diff --git a/A320-main.xml b/A320-main.xml
index 20dc0816..3baa083b 100644
--- a/A320-main.xml
+++ b/A320-main.xml
@@ -616,6 +616,39 @@
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
@@ -1187,6 +1220,7 @@
+ 0
@@ -1459,6 +1493,7 @@
+ 0
@@ -4340,6 +4375,9 @@
+ Aircraft/A320-family/Nasal/emesary/M_frame_notification.nas
@@ -4447,7 +4485,9 @@
- Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Instruments/Upper-ECAM/Upper-ECAM.nas
+ Aircraft/A320-family/Nasal/emesary/exec.nas
+ Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Instruments/Upper-ECAM/Upper-ECAM.new.nas
diff --git a/Models/Instruments/IESI/IESI.nas b/Models/Instruments/IESI/IESI.nas
index d5d8bcde..47563c50 100644
--- a/Models/Instruments/IESI/IESI.nas
+++ b/Models/Instruments/IESI/IESI.nas
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ var altimeter_mode = props.globals.getNode("/instrumentation/altimeter[0]/std",
var qnh_hpa = props.globals.getNode("/instrumentation/altimeter/setting-hpa", 1);
var qnh_inhg = props.globals.getNode("/instrumentation/altimeter/setting-inhg", 1);
+var _showIESI = 0;
+var _fast = 0;
var _IESITime = 0;
var canvas_IESI_base = {
@@ -68,8 +70,8 @@ var canvas_IESI_base = {
me.AI_horizon_trans = me["AI_horizon"].createTransform();
me.AI_horizon_rot = me["AI_horizon"].createTransform();
- me._showIESI = 0;
- me._fast = 0;
+ _showIESI = 0;
+ _fast = 0;
_IESITime = 0.0;
me.page = canvas_group;
@@ -86,22 +88,22 @@ var canvas_IESI_base = {
# todo 20W power consumption
if (iesi_reset.getValue() == 1) {
if (iesi_init.getBoolValue() and _IESITime + 90 >= et.getValue()) {
- me._fast = 1;
+ _fast = 1;
} else {
- me._fast = 0;
+ _fast = 0;
if (systems.ELEC.Bus.dcEss.getValue() >= 25 or (systems.ELEC.Bus.dcHot1.getValue() >= 25 and airspeed.getValue() >= 50 and cur_time >= 5)) {
- me._showIESI = 1;
+ _showIESI = 1;
if (aconfig.getValue() != 1 and iesi_init.getValue() != 1) {
- if (me._fast) {
+ if (_fast) {
_IESITime = cur_time - 80;
- me._fast = 0;
+ _fast = 0;
} else {
_IESITime = cur_time;
@@ -110,11 +112,11 @@ var canvas_IESI_base = {
_IESITime = cur_time - 87;
} else {
- me._showIESI = 0;
+ _showIESI = 0;
- if (me._showIESI and iesi_brt.getValue() > 0.01) {
+ if (_showIESI and iesi_brt.getValue() > 0.01) {
} else {
diff --git a/Models/Instruments/Upper-ECAM/Upper-ECAM.nas b/Models/Instruments/Upper-ECAM/Upper-ECAM.nas
index 875a16f3..db2dd039 100644
--- a/Models/Instruments/Upper-ECAM/Upper-ECAM.nas
+++ b/Models/Instruments/Upper-ECAM/Upper-ECAM.nas
@@ -1,640 +1,14 @@
-# A3XX Upper ECAM Canvas
-# Copyright (c) 2020 Josh Davidson (Octal450)
-var upperECAM_cfm_eis2 = nil;
-var upperECAM_iae_eis2 = nil;
-var upperECAM_test = nil;
-var upperECAM_display = nil;
-# Conversion factor pounds to kilogram
-LBS2KGS = 0.4535924;
-# Create Nodes:
-var EPR_1 = props.globals.initNode("/ECAM/Upper/EPR[0]", 0, "DOUBLE");
-var EPR_2 = props.globals.initNode("/ECAM/Upper/EPR[1]", 0, "DOUBLE");
-var EPR_thr_1 = props.globals.initNode("/ECAM/Upper/EPRthr[0]", 0);
-var EPR_thr_2 = props.globals.initNode("/ECAM/Upper/EPRthr[1]", 0);
-var EPR_lim = props.globals.initNode("/ECAM/Upper/EPRylim", 0, "DOUBLE");
-var EGT_1 = props.globals.initNode("/ECAM/Upper/EGT[0]", 0, "DOUBLE");
-var EGT_2 = props.globals.initNode("/ECAM/Upper/EGT[1]", 0, "DOUBLE");
-var N1_1 = props.globals.initNode("/ECAM/Upper/N1[0]", 0, "DOUBLE");
-var N1_2 = props.globals.initNode("/ECAM/Upper/N1[1]", 0, "DOUBLE");
-var N1_thr_1 = props.globals.initNode("/ECAM/Upper/N1thr[0]", 0, "DOUBLE");
-var N1_thr_2 = props.globals.initNode("/ECAM/Upper/N1thr[1]", 0, "DOUBLE");
-var N1_lim = props.globals.initNode("/ECAM/Upper/N1ylim", 0, "DOUBLE");
-var du3_test = props.globals.initNode("/instrumentation/du/du3-test", 0, "BOOL");
-var du3_test_time = props.globals.initNode("/instrumentation/du/du3-test-time", 0.0, "DOUBLE");
-var du3_test_amount = props.globals.initNode("/instrumentation/du/du3-test-amount", 0.0, "DOUBLE");
-var du3_offtime = props.globals.initNode("/instrumentation/du/du3-off-time", 0.0, "DOUBLE");
-var slatLockFlash = props.globals.initNode("/instrumentation/du/slat-lock-flash", 0, "BOOL");
-# Fetch nodes:
-var acconfig_weight_kgs = props.globals.getNode("/systems/acconfig/options/weight-kgs", 1);
-var acconfig = props.globals.getNode("/systems/acconfig/autoconfig-running", 1);
-var eng_option = props.globals.getNode("/options/eng", 1);
-var du3_lgt = props.globals.getNode("/controls/lighting/DU/du3", 1);
-var flaps3_ovr = props.globals.getNode("/instrumentation/mk-viii/inputs/discretes/momentary-flap-3-override", 1);
-var fadecpower_1 = props.globals.getNode("/systems/fadec/powered1", 1);
-var fadecpower_2 = props.globals.getNode("/systems/fadec/powered2", 1);
-var fadecpowerup = props.globals.getNode("/systems/fadec/powerup", 1);
-var thr_limit = props.globals.getNode("/controls/engines/thrust-limit", 1);
-var n1_limit = props.globals.getNode("/controls/engines/n1-limit", 1);
-var epr_limit = props.globals.getNode("/controls/engines/epr-limit", 1);
-var flapXOffset = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/Upper/FlapX", 1);
-var flapYOffset = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/Upper/FlapY", 1);
-var slatXOffset = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/Upper/SlatX", 1);
-var slatYOffset = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/Upper/SlatY", 1);
-var flapXTranslate = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/Upper/FlapXtrans", 1);
-var flapYTranslate = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/Upper/FlapYtrans", 1);
-var slatXTranslate = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/Upper/SlatXtrans", 1);
-var slatYTranslate = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/Upper/SlatYtrans", 1);
-var ECAM_line1 = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/msg/line1", 1);
-var ECAM_line2 = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/msg/line2", 1);
-var ECAM_line3 = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/msg/line3", 1);
-var ECAM_line4 = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/msg/line4", 1);
-var ECAM_line5 = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/msg/line5", 1);
-var ECAM_line6 = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/msg/line6", 1);
-var ECAM_line7 = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/msg/line7", 1);
-var ECAM_line8 = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/msg/line8", 1);
-var ECAM_line1c = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/msg/linec1", 1);
-var ECAM_line2c = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/msg/linec2", 1);
-var ECAM_line3c = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/msg/linec3", 1);
-var ECAM_line4c = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/msg/linec4", 1);
-var ECAM_line5c = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/msg/linec5", 1);
-var ECAM_line6c = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/msg/linec6", 1);
-var ECAM_line7c = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/msg/linec7", 1);
-var ECAM_line8c = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/msg/linec8", 1);
-var ECAM_line1r = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/rightmsg/line1", 1);
-var ECAM_line2r = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/rightmsg/line2", 1);
-var ECAM_line3r = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/rightmsg/line3", 1);
-var ECAM_line4r = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/rightmsg/line4", 1);
-var ECAM_line5r = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/rightmsg/line5", 1);
-var ECAM_line6r = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/rightmsg/line6", 1);
-var ECAM_line7r = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/rightmsg/line7", 1);
-var ECAM_line8r = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/rightmsg/line8", 1);
-var ECAM_line1rc = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec1", 1);
-var ECAM_line2rc = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec2", 1);
-var ECAM_line3rc = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec3", 1);
-var ECAM_line4rc = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec4", 1);
-var ECAM_line5rc = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec5", 1);
-var ECAM_line6rc = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec6", 1);
-var ECAM_line7rc = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec7", 1);
-var ECAM_line8rc = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec8", 1);
-var rate = props.globals.getNode("/systems/acconfig/options/uecam-rate", 1);
-# Temporary variables
-var cur_eng_option = 0;
-var elapsedtime = 0;
-var EGT_1_cur = 0;
-var EGT_2_cur = 0;
-var eprLimit = 0;
-var EPR_1_cur = 0;
-var EPR_2_cur = 0;
-var EPR_1_act = 0;
-var EPR_2_act = 0;
-var EPR_lim_cur = 0;
-var EPR_thr_1_act = 0;
-var EPR_thr_2_act = 0;
-var flapsPos = 0;
-var fuel1 = 0;
-var fuel2 = 0;
-var fadecPower1 = 0;
-var fadecPower2 = 0;
-var fadecPowerStart = 0;
-var n1Limit = 0;
-var N1_1_cur = 0;
-var N1_2_cur = 0;
-var N1_1_act = 0;
-var N1_2_act = 0;
-var N1_lim_cur = 0;
-var n2cur_1 = 0;
-var n2cur_2 = 0;
-var rev_1_act = 0;
-var rev_2_act = 0;
-var rev_1_cur = 0;
-var rev_2_cur = 0;
-var thrLimit = 0;
-var canvas_upperECAM_base = {
- init: func(canvas_group, file) {
- var font_mapper = func(family, weight) {
- return "LiberationFonts/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf";
- };
- canvas.parsesvg(canvas_group, file, {"font-mapper": font_mapper});
- var svg_keys = me.getKeys();
- foreach(var key; svg_keys) {
- me[key] = canvas_group.getElementById(key);
- var clip_el = canvas_group.getElementById(key ~ "_clip");
- if (clip_el != nil) {
- clip_el.setVisible(0);
- var tran_rect = clip_el.getTransformedBounds();
- var clip_rect = sprintf("rect(%d,%d, %d,%d)",
- tran_rect[1], # 0 ys
- tran_rect[2], # 1 xe
- tran_rect[3], # 2 ye
- tran_rect[0]); #3 xs
- # coordinates are top,right,bottom,left (ys, xe, ye, xs) ref: l621 of simgear/canvas/CanvasElement.cxx
- me[key].set("clip", clip_rect);
- me[key].set("clip-frame", canvas.Element.PARENT);
- }
- }
- # set font
- me["ECAML1"].setFont("LiberationMonoCustom.ttf");
- me["ECAML2"].setFont("LiberationMonoCustom.ttf");
- me["ECAML3"].setFont("LiberationMonoCustom.ttf");
- me["ECAML4"].setFont("LiberationMonoCustom.ttf");
- me["ECAML5"].setFont("LiberationMonoCustom.ttf");
- me["ECAML6"].setFont("LiberationMonoCustom.ttf");
- me["ECAML7"].setFont("LiberationMonoCustom.ttf");
- me["ECAML8"].setFont("LiberationMonoCustom.ttf");
- me["ECAMR1"].setFont("LiberationMonoCustom.ttf");
- me["ECAMR2"].setFont("LiberationMonoCustom.ttf");
- me["ECAMR3"].setFont("LiberationMonoCustom.ttf");
- me["ECAMR4"].setFont("LiberationMonoCustom.ttf");
- me["ECAMR5"].setFont("LiberationMonoCustom.ttf");
- me["ECAMR6"].setFont("LiberationMonoCustom.ttf");
- me["ECAMR7"].setFont("LiberationMonoCustom.ttf");
- me["ECAMR8"].setFont("LiberationMonoCustom.ttf");
- me.page = canvas_group;
- return me;
- },
- getKeys: func() {
- return [];
- },
- updateDu3: func() {
- elapsedtime = pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue();
- if (systems.ELEC.Bus.acEss.getValue() >= 110) {
- if (du3_offtime.getValue() + 3 < elapsedtime) {
- if (pts.Gear.wow[0].getValue()) {
- if (acconfig.getValue() != 1 and du3_test.getValue() != 1) {
- du3_test.setValue(1);
- du3_test_amount.setValue(math.round((rand() * 5 ) + 35, 0.1));
- du3_test_time.setValue(elapsedtime);
- } else if (acconfig.getValue() and du3_test.getValue() != 1) {
- du3_test.setValue(1);
- du3_test_amount.setValue(math.round((rand() * 5 ) + 35, 0.1));
- du3_test_time.setValue(elapsedtime - 30);
- }
- } else {
- du3_test.setValue(1);
- du3_test_amount.setValue(0);
- du3_test_time.setValue(-100);
- }
- }
- } else {
- du3_test.setValue(0);
- du3_offtime.setValue(elapsedtime);
- }
- },
- update: func() {
- elapsedtime = pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue();
- cur_eng_option = eng_option.getValue();
- if (systems.ELEC.Bus.acEss.getValue() >= 110 and du3_lgt.getValue() > 0.01) {
- if (du3_test_time.getValue() + du3_test_amount.getValue() >= elapsedtime) {
- upperECAM_cfm_eis2.page.hide();
- upperECAM_iae_eis2.page.hide();
- upperECAM_test.page.show();
- upperECAM_test.update();
- } else {
- upperECAM_test.page.hide();
- if (cur_eng_option == "CFM") {
- upperECAM_cfm_eis2.page.show();
- upperECAM_iae_eis2.page.hide();
- upperECAM_cfm_eis2.update();
- } else if (cur_eng_option == "IAE") {
- upperECAM_cfm_eis2.page.hide();
- upperECAM_iae_eis2.page.show();
- upperECAM_iae_eis2.update();
- }
- }
- } else {
- upperECAM_test.page.hide();
- upperECAM_cfm_eis2.page.hide();
- upperECAM_iae_eis2.page.hide();
- }
- },
- getColorString: func(color) {
- if (color == "w") {
- return [0.8078,0.8039,0.8078];
- } else if (color == "m") {
- return [0.6901,0.3333,0.7450];
- } else if (color == "c") {
- return [0.0901,0.6039,0.7176];
- } else if (color == "g") {
- return [0.0509,0.7529,0.2941];
- } else if (color == "a") {
- return [0.7333,0.3803,0];
- } else if (color == "r") {
- return [1,0,0];
- } else {
- return [1,1,1];
- }
- },
- updateBase: func() {
- # Reversers
- rev_1_cur = pts.Engines.Engine.reverser[0].getValue();
- rev_2_cur = pts.Engines.Engine.reverser[1].getValue();
- cur_eng_option = eng_option.getValue();
- if (rev_1_cur >= 0.01 and fadec.FADEC.Eng1.n1 == 1 and cur_eng_option == "CFM") {
- me["REV1"].show();
- me["REV1-box"].show();
- } else if (rev_1_cur >= 0.01 and fadec.FADEC.Eng1.epr == 1 and cur_eng_option == "IAE") {
- me["REV1"].show();
- me["REV1-box"].show();
- } else {
- me["REV1"].hide();
- me["REV1-box"].hide();
- }
- if (rev_1_cur >= 0.95) {
- me["REV1"].setColor(0.0509,0.7529,0.2941);
- } else {
- me["REV1"].setColor(0.7333,0.3803,0);
- }
- if (rev_2_cur >= 0.01 and fadec.FADEC.Eng2.n1 == 1 and cur_eng_option == "CFM") {
- me["REV2"].show();
- me["REV2-box"].show();
- } else if (rev_2_cur >= 0.01 and fadec.FADEC.Eng2.epr == 1 and cur_eng_option == "IAE") {
- me["REV2"].show();
- me["REV2-box"].show();
- } else {
- me["REV2"].hide();
- me["REV2-box"].hide();
- }
- if (rev_2_cur >= 0.95) {
- me["REV2"].setColor(0.0509,0.7529,0.2941);
- } else {
- me["REV2"].setColor(0.7333,0.3803,0);
- }
- # Flap Indicator
- flapsPos = pts.Controls.Flight.flapsPos.getValue();
- if (flapsPos == 1) {
- me["FlapTxt"].setText("1");
- } else if (flapsPos == 2) {
- me["FlapTxt"].setText("1+F");
- } else if (flapsPos == 3) {
- me["FlapTxt"].setText("2");
- } else if (flapsPos == 4) {
- me["FlapTxt"].setText("3");
- } else if (flapsPos == 5) {
- me["FlapTxt"].setText("FULL");
- } else {
- me["FlapTxt"].setText(" "); # More efficient then hide/show
- }
- if (flapsPos > 0) {
- me["FlapDots"].show();
- } else {
- me["FlapDots"].hide();
- }
- if (pts.Fdm.JSBsim.Fcs.slatLocked.getValue()) {
- if (slatLockGoing == 0) {
- slatLockGoing = 1;
- }
- if (slatLockGoing == 1) {
- slatLockTimer.start();
- if (slatLockFlash.getValue()) {
- me["SlatAlphaLock"].show();
- } else {
- me["SlatAlphaLock"].hide();
- }
- }
- } else {
- slatLockTimer.stop();
- slatLockGoing = 0;
- me["SlatAlphaLock"].hide();
- }
- me["FlapIndicator"].setTranslation(flapXOffset.getValue(),flapYOffset.getValue());
- me["SlatIndicator"].setTranslation(slatXOffset.getValue(),slatYOffset.getValue());
- me["FlapLine"].setTranslation(flapXTranslate.getValue(),flapYTranslate.getValue());
- me["SlatLine"].setTranslation(slatXTranslate.getValue(),slatYTranslate.getValue());
- # FOB
- if (acconfig_weight_kgs.getValue())
- {
- me["FOB-LBS"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.round(pts.Consumables.Fuel.totalFuelLbs.getValue() * LBS2KGS, 10)));
- me["FOB-weight-unit"].setText("KG");
- } else {
- me["FOB-LBS"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.round(pts.Consumables.Fuel.totalFuelLbs.getValue(), 10)));
- me["FOB-weight-unit"].setText("LBS");
- }
- # ECAM Messages
- me["ECAML1"].setText(sprintf("%s", ECAM_line1.getValue()));
- me["ECAML2"].setText(sprintf("%s", ECAM_line2.getValue()));
- me["ECAML3"].setText(sprintf("%s", ECAM_line3.getValue()));
- me["ECAML4"].setText(sprintf("%s", ECAM_line4.getValue()));
- me["ECAML5"].setText(sprintf("%s", ECAM_line5.getValue()));
- me["ECAML6"].setText(sprintf("%s", ECAM_line6.getValue()));
- me["ECAML7"].setText(sprintf("%s", ECAM_line7.getValue()));
- me["ECAML8"].setText(sprintf("%s", ECAM_line8.getValue()));
- me["ECAM_Left"].show();
- me["ECAMR1"].setText(sprintf("%s", ECAM_line1r.getValue()));
- me["ECAMR2"].setText(sprintf("%s", ECAM_line2r.getValue()));
- me["ECAMR3"].setText(sprintf("%s", ECAM_line3r.getValue()));
- me["ECAMR4"].setText(sprintf("%s", ECAM_line4r.getValue()));
- me["ECAMR5"].setText(sprintf("%s", ECAM_line5r.getValue()));
- me["ECAMR6"].setText(sprintf("%s", ECAM_line6r.getValue()));
- me["ECAMR7"].setText(sprintf("%s", ECAM_line7r.getValue()));
- me["ECAMR8"].setText(sprintf("%s", ECAM_line8r.getValue()));
- me["ECAM_Right"].show();
- },
-var canvas_upperECAM_cfm_eis2 = {
- new: func(canvas_group, file) {
- var m = {parents: [canvas_upperECAM_cfm_eis2, canvas_upperECAM_base]};
- m.init(canvas_group, file);
- return m;
- },
- getKeys: func() {
- return ["N11-needle","N11-thr","N11-ylim","N11","N11-decpnt","N11-decimal","N11-box","N11-scale","N11-scale2","N11-scaletick","N11-scalenum","N11-XX","N11-XX2","N11-XX-box","EGT1-needle","EGT1","EGT1-scale","EGT1-box","EGT1-scale2","EGT1-scaletick",
- "EGT1-XX","N21","N21-decpnt","N21-decimal","N21-XX","FF1","FF1-XX","N12-needle","N12-thr","N12-ylim","N12","N12-decpnt","N12-decimal","N12-box","N12-scale","N12-scale2","N12-scaletick","N12-scalenum","N12-XX","N12-XX2","N12-XX-box","EGT2-needle","EGT2",
- "EGT2-scale","EGT2-box","EGT2-scale2","EGT2-scaletick","EGT2-XX","N22","N22-decpnt","N22-decimal","N22-XX","FF2","FF2-XX","FOB-LBS","FlapTxt","FlapDots","N1Lim-mode","N1Lim","N1Lim-decpnt","N1Lim-decimal","N1Lim-percent","N1Lim-XX","N1Lim-XX2","REV1",
- "REV1-box","REV2","REV2-box","ECAM_Left","ECAML1","ECAML2","ECAML3","ECAML4","ECAML5","ECAML6","ECAML7","ECAML8","ECAMR1", "ECAMR2", "ECAMR3", "ECAMR4", "ECAMR5", "ECAMR6", "ECAMR7", "ECAMR8", "ECAM_Right",
- "FOB-weight-unit","FFlow-weight-unit","SlatAlphaLock","SlatIndicator","FlapIndicator","SlatLine","FlapLine"];
- },
- update: func() {
- # N1
- N1_1_cur = N1_1.getValue();
- N1_2_cur = N1_2.getValue();
- N1_1_act = pts.Engines.Engine.n1Actual[0].getValue();
- N1_2_act = pts.Engines.Engine.n1Actual[1].getValue();
- N1_lim_cur = N1_lim.getValue();
- N1_thr_1_act = N1_thr_1.getValue();
- N1_thr_2_act = N1_thr_2.getValue();
- rev_1_act = pts.Engines.Engine.reverser[0].getValue();
- rev_2_act = pts.Engines.Engine.reverser[1].getValue();
- EGT_1_cur = EGT_1.getValue();
- EGT_2_cur = EGT_2.getValue();
- n2cur_1 = pts.Engines.Engine.n2Actual[0].getValue();
- n2cur_2 = pts.Engines.Engine.n2Actual[1].getValue();
- me["N11"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.floor(N1_1_act + 0.05)));
- me["N11-decimal"].setText(sprintf("%s", int(10 * math.mod(N1_1_act + 0.05, 1))));
- me["N12"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.floor(N1_2_act + 0.05)));
- me["N12-decimal"].setText(sprintf("%s", int(10 * math.mod(N1_2_act + 0.05, 1))));
- me["N11-needle"].setRotation((N1_1_cur + 90) * D2R);
- me["N11-thr"].setRotation((N1_thr_1_act + 90) * D2R);
- me["N11-ylim"].setRotation((N1_lim_cur + 90) * D2R);
- me["N12-needle"].setRotation((N1_2_cur + 90) * D2R);
- me["N12-thr"].setRotation((N1_thr_2_act + 90) * D2R);
- me["N12-ylim"].setRotation((N1_lim_cur + 90) * D2R);
- if (fadec.FADEC.Eng1.n1 == 1) {
- me["N11-scale"].setColor(0.8078,0.8039,0.8078);
- me["N11-scale2"].setColor(1,0,0);
- me["N11"].show();
- me["N11-decimal"].show();
- me["N11-decpnt"].show();
- me["N11-needle"].show();
- me["N11-ylim"].show();
- me["N11-scaletick"].show();
- me["N11-scalenum"].show();
- me["N11-box"].show();
- me["N11-XX"].hide();
- me["N11-XX2"].hide();
- me["N11-XX-box"].hide();
- } else {
- me["N11-scale"].setColor(0.7333,0.3803,0);
- me["N11-scale2"].setColor(0.7333,0.3803,0);
- me["N11"].hide();
- me["N11-decimal"].hide();
- me["N11-decpnt"].hide();
- me["N11-needle"].hide();
- me["N11-ylim"].hide();
- me["N11-scaletick"].hide();
- me["N11-scalenum"].hide();
- me["N11-box"].hide();
- me["N11-XX"].show();
- me["N11-XX2"].show();
- me["N11-XX-box"].show();
- }
- if (rev_1_act < 0.01 and fadec.FADEC.Eng1.n1 == 1) {
- me["N11-thr"].show();
- } else {
- me["N11-thr"].hide();
- }
- if (fadec.FADEC.Eng2.n1 == 1) {
- me["N12-scale"].setColor(0.8078,0.8039,0.8078);
- me["N12-scale2"].setColor(1,0,0);
- me["N12"].show();
- me["N12-decimal"].show();
- me["N12-decpnt"].show();
- me["N12-needle"].show();
- me["N12-ylim"].show();
- me["N12-scaletick"].show();
- me["N12-scalenum"].show();
- me["N12-box"].show();
- me["N12-XX"].hide();
- me["N12-XX2"].hide();
- me["N12-XX-box"].hide();
- } else {
- me["N12-scale"].setColor(0.7333,0.3803,0);
- me["N12-scale2"].setColor(0.7333,0.3803,0);
- me["N12"].hide();
- me["N12-decimal"].hide();
- me["N12-decpnt"].hide();
- me["N12-needle"].hide();
- me["N12-ylim"].hide();
- me["N12-scaletick"].hide();
- me["N12-scalenum"].hide();
- me["N12-box"].hide();
- me["N12-XX"].show();
- me["N12-XX2"].show();
- me["N12-XX-box"].show();
- }
- if (rev_2_act < 0.01 and fadec.FADEC.Eng2.n1 == 1) {
- me["N12-thr"].show();
- } else {
- me["N12-thr"].hide();
- }
- # EGT
- me["EGT1"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.round(pts.Engines.Engine.egtActual[0].getValue())));
- me["EGT2"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.round(pts.Engines.Engine.egtActual[1].getValue())));
- me["EGT1-needle"].setRotation((EGT_1_cur + 90) * D2R);
- me["EGT2-needle"].setRotation((EGT_2_cur + 90) * D2R);
- if (fadec.FADEC.Eng1.egt == 1) {
- me["EGT1-scale"].setColor(0.8078,0.8039,0.8078);
- me["EGT1-scale2"].setColor(1,0,0);
- me["EGT1"].show();
- me["EGT1-needle"].show();
- me["EGT1-scaletick"].show();
- me["EGT1-box"].show();
- me["EGT1-XX"].hide();
- } else {
- me["EGT1-scale"].setColor(0.7333,0.3803,0);
- me["EGT1-scale2"].setColor(0.7333,0.3803,0);
- me["EGT1"].hide();
- me["EGT1-needle"].hide();
- me["EGT1-scaletick"].hide();
- me["EGT1-box"].hide();
- me["EGT1-XX"].show();
- }
- if (fadec.FADEC.Eng2.egt == 1) {
- me["EGT2-scale"].setColor(0.8078,0.8039,0.8078);
- me["EGT2-scale2"].setColor(1,0,0);
- me["EGT2"].show();
- me["EGT2-needle"].show();
- me["EGT2-scaletick"].show();
- me["EGT2-box"].show();
- me["EGT2-XX"].hide();
- } else {
- me["EGT2-scale"].setColor(0.7333,0.3803,0);
- me["EGT2-scale2"].setColor(0.7333,0.3803,0);
- me["EGT2"].hide();
- me["EGT2-needle"].hide();
- me["EGT2-scaletick"].hide();
- me["EGT2-box"].hide();
- me["EGT2-XX"].show();
- }
- # N2
- me["N21"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.floor(n2cur_1 + 0.05)));
- me["N21-decimal"].setText(sprintf("%s", int(10 * math.mod(n2cur_1 + 0.05, 1))));
- me["N22"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.floor(n2cur_2 + 0.05)));
- me["N22-decimal"].setText(sprintf("%s", int(10 * math.mod(n2cur_2 + 0.05, 1))));
- if (fadec.FADEC.Eng1.n2 == 1) {
- me["N21"].show();
- me["N21-decimal"].show();
- me["N21-decpnt"].show();
- me["N21-XX"].hide();
- } else {
- me["N21"].hide();
- me["N21-decimal"].hide();
- me["N21-decpnt"].hide();
- me["N21-XX"].show();
- }
- if (fadec.FADEC.Eng2.n2 == 1) {
- me["N22"].show();
- me["N22-decimal"].show();
- me["N22-decpnt"].show();
- me["N22-XX"].hide();
- } else {
- me["N22"].hide();
- me["N22-decimal"].hide();
- me["N22-decpnt"].hide();
- me["N22-XX"].show();
- }
- # FF
- fuel1 = pts.Engines.Engine.fuelFlow[0].getValue();
- fuel2 = pts.Engines.Engine.fuelFlow[1].getValue();
- if (acconfig_weight_kgs.getValue()) {
- me["FF1"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.round(fuel1 * LBS2KGS, 10)));
- me["FF2"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.round(fuel2 * LBS2KGS, 10)));
- me["FFlow-weight-unit"].setText("KG/H");
- } else {
- me["FF1"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.round(fuel1, 10)));
- me["FF2"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.round(fuel2, 10)));
- me["FFlow-weight-unit"].setText("LBS/H");
- }
- if (fadec.FADEC.Eng1.ff == 1) {
- me["FF1"].show();
- me["FF1-XX"].hide();
- } else {
- me["FF1"].hide();
- me["FF1-XX"].show();
- }
- if (fadec.FADEC.Eng2.ff == 1) {
- me["FF2"].show();
- me["FF2-XX"].hide();
- } else {
- me["FF2"].hide();
- me["FF2-XX"].show();
- }
- # N1 Limit
- thrLimit = thr_limit.getValue();
- n1Limit = n1_limit.getValue();
- me["N1Lim-mode"].setText(sprintf("%s", thrLimit));
- me["N1Lim"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.floor(n1Limit + 0.05)));
- me["N1Lim-decimal"].setText(sprintf("%s", int(10 * math.mod(n1Limit + 0.05, 1))));
- fadecPower1 = fadecpower_1.getValue();
- fadecPower2 = fadecpower_2.getValue();
- fadecPowerStart = fadecpowerup.getValue();
- if (fadecPower1 or fadecPower2 or fadecPowerStart) {
- me["N1Lim-mode"].show();
- me["N1Lim-XX"].hide();
- me["N1Lim-XX2"].hide();
- } else {
- me["N1Lim-mode"].hide();
- me["N1Lim-XX"].show();
- me["N1Lim-XX2"].show();
- }
- if ((fadecPower1 or fadecPower2 or fadecPowerStart) and thrLimit != "MREV") {
- me["N1Lim"].show();
- me["N1Lim-decpnt"].show();
- me["N1Lim-decimal"].show();
- me["N1Lim-percent"].show();
- } else {
- me["N1Lim"].hide();
- me["N1Lim-decpnt"].hide();
- me["N1Lim-decimal"].hide();
- me["N1Lim-percent"].hide();
- }
- me.updateBase();
- },
var canvas_upperECAM_iae_eis2 = {
new: func(canvas_group, file) {
var m = {parents: [canvas_upperECAM_iae_eis2, canvas_upperECAM_base]};
m.init(canvas_group, file);
+ m.updateAFloor();
+ m.updateFlx();
return m;
- getKeys: func() {
- return ["EPR1-needle","EPR1-thr","EPR1-ylim","EPR1","EPR1-decpnt","EPR1-decimal","EPR1-box","EPR1-scale","EPR1-scaletick","EPR1-scalenum","EPR1-XX","EPR1-XX2","EGT1-needle","EGT1","EGT1-scale","EGT1-box","EGT1-scale2","EGT1-scaletick","EGT1-XX",
- "N11-needle","N11-thr","N11-ylim","N11","N11-decpnt","N11-decimal","N11-scale","N11-scale2","N11-scaletick","N11-scalenum","N11-XX","N21","N21-decpnt","N21-decimal","N21-XX","FF1","FF1-XX","EPR2-needle","EPR2-thr","EPR2-ylim","EPR2","EPR2-decpnt",
- "EPR2-decimal","EPR2-box","EPR2-scale","EPR2-scaletick","EPR2-scalenum","EPR2-XX","EPR2-XX2","EGT2-needle","EGT2","EGT2-scale","EGT2-scale2","EGT2-box","EGT2-scaletick","EGT2-XX","N12-needle","N12-thr","N12-ylim","N12","N12-decpnt","N12-decimal",
- "N12-scale","N12-scale2","N12-scaletick","N12-scalenum","N12-XX","N22","N22-decpnt","N22-decimal","N22-XX","FF2","FF2-XX","FOB-LBS","FlapTxt","FlapDots","EPRLim-mode","EPRLim","EPRLim-decpnt","EPRLim-decimal","EPRLim-XX","EPRLim-XX2","REV1","REV1-box",
- "REV2","REV2-box","ECAM_Left","ECAML1","ECAML2","ECAML3","ECAML4","ECAML5","ECAML6","ECAML7","ECAML8", "ECAMR1", "ECAMR2", "ECAMR3", "ECAMR4", "ECAMR5", "ECAMR6", "ECAMR7", "ECAMR8", "ECAM_Right",
- "FFlow1-weight-unit", "FFlow2-weight-unit", "FOB-weight-unit","SlatAlphaLock","SlatIndicator","FlapIndicator","SlatLine","FlapLine"];
- },
- update: func() {
+ update: func(notification) {
N1_1_cur = N1_1.getValue();
N1_2_cur = N1_2.getValue();
N1_1_act = pts.Engines.Engine.n1Actual[0].getValue();
@@ -655,424 +29,18 @@ var canvas_upperECAM_iae_eis2 = {
n2cur_2 = pts.Engines.Engine.n2Actual[1].getValue();
- me["EPR1"].setText(sprintf("%1.0f", math.floor(EPR_1_act)));
- me["EPR1-decimal"].setText(sprintf("%03d", (EPR_1_act - int(EPR_1_act)) * 1000));
- me["EPR2"].setText(sprintf("%1.0f", math.floor(EPR_2_act)));
- me["EPR2-decimal"].setText(sprintf("%03d", (EPR_2_act - int(EPR_2_act)) * 1000));
+ obj["EPR1"].setText(sprintf("%1.0f", math.floor(EPR_1_act)));
+ obj["EPR1-decimal"].setText(sprintf("%03d", (EPR_1_act - int(EPR_1_act)) * 1000));
+ obj["EPR2"].setText(sprintf("%1.0f", math.floor(EPR_2_act)));
+ obj["EPR2-decimal"].setText(sprintf("%03d", (EPR_2_act - int(EPR_2_act)) * 1000));
- me["EPR1-needle"].setRotation((EPR_1_cur + 90) * D2R);
- me["EPR1-thr"].setRotation((EPR_thr_1_act + 90) * D2R);
- me["EPR1-ylim"].setRotation((EPR_lim_cur + 90) * D2R);
- me["EPR2-needle"].setRotation((EPR_2_cur + 90) * D2R);
- me["EPR2-thr"].setRotation((EPR_thr_2_act + 90) * D2R);
- me["EPR2-ylim"].setRotation((EPR_lim_cur + 90) * D2R);
+ obj["EPR1-needle"].setRotation((EPR_1_cur + 90) * D2R);
+ obj["EPR1-thr"].setRotation((EPR_thr_1_act + 90) * D2R);
+ obj["EPR1-ylim"].setRotation((EPR_lim_cur + 90) * D2R);
+ obj["EPR2-needle"].setRotation((EPR_2_cur + 90) * D2R);
+ obj["EPR2-thr"].setRotation((EPR_thr_2_act + 90) * D2R);
+ obj["EPR2-ylim"].setRotation((EPR_lim_cur + 90) * D2R);
- if (fadec.FADEC.Eng1.epr == 1) {
- me["EPR1-scale"].setColor(0.8078,0.8039,0.8078);
- me["EPR1"].show();
- me["EPR1-decpnt"].show();
- me["EPR1-decimal"].show();
- me["EPR1-needle"].show();
- me["EPR1-ylim"].show();
- me["EPR1-scaletick"].show();
- me["EPR1-scalenum"].show();
- me["EPR1-box"].show();
- me["EPR1-XX"].hide();
- me["EPR1-XX2"].hide();
- } else {
- me["EPR1-scale"].setColor(0.7333,0.3803,0);
- me["EPR1"].hide();
- me["EPR1-decpnt"].hide();
- me["EPR1-decimal"].hide();
- me["EPR1-needle"].hide();
- me["EPR1-ylim"].hide();
- me["EPR1-scaletick"].hide();
- me["EPR1-scalenum"].hide();
- me["EPR1-box"].hide();
- me["EPR1-XX"].show();
- me["EPR1-XX2"].show();
- }
- if (rev_1_act < 0.01 and fadec.FADEC.Eng1.epr == 1) {
- me["EPR1-thr"].show();
- } else {
- me["EPR1-thr"].hide();
- }
- if (fadec.FADEC.Eng2.epr == 1) {
- me["EPR2-scale"].setColor(0.8078,0.8039,0.8078);
- me["EPR2"].show();
- me["EPR2-decpnt"].show();
- me["EPR2-decimal"].show();
- me["EPR2-needle"].show();
- me["EPR2-ylim"].show();
- me["EPR2-scaletick"].show();
- me["EPR2-scalenum"].show();
- me["EPR2-box"].show();
- me["EPR2-XX"].hide();
- me["EPR2-XX2"].hide();
- } else {
- me["EPR2-scale"].setColor(0.7333,0.3803,0);
- me["EPR2"].hide();
- me["EPR2-decpnt"].hide();
- me["EPR2-decimal"].hide();
- me["EPR2-needle"].hide();
- me["EPR2-ylim"].hide();
- me["EPR2-scaletick"].hide();
- me["EPR2-scalenum"].hide();
- me["EPR2-box"].hide();
- me["EPR2-XX"].show();
- me["EPR2-XX2"].show();
- }
- if (rev_2_act < 0.01 and fadec.FADEC.Eng2.epr == 1) {
- me["EPR2-thr"].show();
- } else {
- me["EPR2-thr"].hide();
- }
- # EGT
- me["EGT1"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.round(pts.Engines.Engine.egtActual[0].getValue())));
- me["EGT2"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.round(pts.Engines.Engine.egtActual[1].getValue())));
- me["EGT1-needle"].setRotation((EGT_1_cur + 90) * D2R);
- me["EGT2-needle"].setRotation((EGT_2_cur + 90) * D2R);
- if (fadec.FADEC.Eng1.egt == 1) {
- me["EGT1-scale"].setColor(0.8078,0.8039,0.8078);
- me["EGT1-scale2"].setColor(1,0,0);
- me["EGT1"].show();
- me["EGT1-needle"].show();
- me["EGT1-scaletick"].show();
- me["EGT1-box"].show();
- me["EGT1-XX"].hide();
- } else {
- me["EGT1-scale"].setColor(0.7333,0.3803,0);
- me["EGT1-scale2"].setColor(0.7333,0.3803,0);
- me["EGT1"].hide();
- me["EGT1-needle"].hide();
- me["EGT1-scaletick"].hide();
- me["EGT1-box"].hide();
- me["EGT1-XX"].show();
- }
- if (fadec.FADEC.Eng2.egt == 1) {
- me["EGT2-scale"].setColor(0.8078,0.8039,0.8078);
- me["EGT2-scale2"].setColor(1,0,0);
- me["EGT2"].show();
- me["EGT2-needle"].show();
- me["EGT2-scaletick"].show();
- me["EGT2-box"].show();
- me["EGT2-XX"].hide();
- } else {
- me["EGT2-scale"].setColor(0.7333,0.3803,0);
- me["EGT2-scale2"].setColor(0.7333,0.3803,0);
- me["EGT2"].hide();
- me["EGT2-needle"].hide();
- me["EGT2-scaletick"].hide();
- me["EGT2-box"].hide();
- me["EGT2-XX"].show();
- }
- # N1
- me["N11"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.floor(pts.Engines.Engine.n1Actual[0].getValue() + 0.05)));
- me["N11-decimal"].setText(sprintf("%s", int(10 * math.mod(pts.Engines.Engine.n1Actual[0].getValue() + 0.05, 1))));
- me["N12"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.floor(pts.Engines.Engine.n1Actual[1].getValue() + 0.05)));
- me["N12-decimal"].setText(sprintf("%s", int(10 * math.mod(pts.Engines.Engine.n1Actual[1].getValue() + 0.05, 1))));
- me["N11-needle"].setRotation((N1_1_cur + 90) * D2R);
- me["N11-thr"].setRotation((N1_thr_1.getValue() + 90) * D2R);
- me["N11-ylim"].setRotation((N1_lim_cur + 90) * D2R);
- me["N12-needle"].setRotation((N1_2_cur + 90) * D2R);
- me["N12-thr"].setRotation((N1_thr_2.getValue() + 90) * D2R);
- me["N12-ylim"].setRotation((N1_lim_cur + 90) * D2R);
- if (fadec.FADEC.Eng1.n1 == 1) {
- me["N11-scale"].setColor(0.8078,0.8039,0.8078);
- me["N11-scale2"].setColor(1,0,0);
- me["N11"].show();
- me["N11-decimal"].show();
- me["N11-decpnt"].show();
- me["N11-needle"].show();
- me["N11-scaletick"].show();
- me["N11-scalenum"].show();
- me["N11-XX"].hide();
- } else {
- me["N11-scale"].setColor(0.7333,0.3803,0);
- me["N11-scale2"].setColor(0.7333,0.3803,0);
- me["N11"].hide();
- me["N11-decimal"].hide();
- me["N11-decpnt"].hide();
- me["N11-needle"].hide();
- me["N11-scaletick"].hide();
- me["N11-scalenum"].hide();
- me["N11-XX"].show();
- }
- if (fadec.FADEC.Eng2.n1 == 1) {
- me["N12-scale"].setColor(0.8078,0.8039,0.8078);
- me["N12-scale2"].setColor(1,0,0);
- me["N12"].show();
- me["N12-decimal"].show();
- me["N12-decpnt"].show();
- me["N12-needle"].show();
- me["N12-scaletick"].show();
- me["N12-scalenum"].show();
- me["N12-XX"].hide();
- } else {
- me["N12-scale"].setColor(0.7333,0.3803,0);
- me["N12-scale2"].setColor(0.7333,0.3803,0);
- me["N12"].hide();
- me["N12-decimal"].hide();
- me["N12-decpnt"].hide();
- me["N12-needle"].hide();
- me["N12-scaletick"].hide();
- me["N12-scalenum"].hide();
- me["N12-XX"].show();
- }
- if (fadec.FADEC.Eng1.n1 == 1 and fadec.Fadec.n1Mode[0].getValue()) {
- me["N11-thr"].show();
- me["N11-ylim"].hide(); # Keep it hidden, since N1 mode limit calculation is not done yet
- } else {
- me["N11-thr"].hide();
- me["N11-ylim"].hide();
- }
- if (fadec.FADEC.Eng2.n1 == 1 and fadec.Fadec.n1Mode[1].getValue()) {
- me["N12-thr"].show();
- me["N12-ylim"].hide(); # Keep it hidden, since N1 mode limit calculation is not done yet
- } else {
- me["N12-thr"].hide();
- me["N12-ylim"].hide();
- }
- # N2
- me["N21"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.floor(pts.Engines.Engine.n2Actual[0].getValue() + 0.05)));
- me["N21-decimal"].setText(sprintf("%s", int(10 * math.mod(pts.Engines.Engine.n2Actual[0].getValue() + 0.05, 1))));
- me["N22"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.floor(pts.Engines.Engine.n2Actual[1].getValue() + 0.05)));
- me["N22-decimal"].setText(sprintf("%s", int(10 * math.mod(pts.Engines.Engine.n2Actual[1].getValue() + 0.05, 1))));
- if (fadec.FADEC.Eng1.n2 == 1) {
- me["N21"].show();
- me["N21-decimal"].show();
- me["N21-decpnt"].show();
- me["N21-XX"].hide();
- } else {
- me["N21"].hide();
- me["N21-decimal"].hide();
- me["N21-decpnt"].hide();
- me["N21-XX"].show();
- }
- if (fadec.FADEC.Eng2.n2 == 1) {
- me["N22"].show();
- me["N22-decimal"].show();
- me["N22-decpnt"].show();
- me["N22-XX"].hide();
- } else {
- me["N22"].hide();
- me["N22-decimal"].hide();
- me["N22-decpnt"].hide();
- me["N22-XX"].show();
- }
- # FF
- fuel1 = pts.Engines.Engine.fuelFlow[0].getValue();
- fuel2 = pts.Engines.Engine.fuelFlow[1].getValue();
- if (acconfig_weight_kgs.getValue()) {
- me["FF1"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.round(fuel1 * LBS2KGS, 10)));
- me["FF2"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.round(fuel2 * LBS2KGS, 10)));
- me["FFlow1-weight-unit"].setText("KG/H");
- me["FFlow2-weight-unit"].setText("KG/H");
- } else {
- me["FF1"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.round(fuel1, 10)));
- me["FF2"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.round(fuel2, 10)));
- me["FFlow1-weight-unit"].setText("LBS/H");
- me["FFlow2-weight-unit"].setText("LBS/H");
- }
- if (fadec.FADEC.Eng1.ff == 1) {
- me["FF1"].show();
- me["FF1-XX"].hide();
- } else {
- me["FF1"].hide();
- me["FF1-XX"].show();
- }
- if (fadec.FADEC.Eng2.ff == 1) {
- me["FF2"].show();
- me["FF2-XX"].hide();
- } else {
- me["FF2"].hide();
- me["FF2-XX"].show();
- }
- # EPR Limit
- thrLimit = thr_limit.getValue();
- eprLimit = epr_limit.getValue();
- me["EPRLim-mode"].setText(sprintf("%s", thrLimit));
- me["EPRLim"].setText(sprintf("%1.0f", math.floor(eprLimit)));
- me["EPRLim-decimal"].setText(sprintf("%03d", (eprLimit - int(eprLimit)) * 1000));
- fadecPower1 = fadecpower_1.getValue();
- fadecPower2 = fadecpower_2.getValue();
- fadecPowerStart = fadecpowerup.getValue();
- if (fadecPower1 or fadecPower2 or fadecPowerStart) {
- me["EPRLim-mode"].show();
- me["EPRLim-XX"].hide();
- me["EPRLim-XX2"].hide();
- } else {
- me["EPRLim-mode"].hide();
- me["EPRLim-XX"].show();
- me["EPRLim-XX2"].show();
- }
- if ((fadecPower1 or fadecPower2 or fadecPowerStart) and thrLimit != "MREV") {
- me["EPRLim"].show();
- me["EPRLim-decpnt"].show();
- me["EPRLim-decimal"].show();
- } else {
- me["EPRLim"].hide();
- me["EPRLim-decpnt"].hide();
- me["EPRLim-decimal"].hide();
- }
- me.updateBase();
+ me.updateBase(notification);
-var canvas_upperECAM_test = {
- init: func(canvas_group, file) {
- var font_mapper = func(family, weight) {
- return "LiberationFonts/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf";
- };
- canvas.parsesvg(canvas_group, file, {"font-mapper": font_mapper});
- var svg_keys = me.getKeys();
- foreach(var key; svg_keys) {
- me[key] = canvas_group.getElementById(key);
- var clip_el = canvas_group.getElementById(key ~ "_clip");
- if (clip_el != nil) {
- clip_el.setVisible(0);
- var tran_rect = clip_el.getTransformedBounds();
- var clip_rect = sprintf("rect(%d,%d, %d,%d)",
- tran_rect[1], # 0 ys
- tran_rect[2], # 1 xe
- tran_rect[3], # 2 ye
- tran_rect[0]); #3 xs
- # coordinates are top,right,bottom,left (ys, xe, ye, xs) ref: l621 of simgear/canvas/CanvasElement.cxx
- me[key].set("clip", clip_rect);
- me[key].set("clip-frame", canvas.Element.PARENT);
- }
- }
- me.page = canvas_group;
- return me;
- },
- new: func(canvas_group, file) {
- var m = {parents: [canvas_upperECAM_test]};
- m.init(canvas_group, file);
- return m;
- },
- getKeys: func() {
- return ["Test_white","Test_text"];
- },
- update: func() {
- elapsedtime = pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue();
- if (du3_test_time.getValue() + 1 >= elapsedtime) {
- me["Test_white"].show();
- me["Test_text"].hide();
- } else {
- me["Test_white"].hide();
- me["Test_text"].show();
- }
- },
-var createListenerForLine = func(prop, node, key) {
- setlistener(prop, func() {
- if (eng_option.getValue() == "IAE") {
- upperECAM_iae_eis2[key].setColor(upperECAM_iae_eis2.getColorString(node.getValue()));
- } else {
- upperECAM_cfm_eis2[key].setColor(upperECAM_cfm_eis2.getColorString(node.getValue()));
- }
- }, 0, 0);
-setlistener("sim/signals/fdm-initialized", func {
- upperECAM_display = canvas.new({
- "name": "upperECAM",
- "size": [1024, 1024],
- "view": [1024, 1024],
- "mipmapping": 1
- });
- upperECAM_display.addPlacement({"node": "uecam.screen"});
- var group_cfm_eis2 = upperECAM_display.createGroup();
- var group_iae_eis2 = upperECAM_display.createGroup();
- var group_test = upperECAM_display.createGroup();
- upperECAM_cfm_eis2 = canvas_upperECAM_cfm_eis2.new(group_cfm_eis2, "Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Instruments/Upper-ECAM/res/cfm-eis2.svg");
- upperECAM_iae_eis2 = canvas_upperECAM_iae_eis2.new(group_iae_eis2, "Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Instruments/Upper-ECAM/res/iae-eis2.svg");
- upperECAM_test = canvas_upperECAM_test.new(group_test, "Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Instruments/Common/res/du-test.svg");
- createListenerForLine("/ECAM/msg/linec1", ECAM_line1c, "ECAML1");
- createListenerForLine("/ECAM/msg/linec2", ECAM_line2c, "ECAML2");
- createListenerForLine("/ECAM/msg/linec3", ECAM_line3c, "ECAML3");
- createListenerForLine("/ECAM/msg/linec4", ECAM_line4c, "ECAML4");
- createListenerForLine("/ECAM/msg/linec5", ECAM_line5c, "ECAML5");
- createListenerForLine("/ECAM/msg/linec6", ECAM_line6c, "ECAML6");
- createListenerForLine("/ECAM/msg/linec7", ECAM_line7c, "ECAML7");
- createListenerForLine("/ECAM/msg/linec8", ECAM_line8c, "ECAML8");
- createListenerForLine("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec1", ECAM_line1rc, "ECAMR1");
- createListenerForLine("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec2", ECAM_line2rc, "ECAMR2");
- createListenerForLine("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec3", ECAM_line3rc, "ECAMR3");
- createListenerForLine("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec4", ECAM_line4rc, "ECAMR4");
- createListenerForLine("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec5", ECAM_line5rc, "ECAMR5");
- createListenerForLine("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec6", ECAM_line6rc, "ECAMR6");
- createListenerForLine("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec7", ECAM_line7rc, "ECAMR7");
- createListenerForLine("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec8", ECAM_line8rc, "ECAMR8");
- upperECAM_update.start();
- if (rate.getValue() > 1) {
- u_rateApply();
- }
-var u_rateApply = func {
- upperECAM_update.restart(0.05 * rate.getValue());
-var upperECAM_update = maketimer(0.05, func {
- canvas_upperECAM_base.update();
-var showUpperECAM = func {
- var dlg = canvas.Window.new([512, 512], "dialog").set("resize", 1);
- dlg.setCanvas(upperECAM_display);
-setlistener("/systems/electrical/bus/ac-ess", func() {
- canvas_upperECAM_base.updateDu3();
-}, 0, 0);
-var slatLockGoing = 0;
-var slatLockTimer = maketimer(0.50, func {
- if (!slatLockFlash.getBoolValue()) {
- slatLockFlash.setBoolValue(1);
- } else {
- slatLockFlash.setBoolValue(0);
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Models/Instruments/Upper-ECAM/Upper-ECAM.new.nas b/Models/Instruments/Upper-ECAM/Upper-ECAM.new.nas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..58ad8169
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Models/Instruments/Upper-ECAM/Upper-ECAM.new.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,1092 @@
+var flapsPos = nil;
+var elapsedtime = nil;
+var LBS2KGS = 0.4535924;
+var slatLockGoing = 0;
+var slatLockFlash = 0;
+var acconfig_weight_kgs = props.globals.getNode("/systems/acconfig/options/weight-kgs", 1);
+var acconfig = props.globals.getNode("/systems/acconfig/autoconfig-running", 1);
+var du3_test = props.globals.initNode("/instrumentation/du/du3-test", 0, "BOOL");
+var du3_test_time = props.globals.initNode("/instrumentation/du/du3-test-time", 0.0, "DOUBLE");
+var du3_test_amount = props.globals.initNode("/instrumentation/du/du3-test-amount", 0.0, "DOUBLE");
+var du3_offtime = props.globals.initNode("/instrumentation/du/du3-off-time", 0.0, "DOUBLE");
+var du3_lgt = props.globals.getNode("/controls/lighting/DU/du3");
+var eng_option = props.globals.getNode("/options/eng", 1);
+var ECAM_line1c = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/msg/linec1", 1);
+var ECAM_line2c = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/msg/linec2", 1);
+var ECAM_line3c = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/msg/linec3", 1);
+var ECAM_line4c = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/msg/linec4", 1);
+var ECAM_line5c = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/msg/linec5", 1);
+var ECAM_line6c = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/msg/linec6", 1);
+var ECAM_line7c = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/msg/linec7", 1);
+var ECAM_line8c = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/msg/linec8", 1);
+var ECAM_line1rc = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec1", 1);
+var ECAM_line2rc = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec2", 1);
+var ECAM_line3rc = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec3", 1);
+var ECAM_line4rc = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec4", 1);
+var ECAM_line5rc = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec5", 1);
+var ECAM_line6rc = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec6", 1);
+var ECAM_line7rc = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec7", 1);
+var ECAM_line8rc = props.globals.getNode("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec8", 1);
+var canvas_upperECAM = {
+ new: func(svg, name, type) {
+ var obj = {parents: [canvas_upperECAM] };
+ obj.canvas = canvas.new({
+ "name": "upperECAM",
+ "size": [1024, 1024],
+ "view": [1024, 1024],
+ "mipmapping": 1,
+ });
+ obj.canvas.addPlacement({"node": "uecam.screen"});
+ obj.group = obj.canvas.createGroup();
+ obj.test = obj.canvas.createGroup();
+ obj.typeString = type;
+ obj.font_mapper = func(family, weight) {
+ return "LiberationFonts/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf";
+ };
+ canvas.parsesvg(obj.group, svg, {"font-mapper": obj.font_mapper} );
+ obj.keysHash = (type == "IAE" ? obj.getKeysIAE() : obj.getKeysCFM());
+ foreach(var key; obj.keysHash) {
+ obj[key] = obj.group.getElementById(key);
+ var clip_el = obj.group.getElementById(key ~ "_clip");
+ if (clip_el != nil) {
+ clip_el.setVisible(0);
+ var tran_rect = clip_el.getTransformedBounds();
+ var clip_rect = sprintf("rect(%d,%d, %d,%d)",
+ tran_rect[1],
+ tran_rect[2],
+ tran_rect[3],
+ tran_rect[0]);
+ obj[key].set("clip", clip_rect);
+ obj[key].set("clip-frame", canvas.Element.PARENT);
+ }
+ };
+ canvas.parsesvg(obj.test, "Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Instruments/Common/res/du-test.svg", {"font-mapper": obj.font_mapper} );
+ foreach(var key; obj.getKeysTest()) {
+ obj[key] = obj.test.getElementById(key);
+ };
+ obj.units = acconfig_weight_kgs.getValue();
+ obj.update_items = [
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("acconfigUnits", 1, func(val) {
+ if (obj.typeString == "IAE") {
+ if (val) {
+ obj["FOB-weight-unit"].setText("KG");
+ obj["FFlow1-weight-unit"].setText("KG/H");
+ obj["FFlow2-weight-unit"].setText("KG/H");
+ } else {
+ obj["FOB-weight-unit"].setText("LBS");
+ obj["FFlow1-weight-unit"].setText("LBS/H");
+ obj["FFlow2-weight-unit"].setText("LBS/H");
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (val) {
+ obj["FOB-weight-unit"].setText("KG");
+ obj["FFlow-weight-unit"].setText("KG/H");
+ } else {
+ obj["FOB-weight-unit"].setText("LBS");
+ obj["FFlow-weight-unit"].setText("LBS/H");
+ }
+ }
+ obj.units = val;
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashList(["fuelTotalLbs","acconfigUnits"], 1, func(val) {
+ if (obj.units)
+ {
+ obj["FOB-LBS"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.round(val.fuelTotalLbs * LBS2KGS, 10)));
+ } else {
+ obj["FOB-LBS"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.round(val.fuelTotalLbs, 10)));
+ }
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashList(["flapxOffset", "flapyOffset"], 0.01, func(val) {
+ obj["FlapIndicator"].setTranslation(val.flapxOffset,val.flapyOffset);
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashList(["slatxOffset", "slatyOffset"], 0.01, func(val) {
+ obj["SlatIndicator"].setTranslation(val.slatxOffset,val.slatyOffset);
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashList(["flapxOffsetTrans", "flapyOffsetTrans"], 0.01, func(val) {
+ obj["FlapLine"].setTranslation(val.flapxOffsetTrans,val.flapyOffsetTrans);
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashList(["slatxOffsetTrans", "slatyOffsetTrans"], 0.01, func(val) {
+ obj["SlatLine"].setTranslation(val.slatxOffsetTrans,val.slatyOffsetTrans);
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("alphaFloor", 1, func(val) {
+ if (val) {
+ obj["aFloor"].show();
+ } else {
+ obj["aFloor"].hide();
+ }
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("flapsPos", 1, func(val) {
+ flapsPos = val;
+ if (flapsPos == 1) {
+ obj["FlapTxt"].setText("1");
+ } else if (flapsPos == 2) {
+ obj["FlapTxt"].setText("1+F");
+ } else if (flapsPos == 3) {
+ obj["FlapTxt"].setText("2");
+ } else if (flapsPos == 4) {
+ obj["FlapTxt"].setText("3");
+ } else if (flapsPos == 5) {
+ obj["FlapTxt"].setText("FULL");
+ } else {
+ obj["FlapTxt"].setText(" "); # More efficient then hide/show
+ }
+ if (flapsPos > 0) {
+ obj["FlapDots"].show();
+ } else {
+ obj["FlapDots"].hide();
+ }
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("flexTemp", 1, func(val) {
+ obj["FlxLimTemp"].setText(sprintf("%2.0d",val));
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("slatLocked", nil, func(val) {
+ if (val) {
+ if (slatLockGoing == 0) {
+ slatLockGoing = 1;
+ slatLockTimer.start();
+ }
+ } else {
+ slatLockTimer.stop();
+ slatLockGoing = 0;
+ slatLockFlash = 0;
+ }
+ }),
+ ];
+ obj.update_items_fadec_powered_n1 = [
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("N1_1", 0.01, func(val) {
+ obj["N11-needle"].setRotation((val + 90) * D2R);
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("N1_2", 0.01, func(val) {
+ obj["N12-needle"].setRotation((val + 90) * D2R);
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("N1_actual_1", 0.025, func(val) {
+ obj["N11"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.floor(val + 0.05)));
+ obj["N11-decimal"].setText(sprintf("%s", int(10 * math.mod(val + 0.05, 1))));
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("N1_actual_2", 0.025, func(val) {
+ obj["N12"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.floor(val + 0.05)));
+ obj["N12-decimal"].setText(sprintf("%s", int(10 * math.mod(val + 0.05, 1))));
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("N1_lim", 0.01, func(val) {
+ obj["N11-ylim"].setRotation((val + 90) * D2R);
+ obj["N12-ylim"].setRotation((val + 90) * D2R);
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("N1thr_1", 0.01, func(val) {
+ obj["N11-thr"].setRotation((val + 90) * D2R);
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("N1thr_2", 0.01, func(val) {
+ obj["N12-thr"].setRotation((val + 90) * D2R);
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("reverser_1", 0.005, func(val) {
+ if (obj.typeString == "IAE") {
+ if (val < 0.01 and fadec.FADEC.Eng1.epr == 1) {
+ obj["EPR1-thr"].show();
+ } else {
+ obj["EPR1-thr"].hide();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (val < 0.01 and fadec.FADEC.Eng1.n1 == 1) {
+ obj["N11-thr"].show();
+ } else {
+ obj["N11-thr"].hide();
+ }
+ }
+ if (val >= 0.01 and fadec.FADEC.Eng1.n1 == 1) {
+ obj["REV1"].show();
+ obj["REV1-box"].show();
+ } else {
+ obj["REV1"].hide();
+ obj["REV1-box"].hide();
+ }
+ if (val >= 0.95) {
+ obj["REV2"].setColor(0.0509,0.7529,0.2941);
+ } else {
+ obj["REV2"].setColor(0.7333,0.3803,0);
+ }
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("reverser_2", 0.005, func(val) {
+ if (obj.typeString == "IAE") {
+ if (val < 0.01 and fadec.FADEC.Eng2.epr == 1) {
+ obj["EPR2-thr"].show();
+ } else {
+ obj["EPR2-thr"].hide();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (val < 0.01 and fadec.FADEC.Eng2.n1 == 1) {
+ obj["N12-thr"].show();
+ } else {
+ obj["N12-thr"].hide();
+ }
+ }
+ if (val >= 0.01 and fadec.FADEC.Eng2.n1 == 1) {
+ obj["REV2"].show();
+ obj["REV2-box"].show();
+ } else {
+ obj["REV2"].hide();
+ obj["REV2-box"].hide();
+ }
+ if (val >= 0.95) {
+ obj["REV1"].setColor(0.0509,0.7529,0.2941);
+ } else {
+ obj["REV1"].setColor(0.7333,0.3803,0);
+ }
+ }),
+ ];
+ obj.update_items_fadec_powered_epr = [
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("EPR_1", 0.01, func(val) {
+ obj["EPR1-needle"].setRotation((val + 90) * D2R);
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("EPR_2", 0.01, func(val) {
+ obj["EPR2-needle"].setRotation((val + 90) * D2R);
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("EPR_actual_1", 0.0001, func(val) {
+ obj["EPR1"].setText(sprintf("%1.0f", math.floor(val)));
+ obj["EPR1-decimal"].setText(sprintf("%03d", (val - int(val)) * 1000));
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("EPR_actual_2", 0.0001, func(val) {
+ obj["EPR2"].setText(sprintf("%1.0f", math.floor(val)));
+ obj["EPR2-decimal"].setText(sprintf("%03d", (val - int(val)) * 1000));
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("EPR_lim", 0.005, func(val) {
+ obj["EPR1-ylim"].setRotation((val + 90) * D2R);
+ obj["EPR2-ylim"].setRotation((val + 90) * D2R);
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("EPRthr_1", 0.005, func(val) {
+ obj["EPR1-thr"].setRotation((val + 90) * D2R);
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("EPRthr_2", 0.005, func(val) {
+ obj["EPR2-thr"].setRotation((val + 90) * D2R);
+ }),
+ ];
+ obj.update_items_fadec_powered_n2 = [
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("N2_actual_1", 0.025, func(val) {
+ obj["N21"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.floor(val + 0.05)));
+ obj["N21-decimal"].setText(sprintf("%s", int(10 * math.mod(val + 0.05, 1))));
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("N2_actual_2", 0.025, func(val) {
+ obj["N22"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.floor(val + 0.05)));
+ obj["N22-decimal"].setText(sprintf("%s", int(10 * math.mod(val + 0.05, 1))));
+ }),
+ ];
+ obj.update_items_cfm_only = [
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("thrustLimit", nil, func(val) {
+ obj["N1Lim-mode"].setText(sprintf("%s", val));
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("n1Limit", 0.01, func(val) {
+ obj["N1Lim"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.floor(val + 0.05)));
+ obj["N1Lim-decimal"].setText(sprintf("%s", int(10 * math.mod(val + 0.05, 1))));
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashList(["fadecPower1", "fadecPower2", "fadecPowerStart","thrustLimit"], nil, func(val) {
+ if (val.fadecPower1 or val.fadecPower2 or val.fadecPowerStart) {
+ obj["N1Lim-mode"].show();
+ obj["N1Lim-XX"].hide();
+ obj["N1Lim-XX2"].hide();
+ } else {
+ obj["N1Lim-mode"].hide();
+ obj["N1Lim-XX"].show();
+ obj["N1Lim-XX2"].show();
+ }
+ if ((val.fadecPower1 or val.fadecPower2 or val.fadecPowerStart) and val.thrustLimit != "MREV") {
+ obj["N1Lim"].show();
+ obj["N1Lim-decpnt"].show();
+ obj["N1Lim-decimal"].show();
+ obj["N1Lim-percent"].show();
+ } else {
+ obj["N1Lim"].hide();
+ obj["N1Lim-decpnt"].hide();
+ obj["N1Lim-decimal"].hide();
+ obj["N1Lim-percent"].hide();
+ }
+ if ((val.fadecPower1 or val.fadecPower2 or val.fadecPowerStart) and val.thrustLimit == "FLX") {
+ obj["FlxLimDegreesC"].show();
+ obj["FlxLimTemp"].show();
+ } else {
+ obj["FlxLimDegreesC"].hide();
+ obj["FlxLimTemp"].hide();
+ }
+ }),
+ ];
+ obj.update_items_iae_only = [
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("thrustLimit", nil, func(val) {
+ obj["EPRLim-mode"].setText(sprintf("%s", val));
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("eprLimit", 0.0005, func(val) {
+ obj["EPRLim"].setText(sprintf("%1.0f", math.floor(val)));
+ obj["EPRLim-decimal"].setText(sprintf("%03d", (val - int(val)) * 1000));
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashList(["fadecPower1", "fadecPower2", "fadecPowerStart","thrustLimit"], nil, func(val) {
+ if (val.fadecPower1 or val.fadecPower2 or val.fadecPowerStart) {
+ obj["EPRLim-mode"].show();
+ obj["EPRLim-XX"].hide();
+ obj["EPRLim-XX2"].hide();
+ } else {
+ obj["EPRLim-mode"].hide();
+ obj["EPRLim-XX"].show();
+ obj["EPRLim-XX2"].show();
+ }
+ if ((val.fadecPower1 or val.fadecPower2 or val.fadecPowerStart) and val.thrustLimit != "MREV") {
+ obj["EPRLim"].show();
+ obj["EPRLim-decpnt"].show();
+ obj["EPRLim-decimal"].show();
+ } else {
+ obj["EPRLim"].hide();
+ obj["EPRLim-decpnt"].hide();
+ obj["EPRLim-decimal"].hide();
+ }
+ if ((val.fadecPower1 or val.fadecPower2 or val.fadecPowerStart) and val.thrustLimit == "FLX") {
+ obj["FlxLimDegreesC"].show();
+ obj["FlxLimTemp"].show();
+ } else {
+ obj["FlxLimDegreesC"].hide();
+ obj["FlxLimTemp"].hide();
+ }
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("N1_mode_1", nil, func(val) {
+ if (fadec.FADEC.Eng1.n1 == 1 and val) {
+ obj["N11-thr"].show();
+ obj["N11-ylim"].hide(); # Keep it hidden, since N1 mode limit calculation is not done yet
+ obj["EPR1-thr"].hide();
+ } else {
+ obj["N11-thr"].hide();
+ obj["N11-ylim"].hide();
+ obj["EPR1-thr"].show();
+ }
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("N1_mode_2", nil, func(val) {
+ if (fadec.FADEC.Eng2.n1 == 1 and val) {
+ obj["N12-thr"].show();
+ obj["N12-ylim"].hide(); # Keep it hidden, since N1 mode limit calculation is not done yet
+ obj["EPR2-thr"].hide();
+ } else {
+ obj["N12-thr"].hide();
+ obj["N12-ylim"].hide();
+ obj["EPR2-thr"].show();
+ }
+ }),
+ ];
+ obj.update_items_fadec_powered_egt = [
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("egt_1", 0.5, func(val) {
+ obj["EGT1"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.round(val)));
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("egt_1_needle", 0.01, func(val) {
+ obj["EGT1-needle"].setRotation((val + 90) * D2R);
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("egt_2", 0.5, func(val) {
+ obj["EGT2"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.round(val)));
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("egt_2_needle", 0.01, func(val) {
+ obj["EGT2-needle"].setRotation((val + 90) * D2R);
+ }),
+ ];
+ obj.update_items_fadec_powered_ff = [
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashList(["fuelflow_1","acconfigUnits"], 1, func(val) {
+ if (obj.units) {
+ obj["FF1"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.round(val.fuelflow_1 * LBS2KGS, 10)));
+ } else {
+ obj["FF1"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.round(val.fuelflow_1, 10)));
+ }
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashList(["fuelflow_2","acconfigUnits"], 1, func(val) {
+ if (obj.units) {
+ obj["FF2"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.round(val.fuelflow_2 * LBS2KGS, 10)));
+ } else {
+ obj["FF2"].setText(sprintf("%s", math.round(val.fuelflow_2, 10)));
+ }
+ }),
+ ];
+ obj.ecam_update = [
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("ecamMsg1", nil, func(val) {
+ obj["ECAML1"].setText(sprintf("%s", val));
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("ecamMsg2", nil, func(val) {
+ obj["ECAML2"].setText(sprintf("%s", val));
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("ecamMsg3", nil, func(val) {
+ obj["ECAML3"].setText(sprintf("%s", val));
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("ecamMsg4", nil, func(val) {
+ obj["ECAML4"].setText(sprintf("%s", val));
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("ecamMsg5", nil, func(val) {
+ obj["ECAML5"].setText(sprintf("%s", val));
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("ecamMsg6", nil, func(val) {
+ obj["ECAML6"].setText(sprintf("%s", val));
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("ecamMsg7", nil, func(val) {
+ obj["ECAML7"].setText(sprintf("%s", val));
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("ecamMsg8", nil, func(val) {
+ obj["ECAML8"].setText(sprintf("%s", val));
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("ecamMsg1R", nil, func(val) {
+ obj["ECAMR1"].setText(sprintf("%s", val));
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("ecamMsg2R", nil, func(val) {
+ obj["ECAMR2"].setText(sprintf("%s", val));
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("ecamMsg3R", nil, func(val) {
+ obj["ECAMR3"].setText(sprintf("%s", val));
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("ecamMsg4R", nil, func(val) {
+ obj["ECAMR4"].setText(sprintf("%s", val));
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("ecamMsg5R", nil, func(val) {
+ obj["ECAMR5"].setText(sprintf("%s", val));
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("ecamMsg6R", nil, func(val) {
+ obj["ECAMR6"].setText(sprintf("%s", val));
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("ecamMsg7R", nil, func(val) {
+ obj["ECAMR7"].setText(sprintf("%s", val));
+ }),
+ props.UpdateManager.FromHashValue("ecamMsg8R", nil, func(val) {
+ obj["ECAMR8"].setText(sprintf("%s", val));
+ }),
+ ];
+ obj.createListenerForLine("/ECAM/msg/linec1", ECAM_line1c, "ECAML1");
+ obj.createListenerForLine("/ECAM/msg/linec2", ECAM_line2c, "ECAML2");
+ obj.createListenerForLine("/ECAM/msg/linec3", ECAM_line3c, "ECAML3");
+ obj.createListenerForLine("/ECAM/msg/linec4", ECAM_line4c, "ECAML4");
+ obj.createListenerForLine("/ECAM/msg/linec5", ECAM_line5c, "ECAML5");
+ obj.createListenerForLine("/ECAM/msg/linec6", ECAM_line6c, "ECAML6");
+ obj.createListenerForLine("/ECAM/msg/linec7", ECAM_line7c, "ECAML7");
+ obj.createListenerForLine("/ECAM/msg/linec8", ECAM_line8c, "ECAML8");
+ obj.createListenerForLine("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec1", ECAM_line1rc, "ECAMR1");
+ obj.createListenerForLine("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec2", ECAM_line2rc, "ECAMR2");
+ obj.createListenerForLine("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec3", ECAM_line3rc, "ECAMR3");
+ obj.createListenerForLine("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec4", ECAM_line4rc, "ECAMR4");
+ obj.createListenerForLine("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec5", ECAM_line5rc, "ECAMR5");
+ obj.createListenerForLine("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec6", ECAM_line6rc, "ECAMR6");
+ obj.createListenerForLine("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec7", ECAM_line7rc, "ECAMR7");
+ obj.createListenerForLine("/ECAM/rightmsg/linec8", ECAM_line8rc, "ECAMR8");
+ obj["ECAML1"].setFont("LiberationMonoCustom.ttf");
+ obj["ECAML2"].setFont("LiberationMonoCustom.ttf");
+ obj["ECAML3"].setFont("LiberationMonoCustom.ttf");
+ obj["ECAML4"].setFont("LiberationMonoCustom.ttf");
+ obj["ECAML5"].setFont("LiberationMonoCustom.ttf");
+ obj["ECAML6"].setFont("LiberationMonoCustom.ttf");
+ obj["ECAML7"].setFont("LiberationMonoCustom.ttf");
+ obj["ECAML8"].setFont("LiberationMonoCustom.ttf");
+ obj["ECAMR1"].setFont("LiberationMonoCustom.ttf");
+ obj["ECAMR2"].setFont("LiberationMonoCustom.ttf");
+ obj["ECAMR3"].setFont("LiberationMonoCustom.ttf");
+ obj["ECAMR4"].setFont("LiberationMonoCustom.ttf");
+ obj["ECAMR5"].setFont("LiberationMonoCustom.ttf");
+ obj["ECAMR6"].setFont("LiberationMonoCustom.ttf");
+ obj["ECAMR7"].setFont("LiberationMonoCustom.ttf");
+ obj["ECAMR8"].setFont("LiberationMonoCustom.ttf");
+ obj.page = obj.group;
+ # cache
+ obj._cachedN1 = [nil, nil];
+ obj._cachedN2 = [nil, nil];
+ obj._cachedEGT = [nil, nil];
+ obj._cachedEPR = [nil, nil];
+ obj._cachedFF = [nil, nil];
+ return obj;
+ },
+ getKeysCFM: func() {
+ return ["N11-needle","N11-thr","N11-ylim","N11","N11-decpnt","N11-decimal","N11-box","N11-scale","N11-scale2","N11-scaletick","N11-scalenum","N11-XX","N11-XX2","N11-XX-box","EGT1-needle","EGT1","EGT1-scale","EGT1-box","EGT1-scale2","EGT1-scaletick",
+ "EGT1-XX","N21","N21-decpnt","N21-decimal","N21-XX","FF1","FF1-XX","N12-needle","N12-thr","N12-ylim","N12","N12-decpnt","N12-decimal","N12-box","N12-scale","N12-scale2","N12-scaletick","N12-scalenum","N12-XX","N12-XX2","N12-XX-box","EGT2-needle","EGT2",
+ "EGT2-scale","EGT2-box","EGT2-scale2","EGT2-scaletick","EGT2-XX","N22","N22-decpnt","N22-decimal","N22-XX","FF2","FF2-XX","FOB-LBS","FlapTxt","FlapDots","N1Lim-mode","N1Lim","N1Lim-decpnt","N1Lim-decimal","N1Lim-percent","N1Lim-XX","N1Lim-XX2","REV1",
+ "REV1-box","REV2","REV2-box","ECAM_Left","ECAML1","ECAML2","ECAML3","ECAML4","ECAML5","ECAML6","ECAML7","ECAML8","ECAMR1", "ECAMR2", "ECAMR3", "ECAMR4", "ECAMR5", "ECAMR6", "ECAMR7", "ECAMR8", "ECAM_Right",
+ "FOB-weight-unit","FFlow-weight-unit","SlatAlphaLock","SlatIndicator","FlapIndicator","SlatLine","FlapLine","aFloor","FlxLimDegreesC","FlxLimTemp"];
+ },
+ getKeysIAE: func() {
+ return ["EPR1-needle","EPR1-thr","EPR1-ylim","EPR1","EPR1-decpnt","EPR1-decimal","EPR1-box","EPR1-scale","EPR1-scaletick","EPR1-scalenum","EPR1-XX","EPR1-XX2","EGT1-needle","EGT1","EGT1-scale","EGT1-box","EGT1-scale2","EGT1-scaletick","EGT1-XX",
+ "N11-needle","N11-thr","N11-ylim","N11","N11-decpnt","N11-decimal","N11-scale","N11-scale2","N11-scaletick","N11-scalenum","N11-XX","N21","N21-decpnt","N21-decimal","N21-XX","FF1","FF1-XX","EPR2-needle","EPR2-thr","EPR2-ylim","EPR2","EPR2-decpnt",
+ "EPR2-decimal","EPR2-box","EPR2-scale","EPR2-scaletick","EPR2-scalenum","EPR2-XX","EPR2-XX2","EGT2-needle","EGT2","EGT2-scale","EGT2-scale2","EGT2-box","EGT2-scaletick","EGT2-XX","N12-needle","N12-thr","N12-ylim","N12","N12-decpnt","N12-decimal",
+ "N12-scale","N12-scale2","N12-scaletick","N12-scalenum","N12-XX","N22","N22-decpnt","N22-decimal","N22-XX","FF2","FF2-XX","FOB-LBS","FlapTxt","FlapDots","EPRLim-mode","EPRLim","EPRLim-decpnt","EPRLim-decimal","EPRLim-XX","EPRLim-XX2","REV1","REV1-box",
+ "REV2","REV2-box","ECAM_Left","ECAML1","ECAML2","ECAML3","ECAML4","ECAML5","ECAML6","ECAML7","ECAML8", "ECAMR1", "ECAMR2", "ECAMR3", "ECAMR4", "ECAMR5", "ECAMR6", "ECAMR7", "ECAMR8", "ECAM_Right",
+ "FFlow1-weight-unit", "FFlow2-weight-unit", "FOB-weight-unit","SlatAlphaLock","SlatIndicator","FlapIndicator","SlatLine","FlapLine","aFloor","FlxLimDegreesC","FlxLimTemp"];
+ },
+ getKeysTest: func() {
+ return ["Test_white","Test_text"];
+ },
+ getColorString: func(color) {
+ if (color == "w") {
+ return [0.8078,0.8039,0.8078];
+ } else if (color == "m") {
+ return [0.6901,0.3333,0.7450];
+ } else if (color == "c") {
+ return [0.0901,0.6039,0.7176];
+ } else if (color == "g") {
+ return [0.0509,0.7529,0.2941];
+ } else if (color == "a") {
+ return [0.7333,0.3803,0];
+ } else if (color == "r") {
+ return [1,0,0];
+ } else {
+ return [1,1,1];
+ }
+ },
+ createListenerForLine: func(prop, node, key) {
+ setlistener(prop, func() {
+ me[key].setColor(me.getColorString(node.getValue()));
+ }, 0, 0);
+ },
+ updateCommon: func(notification) {
+ me.updatePower();
+ if (me.test.getVisible() == 1) {
+ me.updateTest();
+ }
+ if (me.group.getVisible() == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ foreach(var update_item; me.update_items)
+ {
+ update_item.update(notification);
+ }
+ if (fadec.FADEC.Eng1.n1 != me._cachedN1[0]) {
+ me.updateN11();
+ }
+ if (fadec.FADEC.Eng2.n1 != me._cachedN1[1]) {
+ me.updateN12();
+ }
+ if (fadec.FADEC.Eng1.n2 != me._cachedN2[0]) {
+ me.updateN21();
+ }
+ if (fadec.FADEC.Eng2.n2 != me._cachedN2[1]) {
+ me.updateN22();
+ }
+ if (fadec.FADEC.Eng1.egt != me._cachedEGT[0]) {
+ me.updateEGT1();
+ }
+ if (fadec.FADEC.Eng2.egt != me._cachedEGT[1]) {
+ me.updateEGT2();
+ }
+ if (fadec.FADEC.Eng1.ff != me._cachedFF[0]) {
+ me.updateFF1();
+ }
+ if (fadec.FADEC.Eng2.ff != me._cachedFF[1]) {
+ me.updateFF2();
+ }
+ if (fadec.FADEC.Eng1.n1 or fadec.FADEC.Eng2.n1) {
+ foreach(var update_item; me.update_items_fadec_powered_n1)
+ {
+ update_item.update(notification);
+ }
+ }
+ if (fadec.FADEC.Eng1.n2 or fadec.FADEC.Eng2.n2) {
+ foreach(var update_item; me.update_items_fadec_powered_n2)
+ {
+ update_item.update(notification);
+ }
+ }
+ if (fadec.FADEC.Eng1.egt or fadec.FADEC.Eng2.egt) {
+ foreach(var update_item; me.update_items_fadec_powered_egt)
+ {
+ update_item.update(notification);
+ }
+ }
+ if (fadec.FADEC.Eng1.ff or fadec.FADEC.Eng2.ff) {
+ foreach(var update_item; me.update_items_fadec_powered_ff)
+ {
+ update_item.update(notification);
+ }
+ }
+ if (slatLockFlash) {
+ me["SlatAlphaLock"].show();
+ } else {
+ me["SlatAlphaLock"].hide();
+ }
+ foreach (var update_item; me.ecam_update)
+ {
+ update_item.update(notification);
+ }
+ },
+ updateCFM: func(notification) {
+ me.updateCommon(notification);
+ if (me.group.getVisible() == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ foreach (var update_item; me.update_items_cfm_only) {
+ update_item.update(notification);
+ }
+ },
+ updateIAE: func(notification) {
+ me.updateCommon(notification);
+ if (me.group.getVisible() == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ foreach (var update_item; me.update_items_iae_only) {
+ update_item.update(notification);
+ }
+ if (fadec.FADEC.Eng1.epr != me._cachedEPR[0]) {
+ me.updateEPR1();
+ }
+ if (fadec.FADEC.Eng2.epr != me._cachedEPR[1]) {
+ me.updateEPR2();
+ }
+ if (fadec.FADEC.Eng1.epr or fadec.FADEC.Eng2.epr) {
+ foreach(var update_item; me.update_items_fadec_powered_epr)
+ {
+ update_item.update(notification);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ updateN11: func() {
+ me._cachedN1[0] = fadec.FADEC.Eng1.n1;
+ if (fadec.FADEC.Eng1.n1 == 1) {
+ me["N11-scale"].setColor(0.8078,0.8039,0.8078);
+ me["N11-scale2"].setColor(1,0,0);
+ me["N11"].show();
+ me["N11-decimal"].show();
+ me["N11-decpnt"].show();
+ me["N11-needle"].show();
+ me["N11-scaletick"].show();
+ me["N11-scalenum"].show();
+ me["N11-XX"].hide();
+ if (me.typeString == "CFM") {
+ me["N11-ylim"].show();
+ me["N11-box"].show();
+ me["N11-XX2"].hide();
+ me["N11-XX-box"].hide();
+ }
+ } else {
+ me["N11-scale"].setColor(0.7333,0.3803,0);
+ me["N11-scale2"].setColor(0.7333,0.3803,0);
+ me["N11"].hide();
+ me["N11-decimal"].hide();
+ me["N11-decpnt"].hide();
+ me["N11-needle"].hide();
+ me["N11-scaletick"].hide();
+ me["N11-scalenum"].hide();
+ me["N11-XX"].show();
+ if (me.typeString == "CFM") {
+ me["N11-ylim"].hide();
+ me["N11-box"].hide();
+ me["N11-XX2"].show();
+ me["N11-XX-box"].show();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ updateN12: func() {
+ me._cachedN1[1] = fadec.FADEC.Eng2.n1;
+ if (fadec.FADEC.Eng2.n1 == 1) {
+ me["N12-scale"].setColor(0.8078,0.8039,0.8078);
+ me["N12-scale2"].setColor(1,0,0);
+ me["N12"].show();
+ me["N12-decimal"].show();
+ me["N12-decpnt"].show();
+ me["N12-needle"].show();
+ me["N12-scaletick"].show();
+ me["N12-scalenum"].show();
+ me["N12-XX"].hide();
+ if (me.typeString == "CFM") {
+ me["N12-ylim"].show();
+ me["N12-box"].show();
+ me["N12-XX2"].hide();
+ me["N12-XX-box"].hide();
+ }
+ } else {
+ me["N12-scale"].setColor(0.7333,0.3803,0);
+ me["N12-scale2"].setColor(0.7333,0.3803,0);
+ me["N12"].hide();
+ me["N12-decimal"].hide();
+ me["N12-decpnt"].hide();
+ me["N12-needle"].hide();
+ me["N12-scaletick"].hide();
+ me["N12-scalenum"].hide();
+ me["N12-XX"].show();
+ if (me.typeString == "CFM") {
+ me["N12-ylim"].hide();
+ me["N12-box"].hide();
+ me["N12-XX2"].show();
+ me["N12-XX-box"].show();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ updateN21: func() {
+ me._cachedN2[0] = fadec.FADEC.Eng1.n2;
+ if (fadec.FADEC.Eng1.n2 == 1) {
+ me["N21"].show();
+ me["N21-decimal"].show();
+ me["N21-decpnt"].show();
+ me["N21-XX"].hide();
+ } else {
+ me["N21"].hide();
+ me["N21-decimal"].hide();
+ me["N21-decpnt"].hide();
+ me["N21-XX"].show();
+ }
+ },
+ updateN22: func() {
+ me._cachedN2[1] = fadec.FADEC.Eng2.n2;
+ if (fadec.FADEC.Eng2.n2 == 1) {
+ me["N22"].show();
+ me["N22-decimal"].show();
+ me["N22-decpnt"].show();
+ me["N22-XX"].hide();
+ } else {
+ me["N22"].hide();
+ me["N22-decimal"].hide();
+ me["N22-decpnt"].hide();
+ me["N22-XX"].show();
+ }
+ },
+ updateEGT1: func() {
+ me._cachedEGT[0] = fadec.FADEC.Eng1.egt;
+ if (fadec.FADEC.Eng1.egt == 1) {
+ me["EGT1-scale"].setColor(0.8078,0.8039,0.8078);
+ me["EGT1-scale2"].setColor(1,0,0);
+ me["EGT1"].show();
+ me["EGT1-needle"].show();
+ me["EGT1-scaletick"].show();
+ me["EGT1-box"].show();
+ me["EGT1-XX"].hide();
+ } else {
+ me["EGT1-scale"].setColor(0.7333,0.3803,0);
+ me["EGT1-scale2"].setColor(0.7333,0.3803,0);
+ me["EGT1"].hide();
+ me["EGT1-needle"].hide();
+ me["EGT1-scaletick"].hide();
+ me["EGT1-box"].hide();
+ me["EGT1-XX"].show();
+ }
+ },
+ updateEGT2: func() {
+ me._cachedEGT[1] = fadec.FADEC.Eng2.egt;
+ if (fadec.FADEC.Eng2.egt == 1) {
+ me["EGT2-scale"].setColor(0.8078,0.8039,0.8078);
+ me["EGT2-scale2"].setColor(1,0,0);
+ me["EGT2"].show();
+ me["EGT2-needle"].show();
+ me["EGT2-scaletick"].show();
+ me["EGT2-box"].show();
+ me["EGT2-XX"].hide();
+ } else {
+ me["EGT2-scale"].setColor(0.7333,0.3803,0);
+ me["EGT2-scale2"].setColor(0.7333,0.3803,0);
+ me["EGT2"].hide();
+ me["EGT2-needle"].hide();
+ me["EGT2-scaletick"].hide();
+ me["EGT2-box"].hide();
+ me["EGT2-XX"].show();
+ }
+ },
+ updateEPR1: func() {
+ me._cachedEPR[0] = fadec.FADEC.Eng1.epr;
+ if (fadec.FADEC.Eng1.epr == 1) {
+ me["EPR1-scale"].setColor(0.8078,0.8039,0.8078);
+ me["EPR1"].show();
+ me["EPR1-decpnt"].show();
+ me["EPR1-decimal"].show();
+ me["EPR1-needle"].show();
+ me["EPR1-ylim"].show();
+ me["EPR1-scaletick"].show();
+ me["EPR1-scalenum"].show();
+ me["EPR1-box"].show();
+ me["EPR1-XX"].hide();
+ me["EPR1-XX2"].hide();
+ } else {
+ me["EPR1-scale"].setColor(0.7333,0.3803,0);
+ me["EPR1"].hide();
+ me["EPR1-decpnt"].hide();
+ me["EPR1-decimal"].hide();
+ me["EPR1-needle"].hide();
+ me["EPR1-ylim"].hide();
+ me["EPR1-scaletick"].hide();
+ me["EPR1-scalenum"].hide();
+ me["EPR1-box"].hide();
+ me["EPR1-XX"].show();
+ me["EPR1-XX2"].show();
+ }
+ },
+ updateEPR2: func() {
+ me._cachedEPR[1] = fadec.FADEC.Eng2.epr;
+ if (fadec.FADEC.Eng2.epr == 1) {
+ me["EPR2-scale"].setColor(0.8078,0.8039,0.8078);
+ me["EPR2"].show();
+ me["EPR2-decpnt"].show();
+ me["EPR2-decimal"].show();
+ me["EPR2-needle"].show();
+ me["EPR2-ylim"].show();
+ me["EPR2-scaletick"].show();
+ me["EPR2-scalenum"].show();
+ me["EPR2-box"].show();
+ me["EPR2-XX"].hide();
+ me["EPR2-XX2"].hide();
+ } else {
+ me["EPR2-scale"].setColor(0.7333,0.3803,0);
+ me["EPR2"].hide();
+ me["EPR2-decpnt"].hide();
+ me["EPR2-decimal"].hide();
+ me["EPR2-needle"].hide();
+ me["EPR2-ylim"].hide();
+ me["EPR2-scaletick"].hide();
+ me["EPR2-scalenum"].hide();
+ me["EPR2-box"].hide();
+ me["EPR2-XX"].show();
+ me["EPR2-XX2"].show();
+ }
+ },
+ updateFF1: func() {
+ me._cachedFF[0] = fadec.FADEC.Eng1.ff;
+ if (fadec.FADEC.Eng1.ff == 1) {
+ me["FF1"].show();
+ me["FF1-XX"].hide();
+ } else {
+ me["FF1"].hide();
+ me["FF1-XX"].show();
+ }
+ },
+ updateFF2: func() {
+ me._cachedFF[1] = fadec.FADEC.Eng2.ff;
+ if (fadec.FADEC.Eng2.ff == 1) {
+ me["FF2"].show();
+ me["FF2-XX"].hide();
+ } else {
+ me["FF2"].hide();
+ me["FF2-XX"].show();
+ }
+ },
+ updateTest: func() {
+ if (du3_test_time.getValue() + 1 >= pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue()) {
+ me["Test_white"].show();
+ me["Test_text"].hide();
+ } else {
+ me["Test_white"].hide();
+ me["Test_text"].show();
+ }
+ },
+ powerTransient: func() {
+ if (systems.ELEC.Bus.acEss.getValue() >= 110) {
+ if (du3_offtime.getValue() + 3 < pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue()) {
+ if (pts.Gear.wow[0].getValue()) {
+ if (!acconfig.getBoolValue() and !du3_test.getBoolValue()) {
+ du3_test.setValue(1);
+ du3_test_amount.setValue(math.round((rand() * 5 ) + 35, 0.1));
+ du3_test_time.setValue(pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue());
+ } else if (acconfig.getBoolValue() and !du3_test.getBoolValue()) {
+ du3_test.setValue(1);
+ du3_test_amount.setValue(math.round((rand() * 5 ) + 35, 0.1));
+ du3_test_time.setValue(pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue() - 30);
+ }
+ } else {
+ du3_test.setValue(1);
+ du3_test_amount.setValue(0);
+ du3_test_time.setValue(-100);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ du3_test.setValue(0);
+ du3_offtime.setValue(pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue());
+ }
+ },
+ updatePower: func() {
+ if (du3_lgt.getValue() > 0.01 and systems.ELEC.Bus.acEss.getValue() >= 110) {
+ if (du3_test_time.getValue() + du3_test_amount.getValue() >= pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue()) {
+ me.group.setVisible(0);
+ me.test.setVisible(1);
+ } else {
+ me.group.setVisible(1);
+ me.test.setVisible(0);
+ }
+ } else {
+ me.group.setVisible(0);
+ me.test.setVisible(0);
+ }
+ },
+var UpperECAMRecipient =
+ new: func(_ident)
+ {
+ var EWDRecipient = emesary.Recipient.new(_ident);
+ EWDRecipient.MainScreen = nil;
+ EWDRecipient.type = eng_option.getValue() == "IAE" ? 1 : 0;
+ EWDRecipient.Receive = func(notification)
+ {
+ if (notification.NotificationType == "FrameNotification")
+ {
+ if (EWDRecipient.MainScreen == nil) {
+ if (EWDRecipient.type) {
+ EWDRecipient.MainScreen = canvas_upperECAM.new("Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Instruments/Upper-ECAM/res/iae-eis2.svg", "A320 E/WD IAE", "IAE");
+ } else {
+ EWDRecipient.MainScreen = canvas_upperECAM.new("Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Instruments/Upper-ECAM/res/cfm-eis2.svg", "A320 E/WD CFM", "CFM");
+ }
+ }
+ #if (!math.mod(notifications.frameNotification.FrameCount,2)){
+ if (EWDRecipient.type) {
+ EWDRecipient.MainScreen.updateIAE(notification);
+ } else {
+ EWDRecipient.MainScreen.updateCFM(notification);
+ }
+ #}
+ return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_OK;
+ }
+ return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_NotProcessed;
+ };
+ return EWDRecipient;
+ },
+var A320EWD = UpperECAMRecipient.new("A320 E/WD");
+input = {
+ fuelTotalLbs: "/consumables/fuel/total-fuel-lbs",
+ acconfigUnits: "/systems/acconfig/options/weight-kgs",
+ slatLocked: "/fdm/jsbsim/fcs/slat-locked",
+ # N1 parameters
+ N1_1: "/ECAM/Upper/N1[0]",
+ N1_2: "/ECAM/Upper/N1[1]",
+ N1_actual_1: "/engines/engine[0]/n1-actual",
+ N1_actual_2: "/engines/engine[1]/n1-actual",
+ N1_lim: "/ECAM/Upper/N1ylim",
+ N1thr_1: "/ECAM/Upper/N1thr[0]",
+ N1thr_2: "/ECAM/Upper/N1thr[1]",
+ # N2 parameters
+ N2_actual_1: "/engines/engine[0]/n2-actual",
+ N2_actual_2: "/engines/engine[1]/n2-actual",
+ # Reverse thrust
+ reverser_1: "/engines/engine[0]/reverser-pos-norm",
+ reverser_2: "/engines/engine[1]/reverser-pos-norm",
+ # EGT
+ egt_1: "/engines/engine[0]/egt-actual",
+ egt_2: "/engines/engine[1]/egt-actual",
+ egt_1_needle: "/ECAM/Upper/EGT[0]",
+ egt_2_needle: "/ECAM/Upper/EGT[1]",
+ # N1 parameters
+ EPR_1: "/ECAM/Upper/EPR[0]",
+ EPR_2: "/ECAM/Upper/EPR[1]",
+ EPR_actual_1: "/engines/engine[0]/epr-actual",
+ EPR_actual_2: "/engines/engine[1]/epr-actual",
+ EPR_lim: "/ECAM/Upper/EPRylim",
+ EPRthr_1: "/ECAM/Upper/EPRthr[0]",
+ EPRthr_2: "/ECAM/Upper/EPRthr[1]",
+ # fuel flow
+ fuelflow_1: "/engines/engine[0]/fuel-flow_actual",
+ fuelflow_2: "/engines/engine[1]/fuel-flow_actual",
+ # flaps
+ flapsPos: "/controls/flight/flaps-pos",
+ flapxOffset: "/ECAM/Upper/FlapX",
+ flapyOffset: "/ECAM/Upper/FlapY",
+ slatxOffset: "/ECAM/Upper/SlatX",
+ slatyOffset: "/ECAM/Upper/SlatY",
+ flapxOffsetTrans: "/ECAM/Upper/FlapXtrans",
+ flapyOffsetTrans: "/ECAM/Upper/FlapYtrans",
+ slatxOffsetTrans: "/ECAM/Upper/SlatXtrans",
+ slatyOffsetTrans: "/ECAM/Upper/SlatYtrans",
+ # fadec
+ alphaFloor: "/systems/thrust/alpha-floor",
+ eprLimit: "/controls/engines/epr-limit",
+ thrustLimit: "/controls/engines/thrust-limit",
+ n1Limit: "/controls/engines/n1-limit",
+ flexTemp: "/FMGC/internal/flex",
+ fadecPower1: "/systems/fadec/powered1",
+ fadecPower2: "/systems/fadec/powered2",
+ fadecPowerStart: "/systems/fadec/powerup",
+ N1_mode_1: "/systems/fadec/n1mode1",
+ N1_mode_2: "/systems/fadec/n1mode2",
+ # ecam
+ ecamMsg1: "/ECAM/msg/line1",
+ ecamMsg2: "/ECAM/msg/line2",
+ ecamMsg3: "/ECAM/msg/line3",
+ ecamMsg4: "/ECAM/msg/line4",
+ ecamMsg5: "/ECAM/msg/line5",
+ ecamMsg6: "/ECAM/msg/line6",
+ ecamMsg7: "/ECAM/msg/line7",
+ ecamMsg8: "/ECAM/msg/line8",
+ ecamMsg1R: "/ECAM/rightmsg/line1",
+ ecamMsg2R: "/ECAM/rightmsg/line2",
+ ecamMsg3R: "/ECAM/rightmsg/line3",
+ ecamMsg4R: "/ECAM/rightmsg/line4",
+ ecamMsg5R: "/ECAM/rightmsg/line5",
+ ecamMsg6R: "/ECAM/rightmsg/line6",
+ ecamMsg7R: "/ECAM/rightmsg/line7",
+ ecamMsg8R: "/ECAM/rightmsg/line8",
+foreach (var name; keys(input)) {
+ emesary.GlobalTransmitter.NotifyAll(notifications.FrameNotificationAddProperty.new("A320 Upper ECAM", name, input[name]));
+var showUpperECAM = func {
+ var dlg = canvas.Window.new([512, 512], "dialog").set("resize", 1);
+ dlg.setCanvas(A320EWD.MainScreen.canvas);
+setlistener("/systems/electrical/bus/ac-ess", func() {
+ A320EWD.MainScreen.powerTransient();
+}, 0, 0);
+var slatLockTimer = maketimer(0.50, func {
+ if (!slatLockFlash) {
+ slatLockFlash = 1;
+ } else {
+ slatLockFlash = 0;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Models/Instruments/Upper-ECAM/res/cfm-eis2.svg b/Models/Instruments/Upper-ECAM/res/cfm-eis2.svg
index 7ebab94f..46d3e37b 100644
--- a/Models/Instruments/Upper-ECAM/res/cfm-eis2.svg
+++ b/Models/Instruments/Upper-ECAM/res/cfm-eis2.svg
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@
- inkscape:zoom="1"
- inkscape:cx="718.57047"
- inkscape:cy="505.8628"
+ inkscape:zoom="0.25"
+ inkscape:cx="971.41703"
+ inkscape:cy="1420.8195"
@@ -1428,4 +1428,43 @@
style="opacity:0.5;fill:none;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:3.34691048;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:bevel;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1;paint-order:markers stroke fill" />
+ 00
+ °C
diff --git a/Models/Instruments/Upper-ECAM/res/iae-eis2.svg b/Models/Instruments/Upper-ECAM/res/iae-eis2.svg
index 627986e2..f7500ea6 100644
--- a/Models/Instruments/Upper-ECAM/res/iae-eis2.svg
+++ b/Models/Instruments/Upper-ECAM/res/iae-eis2.svg
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@
- inkscape:cx="180.81625"
- inkscape:cy="433.53356"
+ inkscape:cx="623.25944"
+ inkscape:cy="936.15332"
@@ -1755,7 +1755,7 @@
style="font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:normal;font-stretch:normal;font-size:31.25px;font-family:'Liberation Sans';-inkscape-font-specification:'Liberation Sans';fill:#0dc04b;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:0.75">A-LOCK
+ 00
+ °C
diff --git a/Nasal/FMGC/FMGC.nas b/Nasal/FMGC/FMGC.nas
index ab1292f2..243affc8 100644
--- a/Nasal/FMGC/FMGC.nas
+++ b/Nasal/FMGC/FMGC.nas
@@ -247,6 +247,7 @@ var postInit = func() {
var FMGCNodes = {
costIndex: props.globals.initNode("/FMGC/internal/cost-index", 0, "DOUBLE"),
flexSet: props.globals.initNode("/FMGC/internal/flex-set", 0, "BOOL"),
+ flexTemp: props.globals.initNode("/FMGC/internal/flex", 0, "INT"),
mngSpdAlt: props.globals.getNode("/FMGC/internal/mng-alt-spd"),
mngMachAlt: props.globals.getNode("/FMGC/internal/mng-alt-mach"),
toFromSet: props.globals.initNode("/FMGC/internal/tofrom-set", 0, "BOOL"),
diff --git a/Nasal/emesary/M_frame_notification.nas b/Nasal/emesary/M_frame_notification.nas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..95716a51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Nasal/emesary/M_frame_notification.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ #
+ # Title : Emesary based rt exec frame notifications
+ #
+ # File Type : Implementation File
+ #
+ # Description : Uses emesary notifications to permit nasal subsystems to be notified each frame.
+ # : A frame is defined by the timer rate; which is usually the maximum rate as determined by the FPS.
+ # : This is an alternative to the timer based or explicit function calling way of invoking
+ # : aircraft systems.
+ # : It has the advantage of using less timers and remaining modular, as each aircraft subsytem
+ # : can simply register itself with the global transmitter to receive the frame notification.
+ #
+ # Author : Richard Harrison (richard@zaretto.com)
+ #
+ # Creation Date : 4 June 2018
+ #
+ # Version : 1.0
+ #
+ # Copyright (C) 2018 Richard Harrison Released under GPL V2
+ #
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+var FrameNotification =
+ debug: 0,
+ new: func(_rate)
+ {
+ var new_class = emesary.Notification.new("FrameNotification", _rate);
+ new_class.Rate = _rate;
+ new_class.FrameRate = 60;
+ new_class.FrameCount = 0;
+ new_class.ElapsedSeconds = 0;
+ new_class.monitored = {};
+ new_class.properties = {};
+ #
+ # embed a recipient within this notification to allow the monitored property
+ # mapping list to be modified.
+ new_class.Recipient = emesary.Recipient.new("FrameNotification");
+ new_class.Recipient.Receive = func(notification)
+ {
+ if (notification.NotificationType == "FrameNotificationAddProperty")
+ {
+ var root_node = props.globals;
+ if (notification.root_node != nil) {
+ root_node = notification.root_node;
+ }
+ if (new_class.properties[notification.property] != nil
+ and new_class.properties[notification.property] != notification.variable)
+ print("[WARNING]: (",notification.module,") FrameNotification: already have variable ",new_class.properties[notification.property]," for ",notification.variable, " referencing property ",notification.property);
+ if (new_class.monitored[notification.variable] != nil
+ and new_class.monitored[notification.variable].getPath() != notification.property
+ and new_class.monitored[notification.variable].getPath() != "/"~notification.property)
+ print("[WARNING]: (",notification.module,") FrameNotification: already have variable ",notification.variable,"=",new_class.monitored[notification.variable].getPath(), " using different property ",notification.property);
+ # else if (new_class.monitored[notification.variable] == nil)
+ # print("[INFO]: (",notification.module,") FrameNotification.",notification.variable, " = ",notification.property);
+ new_class.monitored[notification.variable] = root_node.getNode(notification.property,1);
+ new_class.properties[notification.property] = notification.variable;
+ return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_OK;
+ }
+ return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_NotProcessed;
+ };
+ new_class.fetchvars = func() {
+ foreach (var mp; keys(new_class.monitored)){
+ if(new_class.monitored[mp] != nil){
+ if (FrameNotification.debug > 1)
+ print(" ",mp, " = ",new_class.monitored[mp].getValue());
+ new_class[mp] = new_class.monitored[mp].getValue();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ emesary.GlobalTransmitter.Register(new_class.Recipient);
+ return new_class;
+ },
+var FrameNotificationAddProperty =
+ new: func(module, variable, property, root_node=nil)
+ {
+ var new_class = emesary.Notification.new("FrameNotificationAddProperty", variable);
+ if (root_node == nil)
+ root_node = props.globals;
+ new_class.module = module ;
+ new_class.variable = variable;
+ new_class.property = property;
+ new_class.root_node = root_node;
+ return new_class;
+ },
+var frameNotification = FrameNotification.new(1);
diff --git a/Nasal/emesary/exec.nas b/Nasal/emesary/exec.nas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..885e2447
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Nasal/emesary/exec.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ #
+ # Title : Emesary based real time executive
+ #
+ # File Type : Implementation File
+ #
+ # Description : Uses emesary notifications to permit nasal subsystems to
+ # : be invoked in a controlled manner.
+ #
+ # Author : Richard Harrison (richard@zaretto.com)
+ #
+ # Creation Date : 4 June 2018
+ #
+ # Version : 1.0
+ #
+ # Copyright (C) 2018 Richard Harrison Released under GPL V2
+ #
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+# real time exec loop.
+var frame_inc = 0;
+var cur_frame_inc = 0.05;
+var execLoop = func
+ #
+ notifications.frameNotification.fetchvars();
+ if (notifications.frameNotification.FrameCount >= 4) {
+ notifications.frameNotification.FrameCount = 0;
+ }
+ emesary.GlobalTransmitter.NotifyAll(notifications.frameNotification);
+ #
+ notifications.frameNotification.FrameCount = notifications.frameNotification.FrameCount + 1;
+ if (notifications.frameNotification.frame_rate < 5) {
+ frame_inc = 0.25;#4 Hz
+ } elsif (notifications.frameNotification.frame_rate < 10) {
+ frame_inc = 0.125;#8 Hz
+ } elsif (notifications.frameNotification.frame_rate < 15) {
+ frame_inc = 0.10;#10 Hz
+ } elsif (notifications.frameNotification.frame_rate < 20) {
+ frame_inc = 0.075;#13.3 Hz
+ } elsif (notifications.frameNotification.frame_rate < 25) {
+ frame_inc = 0.05;#20 Hz
+ } elsif (notifications.frameNotification.frame_rate < 40) {
+ frame_inc = 0.0333;#30 Hz
+ } else {
+ frame_inc = 0.02;#50 Hz
+ }
+ if (frame_inc != cur_frame_inc) {
+ cur_frame_inc = frame_inc;
+ }
+ settimer(execLoop, cur_frame_inc);
+# setup the properties to monitor for this system
+input = {
+frame_rate : "/sim/frame-rate",
+elapsed_seconds : "/sim/time/elapsed-sec",
+foreach (var name; keys(input)) {
+ emesary.GlobalTransmitter.NotifyAll(notifications.FrameNotificationAddProperty.new("EXEC", name, input[name]));
+setlistener("/sim/signals/fdm-initialized", func() {
+ execLoop();
+}, 0, 0);