if (getprop("/FMGC/internal/flex-set") == 1 and getprop("/systems/fadec/n1mode1") == 0 and getprop("/systems/fadec/n1mode2") == 0 and getprop("/gear/gear[1]/wow") == 1 and getprop("/gear/gear[2]/wow") == 1 and gs < 40) {
setprop("/systems/thrust/lim-flex", 1);
} else if (getprop("/FMGC/internal/flex-set") == 0 or engstate1 != 3 or engstate2 != 3) {
setprop("/systems/thrust/lim-flex", 0);
if (getprop("/controls/engines/engine[0]/reverser") == "1" or getprop("/controls/engines/engine[1]/reverser") == "1") {
} else if (getprop("/gear/gear[1]/wow") == 0 or getprop("/gear/gear[2]/wow") == 0 or (engstate1 != 3 and engstate2 != 3)) {
if ((state1 == "TOGA" or state2 == "TOGA" or (state1 == "MAN THR" and thr1 >= 0.83) or (state2 == "MAN THR" and thr2 >= 0.83)) or getprop("/systems/thrust/alpha-floor") == 1 or getprop("/systems/thrust/toga-lk") == 1) {
} else if ((state1 == "MCT" or state2 == "MCT" or (state1 == "MAN THR" and thr1 < 0.83) or (state2 == "MAN THR" and thr2 < 0.83)) and getprop("/systems/thrust/lim-flex") == 0) {
setprop("/controls/engines/thrust-limit", "MCT");
setprop("/controls/engines/epr-limit", eprmct);
setprop("/controls/engines/n1-limit", n1mct);
} else if ((state1 == "MCT" or state2 == "MCT" or (state1 == "MAN THR" and thr1 < 0.83) or (state2 == "MAN THR" and thr2 < 0.83)) and getprop("/systems/thrust/lim-flex") == 1) {
setprop("/controls/engines/thrust-limit", "FLX");
setprop("/controls/engines/epr-limit", eprflx);
setprop("/controls/engines/n1-limit", n1flx);
} else if (state1 == "CL" or state2 == "CL" or state1 == "MAN" or state2 == "MAN" or state1 == "IDLE" or state2 == "IDLE") {
setprop("/controls/engines/thrust-limit", "CLB");
setprop("/controls/engines/epr-limit", eprclb);
setprop("/controls/engines/n1-limit", n1clb);
} else if (getprop("/FMGC/internal/flex-set") == 1 and getprop("/systems/fadec/n1mode1") == 0 and getprop("/systems/fadec/n1mode2") == 0) {
if ((state1 == "TOGA" or state2 == "TOGA" or (state1 == "MAN THR" and thr1 >= 0.83) or (state2 == "MAN THR" and thr2 >= 0.83)) or getprop("/systems/thrust/alpha-floor") == 1 or getprop("/systems/thrust/toga-lk") == 1) {
} else if (flaps == 1 or flaps == 2 or flaps == 3) {
alphaProt = 15.0;
} else if (flaps == 4) {
alphaProt = 14.0;
} else if (flaps == 5) {
alphaProt = 13.0;
togaLock = alphaProt - 1;
if (getprop("/gear/gear[1]/wow") == 0 and getprop("/gear/gear[2]/wow") == 0 and getprop("/it-fbw/law") == 0 and (getprop("/systems/thrust/eng-out") == 0 or (getprop("/systems/thrust/eng-out") == 1 and flaps == 0)) and getprop("/systems/fadec/n1mode1") == 0
and getprop("/systems/fadec/n1mode2") == 0) {
if (alpha > alphaProt and getprop("/position/gear-agl-ft") >= 100) {
if (state1 != "MCT" and state2 != "MCT" and getprop("/gear/gear[1]/wow") == 0 and getprop("/gear/gear[2]/wow") == 0) {
setprop("/systems/thrust/lim-flex", 0);
var thrust_flash = maketimer(0.5, func {
state1 = getprop("/systems/thrust/state1");
state2 = getprop("/systems/thrust/state2");
if (getprop("/gear/gear[1]/wow") == 0 and getprop("/gear/gear[2]/wow") == 0 and (getprop("/engines/engine[0]/state") != 3 or getprop("/engines/engine[1]/state") != 3)) {
setprop("/systems/thrust/eng-out", 1);
} else {
setprop("/systems/thrust/eng-out", 0);
if (state1 == "CL" and state2 == "CL" and getprop("/systems/thrust/eng-out") != 1) {
setprop("/systems/thrust/lvrclb", 0);
} else if (state1 == "MCT" and state2 == "MCT" and getprop("/systems/thrust/lim-flex") != 1 and getprop("/systems/thrust/eng-out") == 1) {
setprop("/systems/thrust/lvrclb", 0);
} else {
var status = getprop("/systems/thrust/lvrclb");
if (status == 0) {
if (getprop("/gear/gear[0]/wow") == 0) {
if (getprop("/systems/thrust/state1") == "MAN" or getprop("/systems/thrust/state2") == "MAN") {
setprop("/systems/thrust/lvrclb", 1);
} else {
if (getprop("/instrumentation/altimeter/indicated-altitude-ft") >= getprop("/systems/thrust/clbreduc-ft") and getprop("/gear/gear[1]/wow") == 0 and getprop("/gear/gear[2]/wow") == 0) {
setprop("/systems/thrust/lvrclb", 1);
} else if ((state1 == "CL" and state2 != "CL") or (state1 != "CL" and state2 == "CL") and getprop("/systems/thrust/eng-out") != 1) {
if ((state1 == "CL" and state2 == "CL" and getprop("/systems/thrust/eng-out") == 0) or (state1 == "MCT" and state2 == "MCT" and getprop("/systems/thrust/eng-out") == 1)) {
if (getprop("/systems/thrust/thr-lock-time") + 5 > getprop("/sim/time/elapsed-sec")) { return; }
if (fmgc.Output.athr.getBoolValue()) {
setprop("/systems/thrust/thr-locked", 0);
setprop("/systems/thrust/thr-locked-alert", 0);
setprop("/systems/thrust/thr-lock-time", 0);
setprop("/systems/thrust/thr-locked-flash", 0);
if (getprop("/systems/thrust/thr-locked") == 0) {
setprop("/systems/thrust/thr-locked", 0);
setprop("/systems/thrust/thr-locked-alert", 0);
setprop("/systems/thrust/thr-lock-time", 0);
setprop("/systems/thrust/thr-locked-flash", 0);
state1 = getprop("/systems/thrust/state1");
state2 = getprop("/systems/thrust/state2");
if ((state1 != "CL" and state2 != "CL" and getprop("/systems/thrust/eng-out") == 0) or (state1 != "MCT" and state2 != "MCT" and getprop("/systems/thrust/eng-out") == 1)) {
setprop("/systems/thrust/thr-locked", 0);
setprop("/systems/thrust/thr-locked-alert", 0);
setprop("/systems/thrust/thr-lock-time", 0);
setprop("/systems/thrust/thr-locked-flash", 0);
} elsif ((state1 == "CL" and state2 == "CL" and getprop("/systems/thrust/eng-out") == 0) or (state1 == "MCT" and state2 == "MCT" and getprop("/systems/thrust/eng-out") == 1)) {
if ((state1 != "CL" and state2 != "CL" and getprop("/systems/thrust/eng-out") == 0) or (state1 != "MCT" and state2 != "MCT" and getprop("/systems/thrust/eng-out") == 1)) {