2020-04-30 15:26:36 -04:00
# A3XX mCDU by Joshua Davidson (Octal450), Jonathan Redpath, and Matthew Maring (mattmaring)
2019-10-14 12:48:35 -04:00
2020-04-18 01:36:46 -04:00
# Copyright (c) 2020 Josh Davidson (Octal450)
2020-04-30 15:26:36 -04:00
# Copyright (c) 2020 Matthew Maring (mattmaring)
2019-10-14 12:48:35 -04:00
var perfTOInput = func(key, i) {
2020-05-23 01:40:01 +01:00
var scratchpad = mcdu_scratchpad.scratchpads[i].scratchpad;
2019-10-14 12:48:35 -04:00
if (key == "L1") {
2020-07-10 22:15:37 +01:00
if (fmgc.FMGCInternal.phase != 1) {
2020-04-25 15:32:53 +01:00
if (scratchpad == "CLR") {
2020-07-09 23:59:11 +01:00
fmgc.FMGCInternal.v1 = 0;
fmgc.FMGCInternal.v1set = 0;
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
2020-04-25 15:32:53 +01:00
} else {
var tfs = size(scratchpad);
if (tfs == 3) {
if (int(scratchpad) != nil and scratchpad >= 100 and scratchpad <= 350) {
2020-07-09 23:59:11 +01:00
fmgc.FMGCInternal.v1 = scratchpad;
fmgc.FMGCInternal.v1set = 1;
# for sounds:
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
2020-04-25 15:32:53 +01:00
} else {
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
2020-04-25 15:32:53 +01:00
2019-10-14 12:48:35 -04:00
} else {
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
2019-10-14 12:48:35 -04:00
2020-04-25 15:32:53 +01:00
} else {
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
2019-10-14 12:48:35 -04:00
} else if (key == "L2") {
2020-07-10 22:15:37 +01:00
if (fmgc.FMGCInternal.phase != 1) {
2020-04-25 15:32:53 +01:00
if (scratchpad == "CLR") {
2020-07-09 23:59:11 +01:00
fmgc.FMGCInternal.vr = 0;
fmgc.FMGCInternal.vrset = 0;
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
2020-04-25 15:32:53 +01:00
} else {
var tfs = size(scratchpad);
if (tfs == 3) {
if (int(scratchpad) != nil and scratchpad >= 100 and scratchpad <= 350) {
2020-07-09 23:59:11 +01:00
fmgc.FMGCInternal.vr = scratchpad;
fmgc.FMGCInternal.vrset = 1;
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
2020-04-25 15:32:53 +01:00
} else {
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
2020-04-25 15:32:53 +01:00
2019-10-14 12:48:35 -04:00
} else {
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
2019-10-14 12:48:35 -04:00
2020-04-25 15:32:53 +01:00
} else {
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
2019-10-14 12:48:35 -04:00
} else if (key == "L3") {
2020-07-10 22:15:37 +01:00
if (fmgc.FMGCInternal.phase != 1) {
2020-04-25 15:32:53 +01:00
if (scratchpad == "CLR") {
2020-07-09 23:59:11 +01:00
fmgc.FMGCInternal.v2 = 0;
fmgc.FMGCInternal.v2set = 0;
setprop("/it-autoflight/settings/togaspd", 157);
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
2020-04-25 15:32:53 +01:00
} else {
var tfs = size(scratchpad);
if (tfs == 3) {
if (int(scratchpad) != nil and scratchpad >= 100 and scratchpad <= 350) {
2020-07-09 23:59:11 +01:00
fmgc.FMGCInternal.v2 = scratchpad;
fmgc.FMGCInternal.v2set = 1;
setprop("/it-autoflight/settings/togaspd", scratchpad);
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
2020-04-25 15:32:53 +01:00
} else {
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
2020-04-25 15:32:53 +01:00
2019-10-14 12:48:35 -04:00
} else {
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
2019-10-14 12:48:35 -04:00
2020-04-25 15:32:53 +01:00
} else {
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
2019-10-14 12:48:35 -04:00
} else if (key == "L4") {
if (scratchpad == "CLR") {
2020-05-16 15:48:26 +01:00
fmgc.FMGCInternal.transAlt = 18000;
fmgc.FMGCInternal.transAltSet = 0;
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
2019-10-14 12:48:35 -04:00
} else {
var tfs = size(scratchpad);
2020-04-14 20:22:01 -04:00
if (int(scratchpad) != nil and (tfs == 4 or tfs <= 5) and scratchpad >= 1000 and scratchpad <= 39000) {
2020-05-16 15:48:26 +01:00
fmgc.FMGCInternal.transAlt = int(scratchpad / 10) * 10;
fmgc.FMGCInternal.transAltSet = 1;
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
2019-10-14 12:48:35 -04:00
} else {
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
2019-10-14 12:48:35 -04:00
} else if (key == "L5") {
if (scratchpad == "CLR") {
2020-09-20 20:52:54 +01:00
setprop("systems/thrust/clbreduc-ft", 1500);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/accel-agl-ft", 1500);
2020-02-07 16:10:54 +00:00
setprop("MCDUC/thracc-set", 0);
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
2019-10-14 12:48:35 -04:00
} else {
var tfs = size(scratchpad);
2020-04-14 20:22:01 -04:00
if (find("/", scratchpad) != -1) {
2019-10-14 12:48:35 -04:00
var thracc = split("/", scratchpad);
2020-04-14 20:22:01 -04:00
var thrred = thracc[0];
var thrreds = size(thrred);
var acc = thracc[1];
var accs = size(acc);
2020-04-25 15:32:53 +01:00
if (int(thrred) != nil and (thrreds >= 3 and thrreds <= 5) and thrred >= 400 and thrred <= 39000 and int(acc) != nil and (accs == 3 or accs == 4 or accs == 5) and acc >= 400 and acc <= 39000) {
2020-04-14 20:22:01 -04:00
setprop("systems/thrust/clbreduc-ft", int(thrred / 10) * 10);
2020-05-01 20:26:05 -04:00
setprop("/FMGC/internal/accel-agl-ft", int(acc / 10) * 10);
2020-02-07 16:10:54 +00:00
setprop("MCDUC/thracc-set", 1);
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
2020-04-25 15:32:53 +01:00
} else if (thrreds == 0 and int(acc) != nil and (accs >= 3 and accs <= 5) and acc >= 400 and acc <= 39000) {
2020-05-01 20:26:05 -04:00
setprop("/FMGC/internal/accel-agl-ft", int(acc / 10) * 10);
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
2019-10-14 12:48:35 -04:00
} else {
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
2019-10-14 12:48:35 -04:00
2020-04-25 15:32:53 +01:00
} else if (num(scratchpad) != nil and (tfs >= 3 and tfs <= 5) and scratchpad >= 400 and scratchpad <= 39000) {
2020-04-14 20:22:01 -04:00
setprop("systems/thrust/clbreduc-ft", int(scratchpad / 10) * 10);
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
2019-10-14 12:48:35 -04:00
} else {
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
2019-10-14 12:48:35 -04:00
} else if (key == "R3") {
if (scratchpad == "CLR") {
2020-05-01 20:26:05 -04:00
setprop("/FMGC/internal/to-flap", 0);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/to-ths", "0.0");
setprop("/FMGC/internal/flap-ths-set", 0);
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
2019-10-14 12:48:35 -04:00
} else {
2020-04-14 20:22:01 -04:00
if (find("/", scratchpad) != -1) {
var flapths = split("/", scratchpad);
var flap = flapths[0];
var flaps = size(flap);
var trim = flapths[1];
var trims = size(trim);
var trima = substr(trim, 2);
var trimb = substr(trim, 0, 3);
var validtrima = num(trima) != nil and num(trima) >= 0 and num(trima) <= 7.0;
var validtrimb = num(trimb) != nil and num(trimb) >= 0 and num(trimb) <= 7.0;
2020-05-01 20:26:05 -04:00
if (flaps == 0 and getprop("/FMGC/internal/flap-ths-set")) {
2020-04-14 20:22:01 -04:00
if (trims == 5 and find("DN", trim) != -1 and validtrima) {
2020-05-01 20:26:05 -04:00
setprop("/FMGC/internal/to-ths", -1 * trima);
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
2020-04-14 20:22:01 -04:00
} else if (trims == 5 and find("DN", trim) != -1 and validtrimb) {
2020-05-01 20:26:05 -04:00
setprop("/FMGC/internal/to-ths", -1 * trimb);
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
2020-04-14 20:22:01 -04:00
} else if (trims == 5 and find("UP", trim) != -1 and validtrima) {
2020-05-01 20:26:05 -04:00
setprop("/FMGC/internal/to-ths", trima);
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
2020-04-14 20:22:01 -04:00
} else if (trims == 5 and find("UP", trim) != -1 and validtrimb) {
2020-05-01 20:26:05 -04:00
setprop("/FMGC/internal/to-ths", trimb);
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
2020-04-14 20:22:01 -04:00
} else {
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
2020-04-14 20:22:01 -04:00
} else if (flaps == 1 and num(flap) != nil and flap >= 0 and flap <= 3) {
if (trims == 5 and find("DN", trim) != -1 and validtrima) {
2020-05-01 20:26:05 -04:00
setprop("/FMGC/internal/to-flap", flap);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/to-ths", -1 * trima);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/flap-ths-set", 1);
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
2020-04-14 20:22:01 -04:00
} else if (trims == 5 and find("DN", trim) != -1 and validtrimb) {
2020-05-01 20:26:05 -04:00
setprop("/FMGC/internal/to-flap", flap);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/to-ths", -1 * trimb);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/flap-ths-set", 1);
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
2020-04-14 20:22:01 -04:00
} else if (trims == 5 and find("UP", trim) != -1 and validtrima) {
2020-05-01 20:26:05 -04:00
setprop("/FMGC/internal/to-flap", flap);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/to-ths", trima);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/flap-ths-set", 1);
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
2020-04-14 20:22:01 -04:00
} else if (trims == 5 and find("UP", trim) != -1 and validtrimb) {
2020-05-01 20:26:05 -04:00
setprop("/FMGC/internal/to-flap", flap);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/to-ths", trimb);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/flap-ths-set", 1);
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
2020-04-14 20:22:01 -04:00
} else {
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
2020-04-14 20:22:01 -04:00
2020-03-29 21:27:18 -04:00
} else {
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
2020-03-29 21:27:18 -04:00
2020-04-14 20:22:01 -04:00
} else if (size(scratchpad) == 1 and num(scratchpad) != nil and scratchpad >= 0 and scratchpad <= 3) {
2020-05-01 20:26:05 -04:00
setprop("/FMGC/internal/to-flap", scratchpad);
if (!getprop("/FMGC/internal/flap-ths-set")) {
setprop("/FMGC/internal/flap-ths-set", 1);
2020-02-29 13:44:54 -05:00
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
2019-10-14 12:48:35 -04:00
} else {
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
2019-10-14 12:48:35 -04:00
} else if (key == "R4") {
if (scratchpad == "CLR") {
2020-05-01 20:26:05 -04:00
setprop("/FMGC/internal/flex", 0);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/flex-set", 0);
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
2019-10-14 12:48:35 -04:00
} else {
var tfs = size(scratchpad);
if (tfs == 1 or tfs == 2) {
2020-04-14 20:22:01 -04:00
if (int(scratchpad) != nil and scratchpad >= 0 and scratchpad <= 99) {
2020-05-01 20:26:05 -04:00
setprop("/FMGC/internal/flex", scratchpad);
setprop("/FMGC/internal/flex-set", 1);
var flex_calc = getprop("/FMGC/internal/flex") - getprop("environment/temperature-degc");
setprop("/FMGC/internal/flex-cmd", flex_calc);
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
2019-10-14 12:48:35 -04:00
} else {
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
2019-10-14 12:48:35 -04:00
} else {
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
2019-10-14 12:48:35 -04:00
} else if (key == "R5") {
if (scratchpad == "CLR") {
2020-05-01 20:26:05 -04:00
setprop("/FMGC/internal/eng-out-reduc", "1500");
2020-02-07 16:10:54 +00:00
setprop("MCDUC/reducacc-set", 0);
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
2019-10-14 12:48:35 -04:00
} else {
var tfs = size(scratchpad);
2020-04-14 20:22:01 -04:00
if (int(scratchpad) != nil and (tfs == 4 or tfs == 5) and scratchpad >= 1000 and scratchpad <= 39000) {
2020-05-01 20:26:05 -04:00
setprop("/FMGC/internal/eng-out-reduc", scratchpad);
2020-02-07 16:10:54 +00:00
setprop("MCDUC/reducacc-set", 1);
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
2019-10-14 12:48:35 -04:00
} else {
2020-05-23 12:16:20 +01:00
mcdu_message(i, "NOT ALLOWED");
2019-10-14 12:48:35 -04:00
} else if (key == "R6") {
2020-03-29 23:39:31 -04:00
setprop("MCDU[" ~ i ~ "]/page", "PERFCLB");
2019-10-14 12:48:35 -04:00