>
+					<property>/sim/current-view/internal</property>	
+					<property>/sim/model/autopush/enabled</property>
+	   		 	</and>
+			</condition>
+			<volume>
+				<value>0.15</value>
+			</volume>
+			<pitch>
+				<property>sim/model/autopush/force-lbf</property>
+				<factor>0.0001</factor>
+				<offset>0.50</offset>
+				<min>0.50</min>
+				<max>0.65</max>
+			</pitch>
+		</pushback>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Sounds/Effects/pushback.wav b/Sounds/Effects/pushback.wav
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5f38b8c3
Binary files /dev/null and b/Sounds/Effects/pushback.wav differ
diff --git a/Sounds/Effects/rain-windshield.wav b/Sounds/Effects/rain-windshield.wav
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..06eddc56
Binary files /dev/null and b/Sounds/Effects/rain-windshield.wav differ
diff --git a/Sounds/Effects/rain.wav b/Sounds/Effects/rain.wav
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c074f4a4
Binary files /dev/null and b/Sounds/Effects/rain.wav differ
diff --git a/Sounds/Effects/thunder1.wav b/Sounds/Effects/thunder1.wav
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bfbcbe1c
Binary files /dev/null and b/Sounds/Effects/thunder1.wav differ
diff --git a/Sounds/Effects/thunder2.wav b/Sounds/Effects/thunder2.wav
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..60e58b66
Binary files /dev/null and b/Sounds/Effects/thunder2.wav differ
diff --git a/Sounds/Effects/thunder3.wav b/Sounds/Effects/thunder3.wav
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6c9306d4
Binary files /dev/null and b/Sounds/Effects/thunder3.wav differ
diff --git a/Sounds/Effects/thunder4.wav b/Sounds/Effects/thunder4.wav
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2ee2d166
Binary files /dev/null and b/Sounds/Effects/thunder4.wav differ