Fork 0

Lights loop to JSBSIM

This commit is contained in:
legoboyvdlp R 2020-07-12 14:53:15 +01:00
parent a61de8e6e9
commit 81e501ea88
4 changed files with 170 additions and 150 deletions

View file

@ -89,6 +89,7 @@
<dome-light type="double">0</dome-light>
<nose-lights type="double">0</nose-lights>

View file

@ -29,29 +29,6 @@ var beacon = aircraft.light.new("/sim/model/lights/beacon", [0.1, 1], "/controls
var strobe = aircraft.light.new("/sim/model/lights/strobe", [0.05, 0.06, 0.05, 1], "/controls/lighting/strobe");
var tail_strobe = aircraft.light.new("/sim/model/lights/tailstrobe", [0.1, 1], "/controls/lighting/strobe");
var beacon_switch = props.globals.getNode("controls/switches/beacon", 1);
var beacon_ctl = props.globals.getNode("controls/lighting/beacon", 1);
var strobe_switch = props.globals.getNode("controls/switches/strobe", 1);
var strobe_light = props.globals.getNode("controls/lighting/strobe", 1);
var logo_lights = getprop("/sim/model/lights/logo-lights");
var nav_lights = props.globals.getNode("sim/model/lights/nav-lights");
var wing_switch = props.globals.getNode("controls/switches/wing-lights", 1);
var wing_ctl = props.globals.getNode("controls/lighting/wing-lights", 1);
var dome_light = props.globals.initNode("/sim/model/lights/dome-light", 0.0, "DOUBLE");
var wow = getprop("/gear/gear[2]/wow");
var slats = getprop("/controls/flight/slats");
var gear = getprop("/gear/gear[0]/position-norm");
var nose_lights = getprop("/sim/model/lights/nose-lights");
var left_turnoff_light = props.globals.getNode("controls/lighting/leftturnoff");
var right_turnoff_light = props.globals.getNode("controls/lighting/rightturnoff");
var settingT = getprop("/controls/lighting/taxi-light-switch");
var settingTurnoff = getprop("/controls/lighting/turnoff-light-switch");
var setting = getprop("/controls/lighting/nav-lights-switch");
var domeSetting = getprop("/controls/lighting/dome-norm");
var landL = props.globals.getNode("controls/lighting/landing-lights[1]", 1);
var landR = props.globals.getNode("controls/lighting/landing-lights[2]", 1);
var landlSw = props.globals.getNode("controls/switches/landing-lights-l", 1);
var landrSw = props.globals.getNode("controls/switches/landing-lights-r", 1);
var stateL = 0;
var stateR = 0;
@ -466,119 +443,6 @@ setlistener("/controls/flight/elevator-trim", func {
var lightsLoop = maketimer(0.2, func {
gear = getprop("/gear/gear[0]/position-norm");
nose_lights = getprop("/sim/model/lights/nose-lights");
settingT = getprop("/controls/lighting/taxi-light-switch");
domeSetting = getprop("/controls/lighting/dome-norm");
# nose lights
if (settingT == 0.5 and gear > 0.9 and (getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/ac-1") > 0 or getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/ac-2") > 0)) {
setprop("/sim/model/lights/nose-lights", 0.85);
} else if (settingT == 1 and gear > 0.9 and (getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/ac-1") > 0 or getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/ac-2") > 0)) {
setprop("/sim/model/lights/nose-lights", 1);
} else {
setprop("/sim/model/lights/nose-lights", 0);
# turnoff lights
settingTurnoff = getprop("/controls/lighting/turnoff-light-switch");
left_turnoff_light = props.globals.getNode("controls/lighting/leftturnoff");
right_turnoff_light = props.globals.getNode("controls/lighting/rightturnoff");
if (settingTurnoff == 1 and gear > 0.9 and getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/ac-1") > 0) {
} else {
if (settingTurnoff == 1 and gear > 0.9 and getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/ac-2") > 0) {
} else {
# logo and navigation lights
setting = getprop("/controls/lighting/nav-lights-switch");
nav_lights = props.globals.getNode("sim/model/lights/nav-lights");
logo_lights = props.globals.getNode("sim/model/lights/logo-lights");
wow = getprop("/gear/gear[2]/wow");
slats = getprop("/controls/flight/slats");
if (getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/ac-1") > 0 or getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/ac-2") > 0 or getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/dc-1") > 0 or getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/dc-2") > 0) {
setprop("/systems/electrical/nav-lights-power", 1);
} else {
setprop("/systems/electrical/nav-lights-power", 0);
if (setting == 0 and logo_lights == 1) {
} else if (setting == 1 or setting == 2 and (getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/ac-1") > 0 or getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/ac-2") > 0)) {
if ((wow) or (!wow and slats > 0)) {
} else {
} else {
if (setting == 1 or setting == 2 and (getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/ac-1") > 0 or getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/ac-2") > 0 or getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/dc-1") > 0 or getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/dc-2") > 0)) {
} else {
if (domeSetting == 0.5 and getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess") > 0) {
} elsif (domeSetting == 1 and getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess") > 0) {
} else {
# strobe
strobe_sw = strobe_switch.getValue();
if (strobe_sw == 1 and getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/ac-2") > 0) {
} elsif (strobe_sw == 0.5 and getprop("/gear/gear[1]/wow") == 0 and getprop("/gear/gear[2]/wow") == 0 and getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/ac-2") > 0) {
# todo: use lgciu output 5
} else {
# beacon
if (beacon_switch.getValue() == 1 and (getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/ac-1") > 0 or getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/ac-2") > 0)) {
} else {
# wing
if (wing_switch.getValue() == 1 and (getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/ac-1") > 0 or getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/ac-2") > 0)) {
} else {
# landL
if (landlSw.getValue() == 1 and getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/ac-1") > 0) {
} else {
if (landrSw.getValue() == 1 and getprop("/systems/electrical/bus/ac-2") > 0) {
} else {
# signs
if (getprop("/systems/pressurization/cabinalt-norm") > 11300) {
@ -607,18 +471,6 @@ var lightsLoop = maketimer(0.2, func {
setprop("/controls/lighting/no-smoking-sign", 0); # sign stays on in cabin but sound still occurs
if (getprop("/controls/lighting/landing-lights[1]") >= 0.5) {
setprop("/fdm/jsbsim/rubbish/landL", 1);
} else {
setprop("/fdm/jsbsim/rubbish/landL", 0);
if (getprop("/controls/lighting/landing-lights[2]") >= 0.5) {
setprop("/fdm/jsbsim/rubbish/landR", 1);
} else {
setprop("/fdm/jsbsim/rubbish/landR", 0);
var pilotComfortTwoPos = func(prop) {

View file

@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
<property value="0.0">ice/wingL</property>
<property value="0.0">ice/wingR</property>
<property value="0">rubbish/landL</property>
<property value="0">rubbish/landR</property>
<axis name="LIFT">

View file

@ -54,6 +54,175 @@
/systems/electrical/bus/dc-2 gt 25
<switch name="/sim/model/lights/dome-light">
<default value="0" />
<test logic="AND" value="0.5">
/controls/lighting/dome-norm eq 0.5
/systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess ge 25
<test logic="AND" value="1.0">
/controls/lighting/dome-norm eq 1.0
/systems/electrical/bus/dc-ess ge 25
<channel name="Exterior Lights">
<switch name="/sim/model/lights/nose-lights">
<default value="0"/>
<test logic="AND" value="1">
/controls/lighting/taxi-light-switch eq 1
/gear/gear[0]/position-norm gt 0.8
<test logic="OR">
/systems/electrical/bus/ac-1 ge 110
/systems/electrical/bus/ac-2 ge 110
<test logic="AND" value="0.85">
/controls/lighting/taxi-light-switch eq 0.5
/gear/gear[0]/position-norm gt 0.8
<test logic="OR">
/systems/electrical/bus/ac-1 ge 110
/systems/electrical/bus/ac-2 ge 110
<switch name="controls/lighting/leftturnoff">
<default value="0"/>
<test logic="AND" value="1">
/controls/lighting/turnoff-light-switch eq 1
/gear/gear[0]/position-norm gt 0.8
/systems/electrical/bus/ac-1 ge 110
<switch name="/controls/lighting/rightturnoff">
<default value="0"/>
<test logic="AND" value="1">
/controls/lighting/turnoff-light-switch eq 1
/gear/gear[0]/position-norm gt 0.8
/systems/electrical/bus/ac-2 ge 110
<switch name="/controls/lighting/rightturnoff">
<default value="0"/>
<test logic="AND" value="1">
/controls/lighting/turnoff-light-switch eq 1
/gear/gear[0]/position-norm gt 0.8
/systems/electrical/bus/ac-2 ge 110
<switch name="/systems/electrical/nav-lights-power">
<default value="0"/>
<test logic="OR" value="1">
/systems/electrical/bus/dc-1 ge 25
/systems/electrical/bus/dc-2 ge 25
/systems/electrical/bus/ac-1 ge 110
/systems/electrical/bus/ac-2 ge 110
<switch name="/sim/model/lights/logo-lights">
<default value="0"/>
<test logic="AND" value="1">
<test logic="OR">
/controls/lighting/nav-lights-switch eq 1
/controls/lighting/nav-lights-switch eq 2
<test logic="OR">
/systems/electrical/bus/ac-1 ge 110
/systems/electrical/bus/ac-2 ge 110
<test logic="OR">
/controls/flight/slats ge 0
/gear/gear[2]/wow eq 1
<switch name="/sim/model/lights/nav-lights">
<default value="0"/>
<test logic="AND" value="1">
<test logic="OR">
/controls/lighting/nav-lights-switch eq 1
/controls/lighting/nav-lights-switch eq 2
/systems/electrical/nav-lights-power eq 1
<switch name="/controls/lighting/strobe">
<default value="0"/>
<test logic="AND" value="1">
/controls/switches/strobe eq 1
/systems/electrical/bus/ac-2 ge 110
<test logic="AND" value="1">
/controls/switches/strobe eq 0.5
/systems/electrical/bus/ac-2 ge 110
/gear/gear[1]/wow eq 0
/gear/gear[2]/wow eq 0
<switch name="/controls/lighting/beacon">
<default value="0"/>
<test logic="AND" value="1">
/controls/switches/beacon eq 1
<test logic="OR">
/systems/electrical/bus/ac-1 ge 110
/systems/electrical/bus/ac-2 ge 110
<switch name="/controls/lighting/wing-lights">
<default value="0"/>
<test logic="AND" value="1">
/controls/switches/wing-lights eq 1
<test logic="OR">
/systems/electrical/bus/ac-1 ge 110
/systems/electrical/bus/ac-2 ge 110
<switch name="/controls/lighting/landing-lights[1]">
<default value="0"/>
<test logic="AND" value="1">
/controls/switches/landing-lights-l eq 1
/systems/electrical/bus/ac-1 ge 110
<switch name="/controls/lighting/landing-lights[2]">
<default value="0"/>
<test logic="AND" value="1">
/controls/switches/landing-lights-r eq 1
/systems/electrical/bus/ac-2 ge 110
<switch name="/fdm/jsbsim/rubbish/landL">
<default value="0"/>
<test logic="AND" value="1">
/controls/lighting/landing-lights[1] ge 0.5
<switch name="/fdm/jsbsim/rubbish/landR">
<default value="0"/>
<test logic="AND" value="1">
/controls/lighting/landing-lights[2] ge 0.5