Fork 0

ADIRS: make it that PFD comes online after ~25 seconds of align per video reference. FBW: make it that failures can be reverted. So if failure condition ends, you go back to normal law. Please report any problems!

This commit is contained in:
legoboyvdlp R 2020-11-22 17:28:08 +00:00
parent d925c3553b
commit 3582325aa4
3 changed files with 107 additions and 86 deletions

View file

@ -1088,7 +1088,7 @@ var canvas_PFD_1 = {
wow2_act = wow2.getValue();
# Errors
if (systems.ADIRS.ADIRunits[0].aligned == 1 or (systems.ADIRS.ADIRunits[2].aligned == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == -1)) {
if (systems.ADIRS.ADIRunits[0].operating == 1 or (systems.ADIRS.ADIRunits[2].operating == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == -1)) {
@ -1132,7 +1132,7 @@ var canvas_PFD_1 = {
} else {
var aoa = me.getAOAForPFD1();
if (aoa == nil or (systems.ADIRS.ADIRunits[0].aligned != 1 and att_switch.getValue() == 0) or (systems.ADIRS.ADIRunits[2].aligned != 1 and att_switch.getValue() == -1)){
if (aoa == nil or (systems.ADIRS.ADIRunits[0].operating != 1 and att_switch.getValue() == 0) or (systems.ADIRS.ADIRunits[2].operating != 1 and att_switch.getValue() == -1)){
} else {
var roll_deg = roll.getValue() or 0;
@ -1870,7 +1870,7 @@ var canvas_PFD_2 = {
wow2_act = wow2.getValue();
# Errors
if (systems.ADIRS.ADIRunits[1].aligned == 1 or (systems.ADIRS.ADIRunits[2].aligned == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == 1)) {
if (systems.ADIRS.ADIRunits[1].operating == 1 or (systems.ADIRS.ADIRunits[2].operating == 1 and att_switch.getValue() == 1)) {
@ -1907,7 +1907,7 @@ var canvas_PFD_2 = {
} else {
var aoa = me.getAOAForPFD2();
if (aoa == nil or (systems.ADIRS.ADIRunits[1].aligned != 1 and att_switch.getValue() == 0) or (systems.ADIRS.ADIRunits[2].aligned != 1 and att_switch.getValue() == 1)) {
if (aoa == nil or (systems.ADIRS.ADIRunits[1].operating != 1 and att_switch.getValue() == 0) or (systems.ADIRS.ADIRunits[2].operating != 1 and att_switch.getValue() == 1)) {
} else {
var roll_deg = roll.getValue() or 0;

View file

@ -13,10 +13,24 @@ var sec2 = 0;
var sec3 = 0;
var fac1 = 0;
var fac2 = 0;
var dualELACFault = 0;
var tripleSECFault = 0;
var dualFACFault = 0;
var adr1 = 0;
var adr2 = 0;
var adr3 = 0;
var tripleADRFail = 0;
var doubleADRFail = 0;
var ir1 = 0;
var ir2 = 0;
var ir3 = 0;
var tripleIRFail = 0;
var doubleIRFail = 0;
var blue = 0;
var green = 0;
var yellow = 0;
var blueGreenFail = 0;
var greenYellowFail = 0;
var ail = 0;
var roll = 0;
var rollback = 0;
@ -154,85 +168,82 @@ var update_loop = func {
fac2 = FBW.Computers.fac2.getBoolValue();
law = FBW.activeLaw.getValue();
lawyaw = FBW.activeYawLaw.getValue();
adr1 = systems.ADIRS.Operating.adr[0].getValue();
adr2 = systems.ADIRS.Operating.adr[1].getValue();
adr3 = systems.ADIRS.Operating.adr[2].getValue();
ir1 = systems.ADIRS.ADIRunits[0].operating;
ir2 = systems.ADIRS.ADIRunits[1].operating;
ir3 = systems.ADIRS.ADIRunits[2].operating;
# Degrade logic, all failures which degrade FBW need to go here. -JD
blue = systems.HYD.Psi.blue.getValue();
green = systems.HYD.Psi.green.getValue();
yellow = systems.HYD.Psi.yellow.getValue();
if (!pts.Gear.wow[1].getBoolValue() and !pts.Gear.wow[2].getBoolValue()) {
if (!elac1 and !elac2) {
if (lawyaw == 0) {
if (law == 0) {
FBW.apOff = 1;
if ((!elac1 and elac2 and ((green < 1500 and yellow >= 1500) or (green >= 1500 and yellow < 1500))) or (!elac2 and elac1 and blue < 1500)) {
if (lawyaw == 0) {
if (law == 0) {
FBW.apOff = 1;
if (!sec1 and !sec2 and !sec3) {
if (lawyaw == 0) {
if (law == 0) {
if (systems.ELEC.EmerElec.getBoolValue()) {
if (lawyaw == 0 or lawyaw == 1) {
} elsif (fac1 and lawyaw == 2) {
if (law == 0) {
FBW.apOff = 1;
if (blue < 1500 and green < 1500 and yellow >= 1500) {
if (lawyaw == 0) {
if (law == 0) {
FBW.apOff = 1;
if ((!fac1 and !fac2) or !FBW.yawdamper.getValue() or (blue >= 1500 and green < 1500 and yellow < 1500)) {
dualELACFault = !elac1 and !elac2;
tripleSECFault = !sec1 and !sec2 and !sec3;
dualFACFault = !fac1 and !fac2;
blueGreenFail = blue < 1500 and green < 1500 and yellow >= 1500;
greenYellowFail = blue >= 1500 and green < 1500 and yellow < 1500;
tripleADRFail = !adr1 and !adr2 and !adr3;
doubleADRFail = (!adr1 and !adr2 and adr3) or (adr1 and !adr2 and !adr3) or (!adr1 and adr2 and !adr3);
tripleIRFail = !ir1 and !ir2 and !ir3;
doubleIRFail = (!ir1 and !ir2 and ir3) or (ir1 and !ir2 and !ir3) or (!ir1 and ir2 and !ir3);
if (tripleADRFail or doubleADRFail or doubleIRFail or tripleIRFail or dualFACFault or !FBW.yawdamper.getValue() or greenYellowFail or blueGreenFail or dualELACFault or (!elac1 and elac2 and ((green < 1500 and yellow >= 1500) or (green >= 1500 and yellow < 1500))) or (!elac2 and elac1 and blue < 1500) or tripleSECFault or systems.ELEC.EmerElec.getBoolValue()) {
if (dualFACFault or !FBW.yawdamper.getValue() or greenYellowFail or (systems.ELEC.EmerElec.getBoolValue() and !fac1) or tripleIRFail) {
if (lawyaw == 0 or lawyaw == 1) {
if (law == 0) {
} elsif (fac1 and lawyaw == 2 and systems.ELEC.EmerElec.getBoolValue()) {
} elsif (lawyaw == 0) {
if (law == 0 and !tripleIRFail) {
if (!tripleSECFault) {
FBW.apOff = 1;
} elsif (tripleIRFail and (law == 0 or law == 1)) {
FBW.apOff = 1;
if (!elac1 and !elac2 and !sec1 and !sec2 and !sec3 and !fac1 and !fac2) {
} else {
FBW.apOff = 0;
if (dualELACFault and tripleSECFault and dualFACFault) {
FBW.apOff = 1;
if (pts.Controls.Gear.gearDown.getBoolValue() and !fmgc.Input.ap1.getBoolValue() and !fmgc.Input.ap2.getBoolValue()) {
if (law == 1) {
# degrade loop runs faster; reset this variable
law = FBW.activeLaw.getValue();
# Mech Backup can always return to direct, if it can.
if (law == 3 and (elac1 or elac2 or sec1 or sec2 or sec3 or fac1 or fac2) and systems.ELEC.Bus.acEss.getValue() >= 110 and (green >= 1500 or blue >= 1500 or yellow >= 1500)) {
if (!pts.Gear.wow[1].getBoolValue() and !pts.Gear.wow[2].getBoolValue()) {
if (pts.Controls.Gear.gearDown.getBoolValue()) {
if (law == 1) {
FBW.degradeLaw.setValue(2); # todo 3 sec timer
} else {
if (law == 2 and !tripleIRFail) {
FBW.degradeLaw.setValue(1); # todo 3 sec timer
# If they can, laws can go back to standard law
if (law == 3) {
if (!dualELACFault or !tripleSECFault or !dualFACFault) {
cas = pts.Instrumentation.AirspeedIndicator.indicatedSpdKt.getValue();
mmoIAS = (cas / pts.Instrumentation.AirspeedIndicator.indicatedMach.getValue()) * 0.82;

View file

@ -10,32 +10,31 @@ var _selfTestTime = nil;
var ADIRSnodesND = [props.globals.getNode("/instrumentation/efis[0]/nd/ir-1", 1),props.globals.getNode("/instrumentation/efis[1]/nd/ir-2", 1),props.globals.getNode("/instrumentation/efis[0]/nd/ir-3", 1)];
var ADIRU = {
# local vars
_alignTime: 0,
_voltageMain: 0,
_voltageBackup: 0,
_voltageLimitedTime: 0,
_noPowerTime: 0,
_timeVar: 0,
_roll: 0,
_pitch: 0,
_gs: 0,
num: 0,
aligned: 0,
inAlign: 0,
outputOn: 1, # 0 = disc, 1 = normal
mode: 0, # 0 = off, 1 = nav, 2 = att
energised: 0, # 0 = off, 1 = on
operative: 0, # 0 = off,
alignTimer: nil,
input: [],
output: [],
# methods
new: func(n) {
var adiru = { parents:[ADIRU] };
adiru.num = n;
adiru._alignTime = 0;
adiru._pfdTime = 0;
adiru._voltageMain = 0;
adiru._voltageBackup = 0;
adiru._voltageLimitedTime = 0;
adiru._noPowerTime = 0;
adiru._timeVar = 0;
adiru._roll = 0;
adiru._pitch = 0;
adiru._gs = 0;
adiru.aligned = 0;
adiru.operating = 0; # ir operating - used for PFD + fbw failure
adiru.inAlign = 0;
adiru.outputOn = 1; # 0 = disc; 1 = normal
adiru.mode = 0; # 0 = off; 1 = nav; 2 = att
adiru.energised = 0; # 0 = off; 1 = on
adiru.operative = 0; # 0 = off;
adiru.alignTimer = nil;
adiru.input = [];
adiru.output = [];
adiru.alignTimer = maketimer(0.1, adiru, me.alignLoop);
return adiru;
@ -93,6 +92,7 @@ var ADIRU = {
if (!ADIRS.skip.getValue()) {
if (time > 0 and me.aligned == 0 and me.inAlign == 0 and me.operative == 1) {
me._alignTime = pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue() + time;
me._pfdTime = pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue() + 20 + (rand() * 5);
me.inAlign = 1;
if (me.alignTimer != nil) {
@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ var ADIRU = {
} else {
if (me.aligned == 0 and me.inAlign == 0 and me.operative == 1) {
me._alignTime = pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue() + 5;
me._pfdTime = pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue() + 1;
me.inAlign = 1;
if (me.alignTimer != nil) {
@ -114,6 +115,7 @@ var ADIRU = {
me.aligned = 0;
me.operating = 0;
if (me.alignTimer != nil) {
@ -124,6 +126,9 @@ var ADIRU = {
irOperating: func() {
me.operating = 1;
stopAlignAligned: func() {
me.inAlign = 0;
me.aligned = 1;
@ -155,9 +160,14 @@ var ADIRU = {
} elsif (pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue() >= me._alignTime) {
if (!me.operating and pts.Sim.Time.elapsedSec.getValue() >= me._pfdTime) {
instAlign: func() {
# Update loop
update: func() {