2021-05-16 18:31:08 -04:00
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Airbus A320 V2527 - A5 Engine -->
<!-- Copyright (c) 2021 Josh Davidson (Octal450) -->
<system name= "A320: V2500 Engine" >
2021-05-18 12:01:52 -04:00
<property value= "1" > fadec/epr/c1</property> <!-- Done in property rule because its easier to tune -->
<property value= "1" > fadec/epr/c2</property> <!-- Done in property rule because its easier to tune -->
2021-05-16 18:31:08 -04:00
<property value= "46" > fadec/limit/rated-temp</property>
<property value= "30" > fadec/limit/flex-rated-temp</property>
<property value= "26600" > fadec/limit/rated-thrust</property>
<property value= "22.4" > fadec/limit/min-n1</property>
<property value= "100" > fadec/limit/max-n1</property>
<property value= "0" > fadec/athr/cmd</property>
<channel name= "Thrust Limits" >
<switch name= "fadec/control-1/n1-mode" >
<default value= "0" /> <!-- EPR -->
<test value= "1" > <!-- N1 Rated -->
fadec/control-1/n1-mode-sw eq 1
<!-- test value="2"> N1 Unrated
<switch name= "fadec/control-2/n1-mode" >
<default value= "0" /> <!-- EPR -->
<test value= "1" > <!-- N1 Rated -->
fadec/control-2/n1-mode-sw eq 1
<!-- test value="2"> N1 Unrated
2021-05-16 18:54:54 -04:00
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/mach-factor-schedule" > <!-- For some reason it does this -->
<function >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > velocities/mach</independentVar>
<tableData >
0.080 0.973269699530
0.090 1.000000000000
2021-05-16 18:31:08 -04:00
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/rated-thrust-n1" >
<function >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > /position/altitude-ft</independentVar>
<independentVar lookup= "column" > propulsion/tat-c</independentVar>
<tableData >
-44 -14 16 46 76
0 77.7 82.3 86.5 90.7 94.8
10000 87.3 91.6 95.5 96.9 95.7
43000 86.0 86.4 91.1 99.3 100.3
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/milthrust-unmodified" > <!-- Copy of MilThrust table in engines file -->
<function >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > velocities/mach</independentVar>
<independentVar lookup= "column" > atmosphere/density-altitude</independentVar>
<tableData >
-10000 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
0.0 1.2600 1.0000 0.7400 0.5640 0.3920 0.2710 0.0000
0.2 1.1710 0.9740 0.6970 0.5360 0.3850 0.2610 0.0000
0.4 1.1500 0.9570 0.6920 0.5460 0.3870 0.2530 0.0000
0.6 1.1810 0.9410 0.7210 0.5660 0.3580 0.2180 0.0000
0.8 1.2290 1.0200 0.7820 0.5570 0.3040 0.1930 0.0000
0.9 1.2580 1.0200 0.7820 0.5220 0.2710 0.1140 0.0000
1.0 1.1810 0.9510 0.7210 0.4410 0.1740 0.0450 0.0000
1.2 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
1.4 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
<!-- Following functions fix a FGTurbine inaccuracy... rated thrust N1% should be rated thrust lbs -->
<!-- These calculations change it so that the rated power at sea level is at the correct N1% value. It still changes with altitude and mach as it should -->
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/fgturbine-thrust-lbs" >
<function >
<sum >
<product >
<property > propulsion/engine[0]/IdleThrust</property> <!-- It doesn't matter which engine, its same for all -->
<property > fadec/limit/rated-thrust</property>
<product >
<difference >
<property > fadec/limit/rated-thrust</property>
<product >
<property > propulsion/engine[0]/IdleThrust</property> <!-- It doesn't matter which engine, its same for all -->
<property > fadec/limit/rated-thrust</property>
<property > fadec/limit/milthrust-unmodified</property>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/rated-thrust-lbs" >
<function >
<sum >
<product >
<property > propulsion/engine[0]/IdleThrust</property> <!-- It doesn't matter which engine, its same for all -->
<property > fadec/limit/rated-thrust</property>
<product >
<product >
<difference >
<property > fadec/limit/rated-thrust</property>
<product >
<property > propulsion/engine[0]/IdleThrust</property> <!-- It doesn't matter which engine, its same for all -->
<property > fadec/limit/rated-thrust</property>
<property > fadec/limit/milthrust-unmodified</property>
<quotient >
<difference >
<property > fadec/limit/rated-thrust-n1</property>
<value > 22.4</value>
<value > 77.6</value>
<quotient >
<difference >
<property > fadec/limit/rated-thrust-n1</property>
<value > 22.4</value>
<value > 77.6</value>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/rated-thrust-factor" > <!-- Normalize -->
<function >
<ifthen >
<eq >
<property > /systems/acconfig/autoconfig-running</property>
<value > 1</value>
<value > 0</value>
<ifthen >
<nq > <!-- Prevent divide by 0 -->
<property > fadec/limit/rated-thrust-lbs</property>
<value > 0</value>
<quotient >
<property > fadec/limit/fgturbine-thrust-lbs</property>
<property > fadec/limit/rated-thrust-lbs</property>
<value > 1</value>
2021-05-18 13:15:09 -04:00
Thrust limits on the IAE are kinda hard to do because of EPR - and we don't have a linear way to control throttle
The CFM's just use N1, which is linear so it works well to make the FADEC, but as stated primary param is EPR
So we have our thrust limits basic in N1 because its easier to calculate, then we calculate corrected EPR
After we round the EPR, in order to correctly control/limit thrust, we will convert it BACK to N1... annoying right?
Well the advantage is the plane is actually targetting EPR, so its more realistic to do this way even if its more steps
I think that's better than just pretending to use EPR, and actually using N1 - if you look close enough, you can tell!
2021-05-16 18:31:08 -04:00
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/toga-ref" >
<function >
2021-05-16 18:54:54 -04:00
<product >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > /position/altitude-ft</independentVar>
<independentVar lookup= "column" > propulsion/tat-c</independentVar>
<tableData >
-44 -14 16 46 76
0 77.7 82.3 86.5 90.7 86.4
10000 87.3 91.6 95.5 96.9 92.9
43000 86.0 86.4 91.1 99.3 93.8
<property > fadec/limit/mach-factor-schedule</property>
2021-05-16 18:31:08 -04:00
2021-05-18 12:01:52 -04:00
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/toga-epr-input" >
<function >
<pow >
<property > fadec/limit/toga-ref</property>
<value > 3.5</value>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/toga-epr-ref" >
<function >
<sum >
<product >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > fadec/limit/toga-epr-input</independentVar>
<tableData >
24743.1 0.00
53194.6 0.03
10000000.0 1.00
<property > fadec/epr/c1</property>
<property > fadec/epr/c2</property>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/toga-epr" >
<function >
<quotient >
<integer >
<sum >
<product >
<property > fadec/limit/toga-epr-ref</property>
<value > 1000</value>
<value > 0.5</value> <!-- Make it round correctly -->
<value > 1000</value>
2021-05-18 13:15:09 -04:00
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/toga-epr-n1-ref" > <!-- Opposite of EPR Calc -->
<function >
<quotient >
<difference >
<property > fadec/limit/toga-epr</property>
<property > fadec/epr/c2</property>
<max > <!-- Prevent divide by 0 -->
<property > fadec/epr/c1</property>
<value > 0.001</value>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/toga-epr-n1" > <!-- Opposite of EPR Calc -->
<function >
<pow >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > fadec/limit/toga-epr-n1-ref</independentVar>
<tableData >
0.00 24743.1
0.03 53194.6
1.00 10000000.0
<quotient >
<value > 1</value>
<value > 3.5</value>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/toga-n1" >
<function >
<quotient >
<integer >
<sum >
<product >
<property > fadec/limit/toga-ref</property>
<value > 10</value>
<value > 0.5</value> <!-- Make it round correctly -->
<value > 10</value>
<switch name= "fadec/limit/toga" >
<default value= "fadec/limit/toga-epr-n1" />
<test logic= "AND" value= "fadec/limit/toga-n1" > <!-- Only if both are in N1 mode! Otherwise the degraded engine uses equivalent N1 to the other engines EPR -->
fadec/control-1/n1-mode gt 0
fadec/control-2/n1-mode gt 0
2021-05-16 18:31:08 -04:00
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/toga-norm" >
<function >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > fadec/limit/toga</independentVar>
<tableData >
22.4 0
100.0 1
<summer name= "fadec/limit/flex-temp-input" > <!-- (Rated - Flex) + TAT -->
<input > fadec/limit/flex-rated-temp</input> <!-- Fix the calculations -->
<input > -fadec/limit/flex-temp</input>
<input > propulsion/tat-c</input>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/flex-ref" >
<function >
<min > <!-- FLEX can not increase thrust past TOGA -->
<property > fadec/limit/toga-ref</property>
2021-05-16 18:54:54 -04:00
<product >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > /position/altitude-ft</independentVar>
<independentVar lookup= "column" > fadec/limit/flex-temp-input</independentVar>
<tableData >
-44 -14 16 46 76
0 77.7 82.3 86.5 90.7 86.4
10000 87.3 91.6 95.5 96.9 92.9
43000 86.0 86.4 91.1 99.3 93.8
<property > fadec/limit/mach-factor-schedule</property>
2021-05-16 18:31:08 -04:00
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/mct-ref" >
<function >
2021-05-16 18:54:54 -04:00
<product >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > /position/altitude-ft</independentVar>
<independentVar lookup= "column" > propulsion/tat-c</independentVar>
<tableData >
-65 -35 -5 25 55
0 71.9 76.3 80.6 84.6 83.1
10000 81.3 85.4 89.3 92.2 91.7
43000 82.6 82.9 84.7 89.1 87.5
<property > fadec/limit/mach-factor-schedule</property>
2021-05-16 18:31:08 -04:00
<switch name= "fadec/limit/mct-flex-ref" >
<default value= "fadec/limit/mct-ref" />
<test value= "fadec/limit/flex-ref" >
fadec/limit/flex-active eq 1
2021-05-18 13:15:09 -04:00
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/mct-epr-input" >
<function >
<pow >
<property > fadec/limit/mct-ref</property>
<value > 3.5</value>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/mct-epr-ref" >
<function >
<sum >
<product >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > fadec/limit/mct-epr-input</independentVar>
<tableData >
24743.1 0.00
53194.6 0.03
10000000.0 1.00
<property > fadec/epr/c1</property>
<property > fadec/epr/c2</property>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/mct-epr" >
<function >
<quotient >
<integer >
<sum >
<product >
<property > fadec/limit/mct-epr-ref</property>
<value > 1000</value>
<value > 0.5</value> <!-- Make it round correctly -->
<value > 1000</value>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/mct-epr-n1-ref" > <!-- Opposite of EPR Calc -->
<function >
<quotient >
<difference >
<property > fadec/limit/mct-epr</property>
<property > fadec/epr/c2</property>
<max > <!-- Prevent divide by 0 -->
<property > fadec/epr/c1</property>
<value > 0.001</value>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/mct-epr-n1" > <!-- Opposite of EPR Calc -->
<function >
<pow >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > fadec/limit/mct-epr-n1-ref</independentVar>
<tableData >
0.00 24743.1
0.03 53194.6
1.00 10000000.0
<quotient >
<value > 1</value>
<value > 3.5</value>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/mct-n1" >
2021-05-16 18:31:08 -04:00
<function >
<quotient >
<integer >
<sum >
<product >
<property > fadec/limit/mct-flex-ref</property>
<value > 10</value>
<value > 0.5</value> <!-- Make it round correctly -->
<value > 10</value>
2021-05-18 13:15:09 -04:00
<switch name= "fadec/limit/mct" >
<default value= "fadec/limit/mct-epr-n1" />
<test logic= "AND" value= "fadec/limit/mct-n1" > <!-- Only if both are in N1 mode! Otherwise the degraded engine uses equivalent N1 to the other engines EPR -->
fadec/control-1/n1-mode gt 0
fadec/control-2/n1-mode gt 0
2021-05-16 18:31:08 -04:00
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/mct-norm" >
<function >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > fadec/limit/mct</independentVar>
<tableData >
22.4 0
100.0 1
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/climb-ref" >
<function >
2021-05-16 18:54:54 -04:00
<product >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > /position/altitude-ft</independentVar>
<independentVar lookup= "column" > propulsion/tat-c</independentVar>
<tableData >
-65 -35 -5 25 55
0 69.3 73.5 77.5 81.3 79.9
10000 78.2 82.0 85.8 88.5 87.3
43000 79.4 79.8 81.4 85.5 84.0
<property > fadec/limit/mach-factor-schedule</property>
2021-05-16 18:31:08 -04:00
2021-05-18 13:15:09 -04:00
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/climb-epr-input" >
<function >
<pow >
<property > fadec/limit/climb-ref</property>
<value > 3.5</value>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/climb-epr-ref" >
<function >
<sum >
<product >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > fadec/limit/climb-epr-input</independentVar>
<tableData >
24743.1 0.00
53194.6 0.03
10000000.0 1.00
<property > fadec/epr/c1</property>
<property > fadec/epr/c2</property>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/climb-epr" >
<function >
<quotient >
<integer >
<sum >
<product >
<property > fadec/limit/climb-epr-ref</property>
<value > 1000</value>
<value > 0.5</value> <!-- Make it round correctly -->
<value > 1000</value>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/climb-epr-n1-ref" > <!-- Opposite of EPR Calc -->
<function >
<quotient >
<difference >
<property > fadec/limit/climb-epr</property>
<property > fadec/epr/c2</property>
<max > <!-- Prevent divide by 0 -->
<property > fadec/epr/c1</property>
<value > 0.001</value>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/climb-epr-n1" > <!-- Opposite of EPR Calc -->
<function >
<pow >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > fadec/limit/climb-epr-n1-ref</independentVar>
<tableData >
0.00 24743.1
0.03 53194.6
1.00 10000000.0
<quotient >
<value > 1</value>
<value > 3.5</value>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/climb-n1" >
2021-05-16 18:31:08 -04:00
<function >
<quotient >
<integer >
<sum >
<product >
<property > fadec/limit/climb-ref</property>
<value > 10</value>
<value > 0.5</value> <!-- Make it round correctly -->
<value > 10</value>
2021-05-18 13:15:09 -04:00
<switch name= "fadec/limit/climb" >
<default value= "fadec/limit/climb-epr-n1" />
<test logic= "AND" value= "fadec/limit/climb-n1" > <!-- Only if both are in N1 mode! Otherwise the degraded engine uses equivalent N1 to the other engines EPR -->
fadec/control-1/n1-mode gt 0
fadec/control-2/n1-mode gt 0
2021-05-16 18:31:08 -04:00
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/climb-norm" >
<function >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > fadec/limit/climb</independentVar>
<tableData >
22.4 0
100.0 1
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/idle-ref" >
<function >
<ifthen >
<eq >
<property > position/wow</property>
<value > 0</value>
2021-05-16 18:54:54 -04:00
<product >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > velocities/mach</independentVar>
<independentVar lookup= "column" > /controls/flight/flaps-input</independentVar>
<independentVar lookup= "table" > /position/altitude-ft</independentVar>
<tableData breakPoint= "0" >
0 1
0.21 27.9 33.6
0.70 35.3 39.7
<tableData breakPoint= "43000" >
0 1
0.55 44.2 50.0
0.90 49.7 51.8
<property > fadec/limit/mach-factor-schedule</property>
2021-05-16 18:31:08 -04:00
<value > 0</value>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/idle" >
<function >
<quotient >
<integer >
<sum >
<product >
<property > fadec/limit/idle-ref</property>
<value > 10</value>
<value > 0.5</value> <!-- Make it round correctly -->
<value > 10</value>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/idle-norm" >
<function >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > fadec/limit/idle</independentVar>
<tableData >
22.4 0
100.0 1
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/mrev-ref" >
<function >
2021-05-16 18:54:54 -04:00
<product >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > /position/altitude-ft</independentVar>
<independentVar lookup= "column" > propulsion/tat-c</independentVar>
<tableData >
-65 -35 -5 25 55
0 62.1 65.5 68.9 72.2 71.0
10000 69.5 72.8 75.9 78.3 77.8
<property > fadec/limit/mach-factor-schedule</property>
2021-05-16 18:31:08 -04:00
2021-05-18 13:15:09 -04:00
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/mrev-epr-input" >
<function >
<pow >
<property > fadec/limit/mrev-ref</property>
<value > 3.5</value>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/mrev-epr-ref" >
<function >
<sum >
<product >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > fadec/limit/mrev-epr-input</independentVar>
<tableData >
24743.1 0.00
53194.6 0.03
10000000.0 1.00
<property > fadec/epr/c1</property>
<property > fadec/epr/c2</property>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/mrev-epr" >
<function >
<quotient >
<integer >
<sum >
<product >
<property > fadec/limit/mrev-epr-ref</property>
<value > 1000</value>
<value > 0.5</value> <!-- Make it round correctly -->
<value > 1000</value>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/mrev-epr-n1-ref" > <!-- Opposite of EPR Calc -->
<function >
<quotient >
<difference >
<property > fadec/limit/mrev-epr</property>
<property > fadec/epr/c2</property>
<max > <!-- Prevent divide by 0 -->
<property > fadec/epr/c1</property>
<value > 0.001</value>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/mrev-epr-n1" > <!-- Opposite of EPR Calc -->
<function >
<pow >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > fadec/limit/mrev-epr-n1-ref</independentVar>
<tableData >
0.00 24743.1
0.03 53194.6
1.00 10000000.0
<quotient >
<value > 1</value>
<value > 3.5</value>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/mrev-n1" >
2021-05-16 18:31:08 -04:00
<function >
<quotient >
<integer >
<sum >
<product >
<property > fadec/limit/mrev-ref</property>
<value > 10</value>
<value > 0.5</value> <!-- Make it round correctly -->
<value > 10</value>
2021-05-18 13:15:09 -04:00
<switch name= "fadec/limit/mrev" >
<default value= "fadec/limit/mrev-epr-n1" />
<test logic= "AND" value= "fadec/limit/mrev-n1" > <!-- Only if both are in N1 mode! Otherwise the degraded engine uses equivalent N1 to the other engines EPR -->
fadec/control-1/n1-mode gt 0
fadec/control-2/n1-mode gt 0
2021-05-16 18:31:08 -04:00
<fcs_function name= "fadec/limit/mrev-norm" >
<function >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > fadec/limit/mrev</independentVar>
<tableData >
22.4 0
100.0 1
<channel name= "Reversers" >
<!-- Engine 1 -->
<switch name= "fadec/reverse-1/position-cmd" >
<default value= "0" />
<test value= "1" >
/controls/engines/engine[0]/reverse-lever ge 0.25
<output > /controls/engines/engine[0]/reverse-cmd</output>
<switch name= "fadec/reverse-1/position-rate" >
<default value= "0" />
<test logic= "OR" value= "1" >
/systems/hydraulic/green-psi ge 1500
/systems/acconfig/autoconfig-running eq 1
<actuator name= "fadec/reverse-1/position-norm" >
<input > fadec/reverse-1/position-cmd</input>
<rate_limit > fadec/reverse-1/position-rate</rate_limit>
<output > /engines/engine[0]/reverser-pos-norm</output>
<pure_gain name= "propulsion/engine[0]/reverser-angle-rad" >
<input > fadec/reverse-1/position-norm</input>
<gain > 3.14</gain>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/reverse-1/throttle-rev" >
<function >
<sum >
<value > 0.08</value>
<product >
<difference >
<property > /controls/engines/engine[0]/reverse-lever</property>
<value > 0.25</value>
<quotient >
<difference >
<property > fadec/limit/mrev-norm</property>
<value > 0.08</value>
<value > 0.75</value> <!-- 1.0 - 0.25 -->
<clipto >
<min > 0.08</min>
<max > fadec/limit/mrev-norm</max>
<!-- Engine 2 -->
<switch name= "fadec/reverse-2/position-cmd" >
<default value= "0" />
<test value= "1" >
/controls/engines/engine[1]/reverse-lever ge 0.25
<output > /controls/engines/engine[1]/reverse-cmd</output>
<switch name= "fadec/reverse-2/position-rate" >
<default value= "0" />
<test logic= "OR" value= "1" >
/systems/hydraulic/yellow-psi ge 1500
/systems/acconfig/autoconfig-running eq 1
<actuator name= "fadec/reverse-2/position-norm" >
<input > fadec/reverse-2/position-cmd</input>
<rate_limit > fadec/reverse-2/position-rate</rate_limit>
<output > /engines/engine[1]/reverser-pos-norm</output>
<pure_gain name= "propulsion/engine[1]/reverser-angle-rad" >
<input > fadec/reverse-2/position-norm</input>
<gain > 3.14</gain>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/reverse-2/throttle-rev" >
<function >
<sum >
<value > 0.08</value>
<product >
<difference >
<property > /controls/engines/engine[1]/reverse-lever</property>
<value > 0.25</value>
<quotient >
<difference >
<property > fadec/limit/mrev-norm</property>
<value > 0.08</value>
<value > 0.75</value> <!-- 1.0 - 0.25 -->
<clipto >
<min > 0.08</min>
<max > fadec/limit/mrev-norm</max>
<channel name= "Engine Control" > <!-- Very complicated, please don't touch if you don't understand it -->
<!-- Engine 1 -->
<lag_filter name= "fadec/control-1/throttle-lag" >
<input > /controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle</input>
<c1 > 20</c1>
<switch name= "fadec/control-1/throttle-pos" >
<default value= "fadec/control-1/throttle-lag" />
<test value= "0" >
fadec/reverse-1/position-norm ne 0
<fcs_function name= "fadec/control-1/idle-climb-n1" >
<function >
<sum >
<property > fadec/limit/min-n1</property>
<product >
<difference >
<property > fadec/control-1/throttle-pos</property>
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/idle-t</property>
<quotient >
<difference >
<property > fadec/limit/climb</property>
<property > fadec/limit/min-n1</property>
<difference >
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/climb-b</property>
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/idle-t</property>
<clipto >
<min > fadec/limit/min-n1</min>
<max > fadec/limit/climb</max>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/control-1/climb-mct-n1" >
<function >
<sum >
<property > fadec/limit/climb</property>
<product >
<difference >
<property > fadec/control-1/throttle-pos</property>
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/climb-t</property>
<quotient >
<difference >
<property > fadec/limit/mct</property>
<property > fadec/limit/climb</property>
<difference >
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/mct-b</property>
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/climb-t</property>
<clipto >
<min > fadec/limit/climb</min>
<max > fadec/limit/mct</max>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/control-1/mct-toga-n1" >
<function >
<sum >
<property > fadec/limit/mct</property>
<product >
<difference >
<property > fadec/control-1/throttle-pos</property>
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/mct-t</property>
<quotient >
<difference >
<property > fadec/limit/toga</property>
<property > fadec/limit/mct</property>
<difference >
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/toga-b</property>
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/mct-t</property>
<clipto >
<min > fadec/limit/mct</min>
<max > fadec/limit/toga</max>
<switch name= "fadec/control-1/lever-n1" >
<default value= "fadec/control-1/idle-climb-n1" />
<test value= "fadec/control-1/mct-toga-n1" >
fadec/control-1/throttle-pos gt /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/mct-t
<test value= "fadec/control-1/climb-mct-n1" >
fadec/control-1/throttle-pos gt /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/climb-t
<fcs_function name= "fadec/control-1/lever-norm" >
<function >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > fadec/control-1/lever-n1</independentVar>
<tableData >
22.4 0
100.0 1
2021-05-18 12:01:52 -04:00
<fcs_function name= "fadec/control-1/lever-epr-ref" >
<function >
<pow >
<property > fadec/control-1/lever-n1</property>
<value > 3.5</value>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/control-1/lever-epr" >
<function >
<sum >
<product >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > fadec/control-1/lever-epr-ref</independentVar>
<tableData >
24743.1 0.00
53194.6 0.03
10000000.0 1.00
<property > fadec/epr/c1</property>
<property > fadec/epr/c2</property>
2021-05-16 18:31:08 -04:00
<switch name= "fadec/control-1/detent" >
<default value= "0" /> <!-- IDLE -->
<test value= "6" > <!-- TOGA -->
fadec/control-1/throttle-pos ge /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/toga-b
<test value= "5" > <!-- MAN THR -->
fadec/control-1/throttle-pos gt /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/mct-t
<test value= "4" > <!-- MCT/FLX -->
fadec/control-1/throttle-pos ge /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/mct-b
<test value= "3" > <!-- MAN THR -->
fadec/control-1/throttle-pos gt /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/climb-t
<test value= "2" > <!-- CL -->
fadec/control-1/throttle-pos ge /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/climb-b
<test value= "1" > <!-- MAN -->
fadec/control-1/throttle-pos gt /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/idle-t
<fcs_function name= "fadec/control-1/lever/idle-climb" >
<function >
<sum >
<value > 2</value>
<product >
<difference >
<property > fadec/control-1/throttle-pos</property>
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/idle-t</property>
<quotient >
<difference >
<value > 23</value>
<value > 2</value>
<difference >
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/climb-b</property>
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/idle-t</property>
<clipto >
<min > 2</min>
<max > 23</max>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/control-1/lever/climb-mct" >
<function >
<sum >
<value > 27</value>
<product >
<difference >
<property > fadec/control-1/throttle-pos</property>
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/climb-t</property>
<quotient >
<difference >
<value > 33</value>
<value > 27</value>
<difference >
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/mct-b</property>
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/climb-t</property>
<clipto >
<min > 27</min>
<max > 33</max>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/control-1/lever/mct-toga" >
<function >
<sum >
<value > 37</value>
<product >
<difference >
<property > fadec/control-1/throttle-pos</property>
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/mct-t</property>
<quotient >
<difference >
<value > 43</value>
<value > 37</value>
<difference >
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/toga-b</property>
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/mct-t</property>
<clipto >
<min > 37</min>
<max > 43</max>
<switch name= "fadec/control-1/lever/angle" >
<default value= "0" /> <!-- IDLE -->
<test value= "45" > <!-- TOGA -->
fadec/control-1/throttle-pos ge /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/toga-b
<test value= "fadec/control-1/lever/mct-toga" > <!-- MAN THR -->
fadec/control-1/throttle-pos gt /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/mct-t
<test value= "35" > <!-- MCT/FLX -->
fadec/control-1/throttle-pos ge /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/mct-b
<test value= "fadec/control-1/lever/climb-mct" > <!-- MAN THR -->
fadec/control-1/throttle-pos gt /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/climb-t
<test value= "25" > <!-- CL -->
fadec/control-1/throttle-pos ge /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/climb-b
<test value= "fadec/control-1/lever/idle-climb" > <!-- MAN -->
fadec/control-1/throttle-pos gt /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/idle-t
<!-- Engine 2 -->
<lag_filter name= "fadec/control-2/throttle-lag" >
<input > /controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle</input>
<c1 > 20</c1>
<switch name= "fadec/control-2/throttle-pos" >
<default value= "fadec/control-2/throttle-lag" />
<test value= "0" >
fadec/reverse-2/position-norm ne 0
<fcs_function name= "fadec/control-2/idle-climb-n1" >
<function >
<sum >
<property > fadec/limit/min-n1</property>
<product >
<difference >
<property > fadec/control-2/throttle-pos</property>
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/idle-t</property>
<quotient >
<difference >
<property > fadec/limit/climb</property>
<property > fadec/limit/min-n1</property>
<difference >
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/climb-b</property>
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/idle-t</property>
<clipto >
<min > fadec/limit/min-n1</min>
<max > fadec/limit/climb</max>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/control-2/climb-mct-n1" >
<function >
<sum >
<property > fadec/limit/climb</property>
<product >
<difference >
<property > fadec/control-2/throttle-pos</property>
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/climb-t</property>
<quotient >
<difference >
<property > fadec/limit/mct</property>
<property > fadec/limit/climb</property>
<difference >
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/mct-b</property>
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/climb-t</property>
<clipto >
<min > fadec/limit/climb</min>
<max > fadec/limit/mct</max>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/control-2/mct-toga-n1" >
<function >
<sum >
<property > fadec/limit/mct</property>
<product >
<difference >
<property > fadec/control-2/throttle-pos</property>
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/mct-t</property>
<quotient >
<difference >
<property > fadec/limit/toga</property>
<property > fadec/limit/mct</property>
<difference >
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/toga-b</property>
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/mct-t</property>
<clipto >
<min > fadec/limit/mct</min>
<max > fadec/limit/toga</max>
<switch name= "fadec/control-2/lever-n1" >
<default value= "fadec/control-2/idle-climb-n1" />
<test value= "fadec/control-2/mct-toga-n1" >
fadec/control-2/throttle-pos gt /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/mct-t
<test value= "fadec/control-2/climb-mct-n1" >
fadec/control-2/throttle-pos gt /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/climb-t
<fcs_function name= "fadec/control-2/lever-norm" >
<function >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > fadec/control-2/lever-n1</independentVar>
<tableData >
22.4 0
100.0 1
2021-05-18 12:01:52 -04:00
<fcs_function name= "fadec/control-2/lever-epr-ref" >
<function >
<pow >
<property > fadec/control-2/lever-n1</property>
<value > 3.5</value>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/control-2/lever-epr" >
<function >
<sum >
<product >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > fadec/control-2/lever-epr-ref</independentVar>
<tableData >
24743.1 0.00
53194.6 0.03
10000000.0 1.00
<property > fadec/epr/c1</property>
<property > fadec/epr/c2</property>
2021-05-16 18:31:08 -04:00
<switch name= "fadec/control-2/detent" >
<default value= "0" /> <!-- IDLE -->
<test value= "6" > <!-- TOGA -->
fadec/control-2/throttle-pos ge /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/toga-b
<test value= "5" > <!-- MAN THR -->
fadec/control-2/throttle-pos gt /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/mct-t
<test value= "4" > <!-- MCT/FLX -->
fadec/control-2/throttle-pos ge /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/mct-b
<test value= "3" > <!-- MAN THR -->
fadec/control-2/throttle-pos gt /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/climb-t
<test value= "2" > <!-- CL -->
fadec/control-2/throttle-pos ge /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/climb-b
<test value= "1" > <!-- MAN -->
fadec/control-2/throttle-pos gt /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/idle-t
<fcs_function name= "fadec/control-2/lever/idle-climb" >
<function >
<sum >
<value > 2</value>
<product >
<difference >
<property > fadec/control-2/throttle-pos</property>
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/idle-t</property>
<quotient >
<difference >
<value > 23</value>
<value > 2</value>
<difference >
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/climb-b</property>
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/idle-t</property>
<clipto >
<min > 2</min>
<max > 23</max>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/control-2/lever/climb-mct" >
<function >
<sum >
<value > 27</value>
<product >
<difference >
<property > fadec/control-2/throttle-pos</property>
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/climb-t</property>
<quotient >
<difference >
<value > 33</value>
<value > 27</value>
<difference >
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/mct-b</property>
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/climb-t</property>
<clipto >
<min > 27</min>
<max > 33</max>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/control-2/lever/mct-toga" >
<function >
<sum >
<value > 37</value>
<product >
<difference >
<property > fadec/control-2/throttle-pos</property>
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/mct-t</property>
<quotient >
<difference >
<value > 43</value>
<value > 37</value>
<difference >
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/toga-b</property>
<property > /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/mct-t</property>
<clipto >
<min > 37</min>
<max > 43</max>
<switch name= "fadec/control-2/lever/angle" >
<default value= "0" /> <!-- IDLE -->
<test value= "45" > <!-- TOGA -->
fadec/control-2/throttle-pos ge /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/toga-b
<test value= "fadec/control-2/lever/mct-toga" > <!-- MAN THR -->
fadec/control-2/throttle-pos gt /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/mct-t
<test value= "35" > <!-- MCT/FLX -->
fadec/control-2/throttle-pos ge /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/mct-b
<test value= "fadec/control-2/lever/climb-mct" > <!-- MAN THR -->
fadec/control-2/throttle-pos gt /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/climb-t
<test value= "25" > <!-- CL -->
fadec/control-2/throttle-pos ge /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/climb-b
<test value= "fadec/control-2/lever/idle-climb" > <!-- MAN -->
fadec/control-2/throttle-pos gt /systems/acconfig/options/fadec/idle-t
<!-- Alpha Floor and Toga Lk -->
<switch name= "fadec/alpha-floor-engage" >
<default value= "9.5" />
<test logic= "OR" value= "15" >
/controls/flight/flaps-pos eq 1
/controls/flight/flaps-pos eq 2
/controls/flight/flaps-pos eq 3
<test value= "14" >
/controls/flight/flaps-pos eq 4
<test value= "13" >
/controls/flight/flaps-pos eq 5
<switch name= "fadec/alpha-floor-disengage" >
<default value= "8" />
<test logic= "OR" value= "13" >
/controls/flight/flaps-pos eq 1
/controls/flight/flaps-pos eq 2
/controls/flight/flaps-pos eq 3
<test value= "12" >
/controls/flight/flaps-pos eq 4
<test value= "11" >
/controls/flight/flaps-pos eq 5
<switch name= "fadec/alpha-floor-switch" >
<default value= "fadec/alpha-floor-switch" />
<test logic= "OR" value= "0" > <!-- Reset -->
position/wow eq 1
/it-fbw/law ne 0
fadec/control-1/n1-mode eq 1
fadec/control-2/n1-mode eq 1
<test logic= "AND" value= "0" > <!-- Reset -->
fadec/eng-out eq 1
/controls/flight/flaps-pos ne 0
<test logic= "AND" value= "0" > <!-- Reset only in Toga Lk -->
fadec/alpha-floor-switch eq 1
/it-autoflight/output/athr eq 0
<test value= "2" > <!-- Alpha Floor -->
aero/alpha-deg-damped gt fadec/alpha-floor-engage
<test logic= "AND" value= "1" > <!-- Toga Lk -->
fadec/alpha-floor-switch eq 2
aero/alpha-deg-damped lt fadec/alpha-floor-disengage
<switch name= "fadec/alpha-floor" >
<default value= "0" />
<test value= "1" >
fadec/alpha-floor-switch eq 2
<switch name= "fadec/toga-lk" >
<default value= "0" />
<test value= "1" >
fadec/alpha-floor-switch eq 1
<!-- Common Control Logic -->
<fcs_function name= "fadec/both-at-idle" >
<function >
<ifthen >
<le >
<difference >
<max >
<property > /engines/engine[0]/n1-actual</property>
<property > /engines/engine[1]/n1-actual</property>
<value > 0.005</value>
<property > fadec/limit/idle</property>
<value > 1</value>
<value > 0</value>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/max-detent" >
<function >
<max >
<property > fadec/control-1/detent</property>
<property > fadec/control-2/detent</property>
<switch name= "fadec/limit/eng-off-wow-switch" >
<default value= "1" />
<test logic= "AND" value= "0" >
/engines/engine[0]/state ne 3
/engines/engine[1]/state ne 3
<test value= "0" >
position/wow eq 0
<switch name= "fadec/limit/active-mode-int" >
<default value= "0" /> <!-- TOGA -->
<test logic= "OR" value= "4" > <!-- MREV -->
/controls/engines/engine[0]/reverse-cmd eq 1
/controls/engines/engine[1]/reverse-cmd eq 1
<test value= "0" > <!-- TOGA -->
fadec/alpha-floor-switch gt 0
<test logic= "AND" value= "2" > <!-- CLB -->
fadec/max-detent le 2
fadec/limit/eng-off-wow-switch eq 0
<test logic= "AND" value= "3" > <!-- FLX -->
fadec/max-detent eq 4
fadec/limit/flex-active eq 1
fadec/limit/eng-off-wow-switch eq 0
<test logic= "AND" value= "3" > <!-- FLX -->
fadec/max-detent le 4
fadec/limit/flex-active eq 1
fadec/limit/eng-off-wow-switch eq 1
<test logic= "AND" value= "1" > <!-- MCT -->
fadec/max-detent le 4
fadec/limit/flex-active ne 1
fadec/limit/eng-off-wow-switch eq 0
2021-05-18 13:15:09 -04:00
<switch name= "fadec/limit/active-epr" >
<default value= "0" />
<test value= "fadec/limit/mrev-epr" >
fadec/limit/active-mode-int eq 4
<test value= "fadec/limit/toga-epr" >
fadec/limit/active-mode-int eq 0
<test logic= "OR" value= "fadec/limit/mct-epr" >
fadec/limit/active-mode-int eq 1
fadec/limit/active-mode-int eq 3
<test value= "fadec/limit/climb-epr" >
fadec/limit/active-mode-int eq 2
<switch name= "fadec/limit/active-n1" > <!-- Converted from EPR or direct N1, depending on N1 Mode -->
2021-05-16 18:31:08 -04:00
<default value= "0" />
<test value= "fadec/limit/mrev" >
fadec/limit/active-mode-int eq 4
<test value= "fadec/limit/toga" >
fadec/limit/active-mode-int eq 0
<test logic= "OR" value= "fadec/limit/mct" >
fadec/limit/active-mode-int eq 1
fadec/limit/active-mode-int eq 3
<test value= "fadec/limit/climb" >
fadec/limit/active-mode-int eq 2
<!-- A/THR Logic -->
<switch name= "fadec/athr/max-clamp" >
<default value= "fadec/limit/climb-norm" />
<test value= "fadec/limit/mct-norm" >
fadec/eng-out eq 1
<clipto >
<min > fadec/limit/idle-norm</min> <!-- Never force it below the idle limit -->
<max > 1</max>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/athr/max" >
<function >
<max >
<property > fadec/control-1/lever-norm</property>
<property > fadec/control-2/lever-norm</property>
<clipto >
<min > fadec/limit/idle-norm</min> <!-- Never force it below the idle limit -->
<max > fadec/athr/max-clamp</max>
<switch name= "fadec/athr/active" >
<default value= "0" />
<test logic= "OR" value= "0" >
fadec/alpha-floor-switch gt 0
fadec/control-1/n1-mode eq 1
fadec/control-2/n1-mode eq 1
<test logic= "AND" value= "1" >
/it-autoflight/output/athr eq 1
fadec/eng-out eq 1
fadec/max-detent le 4
fadec/max-detent ge 1
<test logic= "AND" value= "1" >
/it-autoflight/output/athr eq 1
fadec/max-detent eq 2
<test logic= "AND" value= "1" >
/it-autoflight/output/athr eq 1
fadec/max-detent eq 1
<pure_gain name= "fadec/athr/output" >
<input > fadec/athr/cmd</input>
<gain > 1.0</gain>
<clipto >
<min > fadec/limit/idle-norm</min>
<max > fadec/athr/max</max>
2021-05-16 19:14:11 -04:00
<!-- Keep Out Zone Logic -->
<switch name= "fadec/control-1/koz-mode" >
<default value= "fadec/control-1/koz-mode" />
<test value= "0" >
fadec/control-1/lever-norm le 0.4847938144329898
<test value= "1" >
fadec/control-1/lever-norm ge 0.6652061855670103
<switch name= "fadec/control-1/koz-min" >
<default value= "0" />
<test value= "0.6652061855670103" >
fadec/control-1/koz-mode eq 1
<switch name= "fadec/control-1/koz-max" >
<default value= "0.4847938144329898" />
<test value= "1" >
fadec/control-1/koz-mode eq 1
<pure_gain name= "fadec/control-1/koz" >
<input > fadec/control-1/lever-norm</input>
<gain > 1.0</gain>
<clipto >
<min > fadec/control-1/koz-min</min>
<max > fadec/control-1/koz-max</max>
<switch name= "fadec/control-2/koz-mode" >
<default value= "fadec/control-2/koz-mode" />
<test value= "0" >
fadec/control-2/lever-norm le 0.4847938144329898
<test value= "1" >
fadec/control-2/lever-norm ge 0.6652061855670103
<switch name= "fadec/control-2/koz-min" >
<default value= "0" />
<test value= "0.6652061855670103" >
fadec/control-2/koz-mode eq 1
<switch name= "fadec/control-2/koz-max" >
<default value= "0.4847938144329898" />
<test value= "1" >
fadec/control-2/koz-mode eq 1
<pure_gain name= "fadec/control-2/koz" >
<input > fadec/control-2/lever-norm</input>
<gain > 1.0</gain>
<clipto >
<min > fadec/control-2/koz-min</min>
<max > fadec/control-2/koz-max</max>
2021-05-16 18:31:08 -04:00
<!-- Throttle Finals -->
<fcs_function name= "fadec/thr-locked-n1" >
<function >
<ifthen >
<eq >
<property > fadec/thr-locked</property>
<value > 1</value>
<property > fadec/thr-locked-n1</property>
<max >
<property > /engines/engine[0]/n1-actual</property>
<property > /engines/engine[1]/n1-actual</property>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/thr-locked-norm" >
<function >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > fadec/thr-locked-n1</independentVar>
<tableData >
22.4 0
100.0 1
<pure_gain name= "fadec/control-1/throttle-clamped" >
<input > fadec/control-1/lever-norm</input>
<gain > 1.0</gain>
<clipto >
<min > fadec/limit/idle-norm</min>
<max > 1</max>
<switch name= "fadec/control-1/throttle-output" >
<default value= "fadec/control-1/lever-norm" />
<test value= "fadec/reverse-1/throttle-rev" >
fadec/reverse-1/position-norm ne 0
<test value= "fadec/limit/toga-norm" >
fadec/alpha-floor-switch gt 0
<test value= "fadec/thr-locked-norm" >
fadec/thr-locked eq 1
<test value= "fadec/athr/output" >
fadec/athr/active eq 1
2021-05-16 19:14:11 -04:00
<test logic= "OR" value= "fadec/control-1/koz" > <!-- Second to last -->
position/wow eq 1
velocities/mach le 0.1
2021-05-16 18:31:08 -04:00
<test value= "fadec/control-1/throttle-clamped" > <!-- Last -->
/gear/gear[0]/wow eq 0
<lag_filter name= "fadec/control-1/throttle-fdm" >
<input > fadec/control-1/throttle-output</input>
<c1 > 0.75</c1>
<output > fcs/throttle-pos-norm[0]</output>
<pure_gain name= "fadec/control-2/throttle-clamped" >
<input > fadec/control-2/lever-norm</input>
<gain > 1.0</gain>
<clipto >
<min > fadec/limit/idle-norm</min>
<max > 1</max>
<switch name= "fadec/control-2/throttle-output" >
<default value= "fadec/control-2/lever-norm" />
<test value= "fadec/reverse-2/throttle-rev" >
fadec/reverse-2/position-norm ne 0
<test value= "fadec/limit/toga-norm" >
fadec/alpha-floor-switch gt 0
<test value= "fadec/thr-locked-norm" >
fadec/thr-locked eq 1
<test value= "fadec/athr/output" >
fadec/athr/active eq 1
2021-05-16 19:14:11 -04:00
<test logic= "OR" value= "fadec/control-2/koz" > <!-- Second to last -->
position/wow eq 1
velocities/mach le 0.1
2021-05-16 18:31:08 -04:00
<test value= "fadec/control-2/throttle-clamped" > <!-- Last -->
/gear/gear[0]/wow eq 0
<lag_filter name= "fadec/control-2/throttle-fdm" >
<input > fadec/control-2/throttle-output</input>
<c1 > 0.75</c1>
<output > fcs/throttle-pos-norm[1]</output>
<channel name= "Engine Parameters" execrate= "2" >
<lag_filter name= "fadec/n1-actual-1" >
<input > /engines/engine[0]/n1</input>
<c1 > 2.25</c1>
<output > /engines/engine[0]/n1-actual</output>
<output > /engines/engine[3]/n1</output>
<lag_filter name= "fadec/n1-actual-2" >
<input > /engines/engine[1]/n1</input>
<c1 > 2.25</c1>
<output > /engines/engine[1]/n1-actual</output>
<output > /engines/engine[4]/n1</output>
2021-05-18 12:01:52 -04:00
<fcs_function name= "fadec/epr-actual-1-ref" >
<function >
<pow >
<property > fadec/n1-actual-1</property>
<value > 3.5</value>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/epr-actual-1" >
<function >
<sum >
<product >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > fadec/epr-actual-1-ref</independentVar>
<tableData >
24743.1 0.00
53194.6 0.03
10000000.0 1.00
<property > fadec/epr/c1</property>
<property > fadec/epr/c2</property>
<output > /engines/engine[0]/epr-actual</output>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/epr-actual-2-ref" >
<function >
<pow >
<property > fadec/n1-actual-2</property>
<value > 3.5</value>
<fcs_function name= "fadec/epr-actual-2" >
<function >
<sum >
<product >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > fadec/epr-actual-2-ref</independentVar>
<tableData >
24743.1 0.00
53194.6 0.03
10000000.0 1.00
<property > fadec/epr/c1</property>
<property > fadec/epr/c2</property>
<output > /engines/engine[1]/epr-actual</output>
2021-05-16 18:31:08 -04:00
<lag_filter name= "fadec/n2-actual-1" >
<input > /engines/engine[0]/n2</input>
<c1 > 2.25</c1>
<output > /engines/engine[0]/n2-actual</output>
<output > /engines/engine[3]/n2</output>
<lag_filter name= "fadec/n2-actual-2" >
<input > /engines/engine[1]/n2</input>
<c1 > 2.25</c1>
<output > /engines/engine[1]/n2-actual</output>
<output > /engines/engine[4]/n2</output>
<lag_filter name= "fadec/ff-actual-1" >
<input > /engines/engine[0]/fuel-flow_pph</input>
<c1 > 3</c1>
<output > /engines/engine[0]/ff-actual</output>
<lag_filter name= "fadec/ff-actual-2" >
<input > /engines/engine[1]/fuel-flow_pph</input>
<c1 > 3</c1>
<output > /engines/engine[1]/ff-actual</output>
<channel name= "Upper ECAM Needles" execrate= "4" >
<fcs_function name= "/instrumentation/upper-ecam/epr[0]" >
<function >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > /engines/engine[0]/epr-actual</independentVar>
<tableData >
0.97 -139
1.00 -125
1.20 -55
1.40 16
1.60 87
1.65 98
<fcs_function name= "/instrumentation/upper-ecam/epr[1]" >
<function >
<table >
2021-06-17 18:40:57 -04:00
<independentVar lookup= "row" > /engines/engine[1]/epr-actual</independentVar>
2021-05-16 18:31:08 -04:00
<tableData >
0.97 -139
1.00 -125
1.20 -55
1.40 16
1.60 87
1.65 98
<fcs_function name= "/instrumentation/upper-ecam/epr-thr[0]" >
<function >
<table >
2021-05-18 12:01:52 -04:00
<independentVar lookup= "row" > fadec/control-1/lever-epr</independentVar>
2021-05-16 18:31:08 -04:00
<tableData >
0.97 -139
1.00 -125
1.20 -55
1.40 16
1.60 87
1.65 98
<fcs_function name= "/instrumentation/upper-ecam/epr-thr[1]" >
<function >
<table >
2021-05-18 12:01:52 -04:00
<independentVar lookup= "row" > fadec/control-1/lever-epr</independentVar>
2021-05-16 18:31:08 -04:00
<tableData >
0.97 -139
1.00 -125
1.20 -55
1.40 16
1.60 87
1.65 98
<fcs_function name= "/instrumentation/upper-ecam/epr-limit" >
<function >
<table >
2021-05-18 12:01:52 -04:00
<independentVar lookup= "row" > fadec/limit/toga-epr</independentVar>
2021-05-16 18:31:08 -04:00
<tableData >
0.97 -139
1.00 -125
1.20 -55
1.40 16
1.60 87
1.65 98
<fcs_function name= "/instrumentation/upper-ecam/n1[0]" >
<function >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > /engines/engine[0]/n1-actual</independentVar>
<tableData >
20 -112.5
40 -67.5
100 67.5
110 90.0
<fcs_function name= "/instrumentation/upper-ecam/n1[1]" >
<function >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > /engines/engine[1]/n1-actual</independentVar>
<tableData >
20 -112.5
40 -67.5
100 67.5
110 90.0
<fcs_function name= "/instrumentation/upper-ecam/n1-thr[0]" >
<function >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > fadec/control-1/lever-n1</independentVar>
<tableData >
20 -112.5
40 -67.5
100 67.5
110 90.0
<fcs_function name= "/instrumentation/upper-ecam/n1-thr[1]" >
<function >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > fadec/control-2/lever-n1</independentVar>
<tableData >
20 -112.5
40 -67.5
100 67.5
110 90.0
<fcs_function name= "/instrumentation/upper-ecam/n1-limit" >
<function >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > fadec/limit/toga</independentVar>
<tableData >
20 -112.5
40 -67.5
100 67.5
110 90.0
<fcs_function name= "/instrumentation/upper-ecam/egt[0]" >
<function >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > /engines/engine[0]/egt-actual</independentVar>
<tableData >
0 -90
400 0
800 90
<fcs_function name= "/instrumentation/upper-ecam/egt[1]" >
<function >
<table >
<independentVar lookup= "row" > /engines/engine[1]/egt-actual</independentVar>
<tableData >
0 -90
400 0
800 90