Add NO STAR choice, makes dynamic waypoint five miles from runway if NO STAR and NO IAP
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 182 additions and 61 deletions
@ -180,14 +180,34 @@ var flightPlanController = {
insertPPOS: func(n) {
me.flightplans[n].insertWP(createWP(geo.aircraft_position(), "PPOS"), 0);
insertTP: func(n) {
me.flightplans[n].insertWP(createWP(geo.aircraft_position(), "T-P"), 1);
childWPBearingDistance: func(wpt, bearing, dist, name, typeStr = "") {
var coordinates = greatCircleMove(, wpt.lon, bearing, dist);
if (typeStr != "") {
return createWP(coordinates, name);
} else {
return createWP(coordinates, name, typeStr);
insertNOSTAR: func(n) {
var wptStore = me.flightplans[n].getWP(me.arrivalIndex[n]);
if (wptStore.wp_type == "runway") {
if (me.flightplans[n].getWP(me.arrivalIndex[n] - 1).id == "CF") { # check if we have NO STAR already loaded
me.deleteWP(me.arrivalIndex[n] - 1, n, 1);
var hdg = me.flightplans[n].destination_runway.heading + 180;
if (hdg > 360) {
hdg = hdg - 360;
me.flightplans[n].insertWP(me.childWPBearingDistance(wptStore, hdg, 5, "CF", "star"), me.arrivalIndex[n]);
directTo: func(waypointGhost, plan) {
if (me.flightplans[plan].indexOfWP(waypointGhost) == -1) {
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ var arrivalPage = {
R4: [nil, nil, "ack"],
R5: [nil, nil, "ack"],
R6: [nil, nil, "ack"],
apprIsRwyFlag: nil,
arrAirport: nil,
runways: nil,
selectedApproach: nil,
@ -123,7 +124,23 @@ var arrivalPage = {
updateActiveApproach: func() {
if (me.selectedApproach != nil) {
if (me.apprIsRwyFlag) {
if (!fmgc.flightPlanController.temporaryFlag[]) {
if (fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[2].destination_runway != nil) {
me.L1 = [fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[2], " APPR", "grn"];
} elsif (fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[].destination_runway != nil) {
me.L1 = [fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[], " APPR", "yel"];
} else {
me.L1 = ["---", " APPR", "wht"];
} else {
if (fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[].destination_runway != nil) {
me.L1 = [fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[], " APPR", "yel"];
} else {
me.L1 = ["---", " APPR", "wht"];
} elsif (me.selectedApproach != nil) {
if (fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[2].approach != nil) {
if (fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[2].approach == me.selectedApproach) {
me.L1 = [fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[2], " APPR", "grn"];
@ -143,17 +160,23 @@ var arrivalPage = {
updateActiveSTARs: func() {
if (me.selectedSTAR != nil) {
if (me.selectedSTAR == " NO STAR") {
if (!fmgc.flightPlanController.temporaryFlag[]) {
me.C1 = ["NONE", "STAR", "grn"];
} else {
me.C1 = ["NONE", "STAR", "yel"];
} elsif (me.selectedSTAR != nil) {
if (fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[2].star != nil) {
if (fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[2].star == me.selectedSTAR) {
me.C1 = [fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[2], "SID", "grn"];
me.C1 = [fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[2], "STAR", "grn"];
} elsif (fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[].star != nil) {
me.C1 = [fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[], "SID", "yel"];
me.C1 = [fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[], "STAR", "yel"];
} else {
me.C1 = ["------- ", "STAR", "wht"];
} elsif (fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[] != nil) {
me.C1 = [fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[], "SID", "yel"];
me.C1 = [fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[], "STAR", "yel"];
} else {
me.C1 = ["------- ", "STAR", "wht"];
@ -174,7 +197,7 @@ var arrivalPage = {
me.R1 = ["-------", "TRANS ", "wht"];
} elsif (fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[].star_trans != nil) {
me.C1 = [fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[], "SID", "yel"];
me.C1 = [fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[], "STAR", "yel"];
} else {
me.R1 = ["-------", "TRANS ", "wht"];
@ -187,57 +210,113 @@ var arrivalPage = {
updateApproaches: func() {
me.apprIsRwyFlag = 0;
if (me.arrAirport == nil) {
me.arrAirport = findAirportsByICAO(left(, 4));
me._approaches = me.arrAirport[0].getApproachList();
me.approaches = sort(me._approaches,func(a,b) cmp(a,b));
if (size(me.approaches) >= 1) {
me.L3 = [" " ~ me.approaches[0 + me.scrollApproach], " APPR", "blu"];
me.C3 = [math.round(me.arrAirport[0].runways[me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[0 + me.scrollApproach]).runways[0]].length) ~ "M", "AVAILABLE ", "blu"];
me.R3 = ["CRS" ~ math.round(me.arrAirport[0].runways[me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[0 + me.scrollApproach]).runways[0]].heading), nil, "blu"];
if (me.approaches[0 + me.scrollApproach] != me.selectedApproach) {
me.arrowsMatrix[0][2] = 1;
me.arrowsColour[0][2] = "blu";
} else {
me.arrowsMatrix[0][2] = 0;
me.arrowsColour[0][2] = "ack";
if (me.approaches == nil or size(me.approaches) == 0) {
me.apprIsRwyFlag = 1;
me._approaches = me.arrAirport[0].runways;
me.approaches = sort(keys(me._approaches),func(a,b) cmp(a,b));
if (size(me.approaches) >= 2) {
me.L4 = [" " ~ me.approaches[1 + me.scrollApproach], nil, "blu"];
if (me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[0 + me.scrollApproach]).radio == "ILS") {
me.C4 = [math.round(me.arrAirport[0].runways[me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[1 + me.scrollApproach]).runways[0]].length) ~ "M", me.arrAirport[0].runways[me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[0 + me.scrollApproach]).runways[0]] ~ "/" ~ sprintf("%7.2f", me.arrAirport[0].runways[me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[0 + me.scrollApproach]).runways[0]].ils_frequency_mhz), "blu"];
} else {
me.C4 = [math.round(me.arrAirport[0].runways[me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[1 + me.scrollApproach]).runways[0]].length) ~ "M", nil, "blu"];
if (!me.apprIsRwyFlag) {
if (size(me.approaches) >= 1) {
me.L3 = [" " ~ me.approaches[0 + me.scrollApproach], " APPR", "blu"];
me.C3 = [math.round(me.arrAirport[0].runways[me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[0 + me.scrollApproach]).runways[0]].length) ~ "M", "AVAILABLE ", "blu"];
me.R3 = ["CRS" ~ math.round(me.arrAirport[0].runways[me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[0 + me.scrollApproach]).runways[0]].heading), nil, "blu"];
if (me.approaches[0 + me.scrollApproach] != me.selectedApproach) {
me.arrowsMatrix[0][2] = 1;
me.arrowsColour[0][2] = "blu";
} else {
me.arrowsMatrix[0][2] = 0;
me.arrowsColour[0][2] = "ack";
me.R4 = ["CRS" ~ math.round(me.arrAirport[0].runways[me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[1 + me.scrollApproach]).runways[0]].heading), nil, "blu"];
if (me.approaches[1 + me.scrollApproach] != me.selectedApproach) {
me.arrowsMatrix[0][3] = 1;
me.arrowsColour[0][3] = "blu";
} else {
me.arrowsMatrix[0][3] = 0;
me.arrowsColour[0][3] = "ack";
if (size(me.approaches) >= 2) {
me.L4 = [" " ~ me.approaches[1 + me.scrollApproach], nil, "blu"];
if (me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[0 + me.scrollApproach]).radio == "ILS") {
me.C4 = [math.round(me.arrAirport[0].runways[me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[1 + me.scrollApproach]).runways[0]].length) ~ "M", me.arrAirport[0].runways[me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[0 + me.scrollApproach]).runways[0]] ~ "/" ~ sprintf("%7.2f", me.arrAirport[0].runways[me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[0 + me.scrollApproach]).runways[0]].ils_frequency_mhz), "blu"];
} else {
me.C4 = [math.round(me.arrAirport[0].runways[me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[1 + me.scrollApproach]).runways[0]].length) ~ "M", nil, "blu"];
me.R4 = ["CRS" ~ math.round(me.arrAirport[0].runways[me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[1 + me.scrollApproach]).runways[0]].heading), nil, "blu"];
if (me.approaches[1 + me.scrollApproach] != me.selectedApproach) {
me.arrowsMatrix[0][3] = 1;
me.arrowsColour[0][3] = "blu";
} else {
me.arrowsMatrix[0][3] = 0;
me.arrowsColour[0][3] = "ack";
if (size(me.approaches) >= 3) {
me.L5 = [" " ~ me.approaches[2 + me.scrollApproach], nil, "blu"];
if (me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[1 + me.scrollApproach]).radio == "ILS") {
me.C5 = [math.round(me.arrAirport[0].runways[me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[2 + me.scrollApproach]).runways[0]].length) ~ "M", me.arrAirport[0].runways[me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[1 + me.scrollApproach]).runways[0]] ~ "/" ~ sprintf("%7.2f", me.arrAirport[0].runways[me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[1 + me.scrollApproach]).runways[0]].ils_frequency_mhz), "blu"];
} else {
me.C5 = [math.round(me.arrAirport[0].runways[me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[2 + me.scrollApproach]).runways[0]].length) ~ "M", nil, "blu"];
if (size(me.approaches) >= 3) {
me.L5 = [" " ~ me.approaches[2 + me.scrollApproach], nil, "blu"];
if (me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[1 + me.scrollApproach]).radio == "ILS") {
me.C5 = [math.round(me.arrAirport[0].runways[me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[2 + me.scrollApproach]).runways[0]].length) ~ "M", me.arrAirport[0].runways[me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[1 + me.scrollApproach]).runways[0]] ~ "/" ~ sprintf("%7.2f", me.arrAirport[0].runways[me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[1 + me.scrollApproach]).runways[0]].ils_frequency_mhz), "blu"];
} else {
me.C5 = [math.round(me.arrAirport[0].runways[me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[2 + me.scrollApproach]).runways[0]].length) ~ "M", nil, "blu"];
me.R5 = ["CRS" ~ math.round(me.arrAirport[0].runways[me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[2 + me.scrollApproach]).runways[0]].heading), nil, "blu"];
if (me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[2 + me.scrollApproach]).radio == "ILS") {
me.C6[1] = me.arrAirport[0].runways[me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[2 + me.scrollApproach]).runways[0]] ~ "/" ~ sprintf("%7.2f", me.arrAirport[0].runways[me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[2 + me.scrollApproach]).runways[0]].ils_frequency_mhz);
if (me.approaches[2 + me.scrollApproach] != me.selectedApproach) {
me.arrowsMatrix[0][4] = 1;
me.arrowsColour[0][4] = "blu";
} else {
me.arrowsMatrix[0][3] = 0;
me.arrowsColour[0][3] = "ack";
me.R5 = ["CRS" ~ math.round(me.arrAirport[0].runways[me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[2 + me.scrollApproach]).runways[0]].heading), nil, "blu"];
if (me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[2 + me.scrollApproach]).radio == "ILS") {
me.C6[1] = me.arrAirport[0].runways[me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[2 + me.scrollApproach]).runways[0]] ~ "/" ~ sprintf("%7.2f", me.arrAirport[0].runways[me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[2 + me.scrollApproach]).runways[0]].ils_frequency_mhz);
} else {
# show runways, not IAPS if no approaches. Not realistic but people with no navigraph keep complaining
if (size(me.approaches) >= 1) {
me.L3 = [" " ~ me._approaches[me.approaches[0 + me.scrollApproach]].id, " RWY", "blu"];
me.C3 = [math.round(me._approaches[me.approaches[0 + me.scrollApproach]].length) ~ "M", "AVAILABLE ", "blu"];
me.R3 = ["CRS" ~ math.round(me._approaches[me.approaches[0 + me.scrollApproach]].heading), nil, "blu"];
if (me.approaches[0 + me.scrollApproach] != me.selectedApproach) {
me.arrowsMatrix[0][2] = 1;
me.arrowsColour[0][2] = "blu";
} else {
me.arrowsMatrix[0][2] = 0;
me.arrowsColour[0][2] = "ack";
if (me.approaches[2 + me.scrollApproach] != me.selectedApproach) {
me.arrowsMatrix[0][4] = 1;
me.arrowsColour[0][4] = "blu";
} else {
me.arrowsMatrix[0][3] = 0;
me.arrowsColour[0][3] = "ack";
if (size(me.approaches) >= 2) {
me.L4 = [" " ~ me._approaches[me.approaches[1 + me.scrollApproach]].id, nil, "blu"];
if (me._approaches[me.approaches[0 + me.scrollApproach]].ils != nil) {
me.C4 = [math.round(me._approaches[me.approaches[1 + me.scrollApproach]].length) ~ "M", me._approaches[me.approaches[0 + me.scrollApproach]] ~ "/" ~ sprintf("%7.2f", me._approaches[me.approaches[0 + me.scrollApproach]].ils_frequency_mhz), "blu"];
} else {
me.C4 = [math.round(me._approaches[me.approaches[1 + me.scrollApproach]].length) ~ "M", nil, "blu"];
me.R4 = ["CRS" ~ math.round(me._approaches[me.approaches[1 + me.scrollApproach]].heading), nil, "blu"];
if (me.approaches[1 + me.scrollApproach] != me.selectedApproach) {
me.arrowsMatrix[0][3] = 1;
me.arrowsColour[0][3] = "blu";
} else {
me.arrowsMatrix[0][3] = 0;
me.arrowsColour[0][3] = "ack";
if (size(me.approaches) >= 3) {
me.L5 = [" " ~ me._approaches[me.approaches[2 + me.scrollApproach]].id, nil, "blu"];
if (me._approaches[me.approaches[1 + me.scrollApproach]].ils != nil) {
me.C5 = [math.round(me._approaches[me.approaches[2 + me.scrollApproach]].length) ~ "M", me._approaches[me.approaches[1 + me.scrollApproach]] ~ "/" ~ sprintf("%7.2f", me._approaches[me.approaches[1 + me.scrollApproach]].ils_frequency_mhz), "blu"];
} else {
me.C5 = [math.round(me._approaches[me.approaches[2 + me.scrollApproach]].length) ~ "M", nil, "blu"];
me.R5 = ["CRS" ~ math.round(me._approaches[me.approaches[2 + me.scrollApproach]].heading), nil, "blu"];
if (me._approaches[me.approaches[2 + me.scrollApproach]].ils != nil) {
me.C6[1] = me._approaches[me.approaches[1 + me.scrollApproach]] ~ "/" ~ sprintf("%7.2f", me._approaches[me.approaches[1 + me.scrollApproach]].ils_frequency_mhz);
if (me.approaches[2 + me.scrollApproach] != me.selectedApproach) {
me.arrowsMatrix[0][4] = 1;
me.arrowsColour[0][4] = "blu";
} else {
me.arrowsMatrix[0][4] = 0;
me.arrowsColour[0][4] = "ack";
@ -257,6 +336,11 @@ var arrivalPage = {
me.stars = sort(me._stars,func(a,b) cmp(a,b));
if (me.stars == nil) {
me.stars = [" NO STAR"];
} else {
append(me.stars, " NO STAR");
if (size(me.stars) >= 1) {
me.L2 = [" " ~ me.stars[0 + me.scrollStars], "STARS", "blu"];
@ -415,7 +499,7 @@ var arrivalPage = {
me.scrollStars = 0;
if (me.selectedSTAR == nil) {
if (me.selectedSTAR == nil or me.selectedSTAR != " NO STAR") {
} else {
@ -440,7 +524,7 @@ var arrivalPage = {
me.scrollStars = size(me.stars) - 4;
if (me.selectedSTAR == nil) {
if (me.selectedSTAR == nil or me.selectedSTAR != " NO STAR") {
} else {
@ -459,12 +543,17 @@ var arrivalPage = {
arrPushbuttonLeft: func(index) {
if (me.activePage == 0) {
if (size(me.approaches) >= (index - 1) and index != 2) {
if (size(me.approaches) >= (index - 2) and index != 2) {
if (!dirToFlag) {
me.selectedApproach = me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[index - 3 + me.scrollApproach]);
fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[].destination_runway = me.arrAirport[0].runways[me.selectedApproach.runways[0]];
fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[].approach = me.selectedApproach;
if (!me.apprIsRwyFlag) {
me.selectedApproach = me.arrAirport[0].getIAP(me.approaches[index - 3 + me.scrollApproach]);
fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[].destination_runway = me.arrAirport[0].runways[me.selectedApproach.runways[0]];
fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[].approach = me.selectedApproach;
} else {
me.selectedApproach = me.arrAirport[0].runways[index - 3 + me.scrollApproach];
fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[].destination_runway = me.arrAirport[0].runway(me.approaches[index - 3 + me.scrollApproach]);
setprop("FMGC/internal/baro", 99999);
setprop("FMGC/internal/radio", 99999);
setprop("FMGC/internal/radio-no", 0);
@ -480,15 +569,26 @@ var arrivalPage = {
} else {
if (size(me.stars) >= (index - 1)) {
if (size(me.stars) >= (index - 2)) {
if (!dirToFlag) {
me.selectedSTAR = me.stars[index - 2 + me.scrollStars];
fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[].star = me.arrAirport[0].getStar(me.selectedSTAR);
if (me.selectedSTAR != " NO STAR") {
fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[].star = me.arrAirport[0].getStar(me.selectedSTAR);
} else {
fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[].star = nil;
if (fmgc.flightPlanController.flightplans[].approach == nil) {
me.hasPressNoTrans = 0;
if (me.selectedSTAR != " NO STAR") {
me.hasPressNoTrans = 0;
} else {
me.hasPressNoTrans = 1;
} else {
@ -448,6 +448,7 @@ var rskbutton = func(btn, i) {
canvas_mcdu.myArrival[i] = nil;
canvas_mcdu.myArrival[i] =[i].title[2], i);
setprop("MCDU[" ~ i ~ "]/page", "ARRIVAL");
} else {
Add table
Reference in a new issue